Vol 49, No 5 (1968)

50 years of Soviet healthcare

Muhutdinov I.Z.


On 11/7/1918, V. I. Lenin signed a decree establishing the People's Commissariat of Health and appointed his faithful companion, revolutionary and doctor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Semashko at the head of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):1-5
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Carcinogens in the Human Environment and Ways to Prevent Cancer

Shabad L.M.


It has now been established that a number of chemicals and radiation can cause cancer, that is, are carcinogenic. Since these agents cause various other tumors, they can be called blastomogenic.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):5-10
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To the diagnosis of malignant tumors of the pharynx

Firsov P.D.


The incidence of malignant tumors of the pharynx and oral cavity differs in different countries. So, in Norway, tumors of the pharynx and oral cavity in relation to all other localizations of malignant tumors account for 1%, in Denmark - 2%, in the USA - 4% (V. Shanta and S. Krishna Murthy, 1963). At the same time, in the southern countries of Asia, where, in addition to smoking, chewing of tobacco, betel nut, etc. is widespread, tumors of this localization are much more common. In India, cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx accounts for 39% of all reported cancers (D.S. Paimaster and P. Gangajerai, 1963).

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):10-12
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Mucopolysaccharides for stomach cancer

Silitrin N.P.


According to Yu. M. Vasiliev, V. K. Kukhta, T. L. Tokhadze, K. S. Kosyakov, with the development of a malignant tumor in the blood serum, the concentration of mucopolysaccharides increases, and its intensity depends on the prevalence and malignancy of the tumor [2, 5 , ten]. Some authors associate this process with depolymerization and destruction of the basic substance of connective tissue [1, 8, 5], others - with proliferation of connective tissue [6], while others believe that the source of mucopolysaccharides is the tumor itself [2].

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):13-14
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Rectal cancer surgery

Krapivin B.V.


In our clinic from 1950 to May 1965, 111 patients with rectal cancer were treated (44 men, 72 women). There were 69 patients (61.6%) with advanced, inoperable forms of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):14-15
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Double contrasting is a necessary element of X-ray examination of the stomach

Zyabarov A.A.


It is well known that the results of treatment of stomach tumors depend primarily on their timely detection. X-ray examination, recognized as one of the available and objective methods for studying this organ, does not always provide a reliable diagnosis of early forms of cancer. This encourages us to continue looking for ways to improve it.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):15-17
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Bronchography in the diagnosis of cystic changes in the lung

Maksimov A.P.


In recent years, contrary to the previously existing opinion, it has been established that lung cysts are not a rare disease. Clinicians and radiologists quite often have to meet with cavities in the lungs, accompanied by symptoms of chronic nonspecific inflammation.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):17-20
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To the differential diagnosis of cervical migraine and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa

Ratner A.U.


There were 250 patients with cervical migraine under our supervision. Many of them had previously been unsuccessfully treated for "cerebral vasopathy", "occipital neuralgia", "traumatic encephalopathy", "diencephalitis", etc. However, the differential diagnosis of cervical migraine and the listed diseases at the current level of knowledge does not present great difficulties; Differentiation of cervical migraine from tumors of the posterior cranial fossa is much more complicated and responsible.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):20-21
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The use of glycerin in tumors and inflammatory diseases of the brain

Shutov A.A., Korj G.S.


Dehydrating therapy occupies a prominent place among the methods of symptomatic treatment of brain diseases occurring with hypertensive syndrome (tumors, trauma, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):21-23
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Diagnostics and surgical interventions for brain abscesses

Knirik G.S., Grinberg S.A.


A feature of brain abscesses in recent years is an increase in the number of atypical forms. The widespread use of antibiotics and sulfonamides often obscures the clinical picture of the disease, causes remission due to a decrease in perifocal inflammatory phenomena, which makes diagnosis very difficult [3, 4, 6, etc.]. Thus, according to the observations of Ts. E. Clarinet, 50% of patients with traumatic brain abscesses had a remitting course of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):23-24
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About the disease of the operated stomach

Furman U.O.


In recent years, more and more attention has begun to attract long-term results after gastric resection using the Billroth II method. Their study showed that in a number of patients a completely new state arose, characteristic only for persons who underwent the removal of part or all of the stomach with the exclusion of the duodenum from the act of digestion. This kind of post-gastro-resection syndrome is not associated with the recurrence of peptic ulcer disease and the technique of surgical intervention.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):24-26
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Motor activity of the stomach with cardiospasm

Chernyavskiy A.A., Kulaev A.M., Grigorieva B.D.


