Vol 43, No 2 (1962)

Cover Page

Full Issue

The importance of precancerous diseases in oncological practice

Ratner Y.A.


The term precancer, although not entirely accurate, is ingrained and widespread. Clinicians understand by it such local changes in tissues and organs that predispose to the development of cancer and prepare the ground for its occurrence. Everyday clinical observations and numerous experiments confirm such a generally accepted view, which does not exclude, however, the possibility of tumor development even without precancerous changes. The latter is difficult to prove, but it must be admitted in the absence of any indications in the anamnesis in adults, and especially in young people.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):3-6
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About the process of tumor metastasis

Lazarev N.V.


In the treatment of cancer patients, the most difficult problem is not so much the impact on the primary tumor, which can be removed by the surgeon or successfully subjected to radiation therapy, as the fight against metastases, which usually lead to the death of patients. Therefore, the study of the process of metastasis and the possibility of influencing it is one of the most important sections of modern oncology.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):6-11
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To the clinic of cancer metastasis to the brain

Zheleznova S.I., Cherkasova N.G.


While primary brain cancer is extremely rare, metastatic cancer is much more common. According to Thomson, almost half of all brain tumors are metastatic cancer (81 out of 181), according to Cushing, cancer metastases in the brain are 7.2%, according to Walsh - 6.4-7.7%, according to Crasting - 36.8%.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):11-12
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Puncture biopsy of bifurcation lymph nodes in the diagnosis of lung cancer

Elyashevich B.L.


Clinical, radiological and pathological data of a number of authors testify to the frequent defeat of the lymph nodes of the mediastinum with cancer metastases (MN Goryunova, 1951; Ya. G. Dillon, 1947; BK Osipov, 1959, etc.). Anatomical works of Ruvier (1932), DA Zhdanov (1947) and others testify to broad afferent connections of bifurcation lymph nodes in normal conditions with the organs of the chest cavity. These factors create the possibility of lymphogenous metastasis of cancer of the lung and esophagus in the mediastinal lymph nodes, in particular, in the bifurcation.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):13-15
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To the diagnosis of tumors of the jugular glomus

Fleis E.P.


The tumor of the jugular glomus, described 15 years ago by Rosenwasser (3), has attracted the attention of neuropathologists, neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists and radiologists in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):15-18
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The method of pneumoperitoneum in the diagnosis and determination of the operability of cancer of the upper stomach

Kucherkov E.G.


Although radical operations for cancer of the upper part of the stomach have become widespread, a large percentage of operations for such lesions ends with a trial laparotomy due to the extensive spread of the tumor to the surrounding tissue organs, which has not been clarified before the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):18-24
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Detection of gastric cancer metastases using splenoportography

Marmorshtein S.Y., Boyadzhyan V.A.


The method of intravital contrasting of the vessels of the portal system with transparietal injection of a contrast agent into the spleen was first applied in 1951 by Leger and Souza Pereira on the basis of the experimental work of Abeatici and Campi.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):24-28
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To X-ray diagnostics of malignant neoplasms in patients with operated stomach

Goldstein M.I.


The decisive method for the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the stomach is surgical intervention. The successes achieved in this direction are limited mainly to surgery for primary cancer of the stomach. Patients with recurrent tumors in the stomach stump, as well as with secondary malignant neoplasms in this area after surgery for peptic ulcer, polyps and other diseases, were considered doomed and hopeless until recently.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):28-31
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Extirpation of the stump of the operated stomach for cancer

Sigal M.Z.


The issue of cancer of the stump of a previously resected stomach is insufficiently covered in the literature, and operations on this matter are performed very rarely. So, according to A. V. Melnikov (1960), out of 22 operations performed by domestic surgeons in this regard, there were 18 extirpations of the stump. The nature of the 4 operations is not specified.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):31-34
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Combined surgery for stomach cancer

Miloslavsky I.M.


