Vol 32, No 4 (1932)

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Full Issue

About the literary design of scientific works

Mastbaum M.


Our generation is an active participant in a magnificent historical process. Capitalist economic forms are being broken, the chains of religion are thrown off, the old, superstitious, dark is burnt in the fire of the class struggle. A new socialist culture is born, a new communist morality, a new person.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):269-271
pages 269-271 views

Race and life in the etiology of rickets

Lepsky E.M.


In No. 9-10 “Kaz. Honey. Zhurn. "For 1931 was published an article by FD Agafonov" The spread of rickets among the children's population of Kazan ", in which the author, based on the analysis of data on the incidence of rickets in children who attended one of the consultations, comes to The conclusion is that the environment surrounding the child does not have a decisive influence on the frequency of rickets.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):271-276
pages 271-276 views

To the organization of measles stations

Egereva S.A.


The purpose of our message is to fix the attention of a pediatrician and an infectious disease specialist on the need to organize measles stations. The functioning of the stations will not only ensure the preservation of the lives of children, the bottom and will give a certain economic effect — it will not tear away the working mother from production; hence, it is clear that doctors need to widely familiarize the public with the purpose and task of measles stations.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):276-280
pages 276-280 views

Working time budgets for some groups of hospital staff

Lieberman M.M.


The problem of rationalizing human labor in order to achieve its highest efficiency, which is becoming extremely important at this stage of socialist construction, should also become widespread in the field of medical labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):280-298
pages 280-298 views

On the question of the effect of morphine on the central nervous system

Smirnov A.I., Olefirenko L.D.


In our laboratory, much attention is paid to the effect of morphine on dogs, since its use made it possible to establish extremely important facts that brought a lot of clarity to the study of the relationship between meleda by the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):299-302
pages 299-302 views

The effect of morphine on the brain of different animals

Smirnov A.I., Shpuga G.M.


The effect of morphine on the organism of animals is one of the important problems of pharmacology, since with subcutaneous and intravenous injections, it acts differently on different animals, and its effect on the central nervous system is manifested in vice anesthesia or excitation.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):303-306
pages 303-306 views

On the question of the practical value of the Stamm antigen according to Kalinin and Ginsburg

Yunusova S.M.


Soon after the Wassermann reaction was introduced for the diagnosis of syphilis, aspirations appeared that had the goal, on the one hand, to improve the method of serodiagnosis of syphilis in the sense of obtaining more accurate results, since the Wassermann reaction, even with the most careful formulation, is still sometimes gave unsatisfactory results, on the other hand, a simplification of this technique, in order thereby to be able to apply serodiagnostic methods in primitive laboratory conditions, without laboratory animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):307-312
pages 307-312 views

On the question of polyfilters

Tabakov N.A.


Since the appearance of Bezredko's works, only antiviruses prepared from the distribution of one type of microbe have been used in practice. Staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal filtrates have become widespread, although Bezredka has already pointed out the combined use of two or three filtrates (for example, streptococcal and staphylococcal).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):312-314
pages 312-314 views

On the question of "arthritis déformans" and its physiotherapy

Ivantsov P.N.


The most difficult and thankless area of treatment for chronic joint diseases is arthrosis or osteoarthritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):314-324
pages 314-324 views

Rare localization of neurofibroma and technique for its removal

Khasanov A.A., Novikov G.M.


In this message we are talking about a well-expressed case of Reckünghausen's disease, which we had the opportunity to observe in the autumn of last year. Without going into the details of the literary review of neurofibromatosis, we decided to focus on the analysis of our patient only because this case is interesting for its pronounced familial and hereditary nature of the disease and the presence of significant tumor sizes emanating from the plexus brachialis sin., Which caused severe suffering to the patient. and therefore demanded surgical intervention.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):324-328
pages 324-328 views

To the question of articular chondromatosis

Mikhelson A.I.


Chondromatosis is a rare disease related to the pathology of the joint capsule, and is characterized by the fact that inside the joint cavity we find formations of various sizes, irregular round shape of tumor nodes, lying freely, sometimes on legs emanating from the synovium. These formations disfigure the shape of the joint and often cause a sharp restriction of mobility, sometimes bringing the range of motion to a minimum.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):328-331
pages 328-331 views

To the recognition and treatment of sigmoid inclusions intestines

Breitman M.G.


In recent years, the issue of volvulus of the sigmoid colon has received a lot of attention at surgical congresses, at meetings of surgical societies, and on the pages of surgical journals. In defense of this or that method of treating this suffering, statistical data, immediate and long-term results, pathological and anatomical justifications are given. However, there seems to be no complete agreement on this issue among surgeons. We do not think on the basis of our small material to draw any generalizing conclusions, but nevertheless several cases operated on and under our supervision over the last 4 years (1926-1930) give us a small right to share our results.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):331-335
pages 331-335 views

On the nature and treatment of dysmenorrhea

Nikolaev A.P.


Although dysmenorrhea is a fairly frequent and, incidentally, a very painful disease for a working woman, its nature is far from fully elucidated; therefore, in the treatment of this disease, complete, so to speak, arbitrariness, polypharmacy, empiricism reigns; the success of treatment is usually minimal.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):336-339
pages 336-339 views

On the issue of subcutaneous use of pilocarpine in postoperative urinary retention

Belitz O.


Postoperative, as well as postpartum ischuria is a very unpleasant complication, since all commonly used means are heat to the bladder, instillation of 10% boric glycerin into the bladder (Corbineau method), liq. kalii acetici per os, injections of 1.0-2.0 25% magnesiae sulfur, under the skin (Voytashevsky method), intravenous injections of 5.0-10.0 40% urotropin (according to V o g t'y) - often give refusal or induce urination after many hours and thus force the use of a catheter. As for catheterization, this method is recognized as fraught with complications and should be used, according to Dieterichs, only as an ultimum refugium.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):339-343
pages 339-343 views

On unconditioned and conditioned secretory activity during hypnosis in children

Nevsky I.M., Levin S.L.


At present, the essence of the so-called hypnosis has been sufficiently revealed by the brilliant works of Acad. Pavlov and his staff, and in particular the school of prof. Krasnogorsky, who studied these phenomena in children.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):343-351
pages 343-351 views

Epileptol for epilepsy

Barunin I.


Despite many proposed theories, the pathogenesis of epilepsy has not yet been finally resolved. The idea of the nature of epilepsy, expressed at one time by Charcot, is still being recognized, namely, that the essence of epilepsy lies in the increased excitability of the cerebral cortex and the increased tendency of the latter to motor discharges.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):352-355
pages 352-355 views

To the treatment of epilepsy with Pasteur vaccinations

Bogachek M.L.


The work of Professor H.E. Osokin and S.M. Oxengendler in 1923, as well as a report at the 2nd Volga Congress of S.M. epilepsy with the Pasteur vaccine showed the feasibility of using it in fresh cases where seizures did not have time to leave their mark on the psyche of patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):356-358
pages 356-358 views

On the question of the significance of tissue decay products. Experiments with the prostate gland

Sergievsky M., Zabusov G.


At present, treatment with animal drugs (opotherapy) has become widespread. There are hundreds of such drugs under a wide variety of names and sometimes with a completely unknown composition.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(4):359-368
pages 359-368 views

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