Vol 30, No 11-12 (1934)

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Full Issue

Experience of blood transfusion in a collective farm village during the harvest campaign

Elyashevich Y.I.


Relevance of the problem of rapid recovery of ability to work dictates the need to use blood transfusion in the daily practice of health care. Wide popularization and practical application of this method in modern conditions of collective farm village is imperative. This task can be solved by district district hospitals.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1069-1072
pages 1069-1072 views

On the effect of Urzols on the connective tissue of the eyes (based on a survey of workers at Kazan Fur Factory No. 2)

Miloslavskaya M.N.


Harmful effect of Urzene on human body is confirmed by many observations. Workers employed in the fur industry, where different types of Urzene are used for dyeing furs, have skin diseases in the form of eczema and respiratory tract diseases in the form of rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and asthma.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1073-1077
pages 1073-1077 views


Vinnikov M.E.


As any new method of treatment, gravidanotherapy is met with varying opinions. Some expect "miracles" from this method of treatment, believing that gravidanotherapy has found a new all-encompassing, excluding all other methods of treatment. On the other hand, there is an undeniable tendency to downplay or even completely deny the importance of gravidanotherapy. Finally, some authors consider gravidanotherapy as a method giving only subjective improvement of patients' well-being, the success of which is based on mass psychotherapy. Meanwhile, there is no doubt that gravidan, given its composition, should have a significant effect on the human body. It is only necessary that clinical observations and experimental verification give an unbiased assessment of the action of the drug and determine the place of gravidanotherapy in the arsenal of means of modern medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1078-1090
pages 1078-1090 views

Treatment of gastric and 12 duodenal ulcers with gravidan

Mirkin A.I., Vinnikov M.E.


Gravidan - a preparation of urine of pregnant women - was proposed by A.A. Zamkov in 1929 for therapeutic purposes in some internal and other diseases. We still know very little about the properties, composition of gravidan and even less about the nature of its effect on a sick and healthy body. The urine rich in various hormones of pregnant women has a favorable effect on many organs and tissues and, especially, as it has been revealed recently by a number of Russian and foreign works, on vegetative and central nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1090-1093
pages 1090-1093 views

Gravidan in the therapy of some internal diseases

Vinnikov M.E., Bitkova S.I.


We set ourselves the task of studying the reaction of patients to gravidan and finding out its value as a therapeutic agent in a number of diseases. We focused on such sufferings, which occur frequently in practical activity of an internist and are of great social importance. These are diseases of the stomach, 12 duodenum, biliary and liver diseases, arteriosclerosis, cardiac disorders and some others.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1094-1101
pages 1094-1101 views

Experience with gravidan in typhus fever

Livshits M.S.


In spite of the fact that so far there is no full theoretical substantiation of gravidan action, it still has been used with good effect in many sufferings, especially in disorders of endocrine and nervous systems and general loss of strength. Therefore, it seemed to us not without interest to test gravidan in infectious diseases, which often cause significant damage to the most important systems of the body (cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, etc.) with prolonged loss of ability to work even after the end of the underlying disease. Typhus typhus, as one of the most severe infections, was the first to attract our attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1102-1104
pages 1102-1104 views

Gravidanotherapy for mental illnesses and addictions

Andreev V.P.


In psychiatric and narcological practice, where the arsenal of drugs cannot be considered rich, it was especially important to test gravidan, which received such wide applications in medical practice. The present work is devoted to this question.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1105-1114
pages 1105-1114 views

Experience in the treatment of some ear diseases with gravidan

Mukoseeva O.M.


Несмотря на многочисленные исследования, проблема отосклероза не разрешена до настоящего времени. Сущность этого заболевания, ведущего к потере слуха или значительно ослабляющего его, остается невыясненной.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1115-1120
pages 1115-1120 views

On the pathogenesis of pulmonary gangrene

Guterman D.M.


Interested in pulmonary gangrene, we examined autopsy reports from 1928-30 of 50 cases with an anatomical diagnosis of pulmonary gangrene. These were mostly individuals under the age of 50 (34 of 50) who were actively working. We did not find in this material confirmation of the view about predominant pulmonary gangrene of old, starving, with swallowing paralysis or brain diseases; in none of the cases was found any foreign body or food particles in the airways - complete contradiction to the authors' views on aspiration as the main pathogenetic factor.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1120-1122
pages 1120-1122 views

Red blood changes in acute rheumatism

Mukhamedov I.K.