In the Kharkov regional oncological dispensary for 7 years and 5 months (1953-1960) 1034 patients with stomach cancer were hospitalized. 632 patients were operated on. Radical operations were performed in 445 patients, of which combined (with resection of adjacent organs, germinated by the tumor) —72 (17% of all resections).

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):34-37
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On the immediate and long-term results of combined resections in gastric cancer

Barbanchik A.G., Sivertsev Y.Y.


It is necessary to distinguish between extended and combined resections of the stomach for cancer. Combined resections are resections of the stomach with neighboring organs or their parts (N.N. Petrov, E.L.Berezov, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):37-38
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About two options for intestinal plastics of the cervical esophagus

Popov V.I., Filin V.I.


The experience of the General Surgery Clinic of the Military Medical Academy showed that the function of an artificial esophagus created from the large intestine is quite satisfactory. For six years in the General Surgery Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, colonic esophagoplasty for diseases of various parts of the esophagus was performed in 85 patients. For cicatricial (10 patients) or tumor (4 patients) lesions of the cervical esophagus, the large intestine on the vascular pedicle was used as a plastic material in 14 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):38-41
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To the technique of anastomosis for gastric resection for cancer

Dmitrievsky V.N.


In weakened and emaciated gastric cancer patients who have been radically operated on, in the immediate postoperative period, quite often a number of complications are noted. The most common congestion in the cult of the stomach and duodenum - expansion of the stomach stump and stasis of the duodenum.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):41-43
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Some improvements in the technique of creating an "artificial stomach" from the small intestine in partial and total resections of the stomach

R.K. Kharitonov R.K.


The literature of recent decades about the long-term consequences of partial and total resections of the stomach clearly indicates that a significant part of patients after these operations have persistent digestive disorders. The developing peculiar complex symptom complex is designated by various names: "agastral asthenia" (A. A. Busalov, M. S. Govorova), "resection disease" (G. G. Karavanov and O. V. Filts), "hyperglycemic syndrome" (OL Gordon), "hypoglycemic syndrome"; in foreign literature, the term "dumping syndrome" or "postgastrectomy syndrome" is often used.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):43-47
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Colon Graft Stomach Replacement Surgery Technique

Pomosov D.V.


Recently, in the literature, there are more and more reports of a number of complications after total or subtotal resections of the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):47-51
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Clinic and treatment of gastric sarcomas

Lyubina N.I., Gritskikh T.G.


Most of the works on gastric sarcomas are devoted to the description of isolated cases. Material 3. I. Kartashev (1938), including a description of 13 cases of primary and one secondary sarcomatous lesions of the stomach, is the largest in the domestic literature. Later (1956) Z. I. Besfamilnaya and T. A. Seledevkina reported 9 cases of primary sarcoma of the stomach, collected over 23 years. S. S. Avedisov and I. A. Margani (1958) observed primary reticulosarcoma for 270 operations for stomach cancer in three cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):52-55
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Combined treatment for female genital cancer

Sidorov N.E., Kapelyushnik N.L.


Obstetric and gynecological clinic of Kazan GIDUV for 40 years of its activity in the treatment of uterine cancer, as a rule, used combined therapy. In the first 2 decades, during the operation, attention was focused on the removal of parametric tissue. Experience has shown the insufficiency of such an intervention for long-term recovery. Relapses were frequent in the stump of the vagina, pelvic tissue, and lymph nodes.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):56-58
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Sarcoma of the bones of the cranial vault

Knirik G.S.


Since the timely recognition of sarcomas of the cranial vault is a prerequisite for successful treatment, we consider it appropriate to share our four observations dating back to 1959.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):58-59
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On the remitting course of brain tumors

Grinberg S.A.


