Vol 30, No 5 (1934)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Rationalization of physician mental work

Rozinsky Y.B.


High-quality methods must permeate the entire work of the physician. The work on the book, the research work in the clinic, the improvement of the methods of writing the usual medical history, all these different areas of medical work must be equipped with new, rational methods. Among the varied and complex processes that make up the entire system of our intellectual work, one of the most important places belongs to the process of reading.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):379-391
pages 379-391 views

Experiences of mass pedological work in Kazan

Tsvetkova M.S.


One of the most important tasks of the NKPros and NKZDrav on the cultural front during the period of socialist perestroika and the construction of our country is the preparation of a proletarian cadre of young people with the greatest development of physical and mental powers. The latter can undoubtedly be realized if the forms and methods of work on the medical-pedological service of children and adolescents are fully justified scientifically, so the rational construction of all the pedological work of the NKZDRA and NKPros is the urgent need of the moment.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):392-397
pages 392-397 views

On the importance of determining Amplituden Frequenz-Produkt'a, a derivative of pulse rate and amplitude for determining the performance capacity of cardiovascular patients

Mamish M.G., Konopleva Z.A.


The issue of functional diagnosis of the cardiovascular system is currently an unresolved problem, despite numerous studies conducted in this regard. Most studies have been carried out in the direction of solving this problem by using data from simple hemodynamic studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):398-403
pages 398-403 views

The simplest device for measuring average blood pressure

Marcuse S.M.


The apparatus designed by the author is an oscilloscilloscope, which serves to measure the oscillation range (oscillations) of the pulse wave and determine the mean blood pressure. The latter is currently given great importance by a number of authors for evaluation of the functional state of the cardiovascular system, since the mean blood pressure is considered to be a value really corresponding to intra-arterial pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):404-407
pages 404-407 views

About Frank's hemorrhagic aleukemia

Gurevich T.Z.


In 1915/19. Frank drew attention to a special disease he called "hemorrhagic aleukemia. In Frank's opinion, the picture of the disease is expressed as: 1) severe anemia with a sharp fall in the number of leukocytes, especially granular and platelets, in the absence of phenomena of regeneration on the part of the bone marrow; 2) necrotic inflammation of the mucous membranes, most often of the mouth and throat, followed by sepsis: 3) bleeding tendency.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):407-410
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Changes in skin hydrophilicity under the influence of koumiss and koumissotherapy

Katerov V.I., Elkind Z.D.


In numerous works devoted to studying various aspects of koumiss effect on human organism, in particular in case of pulmonary tuberculosis (TBC), the study of koumiss effect on water exchange in organism received comparatively little reflection. Meanwhile, one can expect certain changes, taking into account both significant amount of water introduced into the body when drinking koumiss and chemical composition of koumiss (lactic acid, alcohol, salts, etc.). Considering beforehand all the complexity of this influence and the difficulty of comprehensive study of this issue, we set ourselves the task to carry out observations on changes in skin hydrophilicity under the influence of koumiss and koumissotherapy according to Mac Clure u Aldrich's method.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):411-415
pages 411-415 views

CO2 in newborn asphyxia

Blonskaya A.A., Savitsky V.N.


The use of CO2 in neonatal asphyxia dates back to ancient times. Used empirically in folk medicine, this method has recently occupied one of the first places among various methods of struggle against asphyxia, and not only occupied, but also received quite a scientific substantiation, radically changing existing up to now, "firm" so to speak, established scientific truths about the essence of asphyxia in general. At present, the process of asphyxiation therefore stands before us in a different light, otherwise substantiated.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):415-419
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On the diagnostic value of the grip reflex of the foot

Galant I.B.


The grip reflex of the foot (Fusssohlengreifreflex) is described by me as a rudimentary human reflex found physiologically in newborns and infants. This reflex consists in the fact that, when the experimenter lightly puts the finger of the hand or another, preferably thin, round, long object (pencil, stick, etc.) to the sole of the infant, the latter quickly and intensively flexes the toes and the foot itself, as if he wanted to embrace with his foot the experimenter's finger, just as the same infant grasps firmly and tonically holds the finger enclosed in his palm.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):419-421
pages 419-421 views

Experience with aniline dyes in the treatment of pyoderma

Olesov I.N., Kondratiev G.G., Khusnutdinova E.G.


