Vol 45, No 6 (1964)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Errors in surgical practice and their warning

Krakovsky K.I.


Unfortunately, mistakes in surgical practice are far from uncommon. Many papers have been published on this subject in special journals and the general non-medical press. A large number of clinical and anatomical conferences very often discuss errors in surgical practice, but rarely give specific recommendations for their prevention, especially with regard to organizational measures. Diagnostic errors are quite common, which often entail treatment-tactical errors. It should be emphasized here that most of the errors are noted with common diseases (IV Davydovsky). An underreporting of anamnesis can lead to an irreparable mistake.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):3-5
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Geography of syringomyelia in the TASSR

Sirotkin V.M., Temirbaev V.N.


Syringomyelia affects people predominantly between the ages of 20 and 50. Deep trophic disorders of bones, joints, muscles and skin often lead patients with syringomyelia to a surgeon, while the primary lesion is the spinal cord. The most common surgical complications of syringomyelia are burns associated with loss or decrease in temperature sensitivity, kyphoscoliotic deformities of the spine in the cervical and thoracic regions with the formation of a rib hump, arthropathic deformities of the joints with arbitrary dislocations, massive effusions, peculiar deformities of the hand with an increase in its size (cheiromegaly), edema of soft tissues, long-term non-healing painless panaritiums, sometimes the loss of whole phalanges (mutations).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):6-7
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Prevalence of epilepsy among population of Kazan

Borisova A.S., Mendelevich D.M., Birger I.D.


Epilepsy is one of the most common neuropsychiatric diseases, which, due to its long course, difficulties in treatment and severe consequences, has not only medical but also great social significance.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):8
pages 8 views

Thrombolytic therapy and its prospects

Andrenko G.V.


Thrombosis and embolism, according to statistics cited by many authors, are one of the important causes of mortality in the world's population (6, 8, 28).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):9-13
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Coagulation ability of blood in the clinic coronary insufficiency and anticoagulant therapy

Chizhevskaya S.I.


In a previous report (1961), the results of our observations on the change in the so-called procoagulant blood factors in patients with coronary insufficiency under the influence of anticoagulant therapy were summed up.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):13-16
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Coagulopathic syndromes accompanying thrombocythemia

Machabeli M.S.


The hemostatic picture in thrombocythemia is variegated (M.S. Machabeli, 1961, 1962; I.A. with sotr., 1956; Speight, 1957; Marshal with sotr., 1957; Arlotti et al., 1957; Bunamo, 1957; Soulier et al., 1957; Fretland, 1960). In this regard, Wasserman et al. (1958) write that the dissonance in the results is surprising, but cannot be explained by technical differences alone.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):16-19
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Blood clotting with emotional excitement

Tepper P.A., Chernysheva L.N., Volgina A.S., Bratchik A.M., Kamensky A.I., Makarenko N.A., Syurin A.A., Urbanyuk K.G.


Experience convinces us that vascular catastrophes, and in particular thrombosis of cerebral and coronary vessels, sometimes develop following negative emotional arousal (anxiety, fear, grief). Atheomatosis of cerebral or coronary vessels - the alleged basis of these catastrophes - may be one of the reasons for the localization of thrombus formation. But the presence of widespread, and moreover, severe atherosclerosis is not always accompanied by the formation of intravascular blood clots. Therefore, studies of the pathophysiology of blood clotting in the clinic can be promising only when, along with the state of the vascular wall (chronic lesions and acute functional overstrain, spasms), conditions that favor or counteract thrombus formation are also studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):20-23
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Changes in some indicators coagulation ability of blood with chronic tonsillitis and tonsillogenic myocardial dystrophy

Krasnoperov F.T.


Many well-known Soviet therapists and otolaryngologists (N. D. Strazhesko, A. I. Nesterov, V. A. Waldman, L. T. Levin, V. I. Voyachek, B. S. Preobrazhensky) noted the effectiveness of eliminating the focus of infection in the area palatine tonsils in rheumatic diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):23-25
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The effect of drugs widely used in atherosclerosis on the blood coagulation system

Deryagina G.P.


