Vol 25, No 1 (1929)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Professor Ivan G. Savchenko

Gruzdev V.S.


The last years of the last century and the first years of the current one were the heyday of Kazan University in general and its medical faculty in particular. As the easternmost of the European universities, with comparatively poor laboratories and clinics, it is on par with its much richer Western European counterparts in its scientific achievements. This is explained by the fact that most of its departments were then occupied by persons who held the banner of science high and, despite the unfavorable situation, managed to create entire schools that became breeding grounds for scientists for all of Russia at that time.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):2-9
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To the technique of microphotography

Rodionov V.E.


In our profession, the need very often arises, especially when developing a scientific topic, or even just in practical activity, to fix and save the microscopic picture of interest to us. Sketching the preparation does not give an accurate representation of the latter, and in this respect the micrograph is irreplaceable. Meanwhile, at present, even in large medical centers, a rare institution has equipment for microphotography, not to mention the province, where they do not even think about it, in view of the complexity and high cost of the apparatus necessary for this purpose.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):10-13
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To histogenesis of lymphogranulomatosis

Abramov A.V.


Multiple swelling of the lymph glands with a simultaneous disease of the spleen was first described and allocated to an independent group by Hodgkin in 1832. The name morbus Hodgkin was first introduced by Wilks, who, together with Bonfils, established that, unlike leukemia, this disease is not observed an increase in the number of white blood balls.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):14-21
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Experiments in human vaccination against relapsing fever

Aristovsky V.M., Weinstein А.B.


Our modern ideas about the pathogenesis and immunity in relapsing fever, we owe to numerous scientific studies of a number of scientists who have worked in this field since the discovery by Obermeier, in 1873, of the spirochete of relapsing fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):22-29
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On the issue of functional diagnostics of the adrenal glands

Cheboksarov M.N., Malkin Z.I.


Diagnosis of adrenal diseases is one of the most difficult issues of internal pathology. If even an inexperienced doctor can easily recognize the classic form of Addison's disease, then various forms of hyper- and hypofunction of the adrenal glands are not easy to account for for a major specialist.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):30-33
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About teaching surgery at a higher medical school

Bogolyubov V.L.


The question of teaching clinical disciplines, including surgery, in a higher medical school is inextricably linked with the question of what type of doctor should be trained by a higher medical school.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):34-45
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To the question of a radical operation of the liver echinococcus

Kushevaya M.N.


Radical intervention for hydatid echinococcus of the liver) has recently begun to attract the attention of surgeons more and more. This issue is studied in detail from all sides, is put up for discussion at congresses, but it is still far from being resolved, since there is still no agreement between surgeons even on the issue of open and closed methods of treating echinococcal cysts.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):46-48
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Experimental data on the mechanism of direct lesion of the medulla oblongata in diffuse peritonitis

Manenkov P.V.


Research A.D.Speransky and his collaborators established that in the origin of some of the so-called. "Local" processes the main role is played by the direct nested damage to the nerve cells of the central nervous system by those harmful substances that are delivered here from the periphery through the neuro-lymphatic pathways.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):49-57
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Experience of using hypnosis in eye surgery

Krylov T.


Achieving painlessness and numbness is a very essential moment in any surgical intervention, which is why for a long time the minds of many surgeons have been intensely occupied with this issue, and even to this day, research in this area continues at an unabated pace.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):57-64
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On histogenesis and clinical significance of ovarian struma

Silbert S.N.


None of the types of ovarian tumors at one time caused as much controversy and disagreement about histogenesis and their clinical significance as struma ovarii did. This tumor was first described by Bland-Sutton in 1883; further we find descriptions of this tumor in foreign literature in Gottschalck'a, Kretschmar'a, Glokner'a, R. Meuer'a and others; in Russian literature, Ulezko-Stroganova first described it in 1904, in recent years — Kushnir, Tavildarov, Chtetsova and Ginodman. In total, in the literature available to us, we could find a description of 62 cases of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):65-75
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New advances in the prevention and serotherapy of scarlet fever

Menshikov V.К.


It has been 25 years since Moser, in Vienna, first proposed treating scarlet fever with serum from horses immunized against streptococcus scarlet fever. The success of this therapy was so convincing that, following Mose's report, the use of serum for scarlet fever began everywhere, and the results obtained by this author were confirmed.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):76-84
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On the issue of criminality of the mentally ill

Eichenwald L.I.


