Vol 25, No 5 (1929)

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Full Issue

In memory of Billroth'a

Krasin P.M.


April 26 this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the greatest surgeon of the 19th century, Theodor'a Billroth'a.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):472-745
pages 472-745 views

Resorts, profession and labor protection

Gran М.М.


The Soviet system, Soviet policy and the principles of Soviet construction in general, and in the field of health care in particular, dramatically and radically changed the principles of organizing the construction of our resorts and resort business.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):476-478
pages 476-478 views

Changes in platelets in tuberculosis patients during kumis treatment

Akhrem-Akhremovich R.М.


Despite the huge literature devoted to the question of platelets, their origin and role are still far from clear. It is not our task to dwell on the numerous theories of the origin of platelets, which are largely of historical interest only.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):478-484
pages 478-484 views

Erythropoiesis in pulmonary tuberculosis and its changes under the influence of kumis therapy

Akhrem-Akhremovich R.М., Mokeeva А.М.


Changes in the morphological composition of blood during pulmonary tbc are as different as the clinical manifestations of this disease are varied. In particular, the picture of red blood also appears to be diverse depending on the stage of the process.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):484-493
pages 484-493 views

Observations of the neuropulmonary patients of the Shafranovsky kumis-treatment resort of the 1928 season

Miropolskaya A.М.


In the summer of 1928, I was a consultant for nervous diseases at the Shafranovsky kumis resort. The resort is located in the Bashrespublika near the railway station of the same name. It unites six separately located sanatoriums, deployed for 500 beds. The resort has a polyclinic with a specially equipped laboratory, a small X-ray room and an elementary equipped hydrotherapy center and an electric room.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):494-499
pages 494-499 views

The healing value of the Izhevsk spring

Volter B.A.


Soviet medicine has set a very serious task for the health resorts to quickly, possibly fully and permanently restore the health of the working people. To accomplish this task, a tremendous amount of work was required to restore the resorts and adapt them for the mass admission of workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):499-509
pages 499-509 views

On the effect of the Izhevsk spring mineral water on an isolated heart

Gorsky P.F.


We set ourselves the task of studying the effect of "Izhminvod" on isolated organs. This communication is the result of the first experiments in this direction. So far, we have performed only 30 experiments, and their results seem to be interesting for communication.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):509-509
pages 509-509 views

On the treatment of facial nerve paralysis by ionization through Elton mud

Kozlova A.М.


Paralysis of the facial nerve, based on electrodiagnostic studies, can be divided into three groups. The first group without a rebirth reaction, amenable to healing in 4-6 weeks. The second group of paralysis of the facial nerve gives, from the second week of the disease, according to Waller's law, a qualitative change in electrical excitability from muscles and nerves; these cases can be cured no earlier than three, four months, or even longer. The third group of paralysis with a complete rebirth reaction requires long-term treatment, more than a year; complete cure in these cases does not occur.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):510-515
pages 510-515 views

Neurological impressions in Zheleznovodsk

Klyachkin G.A.


One of the most important tasks of Russian medical science is the speedy mass recovery of the working population, which has suffered greatly during the last great traumatic epidemics. A huge number of working people now fill all the southern resorts and climatic stations, among which tuberculosis patients predominate, and especially those who are nervous, mainly neurotics.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):515-519
pages 515-519 views

Autohemotherapy as a Reiztherapie method for rheumatic, articular and some gynecological diseases

Opokin A.A., Zak R.I.


The interest in the combined methods of treatment for mud therapy began to be debated in the press, at congresses and in societies relatively recently. On the question of so. called “Duplication” of procedures, the opinions of the authors still differ. Much attention is paid to the combined method for mud therapy in some of our Russian mud cure resorts; Thus, at the Kuyalnitsky estuary, with the participation of Professor EM Brusilovsky, even special schemes for the combined treatment of rheumatic diseases were created (Doctor, Delo, 1926, No. 9. Department of Consulting Practice).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):519-525
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To the question of the comparative assessment of various combined methods of treatment of chronic polyarthritis

Gremyachkin М.N., Zhukovskaya N.V.


