Vol 33, No 2 (1937)

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Full Issue

About early diagnosis of vitamin deficiency

Lepsky E.M.


In the expressed form of avitaminosis, we are now observed less and less. Nevertheless, the problem of vitamin deficiencies remains relevant for the practitioner. As the physiological role of vitamins and their importance in pathology becomes more and more clear, the presence of light, "erased" forms, which are more correctly called hypovitaminosis, becomes more and more obvious. Experience shows that the generally accepted ideas about the conditions for the occurrence of avitaminosis should be revised. Not only in the absence or in the absence of one or another vitamin in food, vitamin deficiency can develop. More and more observations are accumulating showing that a weak or even strongly pronounced vitamin deficiency can appear in a person who receives a completely complete diet. This phenomenon, paradoxical at first glance, can take place under the following circumstances: with digestive disorders associated with impaired absorption; with liver diseases (the latter is especially important for vitamin A deficiency, since the conversion of carotene into vitamin A suffers); when the need for vitamins is increased against the norm, for example, in rapidly growing children or in lactating women who excrete significant amounts of vitamin C with milk; with increased destruction of vitamin stores in the body, which is observed with all kinds of infections and other febrile and debilitating diseases. To what has been said, it must also be added that very often our food turns out to be poor in vitamins, due to irrational preparation, improper storage of food, peculiar deviations of appetite, etc. In the earliest stages, when even mild clinical symptoms do not yet exist, modern methods of studying vitamins can the presence of latent hypovitaminosis. This is especially evident in the example of the scourge.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):121-126
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To the pathogenesis and clinic of nephrosis

Teregulov A.G.


Clinically, with nephrosis, we observe edema, albuminuria, lipoiduria, which, as follows from the data of modern clinics, along with changes in the kidneys, largely depend on the general suffering of the body — disorders of protein and lipid metabolism. Indeed, studies have established that with nephrosis there are deep biochemical shifts - a decrease in blood plasma proteins, a change in the ratio of the protein fraction of the blood towards globulins, an increase in the content of fibrinogen, uric acid, a decrease in osmotic pressure and, finally, in parallel with a change in protein metabolism and changes in fat-lipoid metabolism - hypercholesterolemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):126-132
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To the question of the therapeutic value of overfeeding nephrotic proteins

Golikov A.I., Grigorieva M.M.


The study of the problem of water exchange and issues of the pathogenesis of edema (Starling, Krog, Beilis, Schade, Gover, Shabanier, Kilin, etc.) made it possible to establish the colossal significance in the pathogenesis of nephrosis of a number of factors associated with the state of the body's proteins. To one degree or another, depletion of blood plasma proteins, sharp changes in the ratio of protein fractions with a shift towards the coarse-dispersed phase (globulins), an increase in the hydrophilicity of tissue colloids (McClure and Aldrich test) characterize pathological shifts in the protein economy of the body. The osmotic pressure of nephrotic plasma proteins drops sharply due to an increase in osmotically much less active globulins and fibrinogen (Schade, Shabanier, Gover, Kilin, Malkin, etc.). This decrease can in some cases reach a value of 10-14 cm of water column in comparison with the normal value of 30-40 cm (Gover, Golikov). According to modern views, these violations of the protein constant due to changes in the salt balance, in the state of permeability of the capillary wall and the state of tissue colloids are a common cause of the hydropic state of the body. Along with the violation of protein metabolism, changes in the state of lipoid-cholesterol metabolism occur in the body with nephrosis. The absence of contraindications for giving nephrotic protein is well known.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):132-142
pages 132-142 views

Building a balanced diet for acute hepatitis

Glyuzman M.A.


Until now, a significant part of doctors adhere to some old dietary traditions, or rather "dietary prejudices." Since rational nutrition for hepatitis is the leading therapeutic measure, it seems to us timely to highlight the question of how to build a table for a patient with acute parenchymal hepatitis. We treat here acute parenchymal hepatitis because rational therapy in general and diet therapy in particular is that powerful factor that in many cases can predetermine the further course of events: acute hepatitis with rational therapy can be eliminated and, conversely, with irrational therapy, it can a state of pre-cirrhosis and even cirrhosis. In light of the modern doctrine of dyshergy or allergy (according to Reesle patergy), these various outcomes of acute hepatitis become completely understandable, since they (outcomes) depend on the degree and strength of the response of the hepatic cell sensitized by endo or exogenous poison to one or another allergen.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):142-149
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Morphological constitution and peptic ulcer

Kogan D.A.


In the pathology of the stomach and intestines, constitutional factors play a prominent role (enteroptosis, coecum mobile, etc.). In particular, persons with habitus enteroptoticus are predisposed to all kinds of functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (atony of the stomach and intestines, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):149-152
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For the treatment of colitis and gastritis with ammonium silver compounds

Kovyazin N.N., Kopyrin S.A.


