Vol 20, No 7 (1924)

Cover Page

Full Issue

To the doctrine of the functions of nerve centers

Afonsky S.


The doctrine of the functions of nerve centers existing at the present time was created on the basis of facts obtained mainly with the help of methods of reflex influences and stimuli.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):675-683
pages 675-683 views

To the theories of muscle contractions

Viktorova K.R.


Muscle contraction, one of the most amazing natural phenomena, which has always aroused interest in itself and attempts to analyze, has generated a huge literature, and if we now have a sufficient understanding of the mechanical, chemical, thermal and electrical processes that take place during contraction, we owe this to an endless series of studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):684-689
pages 684-689 views

On the study of the laws of fatigue with the rhythm of repetitive movements

Flayitsky S.F.


Experimental data on the study of muscle fatigue by lifting a load on the Mosso ergograph, with the rhythmicity of repetitive movements, and the empirical formulas we derived suggest that.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):689-689
pages 689-689 views

About the reaction of precipitation of red blood cells in internal diseases

Vladimirova E.N.


In early 1918, Fahraens published an article about the allegedly discovered reaction of precipitation of red blood corpuscles. However, it turned out that this phenomenon was known before: for example, “crusta phlogistica” Galen’a is nothing more than a film formed during the accelerated sedimentation of erythrocytes, and systematic observations of this phenomenon were made by Hüntheg at the end of the 18th century. Soon interest in this reaction died out, but at the beginning of the 19th century it again aroused the interest of researchers (Müller, Dawу, Hermann, Nasse). At present, both theorists and clinicians with the same interest are engaged in the study of this phenomenon and its causes.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):691-697
pages 691-697 views

A case of non-overgrowth of the Botall's duct

Ado E.I.


Recognition of congenital heart defects, in particular the determination of the exact localization of the lesion in them, is often associated with rather significant difficulties, and sometimes it is completely impossible.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):698-702
pages 698-702 views

The use of an epiploon for wrapping the nerve trunks during suture and neurolysis

Linberg B.E.


Whenever it is necessary to suture a peripheral nerve isolated from the scar tissue, or only to free it from compression by a scar, the question arises: what to do with this nerve in the future. It is clear that it is impossible to leave it in the same conditions, that is, to put it in the same place in the scar tissue; it is far from always possible to cut through all the scar tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):703-709
pages 703-709 views

A case of perforation of the intestinal wall ascaris

Aleeva A.E.


On 28 / Ѵ 1924, a 52-year-old patient T. G-va was taken to the hospital, 23 hours after the onset of the disease, with complaints of severe abdominal pain, mainly in the right hypochondrium. From the anamnesis it became clear that the patient had previously suffered from gallstones, and she was offered an operation to remove gallstones.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):710-711
pages 710-711 views

On the question of spinal anesthesia in gynecology

Sofoterova A.K.


The issue of anesthesia is the most vital issue of surgery and gynecology, and hardly any other issue has been and is being paid so much attention in surgery and gynecology as the issue of various methods of anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):712-718
pages 712-718 views

About the treatment of uterine fibroids

Kozlov I.F.


One of the most common diseases of the female genital area is undoubtedly uterine fibroids. So, according to Voule’s statistics, 20% of women who have passed 35 years of age suffer from this disease. Nofmeier the frequency of patients with fibroids in relation to the total number of gynecological patients is 4.4%.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):719-741
pages 719-741 views

On the issue of the healing effect of light

Klyachkin G.A.


Phototherapy is currently one of the most entertaining and interesting chapters of physiotherapy. We can hardly be mistaken if we say that it is difficult to point out a field of medicine where light would not find application. Thanks to the latest advances in science in the field of bio-physiology of light, phototherapy has left the field of rough empiricism and, by analogy with experimental pharmacology, is trying to create a solid scientific basis for itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):742-752
pages 742-752 views

Famine and its impact on the sanitation of the village

Zelenetsky S.


The sanitary condition of the village has always left much to be desired. Cultural and economic backwardness caused a high percentage of total mortality and exceptionally high infant mortality. In the last years before the war, the death rate began to decrease significantly — the death rate from 37.8 in the five-year period 1869-1873. fell to 28.4 in the five-year period 1909-1913 (Binstock).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):753-766
pages 753-766 views

Measles prevention according to Degkwitz'y

Lepsky E.M.


Measles is considered to be an innocent disease because the vast majority of children who contract the disease recover. But since in our conditions almost every child inevitably falls ill with measles, then, despite the low% of mortality, the absolute number of deaths from measles is very large.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):768-772
pages 768-772 views

Regeneration of leukocytes

Blank V.


