Vol 31, No 8-9 (1935)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Centenary of the Kazan Anatomical Theater

Ternovsky V.N.


The Anatomical Theatre of Kazan State Medical Institute celebrates 100 years of existence, while the Department of Anatomy started its work at the University much earlier, among the 6 departments that made up the then Faculty of Medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):919-921
pages 919-921 views

On the spread of endemic goitre in the Tatar Republic

Krupachev I.F.


A comprehensive study of the endemic goiter shows that the latter has a certain geographical distribution. Affecting entire villages and districts, it acquires the character of a national disaster, since it bears in itself the beginnings of human degeneration in the form of cretinism, varying degrees of mental and physical backwardness: deafness, infantilism and a number of other constitutional violations.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):922-929
pages 922-929 views

Morbidity of the insured at industrial enterprises in Kazan

Nimtsovitskaya M.A.


In our work, published in 1933 in the "Kazan Medical Journal", an analysis of the incidence of disability in the main industrial enterprises of Kazan for 1931 and 1932 is given. In this work, we will try to give a brief overview of the incidence for 1933 and 1934 for 25 industries Kazan, with a total number of insured about 30,000.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):929-938
pages 929-938 views

On the effect of aniline (p-nitroaniline) on the nervous system

Reznikov A.B.


This work is based on the material of clinical and polyclinical examination of workers of the leading workshops of the Chemical Combine. The main production facilities are aniline, dimegil-aniline, nitroaniline, p-natroaniline, and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):938-944
pages 938-944 views

Heredity and constitution

Yarotsky A.I.


Observations of the dependence of a person's diseases on the hereditary gifts he received from his ancestors, which he shares with his congeners, on the one hand, and the success of experimental biology in studying the laws of heredity, on the other, have raised the question of the possibility of applying the biological laws of heredity to human pathology and the human clinic to one of the first places in medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):945-956
pages 945-956 views

On the dynamics of glutathione in cardiovascular patients

Malkin Z.I., Makarova T.A., Zarbeeva V.S.


In the problem of the pathogenesis of cardiac decompensation, we are currently interested not only in issues of hemodynamics. It is known that a cardiovascular patient has various metabolic disorders, carbohydrate and protein metabolism suffers, basal metabolism and acid-base balance are disturbed, and undeoxidized metabolic products appear in the blood in excess. In the light of these data, it is of interest to solve the problem of the state of oxidative processes in the tissues of a cardiovascular patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):957-967
pages 957-967 views

About the influence of Matsesta baths on cardiovascular patients and about balneotherapy for them

Nikolaev N.M.


A large number of works have been devoted to the mechanism of action of the Matsesta baths on cardiovascular patients, and at present there is no doubt that under the influence of Matsesta baths, significant hemodynamic changes occur in the body of a healthy person and a cardiovascular patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):968-976
pages 968-976 views

Time of complete blood circulation, method of determination and changes under the influence of carbon dioxide baths

Sribner I.M., Basok M.Y.


In studying the physiology and pathology of blood circulation, and in dealing with the individual issues involved, we aim to find out on a case-by-case basis how far enough blood is supplied to cells and tissues to deliver nutrient material and oxygen. Therefore, the main thing we are interested in when analysing the factors that make up the blood circulation function is the energy accounting with which the blood moves through the vascular system.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):977-981
pages 977-981 views

On the issue of pulmonary hemorrhage in aortic aneurysms

Stepukhovich D.M., Levin M.A.


It is very difficult for a doctor who has a patient with an aortic aneurysm in front of him, who has an extensive history of Haemopthoe, to get rid of the idea that the cause of this bleeding is an aneurysm. Meanwhile, according to Baer, only 15% of aneurysmics end up with perforation, while the vast majority die from complications and heart weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):982-985
pages 982-985 views

Hematogenous-disseminated forms of pulmonary tuberculosis based on materials from the Yalta tuberculosis sanatorium of the RKKA

Tsanov N.I.


Hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, as a separate chapter of pulmonary tuberculosis, has attracted much attention in recent years, and at present there is a huge amount of work devoted to the clinical picture and pathomorphology of this form of pulmonary tuberculosis. The extraordinary diversity of the clinical and radiological picture and the anatomical variability of hematogenous disseminated (hem.-dis.) Pulmonary TB do not make it possible to offer a satisfactory classification, and therefore we meet different attempts to characterize the hem.-dis. tbk lungs.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):986-991
pages 986-991 views

Influence of kumis therapy on neuro-pulmonary patients

Ulyanova M.G., Shifrina M.L.


In the literature on the issue of curative treatment and the accounting of its results, the section on curative use in lung patients with diseases of the nervous system and in independent nervous diseases is a very poor subject. Apart from the work of A.M. Miropolskaya, we have nothing. At the same time, given the high popularity of koumissotherapy among the population, the number of patients with diseases of the nervous system, often coming to koumiss resorts in the order of gravity, is very significant.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):992-997
pages 992-997 views

Treatment of diarrhea with a fruit and vegetable diet

Vinnikov M.E., Morozova N.S.


Acute disorders of the motor and secretory functions of the intestines are of particular practical interest for a doctor. Being a common symptom in a wide variety of diseases of the intestines and stomach, and often the whole body, diarrhea is one of the diseases that occur every day.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1003-1007
pages 1003-1007 views

Climate of Turkmenistan and bronchial asthma

Sukachev A.G.


One of the few diseases in its persistence, sometimes severity, always "insidious" —bronchial asthma continues to be a serious challenge for the clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):997-1002
pages 997-1002 views

Pathological and histological changes in a trophic ulcer under the influence of a novocaine block

Novikov G.


Without going into the details of the analysis of the existing hypotheses about the pathogenesis of trophic ulcers of the extremities, I should note that the scope of this last concept has now been largely expanded. A number of authors refer to trophic ulcers not only as mal perforant du pied ulcers, which are based on damage to the central or peripheral nervous system, but also ulcers of a different origin: varicose, posttyphoid, traumatic and ulcers that developed after burns, frostbite, purulent inflammatory processes (erysipelas, phlegmon, abscesses, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1008-1012
pages 1008-1012 views

Raynaud's disease treatment with novocaine block

Novikov G.M.


In 1862, Raynaud first described, as a completely independent nosological unit, a kind of disease of the peripheral and most protruding parts of the body (fingers of the upper and lower extremities, auricles, the tip of the nose, cheeks), now known under the name of Raynaud's symmetric gangrene ... Since that time, little new has been introduced into the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1012-1017
pages 1012-1017 views

Clinical picture and pathogenesis of chronic intussusception

Gulevich P.A.


If the clinic of acute intussusception, which is not an exquisite rarity in the work of a surgeon, can be considered sufficiently studied, this cannot be said for chronic intussusception, which is much less common.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1017-1020
pages 1017-1020 views

On the pathogenesis of purulent pericarditis

Tsimkhes I.L.


Among metastatic abscesses with surgical sepsis, purulent pericarditis is relatively rare. On Gerke's material, pericarditis, as a complication of septicemia, erysipelas, scarlet fever, is rare. Among 8937 septic patients, pericarditis was detected clinically and at autopsy in 221 cases, with purulent pericarditis in most cases (90).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1021-1024
pages 1021-1024 views

Appearance of agglutinogens in human embryos

Fainberg V.B.


Studying the practical application of blood transfusion led me to examine the blood of young embryos in order to determine whether they belonged to a particular group. Later on, the study came down to determining when the embryos had an isoagglutination reaction, and since the experience was carried out with standard serums and erythrocytes of the embryo, our study was mainly aimed at identifying agglutinogens.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1025-1028
pages 1025-1028 views

To the Ural sepsis clinic

Rozno Y.A.


Back in the last century in Western Europe, many authors, especially French ones, established a close relationship between diseases of the dental system and other organs and areas close or distant from the masticatory apparatus.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1029-1031
pages 1029-1031 views

Duration of the course of acute gonorrhea in men, depending on the frequency of interruptions according to Janet

Osharov N.N.