Recently, we have a number of reports on the use of ammoniacal compounds of silver in the clinic of surgical and gynecological diseases in various inflammatory, purulent and septic processes. The authors of these reports ascribe a strong antiseptic, bactericidal effect to ammonia solutions of silver in comparison with other drugs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):152-155
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Experience of using monovalent sera in the treatment of epidemic meningitis

Platov V.N.


Of all the methods of treating epidemic meningitis, the method of serotherapy has acquired the greatest relevance. Despite the fact that the issue of serotherapy is already 30 years old, it has not yet received final resolution. A number of authors who have used serum in our country in recent years could not confirm the benefits of serum treatment. All this put before the institutes producing anti-meningococcal sera, the question of titrating them and the titration method itself. “The problem of serotherapy of cerebrospinal meningitis is, first of all, a problem of the method of titration of anti-meningococcal serum” (Prof. Zdrodovsky).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):155-162
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Experience of febrile therapy of chronic encephalitics

Afanasiev D.V.


The beneficial therapeutic effect of a febrile process on the course of meningo-myelitic, meningo-encephalitic and encephalitic diseases has long been noted. The positive effect of hyperthermia on the course of these diseases in children is especially emphasized. A number of authors also note the beneficial effect of experimental hyperthermia on the course of infectious chorea. To induce hyperthermia, some authors used the introduction of nirvanol or lac. sulfuris (Revash), others - intravenous injections of typhoid polivaccine (Setton), finally, the third observed the effect of acute febrile infections on the course of chorea (Zalkind, Fox). As a result of hyperthermia, most authors note frequent relief of chorea. A clinic in Vienna has tried to treat post-encephalitic parkinsonism with malaria vaccinations, with negative results.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):162-164
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Results of outpatient treatment with novocaine injections of patients according to the material of the 3rd (Pletenevskaya) working hospital in Kazan

Domrachev I.V.


In 1929, Professor A.V. Vishnevsky proposed the treatment of spontaneous gangrene by anesthesia of the perirenal space with a novocaine solution used in surgical operations. Such anesthesia, according to prof. AV Vishnevsky, was supposed to have an anesthetic effect on the nervous system of the adrenal gland. It meant that the effect after removal of one adrenal gland according to Oppel in spontaneous gangrene does not depend on a decrease in the accumulation of adrenaline in the blood, but is associated with mechanical blockage of the adrenal gland during surgical, rather traumatic intervention.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):165-170
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Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum according to the surgical department of the Nechaev Obukhov hospital in Leningrad

Herzberg B.G.


In this article, we decided to share the data that we obtained in the study of perforated stomach and duodenal ulcers based on material from the surgical department of the Nechaev Obukhov hospital in Leningrad, for which purpose we used the surviving case histories, hospital reports, protocols of scientific meetings of doctors hospitals and hospital staff printing.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):170-176
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About the quality of the surgical string

Dykhno A.M., Olstein S.E.


Introduced into surgical practice by Lister, catgut quickly became an integral part of surgical use, and it has not lost its significance to this day. Despite all the power of modern asepsis, surgery even now cannot do without absorbable material for sutures and ligatures, since non-absorbable material, being a foreign body, remaining in the body, can cause a long-lasting inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues. In practice, each surgeon has to observe patients with long-term non-healing fistulas formed as a result of expelling silk or thread ligatures.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):176-182
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On the use of humanol for the treatment of purulent wounds

Bondarchuk A.V.


Special attention is paid to the issue of wound treatment by surgeons. Many different ways, methods and drugs for the treatment of purulent wounds have been proposed. In 1934, Lair published his original method of using fish oil for the treatment of wounds, which captivated many surgeons with its effectiveness, simplicity and availability. We use Laer's method for about one and a half years with some modification. We, using the suggestions of Gollyander, Leffler, Nuzelaum and others (I quote from Kapitsa), widely use pure humanol for the treatment of purulent wounds of the most varied in their genesis, localization and bacterial flora. We also use humanol as a basis for some chemical ingredients - iodoform, introducing it either as an emulsion in the treatment of bone tuberculosis according to Gotz-Grekov, or injecting it into bone cavities after trepanation of the bone with osteomyelitis lesions, fistulous passages, etc., often filling these cavities with a humane mass.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):182-185
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On the lubrication of cocaine on the genitals (genitalstellen) in the nose for dysmenorrhea and labor pain

Danilov I.V.


Human body resp. the animal is one whole, where all the individual parts are closely related and mutually influence each other. From this point of view, it is clear that there is a definite connection between gynecological diseases and diseases of other organs, and the source of the disease is not always localized in the diseased organ, but often outside it. So, it is well known that a disease of the organs of internal secretion, heart, lungs and other organs can cause disease of the female genital area.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):185-191
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Recurrent breathing rhythm disorders in acute rebleeding

Britvan Y.M., Graff A.A.


