Vol 26, No 8 (1930)

In memory of Professor Alexander Filippovich Samoilov


The editorial staff of the Kazan Medical Journal, Kazan State University and the entire science of the USSR suffered a heavy loss: at 4 pm on July 22, an outstanding scientist of the Union, Professor of Physiology of Kazan and 1 Moscow Universities, co-editor of the Kazan Medical Journal, unexpectedly died of an attack of angina pectoris in full bloom "Alexander Filippovich Samoilov. In his person, physiological science has lost a brilliantly erudite scientist, whose work in the field of electrophysiology gave him a world name.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):767-768
pages 767-768 views

To the question of the pathological anatodia of measles pneumonia

Chistovich A.N.


In the spring of 1929, the measles department of the barracks hospital in memory of S.P. Botkin was significantly expanded and during the period from 4 / IV to 2 / VI 15 children from 1 to 7 years old who died from pneumonia were admitted to the section table. Case studies from this period have shown a number of features that distinguish them from measles pneumonia described in the literature. These features are, apparently, in connection with the sharp exhaustion of children who died from measles. In the course of the study, it was also possible to obtain some data on the spread of the pneumonic process in the lung. The present message is devoted to these questions. Before presenting my own material, I will briefly cite the literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):769-775
pages 769-775 views

A case of intravital diagnosis of a heart aneurysm

Luria R.A., Lifshits M.S.


Despite the comparatively rich sectional material, which has been sufficiently studied pathoanatomically, the intravital diagnosis of an aneurysm of the heart itself is still rarely described. Pletnev., Who collected 300 published cases, found only eight (of them 4 of his own), where the diagnosis of heart aneurysm was made during his lifetime .. In the subsequent literature there is also a report by Laird M., Morris, Sabot about heart aneurysms, clinically, however, not recognized and being only random sectional finds. Jaksch-Wartenhorst in 1928 published his 2nd case of intravital diagnosis based mainly on the X-ray picture of the disease. Dr. Ivanov in 1929 also reported two cases diagnosed by him as an aneurysm of the heart, of which one was not confirmed by autopsy, and in the second case, instead of the suspected aneurysm of the right ventricle, an aneurysm of the interventricular septum was found at autopsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):775-777
pages 775-777 views

Observations of acid-base balance in renal and heart diseases

Lipets I.M., Pismarev M.M.


The doctrine of acid-base balance is deeply rooted in the field of pathology and clinic. In recent years, a number of major works have appeared not only by chemists, but also by clinicians, devoted to the essence, clinic and therapy of acidosis and alkalosis. The fundamentals of the doctrine of acid-base balance are well known from many Russian and foreign works (Skvortsov, Telyatnikov, Zyukov p Vasilenko, Mainzer and Lichtwitz, Zolotareva and Keile s, Lipets, etc.). The pathogenesis, clinical picture and therapy of acidosis and alkalosis are comprehensively covered in the monograph by Franz, clinician M. Labby. In order not to repeat ourselves, we present only a diagram that gives a clear idea of ​​the mechanism of regulation of the equilibrium of the actual reaction of the blood, that is, H- and OH-ions (see fig. Page 780).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):778-786
pages 778-786 views

Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis

Gurvich B.I.


In recent years, we have seen an increase in the incidence of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis among the pediatric population; moreover, by now we have a fairly rich and diverse arsenal of therapeutic measures that needs to be evaluated and re-evaluated. This is why epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis is a frequent topic in the periodic medical literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):786-793
pages 786-793 views

On the question of peptic ulcers of the anastomosis and jejunum

Shaviner N.I.


The reasons for the occurrence of peptic ulcers after one or another surgical intervention for gastric or duodenal ulcers remain poorly understood. Indications of “ulcerative constitutions”, methods of surgical intervention, deficiencies in instrumentation, etc., as the causes of peptic ulcers, remain purely theoretical. The study of this question, obviously, should proceed along the path of collecting a lot of material and comparing individual cases. To this end, we present in this report

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):793-796
pages 793-796 views

To the casuistry of rare forms of cutaneous horns

Gordeev S.G.


