Vol 20, No 4 (1924)

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On the etiology of posttyphoid lesions of costal cartilage

Geltzer P.R.


Beginning in 1921, in the literature, more and more often there are reports of posttyphoid chondritis, which are a complication, mainly of typhus and relapsing fever. Mass cases of these defeats were in connection with the experience experienced in 1919-21. a huge epidemic of the indicated typhus. Until that time, cases of costal chondritis were described as complications of typhoid fever (Lampe, Harz bec ker); then it was indicated necrosis of costal cartilage after scarlet fever and, in general, diseases caused by the development of infection (cited by M. Zabludovsky).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):339-347
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About the persistence of red blood cells in edema (cardiac, renal, and starving) in relation to 0.4% sodium chloride

Pshenichnov F.V.


The determination of the persistence of red blood cells has long been of interest to scientists not only from the scientific, theoretical side, but also for the sake of its practical application at the bedside. From observations it turned out that blood sometimes reacts to infection or other diseases precisely by increasing the resistance of red blood cells. So, a similar increase was found in typhoid fever and relapsing fever, jaundice, stomach cancer, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):348-352
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On the casuistry of multichamber echinococcus of the liver with metastases to the brain

Zhabotinskaya R.A.


The motives that prompted me to publish the case of multicameral echinococcus of the liver observed in our Clinic are, firstly, the comparative rarity of this disease in general and its relative frequency in our area, secondly, the difficulty of in vivo recognition of this disease and, finally, the rarity of metastases in multichamber echinococcus, especially brain metastases.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):353-361
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On the treatment of Basedow's disease with a mercury-quartz lamp

Klyachkin L.N.


Even Finsen, when observing lupus, found that the active principle of any light source is not all its rays, but only those that make up the extreme right part of the solar spectrum, namely: blue, violet and, mainly, ultraviolet.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):362-366
pages 362-366 views

Purulent diseases of costal cartilage due to infectious diseases

Sokolov N.V.


The epidemic of typhus and relapsing fever that swept across Russia over the past three years, hunger and the associated malnutrition have brought to a prominent place in surgical practice a still rare and poorly developed disease - perichondritis and purulent chondritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):367-378
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On the issue of arthrodesis of the ankle-foot joint (two new osteoplastic methods)

Lapkov D.M.


In 1878, the German surgeon Albert introduced a new operation into the surgical practice of that time, which he called arthrodesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):379-389
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On the diagnostic value of phloridzin glycosuria during pregnancy

Timofeev A.I., Smirnova A.I.


One of the most difficult tasks of obstetric and gynecological diagnostics in some cases is to establish a diagnosis of early pregnancy, or to distinguish it from some diseases. In the absence of at least one specific symptom inherent only in pregnancy at the beginning of its development, we, when diagnosing pregnancy in its early stages, have to use a number of only more or less probable signs.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):390-397
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On the casuistry of benign tumors of the phallus tubes.

Edelberg G.


Malignant diseases of the fallopian tubes occur, apparently, much more often than benign ones. As for the first, before 1910, 120 cases of them were published, which statistics were supplemented by S. Rüge in 1917, and then by Küstner in 1922, the latter already reporting 176 cases of primary malignant neoplasms of the tubes. Until 1923, Pappe could collect only 77 cases of benign neoplasms of the oviducts.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):398-401
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A case of traumatic ophtalmoplegiae internae

Rusetsky I.I.


The traumatic material of lesions of the nervous system sometimes presents to the attention of the researcher cases that are interesting from a topical and physiological point of view, involuntarily forcing them to be compared with an exquisite laboratory experiment. Particularly interesting are the cases of isolated lesions of individual nerve pathways with the integrity of the remaining sections.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):402-404
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On the diagnosis of childhood leishmaniasis

Gershenovich P.S.


In a report made at the 1st Scientific Congress of Doctors of Turkestan (24-28 October 1923), I pointed out that the diagnosis of childhood leishmaniasis should be based on the entire set of clinical and hematological data inherent in this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):405-410
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The current state of the question of the "reaction" of fluids of the human body

Wagner L.B.


The question of the "reaction" of the fluids of the human body is not entirely new, but only in the last few years, mainly during the war years, it has attracted the general attention of biologists, physiologists and doctors around the world. Only now are more or less broad prospects emerging, which the development of this question promises for physiology, diagnostics, and therapy. Therefore, I ask the reader to arm yourself with patience in order to overcome the preliminary physico-chemical part of this review.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):411-420
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II All-Union Congress on Combating Malaria in Moscow

Shvartsman A.