Combined methods of treating chronic polyarthritis means a combination of balneological procedures (sulfuric and mud baths) with pharmaco or physiotherapeutic agents, that is, simultaneous carrying out of two or more methods of treatment. The purpose of the combined treatment is, first of all, the intensification of spa treatment, that is, an increase in the therapeutic effect of natural spa factors and, as a consequence, a reduction in the period of spa treatment of patients and an increase in bed turnover (Brusilovsky).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):526-531
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Blowing fallopian tubes in mud therapy. Improved blowing technique and new tip

Leibchik Y.A.


Despite the introduction of the uterosalpingography method into the diagnosis of tubal patency and the improvement of the latter technique with the use of lipiodol and iodipine, the Rubin air test has not lost its significance. The value of pertubation, as a method that is less complicated and more accessible to a wide medical mass, is still preserved, especially since contrasting substances introduced into the cavity of the uterus and tubes, according to some authors (Dyroff, Hoffmann, Haselhorst, Odenthal, etc.), often cause in them the phenomena of irritation are greater than with ordinary pertubation.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):531-535
pages 531-535 views

Observations of the treatment of chronic prostatitis, spermatocystitis and functional disorders of the male reproductive apparatus by mud plants at the Sergiev Mineral Waters during the therapeutic season of 1928

Dmitriev A.I.


A fairly large number of chronic lesions of the male reproductive apparatus are known, sometimes not amenable to any methods of modern conservative therapy. With this in mind, I decided to try the use of the Sergiev Mineral Waters mud for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, spermatocystitis and other disorders of the male genital area, using it in the form of pelvic mud baths and mud tampons.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):536-539
pages 536-539 views

Materials for the characterization of the main occupational safety of vans at the resort "Sernovodsk" of the Samara province

Shulpinov С.С.


The main occupational hazards for vans (36 - 40 people) at the Sernovodsk resort are: H2S content in the cabin air, relative humidity, temperature and air speed. In addition to all these points, we simultaneously determined the amount of CO2 in some places; the latter, mainly, as an indicator of the work of natural ventilation, since there is no artificial ventilation in the baths of the resort.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):539-544
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Varziyachi resort and treatment results in the 1928 season

Semakin A.N., Schwarzkopf L.G.


The Varzi-yatchi resort is located in the Mozhginsky district of the Votsky region, 25-30 kilometers from the Ikskoye Ustye steamship pier on the river. Kama and 45-50 km. from the mountains. Agryz of the Republic of Tatarstan, almost on its border with the Vot region. Located near a mud bog, on the left elevated bank of the small river B. Varzi, which flows 8-10 kilometers from the resort into the Izh River, a tributary of the Kama.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):544-549
pages 544-549 views

Clinic and prevention

Volkov К.V.


With prevention, it is unsuccessful ... This is the general voice of the participants in the 2nd Meeting of the Preventive Departments, which took place in Leningrad in May 1928. Indeed, the picture of the state of the preventive departments in the localities unfolded in the debate is very disappointing. Even in the cheerful opening speech of the invariably cheerful Comrade N. A. Semashko, alarming notes sounded: “The situation with our preventive departments is unfavorable, difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):549-554
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Regarding the note of Privat Associate Professor A. P Egorov: "On the meaning of" myogenic "shifts in the blood picture"

Goryaev N.К.


In connection with the controversy that arose between A.P. Egorov and my colleague Dryagin K.A. and others, on the question of how to understand Naegeli's view of the nature of leukocytosis that develops after muscle work, I turned to O. Naegeli with a request to find out US. how to understand the opinion formulated by him in the book Blutkrankheiten (edition 1923, countries. 223 - 234). Here is O. Naegeli's answer.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):555-555
pages 555-555 views

Chemotherapy and Pharmacology

Smorodintsev I.A.