The results of an experimental study of the bactericidal effect of aniline dyes (a.k.) obtained in our clinic (Kondratyev) set us the task to verify the therapeutic value of some a/c in the treatment of pyoderma. For clinical verification we chose a number of a.c, with different bactericidal properties in vitro: genzian violet (g.v.), methyl violet (m.v.) crystallviolet (c.v.) methylene blue (m.c.), methyl green (m.z.), vesuvine (c) and acidic fuchsin (f. K), which were used as aqueous and alcoholic solutions (96°, 70°, 50°) of 1-5% concentration in the form of lubrications, injections and lotions, and in some cases in pure form (powder). A total of 190 patients were under our observation: inpatients - 57, outpatients - 133.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):421-425
pages 421-425 views

Novocain nerve block as a method of treatment of tissue trophic disorders

Vishnevsky A.V.


The author's report is a review of the material he has conducted in the clinic since 1931 on the treatment of trophic ulcers of the extremities, spontaneous gangrene ulcers and gastric ulcers by novocaine block of the nervous system. The author stands on the basis of the neurogenic theory of the origin of limb ulcers. On the genesis, he does not separate the gastric ulcer from them, believing that the latter is also a trophoneurosis, proceeding under the conditions of a special specificity of the organ.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):426-427
pages 426-427 views

Industrial wounds and burns and their treatment with Rivanol

Vyaselev R.A.


At the present time to the health centers of industrial enterprises and to the polyclinics attached to the latter a great number of wounds, diverse in their complexity and origin, are received as a result of traumatism. The latter, as statistics show, is decreasing year by year, with every quarter, in our Union, and this decrease, with the further strengthening of health centers, as the main link of health care in the enterprise, on the one hand, and the slogan of mastering technology, on the other hand, will invariably step forward. Nevertheless, industrial accidents remain and will continue to occur to some extent in the future.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):427-432
pages 427-432 views

Restoration of ability to work after diseases and injuries of the jaw

Mikhelson N.M.


The work of our Institute, which has a special department of maxillofacial surgery, has shown that it is far from always easy and correct for insurance doctors to solve the question of work capacity when it comes to the jaws. The lack of familiarity of doctors in general, and of insurance doctors in particular, with jaw diseases is explained by the fact that the existence of maxillofacial surgery as an independent unit among other medical disciplines in our country has only come to light in recent years. 

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):432-438
pages 432-438 views

On the issue of kumis therapy during menstruation

Mamish M.G., Ivantsev F.N.


There are still different views on the use of koumiss during menstruation. Some doctors consider the use of koumiss during menstruation contraindicated because, according to their opinions, menstruation under the influence of koumiss seems to become more abundant and prolonged. There are no observations on this issue in old and recent literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):439-440
pages 439-440 views

On the effects of butadiene, pseudobutylene, and isoprene on the body

Larionov L.F., Shtepsel T.A., Nuselman E.I.


The task of this work was to study the strength and nature of the effects on the body of butadiene, pseudobutylene and isoprene, which are currently of great importance in connection with the expansion of the synthetic rubber industry. White mice and rabbits were the objects of the study; in some cases experiments on humans were also performed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):440-445
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A case of endocrine gland disease in a 6-year-old child

Maksutova M.K.


The study of cases of endocrine system disease is still one of the difficult areas of clinical medicine and the description of each individual case is of considerable interest. Therefore, we consider it necessary to describe one rare case of endocrine system disease in a child, which was observed in our clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):446-448
pages 446-448 views

Water pepper (polygonum hydropiper) as a styptic

Rossiyskiy D.M.


Water pepper (Polygonum Hydropiper, family Polygoneae), popularly known as ichneumon peppers, chechin, dog pepper or hemorrhoid grass, grows throughout the USSR, best of all on humus soil in damp places in meadows and near rivers. In folk medicine, water pepper herb has long been renowned as a styptic, and is used mainly for hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):448-449
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Rare case of simultaneous uterine and ectopic (Graviditas abdominalis) pregnancy

Dobrushin M.A.


