Vol 41, No 6 (1960)

Cover Page

Full Issue

N.I. Pirogov as a doctor and educator of doctors


November 13 of this year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, a genius doctor of the 19th century, an outstanding figure in Russian medicine, who made an invaluable contribution to world science. NI Pirogov had to work in an extremely difficult situation. Material insecurity of scientific and medical institutions of that time forced him to work in unsuitable premises, with a lack of air and light, with insufficient equipment. The moral situation was also difficult in the conditions of the tsarist reaction and the lawlessness of that time. But the lofty ideas of humanism prompted N. I. Pirogov to work under these conditions, not sparing his strength and health, overcoming all difficulties and hardships.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):3-10
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On scientific adherence to N. I. Pirogov


This, which went down in the history of world surgery, the operation of N. I. Pirogov was published in the Military Medical Journal (1854) and almost simultaneously in German. Contrary to the first favorable reviews about this operation by Pirogov, abroad immediately followed by rough attacks from the German surgeon G. Ross, which subsequently received a worthy rebuff from the Kazan surgeon V. D. Vladimirov. Soon Prof. K. Streibel, who showed the groundlessness of Ross's arguments and noted the "truthfulness of Pirogov."

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):11-13
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Theoretical and clinical medicine

Rectal basis anesthesia in modern anesthesia

Manevich A.Z.


Rectal anesthesia was proposed in April 1847 by N. I. Pirogov. Since ether was initially used for this purpose, this anesthesia did not find widespread use. N. I. Pirogov's proposal for rectal anesthesia was further developed in the future in connection with the creation of new narcotic drugs.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):13-16
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Indications for hypothermia in surgical practice

Troitsky P.A.


Even N. I. Pirogov during the Crimean War used cooling in the treatment of many surgical diseases (wounds of the chest and skull, resection of the elbow joint, etc.). However, the development of hypothermia as a method of surgical practice began after the report of Smis and Fay (1941), who treated cancer patients with prolonged hypothermia. In two cases (out of 38) of inoperable cancer, cure was observed, in the rest of the patients the general condition improved.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):16-19
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Surgical treatment and methods of pain relief in patients with thyrotoxicosis

Kaluzhskyh V.N.


From the time of N. I. Pirogov to the present day, in the treatment of patients with severe forms of thyrotoxicosis, who have unsuccessfully experienced conservative therapy, the method of choice is surgery. In our clinic for 23 years more than 850 patients with simple and thyrotoxic goiter have been operated on. Of these, 467 underwent surgery for thyrotoxicosis. There were 12.6 times more women than men. Most of the patients were middle-aged. In recent years, operations have been performed much more often in patients with thyrotoxicosis, much less often in patients with simple goiter.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):20-22
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Some data on the surgical anatomy of the aortic arch and common carotid artery in relation to transcarotid aortography

Tsorionov B.I., Natsvlishvili G.A.


Topographic and anatomical relationships of the aortic arch and its branches with the surrounding organs were first described in the works of N. I. Pirogov (1861), and later by Corning (1909) and a number of domestic and foreign authors. However, there were no special works performed in relation to transcarotid aortography in the literature available to us.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):23-25
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Long-term results of surgical and conservative treatment of chronic renal tuberculosis

Aydarov A.A.


The discovery and successful introduction of anti-tuberculosis antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs (streptomycin, PASK, ftivazide, tibon, saluside, etc.) into urological practice affected the methods and results of treatment of urinary tuberculosis. If before the streptomycin era nephrectomy was considered the only method of treating unilateral tuberculosis of the kidney, then over the past 10 years, due to the widespread use of antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy drugs, it has become possible to successfully perform organ-preserving operations - resection of the kidney pole (A. P. Frumkin), cavernotomy (V. E. Milovidov). These operations can be performed even on a single kidney. Indications for the removal of a kidney affected by tuberculosis (with a one-sided process) currently should be considered only pyonephrosis of tuberculous etiology, a multiple-cavernous form of kidney tuberculosis. This operation is also shown in those. cases when anti-tuberculosis therapy is ineffective, and the destruction foci located in the middle part of the kidney cannot be resected.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):25-28
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Prolonged subfebrile temperature and its clinical significance

Sigal A.M.


Prolonged low-grade fever as a symptom is of great and at the same time different clinical significance. Its misinterpretation is always fraught with undesirable consequences for the patient, since either it entails a delayed diagnosis in cases where timely energetic therapy is required, or leads to the so-called overdiagnosis, that is, the setting of an inappropriate more serious diagnosis with a prolonged interruption of the patient from work, long bed rest and inevitable in such cases, mental and iatrogenic trauma.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):28-32
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Mesocardial auscultation point of the heart

Oleinik S.F.


