Vol 27, No 8 (1931)

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The method of meningostomy and its application in the study of the brain in animals

Smirnov A.I., Olefirenko P.D.


All surgical methods used in the study of the brain in animals can be combined into two groups: 1) methods of direct and indirect shutdown of a particular part of the brain and 2) methods of non-mediocre brain stimulation by electric current or by mechanical, chemical or thermal effects. In the hands of different experimenters, depending on the goals and objects of research, these basic methods varied to one degree or another. All modifications were aimed at, on the one hand, to avoid brain injuries during trepanation as much as possible, and on the other hand, to gain access to the cerebral cortex without exposing it at the time of the observation itself. As can be judged from the literature collected from E. Abderhalden in Handbuch der biolog. Arbeitsmethoden to a certain extent this has already been achieved.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):820-821
pages 820-821 views

The influence of some physico-therapeutic stimuli on the nature of the inflammatory reaction

Suponitskaya F.M.


Inflammation belongs to those chapters of pathology that, being well studied, are, however, subject to frequent fundamental re-examination and arouse deep interest and attention among pathologists of all ages. If for every doctor of any specialty it is necessary to have a clear idea of the essence of the phenomenon that makes up the inflammatory reaction, then this is all the more necessary for a physiotherapist, since the result of the influence of most physiotherapeutic stimuli is a reaction approaching the type of inflammatory in its clinical manifestation, and when the stimulus increases, it directly passes into it (burn). The exact differentiation of these reactions and the clinical significance of such a facet can be clarified only by knowing the dynamic characteristics of an organism or a separate tissue site both in cases of inflammation and when exposed to physiotherapeutic stimuli. The latter provision formed the basis of this work,

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):822-826
pages 822-826 views

The effect of neurotomy on indicanemia in chronic non-healing ulcers

Shamarina O.V.


Neurotomy changes both the nature of the ulcer being separated and its microflora. Wanting to find out the chemistry of the first phenomenon, I investigated the content of indican in the blood of patients a day before the neurotomy and 10 days after it, since the appearance of large amounts of indican can be seen as an indication of a strong putrefaction of protein substances occurring somewhere in the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):826-827
pages 826-827 views

The method of alkaline loading and its application in the clinic of internal diseases

Solntseva M.S.


The works of recent years have clearly shown the importance that the alkaline-acid balance has in the physiology and pathology of the animal organism. The desire to maintain this balance at a certain height occurs by coordinating the work of a number of organs: the lungs, secreting C02, the liver, taking part in the production of ammonia, the gastrointestinal tract, secerning acid and alkaline secretions and, finally, the kidneys, giving urine with a high acid content and someone's slit, then with less-take part in the regulation of alkaline—acid balance. That is why, naturally, the study of the functions of various organs aimed at regulating and maintaining the alkaline-acid balance attracted the attention of clinicians. Rehn and Günzburg, then Pannewitz, Popescu, Inotesti. Su11a, and finally Rosenberg and Hellfors, studying fluctuations in the concentration of hydrogen ions in urine after loading with alkalis and acids, sought to gain an idea of kidney function aimed at maintaining the gap.- acids. balance, and at the same time apply this method to the study of the functional state of the kidneys in general. However, it turned out to be insufficient to talk about this condition on the basis of determining the Ph of urine. The Ph fluctuations are not always sufficiently prominent, as the review of the data obtained by the authors shows, because the concentration of hydrogen ions is a value depending on the ratio of acid to alkali (voltage 002 and bicarbonate content). This forced us to put forward another method for determining changes in the functions of tissues and kidneys for the introduction of alkali: Mainzer et al., A. G e f t e r emphasized the importance of the determination of bicarbonates in urine and suggested using the method of their determination by gasometric method (according to van Slyke'y), while giving this definition a much greater value than the study of Ph fluctuations alone.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):827-836
pages 827-836 views

Two cases of pulmonary tuberculosis

Mastbaum M.I.


The more the doctor delves into the study of the tuberculosis clinic, the more fascinating this work becomes, the more interesting and mysterious he meets on his way. W. Neumann writes in the preface to his book that the 15 years he gave to the study of tuberculosis is not a long time at all to know the tuberculosis clinic. The manifestations of tuberculosis infection are multifaceted, the ways of its development are tortuous.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):836-839
pages 836-839 views

Worm infestations among workers (and employees) of the Kulebak Metallurgical Plant due to their general morbidity

Tumanovsky M.N.