Anastasia Yun-na, 33 years old, was admitted to the department on 7/XII, 1932, with the diagnosis "Pregnancy at 9 weeks", for an abortion. The patient was of medium height, regular build, well-fed. Complaints: pain in the lower back, left groin, continuous vomiting and headaches.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):449-450
pages 449-450 views

Outpatient practice

Badyul P.A.


On April 25, patient P., 24 years old, a mechanic, came to an outpatient clinic complaining of severe crushing pains in the left shoulder and arm, sharp limitation of arm mobility due to pain and weakness. The anamnesis revealed that the first signs of the disease occurred on February 25 of this year. The pain in the shoulder and elbow joints of the left hand appeared to be painful. During the following days, the pain increased and spread to the entire arm; it especially bothered the patient after physical work and at night.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):450-451
pages 450-451 views

Blood acid-base balance and its regulation

Lyubimova M.N.


Until recently, the acid-alkaline balance of the body was understood to be a balance of the total amount of acids and alkalis introduced into and excreted from our bodies. Colossal advances in the development of physical chemistry at the beginning of this century have changed our ideas fundamentally. First of all, it became quite obvious that the effect of acids and alkalis on cells, on processes going on in cells, depends not on the total amount of acid, but only on the amount of hydrogen ions (H). And in this respect not all acids are the same.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):452-464
pages 452-464 views

Neuropathological syndromes

Galant I.


The book was published in 1929 in a German edition, and was awarded first prize by the Science Section of the RSFSR NKPros and the Central Bureau of Scientific Workers Section. In 1930, a Spanish translation of the book was published, and since then, as the preface says, it has become "a handbook for neuropathologists. It is superfluous, therefore, to praise the capital work of the venerable Soviet neuropathologist. We will only point out some easily correctable lapses, especially since the preface states that not all the necessary changes and additions have been made due to technical reasons, and a more thorough revision of all the material must be postponed until the next edition.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):464-464
pages 464-464 views

Guide-book of Nervous Diseases

Galant I.


The first edition of Astvatsaturov's guide-book was published in 1925, the fifth edition in 1933. The success is undoubted, and the secret of this success is simple: a clear, accessible to everyone presentation of the often difficult to understand extensive material in a concise and at the same time exhaustive form.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):464-465
pages 464-465 views

Building Soviet Health Care

Soloviev Z.P.


This book is a collection of works that are part of the literary heritage of the famous figure of Soviet health care Z. P. Soloviev.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):465-466
pages 465-466 views

On hormonal control of tumor growth

Reiss М., Druckrey U., Hochwald А.


In rats in which Jensen's sarcoma usually grows rapidly, pituitaryectomy performed at least 3 weeks before tumor inoculation causes tumor growth to stop and even develop backwards. The fact that growth hormone injection again causes the tumor to stop growing further emphasizes the role of growth hormone in tumor development.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):466-467
pages 466-467 views

Unusual development of goiter in one family

Auslander E.


The authors cite 8 cases of thyroid disease in 8 members of the same family (4 brothers and 4 sisters), and neither parents nor grandparents had goiter.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):467-467
pages 467-467 views

A case of basid disease cured by removal of 2 lower parathyroid glands

Auslander E.


A 38-year-old woman with a severe form of Graves' disease (large goiter, exophthalmos, tremor, tachycardia-pulse 140, nervousness, and severe emaciation) is indicated for emergency surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):467-467
pages 467-467 views

Ore miners and silicosis

Grenfell D.


The author, in his communication to a parliamentary committee of the House of Commons, called attention to the high prevalence of silicosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):467-467
pages 467-467 views

Method for determining pain sensitivity in diseases of the abdominal cavity

Pshenichnikov V.


The author offers a relatively simple method of determining pain sensitivity in diseases of the abdominal cavity organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):468-468
pages 468-468 views

On constitutional predisposition in cases of gastric cancer

Mentl S.