Horny formations in humans in the form of cutaneous horns attracted the attention of observers by the strangeness and quirkiness of their picture even in ancient times. The first more or less reliable case of a cutaneous horn in humans, described in ancient literature, Lebert refers to the 13th century. To date, the literature has accumulated a significant number of cases of cutaneous horns with different localization, developmental pattern, structure and attitude to the underlying tissue. There is also a special tendency of the cutaneous horn to cancer metamorphosis (Darier).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):797-800
pages 797-800 views

The results of vaginal mud therapy with varziyatchi mud in a resort and out-of-resort environment

Badyul A.A.


The method of vaginal mud therapy, first used in Russia (in Essentuki), was not only widespread in a resort setting, but acquired the rights of citizenship, along with other methods of conservative treatment of gynecological patients, and in outpatient practice in many large cities.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):800-808
pages 800-808 views

On the classification of trachoma

Klein Z.G.


The classifications of diseases of organs or organ systems in various departments of medicine are important not only for working schemes, but also represent the well-known result of the theoretical work of medicine in this area. As new material accumulates, these classifications are processed and take on a new form.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):808-809
pages 808-809 views

Significance of the Bordet-Gengou reaction in the gonorrhea clinic

Pechnikov Y.D., Tselischeva A.D.


The value of serodiagnosis, as a differential diagnostic method for gonorrhea, is now not disputed — this is the opinion of prof. Oppenheim'a, one of the first to use the complement rejection reaction in gonorrhea back in 1906. At the Moscow meeting on the fight against gonorrhea (in December 1928) prof. Finkelstein said that the Bordet-Gengou method has passed the test stage and with the help of serodiagnostics it is possible to solve diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic issues in the gonorrhea clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):810-817
pages 810-817 views

Influence of combined malaria therapy on disorders of psycho-physiological processes in progressive paralysis

Makarov V.E.


Research methodology. Physiological processes of nervous activity are determined by the reactive interaction of the nervous system both with the internal environment of the same organism and with the external environment surrounding it. They manifest themselves as qualitative or mental phenomena that are causally dependent on the functional state of the reactive properties of the nervous system and, in particular, the brain. Thus, mental phenomena can be objective symptoms of the functional state of the nervous system. In this sense, it becomes possible to talk about psycho-physiological processes and about psycho-physiological states of a person and their disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):817-830
pages 817-830 views

School-sanitary supervision in higher education

Войдинов О.М.


From the 28/29 academic year of the school-sanitary organization, mountains. Kazan is entrusted with servicing universities, workers' schools, technical schools. Back in July 1927, by order of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, medical doctors who previously served higher educational institutions were excluded from their states, and the health authorities were simultaneously proposed to organize medical and sanitary services for students along three lines: medical, housing and sanitary and school sanitary. The lack of experience of the school-sanitary organization in working in higher education, the peculiarity of the conditions and methods of work here - these circumstances insistently require taking into account the experience of "university" doctors at the very first stages of their work, especially since it begins at a time when all questions Much attention is paid to the training of specialists by the Soviet public.In large centers of student concentration, like Kazan, where there are more than 10,000 students, in the near future, naturally, wide work should be launched in all types of medical and sanitary assistance to students.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):830-835
pages 830-835 views

Materials for medical examination of students of the 1st Moscow State University

Russian D.M.


One of the most important moments in achieving healthier work and life of students in higher educational institutions is the medical examination of students, which is the necessary method of medical examination and observation of students, in which students receive all the necessary types of preventive and curative care.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):835-837
pages 835-837 views

On the issue of hemorrhagic forms of malaria

Tarasov V.A.