Proceeding from the idea that the regeneration of leukocytes is regulated by the hematogenous pathway by means of some chemical stimulus, Scilârd (Zeit. F. Ges. Med., Bd. 37, 1923) tried to find the place of formation of this hypothetical substance, the hormone.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):772-772
pages 772-772 views

Botelho's response to cancer

G. V.


Based on Botelho's data, Vilbushevich in 1922 proposed a new serological reaction for the diagnosis of cancer. The technique of this reaction is as follows: to 2 cubic meters. sant, formalinized citric acid solution (5% solution of this acid with the addition of 1% formalin) add 0.5 cubic meters. site, the test serum, diluted in half with saline, and then poured into a mixture of 0.7 Lugol's solution (jodi 1.0, kali jodati 2.0, aq. destillatae 210.0).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):773-773
pages 773-773 views

To the treatment of Basedow'oü disease

Weinberg M.


Alexander (Zentr. F. Die ges. Phys. Ther., Bd. 27) reports on the results of treatment of B. disease with injections of 80 ° alcohol into the thymus tissue (Pajzs’a method). Injections were made by him daily, in the amount of 1 / 2-1 cubic meters. sant., deep into the parenchyma of the gland, under chloroethyl anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):773-773
pages 773-773 views

To the treatment of articular rheumatism

Weinberg M.


In view of the fact that salicylic preparations do not always give the desired results in the treatment of articular rheumatism, Rennen (Münch, m. Woch., 1924, no. 17) offers a combined treatment with the cartilaginous preparation "Sanarthrit" with camphor, which gives good results. "Sanarthrit" increases the resistance of the cartilage, the effect of camphor has not been clarified.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):773-773
pages 773-773 views

Chronic rheumatism and lues Lâsz1о (Zeit. f. d. ges. phys. Then, 1923, Bd. 28)

Klyachkin G.


The clinical classification of polyarthritis has not yet been finally established. Lâsz1o (Zeit. F. D. Ges. Phys. Then, 1923, Bd. 28) on the basis of very significant material from one of the Hungarian resorts distinguishes between two types of chronic articular rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):774-774
pages 774-774 views

Plastic on a migrating round stem

Tsimkhes I.


Plastic surgery on a migrating round stem, proposed by prof. VP Filatov (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Vol. III. Issues 8 and 9) in ophthalmic practice, is successfully used by surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):774-774
pages 774-774 views

Osteoplastic fixation of the spine

Friedland M.


Osteoplastic fixation of the spine with its tuberculosis was performed by E. König (Arch. F. Orthop. U. Unfall-Chir., Bd. XXI, H. 3) in 41 patients: 21 men and 20 women, aged 2 up to 48 years old. 28 patients were operated on according to Albee, 18 - in the modification of Halsted-Calvé-Polya. 5 people died, including “one in connection with the operation itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):774-775
pages 774-775 views

Menstrual changes in uterine mucosa

G. V.


Subjecting a systematic study of menstrual blood, Sekiba (Arch, f. Gyn., Bd. 121, H. 1) found that on the 1st day of menstruation, it usually contains already macroscopically distinguishable scraps of sequestered uterine mucose; less often they can be noticed on the 2nd day of regulation, and almost never, on subsequent days.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):775-775
pages 775-775 views

The structure and function of the corpus luteum

Timofeev A.


Jaffé (Zentr. F. G., 1924,. No. 21) indicates that the division of the development of the corpus luteum into stages according to Rüge does not correspond to reality.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):775-775
pages 775-775 views

Calcium content in the body of a growing fetus

G. V.


Research carried out by Schmitz (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd. 121, H. 1) convinced him that calcium, in minimal doses, appears in the body of the embryo even in those stages of development of the last day, when there is no question of bone development.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):775-776
pages 775-776 views

Blood clotting during pregnancy Prerovsky (Bratislavske Lekarske Listy, 1923, okt.,)

G. V.


Having studied it in 130 cases of pregnancy, Prerovsky (Bratislavske Lekarske Listy, 1923, okt.,) Found that in most pregnant women the rate of this coagulation is reduced, and the difference in the rate of clotting between venous blood and capillary blood is more pronounced than outside of pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):776-776
pages 776-776 views

Comparative assessment of reactions Burger and Heiner (Zentr. F Gyn., 1924, no. 12)

Tarlo B.


A comparative assessment of the reactions of Wassermann'a and Sachs-Georgi in obstetrics is carried out by Burger and Heiner (Zentr. F Gyn., 1924, No. 12) on the basis of a study of 107 cases, concluding that 1) for serodiagnosis of syphilis during pregnancy and in in the postpartum period (especially in the first 8 days after childbirth), Wassögmann's reaction is more reliable than the reaction. Sachs-Geoggi; 2) that the blood from the umbilical vein and the retroplacental blood do not give reliable results; 3) that the duration of labor and albuminuria in pregnant women do not affect serological reactions.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):776-776
pages 776-776 views

Micromethod for studying erythrocyte sedimentation Linzenmeier and Raunert (Zntr. F. G., 1924, no. 15)

Khanina F.


A micromethod for studying erythrocyte sedimentation is offered by Linzenmeier and Raunert (Zntr. F. G., 1924, No. 15). The device - microsedimeter - consists of a capillary tube with an expansion like a mixer for leukocytes. You can count either the time at which the blood settles to a certain height, or a column of plasma that settles at a certain time.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):776-776
pages 776-776 views

The importance of early recognition of the so-called. cervical pregnancy Wolters (Zentr. f. G., 1924, № 12).

