Vol 33, No 6 (1937)

Cover Page

Full Issue

About some neuro-vegetative phenomena from the liver

Golubov N.F.


The literary works of Chabrol, Fissenger, Partiurier and others that have appeared abroad in recent years have made me recall some of my long-term observations, under which I will try to bring a hypothetical explanation.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):665-675
pages 665-675 views

The effect of koumiss on the motor function of the stomach

Kharizomenova E.S., Ivashinenko. V.A.


Over the past three kumysolechebny seasons, we have conducted several hundred gastrointestinal patients. During this time, we observed changes in the secretory function of the stomach in connection with the general condition of patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):675-680
pages 675-680 views

About the prevention and treatment of rickets by diet

Lepsky E.M., Ratner A.A.


The fight against rickets can and should be conducted in different ways. Since the main cause of rickets is a lack of vitamin D in the child's body, it is necessary first of all to provide children with the necessary amount of the appropriate vitamin in the fight against this disease. This can be done in various ways.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):680-685
pages 680-685 views

Diagnostic significance of the Buchstab-Yasinovsky reaction in rheumatic children

Gertman Z.A.


The diagnosis of rheumatism, despite its apparent simplicity, often presents great difficulties for the doctor. In particular, the initial forms of heart damage, which do not manifest themselves as either noises or joint damage, often remain unrecognized, and we fix our attention on them only when we have a detailed picture of endocarditis. Meanwhile, on an outpatient appointment, we often have children with joint pain without objective phenomena from the articular apparatus and the cardiovascular system.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):685-693
pages 685-693 views

Blood transfusion in the clinic of children's diseases

Basyr F.X.


Blood transfusion for adults is widely used, and there is a lot of data in the Soviet medical literature that comprehensively covers this issue. Unfortunately, we are still lagging behind in the matter of blood transfusions to children. Meanwhile, for a child, especially for a young child, adult blood transfusion is a powerful therapeutic tool. The blood of an adult gives the child not only the missing red blood cells, but also immune bodies, with which the adult is in most cases richer than the child. Therefore, each blood transfusion of an adult to a child can be considered as a kind of immunotransfusion.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):693-702
pages 693-702 views

Infiltrative forms of TBK in children

Gerb Z.F., Lipovetskaya E.N.


Early diagnosis of infiltrations in children has the same preventive value as the diagnosis of "early infiltrations" in adults.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):702-709
pages 702-709 views

On the issue of acute spontaneous infection of the nervous system

Sheikin A.I.


During October-November 1935, I had the opportunity to observe a number of cases of acute spontaneous infectious damage to the nervous system. The clinical picture in my cases was typical and presented no difficulties in diagnostic terms. The current was also typical. The interesting thing is that these cases were observed for a very short period of time, in the form of an outbreak. In addition, some cases represent the cerebellar localization of encephalitis. This form, judging by the literature data and my personal experience, is relatively rare. Even with acute multiple diseases of the nervous system such as encephalomyelitis, where we have many lesions in various parts of the brain and spinal cord, foci in the cerebellum are not so common. All the more rare are cases where we have an isolated or sharply predominant lesion of the cerebellum by an encephalitic process.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):710-716
pages 710-716 views

To the clinic of lesions of the branches of the posterior cerebral artery

Yeselevich E.I., Slavin A.A.


Among the various forms of vascular diseases of the brain, as can be seen from various statistics, the first place in frequency is occupied by thrombosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):716-724
pages 716-724 views

The use of hypnosis in surgery

Konstantinov V.N.


"Hypnosis is a state of partial sleep, which is based on the same physiological changes in the functional relations of the cortical elements as in natural sleep, and the different forms and degrees of the hypnotic state are due solely to differences in the distribution of these changes in individual cases." (Levenfeld).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):725-729
pages 725-729 views

To the symptomatology of acute appendicitis and acute abdominal effusions

Gabay A.V.