Regarding the spread of worm infestations, their role in human pathology, there is a large literature both abroad and here, and yet practitioners take little account of this important factor in general pathology, as well as the economic and economic effect of anti-worm measures among the population and especially among the actively insured. Numerous neurotic, anaemic patients with chronic gastrointestinal tract sufferings flood our outpatient clinics; various, sometimes contradictory diagnoses are made, they are often given disability sheets, and meanwhile, in a significant percentage, these patients could maintain their ability to work with simple anthelminthological measures, and the insurance authorities would save considerable funds on this.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):839-842
pages 839-842 views

The leukocyte formula of blood in helminthic invasions

Ratner S.I., Rozov N.V.


The blood picture in helminthic invasions and its significance in the clinic of these diseases have already been sufficiently covered in print. Nevertheless, our material, it seems to us, is of some interest due to the fact that we studied the blood picture in those patients who, in addition to coprological research, also had the expulsion of worms per duode num. Thus, our results relate to a certain type of worm, precisely established. We took blood smears a few days before or on the eve of the expulsion of the worms. In total, the blood was examined in 117 invasive patients, which are distributed according to the genus of worms as follows.’

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):842-845
pages 842-845 views

A one-stage, one-incision operation on the kidney, gallbladder and caecum under local anesthesia

Vishnevsky A.V.


The idea of the possibility of access from the lumbar incision to the liver, gallbladder and ducts is not new; there are numerous references to this in the literature (Fgapk, Meags, Tu ffieg, Wgight, Reboul, Trinkler, etc.). Frank, for example, even points to the benefits of a lumbar incision for surgery on the biliary tract in terms of convenience of postoperative treatment, convenience of drainage and less danger of postoperative hernias. Most recently, Härtel) has been focusing the attention of surgeons on lumbar incisions for operations not only on retroperitoneal organs, but also for abdominal operations (spleen, pancreas, duodenum, colon, etc.). Without mentioning the whole issue here, I must say that the clinic has enough reasons for wanting to get operative access to the right kidney and gallbladder simultaneously. The first reason for this in normal conditions may be diagnostic difficulties. There are cases when the surgeon, exposing the kidney, simultaneously felt the stones in the gallbladder and was forced to continue the operation on the bile ducts from the same incision.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):846-851
pages 846-851 views

On the question of jejunum sarcomas

Smirnov E.V.


Intestinal sarcoma is a relatively rare disease. It occurs much less frequently than cancer. According to Mikulich, for example, there were only 5 sarcomas per 100 cases of bowel cancer (except recti). The intestine, in comparison with other organs, is also not often affected by sarcoma. According to Nagel's notes on 247 sl. sarcomas, intestinal sarcomas were observed in 3 cases (1½%)- Surgical literature is not rich in works devoted to intestinal sarcomas. Korner and Furbank collected 175 sarcomas of the digestive tract before 1907, of which 65 were localized in the small intestine. Sreese in 1914 was able to take 99 sl. intestinal sarcomas. The Russian literature on the issue of intestinal sarcoma has the works of Bondarev, Favorsky, Peacemakers and Punin. Intestinal sarcoma is more common in men (80% according to Noorden) This disease is mainly observed at a young age, from 20 to 30 years (Peacemakers, Bondarev), 30-40 (Corner, Madelung). However, sarcomas also occur at an older age. Of all parts of the intestine, sarcoma is most often found in the small intestine. So Korner and Furbank mark 65 sarcomas of the small intestine, 20 sarcomas of the blind and 11 other parts of the colon. According to Liebman, out of 50 cases in 15 sl. localization was in the 12-digit, in 18 in the skinny, in 14 in the iliac and the rest in other parts of the digestive tract. According to Staemmler (1924), for 184 cases of sarcoma of the small intestine, localization in the jejunum is indicated in 44 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):852-856
pages 852-856 views

To study legal and clandestine abortion

Magadan M., Ventskovsky M.


The problem of abortion continues to be a burning issue of our time. Although the draft laws of some countries provide for the possibility of non-criminalization of abortion under certain conditions and for social reasons, in fact the only state where abortion for social reasons has already been legalized is the USSR. It is natural, therefore, that Russian robots, instead of endless arguments for and against legalization, are mainly engaged in studying the issue of the consequences of legalization.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):856-868
pages 856-868 views

About the article by Dr. med. A.M. Kholodkovsky "Outpatient abortion"

Selitsky S.A.


Despite the many years of experience and observations of A.M. Kholodovsky, on which his article "outpatient abortion" is based, it is hardly possible to share his principled attitude in this matter and it is hardly possible to agree with the justifications of this attitude and the separate provisions put forward.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):868-872
pages 868-872 views

On the issue of self-healing of chorio-epithelioma

Dykhno M.A., Tarlo B.S.


