Vol 25, No 10 (1929)

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Full Issue

To the question of pathological and anatomical changes in the kidneys with their syphilitic lesion

Zhuravleva V.I.


Despite the fact that an extensive literature is devoted to kidney syphilis, this question still cannot be considered finally resolved. The kidneys can be exposed to the action of syphilitic infection in any period of syphilis, but specific morphological changes in them are found only in the gummy period of the disease. Gumma diseases observed in this period are among the very rare finds during the section. When looking through the extensive literature, we did not come across definite statistical indications of the frequency of kidney damage by the gummy process and found only random information about the amount of renal gummy syphilis. So in Wagner (1881) on 9000 sections of the kidney gum were found in 3 cases; Spiess (1877) had 7 cases of gummy interstitial nephritis in 220 autopsies of syphilitics. Lancereaux (1866) noted one case of kidney gum in 24 syphilitic sections. The rarity of gummy kidney damage can be judged to a certain extent because among the vast museum of the Pathological and Anatomical Institute of Kazan University for a long period of its existence there has not been a single case of such a change in the kidneys.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1007-1011
pages 1007-1011 views

To the thyroid syphilis clinic

Rossiyskiy D.M.


Syphilitic lesions of the endocrine glands are relatively common. Being a common blood disease, syphilis, affecting various organs and systems, should also affect the endocrine system, which is richly supplied with blood vessels; when infected with syphilis, some of the endocrine glands increase in volume and swell simultaneously with the lymph glands, and they often contain a large number of spirochetes.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1011-1016
pages 1011-1016 views

To the clinic of pituitary syphilis

Rossiyskiy D.M.


Syphilis affection of the cerebral appendage is observed quite often. Virchow first described the gum of the cerebral appendage in 1858. Further observations showed that the defeat of the cerebral epididymis with syphilis is a fairly common disease and, according to some authors, syphilis of the cerebral epididymis occurs in 42%, according to others in 57%. How often syphilitic lesions of the epididymis are observed, comparatively, can be seen from the statistical data of Buschke and Jost'a, who collected from the literature 246 cases of syphilis of the cerebral epididymis, of which 162 cases had acquired syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1016-1020
pages 1016-1020 views

On the influence of external environmental factors on the excretion of water by the kidneys

Belenky G.S.


More and more facts of the influence of the environment on the physiological processes of the body are accumulating at our disposal. The interaction between the environment and the activity of the entire nervous system (including the vegetative one), the activity of the cardiovascular system, digestive function, external and internal secretion, basic metabolism, etc. can be considered to a certain extent elucidated. We are interested in the question of the influence of the external environment on the activity of a healthy kidney, because this influence has to be taken into account already for practical reasons: 1) for preventive purposes, in order to be able to commensurate the strength and ability of the kidney to carry out its most important excretory function for the body with the load that in her daily work she receives from the external environment, from the conditions of “work and life” of her bearer, 2) for the purpose of clinical diagnostics when using, for example, a water sample, and also 3) in order to achieve the greatest effect of balneological drinking therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1020-1029
pages 1020-1029 views

To the question of changing the blood picture in the conditions of chemical production

Nimtsovitskaya M.A.


We set ourselves the task of establishing how the effect of ether vapors and nitrogen oxides is reflected in the hemogram during a long stay in production. For this purpose, we have carried out about 180 complete blood tests of workers at chemical plant N, of which one group of workers is exposed to ether vapors at a concentration of 5 to 20 milligrams. and more by 1 L of air, the other - to the effect of nitrogen oxides of various concentrations (the concentration ranges from thousandths of a milligram. to tenths and even up to several milligrams., 3-5, per 1 L of air).

The subjects underwent a complete blood test (from 9 to 12 am). Hb was determined with a Sahli hemometer (calibrated). Erythrocytes and leukocytes were counted in the Bürker chamber (Türk grid). The smears were stained according to Pappenheim’y (Mau-Grünwald-Giemsа), it was counted according to Sсhіlling’y not less than 200, more often 300 leukocytes. To detect basophilic granularity in erythrocytes, smears were stained according to the method proposed by E.O. Freyfeld (diluted aqueous solution of 1% methylene blue — 5 drops per 20 bar of tap water, staining within an hour). In most workers, the number of young erythrocytes-reticulocytes was determined (blood test on the substantia granulo-filamentosa); coloring according to Schilling'y — combined coloring Brillanteresylblau Giemsa; 1000 erythrocytes were counted and the number of reticulocytes encountered; in addition, their content was assessed by fields of view.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1029-1036
pages 1029-1036 views

Closure of intestinal fistulas

Sadovsky I.I.