The summation of any forensic psychiatric material is currently of vital interest from the point of view of identifying the features of modern crime in connection with the psychopathological bias of offenders.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):85-90
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To the question of the forensic medical significance of the study of gonorrhoid spots

Medved A.I.


Our modern Criminal Code qualifies venereal infection and even knowingly placing another person at risk of contracting a venereal disease as a criminal offense (Article 150 of the Criminal Code).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):91-96
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Allergic and anaphylactic processes in infectious diseases

Agafonov A.F.


The problem of allergy and its role in the immuno-biological changes of the body are enormous, which explains the intense attention of scientific thought that has been and is being paid to this problem. The state of hypersensitivity of the organism and, in particular, anaphylaxis at the beginning of his study seemed a paradoxical phenomenon, sharply different and diametrically opposite to the state of immunity.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):97-104
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The action of bile on blood in vitro and in vivo, K. P. Kopylov (Dnipro, honey. Zh., 1928, No. 3-4)


Having studied the effect of bile on blood in vitro and in vivo on frogs, KP Kopylov (Dnieper, honey. Zh., 1928, No. 3-4) found that the flow of bile into the blood causes dissolution

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):104-104
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Metabolism in experimental malignant tumors. (Problems of Oncology, 1928, No. 1)


Experimental studies have convinced Professor A.V. Repreva (Vopr. Oncology, 1928, No. 1) that inoculation of the smallest pieces of a malignant tumor to an animal has a dramatic effect on the metabolism in the body of the latter and, above all, on water exchange, then on salt metabolism, nitrogenous metabolism, etc. Obviously, tumor cells contain substances close to bodies of an enzymatic nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):104-104
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Influence of the endocrine system on the pathogenesis and growth of malignant tumors. (Questions of Oncology, 1928, No. 1)


Based on an analysis of existing research on this issue, I.N.Nikolsky (Problems of Oncology, 1928, No. 1) finds that, although the endocrine system has a significant effect on cell growth, and in particular on the growth of elements of malignant neoplasms, it is unlikely from it the main incentives for this growth come. The latter must be sought, in all likelihood, in local changes occurring both in the cells themselves and in their environment, under the influence of various external and internal causes.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):104-104
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Вorst, Schmieden and Teutschlaender (according to the report in Problems of Oncology, 1928, No. 1)


This question was the programmatic question of the XXII Congress of the German Pathological Society, and all the program speakers, Vorst, Schmieden and Teutschlaender (according to the report in Vopr. Oncology, 1928, No. 1), answered it negatively.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):104-104
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Towards the doctrine of toxin. Utenkov (Rus. Century derm., 1928, No. 2)


According to Utenkov (Rus. V. Derm., 1928, No. 2) the fact of the cyclic nature of microorganisms in connection with the existence of their invisible, filtering races requires a revision of the modern understanding of the so-called. toxins.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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Elective localization of streptococci. Rosenau (Professor Med., 1928, adj.)


On the basis of his research Rosenau (Prof. med., 1928, adj.) Found that many streptococci, when administered intravenously, exhibit the ability to selectively localize in certain organs and tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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Enterovaccination per os against typhoid fever. Nonevich (Prof. med., 1928, adj.)


Having applied it in 1210 people. in 4 villages, Nonevich (Prof. med., 1928, app.) came to the conclusion that the absence of typhoid fever for 4 months. in the villages, where it has been constant until now, as well as the absence of diseases among the vaccinated, they are forced to recognize the value of enterovaccination as a method of combating the disease being examined.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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The role of flies in the spread of typhoid fever. Kister (Arch. F. Gyg., Bd. 100, H. 1-4)


Highlights the important role of flies in the spread of typhoid fever

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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To the question of placental transmission of tbc. Calmette, Valtis and Lasomme (Ann. De l'Inst. Pasteur, 1928, No. 10)


Calmette, Valtis and Lasomme, examining 26 children and fetuses born to tbc mothers who have not had any contact with the latter after birth

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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Ways of penetration of tbc infection into the body. prof. F. Kleniperer


According to prof. F. Kleniperer'a at the meeting of the Berlin med. society 9 / XI 1927, the primary focus of tbc in 80% is formed in the lungs, but not in the tops of them, as previously thought, but in the middle or lower lobe.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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To the prognosis of early tbc infection. Mandl (Zeit. F. Kinderheil .. Bd. 45, H. 5)


Of the 70 children who tested positive for the Pirquet reaction during the first 2 years of their life, 44 followed their fate.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-105
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Results of BCG vaccination in France for 4 years. A. Calmette (Presse med., 1928, M 89)

Kramov N.