It has long been known a variety of forms of pathological processes arising as a consequence of malarial poisoning. Both in Russian and in foreign literature there are many works indicating damage to a wide variety of systems and organs caused by malaria. Here we have a disease of the respiratory tract (Grisoll, Sverzhevsky, Sokolowski, Striimpel, Three ant af ill idea, etc.), and heart disease (Striimpel), and lesions of the digestive system with colitis, dysentery forms (Werner, Kushev, Luria, Svenson and others), cholecystitis (Luria), appendicitis, etc. Many authors point to the defeat of renal tissue in malaria (A to vbyan c. Barbitsky, Laveran, Luria. Matthes, Puchek, Striimpel, etc. .), Belyaeva, Kushe, Svenson, Striimpel, Chistovich, etc. indicate an increase in the spleen and liver. Thebesky, and later Yeligulashvili, describe itchy skin as a manifestation of malaria. Further, diseases of the nervous system, mental illness, etc. are known. The pathological and histological studies of Vinogradov, Shirokogorov, and others also speak of the same diversity.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):838-839
pages 838-839 views

A case of adhesive mediastinitis

Zasorina T.A.


On March 13, 1930, patient B., 47 years old, a postman, was admitted to the Therapeutic Clinic of the Institute. The patient's complaints boiled down to the fact that each meal causes her immediately after swallowing coughing fits, ending in vomiting eaten. The cough also occurred outside meals in fits and was distinguished by its sharpness and special resonance. Sometimes a small amount of thin and light-colored sputum came out with a cough. Since bouts of coughing with vomiting while eating were very exhausting the patient, then, being afraid of them, she almost completely stopped eating, especially since her appetite had disappeared.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):840-841
pages 840-841 views

About injuries with a chemical (ink) pencil

Rizvash S.I.


In Russian literature, very little attention has been paid to this type of injury. I managed to find only 2 articles in which this issue is treated. In the manuals on general and private surgery, both translated and original, there is no indication of the action of aniline pencils on human tissue. Nothing is said about this even in the largest Russian monographs on the treatment of wounds (Trinkler, Petrov). Meanwhile, the injuries caused by a chemical pencil, due to their peculiar course and often even a difficult outcome, are undoubtedly of great practical interest. This prompts me to report two cases of such an injury, which I observed in different medical institutions at almost the same time.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):841-843
pages 841-843 views

On the issue of active therapy for alcoholism

Strelchuk I.


Along with the prevention of alcoholism, expressed in raising the cultural level of the population, improving work and life, widespread anti-alcohol; propaganda, development of a sufficient network of schools, clubs, libraries, reading rooms, radio, anti-alcohol education of growing youth, etc., we also must not forget about the treatment of the already existing cadre of alcoholics. The treatment of alcoholism has been practiced since ancient times. A galaxy of outstanding minds from different eras were looking for a "philosopher's stone" that could heal alcoholics from their illness; and in spite of disappointment after disappointment, mistake after mistake, the pursuit of the elec- syr of sobriety continues and does not stop for a minute. Treatment of alcoholics simply reached the point of absurdities, for example, several centuries ago, alcoholics were treated with an extract of frog maceria in alcohol, a spoonful 2 times a day. In England, for a long time, some prominent scientists pinned their hopes on cocoa as a means that could replace and supplant alcohol. Some pundits in their time opposed vegetarianism to alcoholism, believing that with a vegetarian diet, alcoholism cannot take place, but we do. we see just the opposite, for the most underpowered strata of the population, by virtue of necessity due to lack of funds, who eat vegetarian food, are the most susceptible to alcoholism.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):844-847
pages 844-847 views

Guidelines for Prompt Care During Childbirth

Beloshapko P., Yakovlev I.


This book, published under the editorship of prof. R.V. Kiparsky and with a preface preface-assoc. M. Elkina, is a short practical guide to operative obstetrics, intended not only for an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also for a district doctor (universalist).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):847-848
pages 847-848 views


Zlatogorov S.I., Burova A.B.


Book by prof. SI Zlatogorov and AB Burovoy introduces in detail the epidemiology and etiology of measles. The authors highlight all the conditions favorable to the development of epidemics, both in relation to the individual conditions of the patient, and social and hygienic, which are of great importance for the course of this disease. The measles clinic department is given somewhat succinctly. The department of methods of combating measles has been developed in detail and exhaustively, methods of social struggle in the form of measures preventing the spread of epidemics, disinfection issues, methods of combating measles in schools and nurseries have been analyzed. The authors also elaborated on the currently important issue of seroprophylaxis and active immunization in measles.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Histologie und mikroskopische Anatomie


The 2-volume atlas of histology and microscopic anatomy, released by Lehmann's publishing house, presents a completely redesigned and heavily expanded 4th edition of this atlas.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Chirurgie des os et des articulations des membres

Lесenе Р., Нuеt. К.