Химиотерапия, как и фармакология, изучает действие лекарственных веществ на организм, но пути изучения у них совершенно различны. Фармакология наблюдает, какой эффект производит тот или иной препарат на функции здорового животного, а химиотерапия имеет дело почти исключительно с организмом. инфецированным паразитами. «Фармакология изучает физиологические свойства вещества, химиотерапия ставит акцент на его терапевтических свойствах."

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):556-560
pages 556-560 views

Racial pathology and medical geography

Gran М.М.


On March 22, in Moscow, in the premises of TSEKBU, a constituent meeting of the new "Society for the Study of Racial Pathology and the Geographic Distribution of Diseases" was held. The meeting was chaired by prof. D. D. Pletnev; in the program of the constituent assembly there were two reports: 1) prof. NK Koltsov's "Tasks of the Society" —the ideological substantiation of the tasks of the new Society; 2) prof. V. V. Bunak "What is race?" - the first introductory scientific report

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):560-562
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In the cities of Germany

Dykhno М.A.


The plan of my trip to Germany included acquaintance with the achievements in the field of improvement and sanitary engineering of cities, as well as with practical achievements in the field of social and hygienic services for the population of Germany, while focusing on those aspects of her life that could be useful for the USSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):562-573
pages 562-573 views

BME and the improvement of doctors

Luria R.A.


The issues of raising the qualifications of doctors occupy a prominent place in the Soviet health care system and it can be said without exaggeration that improvement is currently the task of each individual doctor, both in the periphery and in the center. This task is given to him every day by life itself, starting with the violent growth of the population's needs for qualified and special medical care and ending with a huge network of preventive and medical institutions of the People's Commissariat for Health, constantly in need of not only doctors in general, but especially those who demand specialists who are at the height of modern medical knowledge.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):570-573
pages 570-573 views

Histological prognosis of malignant tumors


Broders, proceeding from a far from new indication that the tumor will be the more benign, the more differentiated its cellular elements, divides cancers into 4 groups according to the degree of malignancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):573-574
pages 573-574 views

The concept and meaning of the retinulo-endothelial system (R.E.S)

Vilensky L.V.


The essential property of R. E. S. is the ability to Speicherung. However, not all organs belonging to R. E. S. perceive paint in the same way; organs other than R. E. S. may, under certain conditions, perceive paint in the form of Speicherung

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):574-574
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On the effect of X-rays on the function of the retinulo-endothelial apparatus. Zacherl (Wien. Kl. Woch. 1928, no. 47).


In rabbits, 6 hours after exposure to X-ray, the ability to absorb the ret.end was determined. systems by introducing ferrum sacchar. oxyd.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):574-574
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Is syphilitic infection cured in dogs, sheep, goats and llamas? Bruno Albrecht (Dermatol. Zeitschr.. Bd. 53)

Weinstein A.L.


As a result of careful two-year observations, Bruno Albrecht (Dermatol. Zeitschr .. Bd. 53) comes to the conclusion that the use of various strains of pallidum spirochete, long passaged in rabbits and giving asymptomatic syphilitic infection

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):574-574
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To bacteriology of the causative agent of soft chancre. Wilhelm Frei. (Arch. f. D. u Syph. Bd. 156, H. 3, S. 604—612)

Dmitriev A.


Wilhelm Frei. cultivating 5 different strains of the bacillus Duerey-Unna on media with human, lamb and rabbit blood, found that the bacillus, being an optional anaerobic, has hemolytic properties in cultures; it is much more sensitive to heat and disinfectants (phenol, sublimate) b. coli, staph, pyogenes and gonococci.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):574-574
pages 574-574 views

Theoretical and practical data on the use of mud in conjunction with some types of electrotherapy. S. D. Bassel (CL. Med., 6, 1929)

Klyachkin L.N.