The treatment of intestinal fistulas is one of the most difficult tasks for the practical surgeon. It is known how much the sick with this disease are burdened by their suffering. The constant uncontrollable discharge of discharge from the intestinal fistula, often with a fecal odor, poisons the atmosphere around the patient and makes his existence painful both for himself and for those around him. This is reflected in the mental state of patients; depression of the psyche, general discontent and severe hypochondria appears. The physical condition of patients with intestinal fistula is upset differently depending on the level of the intestine, on which the fistula is located, on the nature of the fistula and the amount of discharge. Due to severe disorders, patients agree to any operation that is offered to them.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1037-1043
pages 1037-1043 views

To the surgery of tumors of the pleural cavity

Vakulenko M.V.


Tumors of the pleural space are rare. First, I will give my case.
Teacher A. A. S-skaya, 41, was admitted to the Ufa provincial hospital on September 3 and was discharged on October 11, 1928.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1043-1045
pages 1043-1045 views

On the question of scarlet fever

Spesivtseva E.I.


The work we have done is not a mass observation based on statistical data, but represents a type of tentative experience conducted under certain conditions. We set the Disk'a reaction and with its help traced the effect of vaccination in scarlet fever foci. The examined material is not large, since there is currently no large outbreak of scarlet fever in Ufa. The observations mainly cover children in schools and kindergartens from 3 to 15 years old. At 28 in these children institutions there were cases of scarlet fever; their number was not significant, but some of them were fatal in the shortest (3 days) period. In the presence of such conditions and the absence of special detachments, the setting of the river. Dick'a before vaccination could be produced only in children small institutions. In schools with more than 200-300 students, where the production of p. Dick'a would have required a lot of time and thus would have delayed vaccination, we decided to put p. Dick'a simultaneously with the latter, especially since it is based on positive p. Dick'a at vaccination of children this time was not supposed. In schools and kindergartens vaccination was carried out in children whose parents expressed their consent.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1045-1051
pages 1045-1051 views

On the issue of chronic anemia in schoolchildren

Marcuse S.M.


In this work, the goal is to get better acquainted with the clinical picture of anemia in chronically anemic schoolchildren and to investigate the relationship of the disease with some social and living conditions of children. For this, we took 2 Russian schools of the first stage, located in the same district of the city, but different in the social composition and living conditions of students, with a total of about 300 children who were under our supervision during the entire school period (1-4 years). Of these, children with a pronounced pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, observed for at least a year, were selected, who were allocated to the group of chronically anemic children, and an equal group of other children was taken to compare with them, from which a group of healthy children who showed a good complexion during throughout school life.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1051-1058
pages 1051-1058 views

To the clinic of syphilitic amyotrophies

Zherebtsov N.V.


Recently increased interest in the issues of syphilis of the nervous system has led to significant advances in the pathogenesis and clinical picture of neurology. In connection with the study of the problems of syphilis, many questions of neuropathology, which remained in the shadows for a long time, received a different explanation, although sometimes, perhaps, not entirely sufficient and still raising doubts. It is precisely such questions that have received a new interpretation that include cases of muscle atrophy in the presence of syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1058-1063
pages 1058-1063 views

On psychosis in twins

Shostakovich V.V.


Twins have always attracted attention and aroused interest, both because of their relative rarity, and equally because of their inherent characteristics. From the side of their external structure, they have been the subject of study for a very long time (for example, the Hungarian sisters Judith and Elena were described in sufficient detail and accurately at the beginning of the 13th century). The psychoses observed in twins attracted attention much later: the first case of such recorded in the literature refers to 1812 and belongs to Rüsh. Then, from time to time, descriptions of individual cases appeared, and the attention of the authors was directed to Ch. arr. on the similarity of the psychopathic picture in twins. Although these descriptions were in most cases somewhat accidental, nevertheless the accumulated material allowed Ball in 1884 in De la folie gemellaire to make an attempt to single out a special form of twin psychosis, which he called "Folie gemellaire". When constructing his form, he proceeded from the assumption of the identity of psychosis in both twins, therefore, the main features of Folie gemellaire, in his opinion, were: 1) the simultaneous manifestation of seizures, 2) parallelism in relation to delirium and other mental abnormalities, 3) self-origin delirium in each of the individuals affected by it (cited by Dеjеrіnе).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1063-1067
pages 1063-1067 views

Psychosexual theory of hallucinations and algogallucinosis

Galant I.B.


The doctrine of algogallucinosis is closely related, or rather, based on the psychosexual theory of hallucinations, and before talking about algogallucinosis, it is necessary to get acquainted with this new theory of hallucinations.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1068-1079
pages 1068-1079 views

On the question of physical therapy for thyroid diseases

Ginsberg I.M.