The author performed an anatomical study of 430 cases of gastric cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):468-468
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On the secretory function of the stomach during sleep

Henning N., Norpoth L.


To make a more objective judgment about the nature of the fasting stomach contents in normal and pathological conditions of its secretory activity and to exclude numerous unaccountable factors influencing the quantity and quality of the fasting juice, the authors examined the contents of the stomach from 10-11 a.m. to 8-9 a.m. with a thin probe in 91 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):468-468
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The significance of rhodan for gastric autodesinfection

Вrinek J.


The author studied rhodan content in the stomach of 209 patients and compared these data with the value of acidity and data of bacteriological examination after introduction of gram-positive germs into the stomach to judge about the value of autodisinfecting power of gastric contents.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):468-469
pages 468-469 views

Basic settings in the treatment of gastric and 12 duodenal ulcers


The author, outlining the main guidelines in the treatment of gastric and 12 duodenal ulcers, says that to understand the therapeutic measures one should pay attention to the nature of the ulcer, its localization and complications. The distinction between immediate and long-term results of treatment is of fundamental importance for evaluating the efficacy of any treatment method.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):469-469
pages 469-469 views

Is dark brown bile (B-bile) а bile from the gallbladder?

Einhorn М.


The author criticizes Meltzer-Lyon's theory that the infusion of magneses, sulfur, into the duodenum relaxes the sphincter Odi and contracts the gallbladder, the contents of which give the B-bile.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):469-469
pages 469-469 views


Monlonguet A., Gutmann A., Laval I.


The authors give a detailed description of gastroscopy as a method of examining the stomach, which should occupy an equal place along with esophagoscopy and bronchoscopy. The historical part of this method is outlined, followed by a description of the instrumentation.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):469-470
pages 469-470 views

Bilroth 1 gastric resection followed by X-ray examination of the operated stomach

Sachs G.


The author performed 122 gastric resections, 90 of them according to Bilroth 1. The author believes that this method in the method of Homs v. Haberer's method yields excellent anatomical and functional results, and confirms this by X-ray examination of patients after surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):470-470
pages 470-470 views

Immediate and long-term results of treatment of atresia of the anus and rectum

Starlinger E., Richter W.


The authors observed 30 cases of anus and rectal atresia with and without fistula formation over a period of 25 years. Further fate is known in 23 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):470-470
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On sacral amputation of the rectum according to Goetze

Krabbe M.


The author operated on 8 patients according to the Goetze method, 6 of them with good results. The author believes that the Goetze sacral method, with the lowest surgical risk, provides the same radicality as the combined surgeries, and therefore deserves further wider application.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):470-470
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Treatment of mediastinal displacements after thoracoplasty

Dоmanig E.


The author describes a relatively rare postoperative complication after thoracoplasty - a pendulous displacement of the mediastinum, which develops as a result of unequal pressure in both pleural cavities.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):470-470
pages 470-470 views

Osteochondropathy of the ulna

Гасуль Р.


Osteochondropathy of the ulna (osteochondritis olecrani) is an even rarer form among rare diseases of other parts of the skeleton. Some of these olecranites are described by Uhrmacher, who observed this form of epiphysitis in young subjects under 19 years of age who were exposed to various traumas, acute and chronic (occupational).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):470-470
pages 470-470 views

Hand tendonitis, its treatment and long-term results

Deick H.


The author had 129 (64.5%) phlegmonas per 200 cases of tendinous panaricles. After panaricle function was restored completely in 46.5%, moderately—23.9, poor function—29.6% while after phlegmon good function-20.9%, moderate—13.2%, poor—65.9%.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):471-471
pages 471-471 views

Bilateral unilateral lig. patellae rupture

Hanke Н.


The author has collected 8 cases from the literature and describes his own case of bilateral unilateral lig. patellae rupture. This injury is much rarer than a unilateral one: in older individuals with indirect trauma.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):471-471
pages 471-471 views

Retropharyngeal processes and their danger to breathing

Viktorova E.S.