The duration of the course of acute male gonorrhea is extremely varied and varies widely from several days to several months. This duration depends on various reasons. Most authors give different terms for the cure of male gonorrhea.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1031-1034
pages 1031-1034 views

Microbial flora and its virulence in some forms of pyoderma

Kondratyev G.G., Yumaev G.S.


In connection with the experimental and clinical study of pyodermia in our clinic, we investigated by sowing microbial flora in some forms of pyodermia.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1034-1038
pages 1034-1038 views

Effect of calcium salts on physical and chemical properties of blood in experimental saturnism

Neshchadimenko I.P.


According to the Laie, lead is used in some form or other in more than 110 industries, but there is no doubt that there are many other occupations in which lead poisoning can occur, apart from those listed by Laie. It must be stated at once that the number of productions and classes where lead poisoning is permitted within the USSR, according to Decree No 265 of the People's Commissariat for Labor of 16 August 1932, has drastically decreased and will continue to decrease. However, since lead cannot be completely removed for the next period of time and the damage will be felt by workers at these facilities, we cannot be indifferent and must deal with the prevention and treatment of lead poisoning.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1039-1045
pages 1039-1045 views

Ph of allergic inflammation

Ado A.D.


The actual reaction (Ph) in an inflamed tissue environment has now been measured for many types of inflammation. Most measurements concern acute purulent inflammations (boils, abscesses) or exudates derived from various inflamed tissues or cavities in the human body (Schade, Neükirchu, Halpert). The results of these measurements made it possible to propose changes in Ph in inflamed tissue as one of the essential indicators characterising the inflammatory process.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1045-1055
pages 1045-1055 views

On Lutz-Jeanselm's near-articular nodes

Massino S.V.


Being far from syphilidology in my specialty, I had, however, the opportunity to observe not isolated, but massive cases of periarticular nodes. The isolated cases of periarticular nodes quoted by G. Kondratyev, described by a few foreign and Soviet authors, characterize the rarity of this phenomenon in ordinary conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1056-1057
pages 1056-1057 views

Polyneuritis due to alimentary poisoning with Davydov's drug

Khasanov A.A.


In recent years in the USSR, P. N. Davydov's preparation consisting of clay (90%) and talc (10%), carefully mixed and soaked with 30% arsenic acid sodium solution, has been used as a dry disinfectant. A 0.75 kg of powder is used to etch 1 m of seed. It is dressed no earlier than one month before sowing in special dressing machines.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1057-1060
pages 1057-1060 views

Echinococcus of the mammary gland

Kuznetsov I.M.


Echinococcus affection of the breast is considered a very rare disease. The number of cases published in the literature is not large.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1061-1063
pages 1061-1063 views

Case of ichthyosis treatment with gravidan

Leizerovsky A.M.


The etiology of many skin diseases remains unclear. Clinical experience and observations have long led the leading specialists to the conviction that many dermatoses are undoubtedly associated with disorders of the autonomic-endocrine system. Both these observations and our personal experience in this area prompted us to use endocrine drugs in the treatment of skin diseases. Recently we have been using gravidan for this purpose.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1063-1065
pages 1063-1065 views

A case of spontaneous rupture of the uterus before childbirth after a caesar section

Danilov I.V.


Uterine rupture is most commonly seen during labor and relatively rare before delivery. A large percentage of mortality with them, reaching up to 80% for the mother, and almost 100% for children, makes us pay special attention to the etiology and diagnosis of uterine rupture in general, in particular spontaneous, in each case of this kind of complication.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1065-1067
pages 1065-1067 views

A case of duodenal ulcer in childhood

Lyubina N.I.


12-centipital ulcer is known to be much less common in childhood than in adults. The number of works on this issue is insignificant. Most of the cases described are in early childhood. In older children, 12 colon ulcers are rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1067-1069
pages 1067-1069 views

A casuistic case of rabies

Yankovsky A.E., Kurochkina N.A.


In practice, cases of human exposure to rabies are very rare and little described in the literature, where the animal did not bite but only licked completely intact body parts (Savateev). That's what prompted us to describe one of the 9 cases that were in the Sverdlovsk Oblast Mental Hospital in the last 2 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1069-1071
pages 1069-1071 views

Medical Science Week

Emdin V.I.