There is still no common, universally recognized approach in the therapy of Graves' disease, Gravesism and simple strumas. A number of clinics — surgical, therapeutic, nervous, and physiotherapeutic — claim to play a role in the treatment of these diseases. The brilliant results of surgical treatment have sufficiently revealed the value of the surgical method, but comparatively young physiotherapy, in particular X-ray therapy, are now actively attracting the attention of specialists to resolve this issue. Thus, if, thanks to the accumulated observations, the participation of each of these clinics is undoubtedly necessary, then the share of participation and the place that belongs to each of them, despite the large number of works on this issue, is still a problem of the day. Only further accumulation of observations on clinical material can bring us closer to solving this problem. That is why it seems interesting to summarize the observations that have accumulated at the Leningrad Physiotherapeutic Institute over the past 6 years (1923-1928 will include). This development also has the advantage that it is made on polyclinic material, which, in contrast to the stationary one with prevailing severe forms, has a variety from initial to classically completed forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1079-1091
pages 1079-1091 views

Bismuth drugs for the treatment of syphilis

Smorodintsev I.A.


Bismuth was already known in the 15th century to Vasily Valentin; his discovery is associated with the name of Paracelsus (1493-1541), but until very recently Bi found very limited use in therapy, almost exclusively in the form of Magisterium Bismuthi Bi (0H) 2 NO3 for diarrhea, and only in the twenties of this century he attracted itself the increased attention of therapists and made a serious competitor to mercury and arsenic in the treatment of syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1092-1100
pages 1092-1100 views

Health planning

Mukhamedyarova F.G.


September 11-13 this year under NKZdrav R.S.F.S.R, a meeting of planned workers and heads of health departments of regions and republics that are part of the RSFSR was held. Opening the meeting, People's Commissar N.A. Semashko dwelled on the main points of the work of health authorities in the period of socialist construction. He pointed out the need for strict planning in work, the great political and practical importance of the implementation of the 5-year health plan and the strict implementation of the social-class principle in the provision of health care to the population. The need for the fullest provision of medical and sanitary services to industrial centers, areas where large state farms and collective farms are located was emphasized, to which the most serious attention should be paid and maximum funds allocated.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1100-1106
pages 1100-1106 views

Director of the Polyclinic prof. D.M. Russian. Proceedings of the Polyclinic of Internal Diseases I of Moscow State University M., 1929

Shereshevsky N.A.


In the vast majority of cases, we judge the life and creative work of our scientific institutions only by the individual works of their employees, scattered in various periodicals. Thanks to this, it is very difficult to get a clear idea of the scientific direction of this institution, the value of leadership and the scale of work.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1106-1107
pages 1106-1107 views

Minutes of the Moscow conference on the fight against gonorrhea, December 14-16, 1928, p. 82, p. 1 r. 50 p

Weinstein A.


The fight against gonorrhea due to its incessant growth is becoming an urgent issue of modern venereology. At the Moscow meeting, a number of reports were devoted to this issue (Zaigraev - Treatment of male gonorrhea in an outpatient clinic and a dispensary; Kushner - Principles of diagnosis and treatment of female gonorrhea; Kahn - The current state of the issue of girls' gonorrhea; Rossiyansky - Social prevention of gonorrhea; Konigsberg - Personal prevention gonorrhea).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1107-1107
pages 1107-1107 views

Prof. L. Jehle. Kidney disease in childhood and their treatment. Transl. from German by Dr. I.L. Olschwanger with a foreword prof. R. Fronshtein. Gosmedizdat. 1929, 30 pages, p. 35 p

Lepsky E.


The pathological conditions that are commonly called kidney disease are actually common diseases. The state of blood circulation in the internal organs, the exchange of water in the body, the function of the skin, etc., are decisive factors in this.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1107-1107
pages 1107-1107 views

Dr. Jacob Gottlieb, Privat-dozent für Urologie an der Universität Moskau. Nieren und Harnleiteranomalien. Klinik und Diagnostik, 1929


The work of Dr. Ya.G. Gottlieb is based on a large (54 cases) and varied material from the clinic of prof. P.M. Fronshtein, to whom the author devotes his work. The author analyzes 12 different anomalies, which are mainly of clinical significance.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1108-1108
pages 1108-1108 views

Prof. N.I. Agapov. "Symptomatic significance of dental anomalies." Moscow. 1929 State Medical Publishing House. Odontologist's Library. Thirteenth edition

Glushkov P.A.


The editors of the journal "Odontology and Stomatology" set themselves an extremely attractive and very useful goal - to give the Russian odontologist a number of monographs under the unifying title "Odontologist's Library", covering various departments of odontology dentistry in their current state. Until now, the publishing house has issued a series of such monographs, which are partly original research and partly abstract reviews covering a particular issue. This last section also includes the peer-reviewed work of prof. N.I. Agapova.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1108-1109
pages 1108-1109 views

P. Haudurov. Les ultravirus et les formes filtrantes des microbes. P. 392. Paris, Masson et C-ie, 1929. Price fr. 40

Breitman M.Y.


