Vol 25, No 11 (1929)

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Full Issue

About the phenomenon of auto-hemoagglutination

Ermolenko A.I.


The phenomenon of autoagglutination was first noted by Klein in 1890. It consists in the accumulation of erythrocytes with serum or citrated plasma of the same blood. The nature of this process was only later clarified by the isolation of a special form of gluing of erythrocytes, the so-called. pseudoagglutination or false autoagglutination. Macroscopically, it is extremely easy to mix both types of agglutination, microscopically, it is more difficult, since in most cases it is easy to distinguish heaps of erythrocytes, consisting of the coin columns formed by them.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1136-1140
pages 1136-1140 views

On the diagnostic value of blood culture on distilled water in typhoid fever

Bilibin A.F.


There is no need to prove the importance of recognizing typhoid diseases as early as possible. The most important method for meeting this need is blood culture. While it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis in the first days of the disease by other methods (Widal’s reaction and sowing stool), sowing blood with typhoid fever in the first 7 days, and with paratyphoid fever for the first time 3-4 days, gives almost 100% positive results.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1140-1142
pages 1140-1142 views

Helminthic invasion in malaria patients

Permyakov F.K.


In the light of modern teachings, parasitic worms are considered not only as causative agents of helminthic diseases, very diverse in etiology and clinical course, but to a large extent also as the primary source of very frequent infectious diseases, as inoculators of microbial flora, as a factor that acts with its poisonous properties on the body, disrupting normal organ function and predisposing it to other diseases and to severe disease. With the development of most infectious diseases, the first role belongs to worms, and the second to bacteria; the course and death of the disease should be considered as the result of the combined destructive work of both. “One should not be hypnotized by germs only” (Cadeak).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1142-1147
pages 1142-1147 views

About nitrogen metabolism with a lacto-vegetable diet

Volovik A.B.


In one of our reports, we were able to show that a milk diet, which does not satisfy the energy needs of scarlet fever patients, leads to a negative nitrogen balance. Since in the milk diet, along with a moderate content of protein and fat, there were extremely few carbohydrates, it was natural to assume that an increase in the amount of the latter could have a significant effect on protein metabolism. To replenish food with carbohydrates, we included in the diet, in addition to milk, vegetable purees, cereals, jelly. The menu was composed in such a way that for breakfast and dinner, patients were given porridge with milk, and for lunch, vegetable puree and cranberry jelly. In addition, children received 200 grams twice a day. milk as a drink. The well-known schematization of dishes was carried out in order to facilitate the technical conditions of work. According to a preliminary calculation, the total caloric value of our lacto-vegetable diet was 2086 calories, with a content of 56 grams in food. squirrel, 294 gr. carbohydrates and 70 gr. fat. Of the 10 children put on this menu, only one 12-year-old patient with a mild form of scarlet fever ate the whole food offered to him, while the rest of the children were content with more or less of the dishes they were given. Patients aged 4-5 years drank an average of 600-700 grams. milk and ate 150-300 gr. porridge, 75-150 gr. mashed potatoes and 150-200 gr. jelly; older children ate 400-500 grams. porridge, 150-300 gr. puree, 250-300 gr. jelly and about 800 gr. milk.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1147-1155
pages 1147-1155 views

Cancer resources

Aber S.M.


Based on the study of each individual case and their aggregate, on the desire to note and assess the observed symptoms and applying an individual approach to the development of this topic, we hoped to get at least a few valuable touches and move further from the dead center very many questions of the unresolved problem. Hence, their schemes for study proposed by many authors will become clear; but often a kind of clinical picture does not fit into a ready-made framework; it is necessary with a greater degree of certainty, in accordance with their experience and the prevailing conditions of work, to create still new ones — others. A collective study of all the available material on cancer and will create an accurate and informed judgment for the further fight against it. The foregoing served as an incentive to study 203 inpatiently conducted cases of cancer (3.4%) out of 6000 of all surgical patients who passed from 1923 to 1917 inclusive.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1155-1161
pages 1155-1161 views

Fibroids in the postpartum period

Bublichenko L.I.


Although fibroids are the cause of sterility, according to many authors in 20-30% or even more, the onset of pregnancy with this disease is far from an exceptional phenomenon. Based on the material from the State. obstetrician. gynek. Institute for 1908-1927 inclusively, 85 fibroids in the postpartum period were ascertained, which is 0.17% for the entire number of urgent premature births and miscarriages (45771). Excluding miscarriages,% of fibroids in the postpartum period = 0.2% (for 36599 term. And pre-birth. 74 fibroids). Our figures fit the figures of Hessenberger, who for 19294 births in 1913-1923 found a% of complications with fibroids — 0.2%. It is possible that fibroids are not always recognized at the time of delivery. So, according to the material of Ganelina for the maternity hospital named after Snegirev for 95,000 genera, fibroids were found in only 0.03%. It is interesting that in the past, complications of childbirth with fibroids, apparently, were observed more often, perhaps because women with complications of the labor act more often ended up in maternity hospitals, compared with normal childbirth. So, according to Pinard,% of patients with fibroids = 0.6%, according to Pozzi, 0.7%. The great rarity of complications of childbirth with fibroids at the present time can also be explained by the fact that recently patients with fibroids are more often subjected to surgical treatment during pregnancy and before its onset.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1161-1171
pages 1161-1171 views

On the question of constitutional types of women

Chukalov N.N.


In our previous work, we determined, using anthropometric indices for men according to the work of Dr. Andreev, and in correcting the mean and square deviations for women according to the works of Nedrigailova and Ulyanova, on the material of the maternity ward of our clinic, two female types of constitution - pycnic and asthenic and presented the relation of these constitutional types to childbearing function in women on the material in a hundred cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1171-1175
pages 1171-1175 views

Uterine fold as an occupational disease in the textile industry

Sukhanov E.M.


If we find a fairly large amount of material from both Russian and foreign authors on the influence of the profession on the female body in general, then there is still little evidence of the influence of work on the female genital area. Such an important department has not yet been sufficiently developed, meanwhile, the importance of studying this issue becomes clear if we recall at least the purpose of the sexual sphere of women — to serve to maintain the human race.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1175-1178
pages 1175-1178 views

Sciatica and its treatment with antipyrine injections with simultaneous galvanization

Greenbarg A.


Taking into account the practical difficulties encountered in this disease, as well as of a pathogenetic nature, most authors still distinguish between sciatica brainstem and radicular. Among the causes of sciatica, there are acute and chronic infections, intoxication and autointoxication, endocrine diseases and sciatica without a definite etiological moment, the so-called. idiopathic sciatica. The reasons for the occurrence of sciatic nerve neuralgia also include chronically recurring, at first glance, trauma, inflammation, tumors, congestion in the small pelvis, in the spinal column and its cavity, and changes in the spine itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1179-1184
pages 1179-1184 views

About the Takata-Ara reaction

Toporkov I.A.


In 1926, the Japanese authors Takata and Ara proposed a simplified colloidal fuchsino-sulemic reaction, since the formulation of such colloidal reactions as the golden Lange, the mastic Emanuel and the paraffin Kaffka are technically complex. The goal of the reaction is the difference between the normal cerebrospinal fluid from the pathologically altered as a result of monetary or inflammatory processes in the center. nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1185-1191
pages 1185-1191 views

The use of acetic acid thallium in fungal diseases

Potashnik M.B.


The huge spread of fungal diseases in the USSR forces us to look for affordable methods of treatment that could be applied in the areas most affected. Medical treatment with various disinfecting ointments without hair removal does not achieve the goal, while conventional hair removal with tweezers is possible only in cases with sharply limited and small lesions. The use of X-ray therapy is not always available due to the lack of a sufficient number of X-ray units, and not in all cases this therapy can be carried out. Therefore, the method of hair removal with thallium acetate, proposed by Buschke, aroused great interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1192-1195
pages 1192-1195 views

Chloroform anesthesia or toxicosis from a biochemical point of view

Kessel F.K.