In June 1935, a solemn celebration of the 15th anniversary of the activity of the V.I.Lenin State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies in Kazan took place. In honor of the anniversary, a "week of medical science" was organized.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1072-1081
pages 1072-1081 views

XXIII All-Union Congress of Surgeons

Gilman A.G.


The 23rd Congress of Surgeons took place after a too-three-year hiatus, at a time when Soviet health care is on a steep rise, when Soviet surgery is growing and expanding. This was felt both in the intense attention with which the reports were listened to in a crowded hall, and in the lively conversations and warm meetings of colleagues in surgical weapons in the corridors during breaks.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1082-1097
pages 1082-1097 views

Magnesium and cancer

Znamensky M.S.


In 1915, Prof. Dеlbеt, who was not satisfied with the method of pure asepsis in the treatment of wounds because of its passivity, tried to find a remedy that would actively help the body to fight the infection. In his search, he came across magnesium halide salts (Mg) that met his requirements. But in the process of working with magnesium salts, mainly magnesium chloride, some of their properties were discovered, which attracted Dеlbеt to another, no less interesting area, namely malignant tumours.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1097-1104
pages 1097-1104 views

Physiological Optics Conference

Chubukov A.V.


The Conference on Physiological Optics, convened by the State Optical Institute and the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, took place in Leningrad on 25-29 December 1934 and attracted many outstanding employees in the field of physiological optics (ophthalmologists, physicists, physiologists, engineers, lighting engineers, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1104-1110
pages 1104-1110 views

Koch. Virchow. From the series "Life of Remarkable People"

Lepsky E.M.


The biographies of Koch and Virkhov, written by N.A.Semashko, differ from other biographies of these leading figures of modern medicine available in Russian in that they show the attitude of capitalist society and give a Marxist analysis of Virkhov's political evolution.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1110-1110
pages 1110-1110 views

Proceedings of the Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute

Gruzdev V.S.


The appearance of printed scientists from all universities in general, and from medical schools in particular, is undoubtedly the best indicator of the prosperity of this institution. From this point of view, we cannot but welcome the appearance in sadness of the first issue of the scientific works of the young Arkhangelsk Medical Institute under the editorship of Professor I.L. Tsimkhes, a pet of Kazan Medical Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1110-1111
pages 1110-1111 views

Experimental study of hypochloremia


Analyzing clinical and experimental data on hypochloremia, the authors show that both during vomiting and when giving diuretica, it is not only about the loss of chlorine, but at the same time a large amount of water is lost.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

About hyperazotemia in acute hepatitis


During the development of infectious hepatitis, hyperazotemia is observed, which until now has always been attributed to accompanying hepatitis nephritis (so-called hepato-nephritis). The possibility of accompanying acute hepatitis with nephritis has indeed been proven histologically.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1112-1113
pages 1112-1113 views

Chlorine accumulation in the area of traumatized renal tissue


The mechanism of postoperative hypochloremia has now found some explanation, since Legue showed that chlorine is selectively fixed in the area of tissues damaged by the operation. The authors examined a dog's kidney through which Ringer-Locke fluid was passed.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1113-1114
pages 1113-1114 views

Role of cysteine in jaundice hemorrhages


The role of calcium, platelets, and other factors that were associated with bleeding was not confirmed in jaundice. Carr and Toote found that the amino acid cysteine was the main factor impeding blood clotting. In obstructive jaundice, this amino acid accumulates in the blood and in in vitro experiments and, when administered to animals, causes a deterioration in blood clotting.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Observations on the action of water

Schatz W.


The author showed that the administration of large quantities of distilled or plain water per os to experimental animals causes intoxication, which can be prevented by the intravenous administration of 10% saline solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Study of concentrated diphtheria toxoid

Sрassку N.N., Оdrina Н.I.


The authors prepared a concentrated toxoid according to the Ramon method. Anti-diphtheria serum was added to the usual toxoid (12-14 flocculating units) until optimal flocculation was obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Experimental diphtheria paralysis

Ramon G., Debre R., Uhrу P.