With the creation of an electrogastrograph (M.A.Sobakin, M.A.Gurevich, F.M. Yakovlev, and L.N.Mishin), it became possible to objectively, continuously, continuously and continuously record the motor function when removing potentials from the body surface. activity of the stomach, taking into account the rhythm, frequency and amplitude of oscillations of peristaltic waves.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):26-29
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Features of the course of cholecystitis in elderly and senile people

Haletova S.S.


We studied the features of the course of cholecystitis in elderly and senile people.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):29-29
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Some issues of treatment of elderly people with acute cholecystitis

Nikolaev G.M., Kuznecov V.A.


In recent years, domestic researchers have noted a significant increase in the incidence of acute cholecystitis, which can be explained by an increase in the life expectancy of the population, as well as a change in the regime and type of diet. So, according to our data, until 1960, patients with acute cholecystitis accounted for 2-2.5% of the total number of admitted to the emergency department, and in 1963-1965. this percentage increased to 9.53.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):30-31
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Long-term results of surgical treatment of elderly patients with acute cholecystitis

Karpov M.M.


In recent years, a significant number of reports on the surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis in elderly and old people have appeared [3-5, 10, 12]. Comprehensively highlighting the features of the clinic and pointing out the high postoperative mortality in this category of patients, the authors do not touch on information about the long-term results of operations.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):31-32
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The content of acetylcholine-like substances in diseases of the biliary system

Anchikova L.I.


In this work, an attempt is made to compare the nature of movement disorders in diseases of the gallbladder (acute and chronic bacterial cholecystitis, gallstone disease) with the content of acetylcholine-like substances in the acute period of the disease and in the period of relative remission after complex treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):33-34
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Antibiotics and ganglion blocking agents in the complex therapy of patients with cholecystitis

Ahunzynova R.H.


In the occurrence of the inflammatory process in the gallbladder, stagnation of bile due to dyskinetic disorders of the biliary tract is of great importance. In the further development of the disease, the main role belongs to the microbial factor.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):34-35
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Effect of xylitol on the contractility of the gallbladder

Marshak M.S.


In an X-ray examination of the motor function of the gallbladder and analyzes of the duodenal contents, egg yolks, magnesium sulfate, and olive oil are mainly used to obtain a reflex.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):36-36
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The biliary system in some diseases of the digestive tract and metabolic disorders

Tarnopolskaya P.D., Taiz N.S., Lukash L.K.


Objective information about the state of the concentration function of the gallbladder, its motor ability, about the violation of the biliary function of the liver, about the state of the end apparatus of the bile ducts is given by cholegraphy. This method is of particular importance in connection with the possibility of dynamic observation (before and after complex therapy).

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):37-40
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Acetylcholine-like substances and cholinesterase activity in patients with epidemic hepatitis

Gelfand L.L.


During the course of the disease with epidemic hepatitis, irritation of the parasympathetic nervous system is noted. So, many authors observed hypotension, bradycardia, excessive sweating and a number of other signs characteristic of vagotonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):41-42
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Absorption-excretory function of the liver in peptic ulcer disease

Trusov V.V.


Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of the functional state of the liver in patients with peptic ulcer disease, this problem is still very urgent. In recent years, the attention of clinicians has been attracted by the absorption-excretory function of the liver, which reflects, according to a number of authors, early, subclinical changes that have not yet been detected by other functional tests.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):42-44
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On the method of X-ray examination for certain diseases of the liver and spleen

Lisovskiy V.A., Turin E.I.


For more than 10 years, for the purpose of differential diagnosis of liver and spleen diseases, we used a complex clinical and X-ray study, including an overview X-ray of the abdominal cavity, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, and when pneumoperitoneum was applied, according to indications, splenoportography. To clarify the diagnostic value of various X-ray methods, we analyzed the results of examination of 112 patients aged 16 to 67 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):45-46
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Operational guide for organic insufficiency of the anal pulp

Arhipova Z.I.


Lack of function of the anal sphincter, manifested by incontinence of feces and gases - one of the painful diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):47-48
pages 47-48 views

Classification of fractures of the pelvic bones and its applied value

Karalin A.N.


The existing classifications can be divided into three groups. Some of them mainly take into account the features of the mechanism of damage [6, 13], others - the clinical features of fractures [7, 12, 14], and the third - topographic features [15].

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):48-50
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Surgical treatment of deep skin burns in children

Zavyalov P.V.


According to medical institutions in Omsk, about 15% of children affected by burns require surgical treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):50-53
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Immunoallergic reactions in hemorrhagic diseases in children

Abezgauz A.M., Sokolova-Akulova K.G.


