Vol 27, No 9-10 (1931)

Cover Page

Full Issue

XIV anniversary of October and healthcare

Грязнов И.С.


The proletariat under the leadership of the CPSU (b) has achieved tremendous success in socialist construction. New giants of socialist industry and new industrial centers have grown up. Only the other day, the "New AMO named after T." was launched. Stalin and the Kharkov Tractor Plant named after T. Ordzhonikidze. The launch date of Magnetostroy, Kuznetskstroy, Bereznikovsky and Bobrikovsky plants, Nizhny Novgorod Automobile Plant and other major enterprises is close. The village, overcoming its backwardness, has embarked on a firm path of socialist development. The liquidation of the Kulaks as a class in the main grain and raw material regions of the USSR is coming to an end.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):931-950
pages 931-950 views

To the method of cultivation of spiro ch. pallida

Geltzer P.R.


Due to the need to study the immunobiological properties of sp. pallida, the preparation of antigens from these spirochetes for practical purposes, we faced the question of obtaining mass cultures of sp. pallida. To obtain such k-p, on the one hand, the cultivation technique should be simplified as much as possible, and on the other hand, the nutrient media used should not contain pieces of organs that easily disintegrate and turn into sediment during centrifugation. The release of cultures from these particles by settling and merging is associated with the loss of a large amount of material. In this regard, it would be of great importance to grow sp. pallida either with pieces of such organs that would not give turbidity to the medium, or growing without adding pieces of animal tissue. As for the first possibility, despite the addition of pieces of such relatively difficult-to-loosen organs as the heart or lung to the nutrient broth, the medium still becomes cloudy, and thus, during centrifugation, the smallest particles of these organs accumulate in the sediment. Regarding the development of spirochetes, it must be said that on such media consisting of a single horsemeat broth, pH = 7.6, with the addition of pieces of heart or lung muscle, they develop well, but all the development comes somewhat slower and the number of spirochetes is less than on the medium we usually use with pieces of bull liver.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):951-955
pages 951-955 views

Experience of growing pale spirochete in tissue cultures

Israelson M.M.


The living conditions of microorganisms in tissue cultures, of course, are not identical to the conditions of their life in a living organism, but they approach them and therefore many questions related to the relationship between a living tissue cell and a virus can be resolved by direct observation in vitro.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):955-957
pages 955-957 views

Does soy contain antirachitic vitamin?

Lepsky E.M., Tyamina G.S.


Soy should be widely distributed in our Union as a food product, partially replacing animal proteins. One of the primary tasks for physiologists, hygienists and doctors is therefore a comprehensive study of the nutritional properties of soy.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):957-961
pages 957-961 views

To epidemiology and clinic of malarial coma (Encephalitis malarica)

Stepanov P.N., Tutaeva E.A., Abbasov A.I.


It seems that none of the diseases has such a multifaceted and variegated clinical picture as malaria. There is no system, there is no organ that in one way or another would not show its response to the malaria toxin. Among this polymorphism of clinical symptoms of malaria, the infinite variety of its complications, some deserve special attention. These include complications from the nervous system. These complications can be: 1) from the central nervous system, 2) from the peripheral nervous system and 3) from the autonomic nervous system. Complications from the peripheral nervous system are manifested by neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuritis. From the autonomic nervous system: sweating, pallor, lacrimation, etc. From the central nervous system, complications manifest themselves in the form of hemiplegia; paralysis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis type syndrome, meningitis, encephalitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):961-968
pages 961-968 views

The spread of rickets among the children's population of Kazan

Agafonov F.D.