Recently, more and more data have appeared on the significance of changes in the state of the coagulating and anticoagulant blood system, not only for the development of complications of atherosclerosis such as thrombosis, but also for the course of the underlying disease (Astrup, 1956, Duguid, 1959, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):26-28
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Change in blood coagulation in patients with essential hypertension by bloodletting

Melnikov A.F.


Bloodletting occupies a certain place among modern therapeutic measures. Most often it is produced in patients with hypertensive illness, especially when the disease is complicated by circulatory failure and frequent hypertensive crises.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):28-32
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New evidence on erythropoietins and their clinical significance

Yaroshevsky A.Y.


In the 48 years that have passed since the first works of Carnot et Deflandre (1906), the study of erythropoietins has become one of the fastest growing departments of hematology.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):32-35
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About diagnosis and therapy of mmunohematological diseases

Beyer V.A., Dygin V.P.


Having received wide development since the 40s, immunohematology has now acquired great practical importance in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases of the blood and internal organs. The long-standing dispute between II Mechnikov and P. Ehrlich about the possibility of the appearance in the body of autoantibodies active against their own proteins of cells and tissues was resolved in favor of II Mechnikov. Moreover, it has now become generally accepted that these antibodies are often auto-aggressive, leading to destruction, damage or dysfunction of the cells and tissues against which they are directed. Diseases in the pathogenesis of which the process of autoimmunization plays a role are called autoimmune, autoaggressive, or autoallergic. These include diseases of the blood system such as chronic acquired hemolytic anemia (idiopathic and symptomatic), some types of idiopathic and symptomatic leukopenias and thrombocytopenic purpura, allergic (drug) cytopenias, as well as a number of diseases of other organs (systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto's disease and others ).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):35-40
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Glycocorticoid therapy for chronic lymphadenosis

Denisova M.G., Nikolaeva E.G.


According to Selye's observations in his classic descriptions of adaptation syndrome, normal lymphatic tissue atrophies under the influence of stress due to the increased release of hormones from the adrenal cortex.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):40-42
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Skeleton defeat with lymphogranulomatosis

Loginova A.Y.


In 1878 in Russia A. Wigandt first presented the characteristics of bone lymphogranulomatosis. The works of Z. V. Mankin (1938), L. V. Funshtein (1940 and 1946), S. A. Reinberg (1955), A. E. Uspensky (1958), F. V. Kurdybailo (1961), V.A. Khazhinskaya (1962) and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):43-45
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About the diagnosis of spinal strokes

Ratner A.Y., Faizullina D.S., Kadyrova L.A.


Since ancient times, cerebral strokes have attracted the attention of neuropathologists as one of the most frequent diseases of the nervous system with a high mortality rate.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):45-47
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Clinical and anatomical analysis of vascular diseases of the brain (according to the data of the Nervous Department of the Republican Clinical Hospital of Kazan)

Gershenzon F.V., Ismagilov M.F.


Vascular lesions of the brain are common and, together with cardiovascular diseases, give the highest mortality in the overall morbidity - 2.5 times higher than with neoplasms. Mortality from vascular lesions of the nervous system, according to the World Health Organization, is about 14% of total mortality.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):48-49
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Epileptic seizures in vascular brain diseases

Yakhin F.A.


It is known that in a certain number of patients, vascular diseases of the brain are complicated by seizures. According to literature data, similar complications occur in approximately 5-7% of such patients.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):49-51
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About epileptic syndrome in tumors brain

Grinberg S.A.


Parker observed epileptic seizures in 21.6%, and I. Ya. Razdolsky - in 21-22% of brain tumors, mainly with supratentorial localization of the process - with tumors of the frontal, parietal and temporal regions, and less often - with tumors of the subcortical nodes and pituitary course.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):51-53
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Experience in the treatment of epilepsy with a combination of anticonvulsants

Levyatov V.M.


