Vol 50, No 6 (1969)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Towards the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin

Participation of Samara doctors — contemporaries and associates of V. I. Lenin — in revolutionary activities

Stegunin S.I., Artemov P.I., Korlyakov F.G.


In 1875, in Samara province, whose territory significantly exceeded the present Kuibyshev region, there were only 11 hospitals, 14 pharmacies, 54 doctors, 136 paramedics and medical students, 34 midwives and 129 vaccinators worked. The incidence of trachoma in some villages reached 70-72%. Infectious morbidity was very high, outbreaks of cholera, smallpox, plague, diphtheria, etc. were frequent.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):1-6
pages 1-6 views


Pyrimidines in medical practice

Lazarev N.V., Grekh I.F.


More than 20 years ago, one of us (N. V. Lazarev) came to the idea of the urgent need to find drugs whose main pharmacological property would be the ability to accelerate regeneration processes, especially reparative. The history of these searches and the thoughts underlying them have already been repeatedly covered in monographs and collections (N. V. Lazarev, 1950; books edited by N. V. Lazarev, 1951, 1960, etc.). This article presents in a very concise form, on the one hand, the results of studying the effects on the body of pyrimidine derivatives, which include the most effective stimulators of regenerative processes identified so far, and on the other, various therapeutic tasks, the resolution of which has become more feasible thanks to the use of pyrimidines.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Theoretical and clinical medicine

Electro-pulse therapy of atrial fibrillation

Panchenko V.M., Fokina A.M., Schuplov I.V., Kozhevnikova N.V., Ashikhmina A.A.


Among the numerous cardiac arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation occupies a special place. Its significant prevalence, the possibility of serious hemodynamic disorders, the frequency of thromboembolic complications require the search for more effective therapeutic agents. Drug treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation with potassium chloride, novocainamide, cocarboxylase, digitalis and even quinidine is not always effective. In 1959 A. A. Vishnevsky, B. M. Zuckerman and S. I. Smelovsky applied a fundamentally new method of treating atrial fibrillation, based on the use of a powerful capacitor discharge. Rapidly accumulated clinical experience [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 et al.] testifies to the high efficiency of the new method of treatment of atrial fibrillation. The sinus rhythm was restored in 80-90%. Most of the work on the use of electropulse therapy has been carried out in surgical clinics, and therefore its effectiveness in patients with atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, thyrotoxicosis, etc. remains insufficiently studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):9-12
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About the electrolyte balance in heart failure

Movchan L.A.


Many works have been devoted to the study of the electrolyte composition of blood in circulatory insufficiency, but the data obtained are contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):13-14
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The state of myocardial mast cells in atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis

Golubev A.D.


In 1954, Constantmides and Cairns reported a relationship between the severity of atherosclerosis in coronary vessels and the number of mast cells in the myocardium. In the future, this issue has been repeatedly discussed, but the conclusions of various researchers are largely contradictory. Some authors [11, 14, 17] share this opinion, others [12, 13] do not find a connection between the number of mast cells and the severity of atherosclerosis. In later works carried out by domestic researchers (L. P. Ermilov, 1962; N. D. Kanshina, 1965), along with the number of mast cells in the connective tissue of the myocardium, their functional activity was studied for a number of morphological features. We have not found any works devoted to the histochemical study of mast cells in the myocardium in atherosclerosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):14-15
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X-ray determination of the size and shape of the left atrium in patients with mitral heart disease

Melnichnov V.N.


Due to the widespread use of surgical treatment of mitral stenoses, the role and importance of X-ray diagnostics of mitral heart defects have increased. An important sign of mitral stenosis is an enlargement of the left atrium located directly above the narrowed opening. The heart changes its configuration due to an increase in the left atrium, right ventricle, its cone and bulging of the pulmonary artery arch. In a direct projection at high magnification, the left atrium forms a third arc along the left contour of the heart. Currently, it has been proven that the third arc on the left is formed not by the pulmonary cone, as previously thought, but by the ear of the left atrium [3, 6, 11, 12, 13]. The degree of bulging of the third arc characterizes the size of the left atrium. With a large arc, a large, well-accessible ear of the left atrium is noted during surgery, with a small arc — a small ear. Significantly increasing, the left atrium in the form of an additional arc can also extend to the right contour of the heart [2, 3, 4, 8, 9].

