Author Details

Гасуль, Р.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 31, No 2 (1935) Articles Modern cancer therapy in the light of the latest oncology data PDF
Vol 26, No 2 (1930) Articles X-ray and radium beams in the therapy of nervous diseases PDF
Vol 32, No 7 (1936) Articles X-ray complex design PDF
Vol 31, No 3-4 (1935) Articles On the etiology of cancer PDF
Vol 26, No 2 (1930) Articles The value of the X-ray method in the study of the genitourinary tract PDF
Vol 31, No 5 (1935) Articles Development of radiology in Tatarstan over 15 years PDF
Vol 26, No 4 (1930) Articles Radium and Rantgen rays in the therapy of nervous diseases PDF
Vol 26, No 8 (1930) Articles Pedagogical and practical value of the Iolfelder device and method in deep therapy PDF
Vol 26, No 7 (1930) Articles Errors in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis PDF
Vol 26, No 9 (1930) Articles The use of X-rays and radium beams in the therapy of nervous diseases PDF
Vol 26, No 9 (1930) Articles Holfelder's field voter demonstrations PDF
Vol 26, No 10 (1930) Articles The value of X-ray research methods for the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary apparatus PDF
Vol 30, No 2 (1934) Articles Radiotherapy for gastric ulcers in the light of radiobiology and clinical data PDF
Vol 30, No 5 (1934) Articles Osteochondropathy of the ulna PDF
Vol 30, No 11-12 (1934) Articles First All-Ukrainian Conference of Radiologists and Oncologists in Kharkov, July 1-5, 1934 PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Atlas of the anatomy of the human body in X-rays PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Physikalisch-technische Grundlagen der Röntgentherapie PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Die physikalischen Grundlagen der medizinischen Röntgentechnik PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Materialien-Sammlung, der Unfälle und Schäden in Röntgenbetrieben PDF
Vol 25, No 1 (1929) Articles Stomach syphilis. Herrinаnn (British journal of radiology, XXXII, p. 325) PDF
Vol 25, No 3 (1929) Articles Perry gives a detailed description of the radiologist and his ethics, his rights and duties, as a specialist standing at the same height as a highly qualified surgeon (Radiology, T. 10, No. 5) PDF
Vol 25, No 5 (1929) Articles O. Strauss und O Müller. Leitfaden der Röntgendiagnostik und Röntgentherapie für den praktischen Arzt. 445 pp., Ed. C. Marhold, Halle. Price 20 m., Per. 22 m. 1928 PDF
Vol 25, No 4 (1929) Articles I. Wetterer. Internationale Radiotherapie. Volume III, 1350 pages, 1928, price 60 March, ed. L. C. Wittich, Darmstadt PDF
Vol 25, No 4 (1929) Articles Grashey K. Atlas typischer Röntgenbilder vom normalen Menschen ed., Lehmann, Munchen, 1928, price 26 M. in hardcover PDF
Vol 25, No 7-8 (1929) Articles Questions and answers. Volume 25, № 7-8 (1929) PDF
Vol 27, No 6 (1931) Articles Clinical significance of the technique of X-ray examination of the relief of the gastric mucosa PDF
Vol 27, No 8 (1931) Articles Impressions from the VI All-Union Congress of Radiologists and Radiologists in Moscow 2-VII-6-III-31 years PDF
Vol 27, No 9-10 (1931) Articles More about the First All-Union Congress of Oncologists in Kharkiv PDF
Vol 29, No 5-6 (1933) Articles Ergebnisse der medizinischen Strahlenforschung (Rontgendiagnostik, Rontgen-Radium — und Lichttherapie) edited by H. Holfeldeg, H. Holhirsen O. Jtingling, H. Martinsu. H. R. Schinz. Volume 5, 615 pages PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles Treatment with x-rays of pulmonary tbc. Lorey and Gehrke (Beitr. zur Kl. d. Tub., Bd. 61, H. 4) PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles Wetterer J. International radiotherapy. Volume II. Wittich, Darmstadt, 1927, 1072 pp. PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles Bronkhorst W. Kontrast und Schärfe im Röntgenbilde. Translated from Dutch. 104 pages, 48 figures, 4 tables, 30 curves. Edited by G. Thieme, Leipzig, 1927. Price 15 Mar. PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles L. Lilienfeld. Arrangement of normalized radiographs of the human body. 4 ed., rev. by E. Mayer and Fr. Роrdes, with foreword of Holzknecht. Berlin-Vienna. 