Back in 1920, Blumberg described a diagnostic symptom of acute appendicitis, consisting of a sharp abdominal pain with rapid withdrawal of fingers palpating the right iliac region, and this pain is much sharper than that noted during palpation itself. Bloomberg explains his symptom by involving the peritoneal cover in the inflammatory process.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):729-731
pages 729-731 views

Examination of the postpartum uterine cavity

Keilin S.L.


Intrauterine interventions in the postpartum and early postpartum period (PP) are among the most serious operations in obstetrics, and the severity of the postoperative period depends on the nature of these interventions. Therefore, it becomes clear that a number of obstetricians are trying to classify intrauterine interventions and develop strictly defined indications for them.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):731-740
pages 731-740 views

About the article by prof. P. V. Manenkov, " On the issue of radical treatment of uterine fibromyomas“

Kaplan A.L.


Radiotherapy of fibroids and uterine bleeding is a very extensive and interesting chapter in the history of deep radiotherapy in general. It would not be a mistake if we say that the treatment of fibroids and menopausal bleeding was a touchstone in the development of all deep radiotherapy. It has been more than 30 years since this method of treating fibroids and menopausal bleeding has been successfully used, and yet, unfortunately, the majority of our gynecologists are still very little familiar with the clinic of radiotherapy of fibroids.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):740-744
pages 740-744 views

Response to the article by Associate Professor A. L. Kaplan " About the article by prof. P. V. Manenkov "On the question of radical treatment of uterine fibromyomas"

Manenkov P.


The appearance in the press of the discussion article of the assoc. Kaplan is very useful for covering the issue I have raised, the content, polemical tone and categorical nature of this article involuntarily cause me two concerns. The first of them is that assoc. Kaplan, and maybe a number of readers of the Kazan Medical Journal, did not understand the meaning of my article in the way I wanted. My second fear is that the clarification of the issue I have raised may follow the line of an irreconcilable and useless discussion between extreme adherents of X-ray therapy and extreme fans of the knife in the treatment of uterine fibromyomas. From the point of view of these two concerns, I will build my answer assoc. Kaplan.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):744-749
pages 744-749 views

On the issue of radical treatment of uterine fibromyomas

Gruzdev V.S.


In No. 5 of the Kazan Medical Journal for the past 1936, an article by Professor P. V. Manenkov "On the question of radical treatment of uterine fibromyomas" was published, in which the author, comparing the two main methods of this treatment, surgical and radiation energy treatment, gives preference to the first of them. Regarding this article, the editorial office received an article by associate professor A. L. Kaplan, in which the latter, on the contrary, defends X-ray therapy of uterine fibromyomas as a way of their radical treatment. Having received this article, which in turn caused objections from Prof. Manenkova, the editorial board asked me to express what view of the radical treatment of uterine fibromyomas I think is more correct.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):749-750
pages 749-750 views

Intestinal obstruction and pregnancy

Nevsky A.N.


Cases of intestinal obstruction (Ph. D.) during pregnancy have not left the stage of casuistry. The world literature on this issue has material for a little more than 200 cases, Russian literature has dozens of cases related to this.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):750-754
pages 750-754 views

What is homeopathy

Ratner E.A.


A century ago, the Soviet health care first put the question of homeopathy on the right path.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):754-758
pages 754-758 views

On the types of tuberculosis bacilli in the light of the doctrine of dissociation

Mazur B.L.


The discovery of the tubercle bacillus by R. Koch did not give rise to doubts about the identity of the causative agent of tuberculosis in humans, cattle and birds, because in terms of their attitude to coloring substances and the conditioning of pathomorphological changes, both behaved the same way. But already in 1889, Rivolta expressed the opinion that the tube rod of birds in its morphological and biological properties differs significantly from the human VC. The opinion of Rivolta was confirmed in 1890 by Maffucia, and R. At the congress in Berlin, Koch recognized the avian tuberculosis bacillus as a separate, although very close type to the VC of human tuberculosis. Thus arose the doctrine of the duality of tuberculosis, the difference between avian and human tuberculosis. This dualistic teaching has found experienced defenders in the person of Straus and Gammalei. The main arguments were as follows: the tbc bacilli of birds give a more abundant culture and a wetter one; they grow well at t 43°. They are pathogenic for chickens and not pathogenic for dogs. They kill rabbits and guinea pigs without, however, pathomorphological changes caused by VC being detected in their organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):759-768
pages 759-768 views

The reaction of the complement binding to syphilis with an extract from pale spirochete

Israelsom M.M., Golovan E.P.


