Vol 45, No 3 (1964)

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Full Issue

Natural focal diseases in the Tatar ASSR and the organisation of their control

Alatyrtseva I.E., Cheranova T.I.


One of the most important tasks of medical science and public health practice is the control of infectious diseases, including those with natural foci. The ultimate elimination of certain naturally occurring focal infections is a realistic and scientifically proven task.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):3-8
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Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the south-eastern part of the Tatar ASSR

Danovsky L.V.


Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (haemorrhagic nephrozo-onephritis) is an acute viral infectious disease with natural foci. On the territory of Tatar ASSR such diseases were registered in Agryz and Vysokogorsk districts to the north of Kama (T.A. Bashkirev, V.A. Boiko), and in districts near the mouth of Kama - in Chistopol and Kamsko-Ustyinsky districts (A.A. Ivanov). Zooparasitological study of the outbreaks allows us to consider red and red voles as keepers of the virus of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):8-9
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Toxoplasmosis in the Tatar ASSR

Nikolaeva M.V., Safina S.G.


Toxoplasmosis has attracted the attention of doctors of many specialities in recent years. This infection has been found to be naturally focal in nature. We decided to test for toxoplasmosis infection by means of RSc and skin allergy testing in the following populations: pregnant women with a normal course of pregnancy (101); pregnant women with a history of a history of complications (spontaneous miscarriage, prematurity, birth of children with congenital defects) (148); maternity hospital workers (74); workers of the Biryulinsky fur farm (83); healthy children having contact with animals (24) and those without (10); children with psychomotor retardation and Down's disease (43).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):10-10
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Leptospirosis rattus in the Tatar ASSR

Karimova Z.K., Fedorenko P.N.


In Kazan, canicola leptospirosis (in 237 patients), leptospirosis rattus (68), icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis (28) and sporadic cases of influenza typhi and leptospirosis pomona have been reported in the last two decades. Among these forms, leptospirosis rattus, called "Kazan leptospirosis" after the place of its description, is less studied. The study of this form of leptospirosis has not only territorial but also general epidemiological significance, as leptospira similar to L. rattus have been found in other areas of the USSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):11-12
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On the epidemiology of diphyllobothriasis in the TASSR

Mukhametov R.Y.


In the conditions of the Tatar ASSR with its rich water resources, the epidemiology of diphyllobothriosis in the regional pathology of helminth infections occupies one of the important places. Before 1963 there was no mass examination of the TASSR population for contamination with broad lenticella.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):12-13
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Further study of the epidemiological features of dysentery in Kazan

Vayman E.I., Vozdvizhensky N.A.


The organization of rational measures to control dysentery requires a continuous study of its epidemiological characteristics. Such analysis has been carried out by the institute together with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service for a number of years (since 1950), which made it possible to introduce some changes in the tactics of combating this infection. To further reveal the peculiarities of dysentery epidemiology, an in-depth analysis of morbidity for 1957-1962 was carried out.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):14-16
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Clinical presentation and diagnosis of adenovirus infections

Kudryavtseva N.P., Kachurets V.I., Klyuchnikova V.M.


Due to the rapid development of virology, new clinical and epidemiological data on influenza-like diseases caused by adenoviruses have been published. These diseases are often regarded by practitioners as influenza, upper respiratory tract catarrh, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, and are often mistaken for diphtheria when there are superficial necroses or limited deposits on upper respiratory mucosa or the conjunctivae. Virological studies can decipher this composite group of diseases similar to influenza or diphtheria.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):16-20
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Poliomyelitis and its diagnosis at the present stage

Bashirova D.K.


At present, thanks to mass, systematic prophylactic vaccination, Soviet medicine has made tremendous progress in combating poliomyelitis. M. Y. Nikitin (1961) indicates that the incidence of poliomyelitis in one year alone, from 1959 to 1960, decreased by 46.6%. As the general decline in the incidence of poliomyelitis significantly changed its clinical manifestations. Poliomyelitis now almost never leaves severe, irreversible paralyses that turn children into cripples.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):20-22
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On the etiology and epidemiology of the 1961 and 1962 influenza outbreaks in Kazan

Gedze G.I., Bulatov N.M., Givorg A.S.