Since Sänger in 1889 drew attention to his 'shaped tumor-chorio-epithelioma, [characterized by extreme malignancy and some of its inherent features, the question of this disease has become the subject of numerous reports and heated debates. However, to this day, the genesis of this disease remains unclear. It is only known that chorio-epithelioma develops in women mainly at the childbearing age and is closely dependent on pregnancy, in particular on pregnancy with a rapid drift. "Without pregnancy," says Veit, "there is no chorio-epithelioma." However, cases of this tumor have been described that are unrelated to pregnancy and even to the female genital sphere. So Volkmann, Di1man, Vlasov, Sch1agenhaufeg, Vasiliev observed chorio-epithelioma in men. Most authors consider such formations to have a teratoid-embryoid character. Many authors have described a similar disease, referring it to sarcomas (Gottschalk), then to carcinomas, even before the start, to the end, and to the end. At the same time, all the attention of researchers was paid to the pathological and anatomical side of this disease. The whole mass of names assigned to this tumor belongs to this time: deciduoma malignum, placentoma, deciduo-sarcoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):872-877
pages 872-877 views

Treatment of trachoma with the drug L. chaulmoograe

Batarchukov R.A., Kruglov A.N., Kolenko A.B.


The treatment of trachoma is currently based on the use of copper preparations, the healing properties of which were known by the ancient Egyptians during this suffering. Therefore, the keen interest shown by ophthalmologists from different countries in the proposal of our compatriot Dr. Delanoë to treat trachoma ol. chaul- moograe is quite understandable.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):877-887
pages 877-887 views

About the advantages of LagIeyze surgery for trachomatous inversion

Babel I.E.


The Lagleuse method, which is a modification of the Panas'a operation, was published in 18921). In subsequent reports (1904 2; and 1905 3) L. notes that, having carried out this operation for 10 years (300 times), he never saw relapses. With the exception of the observations of Lanotti2) (85 cases within 4 years), which received the best results, and a cursory mention by Löhlein'a1), I could not find any more works on this operation in the foreign literature. In Russian literature, there are also few of them (Sadovnikova4), Sheffer5), Krylov6) and Smolyaninov7). The description of the operation is also included in the “Course of Eye Diseases0 by Kryukov and Odintsov8) - It seems to me that it would not be a mistake to assert that L.'s method has been given a little space not only in the literature, but also in practice — this method is not widespread. Meanwhile, the op has a number of advantages, thanks to which it deserves more attention and interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):887-889
pages 887-889 views

About the "best" method of surgery for trachomatous inversion of the eyelids

Krylov T.


In the article by Prof. Осhapovskogo: "About the best way to eliminate the inversion of the eyelids with trachoma" (R. O. Zh,, 1929, No. 6) there is a question: "How do you treat, how do you operate?". For practitioners working in a remote province, the coverage of such issues on the pages of the press is very valuable and useful. Working in the dark wilderness, where there is a sea of trachoma, passing thousands of patients through the hospital every year and more than 30 thousand through the laboratory, it is possible to conduct sometimes very interesting observations and draw appropriate conclusions From the article by Prof. Ochayovsky can be seen that operations against trachomatous beyond the gate in his clinic for 19 years have been done in total-2055. We make almost the same figure in our hospital in one year. So, in the last year of 1929, we performed operations against inversion in the hospital—1767. My goal was to comprehensively study the Lagleyze method. Therefore, out of 1767 operations, 1331 fall to the share of this method, the remaining 436 operations are other methods.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):889-893
pages 889-893 views

On the issue of the treatment of trachomatous pannus

Kankrov A.L.


Pannous inflammation of the cornea, as one of the earliest and most dangerous complications of trachoma, in its severity, course and significance for the patient's vision is not always in one way or another correlated with the strength or duration of the trachomatous process in the mucus of the eye. If in some cases the pannus disappears soon and without a trace, so to speak, by itself or solely under the influence of appropriate treatment of the conjunctiva of the arches and eyelids alone, then in other cases, most often encountered in the practice of an eye doctor, despite the most vigorous therapy of trachoma, the pannus not only does not show a tendency to reverse development, but, gradually or by leaps, from the initial, lighter degrees (pannus incipiens, R. levis) to more severe and persistent forms (R. crassus, R. sarcomatosus), often ulcerating at the same time and ending in cicatricial degeneration of the cornea (p membranaceus), leads the trachomaticus to complete inactivity for his entire subsequent existence. And since, in heavily overworked areas, an eye doctor has to deal with the most severe forms of this disease and its most diverse complications, of which corneal pannus accounts for more than a third of all of them, and the consequences, it is natural that the question of not mediocre treatment of pannus becomes urgent and requires practical measures of a special nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):893-899
pages 893-899 views

