Vol 32, No 2-3 (1932)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Preparing medical sites for the Bolshevik sowing

Laptev N.A.


The socialist reconstruction of agriculture radically changes the face of the countryside from year to year. The collectivization of agriculture and the organization of grain and livestock farms create new forms of labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):101-105
pages 101-105 views

On the issue of recruiting and managing health centers

Kimbarovsky Y.A.


Excessive haste in the work of the conference of doctors of the health centers of the Moscow region coal basin and the Tula region led to the fact that the 2nd day of work 12 / P p. The conference was held without sufficient criticism, clarity and clarity of work.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):106-109
pages 106-109 views

On the organization of an educational experimental-indicative single dispensary at the medical institute

Epstein Z.L.


At the current stage of development of Soviet medicine, the most urgent and urgent task is to create a network of unified dispensaries designed to implement socialist principles in health care.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):110-115
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The health care crisis in Germany due to the general crisis

Gran M.M.


Over the past 10 years (since 1922) we have had to visit Germany almost every year (with the exception of 1928-1929). In general, we had to spend about 3 years in Germany, and the duration of stay in Germany each year ranged from 2 months to a year; however, in a year's time we had to leave for 4 months to America.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):115-130
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Influence of lumbar sympathectomy on blood chemistry, flowing from the hind limbs

Tyurikov M.V.


From the moment when the role of the most important factor in a number of vital manifestations of the organism began to be attributed to the autonomic nervous system, interest in it began to grow every day, and attempts were made not only to study it in detail from the point of view of anatomical distribution

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):131-134
pages 131-134 views

Effect of kumis on the secretion of the pancreatic gland

Maksudov B.S.


Kumis is a drink that energetically affects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. A number of authors (Zarnitsyn, Grigorieva, Udintsev, Kandrashkin, Zorin, etc.) have established many details in the influence of kumis on the secretory function of the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):134-140
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Effect of mare and cow kumis on gastric secretion

Shalman L.B.


Kumis is a product of two fermentation, brought to a well-known equilibrium - lactic acid and alcohol. In this case, milk proteins, mainly casein, undergo partial hydrolysis, passing into solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):140-143
pages 140-143 views

Results of kumis and no-kumys treatment ïbc p. in local conditions - "Observatory"

Krakova N.A., Pobedimsky A.A.


Kumis treatment, as a method of organized treatment of tuberculosis patients, has a 70-80-year history, but a number of questions have not yet been scientifically clarified both regarding the essence of kumis treatment and individual questions of the methodology.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):143-149
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Long-term results of kumis therapy

Kramov N.A.


If it is theoretically and practically very important for a doctor-specialist to know not only the immediate results of sanatorium treatment, but also how long these results last, then for insurance organizations these issues acquire exceptional importance: depending on the duration of the results of sanatorium treatment, the questions of who and when are resolved. and for what time frame you need to send to the sanatorium, which technique is most effective, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):150-153
pages 150-153 views

About measuring blood pressure without tools

Liberzon I.E.


The question of blood pressure and methods of its measurement has recently acquired more and more interest in connection with the wide development of instrumental diagnostics. As Folgardt wittily notes, the disadvantage of the method is that currently no doctor can do without multiple measurements of the blood pressure of each patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):154-156
pages 154-156 views

Опыт определения кровяного давления по методу д-ра Г. И Каца

Dryagin K.A., Poptsova P.S.


It has long been known that the presence of hypertension can be assumed on the basis of a tense pulse, an emphasis of the IInd tone on the aorta, an increase in the IIth tone at the apex, and left ventricular hypertrophy. Only recently proposed by Dr. G. And Katz

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):157-161
pages 157-161 views

Comparative evaluation of research methods for patients with gastric ulcer

Bantin E.V.


It can be said without exaggeration that gastric diseases in our country and in the Union have occupied a particularly prominent place among other diseases in recent years. Each internist, and partly a surgeon, in his daily practical work has to devote a significant part of his working time to the analysis of patients with various gastric diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):162-165
pages 162-165 views

To percussion of the abdominal organs

Petrov A.


The issue of percussion is sufficiently studied, however, in diseases of the abdominal organs, various percussion methods are still recommended. In cases where, despite the presence of certain signs, we find it difficult to establish the diseased organ and the nature of its disease (for example, an enlarged malarial spleen or a closed hedronephrotic sac on the left, etc.), percussion is often a method that largely contributes to the recognition of suffering ...

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):165-166
pages 165-166 views

Renal fluid excretion in some groups of female tobacco workers before and after work

Shulutko I.V.