The beginning of the modern era in the treatment of epilepsy is considered to be 1857, when bromides were first proposed. Borax has been used since 1879, and luminal (phenobarbital) since 1912. In 1938-1939. there were reports of a new anti-convulsive drug - diphenin-hydantoin-sodium (diphenin).
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):53-56
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Errors in the diagnosis of ureteral stones

Kharitonov I.F.


Diagnosis of ureteral stones outside colic attacks with the possibility of using modern urological methods of examining patients (plain radiography of the urinary system, excretory and retrograde urography, chromocystoscopy, ureteral catheterization, etc.) is not difficult. However, a rather large number of mistakes made in recognizing this disease during colic makes us pay attention to the diagnosis of ureteral stones and find out the reasons leading to errors in recognizing this painful process.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):56-58
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Surgical treatment of cervical rupture as a method of prevention of precancerous processes

Krotova L.I.


The current state of the prevention of precancerous diseases of the cervix cannot be considered satisfactory. Until now, not all obstetricians properly assess the need to suture cervical ruptures soon after childbirth, and most importantly, they do not always carefully and anatomically correctly perform this operation in obstetric institutions.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):58-60
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The value of cytological examination vaginal smears in obstetric practice

Voronin K.V., Mironova T.A.


Lemberg, Siegfried, Strain in 1954 in Geneva at the international congress of obstetricians were the first to report on their biological method for determining the term of birth by cytology of a vaginal smear. Niklisek, Lichtvus, Pundel (1958), Danikhiy (1958), Zhidovski (I960), Miklav (1961) tested the reliability of the indicated biological method in clinical practice and obtained contradictory results.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):60-63
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Frog spermaturia reaction in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

Davydova M.A.


In recent years, the frog spermaturia (Galli-Mainini) test has been widely used to diagnose ectopic pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):63-64
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New analgesics in gynecological practice

Lvovskaya I.D.


We had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with new analgesics presented to us for clinical trials by the V.I. S. Ordzhonikidze - prinadol and lemoran.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):65-66
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Comparative efficacy of various methods of using vitamin D2 in the treatment of rickets on an outpatient basis*

Altshuler I.I., Chernova O.F.


The incidence of rickets in recent years has decreased significantly, but its role in the pathology of early childhood is still great.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):66-67
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Comparative effectiveness of various methods of using vitamin D2 in the treatment of rickets in hospital

Nigmatullina X.X., Popova T.L.


We observed 46 children with manifestations of rickets that had not been previously treated.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):67-69
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Typical landscape of typhoid fever cultures isolated in the TASSR and the use of the phage typing method in anti-epidemic practice

Mukhutdinov I.3., Fedorova S.A., Osanova V.P.


In the Tatar ASSR, in recent years, the incidence of typhoid fever has sharply decreased and is characterized mainly by sporadic cases. The proportion of cases of typhoid fever in epidemic outbreaks in 1962 is 11.9% of the incidence of the whole year. With this nature of the incidence of typhoid fever, the identification of sources of infection, both in individual cases and in epidemic outbreaks, becomes even more difficult. To improve the quality of epidemiological examination in the foci of typhoid fever, many authors recommend using the method of phage typing of typhoid fever cultures.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):69-71
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Pelger's family leukocyte anomaly

Khalitova R.R.


Of the hereditary abnormalities of leukocytes, the most common is the Pelger form. It is inherited according to a dominant trait and is characterized by the fact that mature neutrophils, and sometimes eosinophils, have a thickened nucleus, often similar in shape to the nuclei of younger cells - metamyelocyte or even myelocyte. But these cells cannot be attributed to methomyelocytes and myelocytes in terms of their structural features - their nuclei are quite mature. The process of condensation of nuclear chromatin in them is over. In this case, segmented neutrophils have only two segments, with three or more segments they are almost never encountered. In other words, with the Pelgerian anomaly, the shape of the nucleus lags behind its structural development - the structure is old, and its shape is young. With poor staining and inexperience of laboratory technicians, these cells are often mistaken for young ones, and the patient is diagnosed with chronic leukemia or left shift.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):71
pages 71 views

Subcutaneous oxygen administration for hemolytic disease of the newborn

Alekserov G.S., Ragimova M.M.