The famous recently deceased French surgeon Lecene gives in this volume an outline of the surgery of the bones and joints of the extremities.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Orthopadische Fussgimnastik

Wilhelm R.


Orthopedic gymnastics of the legs is still very little studied; yet, for all its simplicity, it provides valuable guidance. The author was able to show over 32 pages that the weakness of the legs and feet requires not only orthopedic shoes, but active and passive strengthening of weak muscles and ligaments.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):849-850
pages 849-850 views

Das Munchener Sonderturnen und andere Wege zur korperlichen Ertuchtigung

Lange F.


The difference between this book and others is that the author and his collaborators Matthias, Gebhardt, Trumpp, Aubry, Hohmann do not analyze the functions of all muscles and do not strive to ensure that all of them work, but direct all attention to correcting incorrect posture. They only describe exercises that stretch shortened muscles and strengthen unilaterally overstretched and weakened muscles.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

Atlas und Grundriss der Missbildungen der Kiefer und Ztihne

Herbst Е., Apffelstaedt М.


The sketch of jaw and teeth deformities, with an atlas of 298 drawings, written by two eminent German specialists, is of interest not only, or perhaps, more correctly, not so much for dentists as for everyone who is interested in teratology, especially from the point of view of evolution and heredity and the constitution.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

Die moderne Naturwissenschaft und der Kosmos

Lammеl R.


Presenting modern views on natural science, Lammel is a sharp opponent of all mysticism and all constructions based on religious intimidation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

Differentialdiagnostik in den Psychiatrie

Haymann Н., Stern E.


The book "Differential Diagnosis in Psychiatry" by Hayman and Stern presents the third volume of the seven-volume Handbuch's (manual) "Praktische-Differentialdiagnostik fur Aerzte and. Studierende "(Practical Differential Diagnosis for Physicians and Students), published by Prof. Honigmann in Giessen.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):850-851
pages 850-851 views

Dialectical theory of life

Viktorov K.R.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
30th meeting 14 March 1930
The speaker outlined the theory of life phenomena in relation to the basic laws of dialectics (the unity of opposites, the transition of quantity to quality, denial and denial of denials), illustrating their application to biology with some examples.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):851-851
pages 851-851 views

Hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of the lacunae of the pharyngeal tonsil affected by Leptotrix

Lebedevsky B.N.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
30th meeting 14 March 1930
Dr. BN Lebedevsky demonstrated on a microscopic specimen hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of the lacunae of the pharyngeal tonsil, affected by Leptotrix.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):851-851
pages 851-851 views

Influence of tracheobronchoscopy on the subglottic space

Holland B.S.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
30th meeting 14 March 1930
The speaker experimented on 30 dogs, many of which were 2 months old or younger.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Anomaly of the inferior turbinate

Moshin R.I.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
31st meeting 6 April 1930
Dr. R.I. Moshin reported a case of an anomaly of the inferior turbinate — congenital bifurcation of the bone skeleton and soft tissues in the anterior part of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Rare otoscopic picture

Board E.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
31st meeting 6 April 1930
Dr. Mertens — showed a patient with a rare otoscopic presentation. Through the defect of the tympanic membrane in the upper third of the posterior part of the middle ear, a dark purple formation, soft to the touch, with a smooth spherical surface, is visible, according to the speaker, the wall of the presenting sinus sigmoidei.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Acute edema of the ulcerative surface of the epiglottis and valleculae epiglotticae sinistrae

Matveev D.N.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
31st meeting 6 April 1930
Dr. DN Matveev demonstrated a patient with acute edema of the ulcerative surface of the epiglottis and the region of valleculae epiglotticae sinistrae.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Scleromatous (Meure's) form of tuberculosis of the tongue