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):16-18
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Diagnostic value of the polygraphic method of examination in aortic stenosis

Chuchelina L.A.


Topical issues of modern surgery of aortic heart defects are preoperative diagnosis of valve calcification in acquired aortic stenosis and determination of the type of congenital aortic stenosis (subvalvular, valvular, supravalvular). The choice of one or another method of surgery depends on this (closed trans-ventricular method of commissurotomy or open with the use of APC and coronary perfusion).

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):18-20
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Correction of water-salt metabolism after radical interventions for esophageal and stomach cancer

Babichev S.I., Briskin B.S., Karelin A.A.


Diseases of the digestive system are especially often accompanied by disorders of water-salt metabolism. The assessment of the state of electrolyte metabolism becomes even more important if we take into account that hydro-ionic changes expressed to a greater or lesser extent prepare the ground for decompensation of the water-salt equilibrium, which develops after an operating trauma, anesthesia, forced starvation and restriction of drinking regime. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in patients with esophageal and stomach cancer, not only water-salt metabolism is seriously impaired, but also the metabolism of proteins, amino acids, glucose, fats and lipids. The development of dehydration in most patients with cancerous lesions of the digestive tract is beyond doubt [1, 2, 15, etc.]. The literature data on electrolyte disorders differ in diversity.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):20-22
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About changes in the course of inflammatory reactions in patients with stomach cancer

Bogatyrev B.N.


A number of researchers have noted a decrease in inflammatory reactions in patients with malignant diseases, while changes affect all phases of inflammation [11, 13, 16, 17). We have not found any works devoted to the study of inflammatory reactions in patients suffering from cancer of the gastrointestinal tract in the available literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):23-24
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Human gastro-pancreatic ligaments

Frauchi V.K.


In 1946, in our doctoral dissertation, we described the gastro-pancreatic ligaments. As often happens, the daily activities of surgeons performing operations on the stomach have already prepared the ground for the description of these ligaments. Thus, in the work of V. L. Astrakhan devoted to the description of the deserized fields of the stomach, the author already calls the peritoneum, which fixes the stomach to the pancreas, the gastric-pancreatic ligament, but does not give a description of this formation. A great expert on the ligamentous apparatus of the abdominal cavity, K. P. Sapozhkov also mentions the gastro-pancreatic ligament. Considering that in that period the number of extensive resections for malignant neoplasms of the stomach was increasing and more detailed knowledge of the variational anatomy of the ligamentous apparatus was required, we conducted a study of the gastrointestinal ligaments on 500 corpses. In this work, three ligaments were described: gastrointestinal-pancreatic — between the left half of the body of the pancreas and the posterior wall of the stomach, pyloric-pancreatic — between the excretory duct of the stomach and the head of the pancreas and, in the case of fusion of these two ligaments, — a continuous gastrointestinal-pancreatic ligament, completely separating the omentum bag on two floors: the cavity the small omentum, cavum omenti minoris, and the gastro-pancreatic sac, saccus gastropancreaticus. We have also given these bundles the corresponding Latin names: lig. gastropancreaticum, lig. pyloropancreaticum, lig. gastro- pancreaticium completum.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):24-27
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The risk of damage to the accessory arteries of the liver in gastric surgery

Shapkin V.S.


After gastric resection, total gastrectomy, and sometimes other operations, severe complications can occasionally occur — necrosis of large parts of the liver. They arise as a result of erroneous ligation of the additional arteries of the liver during the mobilization of the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):28-30
pages 28-30 views

Protein-bound iodine, cholesterol and protein fractions of blood in healthy people in a goiter-endemic area

Gazymova M.K.


We determined protein-bound iodine in practically healthy individuals living in a goiter—endemic area using the method of S. Barker et al., modified by G. S. Stepanov, cholesterol according to Engelhardt - Smirnova, total protein by a refractometer and protein fractions by electrophoresis on paper (Table. 1 and 2).

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):30-32
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About blood circulation in the walls of the stomach

Sigal Z.M.


We have developed a technique of in vivo pigment vasography of hollow organs in an experiment on dogs (3. M. Segal, 1968). This technique created the prerequisites for direct observation of the filling of the branches of the intramural vascular bed. Not only large-caliber vessels are available for viewing, but also the smallest branches. The dye intake and its distribution through the arteries and veins of the submucosal plexus are differentiated (see Fig.).