In many forms of hemorrhagic diathesis, immunoallergic reactions play a significant role. Firstly, they can be the main and leading link in the pathogenesis of diseases such as hemorrhagic vasculitis and some forms of thrombocytopenic purpura; secondly, immunoallergic processes can complicate hemorrhagic diseases due to long-term monotonous drug therapy or long-term treatment of the patient with blood transfusions; and, thirdly, hemorrhagic conditions can occur in newborns on the basis of isoimmunization, when antibodies from a sick mother pass to the fetus through the placental barrier.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):53-55
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Vestibular pathology in otosclerosis

Nesterova L.D.


The state of the vestibular function in patients with otosclerosis has not been adequately studied, since attention has begun to be paid to this issue only in recent years [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]. Meanwhile, in most cases, with otosclerosis, not only the middle, but also the inner ear is affected. Therefore, without studying the state of the vestibular function, the clinical picture of the disease will be incomplete.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):55-58
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On some biochemical shifts in inflammatory and neoplastic processes of the genitals

Sidorov N.E., Sabirov F.M.


We examined 566 women, 60 of them were healthy, 151 with acute inflammation of the uterus and appendages, 15 with parametritis, 14 with an abscess of the posterior Douglas pocket, 10 with sepsis, 11 with thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, 26 with ovarian retention cysts, 37 with papillary and pseudomucinous ovarian cystomas without malignancy, 60 with uterine fibroids and 182 with malignant neoplasms (49 had grade 1 cervical cancer, 36 grade II cervical cancer, 26 grade III-IV cervical cancer, 15 - cancer of the body of the uterus grade I, 35 - ovarian cancer grade 1, 21 - ovarian cancer grade III — IV).

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):58-60
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The content of amino acids in the blood of women suffering from late toxicosis of pregnant women

Tutina E.M.


In the literature there are a number of reports on changes in the level of free amino acids in the blood during the physiological course of pregnancy and late toxicosis [I-7]. However, the results of these works are largely contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):60-61
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Complementary activity of blood serum in late toxicosis of pregnant women

Lineva O.I.


A decrease in the level of complement in the processes associated with sensitization of the body has been observed experimentally and clinically [2, 11]. A decrease in the complementary activity of blood serum, as a rule, accompanies many diseases with an allergic genesis: serum sickness, "spring conjunctivitis", bronchial asthma, diffuse kidney disease, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):61-63
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Catecholamines in the urine of parturient women, depending on the amount of blood loss during childbirth

Idiatullina R.G.


We studied the state of the sympathetic-adrenal system of women in the postpartum period according to the content of catecholamines in the urine, depending on the amount of blood loss in the past childbirth and the number of births, since the excretion of catecholamines can be used to judge the compensatory capabilities of the organism of puerperas.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):63-64
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Experience of using obstetric forceps in a district hospital for 10 years

Balash A.-., Chepko M.-.


In the world literature, very little attention is paid to the analysis of the use of obstetric forceps in provincial hospitals, most of the work refers to the data of large city hospitals and clinics.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):64-65
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Diagnostics of the initial stages of diabetes in pregnant women

Baile F.I.


According to the modern classification, prediabetes is called the initial, unrecognizable, "hypothetical" stage of diabetes, therefore, the clinic of prediabetes in pregnant women was described mainly retrospectively [1, 2].

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):65-67
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Leukemia in adults

Shustov V.Y.


In recent decades, an increase in the incidence of leukemia has been noted throughout the world. By 1960, the mortality rate in different countries ranged from 0.7 to 8.4 per 100 thousand population. In the northern regions, leukemia occurs somewhat more often than in the southern. In the 1930s, according to the Moscow prosecutors' data, leukemic processes were detected in 0.25% of the total number of autopsies, in 1960 they reached 3.16% [2]. By the same period, the number of patients with leukemia in therapeutic hospitals was 2.2%.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):67-70
pages 67-70 views

Diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic nonspecific Riedel thyroiditis

Neimark I.I.


Chronic nonspecific Riedel thyroiditis is a rare disease that is little known to a wide medical community. For the first time he was reported by the Swiss surgeon Riedel at the XV Congress of German Surgeons in 1896. Riedel observed 3 patients and drew attention to the extraordinary density of the thyroid tissue. This prompted to call the disease "hard-glandular" struma.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):70-72
pages 70-72 views

Comparative evaluation of some conservative methods of treatment of peptic ulcer disease

Danilin V.A., Grigoriev P.S., Kochetkov E.P., Gridchina L.P.


This work is based on clinical observation of 580 patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Features of the clinical course of postoperative pancreatitis

Kravchenko P.V., Ageev A.F., Volkov V.E., Fedotov S.D.