During the autumn 1957 pandemic in Kazan, virus A2 caused nearly 100% of all laboratory-confirmed cases; during the relatively benign 1958 outbreaks, 80%; during the winter 1959 outbreak, 74%; after this epidemic in the second half of 1959, in 1960 and early 1961, 71%; during epidemic outbreaks in 1961 and 1962, almost 100%.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):22-24
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Auxiliary methods for epidemiological diagnosis of typhoid fever

Ukhov A.Y.


Careful and timely detection and epidemiological neutralization of carriers is one of the main forms of preventing the spread of typhoid infection. However, the current method of detecting typhoid carriers by a single stool examination gives very poor results due to the fact that typhoid carriage is known to be intermittent.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):25-26
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On the course of modern typhoid fever in children

Vasilieva N.P., Bashirova D.K., Valeeva M.G.


Typhoid fever in children has a very diverse clinical picture. Young children often have forms of the disease resembling toxic dyspepsia, sepsis, meningitis (G. F. Vogralik, 1931; I. R. Gershenovich, 1962 and others). One of the peculiarities of the clinical course of this disease in children is the frequency of cases with remitting fever and respiratory changes in the absence of bradycardia (I.F. Filatov, 1895; V.S. Shmeleva, 1953 and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):27-28
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Clinical pattern and express diagnostics of colienteritis

Belogorskaya E.V.


The problem of colibacillosis in young children cannot yet be considered completely resolved. The development of various methods for the early diagnosis of colienteritis is still of great interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):29-31
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Clinical course and causes of chronic dysentery

Reznik A.E., Perelstein S.B.


Duration of course of disease, difficulties of differential diagnosis, treatment, epidemiological significance give considerable importance to the problem of chronic dysentery. Long-term experience of work in this field gives us an opportunity once again to draw attention to diagnostic difficulties at recognition of chronic dysentery, to necessity of elucidation of reasons of formation of this disease, study of features of its course at each patient. Only correct estimation of specified data received at comprehensive examination of patients, allows to individualize treatment process and to reach stable results of treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):31-34
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Value of phage titer reactions and fluorescent antibody method in the diagnosis of dysentery

Kulikova E.N., Vayman E.I., Kuzmina Y.T., Blinova L.L., Suvorkova A.D.


The duration of bacteriological analysis in dysentery and the insufficiently high percentage of positive findings have challenged researchers to find accelerated and more reliable methods, allowing a rapid response to be given to the treating physician in a short time. Much importance is given to rapid investigation methods such as the phage titer increase reaction and the fluorescent antibody method, however the question of their specificity in the diagnosis of intestinal infections has not been definitively solved. We have carried out a comparative study of these methods, using a parallel bacteriological method.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):34-37
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On some conditions of survival of synthomycin-resistant dysentery bacteria in the faeces of patients

Nabiev E.G.


Studies of recent years have characterized conditions of different viability of dysentery bacteria in faeces of patients, which has certain significance for dysentery epidemiology. As shown by studies of M. S. Idina (1959), periods of persistence of dysentery microbes in faeces depend on temperature: maximum period of detection of a pathogen in faeces at glacier temperature was equal to 61 days, at room temperature - 28 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):37-39
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Organization of disinfection regimes in dysentery-positive children's institutions

Kondratyeva T.S.


For 5 years, we studied the incidence of dysentery and the disinfection regime in three nurseries in Kazan. The nursery is located in typical buildings, has central heating, running water, sewerage and all the necessary facilities. Two nurseries are designed for 120 places, divided into 5 groups (3 groups - boarding schools). One nursery is designed for 80 places - 3 groups. The payroll in nurseries, as a rule, exceeds the number of regular places by 30, 40 or more children. However, the number of children actually attending the nursery is less than the list and is approximately equal to the regular number.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):39-41
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On the benefits of disinfecting raw vegetables with a soap solution

Dubovsky V.G.


