Vol 26, No 10 (1930)

To the 13th anniversary of the October Revolution


Comrade At the 16th Party Congress, Stalin gave the following directive defining the state of our economy: “The development of our national economy is proceeding under the sign of industrialization. But we don't need all kinds of industrialization. We need an industrialization that ensures the growing preponderance of socialist forms of industry over small-scale commodity forms, and all the more capitalist ones. A characteristic feature of our industrialization is that it is socialist industrialization, industrialization that ensures the victory of the socialized sector of industry over the private sector, over the small-scale and capitalist sector. "

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1-6
pages 1-6 views

To the 50th anniversary of scientific and medical activity V. I. Razumovsky

Bogolyubova V.L.


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the scientific, medical and social activity of Professor Vasily Ivanovich Razumovsky, whose name is well known to Russian doctors. The half-century activity of Vasily Ivanovich as a scientist, surgeon and public figure has made him widely known both in our Union and abroad.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):954-956
pages 954-956 views

On the chemistry of the reaction of Dr. Manoilov

Khromov B.


As you know, the question of the chemistry of the reaction of Dr. Manoilov (RM), or, rather, the question of its dependence on various components of the blood is not yet resolved. There are several very conflicting views on this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):957-963
pages 957-963 views

Effect of diathermy on the functional activity of the stomach

Klyachkin L.N., Mogilevskiy Z.R.


The widespread use of heat in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with good practical results raises the question of the mechanism of action of thermal procedures, which explains the improvement in the subjective state of patients with therapeutic methods associated with the use of heat, in particular diathermy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):963-969
pages 963-969 views

Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria

Nagibin G.A.


This rare clinical form deserves to be noted not only as a casuistic material, but also because the patient with this form was sent by the TB dispensary to the sanatorium as a tuberculosis one, after 6 months of observation, with a diagnosis of B-II fibro-productive. All the material of the sanatorium is now being developed in terms of the correct selection of patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):969-972
pages 969-972 views

On the diagnostic value of a skin reaction in typhoid fever

Sharovskaya V.N.


The objective methods of diagnosing typhoid fever, which the clinic currently has at its disposal, are still far from complete perfection, and even the best of them have known defects. Thus, the widespread Widal'n reaction, distinguished by the simplicity of the technique and the simplicity of the means for carrying it out, is usually positive only from the beginning of the second half of the second week of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):972-975
pages 972-975 views

Cancer of the lower lip according to pre-material before the propaedeutic Surgical Clinic of Saratov University from 1920 to 1926 inclusive

Nevskiy A.K.


The Propedeutic Surgical Clinic of Saratov University from 1920 to 1926 inclusively has material on cancer of the lower lip in 73 cases for 274 patients affected by a cancerous neoplasm, which in% will be equal to 25%.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):976-979
pages 976-979 views

To the practice of blood transfusions

Ikonnikov P.M.


Blood transfusion, as a therapeutic method, has been known since ancient times. The tempting idea of restoring life and health to a dying body by pouring healthy blood into it from time to time prompted this remedy to be tested in practice. These attempts in most cases, for reasons understandable to us, ended unsuccessfully, and only since the first decade of the XX century, when the laws of agglutinative blood groups were discovered, the method began to acquire the value of a powerful therapeutic agent.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):979-984
pages 979-984 views

Surgical treatment of cut wounds of the pharynx and larynx

Tsimkhes I.L.


Deep wounds of the neck are of great practical interest in view of the associated wounds of organs important for life (pharynx, larynx, large vessels). Without dwelling on gunshot injuries to the neck, I will confine myself to the analysis of penetrating cut wounds in the neck. Cut wounds of the pharynx and larynx are observed mostly in attempts to commit suicide, less often in murders. Reports from Russian surgical institutions show that cut wounds in the neck are rare, and that wounds penetrating the throat and larynx are even less common.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):984-988
pages 984-988 views

To the question of resection of the plexus hypogasfricus superior

Orlova I.I.