The question of rheumatism has recently attracted more and more attention of researchers. Rheumatic infection (r. i.), causing a febrile process, affects the bone marrow (Arinkin), which is quite sensitive and responds to it quickly. There are relatively few works and observations on blood changes in patients with acute rheumatism (r. p.) and the authors pay more attention to changes in the white blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1123-1132
pages 1123-1132 views

Typhus seroprophylaxis

Lifshits M.S., Aleksandrov K.G.


Numerous experiments with active immunization against typhus (s. t.), as is known, have not yet yielded definite results. Neither various vaccines (blood serum, defibrinated blood of typhus patients, inactivated organs of typhus mumps) nor various vaccination methods, contrary to the initial encouraging results, have been able to confer lasting immunity to typhus.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1132-1136
pages 1132-1136 views

Measles prophylaxis with reactivated serum

Egereva S.A.


In the search for different ways to prevent measles, passive prophylaxis is the most developed method. Timely and sufficient administration of serum from measles revivals is a valid measure to prevent or reduce the severity of the disease. But, unfortunately, we cannot have a sufficient supply of serum from the recuperators, because of the difficulty in obtaining blood from children. All attempts to replace recuperative serum with serum obtained by immunizing animals have failed. Therefore, Degquitz's proposal to replace recuperative serum with adult serum has found a lively response among pediatricians.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1137-1139
pages 1137-1139 views

The use of bismoverol in the treatment of syphilis

Geft B.B.


Of the patented bismuth preparations released by our chemical industry, bioquinol currently enjoys the greatest prevalence. However, the effectiveness of bioquinol does not fully satisfy clinicians, and along with brilliant reviews about this drug (Brychev), there are restrained (Golschmid) and sharply negative assessment of it (Mrongovius).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1139-1144
pages 1139-1144 views

Clinic, prevention and treatment of gonorrhoeal urethral strictures

Voitashevsky Y.B., Tukhshnid D.I.


By stricture we mean a persistent narrowing of the urethral lumen caused by organic changes in the canal wall with the development of connective tissue and scar formation. According to the origin, strictures are divided into congenital and acquired, and the latter into inflammatory, traumatic and chemical; clinically, they are divided into permeable and impassable and 1) without residual urine and 2) with residual urine; the latter can be: a) with infection and b) without infection. Numerous statistics show that congenital strictures occur in no more than 5%. Among the acquired strictures, gonorrhoeal strictures are on the first place according to their frequency; on the average, they are from 70% to 95%. Traumatic strictures are in the second place - they occur in 3% to 12%. In last place are strictures of chemical origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1145-1151
pages 1145-1151 views

White blood picture during surgical operations under local anesthesia by the creeping infiltration method of Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky

Sadykova M.K., Kurbangaleev S.M.


Having comprehensively developed the question of anesthesia by the creeping infiltration method, our clinic uses this method of anesthesia in all cases, with very few exceptions. There is a large literature on changes in the blood picture after operations, especially in general anesthesia. Except for the pronounced general phenomena on the blood side the increase of leukocytosis, left shift increase, etc. take place here. During operations under local anesthesia the role of surgical and mental trauma and intoxication as a result of absorption of the injected solution are often pointed out.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1151-1154
pages 1151-1154 views

Postoperative paralytic ileus as an indication for enterostomy

Pomosov V.N.


Every practicing surgeon has experienced many difficult minutes dealing with a formidable complication in the postoperative period - paralytic ileus. How many worries, incipient doubts are caused by prolonged nausea, vomiting, flatulence, lack of gas and stool after surgery. The severity of the surgeon is also that intestinal paresis can occur after any operation and any method of anesthesia, in rank-and-file and technically armed surgeons. For example, Nazarov observed paralytic ileus after operations with impinged hernia, appendectomies, ovariotomies; Bakushinsky - after gastroenterostomy, bowel resection, dissection of adhesions; Zhukov - after cholecystectomy, choledochotomy. Some types of operations, such as major gynecological and urinary tract operations, especially predispose to intestinal paresis (Broun, Zhukov).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1155-1161
pages 1155-1161 views

Experience of Novocain block for some gynecological diseases

Manenkov P., Gorelova-Bikchurina E.I.