Occupational physiology and occupational pathology are increasingly beginning to address issues related to the functional state of a particular organ in workers of various professions.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):166-171
pages 166-171 views

To the clinic for undulating fever

Khnyunin I.D.


Under the name of the undulating fever (Febris undulans), a kind of disease is described, characterized by prolonged fever lasting for several months and even, in some cases, more than a year, and the febrile periods are followed by periods of complete or relative apyrexia.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):171-179
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To the etiology of serous pleurisy in children

Moderatov P.S.


The question of the nature of serous pleurisy, as you know, has its own history. More than 50 years ago, a number of authors (Landouzy, Kelseh, Vaillard and others.) Expressed the position, by virtue of which the meaning of the so-called cold pleurisy was questioned.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):179-182
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Diet therapy for toxic and mucous-bloody diarrhea

Klivanskaya-Krol E.


Advances in nutrition and childcare over the past decades have resulted in declines in child morbidity and overall mortality. Despite this, we still have to deal with acute gastrointestinal diseases and higher infant mortality especially often.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):183-187
pages 183-187 views

Spinal anesthesia according to the data of the surgical department of the Okhlebin village hospital, Ufa canton

Varsobin V.I.


For 40 years, spinal anesthesia has made significant strides and is now a great rival to general anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):187-191
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On the question of foreign bodies in the bladder

Medvedovsky S.Z.


Foreign bodies in the bladder are found in both men and women, more often in the latter. They penetrate in two ways: 1st through the urethra, 1st through the bladder wall (gunshot wound to the bladder, surgical interventions on the bladder and on adjacent organs, followed by the penetration of a foreign body into the bladder). Leaving aside the question of the penetration of a foreign body through the wall of the bladder, I will focus on the possibility of penetration of foreign bodies through the urethra.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):192-194
pages 192-194 views

Bone sarcoma and trauma

Klebanov D.


Of 6-7 bone sarcomas, one is always associated with more or less significant trauma. Naturally, this circumstance did not escape the attention of observational doctors and the question of the role of trauma in the etiology of tumors from the day of studying the problem of malignant tumors to the present day has been the focus of medical scientific thought.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):195-197
pages 195-197 views

Encapsulating peritonitis

Aleev A.E.


The basis of this work is based on two cases of enclosing peritonitis that were under my supervision. Both the one and the other were operated on for incomplete intestinal obstruction.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):198-203
pages 198-203 views

On the issue of filling with adipose tissue of pulmonary cavities in tuberculosis

Tsanov A.I.


There are two methods of filling the lung with tuberculosis: one with fat according to Tuffier, the other with paraffin according to Ber and Sauebruch. Both the one and the other method has its supporters and adherents. We will talk about the advantages of a paraffin filling later, but now we will describe a case of unsuccessful plastic surgery with fat, which ended in a purulent process and gave rise to an auto-transplant.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):203-206
pages 203-206 views

On the issue of birth injuries of the urinary tract of a woman

Nikolaev A.P.


With minor exceptions, urinary incontinence after childbirth has a traumatic origin. It can be the result of two different reasons, namely, the result of a long standing of the fetal head in the cavity or, more often, in the entrance of the small pelvis and the associated prolonged pressing of the underlying tissues, of which the anterior wall of the vagina with the posterior wall of the bladder and the urethra suffers — or re ¬ as a result of surgical interventions undertaken for the purpose of delivery without the necessary conditions, more often with an empty bladder and with an unprepared birth canal.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):206-210
pages 206-210 views

On the treatment of trachoma and blenorrhea with gonococcal antivirus

Naimark I.E.


In the journal Archive of Ophthalmology ", vol. V, part I of 1928, an article by Prof. Belyaev appeared" On the current state of the issue of trachoma treatment. " trachomatous process of gonococcal antivirus according to Bezredko.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):210-212
pages 210-212 views

On the relationship of diseases of the eye and lacrimal ducts with the pathology of the nose and its accessory cavities

Kryindel I.


Since the nasal cavity with the paranasal cavities is anatomically and topographically closely connected with the cavity of the orbit, the optic nerve and the lacrimal ducts, it is quite clear that certain pathological processes, both in the nasal cavity and in its sinuses, very often cause diseases eyes, sometimes very serious.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):212-215
pages 212-215 views

Eye damage due to dental disease

Blitstein L.B.


Recently, a lot of space has been given in the literature to the question of oral sepsis; the possibility of disease of any organ and in particular the eye in the presence of an infectious focus of dental origin is considered established by experimental work and clinical observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):216-220
pages 216-220 views

Catropin therapy of initial states of epidemic encephalitis

Balaban N.I.