This book presents the first French work devoted to ultravirus and the description of 63 diseases caused by it.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1109-1109
pages 1109-1109 views

Sаuре Е. u. Еhlе К. Das Thoraxbild des normalen Säuglings. Lehmann’s mediz. Atlanten Verlag. München. 1929. Preis 6. M. geb. 8 M

Gasul R.Y.


In this short but well-published book, intended not only for the radiologist, but also for the pediatrician, along with good reproductions of the thorax of normal infants, there is also a text-guide, where we find practical instructions for the clinical and radiological examination of the child. Children were chosen from healthy parents.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1109-1109
pages 1109-1109 views

Aschaffenburg. Gustav. Psychiatrie und Strafrecht. Rede. Oscar Müller Verlag. Köln. 1928.

Galant I.B.


Each prisoner should be examined in the most careful way by a psychiatrist, not in order to discover that he has a mental disorder, but in order to identify the characteristics of each criminal and develop something like a plan according to which the application of punishments to criminals would be more just and expedient.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1110-1110
pages 1110-1110 views

Мuellеr, Erich. Briefe an eine Mutter. Vierte Auflage. Verlag von Ferdinand Enke. Stuttgart. 1929. S. 350

Galant I.B.


The book by Professor Erich Müller aims to acquaint a young mother with the basics of modern teaching about mother and child nutrition, as well as the basics of caring for and raising a child. All material is divided into 21 letters.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1110-1110
pages 1110-1110 views

Do tumor cells really have a special affinity for lead compared to other cells in the body. Kawata (Beitr. Pathol. Anat. Bd. 82, H. 2. 1929)

Vylegzhanin N.


To decide whether tumor cells really have a special affinity for lead in comparison with other cells of the body, Kawata (Beitr. Pathol. Anat. Bd. 82, H. 2. 1929) tried to determine the amount of lead absorbed by the tumor in comparison with the liver, lungs and kidneys. For the experiment, we took mice with inoculated cancer, and the determination of lead was carried out by an extremely sensitive method of radioactive analysis of the ash of tumors and compared organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1110-1110
pages 1110-1110 views

On the preservation of radioactive substances in the body after death. George, Getter and Muller (Arch. Of Path. Vol. 7. No. 3, 1929)

Vylegzhanin N.


George, Getter and Muller (Arch. Of Path. Vol. 7. No. 3, 1929) had the opportunity to examine the corpse of a 25-year-old girl for the presence of radioactive substances, removed from the ground for this purpose five years after her death. This person, by virtue of her profession, dealt with radioactive substances for the last 4 years of her life.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1110-1111
pages 1110-1111 views

Chondroblastoma overgrown through the veins. M. Kósa (Virchow's Arch. Bd. 272, H. 1, 1929)

Vylegzhanin N.


A 13-year-old girl developed an extensive cartilaginous swelling of her right thigh over several months, causing pain that continued to grow until her death. Death followed a high amputation of the right leg.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1111-1111
pages 1111-1111 views

Reactivation of senile ovaries and the entire female body in a hormonal way. Steinach, Kunu. Hohlweg. (Arch. F. D. Ges. Physiol. 219: 325, 1928)


The experiments were carried out on old female rats 2-5 months after the cessation of the astral cycle, when there was a typical senile appearance on the face with hair loss, partial blindness, bent body posture, drowsiness and anemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1111-1111
pages 1111-1111 views

Hormonal mechanism of contraction and emptying of the gallbladder. Joy and Oldberg (Am. J. of Physiol. 86, 599, 1928)


Joy and Oldberg (Am. J. of Physiol. 86, 599, 1928) found that injecting a dog under light barbital ether anesthesia with the following mixture: 15-40 cc. decinorm. s. Na HCl, 30 cc. butter, boiled egg yolks, cream and olive oil, 0.5% ac. butiric. and 5% soap solution causes contraction of the gallbladder. Unboiled egg yolks, olive oil and cream have no effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1111-1111
pages 1111-1111 views

About ovarian hormones, the effect of the corpus luteum on the estrous cycle. Cotte et Pallott (Comp. Rend. Soc. De biol 99, 69, 1928)


Cotte et Pallott (Comp. Rend. Soc. De biol 99, 69, 1928) human corpuscles were transplanted into female rats. Some of the rats were castrated, and some were normal.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1111-1111
pages 1111-1111 views

Observations on epinephrectomized cats treated with adrenal cortex hormone. Hartman F.A., Griffith F.R. Ir and W.I. Hartman (Am. J. of Physiol. 86, 360, 1928)