С. Д. Бассель считает, что лечебный успех грязевых лепешек может быть повышен совместным применением некоторых видов электротерапии, что выполнимо и во внекурортной обстановке.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):574-574
pages 574-574 views

Mud therapy in patients with spontaneous gangrene. D. Stoyanov (Kl. Med., No. 6, 1929)

Klyachkin L.N.


D. Stoyanov came to the conclusion that under the influence of mud therapy in patients with spontaneous gangrene, a demarcation line soon forms around the gangrenous parts, dead parts are rejected, ulcers heal, swelling disappears, pain subside.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):575-575
pages 575-575 views

Hydrostatic action of baths with impaired peripheral circulation. Schulhaf (Z. physik. Then Bd 35, H. 3, 1928)

Greenbarg A.


Schulhaf notes that the amount of water pressure in different parts of the body, in addition to purely anatomical reasons, depends on the water column.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):575-575
pages 575-575 views

Effect of mud therapy on agglutination titer. E.V. Glotova and Z. A. Ignatovich (Kur. Delo, № 10-11, 1928)

Klyachkin L.N.


E.V. Glotova and Z. A. Ignatovich came to the conclusion that mud therapy causes the accumulation of agglutinins in the immune organism, and the increase in the agglutination titer coincides in time with the appearance of "exacerbation" and indicates the beginning of the activation of the body

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):575-575
pages 575-575 views

On the performance of the testicle and on the relationship of basal metabolism and internal secretion of the testicle. Loewenstein and Schwarz (no Ber. Ü. D. Ges. Gyn. Bd. XIV H. 11, 1928)


To clarify this issue, Loewenstein and Schwarz traced three functions of the testicle on patients with various kinds of sexual disorders: plastic, trophic and sexy, the print drew attention to the size and consistency of the testicle.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):575-576
pages 575-576 views

Effect of feeding fresh thyroid or thyroid extract on the ovary. Superbі (Веr. u. l. g. Gyn. Bd. XIV. H. 11, 1928)


Traced Superbі in experiments with rabbits, which were injected with fresh bovine thyroid gland or its extracts. S. divided the rabbits into five batches. In the first series, rabbits received 0.5 g daily for 14 days. fresh thyroid.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):576-576
pages 576-576 views

New views in the clinic of arteriolerosis. Prof. Fritz Munk (Med. Kl. No. 45, 1928)

Raisky S.M.


New views in the clinic of arteriolerosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):576-576
pages 576-576 views

Causes of the weakening of the cardiovascular system after physical exertion. Каuр’а и Grosse (Zeitsch. f. Kreislauf. № 24, 1928)

Raisky S.M.


According to Kaur'a and Grosse, lie in the lack of oxygen in the body and in a reduced stroke volume of the heart (Schlagvolumen).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):576-576
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Angiospasm, angiospasm, and its treatment. Prof. J. Pal (Mediz. Klinik, 7VG1, 1929)

Raisky S.M.


Prof. J. Pal considers angina pectoris exclusively as a spasm of the coronary arteries, which occurs mainly from irritation of vasoconstrictors passing through the vagus. The starting point of their irritation in a significant number of cases is sclerotic or inflammatory processes of the arteries of the heart and the ascending aorta, which, as shown by autopsy, always begin with intima

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):576-576
pages 576-576 views

Early manifestation of visceral lues'a. Berger (Zschr. F. D. Ges. Exp. Med. Bd. 55)

Vilensky L.


Berger, when rabbits were infected with syphilis, he could state that they had changes in the cardiovascular system after 5-6 months

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):576-576
pages 576-576 views

Efetonin for rhinitis vasenatorica. W. K. Fränkel. (Med. Klinik. 1928, No. 35)


W. K. Fränkel with. Mr. cites a case of recurrent vasomotor rhinitis in a 30-year-old opera singer

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):577-577
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Otto Jul Nielsen (Acta medica Scandinavica, Vol. LXX (1929), fase

Blumstein Z.