In hemolytic disease of a newborn, as a result of a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, the oxygen capacity of the blood decreases, while not only hemic, but also tissue hypoxia is observed. Anoxemia, layering on the main pathological process, complicates the course of the disease and worsens its prognosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):71-72
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Two observations of cytomegaly in infants

Valeeva M.G., Kalugina H.M.


It is known that children of the first months of life suffer from cytomegaly more often. A detailed and consistent description of it was published by V. Ya-Tsareva (Kazan medical woman 1962, 5).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):71-72
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Rusetsky I.I., Ionova L.F.


Headache complaints are heard by doctors of all specialties.
Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):74-77
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Some problems of immunopathology in clinic and experiment

Abukova R.A.


Currently, the attention of therapists, pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, otorhinolaryngologists and some other specialists is attracted by issues of immunopathology, allergies and autoallergies.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):77-83
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Victor Leonidovich Bogolyubov (on the occasion of his 90th birthday) (1874-1935)

Okulov A.M.


V.L. Bogolyubov was one of the talented students of prof. V. I. Razumovsky, the successor of the work of his teacher after his departure from Kazan.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):83-84
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Professor A. U. Frese (1826-1884)

Bolotovsky I.S.


February 4, 1964 marked the 80th anniversary of the death of one of the largest progressive figures in Russian psychiatry of the 19th century - prof. Alexander Ustinovich Frese, whose life and work mainly took place in Kazan. He always combined his scientific research with active practical activity. He was the founder and the first director of the Kazan regional hospital, which began its work on September 1, 1869 and was one of the best psychiatric institutions in Russia at that time. A.U. Frese was the first professor of the Department of Mental Diseases of the Medical Faculty of Kazan University.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):85-87
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Preparation and use of saponin for blood tests for cancer cells

Starostin A.P.


A blood test for tumor cells in patients with malignant neoplasms is of certain importance for clarifying the diagnosis, assessing the effectiveness of various methods of treatment, and the radical nature of the operation. Theoretical questions are also of interest - the fate of tumor complexes and individual cells rejected from the tumor, their viability, and the ways of their spread.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):87-88
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To the method of increasing the amount harvested anti-rhesus serum

Ganelina R.G., Chermenskaya N.A.


Currently, the definition of Rh-belonging is very widespread. In the antenatal clinics of the city, all pregnant women are examined for Rh-affiliation and Rh-negative women are under special supervision; their blood is regularly examined for the presence of specific antiresus antibodies, but still an obstacle in this work is the limited number of standard antiresus serums.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):88-89
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A.I. Germanov. “Non-hemoglobin iron of blood serum in the practice of internal diseases”. Kuibyshev-region, 1962, 120 pages

Smirnov V.N.


In the domestic literature, this is the first monograph introducing a practitioner to the study of iron metabolism in the clinic of internal diseases. The book summarizes 10 years of experience of the team led by prof. A.I. Germanov. In the chapters introductory to clinical pathology, the current state of the issue of iron metabolism in the human body, the diagnostic value of determining non-hemoglobin iron in blood serum are summarized in a concise form. Very carefully, with all practical instructions, the methodology for the study of serum iron according to Barkan is presented. The chapter on the normal content of non-hemoglobin iron in blood serum has been supplemented with statistically processed data from the clinic staff on significant material with the inclusion of the results of resorption curves (with a load according to M.S. Dultsin) and the value of the latter in a more in-depth study of iron metabolism is shown.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):89-90
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All-Union Conference on Allergies and Allergic Diseases in Children (20-22. V 1964, Moscow)

Okulova E.M., Krasnoperova K.E.


The conference was convened by the Institute of Pediatrics of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and the Allergological Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):90-91
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The second republican oncological conference of the Tatar ASSR (11-12.VI 1964, Kazan)

Mukhamedyarova A.K., Lyubimov Y.V.


The conference was dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):91-92
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February 15, 1964 in the city of Kuibyshev-region. a symposium on anesthesiology and resuscitation took place. The symposium was attended by doctors, medical workers of the city, a number of regions and republics.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(6):92
pages 92 views

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