The state of chronic adrenal insufficiency was observed in 108 bilaterally epinephrectomized cats with daily injection of an extract from the adrenal cortex. The symptoms were similar to those of acute insufficiency, but in general they tended to develop more gradually.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1111-1112
pages 1111-1112 views

Insulin and its relation to ovulation. Cotte G. et Pallot G. (Comp. Rend. Soc. De biol. 99:74, 1928)


Cotte G. et Pallot G. (Comp. Rend. Soc. De biol. 99:74, 1928) found that the injection of therapeutic doses of insulin into rats is accompanied by the cessation of the sexual cycle for the entire duration of injection.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

Physiology of the corpus luteum I. The effect of very early removal of the corpus luteum on the embryo and uterus. Corner G. (Amer. J. of Physiol. 86,74, 1928)


Corner G. (Amer. J. of Physiol. 86,74, 1928) reports on experiments aimed at testing Fränkel's data on the need for corpus luteum to maintain pregnancy in a rabbit, as well as Bouin and Ansel'ya on the need for these glands for pre-pregnant proliferation endometrium.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

Lactic acid in the muscles of rats deprived of the adrenal glands. Mazzocco (Compt. Rend. Soc. De biol. 99, 174, 1928)


Mazzocco (Compt. Rend. Soc. De biol. 99, 174, 1928) examined rats 10, 30 and 60 days after removal of the adrenal glands. Lactic acid was taken immediately after minute tetanization and after resting intervals following tetanization.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

Chronic lymphatic leukemia in twins. W.Dameshek (A.M.J., 20 IV 1929)

Kramov N.


W.Dameshek (A.M.J., 20 IV 1929) reports two brothers, twins, who fell ill at 56 years of age with the same manifestations of limf. leukemia, which resulted in the death of both of them, one after the other after 68 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

Roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) found in the cavity of the right heart. S. Voettiger, (A.M.J., 6 VII 1929)

Kramov N.


The patient, admitted to the hospital with complaints of fever, chills, chest pains, died on the 4th day of illness from pulmonary thrombosis. In connection with this diagnosis, which was confirmed by autopsy, the right ventricle and a. pulmonalis were examined before removal of the viscera en masse.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1112-1113
pages 1112-1113 views

The treatment of lupus vulgaris with the Gersonʹy diet is discussed by S. Bommer and L. Bernhardt from the Giessen clinic prof. Jesіonеk'a (D. m. W. 1929, No. 31)


In recent years, the treatment of lupus has undergone great changes: instead of trying to act with local destructive agents on the local focus of the disease, therapeutic measures seek to raise the vital function of the entire skin, the exchange of the whole organism (light, sun baths of the whole body, cold and hot baths, cleansing of the entire skin). General strengthening, the use of a favorable external environment now play a major role in the therapy of lupus, like all other tuberculosis patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1113-1113
pages 1113-1113 views

Diseases of the circulatory system in childhood. Priv.-Doz. A.F. Heсht (Die Arztliche Praxis No. 3, 1929)

Raysky S.M.


Diseases of the circulatory system in childhood are subdivided into Priv.-Doz. A.F. Hсht (Die Arztliche Praxis No. 3, 1929) into six groups: The first group: endo-, myo- and pericarditis - in infancy are mostly associated with an umbilical infection, suppurative processes, gonorrhea or influenza infection, and later - in connection with rheumatism. Therapy consists in complete rest, digestible food, care for emptying the intestines and in the elimination of all irritations.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1113-1114
pages 1113-1114 views

Anesthesia of the shoulder girdle. A. Balog (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 32)

Tsimkhes I.


Anesthesia of the shoulder girdle. A. Balog (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 32) considers all subclavian methods (Babitzky, Hirschel, Balog, Kil) of anesthesia of the brachial plexus not as a substitute for the Külenkamрff method, but as an aid for those cases where anatomical conditions do not allow anesthesia according to Külenkampff.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Percain as a local anesthetic. H. Seemen (Zentbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 31)

Tsimkhes I.


N. Seemen (Zentbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 31), using percain for the purposes of conduction anesthesia in the form of 0.25-0.1%, for infiltration - 0.05% solutions, observed the complete onset of anesthesia after 5-10 min., and it persisted for 8-10 hours without the onset of subsequent pain.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Developed by A.V. Vishnevsky method of infiltration anesthesia with large amounts of weak solutions of novocaine as applied to the operation of appendicitis (Zentr. F. Chir., S. 1286, 1929)

Klein E.G.