Investigating the effect of chloroform anesthesia on blood lipase, I found that the increase in the lipolytic effect of blood reaches a maximum eight hours after anesthesia, and then 9 hours, 10 hours 11 hours, 12 hours, 13 hours keeps on one and the same the same level; it remains at the same level in a day. MA Nimtsovitskaya and SM Schwartz, investigating, apparently, only three hours and 24 hours after anesthesia, misinterpreted the time of the appearance of the maximum effect they noticed. According to my research (J. Exp. Biol. And Med., 1926, No. 5) in cases of a short deep normally flowing anesthesia by the very end of the second day, there is a slight weakening of the increased effect, which also contradicts the authors' data a little.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1196-1196
pages 1196-1196 views

To the remark of F. K. Kessel "Chloroform anesthesia or toxicosis from a biochemical point of view"

Nimtsovitskaya M.A., Schwartz S.M.


In our work on the study of biochemical changes in blood during chloroform and ether anesthesia, it is indicated that the lipolytic enzyme gives a significant increase in the days following chloroform anesthesia. As you can see from the table. Lipase No. 3 gives in some cases the maximum increase in a day after anesthesia, in most cases the lipenzyme continues to increase in 48 hours (the same picture was given by the rabbits No. 23, B and C mentioned in the text).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1197-1198
pages 1197-1198 views

Two words about the article of Dr. M. P. Shatkinsky "On purulent appendicitis"

Manuilov V.P.


The question is about the operation of appendicitis in the so-called. "Intermediate" period. “Recently, says MP Shatkinsky, we have all learned to successfully operate on appendicitis, both in the à froid stage, which some (Ochkin, Rozanov) consider the operation of choice, and in the acute period (the first 24-48 hours), and % of mortality for some authors is close to 0. Less popular among us and very common among the French to operate not only on the first and second days, but also on the 5-6th day (Ren). “1. p. p. 745. In a footnote, the author of the Russians indicates only two authors who operate in this "interstitial" period: Krasintsev — in Moscow and Milostanov — in Kharkov.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1198-1199
pages 1198-1199 views

A case of common spontaneous oleogranuloma

Pshenichnikov V.N.


Oleogranuloma, a peculiar change in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, was quite often observed in our typhoid epidemics of 1918-22. At the end of this period, this suffering, as a complication after typhus, was sufficiently studied. At the same time, similar changes in adipose tissue were found in cases not related to typhus. The latter group includes our case, which is distinguished by the universality of the distribution of oleogranulomas.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1199-1202
pages 1199-1202 views

A case of endophlebitis productiva inferior vena cava

Abramov A.V.


To the gynecological department of the City hospital of Krasnodar 17. II. 26, a 32-year-old woman was admitted. with complaints of an increase in the size of the abdomen. She is married 10 years old, there were no pregnancies. Diagnosis: cystoma ovarii sin. During the operation, a lot of serous fluid is released from the abdominal cavity. On the left, an ovarian cyst, the volume of a child's head, and hydrosalpinx were removed. Histological examination of the cyst gave the usual picture of the structure of a single-chamber cyst.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1202-1203
pages 1202-1203 views

A case of acute spontaneous gangrenous balanoposthitis

Leizerovsky A.


Gangrenous and phagedenic balanoposthitis are in most cases a complication of ulcers of venereal origin: ulcus durum, ulcus molle and ulcus mixtum. Occasionally they appear after a perverted coitus, with diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, angina Vincenti), after coitus per rectum (with a disease of the rectum). In some cases, the reasons can be traumatic, thermal, chemical, inappropriate therapy. Often, with unclean maintenance of the genitals, partners after coitus may experience vulgar erosions, which cause balanoposthitis. But often gangrenous and phagedenic balanoposthitis can occur completely independently (spontaneously), when none of the above reasons can be found, even without previous coitus. Such spontaneous gangrenous balanoposthitis was first described in 1883 by Fournier; it is characterized by the fact that it occurs in full health and is extremely intense.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1204-1205
pages 1204-1205 views

Treatment of some forms of women's urinary incontinence


В настоящем своем сообщении я имею ввиду, главным образом, лечение недержания мочи у женщины, зависящего от нарушения топографических отношений органов и тканей в малом тазу, с одной стороны, и пареза сфинктера пузыря, с другой стороны. При анатомической целости стенок пузыря и уретры недержание мочи может зависеть от расслабления сфинктера и растяжения стенок уретры. Пузырь в нормальном состоянии удерживается в определенных топографических отношениях при помощи лонно-пузырных связок ligamenta pubo-vesicalia. Пузырь расположен кзади и книзу от ossis pubis и связки эти прикрепляют его к неподвижному образованию—к костному кольцу малого таза или, вернее,—к ramus horisontalis ossis pubis. Помимо указанных связок на топографию пузыря влияет положение матки, а также целость связочного и фиксирующего аппарата матки и остальных частей полового тракта, брюшинного покрова и тазового дна. Раз какая-либо группа анатомических элементов в тазу—будь то мышечные пластинки и апоневротические образования—под влиянием тех или иных инсультов приходят в расслабленное состояние, наступают нарушения во взаимном топографическом расположении, что отражается непременно и на положении пузыря.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1205-1207
pages 1205-1207 views

Rare indication for abdominal caesar section for twin collision

Guzikov P.A.


One very serious complication in twins, although rarely seen, is the misalignment of the fetuses with infringement of them in the pelvis, which makes natural delivery unlikely, almost impossible. Similar difficulties during delivery arise when both twins enter the pelvis at the same time and prevent each other from moving forward, and both fetuses can enter the pelvis with their heads or pelvic ends, or one enters the pelvis with the head, the other with the pelvic end, or, finally, one sits astride the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1207-1208
pages 1207-1208 views

Sachs-Georgi reaction at the site

Kamaev M.F.


One of the difficulties in the work of a district doctor is the impossibility, for a number of reasons, to use even such laboratory research data, which, in the conditions of large city medical institutions, are an integral part of a patient's clinical examination. Forced, therefore, when making a diagnosis and subsequent treatment based solely on the existing picture of the disease and anamnesis, the district doctor is thus pushed back decades ago from his urban colleagues, who have the opportunity to use in their daily work many of the most valuable achievements of scientific medicine of the last decades requiring an appropriate laboratory environment. One such achievement is undoubtedly Wassermann's reaction, without which every doctor working in the countryside often has to spend a lot of work and try out methods of treatment before establishing the true etiology of the suffering he is using. The presence of such cases in district practice is all the more inevitable because, as can be judged on the basis of the literature, typical exvisit forms of syphilis in recent years have begun to occur much less frequently, giving way to various manifestations of visceral lues.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1209-1209
pages 1209-1209 views

The state of the peripheral circulatory system in infectious diseases

Agafonov F.D.


The state of blood circulation and the causes of its disorder, both in chronic and, in particular, in acute infectious diseases, have always been of great interest to both clinicians and pathologists. Since the time of Laennec, who first drew attention to the weakness of the heart muscles in those who died from febrile diseases and emphasized, like Louis, weakness and fragility of the heart muscle, they began to look for the causes of these disorders in the state of the heart muscles. A significant success in the study of diseases of the heart muscle in infectious diseases was the teaching of Virchow about parenchymal inflammation, confirmed by Böttcher for typhoid and Mosler for diphtheria. While these authors spoke only about parenchymal inflammation of the heart muscle, Hayem was able to establish under the same conditions also interstitial myocarditis, and later productive endoarteritis of the coronary vessels, which, causing vascular thrombosis, could be the cause of sudden death during typhoid.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1210-1217
pages 1210-1217 views

The next tasks of a doctor in the countryside

Pleschitser A.Y.


The main question is which side the doctor should be on, should he enter into an alliance with the poor and middle peasants of the countryside, with Soviet and public organizations in order to strike a blow at the kulak and his henchmen, or should he choose a different path? The resolution of this issue depends on the ideology of the doctor, his political attitude; both are determined by many factors, of which there are some of the main ones that determine its political and public face. This will be the social origin of the doctor and his attitude to the soviet power, to the conquests of the October Revolution. Only a complete assimilation of the tasks put forward by the October Revolution and the measures carried out by the party, trade unions and the soviet government will enable every doctor to be in the vanguard, at the forefront of the workers 'and peasants' front of the builders of socialism in the countryside. To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand the party's policy in the countryside.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1217-1221
pages 1217-1221 views

State and prospects of supplying the USSR with physiotherapy equipment

Bychkov I.Y.