A. Calmette reports these results for years. 1925-1928 based on statistics from 204 tbc dispensaries in France. Of the 4.854 unvaccinated children born to tbc mothers or raised in a tbc environment, 15.9% died from tbc

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):105-106
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Plasmoquine in malaria. Sh. P. Zirakyan (Kl. Med., 1928, № 15)


Sh. P. Zirakyan having tried treatment with plasmokhin in 19 cases in. tertianae, etc. tropicae (plasmokhin tablets were given, 0.2, 3 times a day for 5 days

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):106-106
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Treatment of malaria with plasmokhin. Mühlens (Deut. Med. W., 1927t No. 52)


Mühlens рекомендует при m. tertiana и quartana давать ежедневно 3 раза по одной таблетке

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):106-106
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Long-term systematic chemicalization with fractional doses. P.P. Muffel (Clinical med., 1928, No. 15


P.P. Muffel, having tried a number of methods of treating malaria, finally settled on the following: quinine is given orally 3 times a day, 0.3 per dose

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):106-106
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Permeability of living tissues to ultraviolet rays, according to the precise research of Mach t'a, Anderson'a and Bellya (Journ. Of Am. Med Ass., 1928, No. 3)


The permeability of living tissues to ultraviolet rays, according to the precise research of Mach t'a, Anderson'a and Bellya, is much higher

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):106-106
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Morphological changes in cancerous tumors after treatment with radium. Having studied these changes, P.G. Berezhansky (Questions of Oncology, vol. I book. 2)


Having studied these changes, P.G. Berezhansky (Problems of Oncology, vol. I book 2) comes to the conclusion that the beneficial effect of Ka treatment is the result of a number of complex phenomena, among which the author especially highlights

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):106-107
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A new sign of aortic sclerosis. Тrune (Bruxelles méd., 1928, № 23)


Until now, aortic sclerosis has usually been diagnosed on the basis of percussion and radiographically determined enlargement of the aorta.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):107-107
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Erythrocontes with pernicious anemia. Schilling (Klin. Woch. 1928, no. 17)


Discovered in the erythrocytes of human blood with anemia perniciosa and close to it standing diseases of the rods from 2 to 4 microns in length

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):107-107
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A peculiar form of appendicitis. According to the observations of Seval'a (Med.T Welt, 1928, No. 2)


With puberty in young girls, congestion of the genitals, especially the right ovary, causes a kind of inflammatory reaction on the part of the appendix, which is expressed by the following symptoms

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):107-107
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To the treatment of rheumatism. (Wien. kl. W., 1928, № 35)


Instead of the old folk remedy, bee sting, the firm A. Wolff in Bielefeld released the drug apicosan, which was tested by Wasserbrunner.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):107-107
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About the healing effect of fasting. (Deut. in. W., 1928, № 26)


Experiments on animals, observations on sick and healthy people and the experience of wartime show with certainty that short-term fasting is not only not harmful

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):107-108
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The methods of anesthesia used by American surgeons are analyzed by San ton (Ann. Of surg., V. 86, no. 2, 1927)


Based on a survey of 640 operators. It turned out that chloroform was left by everyone, both in large and small operations.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):108-108
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Eye damage with ether anesthesia. Jendralsky (Arch. f. Opht., Bd. 118)


In one patient, after an operation performed under ether anesthesia, a superficial corneal ulcer was found, which healed with the formation of a scar.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):108-108
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Bacteriology and serotherapy of acute appendicitis. W einher g, Prévot, Davesne and Renard (Ann. De1 Inst. Past., 1028, no. 10)

Sergeev V.