Of the various changes in the body that occur during acute bleeding, changes in the rhythm of respiration are less studied. Meanwhile, the issue of periodic respiratory rhythm disorders in acute bleeding is of interest for the clinic in prognostic terms.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):191-197
pages 191-197 views

The effect of oxygen on the body of animals and humans in the course of subcutaneous application

Tatarov A.P.


This article presents the results of work carried out by me in the laboratories of the pharmacological department of the Smolensk and Arkhangelsk medical institutes on dogs, as well as the results of the use of course subcutaneous injections of oxygen in some diseases in humans, obtained by a team of doctors working under my leadership (Keverovich E.I., Villert A.O., Yudenich V.A. and others) in the Smolensk hospital of the FZITK.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):198-209
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A new way to treat ringworm

Grigoriev P.S.


Ringworm is a fairly common disease, especially in children of school and preschool age.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):210-210
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New antiseptic agent "chloracid"

Schauffler K.K.


Chloracid is an acidic chlorine-containing drug that surpasses most conventional chemical disinfectants in its bactericidal power. Chloracid is used in the form of 1% - 2% solutions, which do not harm tissues at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):211-211
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On the method of surgical treatment of cerebral hernias

Bagrov Y.B.


A cerebral hernia is a developmental defect in which the timing of the operation is not entirely left to the surgeon.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):212-214
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Abortion mass as a plastic material in surgery

Uspensky A.D.


On June 14, 1933, a 21/2 year old boy, Kolya K., was admitted to the hospital for a head wound. The father said that the child was kicked by a horse. Immediately after the injury, a bandage was applied to the wound, and the child was taken to the hospital (the distance to the hospital is 6 km).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):214-215
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About the treatment of spontaneous gangrene with placental blood

Zaitsev A.A.


Since 1932, at the clinic, prof. Ostankov, according to the method developed by me, mental and nervous diseases are treated with blood taken from the placenta.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):215-218
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On the casuistry of foreign objects of the esophagus

Blagovidov F.Y.


The esophagus is the most vulnerable part of the alimentary canal, where foreign bodies most often fall. The literature is so rich in the casuistry of foreign bodies entering the esophagus that, it would seem, it was not worth citing an extra case. Nevertheless, each patient of this kind is of a certain interest in its characteristics, which is why we consider it necessary to publish our case.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):218-221
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The ammonia problem in the clinic

Gitis D.O.


We all are well aware of the legacy of the old clinicians - get closer to the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):222-235
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Second Ukrainian Congress of Radiologists and Radiologists. (Kharkov, December 17-21, 1936)

Gasul P.Y.


Compared to the first Ukrainian congress of radiologists and radiologists in 1934 (cf. Kaz. Medical Zh., No. 11-12, 1934), the second congress turned out to be more crowded, especially at the expense of young scientists, mainly from Ukraine. A total of 368 delegates attended the congress, including representatives of almost all major centers of Soviet radiology, which gave the congress an all-Union character. Basically, however, this congress was a review of Ukrainian radiology and radiology, in particular the Central X-ray Institute named after Chubar in Kharkov, Kiev and Odessa institutes. With regard to the Kharkov and Kiev institutes, the second congress was of an anniversary character. The directors of these institutes prof. G.I. Kharmandaryan (Kharkov) and D.O. Grinevich (Kiev) at the opening of the congress, on December 17 in the evening, presented reports on the 15-year activity of the institutions they run.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):235-244
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Bloch. Osteomyelitis of the jaw treated with staphylococcal toxoid (J. Am. M. Ass. Vol. 106, No. 16, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author gives the case history of a 7-month-old child who was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of severe septicemia accompanied by osteomyelitis of the upper jaw (maxillary sinusitis).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):244-244
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O. Sjögvist. On the use of morphine after operations in the abdominal cavity. (Acta chirurgica Scandinavica, Vol. LXXVIII, Fas. I-III, S. 33-70)

Mayat V.S.


At the beginning of this work, the author gives a brief overview of normal intestinal physiology, noting that not all bowel movements can be identified with peristalsis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):244-245
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Elliot G., Beauchemin I., Springer R. et al. Intravenous paraldehyde anesthesia (Medical Times, Vol. 63, No. 6, June, 1935)

Gorbatov V.P.