Since 1961, we have observed 15 patients (9 women and 6 men aged 14 to 73 years) who underwent various surgical interventions on the abdominal organs, who developed acute pancreatitis in the postoperative period. He underwent the following operations: gastric resection (11), cholecystectomy (2), splenectomy (1) and pancreatoduodenal resection (1). These patients accounted for 1.8% of the total number of those who underwent such operations (844). Of 15 patients with postoperative pancreatitis, 11 were fatal.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):74-75
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Relationship between gastric and pancreatic secretion

Anufrieva V.K.


Literary data on the relationship between the secretory and acid-forming functions of the stomach and the exocrine function of the pancreas are contradictory, which prompted us to conduct appropriate studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):75-76
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Atypical course of Friedlander pneumonia in an alcoholic

Polumordvinova E.D., Ruskind R.R.


F „37 years old, abuses alcohol for a long time, two months before hospitalization he drank heavily. At the end of this period, I felt general weakness, decreased appetite, pain in the right side of the abdomen; nausea and vomiting periodically appeared. From 21 / XI pain in the right side of the abdomen increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):76-78
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About polycythemic blood transfusion

Plotnikov U.K.


The use of blood obtained during therapeutic bloodletting in patients with erythremia is of interest due to the fact that such blood is very rich in corpuscular elements. The question of the possibility of such blood transfusions has been discussed in the literature since 1934, but so far it has not yet been finally resolved. Interest in such blood transfusions has resumed in recent years due to the fact that in patients with erythremia, an increase in thrombocytopoietic and erythropoietic plasma activity was revealed.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):78-79
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An attempt at surgical treatment of heart ectopia

Akimov U.A., Abramov L.A.


Ectopic heart is one of the rarest malformations. World literature has 145 observations of this congenital anomaly, of which 8 are described by domestic authors. Surgical treatment was performed in 7 patients, all operations were fatal. In the Soviet Union, the first attempt to operatively reposition an ectopic heart was carried out by A. G. Karavanov in 1957. Here is our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):79-80
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Gargoilism in children

Podryadnoe G.S., Gimadeeva I.N.


Gargoilism (synonyms: Pfoundler-Hurler's disease, Hurler's disease, multiple dysostosis, chondroosteodystrophy, lipochondrodystrophy, Hurler-Ellis polydystrophy, dysostotic idiopathy) is a congenital systemic disease. Sufferers have short stature, disproportionately large head, coarse facial features, bulging abdomen, hepatosplenomegaly, umbilical hernia, corneal opacity, reduced intelligence. A similar disease was known back in 1900. It was described for the first time by Hunter (Canada) in 1917.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):80-81
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Acute congenital myeloid leukemia in Down's disease

Nigmatullina H.H.


A. at the age of 25 days was admitted on 18 / ІІІ 1965. The child has vomiting, pustular rash on the skin, weight loss. Ill since his birthday. Was born from the third pregnancy in blue asphyxia, weighing 3400.0. Revived by the Legenchenko method. Applied to the chest in a day. After the first feeding, vomiting occurred. On the 2nd day, a pustular rash appeared on the skin. Discharged from the maternity hospital on the 11th day with a weight of 3170.0.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):81-82
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Hepatocerebral form of congenital generalized cytomegaly

Kamenedf L.I.


The baby was male, weight 2300.0, body length 44 cm. Childbirth proceeded normally. The woman in labor is 25 years old, works as a plasterer. She had her first birth in 1960, the baby is healthy. In subsequent years, there were several spontaneous miscarriages, the cause of which could not be established. During this pregnancy, the woman twice lay in the maternity ward because of the threat of miscarriage.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):82-82
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Heart myxoma

Steshenko I.A., Urchenko V.M.


In view of the exceptional rarity of a heart mix, we present two of our observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):82-83
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Myxoglobulosis of the appendix

Shemyakin O.S., Osipov V.G.


I., 20 years old, was admitted on 26 / ѴII 1967, with symptoms of acute appendicitis. In December 1966, the patient had short-term (several hours) severe abdominal pain, but then he did not seek medical help. On 24 / 7th 1967, after lunch, pains appeared in the lower abdomen.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):83-84
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Overdiagnosis of acute appendicitis in the elderly

Baranov A.N.


Diagnosis of acute appendicitis in elderly and senile people is still not entirely perfect.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):84-84
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To the treatment of acute gastrointestinal bleeding with trasilol

Valitov S.A., Rahmatullina F.N.


According to recent reports, gastrointestinal bleeding is a frequent complication of steroid therapy, especially when using prednisolone (D. Glin).