Of all the simplest methods of examining the heart, auscultation gives a more accurate idea of the nature of the heart defect. By the change in heart murmurs, to a certain extent, one can judge the course of the pathological process in the myo- and endocardium. All this obliges the doctor to carefully auscultate cardiac patients in order to catch the features of heart sounds and murmurs that are important in the diagnostic relation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):32-35
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Treatment of coronary insufficiency with intravenous drip infusion of novocaine

Greenwald I.M.


The important and diverse role of the nervous system in the origin of coronary insufficiency suggests that the intravenous administration of novocaine should have a normalizing effect on the pathological reactions of the coronary vessels. Practical verification of these premises by K. V. Vlasov showed that the treatment of angina pectoris with intravenous infusions of novocaine gave positive results. The disappearance of angina attacks in most patients after intra-arterial administration of novocaine was later observed by S. A. Gorbadei.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):35-38
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Water exchange and dynamics of blood electrolytes in the treatment of rheumatic heart lesions with decompensation

Atamanov G.S.


In the existing theories of cardiac decompensation and associated edema, great importance is attached to the retention of sodium ions. But their relationship with some other electrolytes, for example potassium and chlorine, is not well understood, and this is of great practical importance, in particular with regard to diet in the treatment and prevention of heart failure. In view of this, we undertook a study of the dynamics of sodium, chlorine and potassium ions, as well as diuresis and body weight in heart diseases with symptoms of decompensation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):39-41
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Androgen therapy for peptic ulcer disease

Reznitskaya E.Y.


If the role of the female sex hormone in peptic ulcer disease has recently been given more and more attention in domestic literature (E. Ya. Reznitskaya, A. A. Gritsai, M. I. Shevlyagina and others), then androgen therapy of this disease is devoted to relatively few works (M. S. Vovsi, M. I. Shevlyagina, etc.). In our previous works on peptic ulcer disease, we paid attention to the importance of age and gender characteristics in peptic ulcer disease. In accordance with our and other data, on the material in 231 cases of peptic ulcer disease, the prevalence of men (87%) compared with women (13%) was emphasized. It is impossible to agree with the explanation of this fact only by the fact that it is among men that smokers can be found more often, as well as alcohol abusers. We have already noticed for a long time that it is precisely those women who have had many abortions, operations on the genitals, who suffer from infantilism or are in a state of pre-menopause or menopause most often who fall ill with peptic ulcer disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):42-44
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Determination of uropepsin in patients with gastrointestinal diseases

Vasiliev L.I., Kulenko E.M., Kuznetsova N.Y.


In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the determination of uropepsin as one of the methods of functional diagnostics of the stomach. For the first time, pepsin in urine was discovered by the German scientist Brücke in 1861, and Mia and Belfanty (1886) called the substance in urine that digests fibrin, uropepsin. It was proved by Sali that pepsin is constantly contained in normal urine and that the amount of it during the day is subject to fluctuations, depending on the meals (maximum - before breakfast, minimum - after lunch). At the same time, it was suggested that urine contains not pure pepsin, but pepsinogen, since pepsin is destroyed in an alkaline environment.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):44-46
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On the diagnostic value of determining uropepsin in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer at a young age

Ischenko I.K., Ivanova O.S.


In everyday practice, a doctor often needs to determine gastric secretion in such conditions and diseases when obtaining gastric contents by probing is impossible or contraindicated, for example, in persons with sharply increased nervous excitability, in debilitated patients, with hypertension, aortic aneurysm, angina pectoris, peptic ulcer complicated by bleeding, etc. Therefore, attempts have been made for a long time to develop a method that makes it possible to judge gastric secretion without analyzing gastric juice. One of these methods is the determination of uropepsin, proposed almost 100 years ago by the German scientist Brücke.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):47-48
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The problem of radiotherapy for uterine cancer in hematological illumination

Mescherov H.H.


The question of the development of a rational method for radiotherapy of malignant tumors is still topical. In the practice of treating malignant neoplasms with radium, there is a lack of reliable criteria for judging the effectiveness of a given dosage of radiant energy and constructing a treatment course as a whole, which could give confidence in advance in the unconditional effectiveness of treatment in each specific case. Usually, the matter is limited to the use of installations arising from the concept of the general biological effect of radio beams on normal and cancer cells. There are works in which data are presented on the features of the influence of radio beams on various tissues at certain stages of their embryonic development (V. S. Gruzdev, T. P. Kolchina, O. E. Nudolskaya, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):48-51
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Physiotherapy in gynecological and obstetric practice

Gilyazutdinova Z.S., Perfilieva G.V.


In recent years, work has appeared on the use of physiotherapy exercises in obstetric and gynecological practice for various diseases (D. I. Atabekov, D. A. Vinokurov, V. E. Vasilyeva). However, despite this, physiotherapy exercises are still not popular and have not been properly introduced into gynecological practice. This prompted us to share our experience.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):51-52
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The influence of psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women on the course of childbirth, the postpartum period and the condition of the fetus

Petrova V.M.