The works of Prof. Speransky school gave new understanding of etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and therapy of pathological processes. These works establish that 1) many and various pathological processes in their origin are entirely due to neural influences and 2) neurotrophic component enters as the main one, in all pathological processes without exception, being from the beginning to the end the factor determining their condition. As a result, new ways of influence on the course of pathological processes are outlined.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1161-1164
pages 1161-1164 views

Sensitivity to pain during operations under local anesthesia according to the method of Prof. Vishnevsky

Pshenichnikov V.I., Shalunov M.K.


In the symptomatology of diseases, pain has always attracted the attention of researchers. In recent years, there have appeared many works devoted to the problem of pain. The latter is of topical importance in evaluating the method of pain relief during surgical operations. Sensitivity to pain varies greatly, often depending on many endogenous and exogenous factors. Therefore, the behavior of the patient, especially those with hypersensitivity to pain, during surgery under local anesthesia can discredit the method of anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1165-1166
pages 1165-1166 views

Experiments on the cultivation of the typhoid virus

Geltzer R.R., Nemshilov S.F.


Starting experiments on cultivation of typhoid virus on nonpathogenic microorganisms, we settled on yeasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae-race: M and II species (the yeasts used by Zilber, Vostroukhova and Dosser for cultivation of smallpox vaccine and typhoid virus were not yet known to us). H. Oettinger PH 7.6 broth and the same broth with 1% glucose added were used as nutrient media; otherwise, we adhered to the methodology proposed by Silber and Dosser.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1167-1177
pages 1167-1177 views

Chemical way of distinguishing nerves (N. vagus from N. sympaticus)

Manoilov E.O.


In 1920, Prof. A.G. Molotkov proposed and introduced into the system, as a method, the transection of various abnormal nerves, mainly sensitive ones, in the composition of which, in his opinion, special trophic influences should take place. Having applied this method at the beginning for the treatment of such obviously neurotrophic disorders, which develop after traumatic injuries of various nerves in the form, for example, of a perforating heel ulcer, later on he extended it to various kinds of pathological processes not healing and not subject to any other treatment methods, such as varicose ulcers of the shin, spontaneous gangrene, panaric lesions, tubercular ulcers, malignant tumors, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1178-1180
pages 1178-1180 views

Notes from the surgeon's outpatient practice

Ratner Y.A.


The problem of early diagnosis is the most burning problem of our time for doctors. Vague complaints, vague signs-that's what we have in the early stages of the disease. An early diagnosis (at least a presumptive one) is rarely made on the basis of objective symptoms. They are often not yet present. Analysis of the "subjective picture of the disease" is of primary importance. A number of minutiae, details often determine the picture of the disease. Clear logic, rather than a microscope, can illuminate their significance. The experienced eye of the doctor must see the disease before it is detected by X-rays Skilful questioning of the patient, thoughtful analysis play an important role. No success of objective diagnosis detracts from the importance of the subjective picture of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1181-1184
pages 1181-1184 views

A case of intermittent exophthalmus

Sharkovsky I.A.


The extreme rarity of this disease and the limited number of reports in the Russian ophthalmological literature gives us the right to publish the case we observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1185-1186
pages 1185-1186 views

Rheumatism in children

Makarov Y.V.


Although rheumatism is not one of the diseases frequently encountered in children, the study of its manifestations in childhood is of great importance and interest for several reasons. Clinical observations of childhood rheumatism can undoubtedly bring us closer to solving the problem of rheumatism in general, which has not yet been studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1187-1196
pages 1187-1196 views

First All-Ukrainian Conference of Radiologists and Oncologists in Kharkov, July 1-5, 1934

Gasul R.Y.


The representatives from all over the Union, who came together with about 300 radiologists and oncologists from Kharkov, from the first day turned the conference into an All-Union Congress, which in its scope and significance exceeded the First All-Union Congress of Oncologists, which met three years ago in the same city of Kharkov. During these 3 years the questions of oncology were closely connected to roentgenology and radiology, without which the struggle against cancer is unthinkable. Twenty-five reports were devoted to oncology.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1196-1200
pages 1196-1200 views

The 1st All-Ukrainian Conference of Urologists

Ognev B.V.


On the first program topic concerning urology in the Soviet health care system were reports by Prof. I. V. Kudintsev on the state and history of development of urological care in the Ukrainian SSR. Prof. Voytashevsky made a report on the state and development of minor urology. Prof. P. M. Fronshtein, like the previous speakers, pointed out the insufficient attention to the teaching of urology in the system of public health care.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1200-1201
pages 1200-1201 views

Orthopedics course

Novikov G.M.