Developed by A.V. Vishnevsky method of infiltration anesthesia with large quantities of weak solutions of novocaine as applied to the operation of appendicitis (Zentr. F. Chir., S. 1286, 1929), consists of a trace. Moments: 1) Infiltration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue along the entire length of the intended incision line. Incision without waiting until aponeurosis. 2) Injection of the solution under the aponeurosis m. obliqui abd. ext. and cut it. 3) Stretching the aponeurosis with hooks, inject m. obliquus abd. int., push apart its fibers and grab the tendon part of m with two Kocher clamps. transv. abdomini, pulling it up in a cone.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1114-1115
pages 1114-1115 views

Appendicitis and trauma. H. Hartoch (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 25)

Tsimkhes I.


In the literature, the question of whether acute inflammation of the worm can be caused is discussed. appendix due to injury. H. Hartoch (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 25) believes that if, among the child's full health after blunt damage to the abdomen, soreness occurs in the right half of the lower abdomen, vomiting, a perforated process with protruding blood is found during the operation. In such cases, the link between trauma and subsequent inflammation is confirmed.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

Open or closed method of treating wounds after sacral rectal surgery? F. Neugebaüer (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 25)

Tsimkhes I.


F. Neugebaüer (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 25) in 51 cases successfully applied the closed method of treating wounds after rectal surgery according to the sacred method. It is necessary to turn each case of resection into an amputation of the intestine.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

Primary acute purulent osteomyelitis of the spine. B. Hubrich (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 33)

Tsimkhes I.


B. Hubrich (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 33) observed 2 cases of primary acute purulent osteomyelitis: in one case of the left transverse process and part of the body of the IV lumbar vertebra; in another case, partial damage to the body of the V lumbar vertebra was observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

To the treatment of an ingrown toenail. Danilyak (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 33)

Tsimkhes I.


Danilyak (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 33) suggests, after complete or partial removal of the nail, carefully trim the nail bed with scissors and cover the still bleeding wound with several layers of sterile gauze and then a layer of cotton wool. On days 3-4, cotton wool and 2-3 upper layers of gauze are replaced.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

To the technique of free fascia transplant. Malyshev. (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 23)

Tsimkhes I.


Malyshev. (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 23) for warming the graft suggests the following: on the outer side of the thigh, a segment of fasciae latae of the required size is excised and remains in the wound bed. A long thread is pulled out from one end of the graft.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

About the surgical treatment of anginae pectoris. S.P. Fedorov (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 26)

Tsimkhes I.


S.P. Fedorov (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 26), advocates that not all forms of angina pectoris are subject to surgical treatment, but only those where therapeutic means cannot be achieved. Surgery on the sympathetic nervous system of the neck leads to not only temporary but also permanent improvement. What operations and in what cases to perform on sympathicus, the future will show.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

A rare case of inward dislocation of the ulna. N. Nomma (Zntralbl. F. Chir., 1929, No. 31)

Tsimkhes I.


N. Nomma (Zntralbl. F., 1929, No. 31) described a case of dislocation of the ulna inward with rotation of the semilunar surface of the ulna inward and a subcapital fracture of the radius with inward displacement.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

The results of the treatment of gastroptosis with transverse resection. Prof. B. Martin (Zentralbl. F. Chir., No. 29, 1929)

Tsimkhes I.


Prof. B. Martin (Zentralbl. F. Chir., No. 29, 1929) in severe cases of pure gastroptosis with success (10 cases) applied a transverse resection of the stomach immediately below the cardi’a by one transverse finger until the lesser curvature was turned into the pyloric part.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

About the kidney carbuncle. H. Köhler (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 31)

Tsimkhes I.


H. Köhler (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 31) gives 3 cases of kidney carbuncle, of which one with an unexplained etiology, the other due to trauma and the third is possibly associated with inflammation of the female genital organs. It is recommended to disinfect the diseased kidney with multiple injections of rivanol and, in exceptional cases, resort to nephrectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

About vascular transplant. K. Wenglowski (Zntralbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 32)

Tsimkhes I.


K. Wenglowski (Zntralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 32) gives a drug for transplanting blood vessels five years ago. The complete patency of the vessel was found in the area of the vascular suture.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

О Degastroenterostomisation. H. Hilarowicz (Zentralbl. f. Chir. 1929, № 25)

Tsimkhes I.


H. Hilarowicz (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 25) gives 5 cases of separation of the anastomosis between the stomach and the small intestine. In all cases, no ulcers were found, and after the destruction of the anastomosis, the patients feel well.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

On the question of a closed, method of surgical treatment of acute empyema. G. Dardel (Zntralbl. F. Chir., 1929, No. 24)

Tsimkhes I.


G. Dardel (Zntralbl. F., 1929, No. 24), on the basis of extensive clinical experience, recommends the treatment of acute empyema by resection of the rib with aspiration using communicating bottles according to Perthes-Iselin.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

About the so-called "pyelo-venösen Refluxes". O. Homuth (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 30)

Tsimkhes I.