On the basis of material covering over 200 cases of acute appendicitis, among which a third belonged to the gangrenous form, they found, contrary to the statement of some authors

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):108-108
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Reinfusion of outflowing blood. (Journal of modern chir., 1928, issue 3)


The study of the literature on the reverse transfusion of blood poured into the serous cavities and his own clinical and experimental observations allowed A.I. Filatov (Zhurn.sovr.khir., 1928, issue 3) to draw the following general conclusions

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):108-109
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On the issue of free grafting of dead tissue. Hоsоmi (Deut. Z. f. Chir., BcL 209, H. 1—2)


On the basis of clinical and experimental studies Hosomi (Deut. Z. f. Chir., BcL 209, H. 1-2) was convinced that free transplantation of dead (preserved in alcohol or formalin) tissue can give very good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):109-109
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Molds as causative agents of keratitis. Prof. K. Kh.Orlov (Russian offt. J., 1928, Aug.)


Prof. K. X. Orlov describes 12 cases of keratomycosis observed by him.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):109-109
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Pseudoglaucoma. (Br. Journ. Ofophth., 1928, febr.)


A. Fuchs notes that very often anomalies of the optic nipple can give rise to confusion with glaucoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):109-109
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Comparative evaluation of iridectomy and Elliot operation for glaucoma. Prof. K. A. Yudin (Russian off. J., 1928, Aug.)


Based on material covering 821 sl. various operations in 652 glumatous patients, prof. K.A. Yudin (Rus.off. J., 1928, Aug.) Comes to the conclusion that in acute glaucoma, iridectomy always leads to the disappearance of pain, a decrease in intraocular pressure and an improvement in visual acuity; as for chronic glaucoma, with it favorable results in the sense of a longer preservation of vision and a decrease in intraocular pressure from sclerectomy according to Elliot'y are obtained three times more often than from iridectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):109-109
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Suturing of the lacrimal tubules. Prof. Sattler (Ztsclir. F. A., Bd. 64, H. 6)


To restore previously dissected lower lacrimal tubules, in order to achieve spontaneous tearing

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):109-109
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The bactericidal power of blood in women in labor and parturient women. Geller (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd. 134, H. 1)


On the basis of studies carried out on women in the last weeks of pregnancy and the first days after childbirth, Geller (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd. 134, H. 1) concludes that in the first 24 after childbirth, the bactericidal power of the blood is clearly increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):110-110
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Abortion and fertility. (Prof. med., 1928, No. 5)


Analyzing the birth rate in various villages of the Luhansk district, Dr. I. I. Kordobovsky (Prof. med., 1928, No. 5) noticed an extremely interesting fact

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):110-110
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To the therapy of an interrupted ectopic pregnancy. Thies, Lichten stein, Schaefer and other authors


As you know, Thies, Lichten stein, Schaefer, and others. The authors recommend scooping out of the peritoneal cavity the blood that poured out there when the pregnant tube ruptures.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):110-110
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Mastodynia. Samuelho (Zentr. f. Gyn., № 20, 1928)


Under this name, neuralgic pains of the water or both mammary glands, which are often found in women, are known.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):110-110
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Penetration of endometrial elements into the tube during uterine operations. Allen’a (J. of Amer. med. Ass., 1928, № 7)


As you know, Sampson pointed out that when the cervical canal expands and the uterine cavity is scraped out, epithelial cells of the uterine mucose often enter the tubes

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):110-110
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Treatment of tbc uterine appendages. Keller (Gyn. et Obst., 1928, № 4)


Usually, radical surgery is recommended for this purpose. Keller (Gyn. Et Obst., 1928, No. 4) reports excellent results obtained in 9 out of 10 cases of this disease from the use of x-rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):110-110
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Chorea minor according to Levin (Pediatrics, 1928, no. 4)


According to Levin, chorea is the result of an acute or chronic infection, which, perhaps, produces some toxins in the body that lead to arthritis and endocarditis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):111-111
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The essence of progressive paralysis. Prof. N.I.Sklyar (Klin, medical, 1928, No. 11)


Prof. N.I.Sklyar (Klin, med., 1928, No. 11), examining the question of the origin and essence of this disease, considers Kgaerelin's theory, supported by the bacteriologist Hauptmann and histopathologist Klarfel (Tom, according to which progressive paralysis is a disease of the whole organism, its metabolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):111-111
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Sodoku vaccination for progressive paralysis. В. Кilm’a (Zeit. fges. Near., Bd. 113, H. 1—3)


The favorable results obtained from the vaccination of progressive paralytics of recurrent and malaria prompted V. Kilm'a (Zeit. Fges. Near., Bd. 113, H. 1-3) to try for this disease, with a therapeutic purpose, inoculation "sodoku".

