Vol 25, No 4 (1929)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Preventive direction in curative medicine

Schwartz S.M.


Although the issue of the preventive direction in curative medicine and the relationship between preventive and curative medicine stood at many congresses and, in particular, was discussed at the All-Union Congress of District Doctors at the end of 1925, nevertheless it still worries the medical masses to this day. and cannot be considered permissible in our daily practice. Until now, the question of preventive and curative medicine is often raised by our peripheral Soviet, trade union, insurance organizations, and very often by doctors in the plane of establishing the correct proportions between them. Preventive medicine is opposed to curative medicine, they are trying to establish a line between them, to establish a percentage rate for both. Is this statement of the question correct?

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):363-375
pages 363-375 views

To the question of the recent increase in the incidence of thrombosis and embolism

Vasiliev I.P.


In the most recent years, a number of reports have appeared in foreign literature about a significant increase over the past 3-10 years in cases of thrombosis and embolism in general, and in particular fatal pulmonary embolism. This increase, according to some authors (Fahr), has taken on alarming proportions, is emphasized not only by clinicians - surgeons, gynecologists, obstetricians and internists [Watson (1923, 1924), Linhardt (1926), Kappis (1926), Oehler (1926) , Rost (1927), Noordmann (1927), Kübler (1927), Reye (1927), Schönbauer (1927), Hegler (1927), Flörcken (1927), Martini (1927), Stich (1928), Stöhr u. Kazda (1928), Sulger (1928), Loewe (1928), Calmann (1928), Detering (1928), Prochnow (1928), etc., but it is also confirmed with special relief on the sectional material [Fahr (1927), Höring ( 1928), Oberndorfer (1918), Martini (1928), Martini u. Oppitz (1928)]. According to F. König'y, “the issue of thrombosis and embolism is now almost as burning for surgeons as the issue of postoperative sepsis was earlier for our predecessors”.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):375-382
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About rapid microscopic diagnostics during operations according to the Dudgeon-Patrick method

Sukhanov G.A.


Over the past 25 years, pathologists have proposed many different ways to quickly seal biopsied pieces and quickly microscopically diagnose tumors and various tissues taken during operations. The main goal of all the proposed methods is: to give the surgeon a quick answer during the operation itself about the nature of the removed tissue or tumor and thus to create constant and close contact in the work of the pathologist and the clinician, in other words, to bring the pathologist to the operating room.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):382-386
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Giardiasis of the biliary tract

Glixberg E.S.


The question of giardiasis has been known in the literature for a long time and consists in the parasitism of special protozoa from the Flageilata group. They were first described by Lamblʹem in 1859 and called cercomonas. Grassi later described them as Megastoma intestinalis and this name has been found in the literature to this day. Blanchard, in honor of the first who discovered them, gave this simplest the name Lamblia intestinalis. In French and English literature, it appears under the name Giardia intestinalis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):386-391
pages 386-391 views

Infectious colitis treatment

Murashov I.V.


The enormous interest currently given to colitis in general and their treatment in particular prompts me to share the methods that I have been using for many years and with great success in the treatment of colitis of infectious origin, which include colitis caused by an infection of a very diverse nature: or entering the intestine from the outside , such as amoeba dysenteriae Councilman et Lafleur s. entamoeba hystolytica Schaudinn, bac. dysenteriae Schiga-Kruse s. bacterium dysenteriae Migula, bac. Flexner'a, bac. His-Roussel'a, bac. Strong'a, pseudo-dysentery bacilli, or developing due to increased virulence of the regulars of the intestine, for example, b. coli, b. proteus, streptococci, etc., or, finally, colitis, as a complication in other infectious diseases, for example, with typhoid fever, measles, flu, etc., and all these forms of colitis are so similar to each other that it is impossible to distinguish them from each other neither by clinical signs, nor by the course: there may be mild and severe cases, acute and chronic, regardless of their origin; one and the same symptomatology is reduced to local and general phenomena; in the latter case, as a result of the general intoxication of the body with the waste products of the intestinal flora absorbed from the intestine (feverish state, coated tongue, headaches, general fatigue, darkening of consciousness, convulsions, decline in heart activity, etc.); as for the symptoms of local origin, they boil down to colicky abdominal pain, increased urge to lower, tenesmus, secretion of blood and mucus, as an expression of intoxication of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum, caused by the same intestinal flora. All these symptoms in their entirety and essence form the basis of the course and direction of the doctor's thought at the patient's bedside. We have to think, as G.I.Ivashentsev quite reasonably states1), about the destruction and elimination of the infectious principle, the neutralization and elimination of toxins, the prevention and treatment of severe lesions of the colon mucosa. All these conditions are met in the best way by our method of treatment. In the current state of our knowledge, the specific treatment of colitis recedes into the background.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):391-395
pages 391-395 views