I.Novinsky. To the results of the discussion on the front of medicine and the problems of the reconstruction of science "For Marxist-Leninist natural science" 1931 No. 1


The results of the discussion on questions of philosophy and natural science revealed the anti-Leninist meaning of views in natural science and provided concrete evidence to substantiate the inevitability and necessity of a struggle on two fronts in defending party positions in science. The medical front does not occupy an exceptional position. In the field of the theoretical foundations of medicine, public health in general, and in the practice of socialist public health, we have a fierce struggle against the offensive of the Party. We have a perversion of Marxist-Leninist positions in medical theory, we also have opportunistic practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):900-907
pages 900-907 views

The case of perforation of the uterus with a goose feather with its exit into the abdominal cavity

Danilov I.V.


10/VII 1930, a 24-year-old peasant Chuvash woman was admitted to the Cheboksary hospital due to severe uterine bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):907-908
pages 907-908 views

On the question of foreign bodies of the abdominal cavity

Kulikov B.


On January 13, 1931, Melania, A-va, 39 years old, was admitted to the Bolotov Soviet Hospital with complaints of pain and swelling in the epigastric region.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):908-908
pages 908-908 views

A case of congenital hernia

Galperin S.I.


Joining the view of H. M. Nikolaev that every case of deformity that occurs should be studied within the limits of modern possibility, we decided to publish our case of congenital hernia with contents in the hernial sac of the liver, spleen and intestines, as a deformity that, judging by the literature available to us, is infrequent.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):908-910
pages 908-910 views

Heart and physical labor

Parin V.V.


The experimental method, the application of which in physiology turned it from random observations of people and animals surrounding humans into a real science, at the same time had some adverse consequences for the development of our science.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):911-918
pages 911-918 views

Prof. M. S. Malinovsky and Prof. M. G. Kushnir. Manual on operative obstetrics. Gosmedizdat. 1931, p. 480, c. 5 p.

Kozlov I.


After the publication of the last edition of "Operational obstetrics" prof. Many years have passed by Fenomenov, and thus a major defect has arisen in the supply of a practicing obstetrician with a guide to operative obstetrics, which would more or less satisfy the needs of obstetric medical practice. This defect is now becoming even more noticeable for two reasons: 1) the almost complete absence of solid manuals on obstetrics in general, which, for example, should be fully considered "Obstetrics" by prof. V.S.Gruzdev and 2) a significant progressive increase in the number of doctors who have to pay great or exclusive attention to this type of medical care (doctors of special obstetric departments, consultations, medical specialists in large hospitals in factories, factories, state farms, collective farms, district doctors). The lack of manuals and textbooks on obstetrics is especially acute in medical universities, where the mastery of the discipline by students often occurs only "from the words" of the teacher and where, therefore, the activation of teaching methods is reduced to replacing lectures with group tutoring conversations. This is why the release of the peer-reviewed Guideline. However, we think that the work that has appeared should be welcomed also because in itself it is of great value and not only for the student, - “the future district doctor,” as the authors thought when compiling the Guide, but also for a practical doctor. in his day-to-day obstetric work, and for the postgraduate obstetrician at the Postgraduate Postgraduate Institutes, and for the teacher.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):918-919
pages 918-919 views

Prof. E. Кеd -Wіtz. Die chirurgische Behandlung des Magengeschwür. pp. 43. München, O. Gmelin, RM. 1-80.

Breitman M.Y.


Кеd-Wіtz summarizes the results of surgical treatment of gastric ulcer.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):919-920
pages 919-920 views

J. R. Lеvу. Abnormalities of the electrical ventricular complex, their importance in the clinic, electrocardio-prognosis test. Стр. 202, Paris, Massoi and С-іе. Ц. фр. 30.

Breitman M.Y.


J. R. Lеvу. Les anomalies du complexe ventriculaire électrique, leur importance en clinique, essai d'electrocardio-pronostic. Page 202, Paris, Masson et C-i. C. fr. 30. Based
on 900 own observations, the author seeks to give a practical outline of the diagnostic and prognostic significance of various ventricular cardiogram anomalies.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):920-920
pages 920-920 views

Prof. G. Guillain. Neurologes neurolog'iques. 3-я серия. Стр. 453, рис. 119 Masson etemp-edema. Ц. фр. 70.