In the epidemiology of acute intestinal diseases and helminth infections, vegetables and fruit eaten raw are very important, as shown by studies by many authors that have established a high contamination of vegetables with dysentery bacteria, helminth eggs and protozoan cysts.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):41-42
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Stability of antigenic and immunogenic properties of purified sorbed diphtheria toxoids prepared on tryptic digestion medium with enterokinase

Mukhutdinova R.G.


Associated preparations (for vaccination) and sorbed diphtheria toxoid (for revaccination) are widely used for diphtheria prophylaxis, and the issue of stability of antigenic and immunogenic properties is particularly important.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):42-45
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Renal syndrome in haemorrhagic vasculitis and its treatment

Lagutina L.E.


Most authors see the basis of the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic vasculitis in the hyperergic reaction of the vascular system of the sensitized organism (A. F. Tour, G. Matangina, E. E. Granat, 3. A. Danilina, etc.). In recent years there have been published works in which hemorrhagic vasculitis is attributed to the group of collagenosis (E. M. Tareev, Ruben, Harkavy, etc.), and there is emerging data on the autoimmune origin of the disease (W. Dameschek et al.).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):45-46
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Comprehensive treatment of prolonged septic endocarditis

Trostina N.A.


The problem of treatment of prolonged septic endocarditis is of great importance, especially because of the advances that have emerged. In this article we focus on the use of steroid hormones as desensitising (anti-allergic) agents to promote healing and recovery.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):47-49
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On changes in cholesterol levels and blood protein fractions in hypertensive patients on a rice-vegetable hypochlorite diet

Ishmukhametova G.Z., Zaitsev V.M.


Domestic scientists (H. N. Anichkov, G. F. Lang, M. P. Konchalovsky, A. L. Myasnikov, L. M. Antonov) stated the frequent combination of atherosclerosis and hypertension. The coincidence of these two diseases with certain vasomotor and metabolic disturbances has been established, among the latter disturbances of protein-cholesterol metabolism being of importance (M.V. Bavina, M.P. Kritsman, G.V. Troitsky and L.S. Tarasova, Bengold, Hoffman, Fischberg et al.) Of particular interest is the study of dysproteinemia in hypertension, since the literature data on this issue are contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):49-51
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Renal haemodynamics in hypertensive patients and its change with treatment with hexamethon and reserpine

Shtegman V.I.


Studies of renal hemodynamics show that the effective renal blood flow is impaired sometimes in the earliest phases of the disease (Ratner, 1953; Kireev, 1954; Chizhikov, 1955; Ratner, 1959; Leontieva, 1962, etc.). Some authors believe that the blood flow is disturbed due to BP increase (N.A. Ratner), others do not find such a connection (M.Y. Ratner, H.S. Leontieva). We monitored effective renal blood flow and total renal resistance in 65 hypertensive patients before treatment, and in 56 patients these data were compared with the results obtained after treatment with hexamethon in combination with reserpine.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):51-53
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On the stability of serum lipoproteins in atherosclerosis

Anisimov V.E., Salikhov I.G.


Many authors believe that the increased breakdown of lipoproteins and the release of cholesterol in the body create favourable conditions for cholesterol infiltration of arterial vessels. Therefore, clinicians have become interested in the strength of the bond between protein and lipids in these complex compounds.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):54-56
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Biochemical syndrome in pulmonary heart disease and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis

Novichkov V.I.


Experimental evidence from several authors reveals the role of the lungs in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):56-58
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Clinical application of the uterine oxytocin sensitivity test

Korolkova O.A., Voronin K.V.


In 1953, Smith applied his test of uterine sensitivity to oxytocin to establish the effectiveness of inducing labour by rupturing the fetal bladder. Gublein, Baumgarten (1960) and others tried to use this test to determine uterine sensitivity without amniotomy. The degree of sensitivity, according to these authors, indicates the readiness of the uterus for spontaneous contractions and determines the effectiveness of birth stimulation procedures. Given the practical importance of this test for inducing labour, especially in cases of doubtful gestation, we aimed to validate this test under clinical conditions and give it an objective assessment.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):58-60
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Anaesthesia in childbirth with aminazinе

Orlovsky V.M.


