Vol 19, No 5 (1923)

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Regarding the relation of the sympathetic nervous system to the transverse striated muscles

Puchkov N.V.


In several articles published from 1909 to 1913, the Dutch scientist Boeke described in the transverse striated muscles nerve fibers accompanying the motor fleshy ones and ending in the motor plaques of the transverse striated muscle fibers. Examining the m. obliquus sup. of a cat in which the n. trochlearis was cut immediately at the exit from the brain, Voeke found the endings of sensory and motor fibers and preserved muscleless fibers (the cat died on the 4th day after the operation) reincarnated. On this basis, the author attributed the sympathetic origin to these fibers.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):3-8
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To the treatment of pneumonia

Daykhovsky Y.O.


Except for serotherapy, which lately, mainly in America, is again beginning to gain adherents for treatment of some forms of pneumonia, but which is still under development, we have no specific method of treatment of croup pneumonia up to the present time. Hence there are understandable attempts to find any remedy, which would give more or less favorable results in treatment of the named disease. One of such means is quinine, the use of which in croupic fever has been known in the literature for more than 70 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):9-17
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Surgical treatment of gunshot injuries of peripheral nerves

Bogolyubov V.L.


The issue of surgical treatment of gunshot injuries of peripheral nerves until the last war seemed to be extremely underdeveloped. Only the experience of the last World War clarified many aspects of this issue, significantly changing the surgeons' views on the treatment of nerve wounds. However, despite this, even at present the issue of surgical treatment of gunshot nerve injuries seems to be far from exhausted and deserves attention in many respects.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):18-24
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A case of ascites operated on using the new method

Flerov S.A.


The demonstration patient was a 17-year-old girl, who had abdominal dropsy of 3 years' duration on the basis of syphilitic cirrhosis of the liver. Fluid filled the entire abdomen, after repeated punctures it accumulated again on the next day, and, arriving - judging by body weight - about 2 pounds a day, it reached its former size in 1½-2 weeks. The amount of fluid released each time was 10-13 liters.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Bilateral twin tubal pregnancy

Manenkov P.V.


According to Werth and Schaut, bilateral twin tubal pregnancies belong to the third category of twin ectopic pregnancies, the rarest category, which includes only those bilateral tubal pregnancies where both fetuses are the product of the same ovulation, but not those where, after termination in one tube, a new pregnancy occurs in the other,-or, less frequently, in the same tube,ie. i.e., the fetal eggs belong to different ovulation periods.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Anatomical studies on the Golsrohn's modification of the Alехаndеr-Adam's surgery

Sokolov N.V.


The Аlехаndеr-Adam's surgery, which has gained wide rights of citizenship in modern gynecological practice, has its own history, the main stages of which I will allow myself to dwell upon. Its first author must be considered the French surgeon Alquié, who, having noticed the important role of the round uterine ligaments in the normal position of the uterus, on the one hand, and their relaxation and lengthening at displacement of this organ to the bottom, on the other hand, proposed to find the round ligament in the external inguinal ring through a small cut, to stick it out by 10 cm or more, to stitch it with ligature and fix it in the lower corner of the wound.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):37-53
pages 37-53 views

The experience of feeding children with Moro butter-flour mixture

Menshikov V.K.


In the field of artificial feeding of children both the usual methods of milk dilution and various attempts to treat cow's milk in order to bring its composition closer to that of the woman's milk, or to make it more digestible, have never produced a result close to that of mother's breast feeding. The imperfection of artificial feeding has always been the cause of the search in this field, why every new proposal in dietetics attracts great attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):54-62
pages 54-62 views

On the effect of Omorol on urethral gonorrhea in men

Krivosheev N.P.


With the discovery of the contagious origin of gonorrhea in the form of the gonococcus discovered by Neisser (in 1879), a new era has dawned in the treatment of the disease: nowadays we must be guided by the clinical symptoms of the disease alone, but we must have in mind a substantial and valid criterion. The treatment of this disease has ushered in a new era: nowadays, in assessing the results of the treatment of gonorrhoea, we must not be guided only by the clinical symptoms of the disease, but we must have in mind a more substantial and valid criterion, namely the presence or absence of gonococci in the urethra secretions, and to better fulfill the task of therapy we must, upon establishing the diagnosis of the disease, disinfect the diseased urethra as quickly and reliably as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):63-70
pages 63-70 views

On the digestibility of whole grain bread

Miloslavsky V.V.