The authors have experimented with guinea pigs, rabbits and dogs. They injected the animals into the muscle of the hind leg with diphtheria toxin treated with formalin (4.35%) in a thermostat for 22 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

Study of the mechanism of action of pneumococcal serum

Oelrichs L.


Pneumococcal serum gives approximately the same effect in mice and rabbits, if an indicator of the effectiveness of serum treatment is considered the ability to protect animals from death. In this case, the effect of the action of equal doses of serum in pneumococcal rabbits is the higher, the earlier the serum is used.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

On the mechanism of pneumococcal serum action

Oelrichs L.


The author showed that the action of pneumococcal serum, which causes the excretion of the pathogen that has entered the bloodstream, is strictly specific for its species and type.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

Vaccination of rabbits against intradermal pneumococcal infection

Кolmer I.А., Rule А.М.


The vaccine was prepared from daily broth cultures of pneumococcus by centrifugation followed by dilution of the sediment in physiological solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1115-1116
pages 1115-1116 views

Chemotherapy of intradermal infection of rabbits with pneumococcus. Action of optoquine and other quinine derivatives

Кolmer I.А., Rule А.М.


The main optoquin was administered to rabbits per os at 0.01 g per 1 kg of body weight immediately after infection and then within 3 days, every 6 hours. In another series of animals, optoquin was injected every 6 hours four times during infection and the same number after infection. In the third series of rabbits, optoquine was injected intramuscularly.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

Comparative chemotherapy study of ethylapoquinine and optoquin

Arjona Е.


Gundel and Seitz showed that optoquine is the best chemotherapeutic agent for pneumococcal infections. Ethylapoquinine in its chemical structure is very close to optoquin, differing from it only in the absence of two hydrogen atoms.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

Infection with rabies through the abdominal cavity

Mariе А.С.


The work of a number of authors shows that by injecting the rabies virus into animals' abdominal cavity, the disease cannot be caused. To overcome the barrier posed to infection by the peritoneal mucous membrane, the author blocked the reticular and endothelial system in guinea pigs and then injected the virus into their abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

Study of the Schwarzman phenomenon

Plaut F.


The author tried to solve the question of whether it is possible to induce the Schwarzman (Sh Ph) phenomenon not only by combining a protein antigen with its antiserum, but also a hapten with the corresponding antibodies.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1116-1117
pages 1116-1117 views

Early diagnosis of rabies by infecting mice. Measurement of humoral immunity to rabies using a precautionary experiment in mice

Webster L.F., Dawson I.R.


For these works, races of mice with high sensitivity to the rabies virus should be used. For diagnostic purposes, the brain of the test dog is opened under sterile conditions, a piece of ammonium horn is cut out, rubbed and an emulsion is prepared in saline (1: 10).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Constancy of toxin-producing properties in scarlet streptococcus strains

Megrail Е., Thompson R.L.


The authors studied only 9 strains of streptococcus scarlet fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Experimental studies of the mechanism of intestinal atony in acute diffuse peritonitis

Sharbet T.


Toxins from various bacteria, especially b. Welchii, and the acids they produce, dilate the vessels in the abdominal cavity, causing significant blood stagnation, resulting in acidosis in the abdomen.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

On the treatment of deeply seated inoperable rectal cancers

Wymer I.


In two cases of inoperable rectal cancers, the author has successfully used electrosurgical therapy through the anus.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1117-1117
pages 1117-1117 views

Skin discoloration in acute necrosis of the pancreas

Zaajеr I.Н.


The author describes a case of acute pancreatic necrosis, in whose clinical picture the appearance of sharp blue-green spots first in the left lumbar region and then in the circumference of the navel and spreading further was noticed.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Surgical treatment of hip fractures using the extra-articular method according to Sven Iohansson

Böhler L.


The author successfully operated extra-articular method in 20 cases for hip fractures.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Treating tetanus in children

Hoche О.


The author describes one case of tetanus recovery in an 8-year-old child after injury to the third finger of his left hand.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

About the treatment of shoulder dislocations

Maier W.


The author suggests not fixing the limbs with a Desault or Velpeau bandage after the dislocation of the shoulder has been reduced, but rather placing the limbs in an abduction splint at an angle of 45 °.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Congenital torticollis

Auslander Е.