Despite the fact that this year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the discovery of the Wasserman reaction, it must be recognized that a solid theoretical basis has not yet been summed up for it.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):769-775
pages 769-775 views

Acute false diaphragmatic hernia

Tsirulik G.L.


There are congenital and acquired diaphragmatic hernias (D. G.). The first ones are not of significant practical interest, since newborns with diaphragm defects usually die soon after birth.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):776-778
pages 776-778 views

On the issue of closed injuries of the abdominal organs

Ivanov A.Y.


The reason for this report is the observation of four cases of subcutaneous intestinal ruptures that passed through the surgical department of our hospital-characterized by a variety of injuries, with a known discrepancy between the strength of the injury and the disorders produced in the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):778-781
pages 778-781 views

Spontaneous gangrene of the external genitals

Dunye M.V.


Spontaneous gangrene of the external genitals was first described by Fournier in 1883 under the name "spontaneous lightning gangrene of the external genitals". Since then, this disease has been described under different names: "infected gangrene", "gangrenous erysipelas of the scrotum", "streptococcal gangrene of the scrotum" , etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):781-782
pages 781-782 views

The case of lithopädion four years ago

Gorenstein I.I.


Patient S., 45 years old, peasant, married, 15/Ѵ 1929, was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of severe pain and a tumor in the lower abdomen, more on the right. The first monthly periods on the 17th year, were established immediately, for 4 days, every three to four weeks, are abundant and painful. The patient suffered from catarrh of the gastrointestinal tract and occasionally cuts when urinating. She began to live a sexual life at the age of 24 and does not note any deviations from the norm. The type of menstruation after marriage has not changed. I got pregnant five times. The first pregnancy was at the age of 26, the last one was 6 years ago; all deliveries are urgent, there were no abortions. During the last birth, she lay in bed for about two weeks, had a fever and bleeding. Since then, menstruation has become more abundant and more frequent. Four years ago, there was a delay in menstruation for about three months, the stomach was growing, and the patient suspected pregnancy. After lifting the weight, there were sudden severe cutting pains, vomiting; this lasted for two weeks. Then the stomach decreased somewhat, and the patient felt much better. At times, there were still abdominal pains. Three months later, there were sudden sharp pains again, general weakness, bleeding, which lasted about a week. The patient took medication and all the phenomena subsided. Her monthly periods were established relatively normally, and the patient considered herself almost recovered. Over the past five weeks, the pain has increased so much that the patient was forced to go to bed and, seeing no relief, turned to the hospital for help.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):782-783
pages 782-783 views

Physical therapy of wounds

Popov V.A.


A number of physical methods of treatment have long been included in the arsenal of measures for the treatment of wounds and suppurations.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):784-786
pages 784-786 views

IV All-Union Congress on Combating Venereal and Skin Diseases (Moscow 27/I-2 / II 1937)

Feldman V.I.


Almost 8 years have passed between the III and IV All-Union venereological congresses. Over these years, our motherland has been taking leaps and bounds along the path of socialist victories. The cultural level of the population of our Union has grown immeasurably, and the demands of workers for the protection of their health have grown immeasurably. The Fourth All-Union Congress met immediately after the adoption of the Stalin Constitution-a document of the greatest love for man and care for man. This left its mark on the entire work of the congress.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):787-792
pages 787-792 views

Pettinari. Primary muscle tuberculosis

Gorbatov V.P.


