Vol 53, No 3 (1972)

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Probeless method for determining the enzymatic function of the stomach

Sutyagina N.H., Baburina N.S.


In gastroenterology, there is a tendency to develop probeless methods for studying the secretory activity of the stomach, which are necessary where the introduction of a probe is contraindicated.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):1-2
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On heredity in peptic ulcer disease

Spigelman S.D., Svincova T.A., Soshnikova L.I.


We studied the family history of 1103 patients with peptic ulcer disease (965 men and 138 women) who were treated in our hospital from 1963 to 1970. 217 had gastric ulcer, 865 had gastric ulcer, 865 had stomach and duodenal ulcer, 21 had stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):3-3
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Glucocorticoid function of the adrenal glands in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Mizin V.T.


Literature data on the functional state of the adrenal cortex as an endocrine link in the pathogenesis of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are extremely contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):4-7
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The use of estrogens in the complex treatment of gastric ulcer

Klimova N.A.


The deficiency of sex hormones in women suffering from peptic ulcer disease, and the violation of the normal ratio between the production of androgens and estrogens towards an increase in the coefficient of androgens, estrogens in men in the phase of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease give the right to consider it expedient to include female sex hormones in the complex of therapeutic measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):7-8
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The effect of vitamin u (methyl methionine sulfonium chloride) on the course of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Starkova I.V., Jirnov V.Y.


Vitamins occupy an important place in the complex of remedies for peptic ulcer disease (S. M. Ryss, 1963; I. I. Shilov and T. N. Yakovlev, 1964, 1967, and others). Along with vitamins B1, B2, PP, C and A, vitamin U has been successfully used in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):8-10
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Complex treatment of peptic ulcer disease using gastric oxygen therapy

Birg N.A.


The gastrointestinal tract, along with the brain tissue, is one of the organs and systems that consume oxygen most intensively and are very sensitive to hypoxia.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):11-12
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Surgical manual for perforated gastroduodenal ulcers

Polyakov V.M.


The most dangerous acute complication of peptic ulcer disease requiring urgent care is ulcer perforation. In our practice, perforated ulcers were found in 1.5% of operated emergency patients. 5% of patients (mostly young people) had no history of ulcers before perforation. In men, ulcer perforation was observed 20 times more often than in women.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):12-15
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The activity of some digestive enzymes in children with prolonged exposure to drinking water of various salt composition

Garifzyanova R.H.


We have studied the effect of drinking water containing varying amounts of salt on the activity of certain digestive enzymes in children, with particular attention to the effects of sulfates. Studied 3 groups of children in 3 settlements with different salt composition of drinking water.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):15-17
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Acute postoperative pancreatitis

Rotkov I.L., mamaev U.P.


Acute postoperative pancreatitis occurs relatively infrequently, but the difficulties of its diagnosis, the extreme severity of the course and the low effectiveness of the therapy used force us to pay attention to this complication.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):17-19
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On the role of scanning in the diagnosis of diffuse liver disease

Dadashyan A.M.


Scanning is of great importance for the diagnosis of various local and diffuse liver diseases. Recently, a number of works have appeared, indicating the great value of the symptom of "scanning spleen". But according to a number of researchers [1-3], the more pronounced the parenchymal and vascular changes in the liver, the more often the image of the spleen appears on the scannograms.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):19-20
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Analysis of mortality in the surgical treatment of cholecystitis in the elderly ii senile age

Korolev B.A., Smirnov G.N., Gagushin V.A.


The age barrier in modern surgery, especially abdominal surgery, is the main obstacle to improving the results of surgical treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):20-22
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Possible errors in the diagnosis of protracted viral hepatitis

Shmeleva V.S., Beznosova V.N.


From 1963 to 1970, we observed 308 patients with a protracted course of viral hepatitis, which is 10.10% of the total number of adult patients treated in infectious diseases hospitals in the city of Gorky. The greatest diagnostic difficulties are the cholestatic variant of a protracted course, which was found in 2.12% of all patients with viral hepatitis and in 10.13% of patients with a protracted form.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):22-23
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Dental caries in adolescents from different cities of the RSFSR

Gorlov A.A.


The data available in the literature indicate the difference in the level of dental morbidity of the population living in different regions of our country. At the same time, the teenage group of the population turned out to be virtually unexplored.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):23-25
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Successful complete resuscitation in the acute period of myocardial infarction

Sherbatenko-Lushnikova L.A.