Osteoplastic surgery according to Krasin for tongue cancer

Nazarov N.N., Kusheva M.N.


Osteoplastic surgery according to Krasin for tongue cancer, described for the first time in 1922, still has no wide clinical validation. Meanwhile, Krasin's method deserves full attention. First, a few words about tongue cancer in general.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):395-397
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The successive period and the simplest way to isolate the placenta

Mikeladze S.Y.


From the moment of birth of the fetus, the third period of the birth act begins — the succession period. A woman, both during childbirth and during the allocation of the placenta, in most cases does not do without the help of an obstetrician. The main task of the obstetrician is to monitor the correct flow of natural forces and come to help only when the latter are insufficient or are somehow disturbed. Any untimely intervention entails a violation of the normal course of the subsequent period and is the cause of a number of complications (strictures of the internal pharynx, separation of pieces of the placenta and membranes, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):397-401
pages 397-401 views

Towards a study on epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis

Nebytova-Lukyanchikova M.N.


Observing the spread of cerebrospinal meningitis in Kazan for 8 years already, we can say that the source of infection throughout this period has been almost continuous in the form of individual cases, periodically turning into more or less widespread epidemics. The last epidemic of 1928 was examined in the most detail by us both from the bacteriological and from the serological side, and therefore we will allow ourselves to share our observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):401-410
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Capillaroscopy in the Study of Childhood Defectiveness

Andreev M.P.


The present brief report intends to give basic ideas about a new important research method — capillaroscopic — and about the initial results of its application on children of the Kazan neuropsychiatric school-sanatorium. This application is still developing, and it is too early to talk about any definite conclusions; however, in view of the growing interest in this method abroad and its low popularity among us, it seemed to me possible and desirable to report these initial results as well.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):411-417
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Natural movement of the population in the Tatar Republic in 1923-1927

Pobedonostsev I.


Civil registration is still imperfect in rural areas, often in small towns. In village councils, there is not always a proper attitude towards registration, accurate and timely implementation of instructions; cards are sent to the proper destination, often with a delay, as a result of which their development is late in Kazan.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):418-428
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On the significance of "myogenic" shifts in the blood picture

Egorov A.P.


Since labor processes, in particular physical labor processes, both industrial and physical culture-sports type, occupy an extremely important place in our life, it is quite understandable the ardent interest of doctors and biologists in all attempts to understand the essence of the changes occurring in the body in connection with muscle work, and the development of methods for the practical assessment of the degree of the general reaction of the body to work, fatigue, the body's adaptability to work, etc. In recent years, quite a lot of works have been published on the study of "myogenic" leukocytosis and, it seems to me, such a versatile development of this issue , put forward by me in 1924 on a practical basis, is to be applauded. This question has been widely developed by me and my colleagues, and I often have to read references to our practical provisions, and not always in their correct interpretation. It is very likely that this is due to the overly concise style of the articles (the reason is quite understandable - to save space).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):428-430
pages 428-430 views

Regarding the note of the assistant professor A.P. Egorov: "On the meaning of" myogenic shifts in the blood picture"

Dryagin K.A., Inyushkin N.V., Dryagina O.N., Mokeev A.M.