In justifying the use of aminasin for pain relief during labour, some authors emphasise the property of aminasin to block impulse conduction at the level of the reticular formation of the brainstem and thus reduce pain, while others have drawn attention to the antipsychomotor property of aminazinе.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):60-61
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Serum protein fractions in late toxicosis of pregnancy

Sotnikova L.G.


Electrophoretic separation of serum proteins was carried out in a F.W. Flin and de Mayo chamber by the method of A.E. Gurvitch followed by elution and photocolorimetry (FEC-M). Total protein was determined by the microcolloidal method. 102 women with late toxicosis of pregnancy were examined. The control group consisted of 10 healthy non-pregnant and 80 healthy women in the second half of pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):62-63
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Forming an artificial vagina from the sigmoid colon and amniotic membranes

Nikolaev I.N.


The feasibility of forming an artificial vagina for vaginal aplasia and atresia is not in doubt. A number of methods have been proposed for the formation of a vagina from different parts of the intestine. These methods have some major drawbacks and give a high percentage of lethality. In the last 2 years, we have performed 3 operations for the formation of an artificial vagina in congenital vaginal absence. In two women the vagina was created from the sigmoid colon and in one from the amniotic membranes.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):63-64
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Experience of treating terminal conditions

Kulnev S.V., Gorshkov A.V.


Since 1955, 78 patients were treated in Penza Regional Hospital for terminal conditions, with stable positive effect in 39 patients. The causes of terminal conditions were surgical trauma in 36 patients, mechanical trauma in 24 patients, intoxication in 7 patients, acute abdominal surgery in 6 patients, bleeding in 3 patients, pulmonary artery thrombosis in 2 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):65-65
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Gallbladder perforation in cholecystitis

Topchiashvili Z.A.


In the Botkin Hospital, in 13 years (1948-1960,) there were 78 gallbladder perforations in 1,516 operations for acute (616) or chronic (900) cholecystitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):65-66
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On gastrogenic tetany

Pomosov D.V.


Although gastrogenic tetany, the most severe complication of gastric and duodenal ulcers, was first described in 1869, it is not well known to the general medical community.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):66-66
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Bacteriological and serological indicators in different forms and stages of typhoid fever

Greenside I.M., Lebedeva V.N., Samusevich N.T.


The clinical picture of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever has changed in recent years, with an increase in the proportion of mild, mild and atypical forms, which is due to the widespread use of antibiotics and vaccine prophylaxis.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):66-67
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Echinococcal prostatic cyst

Sitdykov E.N.


As echinococcal cysts of the prostate may give rise to confusion with other diseases, the following observation is not without interest. K, 54 years old, was admitted to the clinic on 11/VII with a diagnosis of adenoma of the prostate, acute urinary retention. Urine discharged by rubber catheter was of the colour of meat slop. Prostate was sharply enlarged, dense, no borders were defined, surface was uneven. The external genitalia are undistinguished. Prostate cancer was suspected.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):67-67
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Use of alcohol-novocaine blockage in the complex treatment of brachial scapular periarthritis

Belyakov A.A.


45 men and 9 women with brachial scapular periarthritis were observed in inpatient and outpatient settings. All had diffuse atrophy of the shoulder girdle muscles and painful pressure points: 1) in the area of the beakoid process and 2) in the area of the tendon attachment of the deltoid muscle to the humerus.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):67-67
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König's disease in the first metatarsophalangeal joint

Himmelfarb A.L.


Splitting osteochondritis (König's disease) mainly affects the knee joint, much less frequently the elbow, ankle and in extremely rare cases the shoulder and hip joints. The disease is manifested by aseptic necrosis and rejection of the bone tissue in the area adjacent to the articular cartilage, with the surface facing the joint remaining smooth and covered by cartilage, and the surface of the margin being roughened. Occasionally, the detached area will fall out into the joint cavity, which can give the clinical picture of a blockage of the affected joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):68-68
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Injuries and their prevention in railway construction workers

Storozhenko S.N.