1927. Price 4 m. 20 pf. PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles The value of in vitro tissue culture method (so called explantation) for radiobiology and radiotherapy PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Explanation of the biological action of x-rays. Cazrai (Stralilentherapie, Bd. XVIII, H. 1) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles On the effect of X-rays on isolated organs. Jolly (Comp. rendus des séances de la Soc. de biol., t 91, no. 21) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Effects of X-rays on unicellular organisms. Klövekorn and Gaertner (Strahlentherapie, Bd. 24, Heft 3) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles F. Munk. Fundamentals of the General X-ray Diagnosis of Internal Diseases. III ed. 316 pp, 297 figures, Leipzig PDF
Vol 24, No 8 (1928) Articles Results of medical radiation research, edited by von Holfelder, Holthusen, Jüngling and Martins. Volume III 791 стр. 613 fig. Leipzig, 1928. Price 68 m. PDF
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Articles Alban Köhler. Grenzen des Normalen und Anfänge des Pathologischen im Röntgenbilde. 5 ed. G. Thieme. Leipzig. 1928. 582-1-ХІІ, 324 fig. и roentg. Price 36 m. PDF
Vol 24, No 10 (1928) Articles Impressions from the II International Congress of Radiology in Stockholm PDF
Vol 24, No 11 (1928) Articles A few words about teaching and specializing in radiology PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Caverns and pseudocaverns in X-rays and their clinical significance PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles F. Groedel. Lehrbuch und Atlas der Röntgendiagnostik in der inneren Medizin und ihren Grenzgebieten. 2 volumes, 1109 pp., and 1 atlas with 712 radiographs and 720 figures in the text. 4th rev. ed. Lehmann, München, price in repr. 56 m. PDF
Vol 24, No 9 (1928) Articles X-ray diagnosis of diseases of the respiratory organs. Fleischner (Fort. a. d. G. d. R., Bd. 36, H. 1) PDF
Vol 24, No 9 (1928) Articles Börner B. Erinnerungen eines Revolutionärs. Ed. by Dr. Menke-Glückert. 2 vols. 655 pp. Ed. by Haberland, Leipzig. PDF
Vol 24, No 9 (1928) Articles Prof. E. Holländer. Aeskulap und Venus. Eine Kultur-und Sittengeschiechte im Spiegel des Arztes. Propyläenverlag. Berlin. 1928. VII+488 pp., about 600 phototypes, partly in paint, in 4°. PDF
Vol 24, No 9 (1928) Articles H. Assmann. Die klinische Röntgendiagnostik der inneren Erkrankungen. IV revised and expanded edition I semivolume. 512 pp., 1000 pictures, 20 phototypes. Ed. F. C. W. Vogel, Leipzig, 1928. Price 35 marks PDF
Vol 24, No 9 (1928) Articles Dr. T. H. VandeVelde. Die vollkommene Ehe, ihre Physiologie und Technik. 340 pp., 5 curves, 8 color tables. Ed. by Benno Konegen, Mediz. Verlag Leipzig u. Stuttgart. 1928. Price 10,50 marks PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles X-ray diagnosis of bone and joint diseases. H. Friedrich (Fort. auf. d. Geb. b. Röntg., Ed. 36, H. 3) PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles Modern treatment of tbc of the larynx. Rickmann (Strahlentherapie, Bd. 20, S. 291) PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles Schinz, Baensch und Friedl. Lehrbuch der Röntgendiagnostik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chirurgie. XVIII +1131 pages, 1722 radiographs and figures, 5 phototables. ed. by G. Thieme, Leipzig. 1928. Price 90 marks PDF
Vol 24, No 7 (1928) Articles Pr.-Assoc. Ya. M. Bruskin and Pr.-Assoc. S. R. Frenkel. The latest methods of surgical X-ray diagnostics. With a preface by prof. P. A. Tercena. 141 pages, 55 figures. Ed. I Moscow State. Univ. Moscow. 1928. Price 2 rubles PDF
Vol 24, No 7 (1928) Articles Е. Markovits. Radiodiagnostics of diseases of internal organs in tables. With a preface by Holzknecht. 390 figures, 198 pp. Published by Georg Thieme. 1928. Leipzig. Price 13 Mar. PDF

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