Surg., Gyn. a. Obst., (1936, October, No. 4).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):792-793
pages 792-793 views

Crossan. Conservative treatment of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis (Surge, Gun. a. Obst. 1936, Oct. № 4).

Gorbatov V.P.


Of the 117 cases of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, pus was found 12 times in the bone, and 24 times in the bone marrow and in the subperiosteal space. In 39 cases, the bone marrow was examined and was free of pus. In the remaining 42 cases, the bone was not opened. Of the 117 cases, pus under the periosteum was in 105.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):793-793
pages 793-793 views

Voelcker. A new method for the treatment of underarm hydradenitis. (Bruns. Beitr. 1936, 163, 3, 435—436)

Ivanov B.


A. recommends the treatment of hydroadenitis of the armpit on an abduction splint with the laying of a hand on it, taken away at right angles from another cell; in the presence of abscesses, the latter are opened with small incisions, and the dressing is not applied to the wound.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):793-793
pages 793-793 views

Kurtz, Bennett and Schapiro. Electrocardiogram for surgical anesthesia. (J. Amer Med. Assoc. 1936, 106, 6)

Ivanov B.


Aa. we studied the electrocardiograms of 109 patients during 113 surgical operations with various methods of anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):793-794
pages 793-794 views

Rarr and Teppenberg. Appendicitis with infiltrate (Zbl. Chir. 1936, 37, 2184-2187)

Ivanov B.


Surgery in cases of appendicitis with infiltration is technically difficult and involves the risk of side damage, general infection, subsequent necrosis of the omentum and the formation of fecal fistula and splices.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):794-794
pages 794-794 views

Hilgenfeldt. Pyelography during inhalation and exhalation (Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. 247. H. 7/8, 1936. S 411-460)

Mayat V.


The author performed pyelography with a strong inhalation and exhalation in the supine position of the patient on one or two plates.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):794-794
pages 794-794 views

Paas. Perforations of the stomach and duodenum 12 after feeding with contrast mass during X-ray and their consequences. (Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Bd 247. H. 7/8. 1936)

Mayat V.


Based on the study of modern literature and his own cases, the author analyzes the frequency, clinical significance and genesis of perforations of gastric and duodenal ulcers after feeding with contrast mass during X-ray.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):794-795
pages 794-795 views

Haas. Self-drainage of purulent mediastinitis during esophageal perforation (Deutsch. Ztschr. f. Chir.. Bd. 247. H. 7/8, 1936, S. 495-500)

Mayat V.


The author describes a case of perforation of the cardiac part of the esophagus with a dental prosthesis during esophagoscopy.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):795-795
pages 795-795 views

Soest. To the treatment of facial boils. (Dtsch. Ztschr. f. Chir Bd. 247. H. 7/8. 1936, S. 526)

Mayat V.


The author has developed a material on facial furuncles that has passed through the Cologne University Clinic for 9 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):795-796
pages 795-796 views

Sobernheim and Mündel. Sterilization of instruments in a boiling solution of soda and formalin. (Schweiz. Mad. Wschr. 1936,47, 1191—1192)

Ivanov B.


Aa. indicate that when boiling instruments in water with the addition of soda and formalin (1.5% soda solution with an addition of 0.6% formaldehyde), their sterilization is much more reliable and is achieved faster.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):796-796
pages 796-796 views

Rivers. Viruses and diseases caused by them. (I. Am. med. Ass. V. 107, № 3, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


Viruses are usually called such pathogenic agents that do not grow on artificial inanimate media, are not visible at any magnification and pass through filters.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):796-798
pages 796-798 views

Willow G. M. and Wilcox, S. Therapeutic serum for pneumococcal pneumonia of type V (Cooper) (J. Clin. Invest. 1936, XV, 6.