In No. 182 of the "Proceedings of the TSIK" of 18/VIII 1921 was printed an article by I. Ivanovich under the title: "From a pood of grain-two poods of bread (one of the means to be satiated in the days of hunger)". The article was written about P. A. Zarin's experiments with baking bread from whole grain.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):71-84
pages 71-84 views

The Hérelle phenomenon, its nature and significance from the point of view of biologists and clinicians

Tushnov M.P.


From individual facts through their generalization scientific hypotheses and theories are created, which in turn are the basis for new conquests of science. Therefore, it is not surprising that often a suddenly discovered fact produces a whole revolution in our views. Often such a fact, which in the beginning does not fit in our ideas, later serves as a starting point for the creation of a new theory. So it was with discoveries of phagocytosis, gemolysis, bacteriolysis, Kraus' precipitations, agglutination, anaphylaxis, etc. Apparently, the so-called "dʹHerelle phenomenon" has the same place nowadays.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):85-103
pages 85-103 views

Protein therapy for gastric ulcers. Каlk (Klin. Woch., 1922, No. 28)

Luria R.


Favorable results of treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers by parenteral administration of protein, obtained by Pribram, who published 77 cases treated with novoprotein (a crystalline preparation of vegetable protein), made Calck test this method on the material, where there were not only subjective complaints of patients - pain after eating, but also objective, especially roentgenological symptoms of gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):103-104
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To the therapeutic treatment of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodeni. Orliansky (Klinische Woch., 1923, No. 29)

Luria R.


As early as 1911 the American physician Sippy suggested an original method of peptic ulcer treatment, which became widespread in America, England and France. The famous English surgeon Wоуnihаn in 1911 expressed the Sippy method as one of the most rational therapeutic methods of treatment of ulcus duodeni; the same opinion is held by Мауо.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):104-104
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A simple method for the reduction of dislocations of the hip joint. Khrustalev (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1922, bb. 4-9)

Alekseeva E.


This method was proposed back in the first half of the 19th century. The patient is laid in such a way that the Pourontoʹs ligament lies parallel to the edge of the table. The patient is laid so that the Pourontoʹva ligament of the dislocated side lies parallel to the edge of the table, and the pelvis is pressed by the anterior-upper spine and the pubis to the table with a helper's hand pressing on the sacrum. The dislocated leg slowly hangs over the edge of the table, bending at the hip joint to a right angle. The surgeon bends the patient's leg at the knee and, pressing down firmly, makes gentle rotating movements at the same time.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Albee operation in tuberculosis of the spine. Petrashevskaya (Vestn. Khir., 1922, bb. 4, 5, 6)

Friedland M.


Albee's operation in tuberculosis of the spine has been performed in the Obukhov (Petrograd) Hospital since 1914. 35 times in patients aged from 7 to 45 years; these cases are reported by Petrashevskaya, who accounted for ⅓ of the total number of those operated on.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):105-105
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Ankle arthrodesis. Rokitsky (Khir. Arch. Veliam., 1916, book 1), Lisovskaya, Janelidze (Vestnik Khir., 1923, Oppel's Jubilee Collection)

Friedland M.


Arthrodesis surgery (artificial ankylosis) of severely paralyzed, "dangling joints restores the ability to work to a large extent. The most frequent subject of arthrodesis is the ankle joint, for which at least 15 different modifications of arthrodesis operations have been suggested to date.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):105-106
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A simple way to plasticize a sunken nose. Prof. Petrov (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1922, bb. 4-6)

Alekseeva E.


A 1 cm incision on the nasal septum, immediately under the tip, insertion of Kocher's forceps and peeling off the skin to the bridge of the nose. A graft in the form of a sharpened trihedral prism taken from the tibia (with the sharp end to the nose bridge) is inserted into the prepared passage. Finally, one suture is placed for 24 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):106-106
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Angina ulсеrо membranacea s. Plant-Vincenti and its treatment. Anthon (Zeitsch. f. Hals, Nasen-und Ohrenheilk., 1922 Bd. I)

Rozhdestvensky I.