In this issue of the journal, pref.-Assoc. A.P. Egorov publishes a note about our article "Changes in the morphological composition of blood under the influence of muscle movements" (this journal, 1928, No. 8), in which he finds "some inaccuracies, especially in general premises, which do not fully correspond to reality. “. He makes such a conclusion, apparently, on the basis of the fact that we disagreed with his opinion on the understanding of Naegeli's attitude to leukocytosis, which occurs under the influence of bodily stress. A.P. Egorov classifies Naegeli as one of the authors who consider this leukocytosis to be distributive. Although in the book Naegeli "Blutkrankheiten" (edition 1923, pp. 223-224) there are reasons for such an understanding (see Egorov's references), but at the same time he writes: "Wohl fast alle Autoren (Z. V. Li be row) erblicken in dieser neutrophilen Leukozytose eine myelogene, auf bestimmte Reize gebildet, aber nur zum Tele von Muskelsubstanzen veranlasst, womit ja vortrefflich stimmt, dass nach Grawitzdiese "myogene" Leukozytose femdom Dann ist eben der Reiz auf das Knochenmark unter dem Schwellenwert der schon vorhandenen Reize “. In our opinion, the above quotation forces Naegeli to be attributed to the authors who consider the indicated leukocytosis not to be distributive, but to be true myelogenous.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):430-431
pages 430-431 views

About Endocarditis lenta with multiple septic skin lesions

Mogilevsky E.R.


One of the most permanent and very important features in the clinical picture of endocarditis lenta is, as you know, a tendency to embolism in various organs. Emboli can be carried by the blood stream into various organs: the spleen, kidneys, brain, etc., as a result of which a complex symptom complex with the participation of a number of organs is obtained, which is so characteristic of the clinical picture of protracted septic endocarditis. Embolism in any organ and the symptoms caused by it are often the cause of those complaints with which the patient first goes to the doctor, but often embolism in the organs important for life, for example, the brain, serves as the last blow that interrupts the life of these patients. From numerous works devoted in recent years to the etiology, clinic and pathological and anatomical picture of endocarditis lenta (Hess, Stahl, Zimnitsky, Nevyadomsky, Mindlin, Th. Horder, etc.), it can be seen that embolism in the spleen and kidney is most often observed, less often into the brain, limbs, retina and very rarely into the skin. In this case, the participation of the skin in the picture of the disease is reduced mainly to the presence of hemorrhages, which are an essential symptom of this clinical form. These hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes are closely related to the toxic changes in the vessels present in this disease, which entail their slight vulnerability (Zimintsky, Strazhesko, Skulsky, Mindlin), and do not depend, as was previously thought, on bacterial emboli (Stahl ). Real septic metastases with the formation of multiple purulent foci in the skin itself are evidently extremely rare. At least, in the literature available to me, I could not find a single such case. In view of this, we observed in the clinic prof. Luria's case of multiple septic skin lesions in endocarditis tenta is, as it seems to us, of known clinical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):431-434
pages 431-434 views

A case of abdominal wall echinococcus

Musin A.G.


Patient L. V., 38 years old, a peasant from Chuv. area, was admitted to the clinic on 11 / X 1926 about a tumor and soreness in the lower abdomen. Considers himself ill for 2 years since he noticed a tumor. The tumor increased gradually and at first the pain was insignificant, but as its soreness increased, constipation and frequent urination appeared (15-20 rubles per day). Since the spring of 1926, the patient has been unable to engage in physical labor. There were no pains in the resting position. Recently, before admission to the clinic, the urge to urinate has increased, often there is nocturnal urinary incontinence. The patient notes a strong weight loss during the illness. On the part of heredity, there are no deviations from the norm. Lues, alcoholism denies. From early childhood he loved to be with dogs. The patient is married, his wife and children are healthy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):434-436
pages 434-436 views

A case of unilateral paralysis of the limbs with a mysterious pathogenesis

Fridman A.P.