In America, type V pneumococcus causes a severe clinical picture of the disease, with a mortality rate of up to 20%.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):798-798
pages 798-798 views

Blanc. Vaccination against typhus in Morocco (Bruxelles Médical, 1936 No. 4, 116-120)


A. used the rat typhus virus for his experiments.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):798-798
pages 798-798 views

Kawamura et al. Epidemic encephalitis in Japan. Comparative study of pathogens of Japanese encephalitis and Saint-Louis encephalitis (Arch. Pathol., 1936, 22. 4)


In 1935, during the epidemic of Japanese encephalitis in Japan, aa. several strains of the encephalitis virus were isolated.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):798-799
pages 798-799 views

Smith. Complement rejection reaction in influenza (Lancet, 1936, II, 22, 1256)


The antigen for the reaction was prepared either from influenza virus cultures or from the lungs of mice infected with influenza virus (human or pig strain).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):799-799
pages 799-799 views

Mistral. Endoscopy in lung diseases (Bruxelles Medical, No. 25, 1936)

Gilman A.


Endoscopy of the pleural cavity allows you to study in detail various forms of pleurisy, miliary tb of the pleura and its ulcerative lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):799-800
pages 799-800 views

Mista1. Laboratory studies as an auxiliary method for setting indications for burning out pleural junctions (Le scalpel, No. 8, 1936)

Gilman A.


The presence of bacillary sputum for many months after the application of pneumothorax is an indisputable indication for thoracoscopy to determine the possibility of burning out the splices.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):800-800
pages 800-800 views

Lian and Facquet. Changes in the blood flow rate by ether, saccharin and fluorescin in the main forms of heart failure (Rg. Med., No. 23, 1936)

Gilman A.


Ether is infected in an amount of 0.4 g in 3 cubic cm of saline solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):800-800
pages 800-800 views

Weill. Manifestations of tbk on the part of the eyes. (Pr. Med. No. 25, 1936)

Gelman A.


The author, the director of the eye clinic in Strasbourg, points out that recently there has been a change in the views on the etiology of eye diseases, and tbk is assigned a much greater role in their origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):800-801
pages 800-801 views

Maurer, Monod и Benzart. Скаленотомия при лечении верхушечных каверн. (Pr. Mèd., № 29, 1936)

Gilman A.


Scalenotomy can only serve as an auxiliary method in the treatment of apical caverns, most often in combination with frenicoexeresis, or alcoholization of the thoracic nerve in order to immobilize the upper parts of the chest.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):801-801
pages 801-801 views

Raul Cibils Aguirre and Pascual R. Cervini. Experimental confirmation of the tuberculous etiology of erythema nodosum. (Pr. Med., No. 6, 1936)

Gilman A.


In 1931, Aguirre presented the first case of erythema nodosum, the tuberculous etiology of which was proved by the method of successive inoculations of a biopsied nodule.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):801-801
pages 801-801 views

Gebuchten. About inflammatory reactions in brain tumors. (J. belge Neur. 35, 1935)


1st case. A 30-year-old man with complaints of general weakness and decreased performance for a long time was diagnosed with neurasthenia.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):801-802
pages 801-802 views

Welti. Thyroidectomy for basal asystole (Soc. med. de Hoop. de Paris, nov. 1936)

Auslander E.


The author performed 24 thyroidectomies in basedoviks who had asystole.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):802-802
pages 802-802 views

Velich. The content of glutathione in the blood in hyper-and hypothyroidism. (S. R. Soc. Biol., 1936 CX)

Auslander E.


Thyroidectomy in dogs causes an increase in the amount of glutathione in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):802-802
pages 802-802 views

Allan Berry. A case of hyperinsulinemia treated with partial pancreectomy (Brit. Journal. of Surgery vol. 23, № 89, 1936)

Auslander E.


The author gives the medical history of a 58-year-old woman who suffers from seizures characterized by fainting, stomach pain and vomiting.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):802-802
pages 802-802 views

Gibson and Fowler. Infantilism and diabetes mellitus. (Arch. Int. Mèd., 1936)

Auslander E.


The author gives 8 observations of patients aged 16-18 years (4 boys and 4 girls).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):802-802
pages 802-802 views

Manziani and Arallani. To study the pathoanatomic picture of experimental thyrotoxicosis. (Rev. Fr. d’Endocrin., 1936, № 5)

Auslander E.