From 14 to 19 January p. The II Congress of the fight against malaria took place in Moscow. Up to 170 delegates attended. The Congress was opened by Zamnarkomzdrav Z. P. Soloviev. Narkomzdrav N.A.Semashko made a speech with a greeting and a wish of success to the Congress. The congress spent all its time in plenary sessions, which is why many reports had to be shortened. Everything heard can be divided into reports: 1) of a public nature and 2) purely scientific.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):420-424
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To the question of the transfer of relapsing fever by bedbugs Dunn’oм (Bui. de rinst. Past., 1924, № 1)

Aristovsky V.


Experimental attempts to prove the possibility of infection with relapsing fever by means of bug bites, produced by Dunn'om (Bui. De rinst. Past., 1924, No. 1) on white mice and rats, led to negative results.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):425-425
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Malaria as a chronic infection prof. R. A. Luria (Medical Business, No. 21-23, 1923)

Shvartsman A.


In the manuals on internal pathology, malaria is still considered predominantly as an acute infectious disease, and chronic malaria is spoken of rather as a result of infection. The same opinion about malaria as an acute disease prevails among patients, despite the fact that the disease, as you know, lasts for many months and even years.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):425-425
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The effect of rubbing the skin on the composition of the blood under study to Dr. P. Dvizhkov (Virch. Arch. F. Path. An., Bd. 245, 1923)

Blank V.


The observed Bittorf'oM appearance in the peripheral blood of a patient with chronic endocarditis and hemorrhagic diathesis of endothelial cells due to rubbing of the blood sampling site (ear lobe) was given to Dr. P. Dvizhkov (Virch. Arch. F. Path. An., Bd. 245, 1923) thought to trace this phenomenon to patients with typhus.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):425-426
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About "neutrophilic twins" Castillo (Vireh. Arch. f. path. An., Bd. 247, H. 1, 1923)

Blank V.


The term "neutrophilic twins" ("neutrophileZwillinge") V. Schilling designates neutrophilic leukocytes, which have a double size against the norm and two separate nuclei, similar in structure and shape. Castillo (Vireh. Arch. F. Path. An., Bd. 247, H. 1, 1923) found them, almost as a rule, with significant neutrophilic hyperleukocytosis, especially often in infectious diseases, in particular, pneumonia and scarlet fever. They are often also found in processes when an increased neoplasm of neutrophils occurs, as, for example, with myeloid leukemia, pernicious anemia, ulcerative-chronic endocarditis, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):426-426
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A new surgical method for the treatment of hydrocephalus ipt. chron Hildebrand (Archiv 1. klinische Chir., Bd. 127)

Tsimkhes I.


A new surgical method for the treatment of hydrocephalus ipt. chron. in children suggested by Hildebrand (Archiv 1. klinische Chir., Bd. 127). An incision of the soft parts to the bone along the supraorbital line and 1-2 cm. downward; under the periosteal compartment of the orbital roof, then knocking out a hole (1½ - 2 cm. squared) in the orbital roof, which is easy due to the small thickness of the bone.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):427-427
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Large intestine resection by intussusception Falkenburg (Arch. f. klinische Chirurg., Bd. 127)

Tsimkhes I.


Falkenburg (Arch. F. Klinische Chirurg., Bd. 127) produced mainly in colon neoplasms. After thorough cleaning of the colon, the patient receives 10 drops of t-ae opii the night before. Midline abdominal incision. The affected areas of the large intestines and lymph glands are resected after the application of pulp on the healthy areas of the intestines and mesocolon.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):427-427
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Shin fractures (Mönatschr. f. Unfallheilk. u. Versicherungsmed., №io, S. 217—226, 1922)

Friedland M.


Swiss surgeons Winterstein from the Zurich Clinic (Mönatschr. F. Unfallheilk. U. Versicherungsmed., No.io, S. 217-226, 1922) and Trutmann, based on data from the Swiss stakhovsky office for 1919 and 1920 (Rv. Suisse des ace. tea travail, No. 1, p. 1-7; No. 2, p. 25-32, 1923) provide a large statistical material on the issue of fractures of the shin.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):427-428
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Osteosynthesis operation Thomas (Journ. of the Americ. Med. Assoc., vol. 80, № 5, p. 309—315, 1923)

Friedland M.