A number of authors (Belenkaya, Volkova-Pavlova, Garkavi, Pussep, Razdolsky, etc.) pointed out the possibility of remission in brain tumors. Arais and Blazhko point out that a remitting course is characteristic of vascular tumors such as angiomas and angioreticulomas. According to Khokhlova, the relapsing course of the disease is typical for cystic degenerated brain tumors in children. Fidelgolts also believes that remissions can be caused by the formation of cysts and changes in the blood filling of tumors. Ninidze and Lyubarskaya observed significant remissions in ventricular tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):59-61
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Cancer development at the site of chronic actinomycotic lesion

Androsov M.D.


Very few cases of cancer development at the site of actinomycosis have been described, therefore, we consider our observation to be interesting.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):61-62
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Coelomic cyst of the pericardium

Astrozhnikov Y.V., Smirnova V.K.


Coelomic cysts are rare. They make up from 3-4% (Ringerz and Linholm) to 8% (LK Rolik) of all tumors and cysts of the mediastinum.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):62-63
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Combination of silicosis, tuberculosis and lung cancer

Pidpaly G.P., Steshenko I.A.


Since each case of such a combined disease is of a certain diagnostic interest, we decided to publish our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):63-64
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A case of primary malignant melanoma of the red border of the lower lip

Mustafin M.A.


According to the literature, the localization of primary melanoma on the lips is rare. Here is our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):64-65
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Primary tumors of the small intestine and its mesentery

Volozhin S.I.


Primary tumors of the small intestine and its mesentery are rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):65-67
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Dermoid cyst of the abdominal cavity

Smetanin B.F.


Due to the rarity and difficulty of diagnosis, dermoid cysts of the abdominal cavity are recognized only during surgery or at autopsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):67-67
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Retroperitoneal tumor of the sympathetic trunk

Orlov V.Y.


Sympathogoniomas account for 4.9% of all cases of malignant tumors in children (MV Volkov and MM Brzhezovsky). According to K.A. Moskaleva, sympathogonia were established in 2 out of 36 children who underwent nephrectomy for tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):67-69
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Varshavsky A.G., Gurevich P.S.


For many years, pheochromocytoma was an extremely rare find at autopsy, but at present, about 750 cases have been described, of which about 70 are in the domestic literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):69-71
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Ovarian struma

Shkolnikova B.L., Kanyiina N.F.


The rarity of strumous ovarian tumors gives us reason to describe our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):71-72
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A case of ovarian arrhenoblastoma

Markov A.Y., Greditor Е.М.


Tumors of the ovaries, exhibiting unifying properties and called by R. Meyer arrhenoblastomas, are extremely rare and differ in large polymorphism. This diversity of structure led to the fact that earlier arrhenoblastomas did not differentiate as specific unifying tumors, but belonged either to sarcomas or to Krukenberg-type tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):72-73
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Primary fallopian tube cancer diagnosed before surgery

Slushch Z.A.


Primary cancer of the fallopian tubes is a rare disease first described by Ortman in 1886. The frequency of this form in relation to primary malignant neoplasms of the genital organs ranges from 0.11 to 0.13% - according to Crosssen, and according to Waldeyer and Weberling - up to 2.6%,

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):74-75
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Agar binding reaction as a method for diagnosing cancer

Saburova V.A., Tsvetkova S.P., Erlyand I.A.


In 1959, a message appeared from Hungarian researchers Ksab, Toro, Kiss and Janikovsky (Med.ref.j., II, 1959, 1) about a new method for diagnosing cancer, based on the fact that mucopolysaccharides with high molecular weight, the latter are formed during the destruction of the barrier "hyaluronic acid - heparin", which can be identified using agar.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):75-75
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Teratoma of the sacrococcygeal region in children

Yakovleva K.I.


Among a number of congenital anomalies and deformities of the presacral area, a mixed benign tumor - teratoma - occupies one of the first places.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):75-76
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Changes in the innervation apparatus of the renal pelvis and ureter in cancer

Mamish M.G.