In recent years, a new page has been opened in surgery — pain surgery. A number of diseases are accompanied by pain, which is one of the symptoms of the general picture of the disease. However, when we talk about pain surgery, these pains are not meant. With these pains, treatment should be directed to the main cause: for example, with headaches from habitual constipation, therapy means eliminating constipation, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):989-995
pages 989-995 views

On the role of the constitution and the angle of inclination of the pelvis in the etiology of prolapse of the female genital organs

Davydov V.I.


If all authors agree that the direct cause of prolapse of the genitals in a woman is increased intra-abdominal pressure, then regarding the anatomical moments contributing to the occurrence of this anomaly, the opinions of the authors differ sharply: some attribute here an important role to innate moments, which may be - spina bifida lumbo -sacralis, in which there is a paralysis of the sacral nerves innervating the pelvic floor, then — congenital hypoplasia of the pelvic floor muscles, excessive depth of the posterior Doug-Jas'ova pocket, observed in infantilism and accompanied by a very low position of the levator'a ani, etc .; others see the main reason for prolapse in acquired relaxations and violations of the integrity of the musculo-fascial base of the pelvic floor, especially the levator'a ani and the urogenital diaphragm; still others, considering the prolapse as a hernia, see the main predisposing reason for its development in the excessive width of the hiatus genitalis; fourth, on the basis of the fact that prolapse of the uterus, especially complete, is observed mainly in old women, in the first place among the etiological moments leading to prolapse, put climacteric changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, walls of the genital canal, etc.; fifths put forward retroflection of the uterus as an important etiological moment of prolapse, sixth - insufficiency of parametric, paravaginal and especially paravesical tissue, which failure is sometimes the result of poor nutrition, hard work, etc., moments that cause the disappearance of adipose tissue, altering the elasticity of the muscle-fascial septum pelvic floor, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):996-1001
pages 996-1001 views

On the differential diagnosis between spontaneous and clandestine abortion

Magid M.I.


Since the 1990s, there has been a continuous increase in induced abortions, and the number of incomplete abortions admitted to hospitals has increased dramatically. Several attempts have been made to establish how many of the incomplete abortions admitted to hospitals are clandestine, however, due to the difficulty of obtaining the relevant data, various authors (Benthin, Schafer, Dubrowitsch, Jaeger, Niirnberger, Peyser, Siegel, Sternberg, Lurie, Mazhbitsi, etc.) came to very contradictory data.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1001-1012
pages 1001-1012 views

To the question of classification so. called purpura in children

Kisel A.A.


There are diseases that seem to accompany the pediatrician during all his activities, either because children are constantly dying from them (tuberculous meningitis), or they quite accidentally have a very life-threatening condition (foreign bodies of the respiratory tract), or, finally, they completely unexpectedly, diseases develop, the nature of which is unknown, such as the so-called bleeding diathesis, Gochkin's disease, pernicious anemia, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1012-1019
pages 1012-1019 views

Constitution and psychotherapy

Gerenstein G.В.


The field of study of neuroses and psychoneuroses is very complex and multifaceted. To operate on a human brain without opening the patient's cranial lid is a very difficult and responsible task. Step by step, we conquer ourselves with great difficulty and gradually the path to the knowledge of one of the most complex medical mysteries — the essence of the shift that takes place in the psychic wilds of the neurotic. But nevertheless, it is not so rare that we manage to detect this shift and turn the psychic lever in the direction desired for us, thereby returning the neurotic to that full value, without which he ceases to be an equal member of the human collective.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1020-1029
pages 1020-1029 views

Recent situation on the etiology of trachoma

Adamyuk V.E.


In recent years, in the development of the question of the etiology of trachoma, we have experienced new hopes and new disappointments. Despite all the efforts of researchers, this question is generally moving very slowly. He presents, apparently, the most difficult task; it is possible that the futility of bacteriological searches until recently consisted in the fact that the detection of trachoma microbes requires some completely different research methods than those that we usually use.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1030-1034
pages 1030-1034 views

Public catering as a social, hygienic and cultural problem

Pleshchitser A.Y.