Over the past ten to fifteen years, attention to rickets has increased significantly and its study has revived. If at the first Congress of Pediatric Doctors rickets was presented by the only, though very interesting report of Dr. M. about Mr. a, then already in the proceedings of the III and IV Congresses we find that much more attention was paid to it, a temporary working classification was adopted to account for the incidence of rickets and a questionnaire for the examination of children for rickets. Unfortunately, this questionnaire appeared in print after most of this work had been done. Reports on the work on the study of the pathogenesis and clinic of rickets are found in the literature both Russian and foreign more and more often (Dombrovskaya, Vlasov, Lepsky, Combu, Gyorgy, and many others). At the same time, the literature that takes into account the spread of rickets among the children's population, especially among the population of our Union, is very few. Antonov definitely calls rickets a social disease. True, not all authors agree with him in this regard (Kuskov, Kisel, Feldman, Strelzhbitsky), but if we pay attention to the huge% of rickets among children of the first two years of life, which is indicated in the works of many authors (according to Zhukovsky, for example, 95%) and the impact that rickets has on the overall health of the team, we will have to fully agree with him.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):968-975
pages 968-975 views

On the issue of traumatic strictures of the small intestine

Kiselyov A.G.


Cicatricial narrowing of the small intestine, which develops after a blunt injury to the abdomen, is an extremely rare phenomenon. H. Byu11neg, looking through the world literature on this issue, in his work he could cite only 21 cases, of which 19 occur in the small intestine and 2 cases in the duodenum. Such a rarity of the disease with significantly increased traumatism is explained, on the one hand, by the fact that these injuries end fatally in the shortest time after injury due to intra-abdominal hemorrhage or complete rupture of the intestine," and on the other hand, by the mobility and evasiveness" of the intestine, for damage to which it is necessary to press it against something solid, which is difficult to do in the abdominal cavity^ The technique of such injuries is somewhat monotonous. In most cases, this is compression compression of the abdominal cavity with the compression of the damaged intestine to the spine or pelvic bones. In cases where the mesentery breaks off during injury ^. Her tie provides an explanation of the mechanism of this injury, which is observed mainly when moving through the belly of a crew or car. "Moreover, he says, the intestine is captured by a wheel in the likeness of a rubber tire, the mesentery is pulled off by them in the longitudinal direction of the intestine for a longer or shorter length; or the intestine, reinforced in the form of a fold on the mesentery, breaks away from the place of attachment." Along with such a typical technique of confirmation, there are also casuistic cases, such as: falling from a horse on the head of a sword, a hoof strike, etc. The male sex is mainly susceptible to injury. The age varies from 5 to 65 years. Our case concerns a girl-18 years old. I give it in detail.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):975-981
pages 975-981 views

About futile operations for stomach syphilis

Kimbarovsky M.A.


"Studying the clinic of late metasiphilitic diseases of the stomach in order to be able to distinguish them from similar and very similar diseases of the stomach of non-syphilitic origin, the doctor will receive great satisfaction and a brilliant effect of his treatment, often bordering on a miraculous deliverance of the patient from mortal danger."

Prof. R. A. Luria

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):981-988
pages 981-988 views

On the issue of seminal cysts

Granat B.S.


Discovered in 1843 by the Englishman Liston and having their own casuistry abroad, seminal cysts, as far as we know from the literature available to us, are described only twice in Russian literature: Sinitsyn in 1900 and Rabinovich in 1927. Meanwhile, both of these authors believe that seminal cyst is not so rare, but due to the difficulty of differential diagnosis with dropsy of the testicle or, less often, the spermatic cord, is often viewed as a sui generis disease and is diagnosed with these sufferings. 9 cases of Sinitsyn, 7 cases of Rabinovich and the complete absence of them from other Russian surgeons (at least published, except for the case of Dr. Fedorov, reported at a meeting of the Surgeon section of the Medical Association at Kazan University 26/III 1928 - g.) involuntarily makes one think that seminal cysts are diagnosed only when they are meant, and that they occur much more often than they think.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):989-992
pages 989-992 views

Checking one of the ways to separate the umbilical cord-applying a Kocher clamp

Andreev L.N.