This is the 2nd edition of "General Orthopedics" by Prof. Friedland. The usefulness and necessity of this one-of-a-kind guide for doctors and students (there are no other books on general orthopedics in the Soviet Union) is demonstrated by the fact that the first edition of General Orthopedics was sold out in the first year.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1202-1202
pages 1202-1202 views

Le Cancer primitif du poumon

Lunkevich A.M.


This book is of great interest: both clinical and anatomical material is well collected and presented in it. The author used an extensive bibliography: he studied 385 works by authors from various countries. The architectonics of the book is strictly sustained. The material is evenly arranged: etiology, pathological anatomy, symptomatology with indication of various methods of investigation, picture of anomalies and complications, data of diagnosis, prognosis and therapy - all this found a dignified reflection and coverage in the first half of the work, and in the second very detailed and bright outline 46 case histories.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1202-1204
pages 1202-1204 views

Antibodies and initial fever in malaria

Schilling C.


Based on a range of recent literature, including the work of Neumanna, who found the presence of specific antibodies in the blood of malarials immediately after the first attack, the author draws the origin of malarial fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1204-1205
pages 1204-1205 views

About the precipitation reaction in trichinosis

Trawinsky A., Maternoroska S.


To obtain precipitating sera, rabbits were infected per os with trichins. The usual dose used was 250 to 1000 trichins in one or more doses. The exsanguination of rabbits was performed at different times, from the 3rd to the 26th day, and in one series of experiments even on the 50th day. At the same time, exsanguinated rabbits were examined to determine whether the infection had resulted in trichinosis. Sera of only those rabbits whose organs or intestines were found to contain trichins were tested. The antigen was prepared as follows: the muscles of rabbits infected with trichins were pulverized and then physiological solution with 0.4% pepsin solution and 0.25°/o hydrochloric acid was added.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1205-1205
pages 1205-1205 views

Factor in normal tissues that inhibits tumor growth

Murphy J.B., Sturm E.


A. a. worked with two strains of murine cancer and one strain of sarcoma. The presence of a tumor growth-retarding factor was detected in embryonic and placental tissue. The tissue under study was crushed and dried in a desiccator, after which an extract was prepared in water. Tumor pieces were incubated for a short time in the extract before infecting fresh animals. Such a short contact was sufficient to inhibit tumor growth at all or significantly slow it down.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1205-1206
pages 1205-1206 views

Serological survey of the Berlin population

Charbet Т.


Over the course of 11 years, 30,000 blood samples from inpatients were examined. The distribution by group gives the following result: Group 0-31.6%, Group A-42.2%, Group B- 14.7%, and Group AB-6.5%. There was no difference in the groups with regard to gender. For the indicated period of time the percentage, the ratio of groups did not change significantly.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1206-1206
pages 1206-1206 views

Virilism and its causes

Auslander E.


The authors cite the case history of a perfectly normal woman of 31, having two children, who developed, for no apparent reason, within 6 months, the phenomena of virilism - hirsutism (beard, mustache, whole body hairiness), amenorrhea, changes in facial and character features, weight loss, weakening of muscle strength. Internal organs unchanged, blood pressure 140/95. Basal metabolism was elevated (+ 21%). The most thorough examination did not find an adrenal or ovarian tumor, but the progression of the disease suggests a malignant neoplasm.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1206-1207
pages 1206-1207 views

Bacilliform discharge without pulmonary clinical and radiographic lesions

Kramov N.


The authors report an 18-year-old young man who came under observation for coughing up sputum in which VCs were found. No clinical abnormalities of the respiratory system were detected, radiography also gave a normal picture, no t°, no emaciation, general well-being was excellent. The clinical picture was the same for 8 months, and VCs were detected on every examination in the undisturbed sputum.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1207-1207
pages 1207-1207 views

Bacilliformis without visible lesions

Bezançon F., Braun Р., Meyer A.


The authors focus on cases of bacilliform discharge without any radiographic or auscultatory abnormalities in these bacilliform patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1207-1207
pages 1207-1207 views

Embolism complicating a case of artificial pneumothorax

Kramov N.