O. Homuth (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 30), on the basis of experimental studies, came to the conclusion that, under physiological conditions, the contrast fluid passes into the tubular system of the kidney during lege artis performed by pyelography due to the diffusion of fluid with tissue fluid through the epithelium of the renal pelvis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

Intracisternal serum tetanus treatment. A. Lehrnbecher (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 15)

Tsimkhes I.


A. Lehrnbecher (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 15) describes a severe case of tetanus delivered on day 9 of the incubation period and cured by injections into serum tanks (1660 AE) under avertin anesthesia. Läwen, Hass and the author attach importance to avertin in the treatment of tetanus.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

On stopping bleeding during prostatectomy. I. Baumann (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 34)

Tsimkhes I.


Baumann (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 34) indicates that Prof. Rost'a after removal of the prostate gland, wash the bladder first with 1 liter of fiziol. solution, then 1 liter physiologist, solution in a mixture of 1 gr. potassium chloride (10 to. cm. 10% CaC12 + 1 liter of 0.9 NaCl), after which the bleeding from the wound quickly stops.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

To the treatment of unguis incarnatus. A. Hilse (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 18)

Tsimkhes I.


A. Hilse (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 18) recommends that after removal of the ingrown nail, the wound cavity should be closed more tightly with a tightening plaster.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

About x-ray examination of the gallbladder. W. Baetzner (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 17)

Tsimkhes I.


W. Baetzner (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 17) in 60 cases successfully used X-ray examination of the gallbladder by introducing the drug "Oraltetragnost" per os.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

To the technique of plastic surgery. F. de Quervain (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 20)

Tsimkhes I.


F. de Quervain (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 20) indicates that insufficient attention is paid to 2 very important principles of plastic surgery: 1) the fight against venous accumulation in the plastic flap and 2) confidence in the viability of the transplanted tissue. The author confirms this with examples.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

Sitting operation. H. Flörcken (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 34)

Tsimkhes I.


N. Flörcken (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 34) argues for the seated operation, which he uses in all his operations, both on the rectum and perineum, and in operations on the head and neck, chest and peritoneal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1116-1117
pages 1116-1117 views

On the treatment of postoperative bronchitis with ether injection. A. Abdanski (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 17)

Tsimkhes I.


A. Abdanski (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 17) used ether therapy for postoperative bronchitis in 24 cases: in 5 cases he injected Äther, ol. oliv āā 0.5; in 19 cases. emulsion — Rp Guajacoli, camphorae āā 1.0 01 pini p — 0.5 Mentholi 0, l, Aether Sulf, ol. oliv steril āā 10.0. For painless injections into a record-filled syringe filled with emulsion — 1 ccm. added 0.5 ccm. 1% novocaine solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Plastic surgery of the urethra in scrotal hypospadias. Nissen (Zentbl. F. Chir. 1929, no.16)

Tsimkhes I.


Nissen (Zentbl. F. Chir. 1929, No. 16) uses the skin of the scrotum for the plasty of the urethra. The first moment of the operation consists in the fact that after a perineal urethrotomy followed by the introduction of a catheter, 2 parallel incisions are made along the lower surface of the penis and scrotum, according to the length of the canal defect.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Cramer. N. (M.m.W., S. 2008, 1928) about postoperative psychoses

Vishnevsky A.A.


Cramer. H. (M.m.W., S. 2008, 1928) believes that postoperative psychoses resulting from operations performed in general anesthesia (chloroform, ether, etc.) can only be discussed when the latter occurs in the first days after the performed operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Indications for termination of pregnancy in cardio-renal diseases, according to prof. N. Jagic (Ärztliche Praxis, No. 5, 1929)

Raysky S.M.


N. Jagic (Ärztliche Praxis, No. 5, 1929), are the following cases: decompensation, not inferior to therapy, exacerbation of endocarditis; insufficiency of the mitral valve with symptoms of insufficiency of the heart muscle; arteriosclerotic and luetic vascular changes with highly developed cardiac hypertrophy with hypertension; weakness of the right heart due to wrinkling processes of the lungs and pleura, emphysema of the lungs and kyphoscoliosis; hyperthyroidism and Basedow's disease with enlargement of the heart developing during pregnancy; congenital heart defects with intense cyanosis; cases with decompensation that occurred during previous pregnancies; advanced myocardial diseases with dilatation and heart hypertrophy; heart block; sclerotic and luetic narrowing of the coronary vessels; undoubted cases of mitral stenosis; luetic mesaortitis with significant enlargement of the aorta; chronic nephritis, giving symptoms of a shriveled kidney; acute glomerulo-nephritis with edema and high blood pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Delaying effect of fresh syphilis on classic seizures of Malaria tertiana. Perekropov (Arch. F. Schif. U. Trop., 1929, Bd. 33)

Weinstein A.