Daily use of small doses of synthetic thyroxine for a long period can cause a condition of chronic progressive thyrotoxicosis in a rabbit, which from a pathologic and anatomical point of view has a great similarity with thyrotoxicosis observed in humans.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):802-803
pages 802-803 views

Paraf, Galli et Orenstein. Radiotherapy of the thyroid gland in heart failure. ((Bull. et mém. de Hop de Paris. № 27, 1936)

Auslander E.


The results of total thyroidectomy in heart failure are very indicative.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):803-803
pages 803-803 views

Lloyd. Gonadotropin in the treatment of male sterility. (Lancet, № 5870, V. 1. 1936)

Dembskaya V.


Observations have shown that the normal descent of the testicles into the scrotum is also dependent on the gonadotropin.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):803-803
pages 803-803 views

Koch and Eigler. Radiant therapy of the fibroid of the base of the skull. (Arch. f. Ohr. Nas. and Kehlkopfheilkunde, Bd 142, H, I, 1936)

Sokolov B.


Aa.6 cases of treatment of the skull base fibroid (basalfibroid) with radium are reported.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):803-804
pages 803-804 views

Ernie. About the structure of the nasal nerves. (Arch f. Ohr, Nas. u. Kehlkopfeilheil. Bd 142, H. 2, 1936).

Sokolov B.


Based on a histological study aimed at determining the nature of the fibers in the branches of the trigeminal, olfactory and border nerve and the ratio of these fibers to each other, the author reports: the study was conducted on cats, white rats, guinea pigs; the preparations were fixed according to Wittmaak and de Castro with filling in celloidin-paraffin according to Apathy, longitudinal and transverse sections were examined according to Kiss'y, silvered according to Ramon'y and Lenhossek'y.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Amersbach. Treatment of ozena. ((Arch. f. Ohr., Nas. and Kh. Bd. 142. H. 2, 1936)

Sokolov B.


A. reports on twenty years of experience in the observation and treatment of ozena.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Clark. Diverticulum in the prostatic part of the urethra (Journ. Am. Mad. Ass. No. 1, vol. 107, 1936)


A 56-year-old man complained of urination disorder, thinning of the urine stream; he suffered gonorrhea 20 years ago; during the examination, he was found to have urethral stricture.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Mühlpfordt. Strictures of the male urethra after the use of zinc chloride (Med. Kl., No. 33, 1936)


A case is described when a doctor mistakenly used a douching of the urethra with 30% zinc chloride.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Kobert Cone. Diverticula of the female urethra (Ural. and Cut. rev., XI, 1936)


The report concerns 6 cases of diverticula.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):804-805
pages 804-805 views

Edward Netler. Plastic induration of the penis. (Urol. a. Cut. rev. XI, 1936)


The etiology of the disease has not been clarified, in any case, the role of syphilis and gonorrhea has not been established.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):805-805
pages 805-805 views

Garratl Robertson, and Lee Sharp. Primary carcinoma of the female urethra (Urol. and Cut. rev., November, 1936)


A case of urethral carcinoma in a 52-year-old woman was described.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):805-805
pages 805-805 views

Sugishita G. A case of a foreign body in the urethra and bladder. (Acta dermatol., vol. 27, No. 5-6, 1936)


Among the foreign bodies of the urethra and bladder, you can often find fragments of a non-Catonic catheter.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):805-805
pages 805-805 views

In 1937, the tenth anniversary of the Tatar Society of Otorhinolaryngologists is celebrated


Over 10 years, the company has held 82 meetings, at which 197 reports on scientific topics were heard. The Society discussed a number of valuable proposals for the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat (the use of sclerotherapy for inflammation of the nose and pharynx, the use of bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):805-807
pages 805-807 views

Letter to the editor

Semashko N.A., Levit V.S.


Dear сomrade editor.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(6):807-808
pages 807-808 views

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