The author reported 13 cases of gas embolism (GE) in the course of artificial pneumothorax (AP), of which 4 ended in death. Andrews reported 2 cases with 1 fatality. All these patients had pleural adhesions. In the 8 cases mentioned by Bruns, gas insufflation had not yet been started, but the symptoms of GE had already occurred; in 3 cases they began after the needle had been removed. Apparently, in these cases there was a communication between the pulmonary vein and the bronchus, which was sufficient for formation of GE.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1208-1208
pages 1208-1208 views

A case of calcification of the entire gallbladder wall

Snodgrass T.J.


There were 2 large stones in the gallbladder, one of them completely occluded d. cysticus. Robb thinks that the cause of obesity was distension and atrophy of the gallbladder wall. The author explains calcification as a result of d. cystici blockage resulting in distension and atrophy of the gallbladder wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1208-1208
pages 1208-1208 views

Influence of tobacco smoking on the origin of thromboangeitis obliterans

Maddock W.G., Сoller F.А.


The authors note that smoking tobacco causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and a decrease in skin temperature in the fingers and toes due to increased peripheral vasoconstriction. The authors confirm these findings with experimental observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1208-1208
pages 1208-1208 views

Role of nicotine in the etiology and postoperative course of ulcers

Sharbet T.


Tobacco smoking plays a significant role in the development of peptic ulcer. The frequency of the disease is in accordance with the constant increase in the amount of tobacco consumed. Out of 153 operated and investigated after surgery, 97.7% smoked a lot (mostly cigarettes, 20-30 pieces per day).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1208-1208
pages 1208-1208 views

Report of 341 slice nephrotomy for renal tuberculosis

Sharbet T.


The prognosis was more favorable in women than in men, probably because the latter had more frequent genital complications (71%). The persistent cure rate was 50% in women and only 38% in men. In 6% of the cases there was death after an average of 15 years from a shriveled kidney. 38% died subsequently of tuberculosis of the other kidney.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1208-1208
pages 1208-1208 views

Material to the question-active or conservative therapy of postpartum hemorrhage?

Sharbet T.


The author reports 165 cases of severe postpartum hemorrhage observed in the Leipzig Obstetrical Clinic from 1924-1933.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1209-1209
pages 1209-1209 views

Leukemia and pregnancy

Heissу P.


Two women aged 32 and 35 years had myelogenous leukemia at 7 and 8 months of pregnancy. In the first case normal delivery at term, in the second by cesarean section. In both cases after delivery, the disease worsened sharply and death in the first case after 6 days and in the second after 24 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1209-1209
pages 1209-1209 views

On the subject of menstrual poison

Sharbet T.


The author cites the literature of the question and his own experiments on the effect of menstrual blood on yeast fermentation.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1209-1209
pages 1209-1209 views

Otorhinolaryngologist's experience in a flu epidemic

Еrdèlyi Е.


The author, a witness to and participant in the fight against a major influenza epidemic, provides an interesting observation concerning the frequency and nature of the course of a particular or other оtorhinolaryngologist disease during an influenza epidemic.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1209-1210
pages 1209-1210 views

Pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of post-angina sepsis

Klintrup H.


The author says that recently many people in medicine have been dealing with the question of post-angina sepsis, but despite a number of extensive works by Vass, Uffenorde, Сlaus and others, there is still no clarity here. There is a rich diversity in the questions of where the entrance gate is and what are the ways of spreading the general infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1210-1211
pages 1210-1211 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of November 14, 1934


Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of November 14, 1934. Chairman Prof. M.O. Friedland. Secretary Assistant Professor G.M. Novikov. 

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1211-1213
pages 1211-1213 views

Dr. P. Ya. Maikov


October 28, 1934 was the 35th anniversary of medical, scientific and industrial work of the oldest microbiologist of Tatarstan and the oldest employee of the Kazan Microbiological Institute, Pyotr Yakovlevich Maykov.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1214-1214
pages 1214-1214 views

Professor Lazar Borisovich Bukhshtab

Triger V.A., Fabrikant E.N.


On the night of August 5 this year in Odessa from septicaemia died at the age of 66 director of the faculty therapeutic clinic of the Odessa Medical Institute Professor Lazar Borisovich Bukhshtab.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1215-1216
pages 1215-1216 views



A meeting of the Council of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine was held. At this meeting, in commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the October Revolution, the scientific degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Biological Sciences were awarded to 40 outstanding scientific figures in the field of medical and biological sciences.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(11-12):1216-1220
pages 1216-1220 views

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