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):84-85
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Surgical treatment of hydronephrosis caused by an accessory vessel

Zarubin B.K.


One of the reasons for the development of hydronephrosis is the accessory vessel, which intersects with the ureter at the exit of the latter from the pelvis.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):85-86
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Rare pathology of extrahepatic bile ducts

Kosher I.I., Vaniev S.S.


Ch., 26 years old, was admitted on 25 / X 1966 with complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting at the height of the pain attack. She fell ill at the age of five. Such attacks of pain occurred 3-5 times a year, she did not consult a doctor. At the age of 16, jaundice appeared for the first time after an attack, and during examination, giardiasis cholecystitis was diagnosed. Later, the attacks were also accompanied by jaundice, discoloration of feces and darkening of urine. During duodenal intubation in 1961, "sand" was found in bile.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):86-86
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Towards the treatment of pulmonary edema during pregnancy

Panchenko P.I., Freidlin I.I.


Pulmonary edema during pregnancy is a serious and often fatal complication. As a rule, it occurs against the background of acute cardiovascular failure and is combined with late toxicosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):86-87
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Industrial automation and human physiological rhythms

Chikin S.Y.


The modern era from the point of view of technical development is characterized by the fact that every year the automation of production is penetrating more and more into various sectors of the national economy. This process is inherent not only in socialist countries, where the rates of development of production forces are higher, but also in capitalist countries, despite the slower rates of their economic development.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):91-93
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On the nature of the "grain rush"

Stepanov S.A.


Plant substances, including grain dust, are a favorable environment for the development of various types of molds, which, under certain conditions (depending on the state of the organism and the pathogenicity of crops), can become a source of mass disease in humans.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):93-94
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Dermatitis and eczema in rubber and technical goods factory workers

Mustaev R.K., Galiullin G.T.


As the results of familiarization with the production and working conditions of workers have shown, manual operations prevail in some shops in the manufacture of the plant's products, due to which workers have direct contact with many substances that have an irritating and sensitizing effect on the skin. In this regard, an important task is the study of skin diseases in workers and the organization of medical and preventive care.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):93-94
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Upper respiratory tract diseases in woodworking workers

Efremov G.G.


The strong irritant effect of formaldehyde is due to its irreversible reaction with proteins of the surface layers of the mucous membrane. The issue of the chronic effect of formaldehyde on the upper respiratory tract is not well covered, there is no work on the incidence of diseases of the ear, throat and nose in formaldehyde production workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):94-95
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50 years of the 1st Kazan infectious diseases hospital named after I.I. A. F. Agafonova

Kocheva M.V., Tavlinova Z.S.


1968 marks half a century since the foundation in Kazan of the first medical institution under Soviet rule - the 1st infectious diseases hospital. It was opened on the basis of a charity hospital for weakened children that existed in Kazan since 1915 under the direction of the English doctor Dr. Stepney.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):95-96
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Our Lymphography Experience

Sitdykov E.N., Ahmetova S.M.


The X-ray urphological method of studying the lymphatic system is increasingly being used in modern uro-oncology. Its introduction into practice is caused by the urgent need to identify metastases in regional lymph nodes in connection with the expansion of indications for radical operations, in particular, in bladder cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):97-97
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To the diagnosis of rib fractures

Puskarev N.I.


To clarify the diagnosis of rib fracture, we use the following technique: we apply the left palm to the chest wall from the healthy side, and the right palm to the injury site and force the patient to bend and unbend the leg from the diseased side. With a fracture, as a rule, a bone crunch is felt with the right hand. This technique sometimes makes it possible to make or exclude a diagnosis of a fracture more accurately than an x-ray.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):98-98
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The role of anatomical and physiological factors in the pathogenesis and treatment of some surgical and urological diseases

Shvalev V.N.


Works of the new collection of the Kazan Surgical Clinic. AV Vishnevsky are united by the idea of nervousism, which runs like a red thread through the various studies presented in the book.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):98-99
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Plenum of the Board of the All-Union Rheumatological Society

Sherbatenko S.I., Morozova N.D.


The plenum was devoted to the diagnosis of rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):99-101
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Plenum of the All-Union Scientific Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Bakieva R.G.


The plenum was dedicated to fetal and newborn asphyxiation. The main report was made by acting, chl. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences L. S. Persiyaninov. According to WHO materials, perinatal mortality in various countries ranges from 20 to 50 per 1000 births. Despite the great success in the fight against child mortality, perinatal mortality has not significantly decreased in recent years. Consequently, a decrease in the percentage of perinatal mortality is a further reserve R for a decrease in infant mortality.

Kazan medical journal. 1968;49(5):102-103
pages 102-103 views

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