Physical methods are becoming more and more important as an important preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic factor. This explains the interest of health authorities in these methods. The development of physical methods of treatment and diagnostics began in our country in the years after the October Revolution. Instead of the 4 physiotherapy institutions that existed in Russia during the imperialist war, there are now more than 80 physiotherapy institutions on the territory of the RSFSR alone, of which 8 are state scientific demonstration institutes.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1222-1225
pages 1222-1225 views

Prof. R. Luria. Syphilitische und syphilogene Magenerkrankungen (Gastrolues), 27 fig. in the text, pp. VI-194. Berlin, S. Karger. 1929

Breitman M.Y.


In his foreword, prof. R. A. Luria points to the enormous importance of syphilitic infection for the emergence of a number of diseases of internal organs. He notes the tremendous recent interest in visceral syphilis, as can be seen, by the way, in the recent work of Schlesinger, Grenet-Levent and Pellissier. The author has set himself the goal of critically examining all the data concerning gastric syphilis. Under this name, for the most part, they mean gummy processes in the walls of the stomach and their consequences, and thus ignore a number of more frequent syphilogenic diseases of the stomach, which are of clinical importance and can be combined under the general name gastrolues.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1125-1126
pages 1125-1126 views

Dupuis de Fresnel. Appendicitis, perivisceritis and colitis. Translated. from the French Dr. P. M. Alperin, edited by prof. H. N. Burdenko. Library "Medical Practice", State Medical Publishing House. 1929, the price is 90 kopecks

Tsimkhes I.


The translation from French of this small book is to be welcomed, as it is devoted to the sore point of the present moment — the diagnosis of chronic appendicitis and the analysis of the reasons why some patients continue to complain of pain in the right iliac cavity. Various para-appendicular diseases and their differential diagnosis are analyzed in detail. The position (inclined, head down), in which palpation and fluoroscopy are performed, are the basic methods of researching patients. Only that pain that reaches its maximum in the region of the appendix and does not spread high along the ascending intestine is of diagnostic value, and especially the presence of a painful cord rolling under the fingers.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1226-1227
pages 1226-1227 views

Prof. L. Langstein. Infant dystrophies and diarrhea. Reprinted under the editorship of Dr. I. Ya. Serebriyskiy with a foreword by prof. G.N.Speransky. GMI. 1929 344 pp. 3 r. 75 k.

Lepsky E.


The main feature of the book is the simplicity of the presentation of the subject; the author is an opponent of the complex nomenclature and confusing divisions adopted in the literature on digestive disorders in infants and making it difficult for the practitioner to familiarize himself with this department of pediatrics. In each of the two sections of the book ("dystrophies" and "diarrhea"), the etiological factors leading to the named diseases are discussed in detail, their prognosis depending on different circumstances and dietotherapy is analyzed in great detail, and the author uses only simple nutritional mixtures that are easy to make in any setting.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1227-1227
pages 1227-1227 views

Prof. M. I. Astvatsaturov. A short textbook of nervous diseases. 3rd edition. Leningrad, 1929

Favorsky A.


We turned out to be right in our review of the 1st edition of the named manual, predicting a solid future for it in view of its major positive qualities. In a short period of time, its third edition has appeared. In this edition, the textbook won even more with the inclusion of a chapter on the study of cerebrospinal fluid. We should also welcome the increase in the number of figures that significantly contribute to the assimilation of the text. In the chapter on "functional" diseases, the author outlined the history of the question of neuroses in a timely and very detailed manner. Here the author tried to clarify the understanding of the issue and dissociates himself from the supporters of the identification of neuroses with psychogenias, believing that the position of the latter does not in the least clarify the essence of the issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1227-1227
pages 1227-1227 views

Zalkind E. M. Dynamics of leukocytosis in some nervous diseases and suffering of the individual (from the clinic of Professor AI Yushchenko). Rostov-on-Don, 1929. Proceedings of the North Caucasian Association of Scientific Research Institutes “. No. 66. Price 3 rubles

Yudin T.


As is known, up to now, when examining blood in neuro- and mentally ill patients, extremely contradictory and even diametrically opposite data have been obtained. The author explains this, on the one hand, by the fact that fluctuations in leukocytosis in "normal" people were not taken into account and the conditions of the experiment were not taken into account, and on the other hand, the technique itself was not sufficiently developed. a number of influences: the patients were always examined at the same temperature, on a sunny day, in the same room, while observing silence, with complete rest of the subject, under the same dietary conditions; he tried to avoid the appearance of types of digestive, myogenic, emotional leukocytosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1228-1228
pages 1228-1228 views

A. D. Kaplan. First aid station in industrial plants. V. A. Obukh Institute for the Study of Occupational Diseases. Moscow, 1928 Publishing house of the Moszdravotdel

Tsimkhes I.


With the present rapid rate of growth of the industrialization of the country and the reconstruction of the socialist economy with its huge factories, factories, state and collective farms under construction, the question of first aid points becomes urgent. The appearance of this brochure in print should be hailed as the first experience of analyzing the problem of a first aid station in production from an organizational and surgical point of view. The author raises in detail and broadly the question of the approach of the attending physician to production, of the structure of the first aid station for the successful treatment of injuries and its prevention. Concerning the organizational form of the item, the author believes that this institution should not have medical functions, but only the provision of first aid, and should be organizationally individualized according to the characteristics of the injury rate of this enterprise. Due to the fact that it is not possible to get a sufficiently qualified specialist for such a point - a doctor, the standardization of first aid should be carefully developed: typification of stopping bleeding, handling a wound, burn, fracture, typing of dressings, etc. In addition, the responsibilities of the point should be immediate transportation of the victim to the nearest medical institution.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1228-1229
pages 1228-1229 views

Prof. M. Ya. Breitman. Dictionary of clinical terminology based on the latest Russian and foreign sources. Issue IV. Ed. Practical Medicine 1929. Price 4 rubles

Belsky S.A.


With the publication of the 4th edition of the dictionary by prof. Breitman, we have completed a great work on medical lexicography. One can disagree with the author's peculiar spelling like "gynecology", "Pasteur", etc., but one can in no way dispute the value and necessity of this manual for our time. The absence of such reference books on the book market, as well as the doctor's ignorance of a foreign language, often puts him in a difficult position when he wants to establish the exact pronunciation, spelling or meaning of a clinical term. Therefore, the dictionary of prof. Breitman will undoubtedly serve for a long time to be a reliable reference in all matters concerning clinical terminology. It is very good that the author also gives an indication of the pronunciation of surnames and proper names. At this point, everyone may be puzzled. The dictionary will solve them. In this note, we will allow ourselves to note some errors and controversies regarding terms in the interest of correcting them for the 2nd edition.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1229-1230
pages 1229-1230 views

Frank, Ludwig. Die psychokathartische Behandlung nervöser Störungen. (Psychoneurosen-Thymopathieri). Verlag Georg Thieme. Leipzig. 1927. IV + 208

Galant I.


Frank proposes to call psychoneuroses thymopathies, because psychoneuroses and all related diseases are disorders of the affective sphere of a quite definite nature. These are dynamic disorders of affective life, consisting mainly in the phenomena of the repression of affects, their accumulation and accumulation in the subconscious, their desire to move from the subconscious to the superconscious and the delay of this process due to the "internal resistance" (innerer Widerstand), displacing those striving for the release of affects back into the subconscious. With regard to the treatment of such dynamic disorders of the affective sphere, Frank considers psycho-cathartic treatment to be the most appropriate. The active principle of psychocatarsis is the awareness and secondary experience of affective excitations accumulated for various reasons in the subconscious. This is achieved in a hypnotic state of half-sleep, when the consciousness is narrowed only so much that the internal resistance falls, the delays disappear and there is a free reaction of the affects accumulated in the subconscious with the passive participation of superconscious attention. Having responded to the restrained affects and realizing those initial experiences with which painful symptoms are associated, the b-oh recovers.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1230-1230
pages 1230-1230 views

Riese, D-r W. Die Unfallneurose als Problem der Gegenwartsmedizin. Voraussetzungen u. Grundlagen ihrer Beurteilung. Begutachtung u. Behandlung. 261 Seiten. Brosch. RM. 8. 50.—Gr. 8°. Hippokrates-Verlag. Stuttgart-Leipzig-Zürich. 1929

Galant I.