Chronic encephalitis, until recently, had no therapy that would give significant and lasting success. The current subject of discussion is the therapy with large doses of atropine, first tried in the Remerovsky sanatorium in Hirsau. Those conducting it speak of an improvement that can be considered practical healing (Roemer).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):220-225
pages 220-225 views

On the issue of alcoholic psychoses in children and alcoholism among young people

Vish I.M.


While on a business trip for agricultural health care. workers in the spring sowing campaign in 1931 (Kolpakovsky state farm Sakhkombpnata "Collectivist" Ivaninsky district Ts. Ch. O), I observed a case of acutely developed alcoholic psychosis in a peasant boy of 3 years of age.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):226-230
pages 226-230 views

"Conveyor machine" for collecting gastric juice

Shpug G.M.


The study of gastric digestion has a long history. Since the time of the first researchers who had to kill animals (Tiedemann and Gmelin) in order to get 7-10 kb. see gastric contents, the development of the method of obtaining gastric juice goes through a number of stages.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):231-233
pages 231-233 views

Vauquez erythremia case

Bachmanov N.A.


Patient G., 44 years old, married, the wife of a mechanical plant worker, entered the therapeutic department of the Zlatoust city hospital on March 10, 31 (case history No. 1442) with complaints of pain in the left side, weakness, lack of appetite and poor sleep. In December 1930, the patient fell on her left side, there was a fracture of the eleventh rib, after which she began to notice progressively worsening pain in the left side.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):233-235
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Cases of gastro-colonic fistula due to postoperative peptic ulcer of the jejunum

Korzhavin B.V.


The issue I have touched upon has already been repeatedly debated on the pages of the medical press in order to clarify the method of surgical intervention for severe complications of such a relatively safe operation as the imposition of a gastrointestinal fistula for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):235-236
pages 235-236 views

Case of diplegiae facialis peripbericae after poisoning fish poison

Churaev I.Y.


In the clinical picture of poisoning with fish poison, the appearance of symptoms from the nervous system is preceded by general symptoms of poisoning: a feeling of illness, weakness, headache, repeated vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the joints, occurring 12-24 hours after eating toxic substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):237-238
pages 237-238 views

Bacteriology, immunity and epidemiology of typhus

Aristovsky V.M.


By orders of the Soviet government in the fight against infectious diseases, the health authorities have been assigned a quite definite, clearly outlined task to be performed in the nearest period of time, in particular, outbreaks of typhus are to be destroyed in the shortest possible time.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):239-241
pages 239-241 views

The latest insights into the innervation of the digestive tube

Kolosov N.G.


The question of the innervation of the digestive tube, which is one of the most difficult parts of the autonomic nervous system, has been in the center of attention of biologists for the last decade. Most recently, a number of works have appeared on the "enteric nervous system", as Langley called the Auerbach and Meissner plexus together.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):241-246
pages 241-246 views

 G. Kand1iswithheg. (The Journ. Of the Amer. Medic. Associai. 1930, v. 94, No. 97)

Zh. V.


(The Journ. Of the Amer. Medic. Associai. 1930, v. 94, no. 97 believes that cancer is a local manifestation of a general disease. It occurs when various factors interfere with the interaction between the stimulating and regulating forces of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):250-250
pages 250-250 views

Weigandt (Modern treatment of mental disorders in german hospitals .. The American Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 87, No. 3, XI. 1930)

Galant Y.


Weigandt (Modern treatment of mental disorders in german hospitals .. The American Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 87, No. 3, XI. 1930) in a short article outlines the achievements in the modern treatment of doctors in Germany. All restraint measures (like isolation, fever shirt, swaddling, etc.) have been canceled.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):250-250
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Е. Stransky (Wien med. Woch. № 41, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Wien med. Woch. No. 41, 1931) indicates the great importance of psychiatry in general medical practice and therefore the need for all doctors, regardless of their specialty, to have a good knowledge of psychopathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):250-250
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О. Kauders (Wien. med. Woch., № 37,1931)

Galant Y.


(Wien. Med. Woch., No. 37.1931), like Shtransky, draws the attention of practitioners to the psyche of patients, recommending them to use psychotherapy in their daily practice. K indicates that doctors have always previously, regardless of the specialty, acted on patients, among other things, psychotherapeutic.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):250-251
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Becker (Encephalitis epidemica und Trauma. Monatsschrift f. Unfallheilkunde No. 12, 1930)

Galant Y.


