Author Details

Lepsky, E.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 8, No 5-6 (1908) Articles About serodiagnostics by the method of complement binding PDF
Vol 31, No 2 (1935) Articles Clinic, physiology and vocational counselling for adolescents and young people PDF
Vol 26, No 1 (1930) Articles The dangers of the so-called strict diet PDF
Vol 31, No 2 (1935) Articles Skin reactions to pneumococci and streptococci PDF
Vol 31, No 8-9 (1935) Articles Koch. Virchow. From the series "Life of Remarkable People" PDF
Vol 31, No 10 (1935) Articles Early Childhood Diet Guide PDF
Vol 26, No 4 (1930) Articles About medical personnel PDF
Vol 33, No 2 (1937) Articles About early diagnosis of vitamin deficiency PDF
Vol 37, No 2 (1941) Articles On digestive and eating disorders in children PDF
Vol 37, No 2 (1941) Articles Propaedeutics of childhood diseases PDF
Vol 37, No 3 (1941) Articles Organization of medical and preventive care for children PDF
Vol 36, No 5 (1940) Articles 35th anniversary of the Kazan medical journal PDF
Vol 33, No 6 (1937) Articles About the prevention and treatment of rickets by diet PDF
Vol 30, No 7-8 (1934) Articles Children's diseases and the fight against them PDF
Vol 30, No 7-8 (1934) Articles Mother and Child PDF
Vol 30, No 10 (1934) Articles Berry vitamin preparations and their use in children's nutrition PDF
Vol 30, No 10 (1934) Articles Rheumatism in children PDF
Vol 30, No 10 (1934) Articles Dental caries in children PDF
Vol 20, No 3 (1924) Articles To the pathogenesis of jaundice in newborns Liebmann (Klin. Woch, 1923, № 46) PDF
Vol 20, No 3 (1924) Articles Typhoid fever in children N. Umikov (Jahrb. F. Kinderh., V. 103, H. ½, 1923) PDF
Vol 20, No 4 (1924) Articles Avitaminosis as a cause of spasmophilia P. Reуher (Kl. W., 1923, №№ 4— 5) PDF
Vol 20, No 4 (1924) Articles On the pathogenesis of nutritional disorders in infants Р. Reуher (Kl. W., 1924 г. № 6) PDF
Vol 20, No 4 (1924) Articles About the effect of yeast on premature and weak babies Rеуheг (Zeit, f. Kind., Bd. 36) PDF
Vol 20, No 7 (1924) Articles Measles prevention according to Degkwitz'y PDF
Vol 20, No 7 (1924) Articles On the "phenomenon of redemption" in scarlet fever (Zschr. f. Kinghlk., Bd. 27) PDF
Vol 20, No 8 (1924) Articles The doctrine of constitutions and constitutional anomalies (diathesis) in childhood and their biological and pathological significance. PDF
Vol 20, No 9 (1924) Articles Prof. A B Marfan. An introduction to the study of gastrointestinal diseases in early childhood. Per. from French, ed. and with a foreword. prof. V.I. Molchanov. 110 pp. State. Ed. 1924. PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles V. М. Kurzon, Assoc. of Samara State University. Protection of Motherhood and Infancy in the USSR, Samara. Gubizdat, 1926. VIII+191 p. Price 2 r. PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Growth and developmental disorder in children PDF
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Articles Prof. P. S. Medovikov. Tuberculosis in Childhood. 2nd revised and supplemented edition with 14 figures in the text. In: Prakt. Med., 1926, 250 pp., Price. 3 r. PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Bacteriological data on measles pneumonias. Henning (Jahrb. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 69, H. 3—4) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles The etiology of erythema nodosum. Kundratitz (Jahrb. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 63, H. 3—4) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Prof. I. Zappert. Syphilis in children (congenital and acquired). Moscow, Sabashnikov Publishing House, 1926, 146 pp., 1 r. 50 k. PDF
Vol 19, No 1 (1923) Articles Prof. W. Birk. Handbook of Diseases of the Infant for Physicians and Students. Translated from German, ed. by A.O. Gershenzon. State Publishing House of Ukraine. 1923. VII+197 pp. PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles To the pathogenesis of rickets. Wengraf (Zeitschr. f. Kinderh., Bd. 34) PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles On the cereal in influenza in children. Zschocke (Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 100) PDF
Vol 19, No 3 (1923) Articles Resistance to infection in scurvy. Hamburger, Goldschmidt (Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 100) PDF
Vol 19, No 3 (1923) Articles Epituberculous lung infiltration in children. Eliasberd и Neuland (Jahrb. f. Kingerheilk., Bd. 93), Rüscher (Kindertuberk., 1922, № 2), Langer (Zeitschr. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 34), Epstein (Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 99) PDF
Vol 19, No 4 (1923) Articles The prevalence of rickets and its importance for public health. Engel (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 12) PDF
Vol 19, No 5 (1923) Articles N. Filatov. Concise Textbook of Children's Diseases for Last Semesters' Students. Ed. XI (posthumous). Gos. Izd. Berlin. 1922. PDF
Vol 25, No 4 (1929) Articles F.M. Rothstein. Pathology and therapy of rickets. With a foreword by Professor S. Brushtein. Gosmedizdat, 1929, 150 pages, c. 1 p. 65 r. PDF
Vol 25, No 7-8 (1929) Articles R. M Yakub. Childhood hygiene and social education. Ed. "Rab., Prosv." M., 1928, 228 pages PDF
Vol 19, No 6 (1923) Articles A new way to fight diphtheria PDF
Vol 19, No 6 (1923) Articles Percussion of the infant skull. Коерре (Jahrb. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 102) PDF
Vol 25, No 10 (1929) Articles Prof. L. Jehle. Kidney disease in childhood and their treatment. Transl. from German by Dr. I.L. Olschwanger with a foreword prof. R. Fronshtein. Gosmedizdat. 1929, 30 pages, p. 35 p PDF
Vol 25, No 11 (1929) Articles Prof. L. Langstein. Infant dystrophies and diarrhea. Reprinted under the editorship of Dr. I. Ya. Serebriyskiy with a foreword by prof. G.N.Speransky. GMI. 1929 344 pp. 3 r. 75 k. PDF
Vol 32, No 4 (1932) Articles Race and life in the etiology of rickets PDF
Vol 32, No 8-9 (1932) Articles Compendium on the protection of the health of the working teenager PDF
Vol 27, No 6 (1931) Articles To the methodology of clinical disciplines PDF
Vol 27, No 6 (1931) Articles Prof. A. F. Tur. Practical hematology of childhood. State Medical Publishing House 1931 240 p. PDF
Vol 27, No 9-10 (1931) Articles Does soy contain antirachitic vitamin? PDF
Vol 29, No 5-6 (1933) Articles Avitaminosis. Modern advances in their study and prevention PDF
Vol 29, No 5-6 (1933) Articles Meyer and Nassau. Feeding an infant. A guide for doctors and students. Translated. from German. Zhorno and Tsimbler. Gosmedizdat, 1933 PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Treatment of exudative diathesis with hydrochloric acid milk. Scheer (Klin. Woch., 1918, no. 3) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles From the XXXVIII Congress of German Pediatricians PDF
Vol 24, No 8 (1928) Articles A new early symptom of measles. Stimson (Journ. of Amer. Med. As., vol. 93, No. 9, 1928) PDF
Vol 35, No 9 (1939) Clinical and theoretical medicine Use of vitamins in pediatrics PDF
Vol 35, No 9 (1939) Observations from practice and short communications 1st All-Union Conference on Vitamins PDF

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