Perekropov (Arch. F. Schif. U., 1929, Bd. 33) describes an interesting case of infection with syphilis in a patient who was simultaneously suffering from acute malaria; the latter, despite anti-syphilitic treatment (mercury + Neo), did not disappear, but only changed the clinical course and soon gave relapses; in addition, in two cases of chronic malaria and syphilis, one infection could not suppress the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1117-1118
pages 1117-1118 views

On the question of finding spir. pallida in the organs of mice infected with syphilis. Jahnel u. Prigge (D.m.W. No. 17, 1929)

Dmitriev A.


Jahnel u. Prigge (D.m.W. No. 17, 1929), infecting mice intraperitoneally with strains Nichols, Truffi and Mulzev'a, were subsequently subjected to histological examination of tissues of various organs in order to detect the spirochete.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Syphilis of the central nervous system. Krichevsky and Friede (Kl. W, No. 36, 1929)

Dmitriev A.


Krichevsky and Fride (Kl. W, No. 36, 1929), infecting mice with pieces of chancre containing a large number of sp. pallida, were given to parts of animals with the prophylactic purpose of Stovar-Solan, thereby suggesting to prevent the disease of the central nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Are there mixed forms of congenital and acquired syphilis in infants? E. Hoffmann (D.m.W, No. 31, 1929)

Dmitriev A.


E. Hoffmann (D.m.W, No. 31, 1929) indicates that the statement about the possibility of the existence of those and other forms of syphilis in infants is substantiated by clinical and experimental studies of superinfection.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Treatment of parkinsonism with banisterol and harmine


1) K. Beringer. About a new alkoloid acting on the extrapyramidal motor system. Nervenarzt 1928, no. 5. 2) Lewin u Schuster. Results of Banisterin's action on patients (D.m.W. 1928, March 8) 3) Schuster. The results of experiments with Banisterin'om on nervous patients (Med. Kl. 1929, 5 anp.). 4) Brückl u Muszgung. Identity of Harmin'a and Banisterin'a. (M.m.W. 1929, no. 26). 5) Rustige. Experiments with harmine. (D.m.W. 1929, 12 IV). Some tribes of South America use Banisteria Saari liana tincture as a stimulating drink. Lewin and Schuster recently tested the action of the alkoloid banisterol (formula C13H12N2O) obtained from this vine.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1118-1119
pages 1118-1119 views

In memory of professor D.O. Ott

Manenkov P.


In Leningrad, on July 17 of this year, the famous scientist and outstanding gynecologist of our Union Dmitry Oskarovich Ott died from uro-sepsis, at the age of 75. This talented man, whose name is known not only in the USSR, but also abroad, died on the verge of the 50th anniversary of his scientific, pedagogical, medical and social activities. The characteristic properties of his personality were brilliant talent, enormous erudition, powerful energy and exceptional efficiency.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1119-1121
pages 1119-1121 views

Professor Grigory Vitalievich Khlopin

Miloslavsky V.


On July 30, in Chakva near Batumi, 66 years old (born in 1863), Honored Scientist, Professor of the Military Medical Academy in the Department of General and Military Hygiene G.V. Khlopin.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1121-1123
pages 1121-1123 views

Chronicle. Volume 25, No. 10 (1929)


20022 September marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of our famous physiologist I.P. Pavlova. Honoring I.P. took place in America, where he is at the Congress of Physiologists The Government of the USSR, taking into account the scientific merits of I.P. Pavlova, allocated 100,000 rubles to improve his laboratories.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1123-1126
pages 1123-1126 views

Questions and answers. Volume 25, No. 10 (1929)

Chukalov N.N.


1) Is it possible to artificially induce blood in a woman in menopause? Is it possible to combine pregnancy in the presence of a tumor (fibroma) of the uterus, which is large, taking into account the age (45 years). And how can the presence of blood, caused artificially in this case, be explained?

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1126-1126
pages 1126-1126 views

Letter No. 1. Volume 25, No. 10 (1929)

Rubashev S.M.


Dear Comrade editor! Do not refuse to place in your journal the following letter of appeal to the doctors of the Union, for which I will be very grateful.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1126-1126
pages 1126-1126 views

Letter No. 2. Volume 25, No. 10 (1929)

Lozinsky A.A.


Unable to respond to the numerous telegrams and letters that I have treated and continue to receive on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of my medical practice, I ask you not to refuse to print in your esteemed Journal an expression of my deep gratitude to all institutions, medical societies and individuals who have honored me as their own. greetings. This unexpected attention of my comrades gives me new strength to continue the work to which the best years of my life have been devoted.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(10):1127-1127
pages 1127-1127 views

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