In recent years, there are more and more reports of successful cardiac resuscitation in myocardial infarction [1-8, etc.]. The effect of resuscitation depends on many reasons: the state of blood circulation before it stops, the depth of heart damage, the time of the beginning of resuscitation, its duration, the experience of the personnel and the equipment of the medical institution, etc. P. E “Lukomsky et al. (1969) the direct effect of resuscitation in patients in the acute period of myocardial infarction was obtained in 30%, A.P. Matusova et al. (1965) - in 6%, I. E. Ganelina et al. (1970) - 63%.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):25-29
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Electrokymographic study of patients after myocardial infarction

Larina T.F.


The study of the compensatory mechanisms of the heart is one of the important tasks of cardiology. Patients with postinfarction myocardiosclerosis and heart aneurysm often have unusually high adaptability to new living conditions. However, the percentage of disability in such patients is still high. Therefore, the problem of patient management in the late post-infarction period has acquired an independent significance.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):29-32
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Exacerbation of II relapses of pulmonary tuberculosis

Anastasiev V.S., Baiborodina N.P., Larina M.M.


The division of reactivation of the tuberculous process after effective treatment for exacerbations and relapses is conditional, since these concepts are interpreted in different ways. We attributed recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis disease of persons who were removed from the dispensary registration in the past or were observed in the 3rd group as relapses, and the deterioration of the tuberculosis process proved radiologically or bacteriologically proven in patients registered with the dispensary in the 1st or 2nd group (with an unfinished main course of treatment or soon after its completion).

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):32-34
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The effectiveness of therapy with sulfonamides and antibiotics in acute bacterial pneumonia

Sherishonina S.I., Solodova T.L., Reshetov G.N.


Despite the great success in the treatment of patients with acute bacterial pneumonia, the latter, under some conditions (irrational choice of an antibacterial drug, incorrect method of its use, untimely diagnosis and late hospitalization of the patient) can lead to death or contribute to its onset.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):34-39
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The value of the integral topography method in the diagnosis of cardiac pathology in patients with chronic pneumonia

Minaeva I.N.


The study of the functional state of the cardiovascular system in chronic pulmonary diseases is currently of great practical importance. As you know, hypertrophy of the right heart in chronic pneumonia is associated with the development of hypertension in the pulmonary circulation. However, signs of even significant hypertrophy of the right atrium and right ventricle are not always clearly detected by conventional electrocardiography.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):39-42
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The state of central hemodynamics in obese patients complicated by hypertension and coronary insufficiency

Suzganceva L.M., Bogolubov V.M., Kuzmin V.P.


Interest in the study of obesity is increasing not only due to the increase in the prevalence of this disease, especially among middle-aged and elderly people, but also because the problem of obesity is closely related to the problem of cardiovascular diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):42-45
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Selective obstructive spirometry

Zaharov S.N.


The leading role in the occurrence of postoperative respiratory failure is played by the discrepancy between the compensatory capabilities of the organism and the volume of the decrease in the respiratory surface of the lung in connection with the operation [4].

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):46-48
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On aerosol therapy of burn wounds with sulfapyridazine sodium salt

Kupriyanova T.S.


One of the important factors affecting the course of burn disease is the infection of burn wounds with a diverse pathogenic microflora. As established by the research of a number of authors, the microflora of a burn wound is often not very sensitive to the action of most antibiotics. In addition, the frequent use of antibiotics can lead to the development of various complications: allergization of the body and dysbiosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):48-50
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On the pathogenesis of late toxicosis in pregnant women

Nikolaev A.P.


As you know, toxicosis of pregnant women occurs only in humans with their completely exclusive, highly developed nervous system, with their unmatched brain in other living beings. The role of the brain in matters of human health and disease can hardly be overestimated - it is enormous.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):51-55
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Gynecological morbidity in women who underwent a cesarean section in the lower segment of the uterus with a transverse incision

Kukin V.I.


In connection with the rather widespread use of caesarean section, the study of gynecological morbidity in women who have undergone abdominal delivery in the past is of practical importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Morphological and histochemical changes in the ovaries in uterine cancer

Gataullin K.D.


A small number of works have been devoted to the functional morphology of the ovaries in uterine cancer, and the conclusions to which the researchers came are very contradictory. We set ourselves the task of studying the morphological and histochemical changes in the ovaries of women, accompanying a cancerous lesion of the uterus, and on the basis of the data obtained to try to determine the functional characteristics of the female reproductive gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):58-61
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Clinical picture and diagnosis of progressive ophthalmoplegia syndrome

Mitrofanov A.M.


We observed 6 patients (2 men and 4 women aged 31 to 54 years), in whom progressive ophthalmoplegia began with dysfunction of the eye muscles, mainly with unilateral or bilateral ptosis, which then gradually intensified, and subsequently gradually joined the phenomenon of paresis of other eye motors.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):61-63
pages 61-63 views

Compression method of plasty of skull defects

Nikotin L.I.