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):111-111
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Brain emulsion for epilepsy. M. N. Stavrovskaya (Klin, medical, 1928, No. 17)


M.N. Stavrovskaya (Klin, med., 1928, No. 17) applied in 60 cases the treatment of epilepsy with an emulsion from the spinal cord, made by the Moscow Pasteur station.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):111-111
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Treatment of congenital syphilis in early childhood. B. B. Geft (Rus. West, Dermatology, 1928, No. 7)


Dr. BB Geft (Rus. West, Dermatology, 1928, No. 7) comes on this issue to the following provisions

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):111-112
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Stomach syphilis. Herrinаnn (British journal of radiology, XXXII, p. 325)

Gasul Р.Y.


Syphilis of the stomach is a very rare occurrence. Its diagnosis is difficult ... With some certainty we can talk about stomach syphilis with a positive result of antisyphilitic therapy; with more confidence this can be asserted when spirochetes are found in the excised section of the stomach; sometimes, however, X-ray examination also gives a characteristic picture. Herrinann (British journal of radiology, XXXII, p. 325) describes a picture of an elevated, reduced size of the stomach, which very quickly filled and emptied.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):112-112
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Syphilis of the urinary bladder, according to Ries'y (Mon. f. Harnkr., 1928, H. 12)


It is a relatively rare phenomenon. In most cases, there are manifestations of tertiary lues'a, in the form of papilloma-like gummas, which then turn into ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):112-112
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Treatment of chronic gonorrhea of the uterus and uterine appendages with live gonococcal vaccine. Loeser (Med. Kl., 1928, №25)


Loeser (Med. Kl., 1928, No. 25) obtained very good results in chronic gonorrhea of the uterus and its appendages from subcutaneous administration of live gonococci

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):112-112
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Localization of gonorrhoid arthritis. Mayr и Вrеmеr (Münch, ш. W., 1928, № 24)

Weinstein A.Z.


Mayr and Bremer (Münch, W. W., 1928, No. 24) found that the generally accepted opinion that only one joint is affected by gonorrhea is wrong.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):112-113
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Connection of the nose with the genital area. N. A. Karpov (West, rhinol. Dated., 1928, No. 3)


For a long time already, both clinical observations and experiments have established a close connection between the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the genital area.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):113-113
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Blood transfusion for nosebleeds. V. S. Dyachkov (Zhurn. Usn., Nose. And throat, b., 1928, No. 5-6)


A number of observations convinced Dr. VS Dyachkov (Zhurn. Usn., Nose. And throat, b., 1928, No. 5-6) that the transfusion of the patient's own blood or, in extreme cases, the infusion of blood taken from another person, in the amount of 20-30 cubic meters. with., able to quickly stop profuse postoperative bleeding from the nose, nasopharynx, pharynx and larynx.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):113-113
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To the treatment of acute rhinitis. Bordier (Presse méd., 1927, № 24)


Bordier (Presse méd., 1927, No. 24) recommends diathermy for this purpose, with electrodes of 20-50 mm. size and 1 mm. thickness, applied to the lateral wings of the nose, at the angle of the eye. Usually 2-3 sessions are enough for the runny nose to go away, and sometimes it stops after one session.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):113-113
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Microflora of carious teeth. S. L. Utevsky and R. Ya. Pekker (Odont., 1928, no. 2)


According to the studies of S. L. Utevsky and R. Ya. Pekker (Odont., 1928, No. 2) in the etiology of caries and its complications, apparently, the main role is played by streptococcus of the lacticus Kruse type, localized in the deep layers of carious dentin and producing acid when growing on sugar broth, milk and broth with milk sugar. In addition to this streptococcus, the authors found in carious teeth a number (7) of microbes, the number of which decreases as the transition from the surface layers to the deep one.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):113-113
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Professor P.I. Karuzin. Dictionary of anatomical terms. With the attachment of brief notes on the Latin and Greek languages and a biographical dictionary of scientists. P. 292. Moscow-Leningrad, State Publishing House, 1928. Bound price 5 rubles 25 kopecks

Breitman М.Y.


One cannot but welcome the appearance of this "Dictionary of Anatomical Terms". As you know, more than 20 years ago, the teaching of Greek was stopped in "classical" gymnasiums, and about 10 years have passed since Latin was also excluded from the subjects of secondary school teaching.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):113-114
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Professors I. L. Braude and E. F. Belyaeva. Early recognition of uterine cancer. GIZ. 1928.79 p., From 12 fig. in the text, 14 color tables and 6 micro-photograms. Price 3 rubles

Gruzdev V.