The question of the care of the umbilical cord and the umbilical cord residue (about the time of separation of the umbilical cord, the method of separating it, the length of the stump, the method of caring for the umbilical cord residue, about the time of its separation, the condition of the subsequent umbilical wound, the meaning of the "umbilical gate for infection of the body, etc.), of course, is not new and has long occupied the minds of many doctors. But still, despite the fact that those who practically came into contact with the newborn were very interested in this issue, the latter has not yet been finally resolved. Many ways of separating the umbilical cord and caring for the umbilical cord of a newborn have been proposed, and there is not one universally recognized. There are supporters of early and late separation of the umbilical cord, supporters of different ways of separating it (dressing, annealing, one cut, crushing, clamping, etc.), supporters of leaving a long and short stump, supporters of aseptic and antiseptic care, dry and oil dressing, supporters of replaceable and permanent dressing, bathing and non-bathing in the first days after birth, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):992-996
pages 992-996 views

Methods of recognition of gonorrhea of female genital organs

Lviv N.A.


The growth of gonorrhea in the post-war period increased so dramatically that it acquired the character of a social disaster. German scientist Prof. Wagner, comparing statistics on gonorrhea during the time before the war and after it, found that in the post-war period the growth of gonorrhea diseases increased by 266% - A fact that should be pondered. In our Union, although there are no such comparative statistical data, there is still almost no doubt that in the post-war period the number of gonorrhea patients increased dramatically. Moreover, gonorrhea has penetrated into the village, where, in the absence of proper treatment, it flourishes and cripples women of working age. Unfortunately for us, we do not have such methods of treatment with which it would be possible to eliminate gonorrhea easily and quickly; and, worst of all, often we cannot even recognize it where it exists.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):996-1001
pages 996-1001 views

Quinine as a therapeutic agent for female gonorrhea and its complications

Uspenskaya M.P.


Now everyone already knows that gonorrhea, this scourge of humanity, in each individual case, from the first moment gonococcus enters the human body, is not only a local, but also a general infectious process, and with the appearance of some complication, the prognosis of gonorrhea becomes in some cases even life-threatening to the patient. The doctrine of gonorrhea, especially female, has recently made tremendous progress. Works by Bumm, Wertheim, Fritsch. Dunkler, Menge, Schroeder, etc. We have made a lot of new developments in the development of the pathological anatomy of gonorrhea infection and the histopathology of gonorrhea of the female genital organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1001-1004
pages 1001-1004 views

Clinic of temporal tumors

Nikolsky V.A., Kovalev E.I.


The area of the temporal lobes, which not so long ago belonged to the number of "dumb", has recently gradually acquired some topical symptoms. From the material at our disposal, we would like to identify a number of symptoms that, on the one hand, occur with temporal tumors, on the other-the possibility of which must be borne in mind in the presence of neoplasms of this area. This is especially important for neurosurgeons in cases where a threatening drop in vision does not give the right to wait for the formed symptom complex. Early diagnosis of temporal tumors is especially important also in the sense that this area is the most convenient for surgical intervention and it is especially unpleasant to lose sight due to late surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1004-1014
pages 1004-1014 views

Mathematics and Medicine

Vinnikov M.E., Mastbaum M.I., Rachlin L.M., Slepkov V.N., Zuckerman S.S.


In the "Proceedings of the State Institute for the usover. doctors", vol. II, for. 1931, due to an oversight of the editorial board, an article by Dr. D. N. Matveev "Mathematics in medicine" appeared.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1015-1029
pages 1015-1029 views

Advantages of the system of correspondence improvement of doctors

Rozhansky V.I.