The book: "Traumatic neurosis as a problem of modern medicine" is a collection of articles under the general editorship of V. Riese, assistant professor of psychiatry in Frankfurt on M. —Giessen), Frenkel (Fränkel — Berlin), Landauer (Landauer — Frankfurt a. M.), Meng (Meng — Frankfurt a. M.), Sperling (Sрerling — Wien), Hertha Riese — Frankfurt a. M .), Levy-Suhl (Levy-Suhl-Berlin), L. Roseinstein (Moscow), Meyer (Meuer-Köppern), f. Monakov (v. Monakow — Zürich), Eliasberg — München.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1231-1231
pages 1231-1231 views

To the question of the influence of experimental inflammation on the content of K, Ca and water in the skin of rabbits

Dmitriev A.


E. Nathan and F. Stern (Dermat. Ztschr., Bd. 55, H. 1), as a result of intense illumination of the skin of rabbits with ultraviolet rays, an increased content of Ca was observed in the areas of inflamed skin, the amount of water at the beginning of inflammation increased, by the end of inflammation it decreased. By the end of the inflammation, the K content in these areas increased under low illumination with the same rays. The content of Ca and water was the same as in the case of intense irradiation, but an increase in the content of K was noted already from the onset of inflammation. The changes in the skin of rabbits after irritation with mustard oil were in general the same as when they were irradiated with light.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1231-1232
pages 1231-1232 views

The importance of alkalinity of culture media in mycology

Dmitriev A.


Kadisch (Dermat. Ztsch. Bd. 55, H 5/6, 1929), studying the importance of alkalinity of nutrient media in mycology, cultivated 30 varieties of various fungi, most of them pathogenic for humans, on media of different alkalinity and different composition. A. comes to the conclusion that fungi are cultivated best of all on alkalinity media Ph = 7, 2-7.6, the diameter of the colonies with it is the largest, the type of culture can be determined on the basis of the difference in the alkalinity of the nutrient medium.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1232-1232
pages 1232-1232 views

PH of nutrient media for the cultivation of fungi

Dmitriev A.


A. Mallinkrodt-Haupt (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 55, H. 5/6, 1929), studying the effect of the reaction of the nutrient medium on the growth of fungi (various types of trichophytosis, favus and others), as well as the change in this reaction under the influence of the growth of various fungi, the surface tension of the nutrient medium and, finally, enzyme formation, comes to the conclusion that the strains of fungi in the process of their growth increase the alkalinity of the medium, in parallel with which there is an increase in the surface tension; enzyme formation occurs in an alkaline environment and further increases with the growth of fungi.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1232-1232
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Suprarenal cortical extract against adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease)

Kramov N.


Contrary to the generally accepted view that Addison's disease develops as a result of insufficient epinephrine secretion by the adrenal medulla Rogoff and Stewart (A. MA, 1929, 11 / V) see the cause of this disease in the insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. The product interrenalin isolated from this layer, which was used by the authors on dogs with removed adrenal glands and on patients with Addison's disease, gave extremely favorable results. Interrenaline was administered intravenously to dogs, per os in humans. The authors cite 7 case histories where, after the administration of this drug, the symptoms of Addison's disease improved or disappeared: blood pressure increased, bronze color disappeared, gastrointestinal disorders stopped and weakness disappeared, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1232-1232
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Reaction of the thyroid gland with infections in the body

Kramov N.


Cole and Womack (A. M. A., 9 / II 1929) establish the presence of changes in the thyroid gland in laboratory animals and humans as a result of infections (B. diphtheriae, B. coli, B. anthracis, rheumatism, etc.). Experiments on dogs with toxemia or a septic process showed hyperplasia in the thyroid gland, a decrease in colloid, desquamation in the acini, and a decrease in iodine. In humans, the same changes were found only to a lesser extent. Metabolism is increased by 30-40% in both cases. The administration of iodine per os in animals gave a decrease in the indicated symptoms and even protected them from them. These experimental, clinical and pathological observations support the theory that the thyroid gland plays an active role in the body's resistance to toxins and infections.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1232-1232
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High blood pressure

Raysky S.M.


High blood pressure prof. J. Pal (Die Ärztliche Praxis, No. 6, 1929) divides into two main forms: acute and permanent; The first is arterial spasm, and the second is the hypertensive setting of the muscle cells of the arterial wall ("Die hypertonische Einstellung der Muskelzellen der Arterienwand"), in which the prearterioles and arterioles are in a tense state, functionally giving rise to blood pressure. Recent research by the author has established the fallacy of the existing opinion that any persistently high blood pressure is the result of renal tissue disease. The author distinguishes primary or essential or genuinic hypertension, which, however, can lead to a shriveled kidney. Therapeutically, acute increases in blood pressure are most effectively eliminated by chloral hydrate, heat and bloodletting, and in angina pectoris - atropine, papaverine, nitrites. The author recommends treating constant increases in blood pressure with theobromine and its various combinations, bearing in mind that theobromine dilates the vessels of the heart, kidneys and brain. Balneotherapy measures are often psychogenically beneficial. The food of such patients should be poor in purines and table salt.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1232-1233
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On the issue of high blood pressure in chronic lead poisoning

Raysky S.M.


Schnitter (Münch. Med. Wschr. No. 4, 1929) refutes the established belief that chronic lead poisoning usually causes high blood pressure and insists that it is usually normal or even lower than normal if anemia or toxic-endocrine disorders. The increased blood pressure in chronic. lead poisoning, according to the author, speaks of the simultaneous presence of other causes of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1233-1233
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Hypertension treatment by Rhodan-Calcium-Diuretin

Raysky S.M.


The treatment of hypertension by Rhodan-Calcium-Diuretin, proposed by Askanaz, was tested by Hoffmann (Münch. Med. Wschr. No. 13, 1929) on a large clinical material and was found to be quite reliable both in terms of reducing blood pressure numbers and in terms of eliminating unpleasant subjective sensations.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1233-1233
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Therapy for patients with high blood pressure

Raysky S.M.


E. Zak (Die Ärztliche Praxis, No. 7, 1929) attaches great importance to mental influences and therefore suggests doctors to be careful in the sense of using terms such as "arteriosclerosis" or "angina pectoris" in front of some patients. Further, making the division of high blood pressure into two groups (stable and labile), the author proposes the following measures: for stable high blood pressure, caffeine in powder or in the form of coffee (for headaches), warns against pyramidon on a lean stomach and recommends well sometimes acting Aleuthan (Pyramiden + papaverin). The food of such patients should be poor in proteins, meat, spices and NaCl. Instead of NaCl, the author proposes a dietary salt (Diät-Salz, consisting of 1-2 g. NaCl and 2-4 g. KCl).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1233-1233
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The importance of calcium in the treatment of heart disease

Raysky S.M.


Prof. G. Singer (Die Ärztliche Praxis, No. 5, 1929. Medizinisches Seminar) expresses itself in the sense that in some heart diseases with congestion both in the large and in the small circle (mainly with myodegenerations of the heart and aortic defects), when heart and diuretics do not work, - very often they achieve good results by introducing into the body simultaneously with digitalis (intravenously or per os) 10% calcium solution in the amount of 1 snt. 3 exclusively intravenously. Calcium, enhancing the effect of digitalis on the heart, at the same time moderates its side effects on the parasympathetic system and, according to the author, is a “whip and reins” for the digitalis (“Die Peitsche und der Zügel”).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1233-1233
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Electrocardiography, its development and importance for internal medicine

Raysky S.M.


A. Hoffmann (Münch. Med. Wschr., No. 8, 1929), highlighting the device of the electrocardiograph, the history of its issue and the technique of using it, notes its greatest practical value in recognizing arrhythmias and suggests taking electrocardiograms in all three leads of Eynthoven for comparison them among themselves.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1233-1233
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How to differentiate cardiac asthma from other asthmatic seizures and what treatment to use

Raysky S.M.