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):27-28
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Changes in the exocrine function of the pancreas under various therapeutic effects

Pevchikh V.V., Trusov V.V.


The external secretory function of the pancreas changes under the influence of various therapeutic effects. Using the methodological experience of M. M. Gubergritsa, A. Ya. Gubergritsa, N. K. Shlygin, K. M. Prostyakova, etc., we studied the effect of cholinolytic (hexonium, gangleron, dicoline) and hormonal (ACTH, prednisolone, methylandrostenediol) drugs on the exocrine function of the pancreas, as well as radioactive iodine (in the treatment of patients with diffuse toxic struma). Studies using the complex methodology were conducted in clinical conditions in 357 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):32-34
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Treatment of pancreatic cysts and fistulas

Vilyavin G.D., Grishkevich E.V., Danilov M.V., Zalugovsky O.G.


Pancreatic cysts are among the rather rare surgical diseases. The Russian literature contains a description of only about 300 cases of this form of pathology [7]. Even large clinics usually have the experience of single or few observations. In such a major medical institution as the 1st City Hospital of Moscow, for 30 years (1926-1956), only 25 patients with pancreatic cysts were treated [2]. The rarity of this disease in the practice of daily surgical work and the ambiguity of many issues of therapeutic tactics justify new attempts to generalize the experience of treating patients with pancreatic cysts.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):34-36
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With chronic pneumonia in children

Novikova V.A., Moiseeva S.A.


The study of the nonspecific reactivity of the child's body in chronic pneumonia is of great theoretical and practical importance, since the severity and features of the course of chronic pneumonia are determined primarily by the state of the protective forces of the child's body. It is known that lysozyme is one of the important factors of natural immunity [2, 5, 6, 8].

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):36-38
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Surgical treatment of tuberculous coxitis

Belyakov A.A.


We analyzed the long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of 52 patients with tuberculous coxitis treated in the departments of traumatology and orthopedics of the city and republican hospitals of Saransk in 1956-1967. There were 16 men and 36 women. There were 30 patients under the age of 40 and 22 older, 2 patients with a disease duration from 1 to 3 years, 2 from 3 to 5 years, 19 from 5 to 10 years and 29 more than 10 years. 2 patients had long—term non-healing fistulas and 1 had a leaky abscess.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):38-40
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About early loading in pelvic bone fractures

Karalin A.N.


Conservative treatment of pelvic fractures currently has two directions. On the one hand, the so-called "conservative-passive" method is widely used, well-developed and has many supporters, reflecting the desire to combine maximum rest with early function with late load. It is contrasted with the "conservatively active" (or active-motor) method: the combination of early function with early load in some types of pelvic fractures.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):40-42
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Radiation therapy for osteoblastoclastomas in children

Stern V.N., Parfenova N.D.


Our work is devoted to the analysis of the results of osteoblastoclast X-ray therapy and the study of the effect of radiation on bone growth in children. From 1955 to 1967, we observed 21 patients (3 girls and 18 boys aged 4 to 16 years).

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Clinical and radiological characteristics of sagittal malocclusion

Kolotkov A.P., Demner L.M.


Deformations of the maxillary system occur in 46.4—66.9% of all examined [2, 7]. At the same time, prognathia accounts for 30-60% of the total number of anomalies [5, 7], progenia — up to 30% [6, 8], and 27-40% of all children need orthodontic treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Experience in the treatment of peacetime burns with a massive defeat

Shulutko L.I., Rosengarten M.Y., Golikov A.I., Romanov Y.D., Turkhanova M.V., Baklanov G.I., Polyakov V.M.


This report is based on our experience in the treatment of 51 burned. The burns were caused by an explosion of an oil storage tank. Most of them were affected by the face, auricles, scalp, upper and lower extremities, buttocks, back, almost all had conjunctiva of the eyes. 1 patient, along with a burn, had a closed fracture of the forearm bones. One had a state of clinical death, from which he was removed by resuscitation measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):46-48
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On the diagnostic value of intradermal hormonal tests

Matveev Y.G.