VF Lashkov, examining the nerve fibers and their endings in the epiglottis of those who died from pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, stomach cancer and lung cancer, found clearly pronounced lesions of the nerve elements. L.G. Svatko, with cancer, found changes in the innervation apparatus of the muscles of the human larynx.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):76-77
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Phagocytic activity of leukocytes in peptic ulcer and stomach cancer

Nikolaev G.M.


N.V. Puchkov and G.G. Golodets found that the perfusion fluid collected during stimulation of the frog's sympathetic nerves (sympathy) increased the phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes, and that collected during irritation of the vagus nerve (acetylcholine) decreased ... These data were later confirmed by other researchers (S. M. Titova, R. U. Lipshitz, A. D. Ado et al., Etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):77-77
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Diagnostic value of sialic acid level in some infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract

Kazmina G.K.


The level of sialic acid in blood serum in 50 examined healthy people ranged from 0.100 to 0.185 units. wholesale pl., the average value is 0.130 units, fluctuations from the average + 0.020. According to our data, in persons under the age of 30, the level of sialic acid in most cases ranges from 0.100 to 0.130 units, and after 30 years - from 0.130 to 0.185 units.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):77-77
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Some experimental data on the etiology of uterine fibroids

Todortseva M.S.


Taking into account the great interest in identifying the role of the nervous system in the processes of tumor growth and the insufficient study of morphological changes in the nervous apparatus of neoplasms, in our clinic (Head - Prof. AM Foy), since 1955, work has been carried out to study the effect of prolonged hyperestrogenism on the nervous apparatus of the uterus during the development of experimental fibroids in it. Experiments with long-term administration of estrogenic hormones were carried out on 120 non-castrated female guinea pigs weighing from 150.0 to 250.0, which were divided into 4 groups.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):77-78
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Blastomogenic effect of oil and products of its processing

Gimadeev M.M.


Recently, in a number of new and old industries, there has been an increased incidence of occupational cancer among workers. IV Davydovsky (1959) gives the following data: if in the USA in 1928 there were 98 cases of occupational and industrial cancer per 100 thousand workers, then in 1952 there were already 500; in Europe during the same period the number of cases of occupational cancer increased more than 3 times - from 2200 to 7200. Similar indications can be found in L. M. Shabad (1947), Huper (1952), P. P. Dvizhkov (1960), P. A. Bogovsky (1960).

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):79-84
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About pituitary-adrenocortical insufficiency and its elimination during surgery for cancer

Volkov V.E.


One of the urgent problems of modern practice is the study of endocrine changes arising in the body in connection with surgical intervention, on the basis of which it is possible to rationally intervene in the dynamics of hormonal disorders for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):84-86
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Domestic devices for inhalation anesthesia and artificial respiration

Yurevich V.M.


The device UNA-1 for anesthesia with ether, cyclopropane, fluotane, nitrous oxide, trilene - in an open, half-open, half-closed and closed way, in a circulating and pendulum-like system - serves as a universal apparatus for carrying out all types of modern inhalation anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):87-89
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Cervical polyps

Kozlov L.A.


The work is the result of a comprehensive study of patients, in which, along with the usual clinical and morphological techniques, relatively new methods were used - phase contrast and luminescence microscopy.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):89-89
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Medicinal methods for the treatment of malignant tumors

Okulov A.M.


Medicinal methods for the treatment of tumor diseases have been intensively developed only in the last 10-15 years and are not well known to a wide circle of doctors, therefore the publication of this book is timely and necessary.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):90-91
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The second Volga conference of physiologists, biochemists and pharmacologists with the participation of morphologists and clinicians

Volkova I.N.


About three hundred delegates from Kuibyshev, Gorky, Saratov, Yaroslavl, Volgograd, Kalinin, Cheboksary arrived at the conference, organized by the Society of Physiologists of the TASSR and the Kazan Medical Institute. Scientists from Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Minsk, Kirov, Orenburg, Ivanov also took part. 187 reports were made at three plenary and 24 sectional sessions.

Kazan medical journal. 1962;43(2):91-64
pages 91-64 views

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