Prof. I. Donath (Dio Arztrliche Praxis, No. 5, 1929. Medizinisches Seminar) notes cases of the possibility of an easy delimitation of cardiac or pulmonary asthma from other types of suffocation, and at the same time cases where it is very difficult to make such a delimitation, as, for example, in old people-emphysematics with chronic bronchitis and a weak heart who have shortness of breath as a result of both heart and lung disease. In these latter cases, anti-broncho-asthmatic agents (astmolysin, lysostmin, belladonna and iodine) are successfully used simultaneously with cardiac ones. For pure cardiac asthma, morphine and its derivatives remain the best remedy. Since in some cases it is impossible to establish the absence of a pulmonary component in the etiology of this asthma, and morphine is contraindicated in pure pulmonary asthma, morphine should always be given in combination with caffeine or cardiazole. In many cases, seizures are stopped by injections of pituitrin, pituisan or pituglandol in an amount of 0.5 to 1.0 cm3, as well as nitrites, theobromine, and teominal. Cases of cardiac asthma, leading to symptoms of heart failure and pulmonary edema, are subject to cardiodiuretic therapy, and the best and fastest way is intravenous administration of digipurate in combination with aminophylline or salirgan.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1234-1234
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Hyperventilation of the lungs as a preventive measure against pneumonia

Kramov N.


Based on the works of Corullos and Birnbaum, Scott and Cutler that postoperative pneumonia develops in atelectasized areas of the lungs, Henderson (A. M. A. 1929, 9 II) recommends inhalation of carbon dioxide in oxygen (5,0-100,0), as the most effective means of preventing pneumonia both in postoperative cases and in asphyxia and infectious diseases. As a result of anesthesia, breathing becomes shallow, the sections of the lungs are not ventilated and atelectasis appears, and the infection of these sections easily causes pneumonia; stretching these unventilated collapsed areas by deep breathing as a result of inhalation of carbon dioxide prevents atelectasis and prevents the development of pneumonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1234-1234
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Complement rejection reaction

Weinstein A.


Saphir used the complement rejection reaction in 5 cases of typhoid fever (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1929, no. 33) and observed the superiority of this reaction over Widal's reaction in the sense of sensitivity and earlier appearance, which is why it can serve as a very valuable laboratory method in diagnostics of typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1234-1234
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Experiments with Gerson's diet for pulmonary tuberculosis


E. Schwalm talks about experiments with Gerson's diet in pulmonary tuberculosis (Kl. W. 1929, No. 42). During 1928, at the Schöneberg Tuberculosis Hospital in Berlin, 20 pulmonary tbc patients were treated according to Gerson’s. Neither auscultatory, nor percussion, nor radiological improvement was obtained in any case. Only in one case did the tbc bacilli disappear, but then reappeared shortly after discharge. Weight gain was obtained in all cases, but not more than with other methods of treatment, with Phosphorlebertran being the most important point here, since in those cases where it was not given, there was almost no weight gain. The author points out that Heilnet (Beitr. Klin. Tbc. 65.6), Gmelin (Ibidem, 66.4), Wichmann (Ibid. 66.4), Ritschel (Ib. 65.3), Schmitz also came to negative results. (Z. Tbk. 47.6) Liesenfeld (Betr. Kl. Tbk. 7,2,3).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1234-1234
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Pulmonary tuberculosis and the Gerson's diet


Dr. B. Gettkant, director of the Schöneberg tuberculosis sanatorium, also deals with pulmonary tuberculosis and the Gerson's diet (D. m. W. 1929, no. 43). Observing 20 severe pulmonary tbc patients, Gettkant came to the conclusion that in no case did the Gerson's diet affect the course of pulmonary TBK: 11 out of 20 people died, 8 remained inoperative, the process went ahead and the fate of 1 remained unknown; with the Gerson's diet there is undoubtedly an improvement in lupus, in bone and articular TBK, but not in pulmonary. As a great difficulty in carrying out a diet a. indicates the absence of salt: the TBC b-th already have a poor appetite, and desalted food, despite its best preparation, soon arouses disgust, and the b-th's appetite still falls.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1234-1234
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To the diagnosis of intra-abdominal bleeding

Tsimkhes I.


K. Lange (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 36) with unclear and severe cases of abdominal bleeding attaches great importance to the Kölenkampff symptom: a pronounced sensitivity of the abdominal wall to percussion with almost or complete absence of tension of the abdominal wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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To stop bleeding from soft tissues of wounds during trepanation

Tsimkhes I.


In case of bleeding from wounds or incisions of the soft tissues of the head E. Makai (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 37) applies Michel's brackets to the thickness of the wound wall so that skin is captured on one side, and aponeurosis on the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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Simplified paravertebral anesthesia technique and its application

Tsimkhes I.


C. Fervers (Zentralbl. F. Chir. No. 37, 1929), in order to avoid complications, inserts the needle with paravertebral anesthesia one finger away from the spinous processes towards the angle formed by the transverse process and the edge of the vertebral body (the outer end of the needle with the midline forms an angle of 20 ° -30 °). The designated angle is located normally in the thoracic part of the spine near the upper edge of the spinous process, in the lumbar part, in the middle of the lower edge of the spinous process. In this way, the needle easily reaches the vertebral wall, and the injected fluid washes the ramus anter. ram. communicans. During operations, the author recommends using paravertebral anesthesia only for unilateral processes, such as appendicitis, cholelithiasis, kidneys and ureters and hernias. For the purposes of differential diagnosis and therapy, paravertebral anesthesia can be used.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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Pulmonary embolism and oxygen inhalation

Tsimkhes I.


Prof. G. Lotheissen (Zentrbl. F. Chir. No. 41. 1929) saw success from inhalation of oxygen in pulmonary embolism and suggests using it when it is impossible to perform the Trendelenburg operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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Radical direct inguinal hernia surgery

Tsimkhes I.


E. Balogh (Zentrbl. F. Chir. No. 44/1929) suggests, when opening the inguinal canal, to dissect longitudinally the fascia transversa and separate it from all sides as far as possible from the underlying preperitoneal fatty tissue. Then, on the inside of the transverse fascia, apply a purse-string suture, removing the peritoneum with the instrument inward. Further, the operation ends, typically according to Basini.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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On the function of the anastomosis between the small and large intestines

Tsimkhes I.


Tönnis (Dtsch. Z. f. Chir. Bd. 212. 1928) notes that in chronic obstipation the function of the anastomosis of the small intestine with the large intestine plays an important role. Often, due to antiperistaltic movements of the large intestine, the contents of the intestines can return or linger in the small intestine, making it difficult to empty the small intestine. The author recommends, based on the above considerations, to impose anastomosis end-to-side or end-to-end.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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The value of boric acid as an antiseptic in surgery

Tsimkhes I.


Dr E. Vertan (Zntralbl. F. Chir., No. 41, 1929), on the basis of clinical and experimental observations, finds that boric acid: 1) causing local hyperemia, increases the natural defenses of tissues and leads to the formation of rich healthy granulations, 2) in terms of osmotic qualities, it refers to intense fluids in relation to tissues, thereby facilitating the washing out of bacteria and toxins.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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Statistical and therapeutic observations of ulcus molle

Dmitriev A.


Hanow (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 55, H. 2, 29) gives data on the dynamics of the soft chancre for 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1928 based on the material of the K. Virchow's hospital in Berlin. Ulcus molle was registered in 1925 19 cases, in 1926-79, in 1927-97 and for 20 months of 1928 - 192 cases. At the same time, the author deals with the issue of localization of ulcers, as well as complications in ulcus molle. With a therapeutic purpose used ac. carbolic. liquef. and chlorozinc. The last remedy was tested on 35 patients, and small and medium-sized ulcers healed in 5-7 days, the gangrenous chancre healed in 20 days. When treating the same ac. carb. liq., tested on 109 patients, cure occurs on average in 18 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1235-1235
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Determination of blood sugar in 38 patients with eczema, 31 patients with psoriasis, 28 patients with lichen Widal and 24 patients with ulcus cruris

Dmitriev A.