Various diseases encountered in the clinic of nervous diseases are usually divided into two main categories: organic and functional. This division is of great not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic and prognostic significance.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):436-439
pages 436-439 views

To the treatment of idiopathic epilepsy with the introduction of bromine into the spinal canal

Sheiman A.I.


In an effort to alleviate the situation of patients with epilepsy, and proceeding from the considerations that bromine, like most other medications taken per os, undergoes various metamorphoses before absorption and enters the bloodstream in the form of completely unknown chemical compounds to us, we decided to inject bromine into epileptics into the spinal canal, where this drug would immediately enter the cerebrospinal fluid without preliminary chemical changes. Since 1926, we have treated 25 cases of idiopathic epilepsy since 1926: 22 men. and 3 women All patients undergoing treatment suffered from frequent seizures (once or even several times a day, one with status erilepticus) and only once a month. We injected into the spinal canal 5% and 10% sodium bromide from 5.0 to 10.0. Before introducing the bromide solution, we previously released at least the same amount of cerebrospinal fluid; for the most part we released twice as many liqs. cer. spin. than Sol. natr. bromati, since in most cases the pressure was noticeable, and sometimes strongly, increased. A sterile solution of sodium bromide was injected into the spinal canal with a syringe through the Birov trocar between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. Each patient was punctured once a week.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):439-440
pages 439-440 views

The influence of the reaction of the environment on life phenomena

Polyakov A.


Great physiologist Cl. Bernard said: "If we can define life with the help of a special metaphysical concept, then we must still admit that mechanical, physical and chemical forces are the only factors of a living organism and the physiologist only has to take them into account."

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):441-447
pages 441-447 views

On the issue of preventive bias in teaching clinical disciplines

Gran M.M.


The question of the reform of higher education in all areas, in particular the question of the reform of higher medical education, is urgent and acute in our country. This relevance and acuteness stands in the context of the Soviet socialist attitude, in the sense of a revision of the main fundamental ideological points of view on the tasks of higher education in general, medical in particular, a corresponding revision of plans and educational and pedagogical programs, teaching methods and practice, an appropriate selection of teaching forces, etc. Related to this question is the question of science in general, and the connection of science with state and national economic construction, the question of the role of science in socialist construction, the question of the connection between "science and labor", the question of training new cadres of scientific builders in various branches of state and social life and in our Soviet conditions — the builders of socialism, the socialist way of life. In connection with this issue, we have recently experienced and are experiencing a number of sharp, broad socio-political discussions on the reform of the Academy of Sciences; this question was sharply debated at the last regular meeting (section) of scientific workers in Moscow, according to the report of comrade. Vyshinsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):447-449
pages 447-449 views

To the tenth anniversary of the Medsantrud union

Pleschitser A.Y.


A physician, like another health care provider, does not always take the time to look back on the path of his professional organization. The next tasks and daily work consume his time and attention. During this ten years, each member of the union has accumulated sufficient experience and politically has grown significantly. While celebrating this anniversary date, let us dwell briefly on some historical moments.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):450-451
pages 450-451 views

Pathology and occupational health in open-hearth and rolling shops. Edited by prof. E. M. Kogan and Dr. I. Ya. Shtrum. Ukrainian State Institute of Occupational Pathology and Hygiene (formerly the Institute of Occupational Medicine). Stalin's branch. Stalin's Publishing House "Dictatorship of Labor". 1928 465 pp. 1928 465 pages. "Proceedings and Materials" of the Institute. Issue VII

Gran M.M.