In psychiatric hospitals, minor surgery puts the surgeon in a certain difficulty when local or general inhalation anesthesia is practically impossible.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):245-245
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Urbach E. and Wolfram S. (Vienna). Pemphigus and Duhring's dermatitis virus (Arch. Of Derm. A. Syph., No. 5. T. 33, 1936)


To study the pemphigus virus and dermatitis herpetiformis, the authors conducted experiments on rabbits.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):245-245
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Séqueira J. Pyrethrum-dermatitis (Brit. Journ. Of Derm. A. Syph., No. 10, 1936)


Pyrethrum is a plant found in Persia and Africa and belongs to the genus Chrysanthemum.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):245-246
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Jordan A. Observations of alopecia areata. (Wien m. Woch., No. 24, 1936)

Levy E.


Of the 50 cases alopeciae ar. in 12 children it was possible to establish the etiology of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):246-246
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Jordan A. and Areschewa. The fate of patients with fungal mycosis (Derm. Ztschr., No. 3, v. 74, 1936)


Citing statistical data on the spread of the fungus of a prominent mycosis (mycosis fungoides) and in particular the cases of the disease published in various countries (432 for the period from 1901 to 1936), the authors give two case histories that they have observed recently.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):246-246
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Ollendorff Curth E. (NY). Benign mun acanthosis nigricans (Arch. Of. Derm. And. Syph., No. 3, T. 34, 1936)


A case of the disease was described when a 15-year-old boy had the process localized on his stomach and in the armpits.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):246-246
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Sachs W. Sphaceloderma (Arch. of Dérm. a. Syph., № 6, 1936)


The author reports a case of an unusual expression of skin, subcutaneous tissue and chest muscles in a 10-year-old girl.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):246-246
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Hollander L. Local treatment of salvarsan dermatitis (Arch. Of Derm. A. Syph, vol. 33, No. 3, 1936)


In the acute stage of salvarsan dermatitis, when the patient has vesicular rashes, the author recommends using a 5% aqueous solution of tannin in the form of spraying the whole body or applying lotions to localized lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):246-246
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Pardo-Castello V. (Cuba). Allergic skin rash after x-ray treatment. (Arch. Of Derm. A. Syph. No. 5, 1936)


Four patients with malignant neoplasms were treated with X-rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):246-247
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Davis E. Intravenous infusions of charcoal in the treatment of skin diseases (Brit. Journ. Of Derm. A. Syph, No. 10, 1936)


Charcoal and animal charcoal prepared in the form of a 2% sterile suspension in distilled water or a solution of sodium chloride was subjected to the study.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):247-247
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Lawrence. Treatment of vulgar pimples with urine extract of pregnant women. (J. Am. M. Ass. V. 106, No. 12, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


Holland in 1921 first suggested that acne vulgaris is the result of endocrine imbalance. Subsequently, this opinion was confirmed by such specialists as Peak, Bloch, Mumford, and others. To verify their statements, the author took under his supervision 30 patients with vulgar acne (10 men and 20 women).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):247-247
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Schiemann R. To the method of serodiagnosis of gonorrhea (Kl. W., No. 33, 1936)


The author's modification boils down to the fact that, using the Vitebsk antigen, he dilutes it not in an ordinary saline solution, but in a carbolized saline solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):247-248
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Hasler and Spekter. Artificial fever in the treatment of gonorrhea ophthalmia (I. A. M. A. No. 2. T. 107, 1936)


Proceeding from the fact that high temperature has a detrimental effect on gonococci, the authors treated 6 patients with blenorrhea in a special chamber, where the body temperature was brought to 41-42 °.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):248-248
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Ormond Treatment of Gonorrhea with Fever, (J. of Urology, v. 35, V, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author treated 20 patients with gonorrhea urethritis with hyperthermia.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):248-248
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Sherman. Treatment of gonorrhea with antivirus. (J. of. Urology, v. 35, V, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author took 400 men with gonorrhea under his supervision. Of these, he underwent 200 of them with conventional methods, such as instillations of various antiseptic solutions, sedative medicines, prostatic massage and other conventional symptomatic remedies.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):248-248
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On January 17, the VIII graduation of X-ray technicians, who graduated from the courses organized by the X-ray Center of the ATSSR, led by Prof. Gasul, took place. Of 19 people. 7 go to work in the districts, and the rest remain in Kazan to service the city's X-ray rooms. There are four Tatars among the cadets.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):248-250
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Prof. D. M. Rossiyskiy (to the 25th anniversary of scientific, medical, pedagogical and social activities)


This year marks the 25th anniversary of the scientific, medical, pedagogical and social activities of prof. D. M. Rossiyskiy.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):251-252
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Letter to the editor

Budrin R.N., Vinogradov I.V.


Do not refuse the courtesy to post an appeal to doctors from Kazan, 1912 issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):252-253
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Letter to the editor

Girgolav S.S., Freidlin S.Y.


At the Central State Traumatology Institute R. R. Vreden organized a systematic publication of the Bibliography of traumatological literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(2):253-254
pages 253-254 views

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