(Encephalitis epidemica und Trauma. Monatsschrift f. Unfallheilkunde No. 12, 1930) leads a rich casuistry, his own and from the literature, to the issue of epidemic ennephalitis and trauma.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):251-251
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Stockert (Psychiatrisch-neurologische Wocb., № 51, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Psychiatrisch-neurologische Wocb., No. 51, 1931) reports three cases of epidemic encephalitis with Korsakov's syndrome.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):251-251
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Leitner (Monatsschrift f. Kinderheilkunde Bd. 48, H. 3/4, 1930)

Galant Y.


(Monatsschrift f. Kinderheilkunde Bd. 48, H. 3/4, 1930) used luminar sodium with great success in the treatment of acute seizures in infants and infants, which proved to be the chosen remedy in the treatment of persistent convulsions in infants.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):251-251
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Lange and Schneider (Wilhelm Lange und Kurt Schneider, Ergebnisse der Röntgenbestrahlung bei chronischer Encephalitis epidemica. Psych.-Neurolog. Wschrift No. 1. 1932)

Galand Y.


(Wilhelm Lange und Kurt Schneider, Ergebnisse der Röntgenbestrahlung bei chronischer Encephalitis epidemica. Psych.-Neurolog. Wschrift No. 1. 1932) report the treatment of ep. encephalitis by X-rays. This treatment was recommended by Economo, used by Nuvol and (Nuvoli) for acute epidemic encephalitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):251-251
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Ràskai (Wien. kl. Woch, № 20, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Wien. kl. Woch, № 20, 1931) в двух случаях упорной нев­ралгии мошонки применил инъекции вакциневрина и достиг хорошего резуль­тата. После пятой инъекции боли значительно уменьшились и потом совершенно прошли.     

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):251-251
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Ritter (A. Ritter, Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Neurinoms des Magens. "Schw. Med. W." No. 50, 1931)

Galant Y.


(A. Ritter, Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Neurinoms des Magens. "Schw. Med. W." No. 50. 1931) describes a rare case of gastric neuroma. During the operation, a tumor the size of a hazelnut — 3½: 3 tbsp. Was removed from the stomach wall (small curvature, approximately in the middle part of the body). Metastases were not found anywhere.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):251-252
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G. Katz (Med. Klin., № 33, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Med. Klin., No. 33, 1931) in a group of cases of chronic arthritis established cerebral disorders, the clinical picture of which is surprisingly similar in its similarity to the painful phenomena in encephalitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):252-252
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Sarbo (Wiener Woch., No. 29, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Wiener Woch., No. 29, 1931) reports on the treatment of multiple sclerosis with an intravenous vaccine. 12-15 injections make up the course of treatment. The treatment of multiple sclerosis with the vaccine was first used in London, where miss Chevassut discovered a supposedly specific multiple sclerosis virus in liquor patients (live virus in the form of spherical bodies, spherulae).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):252-252
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Ackermann (Armin Ackermann, Die multiple Sklerose in der Schweiz. Enquete von 1918-1922. "Schweiz, med. Wochenschrift." No. 52, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Armin Ackermann, Die multiple Sklerose in der Schweiz. Enquete von 1918-1922. "Schweiz, med. Wochenschrift." No. 52. 1931) develops in his article a questionnaire material on the spread of multiple sclerosis in Switzerland. statistical materials provide a map of the distribution of the incidence of multiple sclerosis in individual cantons of Switzerland.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):252-252
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Lesand E. Hinsie (Wien. K]., No. 22, 1931)

Galant Y.


(Wien. K]., No. 22, 1931). An article by an American author on radiothermal treatment, progress. paralysis translated into German for Wien. kl. Woch. Wagner-Jauregg. Hinsie places the paralytic in a heat-producing electrical apparatus called a radiotherm. In this apparatus, the paralytic lies in an electric alternating field (Wechselfeld) of 3000 volts potential difference

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):252-252
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Martha Brünner-Ornstein u. Hans Ehrenwald (Martha Brünner-Ornstein u. Hans Ehrenwald)

Galant Y.


(Martha Brünner-Ornstein u. Hans Ehrenwald) report in the 11th issue of the Neurologisch-Psychiatrische Wochenschrift, 1932, on the treatment of epilepsy with diathermy. This treatment is based on the theory of the angiospastic nature of an epileptic seizure.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):252-253
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Hoff and Schönbauer (Psychiatrisch-Xeurolog. Wochenschrift No. 11, 1932)

Galant Y.


(Hoff u. Schönbauer) (Psychiatrisch-Xeurolog. Wochenschrift No. 11, 1932) in an article on radiotherapy of malignant brain tumors describe two cases of brain glioma, which were operated on and then exposed for several weeks to weak doses of radium.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(2-3):253-253
pages 253-253 views

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