Otto Jul Nielsen investigated the effect of septacrol'u (acridine derivative) on blood sugar in various patients with normal carbohydrate metabolism and in diabetics

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):577-577
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Pislography by air. Priv. Associate professor Ya.G. Gottlieb and F. Ya.Strokov

Tsimkhes I.


(Zhurn. Sovrem, surgery, issue 20, 1929), using gas pyelography in 75 cases. did not observe

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):577-577
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Results of surgical treatment of fractures of the patella K. Werwarth (Zentralblatt f. Chir. No. 11, 1929)

Tsimkhes I.


K. Werwarth cites 45 cases. patellar fracture observed for 10 years at the Klose clinic (Danzig).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):577-577
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Traumatic neuromas. A. R. Bezverchenko from the clinic of prof. S.P. Fedorova (Zentralblatt f. Chirurgie, №8, 1929)

Tsimkhes I.


AR Bezverchenko experimentally studied the conditions of origin of neuromas and methods of their prevention. Traumatic neuroma is the physiological regeneration of the central segment of the damaged nerve.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):577-577
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On the surgical treatment of empyema in children. Doz. A. Fischer (Zentralblatt f. Chir., No. 11, 1929)

Tsimkhes I.


Doz. A. Fischer in 21 cases in children aged 2 months to 16 years has successfully used closed drainage empyema treatment using a tube designed by him

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):577-577
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On the treatment of infected wounds with 10% sodium chloride solution. B. M. Shtark (Zhurn.sovrem, surgery, century 20, 1929)

Tsimkhes I.


BM Shtark treated 104 patients with purulent panaritiums, opened acute abscesses and phlegmon, lymphadenitis, mumps, mastitis, etc. with 10% NaCl solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):578-578
pages 578-578 views

On the treatment of concussion with grape sugar. Fred W. Thomas (Zentralblatt f. Cliir., No. 10, 1929)

Tsimkhes I.


Fred W. Thomas has obtained excellent results from a 50% grape sugar solution for concussion and various brain injuries.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):578-578
pages 578-578 views

Stopping bleeding by pieces of parenchymal organs. A. A. Ozherelyev and I. B. Kolodner (New surgery, No. 10, 1928)

Tsimkhes I.


AA Ozherelyev and IB Kolodner experimentally studied the hemostatic effect of various heterogeneous parenchymal organs, such as lungs, muscles, liver, spleen, and kidneys in parenchymal bleeding in dogs, both under conditions of normal and experimental reduced blood coagulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):578-578
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Infection of the postpartum uterus from the oral cavity. Sachs (Zener, f. Gyn., 1928, No. 16)


Sachs emphasizes the need for prophylactic oral health care during pregnancy, as dental and oral diseases are very often the source of severe postpartum infections.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):578-578
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Treatment of uterine cancer during pregnancy. Karg (Monatschr. F. Geb. ü. Gyn. Bd. 78.1928)

Dykhno М.


Karg treats cervical cancer during pregnancy with X-rays, thus preserving not only the life of the mother, but also the life of the fetus. The author cites two cases from the Doderlein clinic. In one, there was cancer of the anterior lip of the cervix during six months of pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):578-578
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Review of modern treatment of cancer of the body and cervix with radiant energy (after Ber. Ü. D. Ges. Gyn. Bd.XIV. H. 11.1928)


Gunsett points out that forms of mature squamous cell carcinoma are more sensitive to radium rays than forms of immature and adenocarcinomas, so the latter should undergo surgery after irradiation.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):578-579
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Are large doses of radium always necessary in the treatment of cervical cancer (according to Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn. Bd. XIV, H. 11, 1928)


While the general trend in France is to use very high doses in the treatment of cancer with radium rays (the Regaud school brings doses up to 9000 milligr.- Element. Hours), Degrais, who first used radium rays in France in 1908, shares some of his cases

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):579-579
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Early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Heidler (Wien. Klin. Woch. No. 24, 1928)

Dykhno M.