Not all doctors know about the system of correspondence improvement. Those who know about this system do not know about its advantages and advantages, and some look at the correspondence system as unworthy of them. The latter category believes that the doctor has nothing to resort to a correspondence improvement system, that this system is suitable only for people with secondary education. To supplement their knowledge, these comrades subscribe to several magazines. Without denying the importance of the journal in replenishing the knowledge of doctors, we nevertheless want to draw the attention of comrades that journals do not give everything to the reader. Our goal is to show our comrades that the distance learning system plays a colossal and exceptional role both in raising the qualifications of a doctor, in his Marxist-Leninist upbringing, and in guiding his daily actions. In fact, the courses of correspondence advanced training of doctors at the Institute of Correspondence Education of the NKZDRAV in Moscow are arranged in such a way that they fully provide the noted provisions.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1030-1032
pages 1030-1032 views

The role of a doctor in the fight against alcoholism

Eichenwald L.I.


The participation of the medical masses in the anti-alcohol movement -with few exceptions -is so weak and unorganized that it forces them to fix attention on themselves, because who else but a doctor should be the initiator and active participant in the fight against the green snake and the conductor of the ideas of sobriety. This is required by the biosocial significance of the problem of the anti-alcohol movement, especially now-during the period of reconstructive growth of our national economy and continuous collectivization. A meeting of doctors-members of the first plenum of the All-Union Council of Anti-Alcohol Societies in the USSR —recognized the need to organize a medical section at the All-Union Anti-Alcohol Congress and links with medical congresses in order to attract the medical masses to the fight against drug addiction). In addition, it was decided to put in the general press the question of the role of the doctor in the fight against alcohol, as well as about the abstinence of doctors in general and especially narcologists, psychiatrists, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1032-1035
pages 1032-1035 views

A drug receiver for the acutely poisoned with alcohol and the experience of his one-year work in the Frunzensky district (Moscow)

Bogolepov N.K., Khondkarian O.A.


The fight against alcoholism in the USSR, which began with therapeutic and preventive and voluntary public assistance, was marked in 1929 by a major victory*-the opening of a Drug Reception Center-a medical institution whose task is to provide medical care to acutely poisoned alcoholics. It is quite obvious that an alcoholic in a state of intoxication needs the same medical care as any acutely ill person; it is possible only in institutions specially adapted for this purpose.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1035-1042
pages 1035-1042 views

The spread of goiter in Switzerland and the fight against it

Schwartz S.M.


I used my stay in Switzerland, at the International Congress on Occupational Pathology and Traumatology, to visit the widely advertised first Swiss Exhibition of Hygiene and Sports (Hyspa) in Bern. I will not dwell on the description of the exhibition, the numerous departments of which are not of great interest to us. I think, however, it is necessary to focus on the section illustrating the spread of goiter in Switzerland and measures to combat it; especially since we have a number of localities where goiter is significantly widespread (in particular in the Mari Autonomous Region).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1043-1045
pages 1043-1045 views

VII-th International Psychotechnical Conference. (Moscow. 8-13/IX 1931)

Yurovskaya M.A.


According to the decisions of the VI th International Psychotechnical Conference in Utrecht, the III th International conference took place here in the USSR. The Congress revealed with sufficient clarity (the main points, however, were clear before) that we do not and cannot have a common language with the majority of delegates who came from capitalist countries. Their psychotechnics- the flesh of the flesh of capitalism - and our Soviet psychotechnics have completely different attitudes and pursue completely different goals. The latter circumstance was revealed two or three days before the formal opening of the congress, when the commissions of the International Psychotechnical Association began to work. The Soviet representatives in the commissions 'made concrete proposals and draft resolutions on the work of the commissions, and that's where the heated debate broke out, and it turned out that it was impossible to find a common one.the language is due to the difference in the basic principles. Prof. Lipman- the actual chairman of several commissions, due to the non-appearance of a number of foreign delegates -immediately took up arms against the attempts of Soviet delegates to justify their proposals with the principles of dialectical materialism. Prof. Lipman stated that he did not come at all to "engage in philosophy", He never agreed to introduce into the draft resolution the wording of the Soviet delegates-about the advantages that the Soviet form of production gives to increase labor productivity and at the same time to combat injuries. In response to the strong arguments of the Soviet delegates, Prof. Lipman was forced to declare: "I personally agree with the opinion of the Soviet delegates, but I do not consider it scientifically justified." It goes without saying that this meant in fact the rejection of the proposals of the Soviet delegation. Therefore, to the resolutions of the majority of the commissions (on taking into account the influence of the human factor on labor productivity, on injuries, on the influence of the social environment, on terminology), the Soviet delegates made their additions to the congress, rejected by the commissions in the case, in the form of declarations.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1045-1054
pages 1045-1054 views

More about the First All-Union Congress of Oncologists in Kharkiv

Gasul R.Y.