Currently, intradermal hormonal tests are often used for functional diagnostics [2, 6]. Some authors consider the reaction to intradermal administration of hormones to be a manifestation of endocrine allergy [12, 13, 15], others associate the appearance of the reaction with ovulation or an increase in the content of estrogens in the body [7, 10, 14]. But L. V. Gerbolinskaya did not reveal in most cases a relationship between the area of the skin spot and the level of estrogenic stimulation. The lack of data on intradermal tests at the end of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as contradictions in the assessment of the diagnostic value of intradermal hormonal tests make it difficult to use them in obstetrics and gynecology. The purpose of our work was to clarify the nature of the relationship between the severity of reactions to intradermal administration of hormones and the content of estrogens in the body, as well as to identify the degree of specificity of hormonal samples.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Iron, copper and manganese content; in the blood of isoimmunized pregnant women, women in labor and their newborns

Levkovich K.K.


A number of works devoted to the study of the exchange of Si, Fe and Mn during the physiological course of pregnancy have been published in the literature. The average values of the content of these trace elements in venous blood, in placental tissue, in umbilical cord blood and in fetal organs have been established [1, 2, 7, 8]. The redistribution of trace elements from the mother's tissue depots to the fetal hematopoietic organs was revealed [3, 6].

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Contractile activity of the uterus in women with toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy

Abramovich A.A.


The course of pregnancy and childbirth with toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy in 12.8—20.5% is complicated by untimely discharge of amniotic fluid, in 12.7—33.8%—premature birth, in 8.1—24%—anomalies of labor forces [2, 7, 8, etc.].

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):52-54
pages 52-54 views

To the diagnosis of a 32-week pregnancy

Davydov V.V.


In the Soviet Union, millions of women receive prenatal maternity leave from the 32nd week of pregnancy. Despite the fact that much attention has been paid to the diagnosis of 32-week pregnancy, the percentage of errors in the issuance of maternity leave is still very high (from 14 to 20%), which can be explained by a number of points. First of all, there is no exact data on the duration of pregnancy and the time of conception. Often pregnant women do not know the exact date of the last menstruation, the first movement of the fetus, sometimes they intentionally tell the doctor incorrect data. The late first appearance at the women's consultation, the irregularity of attending the consultation also contribute to an increase in the number of errors. However, the main reason should be considered the imperfection of the diagnosis of a 32-week pregnancy, and mistakes are equally often made by doctors of various qualifications both in the city and in rural areas.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):54-55
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About the prevention and stopping of hypotonic bleeding

Foy A.M., Shvets S.M.


As you know, the problem of combating postpartum and early postpartum bleeding has not yet lost its relevance. According to M. A. Petrov-Maslakov and M. A. Repina, massive blood loss was observed in 0.8% of the total number of women who gave birth. Most authors note that the leading cause of pathological blood loss in childbirth is not disorders of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood, but hypotonic states of the myometrium, often arising from irrational management of the birth act [2, 5], standard and unjustified widespread use of numerous oxytocic agents, sometimes leading not to shortening of the birth process, but vice versa, to the protracted course of labor and to the functional fatigue of the uterine muscles [1,2,3].

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):55-57
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Elimination of itching in vulvar kraurosis

Malyshev L.K.


As you know, kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva is accompanied by itching. Intense itching often lasts for years, deprives patients of their ability to work, leads to severe neurosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):57-59
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Observations from practice

Nodular periarteritis

Romanova N.A., Andreev V.M.


Sh., 37 years old, 5/IX 1957, was taken to the urological department by the ambulance service for acute pain in the left half of the abdomen and above the pubis with spread to the left lumbar region, painful urination, high fever, headache and general weakness. Severe abdominal pain was noted for 3 days and passed after the amniotic novocaine blockade. Leukocytosis (14,600) with neutrophilosis was detected. In the urine, protein (0.033%), fresh and leached erythrocytes 9-20 in the field of vision. The high temperature (38-39 °) lasted for 10 days, then gradually decreased to subfebrile figures (37.4—37.6 °). Surgical urological diseases were excluded.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):59-60
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Primary gastric sarcoma

Kaiserman M.M., Geiko L.N., Shamsutdinova F.N.


S., 22 years old, has been ill since June 1968, when unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region associated with eating appeared for the first time. Over the past three months, he has sharply weakened, lost a lot of weight. He was admitted to the hospital in October 1968.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):60-61
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Reticulosarcoma of the stomach

Sorokin A.N.