The catering tasks are most clearly expressed in the article in Gas. Pravda dated March 16, 1930, which states that: “the problem of rational organization and widespread deployment of public catering is an organic part of the struggle for the industrial financial plan, for increasing labor productivity, for raising real wages, for socialism. The correct organization of catering is one of the most important prerequisites for the successful implementation and overfulfillment of our production programs.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1034-1046
pages 1034-1046 views

III Volga Congress of Doctors

Goland B.S.


The III Volga Scientific Congress of Physicians, which met in Astrakhan on June 21-26, 1930, differed sharply from the two previous congresses of the Volga region. The Third Volga Congress met during the period of the final breakdown of everything old, during the period of socialist reconstruction of the countryside, the implementation of the five-year plan, the congress showed that doctors, like the entire proletariat, are, for the most part, ready to actively participate in socialist construction under the leadership of the party and Soviet power.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1046-1050
pages 1046-1050 views

Treatment of a heart patient at the resort

Turkeltaub M.S.


Bibliography and reviews. M. S. Turkeltaub. Treatment of a heart patient at the resort. State Publishing House 1930, price 15 kopecks. A small pamphlet by Turkeltaub significantly fills the gap in popular literature that has been constantly felt by practical resort workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1051-1051
pages 1051-1051 views

Vergleichende funktionelle Pathologic

Еlzе K.


Bibliography and reviews. K. Elze. Vergleichende funktionelle Pathologic. Verlag. Dr. Madaus A C °. Radebeul-Dresden. 1930. Preis gel. RM. 15. While in comparative pathology the anatomical side of the issue is well developed, the functional side remains an unopened margin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1051-1051
pages 1051-1051 views

Beitrclge zum Sexiialprohlem, herausgeg

Theilhaber F.A.


Bibliography and reviews. Beitrclge zum Sexiialprohlem, herausgeg. von d-r. Felix A. Theilhaber. Asy-Uerlag. Berlin. Preis RM. 0.40-0.60. Issues 15, 16, 17, 18 of Teilhaber's series of essays on the sexual problem were published: 15. Galant. Sittlichkeit in Russland der Zaren. 16. Jacoby. Handschrift und Sexualitat. 17. Theilhaber. Blutwunder und Liebeswahn. 18. Peters. Matressen an Fiirstenhofen.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1051-1051
pages 1051-1051 views

Die Behandlung der Verrenkungen

Ewald С.


Bibliography and reviews. Prof. C. Ewald. Die Behandlung der Verrenkungen. P. 38. Wien-Berlin, J.-Springer, 1928. C. M. 1. 50. In a short introduction, general surgery for traumatic dislocations is indicated, as well. then dislocations in individual joints and their treatment are described. The text is illustrated with 16 schematic figures.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1052-1052
pages 1052-1052 views

Die Pehandlung der Knochenbrilche mit einfachen Mitteln

Ewald С.


Bibliography and reviews. Prof. C. Ewald. Die Pehandlung der Knochenbrilche mit einfachen Mitteln. P. 98, fig. 38. Wien-Berlin, J. Springer, 1928. C. M. 2. 80. The aim of this short textbook, complete with 38 figures, is to indicate the simplest methods of treating bone fractures available to the practitioner with the simplest means. Therefore, only the tested methods are indicated and the literature is not given at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1052-1052
pages 1052-1052 views

Die Wechseljahre

Board E.


Bibliography and reviews. Gabschuss. Die Wechseljahre. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. P. 76. Munchen, 0. Gmelin, 1929. C. M. 2. 80. The picture of menopause with all its somatic and mental disorders is detailed. The main advantage of the brochure is. captivating and clear presentation. Much attention is paid to preventive measures and also to publicly available physiotherapy measures, namely the use of light, air, water, rubdowns, wraps, baths, showers, etc. Everything is described extremely clearly and simply, so that the book can be given without fear and into the hands of the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1052-1052
pages 1052-1052 views

Gas emphysema of the bladder

Vylegzhanin N.