Early diagnosis of cervical cancer can be detected, according to Heidler (Wien. Klin. Woch. No. 24, 1928) with a Hinselmann colposcope.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):579-579
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Fibroids, heart and ovary, Spirito (after Ber. Ü. D. Ges. Gyn. Bd. XIY N.II. 1928)

Dykhno M.


Spirit, wishing to find out whether the altered function of the ovary can cause disturbances in the activity of the uterus, heart and endocrine glands (adrenal gland, thyroid gland) and, in addition, whether fibroids, as such, can cause the same disorders in the above-named organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):579-579
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Local vaccine therapy for gonorrhea in women. Aitoff (La presse med., No. 77, 1928)

Dmitriev A.


Aitoff has applied Bezredke's gonococcal antivirus for various forms of female gonorrhea. The antivirus was in contact with the mucous membrane for 2-4 days

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):579-580
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Professor Rothfeld describes a case of affective loss of tone during laughter and orgasm (Gelo-und Orgasmoïepsia) (Zeitschr. F. D. G. N. u. P. Bd 115.1928)

Esselevich S.


Professor Rothfeld describes the case of a 39-year-old man, and sometimes these states are accompanied by a fleeting loss of consciousness (1-2 sec.). Sleep fits have never been reported.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):580-580
pages 580-580 views

Filimonov in the article "On the question of clinical methods for measuring tone" (Zeitschr. F. D. G. N. ü. P. Bd. 115, 1928)

Esselevich S.


Filimonov in the article emphasizes the positive and negative sides of the Rieger-Spiegel'a method and his own (proposed by him in Zeitsch. F. D. G. N. ü. P. Bd. 96. H. 1-2); notes that both methods deal with fundamentally different clinical phenomena and one of them cannot be replaced by the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):580-580
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Psychogenesis of the hypochondriacal symptom complex (Zeitschr. F. D. G. N. ü. Ps. Bd. 115, 28 y.)

Esselevich S.


Carp makes an attempt on the basis of two cases to explain the psychogenesis of the hypochondriacal symptom complex (Zeitschr. F. D. G. N. ü. Ps. Bd. 115, 28). Some authors considered the hypochondriac symptom. As the identification of neurasthenia or the expression of another painful form (Kraepelin, Bleuler, Wollenberg, Tuezek, etc.); others considered it as an independent picture of the disease (Sommer. Boettiger, Raecke, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):580-581
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Epidemiological contradiction between chancre and scabies. Buschke и Sраnіer (Klin. Woch., 1929, № 7)

Weinstein A.


Buschke and Srapier indicate that in recent years there has been an increase in soft chancre and a sharp reduction in scabies. So, if in 1925 in the clinic of the authors there were 83 cases of soft chancre, then in 1928 this number increased to 282, that is, increased more than threefold.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):581-581
pages 581-581 views

To the method of obtaining blood from a vein for various studies of its J. Dаrаnуі (Alecl. Klin., 1928, № 25)


J. Daranui in the forms of slowing down blood coagulation, he draws in a syringe (5-10 cubic meters of capacity) 0.1-0.2 cubic meters. with. solution of 15% potassium oxalate

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):581-581
pages 581-581 views

Method of minute histological diagnostics by transillumination of a piece of tissue or organ. Sabrazés и Мagrоu (Annal, d’anat. patliol. 1928, № 9)

Zhuravleva V.


Sabrazés and Magrou describe a modification of the method proposed by Terry and Christeler. The method consists in the following: a fresh piece of tissue or organ is placed on a cork, fixed here with needles or hooks, and sections of about millimeters are made with a damp razor or a thin knife with a flat blade, thickness and site, in a square.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):581-581
pages 581-581 views

Professor A. M. Levin. "Duodenal probe and its application in diagnosis and therapy." Library of the Practical Physician, Vol. 48, 187 countries. Giz. 1929

Luria R.