Recently, in the treatment of bone fractures, the method of compression is increasingly used. By creating close contact of the fragments, ensuring their complete immobility, it accelerates the regenerative processes in the bone and leads to the healing of the fracture by primary intention with the formation of callus at once.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):63-64
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Rare combined injury with a favorable outcome

Saifeev A.A.


S., 18 years old, delivered on 27 / IX 1967 after a car accident in a soporotic state with pronounced psychomotor agitation.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):64-64
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On the prevention of complications in the sclerosing treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities

Muraviev M.F., Perevoshikov U.V.


A common complication of sclerotherapy is the formation of intravenous hematomas (with sclerosing of large-caliber varicose veins), as well as thrombophlebitis, which spreads to the communicating and deep veins.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):64-65
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Conservative treatment of anal fissures with alcohol-furacillin-novocaine solution on an outpatient basis

Kuzin L.V.


On the basis of the medical unit of the plant, under our supervision from December 1966 to April 1969, there were 12 men and 10 women who underwent conservative treatment with alcohol-furacillin-novocaine solution (furacillin - 0.02, novocaine - 0.5, wine alcohol - 2, 0, distilled water — 100.0). The solution (5-8-10 ml) was injected simultaneously under the base of the crack. The needle was injected within the healthy skin and brought under the base of the crack, and then injected. Treatment was performed on an outpatient basis.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):65-65
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Maternal and newborn blood serum lipoproteins during pregnancy complicated by late toxicosis

Belousova V.I.


In this work, we set the task to conduct parallel studies of the content of lipoproteins in the blood serum of mothers and their children during physiological pregnancy and complicated by late toxicosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):65-66
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The state of some components of the blood coagulation system in the treatment of patients with genital endometriosis and hyperplastic endometrial processes with Infecundin

Shinkareva L.F., Sabsai M.I.


A study of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood was carried out in 12 healthy women and in 64 patients with genital endometriosis and endometrial hyperplastic processes during treatment with infectious disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):66-66
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Development of Wilms tumor in an abnormal kidney in an adult

Manannov I.S.


Wilms' tumor in adults is extremely rare. We did not find any reports on the development of Wilms' tumor in an abnormal kidney in adults in the literature available to us. Here is a description of a patient suffering from Wilms' tumor, which developed in a horseshoe kidney.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):67-67
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Subcutaneous isolated rupture of the horseshoe kidney with bladder tamponade

Baskakov V.A.


Over the past 5 years, we have observed 28 patients with closed kidney injuries; 1 of them had a subcutaneous isolated rupture of a horseshoe kidney with a tamponade of the bladder with blood clots. Here is an extract from the medical history of this patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):67-67
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Congenital atony of the urinary tract (megaloureter)

Krechetova E.P., Karpova L.E.


Congenital atony of the urinary tract has been described as a rare disorder resulting from a lack of development of the neuromuscular apparatus of the ureter.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):68-69
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Death from amidopyrine

Galiullina M.S., Huzin G.H.


In the literature of recent years, we have not found a description of deaths from amidopyrine. Here is our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):69-69
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On the effect of mercury and chlorine vapors on some blood parameters

Ovchinnikov U.M.


We examined 39 workers of the chlorine production, in contact with mercury vapor (machine operators and locksmiths aged 20 to 40), who, according to the data of periodic medical examinations, were practically healthy.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):69-70
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Effect of combined exposure to dimethyldioxane and formaldehyde according to experimental studies

Danilin V.A., Drobusheva R.A., Eskin A.M.


In the literature available to us, there is no information on the results of the combined effect of dimethyldioxane (DMD) and formaldehyde on the body of animals and humans, which was the reason for our experimental studies on white rats.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):70-70
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Fluorine in some food products of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Sheglova L.L.


We determined fluorine in food products by the method of A.I.Burnshtein (1968). The results of our research are presented in the table.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):70-71
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Pathohistology of the skin of the palmar surface of the hand in Dupuytren's contracture

MIkusev I.E.


The operative method of treating Dupuytren's contracture is the oldest and is recognized as expedient by most authors. However, to date, there is no complete unanimity of views regarding the method of surgical treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):71-72
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Platelets and their role in hemostasis

Timerbaev V.N.


When considering the general purpose of platelets, their main, if not the only, role in the vital activity of the body becomes obvious - ensuring a normal hemostatic process. It is hardly advisable to conduct sometimes the allocation of respiratory, phagocytic, transport, etc. functions of the platelets.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):73-79
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About the location of the water intake of the KamAZ water supply system

Krepkogorskiy L.N., Pochkin U.N.