Edited by prof. E. M. Kogan and Dr. I. Ya. Shtrum. Ukrainian State Institute of Occupational Pathology and Hygiene (formerly the Institute of Occupational Medicine). Stalin's branch. Stalin. Publishing house "Dictatorship of Labor". 1928 465 pages. "Proceedings and Materials" of the Institute. Issue Vii. This January marked the 5th anniversary of the existence of the "Ukrainian State Institute of Pathology and Occupational Health" (until 1928, it was called the "Ukrainian Institute of Working Medicine"). This jubilee, modest in time, was solemnly celebrated. This institute, like a number of similar institutes, is the "brainchild of Soviet medicine". This is a new type of research institutes, born of the October Revolution, dedicated to the study of the problem of labor along the lines of "occupational pathology" and "occupational hazards". In the USSR we now have a whole network of similar institutions in the capital and large industrial centers (Moscow — 4 institutes, Leningrad, Kharkov with several branches in Ukraine, Sverdlovsk, Rostov n / A, Baku); in a wide - on a predominantly industrial periphery - we have up to 30 similar small institutes under various names - "offices and laboratories for the study of occupational pathology", "offices of social pathology", "occupational dispensaries", etc. The history of all these institutes is a little more than 5 years; the first and "oldest" in this short history is the Institute. Butt in Moscow to serve Moscow and the Moscow province; the first "Clinic of Social and Occupational Diseases" was the Clinic of the 1st MGU (now the Central State Institute for the Study of Occupational Diseases). The Ukrainian Institute is also one of the "oldest" ones. All these institutes already have an interesting and rich chronicle of scientific research searches and works. This is evidenced by the history of the Ukrainian Institute. This is evidenced by the VII scientific collection, devoted to one of our most important industries - metallurgical, one of the most difficult areas - the study of "pathology and occupational health in open-hearth and rolling shops". These workshops, as you know, are the most difficult and difficult in terms of working conditions, and are burdened with the greatest "occupational hazards and occupational pathology."

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):451-453
pages 451-453 views

"Preventive Medicine" No. 1. January, 1929


The magazine begins its 8th year of existence with this book. Over the past 7 years, the magazine managed to win a place of honor among our periodicals devoted to all preventive disciplines: the magazine published in Kharkov managed to become popular and widespread throughout the USSR. In the introduction "From the Editor" to the beginning of the 8th year of its existence, the editorial board writes: “In the era of the cultural revolution and the construction of socialism in our country, every journal faces the most responsible and serious tasks. To illuminate the current situation, explain its dialectical development, indicate the ways of further progress, fix them in the minds of the broad masses and contribute to the implementation of the immediate tasks of health care and the entire Soviet construction — this is the goal, this is the meaning of the existence of the medical press. " With these slogans, “Prof. M. “at age 8. The January book is made up of a number of interesting articles on a number of departments of the journal: on epidemiology and bacteriology — Zabello's article (“Micro-reaction according to Meinike. As a method of indicative selection in mass screening for syphilis”); on social hygiene and health statistics — article by prof. SA Tomilin ("The economy of the population — its socio-hygienic and national economic significance"): on occupational hygiene and labor protection — article by prof. SI Kaplun ("Research work in the field of studying and combating occupational health and safety diseases"); on the department — social diseases and everyday life — article by AD Shekhter (“On the question of combating venereal diseases in wartime”); on the organization of health care — an article by BM Polyansky ("The Rural Doctor and the Socialist Reorganization of the Village"). Particular attention is drawn to the article by prof. SA Tomilina with an attempt to in-depth assessment of a person and a human collective as a socio-biological and national economic category.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):453-453
pages 453-453 views

I. Wetterer. Internationale Radiotherapie. Volume III, 1350 pages, 1928, price 60 March, ed. L. C. Wittich, Darmstadt

Gasul R.Y.