1. Ya., 59 years old, was admitted on 3/1 1964 with complaints of constant aching pains in the stomach area not related to eating. She has been ill since 1961, when she began to lose weight. In the study of gastric juice, a decrease in acidity was found. In the urine, the reaction to bile pigments is positive. X-ray examination revealed a malignant mucosal relief in the body and sinus of the stomach, formed by rigid, sometimes interrupted folds. There is a flat filling defect on a large curvature. The displacement of the stomach is not limited. Conclusion: tumor of the stomach body.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):61-62
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Serum proteins in patients after card and gastrectomy

Ryabov B.D.


In the long term, after cardectomies and especially gastrectomies, patients experience a number of complications associated with loss of functions of the entire stomach or its upper part. One of them is weight loss, leading some patients to severe exhaustion.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):62-63
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Types of hemolytic streptococci depending on the sources of excretion

Kondratyuk L.N.


407 strains of streptococcus were studied, including 157 from the pharynx of patients with scarlet fever, 94 from patients with angina and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, 75 from rheumatism patients who received bicillin and aspirin for prophylactic purposes, and 80 strains from healthy carriers, most of whom were in contact with scarlet fever patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):63-63
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About the biological method of stimulating the healing of wounds and ulcers

Kuzmin V.I.


Many methods have been proposed for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):63-63
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Local application of ethyl alcohol for frostbite

Dolnakov P.I.


We have not found any indications about the use of ethyl alcohol in the treatment of frostbite in the literature available to us.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):64-64
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Pneumonia in children with whooping cough

Vashev E.A.


We examined 443 children who were admitted for whooping cough. Pneumonia was found in 52 of them (11.3%).

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):64-65
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Malformations of the female genital organs

Kapelyushnik N.L., Popov V.V.


Congenital malformations of the internal genital organs in women are rare. According to Fedorova (1967), uterine abnormalities are 0.32%. The question of the time of their occurrence in the intrauterine life of the fetus and the factors contributing to the appearance of congenital anomalies has not been finally resolved. Data on the embryogenesis of the internal genitalia are contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):65-66
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Titze syndrome

Verezubov V.F.


The Titze symptom complex, described in 1921, is characterized by the presence of painful tubercles (swellings) on the sternal end of the upper ribs or on the border of their bony and cartilaginous parts, more often on the left, without signs of inflammation.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):66-66
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The effect of cardiac glycosides on the contractile function of the myocardium

Kravets K.F.


We studied the effect of cardiac glycosides on the contractile function of the myocardium in 30 individuals with a practically healthy heart (age — from 17 to 46 years) who were in the clinic for chronic gastritis (5 people), cholecystitis (3), peptic ulcer (18), focal pneumonia (2), with accidental noises in the heart (2). Their absence of pathology from the cardiovascular system is confirmed by clinical, radiological and ECG data.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):67-67
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Anthrax in the Saratov region

Elkina A.V., Abramson L.A., Drankin D.I.


This report is the first publication about anthrax in the Saratov region.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):67-70
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Simultaneous immunization against tularemia and smallpox

Khomyakov A.I., Gridchin G.A., Fetisova N.A.


The practice of recent years has shown that the correct organization and systematic implementation of preventive vaccinations have allowed to sharply reduce everywhere, and in some areas eliminate a number of infectious diseases, including tularemia. The incidence of smallpox has been virtually eliminated in the Soviet Union. However, over-the-top outbreaks of this infection can occur (A. F. Serenko, 1959-1960).

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):70-71
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Healthcare mangement

Some issues of medical examination of the rural population

Grigoriev G.G.


The implementation of the dispensary method of medical care of the population in our country has become one of the most important tasks assigned to the health authorities by the CPSU Program and the XXIII Party Congress. However, when implementing this advanced method in rural conditions, a number of difficulties are still encountered due to the insufficient number of doctors and beds, the significant distance of many villages from medical institutions and the difficulty of visiting hospitals in the autumn-spring period. In this regard, the comprehensive work on medical examination carried out by a rural paramedic, a district doctor and a district leading specialist is of practical interest to healthcare workers. This article highlights the experience of implementing a dispensary method of treating patients with a therapeutic profile in the Kanashsky district of the Chuvash ASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):71-73
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Medical examination of children with chronic pneumonia in rural areas

Vorobyova V.A.