A crowded congress (about 1000 participants) in the large building of the communication club was opened with a big speech by the People's Commissar of Health T. Kantorovich, who dwelt in detail on the tasks of healthcare in the reconstruction period, noting the importance that the reorganization of the personnel training system, the creation of medical and sanitary workshops in production and the organization of anti-cancer control on all fronts is now acquiring. The problem of a single dispensary is a class problem and should be linked to the structure of the leading branches of our economy. It is necessary to study the social pathology and prevalence of cancer, especially among industrial workers and collective farmers, and to develop health prevention for those types of cancer whose pathogenesis has been studied, such as, for example, occupational cancer. Wherever possible, oncological institutes or dispensaries should be established with accurate patient records and well-established diagnostics and therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1054-1056
pages 1054-1056 views

In memory of Faraday. (To the centenary of the discovery of electromagnetic induction).

Smirnitsky B.


The centenary of Mikhail Faraday's discovery of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which turned 2/X 31, obliges us to remember with a sense of gratitude the author of this colossal discovery.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1056-1060
pages 1056-1060 views

K. G. Bol. (To the 35th anniversary of scientific and educational activities)

Viktorov К.


On October 15 of this year, the public of Kazan welcomed the Honored Scientist, Hero of Socialist construction and labor, professor, director and honorary member of the Kazan Zooveterin. The Institute of Karl Henrikhovich Bol on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birth and the 35th anniversary of scientific and educational activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1061-1062
pages 1061-1062 views

A. A. Vishnevsky and V. S. Zimnitsky. To the problem of the integrity of the animal organism. Notes on the correlation of the endocrine glands. With a preface by K. In Volkova (Yadrin), p. 80, Tatisdat, Kazan, 1931 - Price 1 p. 10 K.

Breitman M.J.


A. A. Vishnevsky and V. S. Zimnitsky. To the problem of the integrity of the animal organism. Notes on the correlation of the endocrine glands. With a preface by K. In Volkova (Yadrin), p. 80, Tatisdat, Kazan, 1931 - Price 1 p. 10 K.
The appearance of this brochure is quite timely. In the preface, K. V. Volkov emphasizes the authors' desire to find out the role of internal secretion in the general system of interrelations, interactions with other systems and organs of the human body, and they emphasize the fundamental recognition of the primacy of the social moment in understanding the pathogenesis of all human diseases. K. V. Volkov hopes that the authors will take further steps towards the practical application of this imperative principle' in the study of specific topics of their future works. The brochure has another great advantage: strict scientific objectivity and cultural criticism of other people's views. Apparently, the authors are inspired by a sincere desire to find out the truth, and not to show that only they are right, and everyone else does not understand anything. Then, however, they also switch to the feuilleton language: "if these glands were decomposed in pairs on a pathologic-anatomical plate", "shoots at the hormone"-such "jokes" could be avoided in a scientific work, especially since they concern precisely those objections of the authors in which they are weakest.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1062-1064
pages 1062-1064 views

Behm, Karl. The bed is wet. Its treatment and control. On the basis of type theory and the holistic picture (anthropognosis). 46 Pages. Leipzig. Published by Leopold Voss. 1930. Price RM 2. 50.

Galant I.