This volume has surpassed all expectations in form and content. Throughout 1340 pages, the entire international therapy of radiant energy for 1927-28 is presented. Russian literature occupies a significant place. In addition to extensive abstracts, skilfully arranged in all departments of biology and therapy (including methods of physical research and the technical application of rays), this collection contains 39 critical reviews on all departments of radiotherapy, presented by prominent radiotherapists (Holzkneсht, Spinelli, Palmieri, Lahm, Salomon, Stephan, Kollier, Alberti, Bordier, Wetterer, etc.) and 1 appendix — a monograph on the treatment of malignant skin tumors I. Wetterer'a. A detailed subject and name index facilitates orientation. It is hoped that the third and subsequent volumes will have the same great success as the first two volumes of “Intern. Radiother. " which are a necessary reference book not only for the radiologist, but also for the practitioner, therapist and biologist.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):453-453
pages 453-453 views

Grashey K. Atlas typischer Röntgenbilder vom normalen Menschen ed., Lehmann, Munchen, 1928, price 26 M. in hardcover

Gasul R.Y.


New expanded and supplemented 5th ed. the famous atlas of the German radiologist Grashey does not need any special recommendation. The normal X-ray picture is the basis for the study of pathological. Insufficiently thorough acquaintance with the normal picture was the source of sometimes very gross radiological errors. Too often the radiologist saw pathology where at least there was only a variant, and for the most part, the norm. As we accumulated our experience, as we became familiar with the variations of the depicted organs, not only depending on the constitutional characteristics of the organism and the individual, but also on the position of the given organ in relation to the tube and plate, we learned to avoid mistakes. This atlas of the normal skeleton in x-ray has character and guidelines. The first 97 pages contain: physical fundamentals (instrumentation, exposure, fixators, hoods, protective devices, photographic equipment), practical basics of centering and perspective, excellent drawings and diagrams of patient positioning with various images, diagrams of normal ossification, options and valuable instructions for analyzing radiographs. In the second section, on 140 pages of the best paper, there are 234 excellent positive radiographs that are not inferior to the originals and were made according to a special method (Glanzdruck). These impressions allow a detailed analysis of each image, the selection of which is an excellent material for comparison, equally useful for a beginner, and a specialist-radiologist, and an orthopedic surgeon.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):453-454
pages 453-454 views

F.M. Rothstein. Pathology and therapy of rickets. With a foreword by Professor S. Brushtein. Gosmedizdat, 1929, 150 pages, c. 1 p. 65 r.

Lepsky E.


There are two unequal parts in Dr. Rothstein's book. The first, large part is devoted to the pathology of rickets; here we find a fairly detailed exposition of the anatomy, symptomatology, etiology and pathogenesis of rickets. And - some of the author's statements do not fully correspond to the current state of the treated issues. This is, for example, his opinion about the connection of rickets with gastrointestinal disorders; the author believes that those gastrointestinal diseases that “are especially often observed precisely at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn are precisely the early forms of rickets.” beriberi in the etiology of rickets; contrary to his opinion that there are not sufficient grounds for recognizing the connection between rickets and vitamin deficiency (p. 63), the clinic and the experiment have brought in recent years many facts establishing such a connection with certainty; in the chapter on treatment, the author himself also cites such facts. — The rachitis with Barlow’s disease has now been abandoned, since these processes turned out to be different both in etiology and in anatomical changes. — The author reports on his experiments in which he sought cause rickets in animals by removing the thymus gland; he received changes that “show many similarities to human rickets” (p. 72nd). The history of attempts to experimentally reproduce rickets in animals has shown quite convincingly that similarities are not enough here. In general, we can say that this part of the book will require significant changes in the next edition.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):454-454
pages 454-454 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Surgical section. Meeting 14/1-29

Smirnov S.A.