This work is based on 57 cases of congenital torticollis. The disease is not related in any way to gender or race.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Primary tuberculosis of the cervix uteri mimicking cancer

Auslander E.


Tuberculous lesions of the cervix are extremely rare. The author observed a case in a woman, 49 years old, menstruating correctly from 16 years old, virgo; 2 years ago the patient underwent an appendectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1118
pages 1118-1118 views

Chorioepithelioma with positive Ashheim-Tondek reaction

Auslander E.


A 22-year-old woman, after a 2-month delay, has a miscarriage followed by curettage. After a few weeks, slight bleeding; vaginal examination reveals nothing.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1118-1119
pages 1118-1119 views

Biochemical pregnancy detection

Danilov I.


The author describes the reactions of Kapeller-Adler and Voge as follows: The burette is poured with 10 HP of the tested woman's urine and 5 HP of bromine solution (Bromi puri 25.0, acetici 200.0, aq. destii. ad 1000.0). After a short shake, the excess bromine is checked to see if there is any bromine needed for the Кnоор's reaction, for which purpose 3 HP chloroform is added and shaken. Excess bromine is recognised by the chloroform yellow to red colouring.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1119-1119
pages 1119-1119 views

Kapeller-Adler's reaction

Danilov I.


The author points out that the Kapeller-Adler'a reaction is based on the fact, for the first time established by Voge, that histidine in the urine of pregnant women is found, as a rule, in non-pregnant women only in exceptional cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1119-1119
pages 1119-1119 views

Zondek-Aschheim's reaction

Danilov I.


The authors proved that there is no histidine in the urine of pregnant animals, and the Zondek-Aschheim's reaction is also negative.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1119-1119
pages 1119-1119 views

Biochemical pregnancy detection

Reipprich W.


The author found that rats not only tolerate large doses of pregnant women's urine well, but are also more sensitive to the action of gonadotropic hormones, so he suggested using Zondek-Aschheim instead of mice infantile rats, which inject pregnant women's urine in the amount of 10-14 cc under the skin of their backs.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1119-1119
pages 1119-1119 views

Meetings of medical societies. Otorhinolaryngological section. 66th meeting of February 25, 1935


Dr. B.N. Sokolov: “Materials for the study of the absorption capacity of the nasal mucosa.” Organizational issues.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1120-1120
pages 1120-1120 views

Meetings of medical societies. Eye section. Meeting on May 21, 1935


Ord. E.F. Koroleva. Demonstration of a patient with an unusual ulcerative process of the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid. Dr. SI Yarlygaeva demonstrated a patient with the consequences of a severe burn of the face during a flash of gasoline. Dr. Z.S. Iskanderov. “Childhood eye trauma according to the materials of the Eye Clinic of the Kazan Medical Institute.” Dr. A. B. Kolenko. “Urotropin and corneal paracentesis in her ulcerative diseases.” Dr. T. E. Bulgakova made a report on her work as an ophthalmologist , during the sowing campaign in the sponsored collective farm "Udarnik".

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1120-1121
pages 1120-1121 views

Yelabuga branch of NMD. 8th interdistrict scientific conference of doctors. Meeting of January 29, 1935

Board Е.


Dr. I.F. Gerasimov. “Report on a business trip to advanced training courses for chief physicians at Ts. I. U.”. Dr. Karimov. "Radiology in the conditions of the site". Dr. V. M. Osipovsky. "The use of isolated skin flagella for osteoplastic sutures." Dr. I.F. Gerasimov. “On the issue of ear developmental abnormalities”.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1121-1122
pages 1121-1122 views



New medical universities. This year, 16 thousand new students will be admitted to medical universities of the RSFSR, which is 5.400 more than last year.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1122-1123
pages 1122-1123 views

Professor Mikhail Pavlovich Tushnov

Rufimsky N.P.


On September 19, 1935 in Moscow, a professor of the Moscow Veterinary Institute, a full member of the VIEM, Doctor of Biology, Academician Mikhail Pavlovich Tushnov died suddenly at the age of 56.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(8-9):1124-1125
pages 1124-1125 views

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