New research methods, being an essential prerequisite for advances in the recognition and therapy of diseases, can gain especially great importance and will be especially useful if wide circles of doctors are thoroughly familiar with the history of the method, the technique of its application and the results obtained by the new method in various fields of its application. This is the task that the author of the book about the duodenal probe sets himself.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):582-582
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Gorald Enell. "Ulcers of the stomach". Library of the Practical Physician, Vol. 30. Giz. 1929, 123 pages

Luria R.


The author aims to highlight the "peptic ulcer" (Die Magengeschwürkrankheit), its pathology and therapy from the point of view of a therapist. As you know, in addition to very detailed chapters in large manuals, many separate monographs are devoted to this issue (I will name only Yarotsky, Enriquez et Durand, Ruhman, Balint, F. Ramond, Tagepa from recent works), but the tremendous practical interest presented by the doctrine of peptic ulcer makes new illumination of the issue useful; especially interesting are the observations made in a country where living conditions are somewhat different from those in central Europe, in Sweden.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):582-583
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O. Strauss und O Müller. Leitfaden der Röntgendiagnostik und Röntgentherapie für den praktischen Arzt. 445 pp., Ed. C. Marhold, Halle. Price 20 m., Per. 22 m. 1928

Gasul R.Y.


Of the books on radiology, intended for the student and the practitioner, this one compares favorably with many other compendiums of the last 2 years on the book market in Germany and France

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):583-583
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Aschner Bernhard. Die Krise der Medizin. Konstitutionstherapie als Ausweg. 562 Seiten Gr. 8 °. 1928. Broschiert RM. 18. — Hippokratesverlag. Stuttgart, Leipzig, Zürich

Galant Y.


Ashner's book consists of two parts: general and specific. In the general part, the author speaks about those methods of treatment, which, in his opinion, should, after many years of neglect, gain their former fame as powerful universal remedies; the private part speaks of the same methods applied to selected diseases from all specialties of medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):583-584
pages 583-584 views

Professor V.K. Menshikov


May 8 p. In the auditorium of the KGU children's clinic at an expanded meeting of the pediatric section of the Society of Doctors at Kazan University, the chairman of the section, the director of the clinic for childhood diseases KGU, prof. Victor Konstantinovich Menshikov on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his scientific, pedagogical and medical activity.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):584-586
pages 584-586 views

Chronicle. Volume 25, № 5 (1929)


According to the budget approved by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for 1928-29, 36,500,000 rubles were allocated for sanatorium-resort assistance and rest homes, against 30,000,000 in 1927-26. Of this amount, 26,817,000 rubles were allocated for rest homes, sanatoriums and resorts, that is, 73.5%; for construction 5.345.000, i.e. 14.6%; for major repairs and equipment 4.125.000 rubles — 11.3% and for reserve expenses — 211.000 rubles — 0.6%. The principal amount (26,817,000 rubles) is distributed as follows

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):586-589
pages 586-589 views

Letter to the editor I. Volume 25, № 5 (1929)

Rasul R.


Dear comrades. Coming to the publication of the 4th volume of "International Radiotherapy" (J. R.) I. Wetter's, which will be published in October this year. years, we turn to fellow radiologists

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):590-590
pages 590-590 views

Letter to the editor II. Volume 25, № 5 (1929)

Mikhailov A.


Dear Collega! In the 2nd issue of "Kaz. honey. journal "in Comrade Oyfebach's article" On the classification of pulmonary tuberculosis ", adopted by the IV Tub. Congress, by the way, it is said that the presence of a cavity is a sign of the third stage of tuba.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):590-590
pages 590-590 views

Letter to the Editor III. Volume 25, № 5 (1929)

Oyfebach М.


To the editorial office of the Kazan Medical Journal. At the request of Dr. A. Ya. Mikhailov, I can report the following: in my article it is indicated that a position was put forward by the rapporteur, Dr. Hol'tsman. in accordance with the theses of prof. Vorobyov (see Theses of the IV tub. Congress and V. Tub., No. 1, 1929) that the presence of a cavity does not attribute the case to stage III

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(5):590-590
pages 590-590 views

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