Biberstein and Linke (Arch. F. D. u. S. Bd. 158, H. 1. 29), having performed a number of studies to determine blood sugar in 38 p. with eczema, 31 p. with psoriasis, 28 p. with lichen Widal and 24 p. with ulcus cruris found that with these diseases it was not possible to detect a pathological increase in blood sugar, and only a significant number of persons with lichen Widal had a reduced level of sugar.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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A new combination treatment for lupus vulgaris

Dmitriev A.


A new method of combined treatment for lupus vulgaris is offered by Demuth (Dermal. Ztschr. Bd. 56, H. 2/3, 29), which he tested on "large material" and which consists in the fact that the patient is lubricated from the outside with the composition: ac. pyrogall., resorcini albi, ac. salicyl aa 7.0, talci ven., gelanthi Unna aa 5.0, and in addition, intravenous infusions of sulfates (Géodyl, Pélospanine) at a dose of 5 kb are used. see 2% solution daily. The author points out that the ointment treatment works quite vigorously in small lesions, but in large lesions, the proposed combination is recommended, the action of which is based on the fact that the pyrogall ointment is better tolerated, the convalescent tissue granulates more intensively and, finally, relapses are very rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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To the treatment of psorias with products of digestion of skin scales

Weinstein A.


Mijajlowié (Wien. Klin. Woch. 1929, No. 37) tried the products obtained from the digestion of psoriatic skin scales by means of pepsin and trypsin (unfortunately, the method is not indicated. Ref.). In 10 cases of persistent psoriasis, the author obtained good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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Acid treatment for skin fungus

Dmitriev A.


Marchіonini (Denn. Ztschr. Bd. 56, H. 4, 29) explains the formation of rashes in the 4th interdigital space by a decrease in acids on the surface of the skin of this area due to the development of fungi. Depending on the cause, the author recommends antiparasitic local therapy in the form of applying acids to the affected area. Of the 26 cases of similar diseases, a. saw good results in 25 people, where alcohol with hydrochloric acid or boric acid, iodine tincture, arnica and chrysarobine tinctures were used. Out of 13 cases of interdigital erosion, the author obtained an excellent result in 10 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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Boltz's reaction in various stages of syphilis

Dmitriev A.


Schreus and Willms (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 56, H. 1.1929) studied Boltz's reaction in various stages of syphilis. The authors' material concerns 1,000 cases, of which 200 different reactions were produced: Boltz'a, Colloid-reaction, Nonne, Weichbrod t'a, RW with cerebrospinal fluid, in order to find out the greatest sensitivity of reactions in the early stages of syphilis. The Boltz'a reaction refers to the type of reaction with "dropout". Based on his observations, A.A. believe that the Boltz'a reaction, like the rest of the reaction. in all stages lues'a is positive and goes strictly parallel with them. Along with other reactions, it retains its independence, due to which it is a superfluous fact in the study of liquor'a. In cases of old lues'a, it is only positive when RW is clearly positive.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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Histological diagnosis of the luetic placenta

Dmitriev A.


“Kaufmann (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 56, H. 5.29), examining histologically the placenta of mothers with syphilis, as well as the umbilical cord, thinks that with the nonspecific morphological changes of syph. placenta examination of umbilical cord tissue for the presence of sp. pal. gains in importance. The detection of spirochetes in organ pieces is purely scientific, but not practical. A. gives a detailed picture of changes in the syphilitic placenta and umbilical cord.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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To the question of the action of salvarsan preparations

Dmitriev A.


Szeutkirálye (Derm. Ztschr., Bd. 56, H. 2/3, 29) used various solutions of myosalvarsan, injecting them at the sites of manifestations of lues I and II under the skin near efflorescence. It turned out that strong solutions (up to 15%) of this drug, injected locally, do not have their strong killing effect on pale spirochetes. When using neosalvarsan at the same time intravenously, the spirochetes disappeared after 24 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1236-1236
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Is there a primary gummy cavernite?

Dmitriev A.


S. Funk (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 55, H. 3, 1929) describes 4 cases observed over the last 3 years at the R. Virchow hospital in Berlin, of which 3 cases of primary gummy cavernitis and 1 case of secondary cavernitis with ulcerated gum. Based on his observations, the author believes that gummy cavernitis affects, in contrast to induratio penis plastica, which is localized strictly between the skin and the corpora cavernosa, the most cavernous bodies; the very name cavernitis means an inflammatory condition, which is a specific granuloma, which we call gum or syphiloma.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1237
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The use of myosalvarsan in infants

Dmitriev A.


Waldeyer (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 56, H. 5, 29), given that it is often impossible for infants to use Neo preparations intravenously, tried intramuscular injections of myosalvarsan in the treatment of 27 syphilitic children. The dose, depending on the age, weight and constitution of the patient, was dissolved in minimal amounts of destil. water, and injections were made every 5-8 days of treatment; a total of 12-15 injections were made during the course. Three children out of 27 died (11.2%) and a. He sees the cause of death not in the drug, but in the weakness of children with congenital syphilis, who usually die from extraneous infections. Based on his observations, the author believes that in myosalvarsan we have a remedy that is not irritating and does not have side effects. The use is very simple. When properly dosed, it should be included in the anti-syphilitic arsenal in the treatment of lues in infants.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1237
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Myositis gummosa

Dmitriev A.


A. Jordan and Popova-Bloom (Derm. Zisch., Bd. 55, H. 2) as a result of their observations of 8 cases of this disease come to the following conclusions that m. g. can occur in different parts of the muscles, but more often affect m. sternocleidomastoideus, women are more likely to suffer (the authors have one man out of 8 cases), because this disease is observed in individuals with lues ignorata. M. g. is a manifestation of late syphilis. Diagnosis is fraught with great difficulties and is facilitated only by a positive R. W. The prognosis is favorable, for specific treatment quickly leads to a cure.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1237
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"Luotest" (syphilitic rabbit testicle extract) with luetin reaction

Weinstein A.


Planner (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1929, no. 36) tried Luotest (extract of syphilitic rabbit testicle) with luetin reaction in 106 cases of tertiary and late congenital syphilis, receiving 80% positive results. Since the luetin reaction in experiments a. coincided with RW only in 70%, giving often positive results with negative RW, then a. highly recommends introducing it into syphilis serology along with RW.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1237
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Weinstein A.


Lechner, having tested Muller's Ballungsreaktіon in 2000 cases. (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1929, No. 29), came to the conclusion that it is the most sensitive and simple in technique among other reactions of precipitation to syphilis and should therefore take its rightful place in serodiagnostics of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1237
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To the biology of gonococcus

Dmitriev A.


Nagell and Danielsen (Derm. Ztsch. Bd. 56, H. 1, 29), on the basis of five-year observations, consider gonococcs to be strictly gram-negative, pathogenic only to humans. Gonococci are peculiar to various sugars (ferment glucose). Finally, after testing the preparation Gonovitan (the preparation was recently proposed in Germany as containing live gonococcs and recommended by a number of doctors for use. Ref.), We found that Gonovitan No. 1, 81 contained a culture of micrococcus cat., No. 82 is a closely related species of microbe to micr. cat. and No. 100 contained Lingelsheim's diplococcus muc. The authors do not recommend using the vaccine with "live gonococcs" as it does not contain the named type of microbe.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1237
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Serological diagnosis of gonorrhea

Dmitriev A.


Alf. Cohn (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 55, H. 2) gives detailed instructions for the preparation of a specific antigen, patient serum, and also describes in detail the technique of the Bordet-Gengou reaction itself. The author received as a result of his observations with acute gonorrhea in men 40% pos. responses, for chronic — 60% and for complicated — 80-100%. The results are especially demonstrative in gonorrhoid arthritis (100%). It is important to use the reaction in doubtful cases, when microscopic and bacteriological examinations do not give the necessary answer for making a diagnosis. If people who do not have gonorrhea are vaccinated, the reaction may be positive. If a positive reaction persists for months or years, you need to look for a focus with gonococci. According to the author, the complement fixation reaction cannot replace the previously tested diagnostic methods, but it complements them. Together with bacteriological and clinical research methods, the reaction sometimes helps to understand the diagnosis of difficult cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1237-1238
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Clinical observations of serological diagnosis of gonorrhea

Dmitriev A.