Occupational injuries accounted for 71.34%, domestic injuries for 22.02%, sports injuries for 5.61% and transport injuries for 1.03%. Occupational injuries are mainly characterised by open injuries (abrasions, scratches, wounds, open fractures and traumatic amputations, burns and frostbites), which account for 80.2% of all occupational injuries.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):68-69
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Domestic gas accident

Razumovsky Y.K.


On 14/I 1962 at around 1 p.m. the landlady turned on the gas central heating system and the three children - M., aged 13, S., 7 and V., 9 - started bathing in the bathtub, having locked the door from the inside. Around 2 p.m., she called to the children and knocked on the door, but no one answered. She pulled the door off the hook and found the children lying face up in the bathtub, completely submerged in water.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):69-69
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Diseases caused by Coxsackie and Echo enteroviruses

Spassky N.N.


Polio, coxsackievirus and ECHO (US Polio Foundation) were grouped into the enterovirus group in 1957. Coxsackieviruses were first isolated by Dolldorf and Sickles in 1948 and were named after the place of isolation, a city in New York State. A characteristic feature of the coxsackieviruses that distinguishes them sharply from others in the group is that they are pathogenic to newborn mice (but not to adult mice). Coxsackieviruses are also pathogenic in hamsters. In chimpanzees and rhesus, these viruses cause asymptomatic infection with the formation of specific antibodies.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):69-72
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The role of ambulance and health promotion in acute surgical abdominal diseases

Messel M.A.


Patients with acute abdominal diseases constitute a notable percentage of those served by the ambulance service. The main objective of the emergency physician is first and foremost the recognition of such diseases and urgent hospitalisation, because their outcome depends on timely surgical intervention, or, in other words, timely hospitalisation.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):72-73
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Experience in the prevention of obstetric pathology in the Bolshe-Bereznikovsky district of the Mordovian ASSR

Nazarkin N.Y.


An important place in preventive work with pregnant women is occupied by ensuring their earliest possible inclusion in medical check-ups and improving the quality of such check-ups during the whole period of pregnancy. To this end a women's health unit has been set up in women's clinics and health posts, extensive health education and awareness-raising work has been carried out among women and a permanent link has been established between the women's clinic and the civil registry office for the purpose of registration.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):74-77
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On the prevention of neglect of malignant tumours of the uterine appendages

Manenkov P.V.


One of the sections of gynaecology poorly studied in theory and difficult in practice is malignant tumours of the appendages of the uterus. Already in our previous work on this subject (Proceedings of the First All-Russian Conference of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1958) we pointed out a number of shortcomings in the control of these tumours and some measures for their elimination. To find out how the situation changed during 1957-61, we used observations from the gynaecological department of the Republican Clinical Hospital, serving mainly the rural population.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):77-78
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М. F. Vladimirsky on the image of the Soviet doctor and the training of medical personnel (On the 90th anniversary of his birth)

Okulov A.M.


Mikhail Fedorovich Vladimirsky belonged to the group of revolutionaries who, under Lenin's leadership, laid the foundations of the Communist Party, took part in the 1905 revolution, in the preparation and implementation of the October Revolution and later in the building of the Soviet state.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):78-80
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New device for local infiltration anaesthesia according to A. V. Vishnevsky

Mozhanov V.I.


Although local anaesthesia using the creeping infiltrate method, proposed by Prof. A. V. Vishnevsky, has been widely used in surgical practice, the technique is still imperfect. For example, when injecting large amounts of novocaine solution, the use of conventional syringes prolongs the operation. To avoid this, a whole series of continuous syringes has been proposed in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):80-81
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Pectoral cough and myocardial infarction

Matusova A.P.


The monograph by S.V. Shestakov is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of internal medicine - coronary circulatory insufficiency. Prof. С. Shestakov is well known as the author of a large number of articles and monographs on various issues of cardiology and especially problems of coronary pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):81-83
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Ozol E.A.