Bem, Karl. Das Bett nässleiden. Seine Behandlung und Bekämpfung. Auf Grund der Typenlehre u. des Ganzheitsbildes (Anthropognose). 46 Seiten. Leipzig. Verlag Leopold Voss. 1930. Preis RM 2. 50.
Among children suffering from nocturnal urinary incontinence, the author distinguishes 3 types: 1. Degenerative children (feeble-minded or intellectually disabled); 2. Phlegmatic children (apathetic, slow, etc.); 3. Neuropaths (with increased excitability, prone to fears, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1064-1064
pages 1064-1064 views

Reich mann, Doris. Gymnastik mit den Kleinsten. Ein Lehrbucb der 'Säuglingsgymnastik. 63 Seiten. Verlag von Adolf Sponholz. Hannover 1930.

Galant I.


Reichmann, Doris. Gymnastic mit den Kleinen. Ein Lehrbuch der 'Säuglingsgymnastik. 63 Seiten. Verlag von Adolf Sponholz. Hannover 1930.
Healthy infants aged 4 to 12 months, according to the author, need gymnastics.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

Eliasbèгg, W. The difficult child. Verlag Ginelin, Munich 1931. 96 pages.

Galant I.


Eliasbегg, W. Das schwierige Kind. Verlag Ginelin, München 1931. 96 Seiten.
The problem of a difficult-to-educate child, as you know, is in the center of attention of Soviet pedology.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

T. K. Richards, observing the heart of people involved in athletics (The Journal of the American. Medical Association. 1930, v. 94, № 25),


T. K. Richards, observing the heart of people involved in athletics (The Journal of the American. Medical Association. 1930, v. 94, No. 25), makes an attempt to identify the cause of the collapse that occurs during or at the end of a heavy exercise

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

А. Хайман. А. Парсонне (Журн. об американце. Медик. Доц. 1930, 94, № 21)


A. Hymana. A. Parsonnet (The Journal of the Americas. Medic. Assoc. 1930, 94, No. 21) distinguish between inflammatory and degenerative processes in the heart, calling the second myocardoses.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1065-1066
pages 1065-1066 views

V. A. Schwarze, studying rheumatic heart diseases (The- Journal of the Amer. Medic. Associât. 1930, v. 94. № 12)


48) V. A. Schwarze, studying rheumatic heart diseases (The- Journal of the Amer. Medic. Associât. 1930, v. 94. No. 12), provides the results of a survey of 58 cases of heart disease; 40 of them are below 16 years old, 12 are between 16 and 35 and 6 are over 35 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

A. S. Hyman (The Journ. of the Americ. Medic. Associât. 1930, v. 94.. № 15


A. S. Hyman (The Journ. of the American. Medic. Associât. 1930, v. 94.. No. 15) reports 9 cases of thoracic toad complicating influenza (out of 412 cases) - in the period from 1925 to 1929.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

David a. Smith (The Journ. of the Americ. Medic. Associât. 1930r. v. 94, № 1)


David a. Smith (The Journal. of the American. Medic. Associât. 1930r. v. 94, No. 1) indicates that in addition to secondary bronchial and lung diseases, primary lung disease with fuzo-spirochetosis is sometimes found in Vincentian angina.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

The founder of "infectious therapy" Wagner-Jaurreg points out (Wien. med. Woch., № 34, 1931)

Galant I.


The founder of "infectious therapy" Wagner-Jaurreg points out (Wien. med. Woch., No. 34, 1931) on the great preventive value of nonspecific malarial treatment of progressive paralysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1066-1067
pages 1066-1067 views

Have so far explained the effect of malaria treatment in progressive paralysis as follows.

Galant I.


Until now, the effect of malaria treatment in progressive paralysis has been explained as follows. Some authors admitted that high temperature kills spirochetes, others believed that immune bodies caused by malaria plasmodia neutralize spirochetes, and, finally, still others express the idea that due to the action of fever, the permeability of meningi and vessels increases and the antiluetic agents used more easily penetrate to the diseased places of the central nervous system. All these explanations of the therapeutic effect of malaria fever in PP do not satisfy Carbo (Wiener klin. Wochenschrift, № 33, 1931).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

Walther points out (Schweizerische med. Wochenschrift No. 29. 1931M that from 1924 to 1931, 33 progres were treated with malaria at the Waldau Psychiatric Clinic in Bern (Switzerland). paralytics

Galant I.