The osteosynthesis operation for nonunited fractures of long tubular bones requires, according to the majority of modern surgeons, preliminary refreshing and freeing of the ends of the bone fracture from scar tissue. Thomas (Journ. Of the American. Med. Assoc., Vol. 80, no. 5, pp. 309-315, 1923) considers, however, this point of view erroneous and recommends adhering to the following rule. In the event that a nonunited fracture occurs after an open infected wound, it is necessary to wait one year with the osteosynthesis operation in order to more accurately exclude the possibility of reviving the old infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):428-429
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Diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis Barré (Bulk méd., № 10, 1923)

Friedland M.


Diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis in adults, especially in the absence of kyphosis and a characteristic response to the load of the spine, is often very difficult. Barré (Bulk méd., No. 10, 1923) advises in such cases to pay special attention to various "neuralgic" phenomena, unilateral increase in tendon reflexes and Babinsk'oro symptom, as well as to limited rigidity of the spinal muscles.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):429-429
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Albee spinal osteoplastic fixation surgery Baer’om (Bull, of the Johns Hopkins Hosp., vol. 33, № 374, p. 140—142, 1922)

Friedland M.


Operation of osteoplastic fixation of the spine according to Albee, performed by Baer'om (Bull, of the Johns Hopkins Hosp., Vol. 33, No. 374, p. 140-142, 1922) in 50 cases, led V. to the following conclusion

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):429-429
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Treatment of chronic congenital dislocations of the hip joint Hahn’ом (Münch, med. Wochenschr., № 3, 1923)

Friedland M.


The treatment of chronic congenital dislocations of the hip joint is still a very difficult task for the surgeon. Therefore, the simple method of operation recommended for this kind of deformity by Hahn deserves special attention (Münch, med. Wochenschr., No. 3, 1923), namely, subtrochanteric osteotomy of the femur with insertion of a distal fragment into the acetabulum in the position of easy extension, combined, in cases of unilateral dislocation, with a small abduction. The latter compensates for the shortening of the leg by approximately 1 cm.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):429-430
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Long-term results of treatment of tuberculous coxitis by means of an outpatient plaster cast А. Keck’om (Zeitschr f. orthop. Chir , Bd. 43, H. 1, 1922)

Friedland M.


Long-term results of treatment of tuberculous coxitis by means of an outpatient plaster cast were traced for 3-10 years in 130 patients of the Munich orthopedist, clinic A. Keck'om (Zeitschr f. Orthop. Chir, Bd. 43, H. 1, 1922).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):430-430
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Amputations and prosthetics Zur Verth (Münch, med. Woch., № 10,1923)

Friedland M.


The principle of preserving as much of the limb as possible during amputation does not always stand up to criticism in cases where limb prosthetics is meant. hinderliche) zones: 1) the lower 6 cm of the thigh, the preservation of which interferes with the fit of a properly seated prosthesis, the knee joint of which has to be made below the height of the knee joint; 2) the upper 8-10 cm of the tibia, which stump easily jumps out of the shin sleeve and at the same time is too short for the implementation of movements in the knee; 3) lower legs 6 cm, while maintaining which it is impossible to arrange over the stump of the prosthesis without lengthening the length of the prosthetic leg, which also requires lengthening and a healthy leg by means of special orthopedic shoes; 4) tains and calcaneus, since the Schopart'ov stump is generally inconvenient for fitting the prosthesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):430-430
pages 430-430 views

Determination of the degree of dilatation of the uterine pharynx in parturient women by external examination Seyffart (Zentr. f. Gyn, 1923, № 38)

Gruzdev V.


For this purpose, Seyffart (Zentr. F. Gyn, 1923, no. 38), according to Unterberger's proposal, recommends paying attention to the height of the Sellheim's “boundary ring” (the border between the hollow muscle and the outlet tube) above the pubis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):430-431
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Feeling of pressure on the rectum, as a sign of expulsion of the placenta from the body of the uterus Mikulicz-Radecki (Zentr. f. Gyn, 1923, № 27)

Gruzdev V.


As you know, the generally accepted method of managing the afterbirth period in obstetrics is the one in which the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is left to the forces of nature, while the isolation from the genital canal is artificial, according to the Credé method.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):431-431
pages 431-431 views

Use of retroplacental blood to detect syphilis Klee and Hofmann (Monat, f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXH)

Gruzdev V.


Klee and Hofmann (Monat, f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXH) found that retroplacental blood in women in labor is quite suitable for producing Wassermann's reaction with it. However, the authors consider a positive result of a reaction with this blood insufficient for the diagnosis of syphilis — it should only arouse suspicions about the presence of lues, the diagnosis of which should be verified in such cases by all other means.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):431-431
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Diagnostic significance of the Wassermann reaction in obstetrics G. Richter’a (отч. в Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, № 35)

Gruzdev V.