Dr. M. S. Znamensky. A case of removing a bullet from the left lung of a serviceman who was accidentally (blind) wounded from a machine gun during shooting practice at a distance of about a kilometer. Entrance hole on the anterior axillary line on the left. After the injury - severe shortness of breath, there was no hemoptysis, constant pain in the left side, deep breaths are especially painful. Fluoroscopy: a bullet not deformed in the left half of the chest, pointed outwards. When inhaled, it shifts downward. When viewed from the front, the bullet is vaguely contoured and appears larger than its normal size; from the rear it is clearly contoured and of normal size. Its level is the VIII rib at the back. The bullet was extracted under the direct control of X-rays through an incision in the back, along the 8th rib with partial excision of the last and adjacent 9th. Before opening the pleura, there are three sutures fixing the lungs. When the pleura was opened, the lung was grasped with fenestrated forceps and removed from the wound. The bullet was found in the extracted part of the lung at a depth of ½ sant, under the visceral pleura in the granulating cavity. The lung wound was sutured with catgut sutures and fixed to the pleural wound. Iodoform graduate. Stitches for muscles and skin. The postoperative course is smooth and by the time of the demonstration (after about a month after the operation) the patient feels quite satisfactory. The X-ray tube was placed under the table, the screen, wrapped in a pillowcase with a cut out window, was superimposed on top. Lighting - for specific moments of the operation. Debate: Prof. P. M. Krasin, M. O. Friedland and V. L. Bogolyubov and pre-doc. VA Gusynin, who attributed the success of the operation to the skillful use — in Kazan conditions for the first time — of X-rays as a controller of the course of the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):454-456
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Society of doctors at the University of Kazan. Obstetric and gynecological section. Session 6 / III


Prof. A.I. Timofeev demonstrated b-th, in which he underwent transplantation of the ureters into the rectum by the Sofeu method at two stages, firstly, the right ureter was transplanted into the lower recti section, and then the left one into S Romanum, 3 weeks after the first operation. Currently, the patient retains urine well and clearly distinguishes between the urge to urinate and defecate. It is interesting that the phenomena of pielitis, which gave constant aggravations before the operation, have now disappeared. Prof. V.S.Gruzdev and Dr.K). A. Leibchik, N. N. Chukalov, I. E. Derchinsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):456-456
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Society of Doctors at the University of Kazan. Skin and venereal section. Annual Meeting (31st) 26 I - 1929

Batunin M.


1) Report of Dr. AI Dmitriev — Observations on the treatment of chronic prostatitis, spermatocystitis and functional disorders of the male urinary apparatus by mud plants at Sergiev Mineral Waters during the 1928 therapeutic season.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):456-457
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Society of doctors at Kazan University. Skin and venereal section. 35th meeting 1 / II—1929


Dr. N.P. Kolokolov — showed two patients (brother and sister) with Lues hereditaria tarda. Here, attention is drawn to the suffering of the skeletal system with damage to almost all joints (boy). R. W. is sharply positive Debate: Kugushev, Yasnitsky, Ashanin and Batunin.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):457-459
pages 457-459 views

Society of doctors at Kazan University. Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section. 20th meeting 9 / XI - 1928


Dr. D. H. Matveev and engineer N. I. Pautkin. - "Mathematical definition of the approach to the antrum of the mastoid process." The outer surface of the temporal bone with the plane applied to it is always in contact at three points. One of the points lies on the zygomatic process, the other on the temporal line and the third on the most prominent part of the mastoid process. These points define a triangle called the temporal. The results of measurements of more than 50 bone preparations give the right to state the following position: the antrum of the mastoid process is in the direction of the perpendicular restored to the plane of the temporal triangle at the point of intersection of its bisectors. On the available preparations (including those with an unusual location of the antrum), the indicated perpendicular enters the temporal bone in the area of ​​the spina suprameatum Henle and approaches the antrum. In addition, being guided by the found position, an operation was performed on 40 bones. In all cases (including those with an unusual location of the antrum), they inevitably fell into the antrum without any complications in terms of damage to adjacent parts. Based on the studies performed, the following conclusion can be made: 1. The proposed approach to the antrum using the temporal triangle is expedient due to its accuracy, safety in relation to complications and the shortest length of its path. 2. The found dependence of the location of the antrum on the external parts of the temporal bone makes it possible to navigate during antrotomy according to mathematical "data". 3. The mathematical definition of the approach to the antrum raises the question of the practical use of this definition in antrotomy. - Drs. BS Goland, BN Lebedevsky, NK Trutnev, SP Yakhontov took part in the debate and prof. V.K. Trutnev.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):459-460
pages 459-460 views