There are two views on the clinical relevance of vectorcardiography (VCG). Some believe that it can provide data that scalar ECGs cannot. Others (and they are probably the majority) do not see any advantages in the VCG method of examining patients in comparison with a conventional ECG. However, this difference of opinion applies only to the value of VCG as a clinical examination method; the role of VCG in the study of the patterns of the electric field generated by the heart, as well as in the proper understanding of normal and pathological ECG curves, is acknowledged by everyone working in this field.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):83-84
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Air ionisation and its hygienic value

Fedorov N.A.


The problem of air ionization in its application to medicine and some sectors of the economy is the subject of in-depth study by representatives of various specialties. The physiological effects of aeroions are well established, and aeroionisation is increasingly used in medical and prophylactic practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):84-85
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VIII Scientific Session of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences

Bashirova D.K.


M.P. Chumakov (Moscow) noted that as a result of nearly five years of vaccinating the population of the Soviet Union with the Soviet live attenuated vaccine 1) the carriage of wild strains of the poliomyelitis virus in the USSR has practically ceased; 2) no etiological link with poliovirus of paralytic disease in children registered as poliomyelitis (in Moscow such patients more often isolated viruses of the Coxsackievirus group); 3) most children under 1 year of age either have no antibodies to poliovirus or are detected in low titers. This dictates that children should be vaccinated against poliomyelitis from 2 months of age.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):85-87
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Isolated artificial circulation of organs in surgery and oncology

Medvedev N.P.


The use of general artificial blood circulation still causes a number of severe complications and involves the consumption of large quantities of donor blood. Therefore, the use of regional artificial blood circulation for vital organs (brain and heart) has emerged.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):87-88
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Relationship of alcoholism to neuroses and cerebral vascular disorders

Stankevich E.S.


In his report to the Congress, S. V. Kurashov, Minister of Health of the USSR, pointed out the importance of developing the issues of prevention and treatment of alcoholism, as the new tasks of educating the Soviet man prompted special attention to this. Medics should be the initiators in raising all questions relating to the problem of combating alcoholism, for they know better and more intimately than anyone else the grave consequences of alcoholism.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):88-90
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Scientific conference of the Saratov Medical Institute on rheumatism

Emelina K.I.


The conference was attended by internists, paediatricians, neurologists, otorhinolaryngologists, psychiatrists and pathologists.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):90-91
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Scientific conference on the problem of aeroionisation

Krasnoshchekov N.N.


Earlier it was thought that the main way of penetration of aeroions into the body was through the respiratory apparatus. L.L. Vasiliev (Leningrad) and A.L. Chizhevsky (Moscow) believed that the air of the alveoli and the blood exchange electrical charges, which are then carried through the blood vessels to the organs and tissues. In addition to the electrohumoral effect, a neuroreflex mechanism of ion action through centripetal pulmonary nerve fibers was also assumed.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):91-94
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Scientific conference on TASSR water resources research and water supply hygiene

Krepkogorsky L.N., Stankevich E.F.


The conference was organised by the TASSR Scientific Society of Hygienists with the participation of the Tatar Republican Branch of the All-Union D. I. Mendeleev Chemical Society and the Tatar Republican Society for Nature Protection. Employees of the Geological Institute of Kazan, Tatneftegazrazvedka Trust, Tatneft Association, Gosvodkhoz RSFSR, as well as representatives of the sanitary-epidemiological services of the Chuvash and Mari ASSR also took part in it.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):94-95
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Issues of clinical biochemistry at the 1st All-Union Biochemical Congress

Vladimirova L.F., Gutowska A.V., Anisimova V.F.


S. Ya. Kaplinsky (Moscow) emphasized that quantitative changes in the ratios of individual protein fractions of blood serum in different pathological conditions in humans and animals are not specific to any one pathological syndrome. Qualitative disorders detected by changes in the immunological properties of proteins or by changes in the content of sulfhydryl groups and amino acids are more specific.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):95-97
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From 18 to 21 / XII 1963 in Kazan was held a zonal seminar-meeting on the promotion of medical and biological knowledge, organized by the society "Knowledge" of the RSFSR and the Republican House of Sanitary Education of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(3):97-98
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