Tarlo B.


The differential diagnosis between uterine abortion and cervical pregnancy is easily made on the basis of an internal study - in the first case, the examining finger easily penetrates between the cervical wall and the egg in it, while in the second case, the finger finds an intimate connection of the placenta with the cervical wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):776-776
pages 776-776 views

Spirochaetes in Scaglione vulvar warts (according to ref. Zentr. F. Gyn., 1924, No. 8)

Gruzdev V.


Having studied microscopically (Dunkelfeld, staining according to Fontana-T ribondeau) 10 cases of bulky genital warts of the vulva, Scaglione (according to the ref. Zentr. F. Gyn., 1924, no. 8) could find a spirochete in almost all of them. Most authors who previously found spirochetes in acute warts attributed them to type 8p. refringens. S. discovered in his cases, in addition to refringens type spirochetes, 2 more types of them.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):776-776
pages 776-776 views

Treatment of itching of the vulva

G. V.


Wiener, (according to the ref. Doctor. Gaz., 1924, No. 10) recommends injecting into the outer edges of the labia majora for the treatment of idiopathic itching of the vulva. 1% solution of novocaine in the amount of 4 to. From. from each side.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):776-777
pages 776-777 views

Formation of an artificial skin vagina Fraenkel (Zntrl. f. G., 1924, № 6)

Timofeev A.


The formation of an artificial vagina from the skin suggests Fraenkel (Zntrl. F. G., 1924, No. 6). The first act of the operation is excision of the hymen plate and separation of the bladder from the rectum to a depth of one finger, followed by tamponade of the formed cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):777-777
pages 777-777 views

Labor activity of a woman and uterine fibroids

Gruzdev V.


As you know, the question of the etiological relationship between a woman's labor and fibroids has long been a subject of controversy among gynecologists.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):777-777
pages 777-777 views

Symptom of "tethering" in tbc spondylitis

Kornev P.G.


The author observed a peculiar reaction of the dorsal musculature in spondylitis, which is expressed in the fact that from the top of the angular curvature of the spine two divergent muscle pulls go upward, to the inner edge of the shoulder blades, which are especially prominent against the background of atrophied dorsal musculature.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):584-584
pages 584-584 views

To the surgical treatment of uterine cancer Bumm (Zeit. f. Geb. и. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, H. 1, S. 204)

G. V.


As you know, the largest% of women who die after surgery for uterine cancer die from sepsis, and the pathogens of the latter are microbes that have entered the pelvic tissue and lymph glands even before the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):777-777
pages 777-777 views

Homoplastic ovarian transplant Sippel (Zntrlb. f. Gyn., 1924, № 1—2)

Timofeev A.


Homoplastic ovarian transplantation is recommended by Sippel (Zntrlb. F. Gyn., 1924, No. 1-2) in the treatment of infertility, which is based on disorders and irregularities in egg maturation processes with a tendency to premature rupture of follicles, followed by atresia or small cyst-like degeneration.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):777-778
pages 777-778 views

About the influence of whooping cough on the course of tuberculosis (Zeit. f. Kinderh., XXXVII, ⅓)

Levit M.


Pertussis does not activate tuberculosis according to Rospis-chill.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):778-779
pages 778-779 views

On the "phenomenon of redemption" in scarlet fever (Zschr. f. Kinghlk., Bd. 27)

Lepsky E.


Under this name, Schn1h and Charlton described (Zschr. F. Kinghlk., Bd. 27) the following phenomenon: if a scarlet fever patient is injected into the skin, during the development of a rash, 1 to. From. serum recovering from scarlet fever or a healthy person, then after a few hours at the injection site, the rash disappears in a space with a diameter of 3-5 centimeters. and no longer appears.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):778-779
pages 778-779 views

K etiology of multiple sclerosis Behr (Münch, med. Woch., 1924, № 24)

Weinberg M.


There is currently no serious objection that multiple sclerosis is caused by an infection. According to Kuhn'y and Steiner'y, its causative agent is Spirochaeta argentinensis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):779-779
pages 779-779 views

Clinical lectures.

Zimnishchky S.


The clinical lectures of both of these authors deserve special attention, since they allow you to get acquainted with the scientific definition of the subject, with the methods by which the authors solve clinical problems, with an approach to clarifying the essence of the questions raised, with the subjectivity of their clinical thinking and, finally, with the originality and independence of their medical worldview.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):779-782
pages 779-782 views

Childhood diseases.

Menshikov V.


Among the German translated manuals, the book by prof. Віrк'а at the present time can be recommended as one of the best and most accessible for wide groups of doctors and students.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):782-783
pages 782-783 views


Board E.


In the past August, the International Commission of Scientists visited Kazan to familiarize themselves on the spot with measures to combat malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(7):783-783
pages 783-783 views

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