Society of doctors at Kazan University. Hygienic section. Session 5 / ІІ-29 years


1. Dr. M. V. Trotsky. Mn content in food. Determination of Mn in food products was carried out colorimetrically, and the color was obtained according to the principle of Marshall and Waller with some changes introduced by the author to this method. The ash of the test substance, after sequential treatment with potassium bisulfate and strong nitric acid, was dissolved in diluted sulfuric acid (10%); by adding to the resulting solution of solid potassium persulfate and sufficient heating, the resulting color of manganic acid was compared with the template solution of permanganate. Carrying out such determinations in various products of plant and animal origin, Ed. found a sharp fluctuation in the Mn content in the former and a slight fluctuation in the latter. The obtained constant values ​​in human milk and blood are noteworthy. It is also interesting that there is a constant ratio in the content of Mn in the protein and yolk of eggs, for which it is on average 47%. The author comes to the conclusion that the content of Mn in an animal organism is not an accidental phenomenon, but undoubtedly has a biological significance. —Discussion: Dr. Elk and Prof. Miloslavsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):460-461
pages 460-461 views

Society of doctors at Kazan University. Tuberculosis section. Meeting 29 / XI 28


Dr. A.P. Kokushina. Anti-tuberculosis vaccination (BCG based on the materials of the IV All-Union Tuberculosis Congress).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):461-462
pages 461-462 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Ophthalmic section. Annual meeting 19 / I-28


A. V. Biryulev. About the sensation of objects by blind people at a distance.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):462-462
pages 462-462 views

Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for the improvement of doctors named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan. 107th meeting 23 / X-28


Prof. M.O. Friedland demonstrated a new type of bandage for treating contracture of the fingers, Mommsen's lyre, which is a bandage made of a metal mesh, to which a pull from the contracted fingers is attached.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):462-464
pages 462-464 views

Scientific circle of doctors in Yelabuga for 1928

Avrov E.N.


Doctors of the former Yelabuga canton T.S..S.R. at the Yelabuga district hospital in January 1928, a scientific circle was organized under the chairmanship of Dr. E. N. Avrov.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):464-464
pages 464-464 views

Chronicle. Volume 25, No. 4 (1929)


57) The question of the overload of the medical faculty students due to the multidisciplinary nature of the program, the question of the insufficient preparation of graduated young doctors for practical activities has long been causing discussion of the need for the 6th year of study at the medical faculty. In the current academic year, subject commissions and the Faculty Council of Kazan University, at the suggestion of Glavprofobra, discussed this issue. The discussion was based on the article Head. medical education of the RSFSR prof. VM Bronner (Problems of Health, 1928, no. 13), in which it was proposed to use the 6th year of study for practice in medical institutions of a university city, partly for replenishing theoretical knowledge, and all this, according to prof. Bronner, it will take only 1,800,000 rubles. per year on scholarships for 6th year students, counting 90 rubles per month.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):464-469
pages 464-469 views

Professor Clemens Pirquet


The seal brought the news that the 27th Feb. with. died at the age of 55 prof. Pirquet, Director of the University Children's Hospital Vienna. The death of Pirquet is a bereavement not only for pediatrics, in which he worked most of all, but for all medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):469-469
pages 469-469 views

Questions and answers. Volume 25, No. 4 (1929)


14) Are there often cases of infringement of the placenta after it has separated from the uterus, and the reasons for this.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(4):469-470
pages 469-470 views

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