Abstracts. General pathology and therapy. Gas emphysema of the bladder according to Scheneider'y (Zbl. F. Allg; Path., Bd. 48, No. 8, 1930) is accompanied by the formation of small or larger bubbles with gas in the wall of the bladder. In the cases described, the suffering was caused most often by the penetration of the back coli into the bladder wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1052-1052
pages 1052-1052 views

About contraindications to the use of digitalis

Scherf D.


Abstracts. General pathology and therapy. About contraindications to the use of digitalis D. Scherf (Dioarztliche Praxis No. 1-1930) considers it unreasonable to be afraid of digitalis with sometimes concomitant cardiac weakness of bradycardia, since digitalis contributes to lengthening diastole, better filling the ventricles, increasing their contractions and increasing minute volume, and a trace, and improve blood circulation. In case of conduction disturbances, one should not always be afraid of using digitalis'a, since practice has shown that a complete heart block coming from digitalis'a sometimes improves the patient's condition. High blood pressure is not an absolute contraindication for digitalis therapy, as for reasons unknown to us, digitalis often lowers blood pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1052-1052
pages 1052-1052 views

The value of choledocho-duodenostomi'i for the treatment of gallstone disease

Finsterer H.


Abstracts. Surgery. The value of choledocho-duodenostomi'i for the treatment of cholelithiasis. N. Finsterer (ref. Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 30) used choledochoduodenostomi'io in 41 cases with 2 deaths. The author anastomosed the supraduodenal part of the choledochus with the movable part of the duodenum. Indicators for such an intervention are numerous stones in the holudochus, the danger of leaving stones, cholangitis, greatly dilated choledochus and bile duct with papillae stenosis or chronic pancreatitis. The first 24-48 hours after the operation, patients should be kept with an elevated pelvis and bent chest, so as not to disperse the seams and not to pour out bile into the abdominal cavity. The author did not observe an ascending infection of the biliary tract, as well as the subsequent narrowing of the anastomosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

On the results of surgical treatment of gallstone disease

Lutzow G.


Abstracts. Surgery. On the results of surgical treatment of gallstone disease. Georg Lutzow (ref. Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, no. 30; deals with 180 operated cases, cholecystectomy was the operation of choice. Cholecystectomy was used in especially weak patients and in difficult anatomical relationships. Pa 180 operations 7 (3.9%) deaths .

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

1000 cases of sacral rectum removal

Mandi F.


Abstracts. Surgery. 1000 cases of removal of the rectum in a sacral way - F. Mandi (ref. Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 30) results in mortality during the above operation equal to 11.6% due mainly to wound infection, peritonitis. To reduce mortality, the author suggests performing a preliminary colostomy and intestinal disinfection.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

X-ray examination of arteries with sodium iodide

Сhаrbоnnеl M., Masse L.


Abstracts. Surgery. X-ray examination of arteries with sodium iodide. M. Charbonnel and L. Masse (Bordeaux) (Ref. Zntb. F. Chir. 1930, No. 25, S. 1581) injected into the arteries of the extremities 25% solution of sodium iodide. With gangrene, the authors saw the filling of the vessels, and amputation was performed with success at the site of the cessation of nutrition. Sodium iodide does not damage arteries, injections are relatively painless and do not lead to the spread of gangrene.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

The value of a duodenal probe in the treatment of postoperative acute gastric obstruction after gastroenterostomy

Einhorn M.


Abstracts. Surgery. The value of the duodenal probe in the treatment of postoperative acute gastric obstruction after gastroenterostomy. Max Einhorn (ref. Zentrk f. Chir., 1930, No. 29) in one case, after imposed posterior gastroenterostomy due to narrowing of the pylorus, observed acute obstruction of the stomach after 10 days. The introduced duodenal tube first emptied the stomach, and then, under the control of X-rays, ended up in the jejunum and for some time the patient ate through this tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

Chemical changes in the blood with intestinal obstruction

Вrandbеrg B.