Carl Funk (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 55, H. 2, 1929) performed a complement rejection reaction in 600 gonorroics and in 100 people with various other diseases, and in acute gonorrhea A. received 60% of positive results, in chronic - 80%, with epididymitis — 90%, with prostatitis and spermatocystitis — 97%, with arthritis, bursitis and tendovaginitis — 97%. The brightness of the reaction is observed on the 14th day after the onset of the disease. According to the author's observations, the reaction is characterized by great specificity, only in isolated cases (polyart. Reumatica) there is a nonspecific delay in hemolysis. The reaction is of great service in differentiating doubtful cases of inflammation of the appendages, eyes, joints, heart disease and gonococcal sepsis and a number of other diseases of the genitourinary sphere. Stable positive, the reaction of deviation of complement in cases of establishing the fact that gonorrhea has been cured indicates the presence of a hidden focus with gonococci.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1238-1238
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Rejection of complement with gonorrhea

Dmitriev A.


Kwiatkowski Legežynski (Arch. f. D. u. S. Bd. 157, H. 3, 29 г.) после обзора литературы проса приводят результаты своих наблюдений, касающиеся 431 больного с разной клинической картиной гонорреи; кроме того, реакция была поставлена вывороткой лиц, страдающих кожными заболеваниями и перенесших ранее гоноррею—кандидатов в брак. Авторы производили реакцию по методу Calmette-Gassol, употребляя в качестве антигена Gonargin. Выводы авторов вкратце приводятся к следующему: реакция специфична, ибо при исследовании сыворотки лиц, страдающих кожными болезнями, она оказывалась всегда отрицательной. При острой передней гоноррее положительный результат выпадает в незначительном числе случаев, в хроническом стадии несколько выше. При осложненной гоноррее получен положительный и сомнительный результат в 95—100%, который появляется на 6—8 день после наступления осложнения. Прогностического значения реакция не имеет. Впрыскивание гоновакцины ведет к образованию специфических антител в крови. Противотела обнаруживаются в крови от 4 до 12 недель. Для установления излеченности играет роль лишь положительный результат, указывая на очаг с гонококками.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1238-1238
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To the treatment and cure of gonorrhea

Dmitriev A.


Schollz (D. m. W. No. 31, 29), on the basis of his many years of experience in the treatment of gonorrhea, indicates that Protargol and Albargin remain the best drugs to this day, because they act not only in a killing manner on gonococci, but also exert their influence on mucous membrane in the sense of its impregnation. In cases where gonococci sit deep in tissues (prostata, epididymis, ovaries), the author recommends using protein therapy. In stubborn cases, it is recommended to "Fieberbehandlung" with hot baths or inoculation with malaria. To establish the fact that gonorrhea has been cured, the author uses microscopic examination after a series of provocations, and also examines the patient with the help of cultures. An excellent means for establishing the cure of gonorrhea is the B.-G. reaction, and a negative reaction that occurred after the previous positive one is more likely to speak for a cure, while a persistent positive reaction indicates the need for a series of repeated microscopic and bacteriological studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1238-1238
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Salvarsan for diseases of the urinary tract

Dmitriev A.


Loeb (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 56, H. 2/3, 29), observing the course of gonorrhea in women simultaneously suffering from syphilis and taking specific treatment, noticed that in this case gonorrhea lasts much longer than in persons free of syphilis. A. observed 421 cases over a considerable period of time and on the basis of this material he believes that uterine gonorrhea, due to the delay of As in its mucosa and the effect on menstrual function, often has an adverse effect, while gonorrhea of ​​the canal proceeds faster due to the disinfecting effect salvarsan in the urine. With cystitis and pyelitis, a positive result is reflected in 60-80% of the cure of these processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1238-1239
pages 1238-1239 views

Poussin's sign


V. Dosuzkova and Th. Dosuzkov (Revue V. neurologii i psychiatrii, 1928, no. 4). In contrast to Babinsky, Leshchenko and Nemlicher (Proceedings of the Ukrainian psychoneur. Inst., 1927, III), the authors do not consider this reflex part of the “fan sign,” just as they do not find definite connections of this reflex with the setting and defense reflexes. Poussin occurs with the simultaneous defeat of the pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor pathways and disinhibition of the reflex arc of this reflex.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1239-1239
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A case of postapoplectic hemichorea with sensory and autonomic disorders


Th. Dosuzkov and Ed. Bena (Revue v. Neurologii i psychiatrii, 1928, nos. 3 and 4). Choreic contractions were noted in the right half of the face and right limbs. These contractions decreased under the influence of volitional tension, increased with distraction of attention, with emotions and unpleasant peripheral sensations. On the right side, the patient had friendly motions of the imitation type, muscle hypotonia, absence of setting reflexes, the presence of tactile hypeesthesia and decreased vibration sensitivity on the right side, miosis and increased sweating on the right.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1239-1239
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A case of red nucleus and hillock syndrome


Th. Dosuzkov in Revue v neurologii i psychiatrii, 1928, no. In addition to the presence of semi-paresis, sensory disturbances, pain, intentional tremor, the author indicates cerebellar disorders on the same side, changes in local setting reflexes on both sides, and on the part of the psyche, euphoria and mild dementia.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1239-1239
pages 1239-1239 views

Abdominal tendon reflexes in lesions of the pyramidal tract


Abdominal tendon reflexes were studied in Th. Dosuzkov and Fr. Bodlakova (Revue v. Neurologii i psychiatrii, 1928, no. 4). They find the reflex of the rectus abdominis muscles described by Astvatsaturov not only in paraplegia (and hemiplegia) with the lower limbs in the extension position (Erb'a type), but also in the flexion position (Babinsky type).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1239-1239
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Epidemic (rheumatic) facial nerve palsy

Sukhova E.


Herzog, (Zeitschr für die gesamte N. und P. 119 Band. 1929), excluding cases of paralysis n. facialis, as a separate symptom in diseases of the middle ear, brain tumors or luese, as well as in cases of infection with herpes zoster, stops at the group of peripheral lesions n. facialis of an epidemic nature. The symptomatology of this form is characterized by a slight swelling of the skin of the face in front of and under the ear, a slight increase in the area of ​​the salivary glands, and a slight rise in temperature. In some cases, a. finds inflammation of the salivary glands of the mouth, especially gl. parotis, which is often the starting point of facial nerve disease. The author gives 4 cases of paralysis n. facialis observed by him in the same autumn month.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1239-1239
pages 1239-1239 views

Psychotherapy of schizophrenia and its borderline states E. Kretschmer (Zeitschr. F. D. Ges. Neur. U. Psych. Bd. 121)

Andreev M.


Schizophrenia is a hereditary, endogenous disease. The unfounded fatalism associated with the concept of the endogenous, the constitutional has long paralyzed our therapeutic thinking. And in schizophrenia "we often saw incurable defects where there were only bizarre psychogenic arabesques of deceptive schizophrenia of symptoms against the background of a relatively unsharp process." For a psychiatrist, as a practical therapist, and from the point of view of an endogenous understanding of schizophrenia, it is important to be interested in “not what is endogenously destroyed, but what is recoverable and in what form”. In psychotherapy for schizophrenia, its features depend on the characteristics of the period and degree of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1239-1240
pages 1239-1240 views

Conference of the Physiological Section of the Society of Physicians at Kazan University, dedicated to the memory of prof. N. A. Mislavsky

Sergievsky M.


The conference opened on Tuesday, May 21st at 6½ pm in the auditorium of the Physiological Laboratory of Med. faculty chaired by prof. K. R. Viktorov, at whose suggestion the memory of prof. N.A.Mislavsky was honored by standing up. After a short introduction, an honorary presidium was elected. The selected were: from the Kazan Society of Physicians - prof. And P. Vasiliev, from the Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists prof. A. V. Favorsky, dean of the medical faculty prof. T. I. Yudin, the oldest professor of med. faculty V. S. Gruzdev, the oldest physiologist of Kazan prof. A. F. Samoilov, the oldest student of N. A. Mislavsky prof. R. A. Luria, prof. J. Snapper and student representative.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1240-1244
pages 1240-1244 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Hygienic section. Meeting 8/X 1929; meeting 22/X 1929

Los L.I.