According to G. Richter's observations (report in Zentr. F. Gyn., 1923, No. 35), in assessing this value, a strict distinction must be made between pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy, on the one hand, and pregnant women in the later stages, and also by women in labor and parturient women shortly after childbirth, on the other: while in the former a positive RW indicates the presence of lues, in the latter it cannot be given the same diagnostic value to a positive result.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):431-432
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Increased blood pressure in pregnant women as a harbinger of eclampsia Lori er (Presse méd., 1923, no. 2)

Gruzdev V.


According to the observations of Lori er (Presse méd., 1923, No. 2), the blood pressure of pregnant women usually fluctuates between 90 and 100 mm. Hg. If it rises to 120 mm. and stays at this level for several days, this is a sign of impending eclampsia. In such cases, the author recommends prescribing to pregnant women a salt-free food and a milk diet.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):432-432
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Treatment for febrile abortion Winter (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, № 38)

Gruzdev V.


Summing up everything that has been established on this issue after 12 years of discussion, Winter (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1923, no. 38) comes to the conclusion that, since the presence of fever in an abortion is proved, it is necessary to examine the contents of the lower part of the sleeve for cash hemolytic streptococci.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):432-432
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Any puerperal uterus is infected (Zeitchr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXII)

Gruzdev V.


Numerous observations led Loesega (Zeitchr. F. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXII) to come to the following conclusions on this matter:

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):432-433
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Operation Alexander-Adams'a with infantilism Вumm (Zeitschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, Heft 3)

Gruzdev V.


Bumm (Zeitschr. F. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, Heft 3) claims that this operation is one of the best means for eliminating infertility in women with uterus infantilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):433-433
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Mechanics of torsion of the pedicle of ovarian tumors Sellheim’y (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd СХѴІII, № 2)

Gruzdev V.


According to Sellheim’y (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd CXVII, No. 2), the reason for this twisting lies in the transmission of rotations of the whole body of patients with tumors. In the same way, the author explains the origin of the twisting of all internal organs, as well as the origin of the spirals on the umbilical cord of the fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):433-433
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The fate of the ovaries left after removal of the uterus Kross (Amer, journ. Ofobst., 1922; ref. Zentr. F. Gyn., 1923, no. 35)

Gruzdev V.


On the basis of experimental research Kross (Amer, journ. Ofobst., 1922; ref. Zentr. F. Gyn., 1923, no. 35) found that leaving the ovaries after removal of the uterus does not guarantee against the disorders inherent in menopause.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):433-434
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Surgical treatment of prolapse in old women Labhardt (Zentr. f, Gyn., 1923, № 35)

Gruzdev V.


To eliminate the prolapse of the sleeve in old women who have not only entered menopause, but have already stopped having sex, Labhardt (Zentr. F, Gyn., 1923, No. 35) recommends using a special type of colpoperineorrhaphy, which he calls subtotal colpoperineocleisis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):434-434
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Protein therapy in pediatric medicine Tordaу (Arch. f. Kind., Bd. 72)

Agafonov F.


On the basis of literature data and their own observations, Barabas and Tordau (Arch. F. Kind., Bd. 72) concluded that protein therapy in infancy can be applied only within narrow limits.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):434-435
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Calcium in children's practice Perthes (Jarb. f. Kinderheilkunde, Bd. 51, 1923)

Agafonov F.


Perthes (Jarb. F. Kinderheilkunde, Bd. 51, 1923) was used intravenously at weekly intervals, 4-5 injections of a 10% solution of calcium chloride in an amount of 3-5 to. S.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):435-435
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Diet-induced decalcification of teeth and bones Howe (Journ. of Amerіс. Med. Assoc., № 19, 1922).

Friedland M.


Decalcification of teeth and bones under the influence of diet is experimentally proved by Howe (Journ. Of America. Med. Assoc., No. 19, 1922). Feeding guinea pigs with special food that causes scorbutic phenomena, the author observed, after 14 weeks, a clear loss of lime in the teeth of animals, accompanied by atrophy of the alveolar processes, elongation and loosening of the teeth, as well as a slight occurrence of a carious process in them.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):435-435
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Vitamin A and antirachitic factor (Goldblatt and Z ilva, Lancet, 1923, sept. 29)

Parkhomenko A.


Until 1920, the growth vitamin A was mixed with the antirachitic vitamin, or, more correctly, with the antirachtic factor, since there is no reason to believe that in the active principle we are dealing with a vitamin.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):436-436
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Avitaminosis as a cause of spasmophilia P. Reуher (Kl. W., 1923, №№ 4— 5)

Lepsky E.