Abstracts. Surgery. Chemical changes in the blood with intestinal obstruction. B. Вrandberg (ref. Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 29) experimentally on rabbits in 36 cases of intestinal obstruction in humans investigated residual nitrogen and chlorine in the blood. ' With a high-lying obstructive ileus, there is a rapid loss of mineral salts and fluids. With obstruction of the cecum, changes in blood chemistry and a large loss of mineral salts and fluids are not noticeable, and necrotic areas on colon and peritonitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1053-1054
pages 1053-1054 views

About cardiospasm

Rieder W.


Abstracts. Surgery. About cardiospasm. W. Rieder (ref. Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, no. 29) made in dogs the cutting of all vagus'a fibers going to the carid'n and precordial part. He received a typical picture of cardiospasm. After 2 months, the disorder from emptying disappeared, as the ganglia of the lower part of the esophageal tube functioned autonomously. Based on experimental observation and in one case on a patient with cardiospasm, after cutting the vagus fibers, the author proposes to refrain from this method of operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

Experimental gastritis

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery. About experimental gastritis. Kaufmann (ref. Zentr. F-Chir., 1930, No. 29) on dogs by irradiation of the mountain sun or the formation of a sterile abscess with turpentine or papayotin received various forms of gastritis in the stomach. The author came to the conclusion that the cells' own decay products are able to cause gastritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

About getting up after surgery

Mermingas K.


Abstracts. Surgery. About getting up after operations. K. Mermingas (Zntrlbl. F. Chir-1930, No. 39), operating mainly under local anesthesia with the least tissue trauma, achieved that after some operations, patients immediately after operations leave the operating table on their feet.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

About unilateral free thoracotomy

Ohsawa T.


Abstracts. Surgery. About unilateral free thoracotomy. T. Ohsawa (Zntrlbl. F. Chir. 1930, no. 40) describes Professor K. Torikata's method of unilateral opening of the chest without the use of pressure apparatus. After resection of the VII and VIII or VIII and IX ribs at the costal angle, the pleural cavity is opened in the VII or VIII intercostal space. The lung collapses and, if necessary, is retracted to the side. N. phrenicus intersects near the diaphragm.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

About the surgical treatment of syringomyelia

Sсhmiеdеn V.


Abstracts. Surgery. About the surgical treatment of syringomyelia. V. Schmieden (ZntrlbL f. Ghir. 1929, No. 34) describes one case of surgical treatment of syringomyelia according to the Pousse pa method. The latter recommends opening an asymmetrically located cystic lesion.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

Emptying the stomach with a siphon system for the treatment of postoperative ileus

Jancke С.E.


Abstracts. Surgery. Emptying the stomach with a siphon system for the treatment of postoperative ileus. SE Jancke (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 32) gives the experience of the Karris clinic in the use of a continuous continuous siphon for emptying the stomach in the treatment of postoperative intestinal obstruction. Through the nose, a probe is inserted into the stomach and lasts no more than 12-24 hours so as not to cause pressure ulcers in the esophagus and stomach. Patients are restless at first, but soon get used to the introduced probe, or 1 to. From is injected. morphine.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

About chronic tuberculous peripleuritis

Kraus F.


Abstracts. Surgery. About chronic tuberculous peripleuritis. F. Kraus (Zntrlbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 22) describes a case of chronic tuberculous peripleuritis with right-sided productive pulmonary tuberculosis. Peripleuritis means acute and chronic inflammatory and suppurative processes between fascia endothoracica and pleura parietalis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

To the Jejunostomiae technique

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery. To the Jejunostomiae technique. Winckelbauer (Zntrlbl. F. Chir. 1929 No. 34) proposes in the production of jejunostomiae to use a method similar to gastrostomy or the Coffey method for transplantation of the ureters into the colon. A 5 cm incision is made through the serosa and muscle tissue of the intestinal loop without opening the mucos'bi. In the distal corner of the wound, the muscles are stupidly divided, and the mucous membrane is opened. A catheter is inserted into this opening and is positioned between the muscles. The wound over the located catheter is sutured tightly with single knotty sutures. The intestine is fixed with a catheter to the abdominal wall of the incision site or to the side through a special opening of the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1055-1055
pages 1055-1055 views

On the issue of occupational diseases of the voice (phonasthenia)

Goland B.