D-r Goldmann, on the basis of literature data and his own cases, points out the danger of swallowing processes - hummus, cysts, abscesses - which, purely mechanically, can close the larynx and thus cause strangulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):471-471
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On the relationship between the pupillary response and p. facialis

Viktorova E.S.


The author observed that on the otitis media side with symptoms of n. facialis, the pupillary response to both mydriatic and myotics is delayed much longer than on the eye of the healthy side.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):471-471
pages 471-471 views

Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis by displacement or Proetz method

Shcherbatov I.I.


The authors studied the method of displacement for diagnosing and treating sinusitis, having visited Rroetz personally. The principle of this method is based on replacing the air contained in the sinuses with a fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):471-472
pages 471-472 views

Studies on mitogenetic radiation of the blood, especially in fatal patients

Heinemann М., Seiderhelm R.


The authors showed that if a quartz plate was placed between open vessels with blood of healthy and sick people and a yeast suspension (detector), the positive mitogenetic effect of healthy blood remained unchanged, while the blood of cancer patients had no effect on yeast either enhancement or suppression (as it occurred when open vessels without a quartz filter were used).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):475-475
pages 475-475 views

Studies of phonetics in humans using sound recording on x-rays in laryngeal cinematography

Gottheiner V., Zwirner Е.


The authors were able to show that the most uncomplicated sounds, vowels, and consonants represent a rather complex act of neuromuscular physiology of the entire larynx.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):472-472
pages 472-472 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of January 21, 1934


Dr.-Docent Novikov demonstrates 2 patients after primary resection of the sigmoid colon because of a constipation. For 17 cases of primary resection under local anesthesia, the clinic has one death. Primary resection of the S. R. in case of its volvulus is the method of choice.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):472-474
pages 472-474 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of March 15, 1934


Priv-doc. Domrachev.-Demonstrates a patient operated by him for nodular goiter. Upon removal of the solid nodule it turned out to be a rare form of ossification of the goiter. The ossified tumor is irregularly oval in shape-length of 2.5 centimeters and 2.3 centimeters across. The sawing clearly shows the spongy structure of the tumor. On the radiograph, the bony trabeculae are loose and evenly distributed throughout the tumor. A 32-year-old patient. She had noticed the tumor when she was a child. Recently, she complained of difficulty swallowing. She was treated by radiologists, who presumed she had a malignant tumor.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):474-474
pages 474-474 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Ear Section. Meeting of February 21, 1934


Prof. V.K. Trutnev presides. The secretary Dr. Sokolov. There are 20 people present.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):475-475
pages 475-475 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Ear Section. Meeting of March 19, 1934


Chairman prof. V.K. Trutnev, secretary Shcherbatov. Present: prof. V.K.Viktorov, Assoc. Yakhontov, Wolfson, Matveev, Tambovtsev, Mukoseeva, Viktorova, Borshchev, Nikitin, Petrulevich, Tumanov, Petrulevich, Gontsov, Lebedinsky, Romanov.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):475-476
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Solikamsk Scientific Circle. Review of activities in 1933


Chairman M. S. Znamensky. Secretary P. I. Shilov. In the second year of its existence Solikamsk scientific circle had 10 meetings at which 28 reports and demonstrations were heard and discussed, of which 17 were scientific-medical reports, 4 information reports, reports from adjacent spheres, organizational questions, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):476-477
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The first scientific meeting of the doctors of the Yelabuga District Hospital dated March 20, 1934


Dr. Ter-Ayrapetyan G.S. Demonstrated a patient with lupus erytematdes. Localization and clinical picture of the disease are usual. But the patient undoubtedly has hereditary syphilis. Anamnesis: progressive paralysis in the mother, four spontaneous abortions, guttschinsonism, cardiac defect with sharply pronounced early vascular sclerosis, especially of the abdominal aorta. This circumstance prompted the speaker to hold the idea that hereditary syphilis played a decisive role in the etiology of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):477-478
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International Anti-Rheumatic Congress in Moscow. On May 3, the grand opening of the IV International Congress on Rheumatism took place in the Pillar Hall of the House of Unions.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(5):479-485
pages 479-485 views

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