Over the past decade, the national economic importance of the river has increased significantly. The Kama River in its lower reaches due to the development of a large Naberezhno-Chelninsky industrial hub, the construction of the largest chemical plant and automobile plant in Europe, the Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power station, the city of Nizhnekamsk and the new city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):79-81
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Simple equipment of the "intensive observation" ward in a therapeutic clinic

Brodskaya A.M., Timchenko A.V.


In improving the outcomes of myocardial infarction, a system of so-called "intensive observation" during the acute period is a necessary condition. The intensity of observation is ensured by the round-the-clock duty of the medical staff directly in the ward, the possibility of continuous instrumental monitoring (ECG) and the immediate switching on of exposure devices (defibrillator, electrostimulator, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):81-83
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Vladimir Dmitrievich Vladimirov

Dukelskiy S.G.


VD Vladimirov (1838-1903) was born into the family of a minor official in the city of Tomsk. In 1855 he entered the medical faculty of Kazan University, which he brilliantly graduated in 1860.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):83-84
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Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome according to the materials of the city infectious diseases hospital

Abdurashitov R.F., Agapov A.A., Hunafina D.N., Ahmetov V.M.


This report presents the results of clinical and laboratory observations of 464 patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) who were treated at the clinic of infectious diseases of the Bashkir Medical Institute in 1970.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):84-85
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New dark registration campimeter for quantitative campimetry

Kovalenko B.F.


Campimetry in clinical practice is one of the subtle additional research methods. However, the complexity of recording the obtained data and the absence of metered test tests to a certain extent reduce its value. The value of the campimeter has increased in connection with the introduction of quantitative indicators into its methodology (I. L. Vyazovsky, 1967).

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):86-86
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The fate of conventional diseases (past, present, future)

Bashirova D.K., Vuligjanin N.I.


Conventional diseases - so in modern epidemiology they designate a group of especially dangerous infections, which includes plague, cholera, smallpox, yellow fever, typhus and relapsing fever. Their feature is the potential for global spread, they can be a source of bacteriological (biological) weapons in war conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):87-87
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Guide to Proctology, Volume 2. Kuibyshev Book Publishing House

Udin I.U., Sergevnin V.V.


The renowned proctologist prof. AM Aminev published the 2nd volume of the "Guide", planned in 4 volumes. The volume consists of 5 chapters, with a bibliography including 2540 domestic and foreign sources. The author's experience is based on the observation of almost 10,000 proctological patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):87-88
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Hereditary diseases in children

Sultanova G.F., Ratner A.U.


The neuropathologist-pediatrician alliance in writing the book under review has been very successful. A book necessary for every pediatrician and neuropathologist has been published, after studying which (you simply cannot read it) it becomes clear how large the number of diagnostic errors is due to the lack of awareness of doctors regarding hereditary diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):88-89
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Regulation of labor in complicated childbirth

Lebedev A.A.


The monograph consists of 11 chapters and a bibliographic index. In chapter I - "Physiological generic activity and anomalies of generic forces," the author cites literary data on this issue. In Chapter II - "Clinical data of women in labor suffering from weakness of the labor force" and in Chapter III - "Protracted labor" emphasizes the importance of timely diagnosis of this pathology and it is recommended to use the method of graphical representation of the course of the birth act - partograms in cases where there is no special equipment.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):89-90
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Full member of the amn ussr professor N. S. Molchanov

Silvestrov V.P.


The country's medical community has suffered a bereavement. On January 28, 1972, the chief therapist of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the head of the department of advanced training of doctors No. 1 of the VMA named after V.I. S. M. Kirov, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Professor, Lieutenant General of the Medical Service Nikolai Semenovich Molchanov.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):90-91
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Professor Ivan Vasilievich Danilov


2 / II 1972, a member of the CPSU since 1938, Honored Scientist of the TASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor IV Danilov, died suddenly.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):91-92
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Organization of the United Children's Prosecture in Kazan

Monakova I.P., Shatrov I.I.


In the city of Kazan, since 1963, the united children's prosecutor's office of the city health department has been functioning. Administratively and economically, the prosecutor's office is attached to the city hospital No. 15 (chief physician - L. A. Baranchikova). The Prosecture serves all maternity and infectious diseases institutions of the city with a total number of beds of 3335. Its staff includes 6 doctors, 6 laboratory assistants and 5.5 rates of nurses. It was formed at the expense of the attached hospitals.

Kazan medical journal. 1972;53(3):92-94
pages 92-94 views

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