Prof. V.V. Miloslavsky. “On the issue of training doctors in sanitary-prophylactic affairs”. Analyzing the causes of the current crisis in sanitary organization, the speaker came to the following conclusions. 1. We do not have a specific cadre of sanitary workers and are forced to often fill the ranks of sanitation with random material. 2. The crisis of sanitary organization depends primarily on the fact that the medical faculty cannot, within the limits of its curriculum, give two guidelines to future doctors — the setting of prevention and the doctor, since an in-depth study of preventive disciplines requires special training. 3. More than 1/3 of the time according to the curriculum of the medical faculty is devoted to clinical subjects, and only 1/10 to prophylactic subjects. There is little reason for a young doctor to turn from a medical to a preventive path, especially since the student will not actually give this tithe to prevention, and, on the contrary, devotes much more time to clinics than is indicated in the curriculum. In the proposed curriculum of the professional faculty, 1/10 of the preventive disciplines is also allocated, the same is allocated to the clinic, but a number of disciplines are introduced that help to better assimilate the preventive sciences and, of course, this 1/10 will be fully used. The lack of practical training in preventive disciplines will be filled up during the 6th year internship. 4. The only correct solution to the problem of training a cadre of sanitary and professional workers is to organize a preventive faculty with a special program that has the task of developing a preventive doctor, from the 1st year of training to accustom him to preventive thinking, equip him with all the knowledge to achieve a single goal of improving the team's health - Debate: doctors Mendelssohn, Trotsky, Schwartz, Mukhamedyarov, Mekhonoshin, Kondakov and prof. Gran.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1244-1245
pages 1244-1245 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Pediatric section. Meeting on June 3, 1929

Agafonov F.D.


1) Dr. S. M. Marcuse. “On the issue of chronic anemia in schoolchildren”. The report was published in No. 10 “Kaz. honey. magazine ".2) Dr. EP Krever. “On the pathogenesis of anemia in children”. The report will be published in Kaz. honey. magazine ". 3) Dr. 3. I. Malkina. “On the question of reticulo-endotheliosis”. Debate: prof. Vasiliev, Lepsky, assistant professor Vorobiev, and prof. Menshikov. 4) Dr. O.S. Gershtein. "Experience of helminthological examination of children in Kazan with the data of blood hemoglobin and body weight before and after deworming." The speaker examined the pupils of 2 schools of the 1st stage (Tatar and Russian) for helminthic infestations, using the Fülleborn, Teleman and scraping methods to find the eggs of the helminths. In total, 466 hours were examined. The total infection of children with worms is very significant, reaching 71.6%. There is no difference in the infection of children based on ethnicity. The greatest percentage of infection falls between the ages of 8-15 years. Of the types of worms, enterobius (87.6%) and ascaris lumbricoides are most common. Before and after treatment, the patients' blood was examined, and their weight was measured. As expected, in most children, the weight and% Hb increased after the expulsion of the worm. Debate: Dr. Rozov, assistant professor Vorobiev, prof. Lepsky and Menshikov.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1245-1245
pages 1245-1245 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Pediatric section. Meeting on October 17, 1929


1) Dr. G.B. Myasnik and Ts. V. Haskina. Demonstration of a patient with chondrodystrophy. A 5-year-old Chuvashin boy with a symptom complex characteristic of chondrodystrophy is demonstrated, and a series of radiographs from this case is presented. Along the way, a literary review was made about this disease.—Debate: pr.-Assoc. Gasul showed radiographs of a case of chondrodystrophy in an adult.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1245-1245
pages 1245-1245 views

Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. Joint meeting with the surgical section of the Society of Physicians at Kazan University. April 3, 1929


1. Dr. D. E. Goldstein. On the question of osteochondropathies such as Legg-Calvé-Perthes, Alban Köhler and Osgood-Schlatter. Having demonstrated a number of radiographs of cases of osteochondropathy, the speaker focused on the clinical, radiological and pathological-anatomical picture of these apophysis diseases, which have recently become a special nosological unit. Presenting in the pathological and histological terms primary aseptic subchondral necrosis of bone tissue, these diseases of adolescence give a very characteristic clinical symptom complex and a typical X-ray picture. In the development cycle, 5 stages are distinguished: I — stage of “necrosis”, II — stage of “fracture”, III — stage of “resorption” “reparative” and V — “outcome” in a cure, which can be “ideal” without deformations, or with deformities type deform., but without ankylosis and fistulas. Pathogenesis: impaired arterial nutrition of the apophyses during growth and ossification Insufficient knowledge of these diseases among a wide range of doctors and erroneous diagnoses in this regard (tbc, lues, sarcoma, late rickets, artrit. Deform.), As a result of this, incorrect treatment and an incorrect prognosis are put forward the question of a detailed study of these diseases and their error-free recognition. Prof. Fridlyand, ave. Gasul, prof. Bogolyubov, Dr. Ryzhikh and Dr. Gefen.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1246-1246
pages 1246-1246 views

Society of eye doctors of Kazan. Meeting on November 3, 1928; Meeting on December 19, 1928; Meeting on February 16, 1929; Meeting on March 14, 1929; Meeting on April 9, 1929; Meeting on May 16, 1929

Chirkovsky V.V.


On October 21, 1928, an assignment meeting of the society was held, at which the charter was read out and the society was replenished with a list of all members of the ophthalmological section of the society of doctors at Kazan University. The chairman of the Society was elected prof. V. V. Chirkovsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1246-1249
pages 1246-1249 views

Meeting of the Russian Endocrinological Society on October 10, 1929 (Moscow)

Ginzburg E.


The first meeting of the Russian Endocrinological Society in the new 1929-30 academic year was opened with the reports of V. Ye. Krasheninnikov "On the problem of endocrine therapy of cancerous tumors" and prof. D. M. Rossiyskiy "Syphilis of the endocrine apparatus." the present time is almost non-existent.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1249-1249
pages 1249-1249 views

Socialist Competition of Preventive Departments at Universities


The report of prof. M. M. Gran (Kazan) “On the socialist competition of preventive departments at Med. faculties of universities ". In connection with the challenge to the socialist competition of Kazan and Irkutsk universities by Tomsk University, the speaker puts forward 15 points that could serve as a basis for the competition: 1) timely start of classes and full 100% implementation of the lecture program; 2) 100% completion of seminars and practical classes and the transfer of the latter from a “cyclical” system to a “continuous” one (parallel to the lecture course); 3) linking practical classes with summer industrial practice; I and II courses; 5) linking preventive departments with clinical and with some basic theoretical departments of junior courses; 6) stimulating students to independently study social and hygienic issues; 7) raising the attendance of lectures; 8) deploying the work of graduate students; 9) establishing work of nominees; 10) management of individual scientific work of students; 11) deployment of scientific work of departments; 12) organization of offices of the department and its equipment; 13) organization of museums of the department of social hygiene; 14) preparation of a workshop and compendium of social hygiene (before the publication of a large guidelines); 15) development of a program of social hygiene and subsidiary disciplines (occupational health and childhood hygiene), development of odes of teaching, staffs and estimates of the respective departments. The general platform of competition is the best and fastest implementation of the reform of higher education in Soviet universities, in particular in honey. faculties. — In the debate they spoke. Landis, Sysin, Gurevich S.E., Kaplun, Strashun, Molkov and Mirsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1249-1250
pages 1249-1250 views

Chronicle. Volume 25, No. 11 (1929)


222) In the current year, 215 people were admitted to the medical faculty at Kazan University, of which children of workers 35%, peasants 37%, children of employees and specialists 26%; by nationality: Russians 60%, Tatars 20%, Chuvash, Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts 10%, other 10%. The number of students at the medical faculty by the beginning of the academic year was as follows: 1st year - 226 people, 2nd year - 198 people, 3rd year - 197 hours, 4th year - 196 hours and 5th year - 182 hours. Doctors in spring and autumn session was released 244 people.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1250-1254
pages 1250-1254 views

Questions and answers. Volume 25, No. 11 (1929)


33) a) Are there legal provisions on the right of hypnosis treatment and what? b) Can a local doctor, familiar with the literature of hypnosis, with little independent experience without special training, use psychotherapy as one of the methods of treatment?

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(11):1254-1255
pages 1254-1255 views

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