Abstracts. Laryngology. On the issue of occupational diseases of the voice (phonasthenia). Prof. Sokolowsky (Deutsche med. Woch., 1929, No. 14, S. 576) dwells on the functional diseases of the voice in singers, teachers, priests, and in general people associated with their profession with frequent conversations.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1055-1055
pages 1055-1055 views

On the question of amygdala sepsis

Goland B.


Abstracts. Laryngology. On the question of amygdala sepsis. Prof. Uffenоrdе. (Deutsche med. Woch., 1929, No. 19, S. 775) gives 4 cases of sepsis after inflammatory processes in the pharynx. 1st case. An 18-year-old girl who had suffered from frequent recurrent tonsillitis for a long time, 2 days after a new exacerbation, a swelling formed on the left side of the neck, with difficulty in the mobility of the lower jaw, chills and high fever. Objective examination revealed a thickening of the left tonsilla without plaque (the peritonsillar area was unchanged), swelling and redness of the left side of the epiglottis, the left scooped-epiglottis fold and the mucous membrane covering the left scoop.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1055-1056
pages 1055-1056 views

Injection of adrenaline while weaning off morphine

Rojas N.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Prof. N. Rojas from Buenos Aires recommends adrenaline injection for weaning from morphine (L'encephale 1930, no. 4). A. distinguishes between two periods when taking away morphine: the period of intoxication and the period of new adaptation. The second period is especially dangerous - the phenomena of abstinence are vagotonic in nature (tears, sweat, diarrhea, etc. Adrenaline, causing irritation to the sympathicus, restores balance. On vagotonics, adrenaline has a particularly good effect. Adrenaline is injected after taking the last dose of morphine (Rojas carries out withdrawal morphine not immediately, but in a fast way) in the amount of A mg., this dose is repeated again on the same day and the next.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1056-1056
pages 1056-1056 views

A new way to treat morphinism

Sokel M.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Dr. M. Sokel describes (D. m. W. 1930, no. 42) a new treatment for morphinism. With the sudden withdrawal of morphine to avoid the phenomena of morphine withdrawal a. in the first 6-8 days he injected a large amount of insulin (up to 80 units of insulin "Leo" in 24 hours) without wine. Sahara. The amount of insulin depended on the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. A total of 15 patients were treated.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1056-1056
pages 1056-1056 views

Study of the action of bulbocapnine (alkaloid corydalis cavae) on the motor system


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. For about a year now, Jong and Baruk have been researching the effects of bulbocapnin (an alkaloid corydalis cavae) on the locomotor system. Their research revealed that cataleptic phenomena are obtained in cats with medium doses of bulbocapnin. At present (Niederl. Tijschr. 'Geneeskb 1929, I) Jong, Bourguignon and Baruk consider it possible to identify the symptoms obtained from bulbocapnin with Kahlbaum's catatonia, and they no longer speak of bulbocapnin catalepsy, but bulbocapnin catatonia. Large doses of bulbocapnin cause catatonia in humans. Currently, Jong denies the extrapyramidal genesis of suffering; he considers it a consequence of diffuse cerebral poisoning, considering that the motor phenomena here are of cortical origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1057-1057
pages 1057-1057 views

The value of X-ray research methods for the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary apparatus

Gasul R.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. Joint meeting with the scientific meeting of doctors of the State Institute for the improvement of doctors. Lenin in Kazan on January 21, 1930 Gasul R. The value of X-ray research techniques for the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary apparatus. The speaker gave an introduction to the research carried out in the X-ray department headed by him by the following speaker using ureteropyelography and other assistants (Rothstein, Haskina, D.E. Goldstein and S.V. Leibov using urethro and hysterosalpingography (see the minutes of the meeting dated June 16, 1930 g.).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1057-1057
pages 1057-1057 views

To the diagnosis of kidney disease using X-ray examination of the pelvis and ureters (special, pielo-ureterography)

Ratner Y.A.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. Joint meeting with the scientific meeting of doctors of the State Institute for the improvement of doctors. Lenin in Kazan on January 21, 1930 Ratner Yu. A. On the diagnosis of kidney diseases using X-ray examination of the pelvis and ureters (special, pielo-ureterography).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1057-1057
pages 1057-1057 views

Treatment of trachoma by means of iontophoresis

Kollenko A.В.