Until we know quite precisely the etiology of uterine cancer and, at the same time, its rational prevention, the only successful way to combat this national scourge, as the experience of Germany shows

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):114-115
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"Russian language" of our scientific and, in particular, medical journals

Rafalquez S.B.


As our scientific journal literature grows, one seemingly paradoxical circumstance begins to emerge more and more: the inability to write in Russian, to know Russian, to master scientific Russian material.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):115-117
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. General meetings

Vylegzhanin A.


Dr. N. N. Blagoveshchensky: General overview of the doctrine of local immunity. The report will be published in full in the "Kazan Medical Journal." - In connection with the question raised by prof. N.V. Sokolov shared clinical observations on the use of antivirus in surgical practice, and in general he was very pleased with the results.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):117-118
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Physiological section. 12th Session 27 / XI

Gusev A.


Dr. I. I. Tsvetkov: Influence of the gonads on the bone zyuzg and peripheral blood. Observations of changes in Hb, Er, Fi, reticulocytes and platelets, as well as the rate of recovery of Er and Hb after bloodletting and hemolysis, in castrated, splenectomized and underwent both operations of animals of different sexes and ages

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):118-119
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Meetings of medical societies. Surgical section. Session 9 / XI

Cimhes I.


Doctor D. N. Fedorov demonstrated a 53-year-old patient operated on by prof. IM Krasin about cancer of the right half of the tongue.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):119-119
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Meetings of medical societies. Surgical section. Session 19 / XI

Smirnov S.


Dr. B.V. Ognev demonstrated a preparation of a kidney removed for hydronephrosis. — Dr. Yu. A. Ratner, prof. I. M. Krasin

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):119-120
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Meetings of medical societies. Surgical section. Session 30 / XI

Cimhes I.


Prof. MO Friedland demonstrated a patient operated on for spina bifida occulta with trophic disorders of the knee joints.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):120-121
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Meetings of medical societies. Obstetric and gynecological section. Session 28 / XI

Belyaev Е.


Dr. E.D. Ruzsky demonstrated a preparation of the uterus, extirpated per abdomen for rupture during childbirth with the formation of hematoma of the right broad ligament.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):121-121
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Meetings of medical societies. Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section

Oyfebach I.


Doctor M. S. Gruzdkova: On the connection between the ozena and the accessory nasal cavities.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):122-124
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Meetings of medical societies. Tuberculosis section

Oyfebac I.


Dr. MI Oyfebakh: Organizational issues of building an anti-tuberculosis organization at the IV All-Union Congress in Tiflis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):124-124
pages 124-124 views

Meetings of medical societies. Hygienic section. Session 6 / XI

Los L.


Dr. P. A. Mekhonoshin: Sanitary inspection of dwellings of the rural population of the Zvenigovsky and Morkinsky cantons of the Mariob region.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):124-125
pages 124-125 views

City-wide conference at the Samara Scientific Association of Physicians.

Volsky A.


Dr. SI Galperin made a report on bilirubinemia in pregnant women in labor and parturient women. The reaction for determining bilirubin in the blood was carried out on the material of the Sh Samara obstetric and gynecological hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):125-125
pages 125-125 views

Chronicle. Volume 25, № 1 (1929)


By order of the Tatprofsovet in Kazan, an examination of the work of medical institutions and the setting up of medical care for the insured is carried out

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):126-127
pages 126-127 views

Obituary. Volume 25, № 1 (1929)


The end of the past year was marked by the greatest loss suffered by Kazan University.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):127-127
pages 127-127 views

Questions and Answers. Volume 25, № 1 (1929)


Questions and Answers. What tuberculin is commercially available and where can I get it?

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):127-128
pages 127-128 views

From the Editor. Volume 25, № 1 (1929)

Gruzdev V.S.


Transferring from the next (February) book the editing of the Kazan Medical Journal to other, younger and more energetic hands, I consider it my duty to bring warm gratitude to all the subscribers and staff of the journal, thanks to whose support I managed, under the most unfavorable material conditions, to make the latter one of the most widespread in our Union of scientific and medical journals.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(1):128-128
pages 128-128 views

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