The author reports 98 cases of Planti stomatitis observed in the Charité Polyclinic in Berlin during the second half of 1920. Of these, 87 cases had Plant's angina along with stomatitis, and in 85 cases only one tonsil with adjoining circumference (plica triangularis, mucole) was affected, and in 2 cases both tonsils with mucole were affected.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):106-107
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Sympathectomiа periarterialis. Brüning (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 2, 20)

Weinberg M.


The sympathectomy introduced by Leriche, modified by Brüning, has been repeatedly used recently for diseases of the vasomotor-trophic system. He cites, for example, a case of caudae eqninae with a trophic ulcer on the right shin and a decubitus in the sciatic region on the right, which healed after sympathectomy on the right femoralis art. despite being 4 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):107-107
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Rapid anatomical recognition of progressive paralysis. Stiefler (Münch. m. Woch., 1923, No. 22)

Weinberg M.


The examination of the brain by the histological methods of Hiessl and Alzhiemer for the recognition of progressive paralysis is inaccessible to the practical doctor, why Stiefler (Münch. m. Woch., 1923, No. 22) warmly recommends the witty histo-chemical method of Spatz.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):107-108
pages 107-108 views

Acropathia amyoneurotica ex inanitione. Shalabutov (Sci. Med., 1922, No. 9)

Alekseeva E.


The author describes a well-known disease of the fingers and, less frequently, of the feet, which was particularly frequent in 1918-1919. The redness, swelling of the fingers, hemorrhages in the skin, sometimes ulcerations, and a local decrease in skin t° are the distinguishing features of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):108-108
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Sinus puncture for diagnostic purposes and intra-sinus infusions of salvarsan. Schönfeld (Münch. med. Woch., 1923, No. 18)

Weinberg M.


Sinus puncture for diagnostic purposes and intrasinus infusions of salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis in infants are widely used by Schönfeld, because it is not always possible to get into the vein of the infant. This method was first introduced in 1916 by Tobler.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):108-109
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Encephalitis haemorrhagica when treated with salvarsan. Wоenкhaus (Münch. med. Woch. 1923, No. 21)

Weinberg M.


The author observed a case of fatal outcome of salvarsan therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Dühringʹs dermatitis herpetiformis , as a consequence of iodine intoxication. Hildebrandt (Diss., Іena, 1920)

Kandaratsky A.


Skin diseases caused by iodine consumption in the form of erythema iodide, purpura, acne, jododerma tuberosum and iodist. pemphigus have long been known. Hildebrandt was convinced that Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis can also result from the action of iodine.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):109-109
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Prof. V. Y. Danilevsky. Life and the Sun. Nauchnaya Mysl Publisher, Kharkov, 1923. (98 pp. and 3 tables).

Friedland M.


This small book is a masterful presentation of physiological essays from the angle of existing theories of biogenesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):110-110
pages 110-110 views

N. Filatov. Concise Textbook of Children's Diseases for Last Semesters' Students. Ed. XI (posthumous). Gos. Izd. Berlin. 1922.

Lepsky E.


Every Russian physician knows Filatov's "brief textbook," and many more generations of physicians will learn from this book. Looking through it, one is surprised at how little it shows that it was written 30 years ago; this is because in his "brief textbook" Filatov does not dwell on ephemeral hypotheses, theories, etc., but confines himself almost exclusively to the clinical picture of diseases, and in this area he is not surpassed even by the modern coryphaei of pediatrics.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Handbook of Malaria Control. Issue 1-5. NKZ Tropical Institute. Ed. E. I. Martsinovsky

Miloslavsky V.


The timeliness of the appearance of reference books on malaria is not to be questioned: due both to the pandemic spread of malaria and the lack of new books on the subject on the market, their publication should be warmly welcomed.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):111-112
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P.N.Bulatov and N.G. Freiberg. Hygiene. A short tutorial. 5th add. edition. M. 1922. Price 1 ruble

Miloslavsky V.


The 208-page book outlines all of hygiene, including general, occupational, school, military, epidemiology, epizootic, and finally, the protection of mothers and children.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(5):112-112
pages 112-112 views

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