Joint meeting with the Physiotherapy Section of the Island of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists April 14, 1930 Kolenko A. B. Treatment of trachoma by means of iontophoresis. Description of cases of trachoma in various stages, treated with iontophoresis. According to the speaker, the results were encouraging. Debate. Klyachkin G., Adamyuk V., Gasul R., Klyachkin L.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1057-1057
pages 1057-1057 views

About fibrous and deforming osteitis

Goldstein M.I., Nevrozhkin I.P.


Joint meeting with the Physiotherapy Section of the Island of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists April 14, 1930 Goldstein M.I. and Nevrozhkin I.P. About fibrous and deforming osteitis. The report will be published in the Kazan Medical Journal. Debate: G. Greenbarg, R. Gasul and G. Klyachkin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1058-1058
pages 1058-1058 views

Demonstration of 4 cases with pleural lesions arising after pleurisy and giving rise to diagnostic errors

Goldstein M.I.


Meeting on May 31, 1930 Goldstein MI Demonstration of 4 cases with pleural alterations that arose after pleurisy and gave rise to diagnostic errors. The announced zone in all cases was an oval and ribbon-like shape of high intensity. In one case, due to a sunken chest and absolute dullness, as well as an X-ray image poorly recognized by another radiologist, a tumor was suggested.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1058-1058
pages 1058-1058 views

Demonstration of 2 cases with the so-called. Brodie abscesses, discovered and established as such only radiographically

Goldstein D.E.


Meeting on May 31, 1930 Goldstein DE Demonstration of 2 cases with the so-called. Brodie abscesses, discovered and established as such only radiographically. In one case, this osteomyelitic focus had a rounded-oval shape and with a sclerosed capsule was located at the distal end of the tibiae; in another case, the abscess was at the distal end of the ulnae. In both cases, clinical phenomena described by other authors were observed (dull pain with pressure, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1058-1058
pages 1058-1058 views

Demonstration of the myelogram of one case of tuberculous spondylitis

Yal'tsev P.D.


Meeting on May 31, 1930 Yaltsev P. D. Demonstration of myelogram of one case with tuberculous spondylitis. It was a case of a young woman sent, in view of suspicion of a spinal tumor with pressure in the lower cervical vertebra and corresponding neurological symptoms for myelography, to the X-ray department of the State Institute for the improvement of doctors.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1058-1058
pages 1058-1058 views

Some abnormalities in the lumbosacral part of the spine due to ischias

Greenbarg A.G., Nevorozhkin I.P.


Meeting on May 31, 1930 A.G. Greenbarg and I.P. Nevorozhkin. Some anomalies in the lumbosacral part of the spine due to ischias. On the basis of over 1000 cases of ischias, of which over 200 were examined radiographically, the speakers studied the relationship of known variations and anomalies in the lumbosacral part of the spine, such as sacralization, lumbarization, and spina bifida, with various neuralgic pains in the lumbar region, especially with ischiad diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1058-1058
pages 1058-1058 views

About idiopathic esophageal dilation

Gefen E.G.


Meeting on May 31, 1930 E.G. Gefen. About idiopathic enlargement of the esophagus. 2 cases of idiopathic enlargement of the esophagus with cardiospasm in adults, of which one by the speaker, by analogy with Hirschprung, is interpreted as congenital megaoesophagus. The study of existing views on the pathogenesis and the mechanism of occurrence of a seemingly simple, but in reality complex disease of the esophagus.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1058-1059
pages 1058-1059 views




Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1059-1060
pages 1059-1060 views

Letters to the editor


Letters to the editor

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1061-1061
pages 1061-1061 views

Questions and answers


Questions and answers

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(10):1061-1063
pages 1061-1063 views

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