Breitman M.Y.


In this volume, prof. Guillain collected the last works of his supervisor. Salpetriera clinics; he divided them into 7 sections: cerebral tumors, pathology of the brain, pathology of the legs of the pons, the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, pathology of the spinal cord, pathology of the cranial and spinal nerves, muscle atrophy and other, and then a chapter on the history of neurology, dedicated to the works of the famous Boulogne neuropathologist Duchenne.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):920-920
pages 920-920 views

Ргinzhогn, Hans. Psychotherapie. Voraussehungen, Wesen, Grenzei. Verlag Georg Thieme. Leipzig. 1929. Seite 334. Preis geh. RM. 14.—, geb. RM. 15.75.

Galant I.


Ргinzhогn, Hans. Psychotherapie. Voraussehungen, Wesen, Grenzei. Verlag Georg Thieme. Leipzig. 1929. Seite 334. Preis geh. RM. 14.—, geb. RM. 15.75.
In his voluminous book about psychotherapy, its prerequisites, essence, boundaries, Prinzhorn does not give anything new.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):920-920
pages 920-920 views

Impressions from the VI All-Union Congress of Radiologists and Radiologists in Moscow 2-VII-6-III-31 years

Gasul R.Y.


The VI All-Union Congress of Radiologists and Radiologists, after a long break, gathered a relatively large number of participants, among whom there were a lot of young radiologists who had been "confirmed" over the past 2 years of intensive training in our institutes and departments of radiology. Some of them work in industrial areas and in collaboration with a surgeon, a therapist or a biologist were able to deliver both scientific research and also experiment, with the data of which they shared at the Congress. This concerned mainly the issue of industrial injuries among workers of mining metallurgy, coal industry and other industries and the issue of selection in agriculture by means of lighting.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):920-922
pages 920-922 views

The First All-Union Oncological Congress

Aber S.


The I-th All-Union Oncological Congress, held on July 8-12, 1931 in Kharkiv, attracted the urgent attention of not only the medical mass, but also the general public. Prominent scientific forces took part in the work of the congress, such as Professors Petrov (Leningrad), Anichkov (Leningrad), Abrikosov (Moscow), Zilberberg (Odessa), Shirokogorov (Baku), Bukhman (Rostov n/A), Harmandaryan (Kharkov), Melnikov (Kharkov), Bykhovsky, Harshak (Kiev) and many others. others, representatives of many clinics, institutes and research departments, delegates of workers of industrial enterprises and socio-professional organizations. The exceptional interest of the planned program issues attracted the most remote periphery to the congress (Vladivostok, Tiflis, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Petrozavodsk, the Southern Coast of Crimea, the Caucasus, the Urals, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):922-925
pages 922-925 views

The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a decree on the training of medical personnel on the basis of the report of the NKZ on August 22nd (Izvestia of August 28th).


The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a decree on the training of medical personnel on the basis of the report of the NKZ on August 22/XIII (Izvestia of August 28). In this decree, after indicating that the transfer of medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions to the NKZ contributed to a number of achievements, it is decided: 1) a significant increase in the enrollment of students in 1932, the opening of new medical institutes and a medical pharmacist. technical schools; 2) introduction of correspondence training of doctors and average medical staff, at least 4 thousand doctors and 15 thousand average staff; 3) to put secondary medical education in such a way that it serves as a corresponding transition to higher education; 4) to put the training of physical education doctors on a wide scale; 5) to improve the teaching of sanitary and hygienic disciplines in Medical schools; 6) to open a pharmaceutical faculty at the Perm Medical Institute; 7) to bring the time of industrial practice in Medical Schools to 50% of the total time, ensuring the payment of teachers for the management of industrial practice; 8) develop measures to improve pedagogical qualifications and Marxist-Leninist education of teachers of Medical institutes and Medical schools, as well as develop a system of short-term training of teachers of theoretical disciplines (physics, chemistry, etc.), releasing appropriate allocations; 9) increase the content of graduate students for 1932 to 1300 people. for medical schools and up to 700 people. on Teach, Internet.; 10) to provide in 1932 the necessary allocations for the construction of educational institutions. institutions and dormitories; P) to urgently improve the housing conditions of graduate students, both by building special dormitories and by allocating places in student dormitories; 12) to ensure the publication of new training manuals; 13) to work out the issue of the professional and legal status of the average medical staff;.. 14) organize special preparatory departments, as well as national groups at the faculty to maximize the involvement of students from national minorities.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(8):925-928
pages 925-928 views

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