Marchenko I.S.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
31st meeting 6 April 1930
Dr. I. Marchenko demonstrated a patient with scleromatous (Meure's) form of tuberculosis of the tongue. On the upper surface of the tongue, closer to the front, there is a section cut by deep grooves with a 20-kopeck coin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Classification of tuberculosis of the upper respiratory tract

Marchenko I.S.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
31st meeting 6 April 1930
Dr. I. S. Marchenko. Classification of tuberculosis of the upper respiratory tract (pathological and anatomical justification). Based on the pathological research of prof. Manase (Wurzburg) and partly the speaker's own observations made on the clinical and sectional material of the Kazan tubes. institute, tuberculosis v. etc. is divided into four main groups.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):852-853
pages 852-853 views

On the treatment of persistent narrowing of the larynx

Kupriyanova N.A.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
32st meeting 26 April 1930
Dr. N. A. Kupriyanova. On the treatment of persistent narrowing of the larynx. During the period from 1929 to 1925 inclusively in Kazan R.-L.-Othyatric clinics for persistent narrowing of the larynx, 14 laryngeal glands were performed, followed by dilatation of the operating cavity with a T-shaped rubber tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

Large pulsating vessel on the postero-lateral wall of the pharynx

Alekseeva L.V.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
32st meeting 26 April 1930
Dr. L. V. Alekseeva demonstrated a patient with a large pulsating vessel on the postero-lateral pharyngeal wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

Neoplasm of the right middle turbinate

Alekseeva L.V.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
32st meeting 26 April 1930
Dr. L.V. Alekseeva demonstrated a patient of diagnostic interest. In her opinion, the patient can assume the neoplasm of the right middle turbinate.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

A case of treatment of complete nasopharyngeal congestion

Holland B.S.


Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section
32st meeting 26 April 1930
Dr. BS Holland reported on one case of treatment of complete nasopharyngeal congestion, proposed by him in a new way, by draining the nasopharynx and simultaneously pulling the soft palate anteriorly with a compact rubber plate.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):853-854
pages 853-854 views

Pedagogical and practical value of the Iolfelder device and method in deep therapy

Gasul R.Y.


Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan.
120th meeting 8 April 1930
Priv.-Assoc. R. Ya. Gasul. Pedagogical and practical value of the Iolfelder device and method in deep therapy. The speaker showed the table and tables of the famous French X-ray therapist Holfelder, dwelling in detail on Holfelder's deep therapy technique. as the most rational.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

Allergy in the gonorrhea clinic

Pechnikov Y.D.


Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan.
120th meeting 8 April 1930
Dr. Ya.D. Pechnikov. Allergy in the gonorrhea clinic. Long-term observation of the development of gonorrhoid processes in conditions of coexistence in the body of a patient with syphilis, tuberculosis and malaria led the speaker to the following conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

On the question of surgical, treatment of pulmonary abscesses

Oyfebakh M.I., Zak Y.I.


Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan.
120th meeting 8 April 1930
Dr. M.I. Oyfebakh and Dr. Yu.I. Zach. On the question of surgical treatment of pulmonary abscesses. In connection with epidemics of influenza in recent years, pulmonary suppuration is much more common and is becoming increasingly important in the work of a practical doctor.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

Meeting of the Physiotherapy Section and the Society of Radiologists 14 / IV V 30


Kazan society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists. Joint meeting of the Physiotherapy section and the society of radiologists 14/IV V 30, Chairman of the section prof. GA Klyachkin: During the time that elapsed between the sessions of the section, a major neuropathologist, chairman of Ka.z. Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists prof. Alexey Vasilievich Favorsky. The deceased energetically helped the organization Physiotherapist, section and took an active part in its work. The section has lost an authoritative member in his face. Offers to honor the memory of the deceased by standing up.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):854-855
pages 854-855 views



The Collegium of the NKZdrav of the RSFSR recognized it necessary to create a State Institute of Physicians in Moscow from the next academic year. The Presidium of the Moscow City Council also decided to reorganize the advanced training courses for doctors into the Institute of Medical Personnel. The Institute will be based on the institutes and preventive institutions of the NKZdrav and the Moscow Soviet.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(8):855-859
pages 855-859 views

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