Since the existing hypotheses about the causes of spasmophilia (lack of calcium, dysfunction of the thymus or parathyroid glands, alkaloa or guanidine poisoning) cannot be considered completely convincing, prof. P. Reuher (Kl. W., 1923, No. 4-5) is looking for its cause in vitamin deficiency.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):436-436
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On the pathogenesis of nutritional disorders in infants Р. Reуher (Kl. W., 1924 г. № 6)

Lepsky E.


Prof. R. Reuher (Kl. W., 1924, No. 6) asks why, when children are fed with cow's milk, sooner or later nutritional disorders almost always occur, while during breastfeeding such disorders are very rare; he suggests that this is due to the different vitamin content.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):437-437
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About the effect of yeast on premature and weak babies Rеуheг (Zeit, f. Kind., Bd. 36)

Lepsky E.


Based on the work of Abels'a, Reucheg'a and Zuntz'a, it can be assumed that some cases of premature birth do not occur from mechanical causes, syphilis, etc., but due to a lack of vitamins in the mother's food during pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):437-438
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Dairy-free infant feeding Hamburger (Jahrb. fiïr Kinderheilk., Bd. 53, Heft 5/8)

Klivanskaya-Krol E.


Some diseases of childhood, such as exudative diathesis, tetany, food anemia, cause the need to prescribe a dairy-free diet to infants.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):438-438
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Bio-physiological significance of light, natural and artificial St. Rothman’a (Zeitschr. f. allg. exp. Medizin, В. 36, H. 4/6)

Klyachkin G.


The bio-physiological significance of light, natural and artificial, continues to be of great interest to many physiologists and physicians. In this still under-explored area of therapy, some clarity is brought about by the recently emerging experimental clinical study of St. Rothman'a (Zeitschr. F. Allg. Exp. Medizin, B. 36, H. 4/6) on the physiological effect of light.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):438-439
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To phototherapy of tuberculosis and rickets Рісаrdʹом (Klin. Woch., 1923, № 45).

Klyachkin G.


A significant step forward in light therapy is the light therapy apparatus proposed by Pisard (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 45). This apparatus is an elliptical box, equipped with two strong light sources emitting ultraviolet rays, evenly scattered throughout the space inside the box.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):439-439
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The action of rays on cancer cells Opitz (отч. в Zentrf. Gyn., 1923, № 27)

Friedland M.


Opitz (ex. Zentrf. Gyn., 1923, no. 27) completely denies the direct harmful effect of X-rays and radium rays on cancer cells. In his opinion, the beneficial effect of rays in cancer depends on their general effect on the patient's body and the effect on the connective tissue surrounding the cancer nests.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):439-442
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Session 7 / ІІІ

Board E.


Prof. K. Goryaev demonstrated a patient with pronounced eunuchoidism. The prevailing etiological moment in the origin of this constitutional type was severe hypoplasia of the seminal glands, which also caused their functional insufficiency.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):442-443
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Session 21 / III

Board E.


Prof. S. S. Zimnitsky made a report entitled "Results of functional searches in the pathology of gastric cells" (see the article by prof. 3. on this topic in the March book of the "Journal" for the current year).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):443-444
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Collection 3 | ІІІ

Board E.


Dr. E. N. Zabolotskaya reported a case of adenometritis simulating a malignant neoplasm of the uterus. The diagnosis was clarified post Operationen! with histological examination of the removed uterus. According to the speaker, this disease is on the verge of benign tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):444-444
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Collection 10 / ІІІ

Board E.


Dr. Yu. A. Ratner reported a case of a tumor originating from a kidney capsule and found to be fibromyxolipoma. The report was accompanied by a demonstration of the patient and drugs.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):444-445
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Collection 31 / III

Team E.


Prof. AI Timofeev and Dr. AI Smirnov made a report on the diagnostic value of the Kamnitzerʹa-Jоseph'a reaction during pregnancy (see Section I of this Journal).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):445-445
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Board E.


April 30 this year the 70th anniversary of the birth of prof. physiology of Kazan University. Nikolai Alexandrovich Mislavsky. The faculty elected a committee for the organization of the anniversary celebration consisting of: the rector of the University, prof. V.V. Chirkovsky, deputy. Dean Venerable I. S. Alufa, prof. M. N. Cheboxarov and A. V. Vishnevsky, a representative from students N. V. Inyushkin and one of the doctors working in the laboratory prof. N. A. Mislavsky. The committee was instructed to expand its membership by inviting representatives of other faculties of the Kazan University and local organizations, as well as nonresident and foreign scientists.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(4):445-445
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