The literature pays enough attention to the issues of dispensary management of children with chronic pneumonia in urban conditions. However, we have not found any work on the study of medical examination of patients with chronic pneumonia in rural areas. It should be noted that chronic pneumonia in children in rural areas is a common disease (on our material — 2.19%). The conditions of rural areas contribute their own characteristics to the stage-by-stage treatment of such children.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):73-75
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Innovation proposals

Device for inhalation intranasal and nasopharyngeal oxygen therapy

Kupriyanov V.A., Shevakh Y.M.


We offer a device that is convenient for long-term oxygen therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):75-76
pages 75-76 views

On the use of restorative indicators for the detection of cancer of the female genital organs

Voronin K.V., Ulumbekov E.G., Utkina T.B.


In recent years, there have been reports in the press about the use of restorative indicators for the diagnosis of malignant lesions of various human organs. Kueren et al. (1963) proposed a cytochemical reaction using methylene-triphenyltetrazole chloride (MTTC) for these purposes. For the diagnosis of cervical cancer, this reaction was used by Sirba et al. (1966), B. I. Zheleznov and L. S. Yezhova (1968). The basis of this dehydrogenase detection test is tetrazolium salts, which serve as electron acceptors from the oxidized substrate. In this case, tetrazolium is restored and its transition from a colorless soluble form to a colored precipitate — formazane or diformazane. One of the main properties of tetrazolium salts that determine their suitability for histochemical purposes is their ability to recover. Nitrosinium tetrazolium (nitro-CT) is recovered much more easily than other tetrazolium. That's why we used it for our reactions.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):76-77
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Recognition of bladder cancer metastases

Sitdykov E.I., Akhmetova S.M.


To detect metastases of malignant neoplasms of the bladder to the lymph nodes of the pelvis, we use direct lymphography, pelvic phlebography, polycystography.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):77-78
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Choosing the method of phlebography of the lower extremities

Schwalb P.G., Pigin S.A., Pustovalov V.E.


Since 1965, we have performed more than 200 phlebographic studies in patients with various forms of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):78-80
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A camera for studying the effect of short ultraviolet rays on microflora

Novikova T.F.


The works of H. M. Danzig (1950), V. I. Vashkov (1956) and others established the high bactericidal efficiency of short ultraviolet (CUF) rays and proved the advantages of air sanitation with these rays over other methods of disinfection. Experimental study of the effect of KUF rays on microorganisms should be carried out in special sealed chambers. The chambers described in the literature (A. A. Smorodintsev, A. E. Vershigora and others) were intended mainly for studying the kinetics of bacterial aerosol. We have set a goal to design a special camera to study the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):80-81
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Nutrient medium for leptospir

Karimova Z.K., Adueva T.P., Imamov A.K.


We set ourselves the task of selecting a nutrient medium for serum-vaccine production, as well as for studying the biological properties of leptospira, on which leptospira would grow in a short time (2-3 days) and in sufficient quantity.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):81-82
pages 81-82 views

Bibliography and reviews

H. A. Zondag. Determination and diagnostic significance of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes. 118 p., 24 fig. Assen, 1968

Kureeva N.S., Sviridov N.K.


This book is the first successful attempt to summarize the literature data and the author's own research on the definition and diagnostic evaluation of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes. The monograph is written on the basis of the analysis of 4000 studies and accounting of the work of exclusively foreign laboratories and clinics. Among the 290 cited works in the bibliography there is no reference to any work of Soviet scientists. Meanwhile, in our country, the biochemical determination of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes is successfully used, especially in the pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):82-83
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Chronicles (Volume 50, No. 6, 1969)


From 27 to 30/V 1969 in Kazan, on the basis of the Republican Skin and Venereological Dispensary (head physician, doctor of the TASSR A.V. Maksyutova), a seminar was held for deputy chief physicians of republican, regional and regional dispensaries on the organization of the fight against infectious skin and venereal diseases. The seminar was convened by the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. The head of specialized medical care of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR R. V. Demidova, Head of the Department, took part in its work. scientific organizational Department of the Central Research Institute of Skin and Venereology T. A. Nikitin, Deputy Ministers of Health of the TASSR Y. G. Pavlukhin, F. X. Fatkullin, A. N. Guryanova, Chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the TASSR L. K. Akulova, chief physician of the House of Sanitary Education M. L. Lazerovich, as well as representatives of Moscow and Leningrad, 10 autonomous republics, 14 regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol territories, dermatovenerologists of cities and districts of the Tatar ASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1969;50(6):83-84
pages 83-84 views

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