Walther указывает (Schweizerische med. Wochenschrift № 29. 1931V что с 1924 по 1931 г. в психиатрической клинике Валь дау в Берне (Швейцария г были подвергнуты лечению малярией 33 прогрес. паралитика. Из них 14 могли быть выписаны с улучшением, у 13 получилось благодаря лечению малярией улучшение, но не в такой степени, чтобы их можно было выписать из клиники; в 3 случаях лечение оказалось безрезультатным, а 3 паралитика умерли во время и вследствие лечения,малярией.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

Gmige, a practical doctor (not a psychiatrist) in Trubbach (Switzerland) gives (Schw. med. W. No. 24, 1931) genealogical tables of 66 surnames (in 4 generations), the individual members of which (number 1357) are all well known to him

Galant I.


Gmige, a practical doctor (not a psychiatrist) in Trubbach (Switzerland) gives (Schw. med. W. No. 24, 1931) genealogical tables of 66 surnames (in 4 generations), the individual members of which (number 1357) are all well known to him

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

Modem F. S. Encephalopathia thyrotoxica. "Klinische Wochenschrift", 29, 1931.

Galant I.


Modem F. S. Encephalopathia thyreotoxica. «Klinische Wochenschrift», 29, 1931. This picture of the disease described by Wullenweber is known in America as thyrotoxic crises.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Known for his socio-political and socio-hygienic writings, German psychiatrist Robert Sommer (summer To upper T. prefer anthrotheia of a moving body in human blood serum after electrolysis. Z. Neuro. Bd.131.H73.1930)

Galant I.


The German psychiatrist Robert Sommer, known for his socio-political and socio-hygienic writings (Sommer To ober t. lieber das Anftroteii bewegter Körper im menschlichen Blutserum nach Elektrolyse. Z. Neurol. Bd. 131. H73. 1930) carried out experiments with blood electrolysis, while he found that if during blood electrolysis the median fluid (Zwischenflüs- sigkeit) is argentum nitricum (Ag N03), then under the action of a galvanic current from 0.5 to 2m for 1/2 - 2 hours, very mobile small black corpuscles appeared in large quantities in the anode liquid, clearly distinguishable from stationary blood beads.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Michels сообаает ("German med. W." № 37.1930)

Galant I.


Michels reports ("Deutsche med. W." No. 37.1930) that the best remedy for epilepsy is lubrocal, a drug that includes luminal and bromine.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

R. S. Visu reports on a case of intervertebral cartilage chondroma {Journal of America. Medic. Assoc. 1930, 94. No. 20)


R. S. Visu reports a case of intervertebral cartilage chondroma {The Hour, of the America. Medic. Assoc. 1930, 94. No. 20), which turned out to be a fibrochondroma emanating from cartilage 3-4 explanations. vertebrae and squeezing the ponytail.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Resolution of the Commission of Execution under the SEC of the RSFSR on the implementation of the resolution of the SEC of the RSFSR of August 18, 1931 on the medical and sanitary condition of Magnitogorsk construction


Resolution of the Commission of Execution under the SEC of the RSFSR on the implementation of the resolution of the SEC of the RSFSR of August 18, 1931 on the medical and sanitary condition of Magnitogorsk construction.
Having heard the report of the Deputy People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR T. Mukhin and the co-report of the HKPKÏÏ RSFSR Comrade. Trilisser on the implementation of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of August 18 this year on the medical and sanitary condition of Magnitogorsk construction, the Commission of Execution considers it established that a turning point in improving the sanitary condition of construction has not been achieved:

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(9-10):1068-1072
pages 1068-1072 views

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