The experience of the obstetric and gynecological clinic of the Kazan GIDUV in relation to the method of psychoprophylactic training covers the period from 1951 to 1958. It was applied in 14,551 women in labor. Upon admission to the clinic, women in labor who had already been trained in consultations listened to conversations on consolidating "methods of anesthesia," while unprepared women were given simultaneous training. The latter was not carried out only when women in labor arrived at the end of the first or in the second stage of labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):53-55
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Dental caries and ways of its prevention based on examination materials for children and adolescents in Kazan

Demner L.M.


In order to identify the frequency of dental anomalies, morbidity, the need for personnel and funds in each of the 5 districts of Kazan, in 1959 our department examined the children of one school, two kindergartens, one or two nurseries, orphanages and boarding schools. A total of 28 children's institutions were examined. The examination was carried out according to the same methodology and by the same doctors. The cards filled out for each examined contained 29 questions of the dental status. In this work, only those related to the prevention and control of dental caries are dealt with.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):56-58
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On the diagnostic value of perivascular hemorrhage at the bottom of the 4th ventricle in the recognition of asphyxia

Fedorov M.I.


The mechanism of asphytic death is very complex, varied, and not entirely clear. However, it is known that during asphyxia, the central nervous system is most quickly and first of all affected, therefore, the aspirations of researchers to find out the characteristic changes in it are quite understandable. According to our observations and materials of the department (200 cases), those who died from mechanical (strangulation) asphyxia macroscopically showed pronounced plethora of the meninges (61%) and brain (59%), cerebral edema, venous blood overflow in the dura mater sinuses (55% ), the presence of small-point hemorrhages at the bottom of the 4th ventricle. The latter phenomenon was observed with various frequencies by other authors (F. A. Patenko, S. M. Sidorov).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):58-59
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Short articles

The effect of dicoumarin on some parameters of the blood coagulation system in the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction

Malyarovsky V.N.


Currently, the use of anticoagulants in myocardial infarction reduces mortality, reduces the number of thromboembolic complications and improves the course of the disease (B. P. Kushelevsky, D. M. Grozdov, V. A. Agranenko, B. V. Konyaev). Although the literature on anticoagulants is extensive, the question of their influence on individual factors of the blood coagulation system remains not sufficiently illuminated. Anticoagulant therapy in most cases is controlled by determining the prothrombin index. However, the state of the blood coagulation system depends not only on the prothrombin activity of the blood (A. A. Bagdasarov et al., V. P. Baluda, A. Ya. Yaroshevsky et al., Et al.). Sometimes, with high prothrombin activity during treatment with dicoumarin, bleeding is possible, with a low content of prothrombin in the blood - thromboembolic complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):59-60
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Two Uncommon Cases of Complete Atrioventricular Block with Edems-Stokes Syndrome

Spector A.M.


Complete atrioventricular (atrioventricular) block is very rare - according to various domestic and foreign authors, from 0.2 to 1%. A complete atrioventricular block is most often based on sclerotic lesions of the heart muscle with the involvement of a specific cardiac conduction system in the process. Among other causes of complete atrioventricular block, traumatic injuries of the interventricular septum with involvement of a specific conducting system of the heart into the wound or scar zone are known (V. T. Uverskaya and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):61-63
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Changes in the cardiovascular system with pulmonary suppuration and lung neoplasms in connection with surgical treatment

Cherkasova A.M.


For a successful surgical intervention on the lungs, it is necessary to take into account the state of not only the affected organ, but also the whole organism. Of particular importance in chronic purulent diseases and neoplasms of the lungs in this regard is the functional diagnostics of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, which are functionally a single whole.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):63-64
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Resection of the stomach with congenital anomalies in the location of the intestine

Arkhipov E.P., Zabirov K.S., Kuznetsov G.M.


Since congenital anomalies in the location of the intestines are rare, and operating with them puts the surgeon in unusual conditions, we consider it necessary to report the case we encountered. Patient M., 33 years old, was admitted on 28 / III-59, about constant, worsening at night pain in the epigastric region with irradiation to the lower back. The pain was often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. A patient with low nutrition, the skin and visible mucous membranes are pale, the turgor is low. Tongue coated with white bloom. On palpation, there is a protective muscle tension and soreness in the epigastric region. No changes were noted on the part of other organs and systems.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):64-65
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Cavernous sinus thrombosis after facial trauma with fracture of the bones of the nose and orbit

Ratner A.Y.


Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a rare and severe disease. Usually there are descriptions of sinusthrombosis as complications of purulent processes of the upper lip, accessory nasal cavities, orbit, odontogenic processes. The disease usually proceeds with a high temperature and a septic blood picture, although some authors describe cases of so-called "afebrile" sinustrombosis (A. A. Kantor, M. K. Elin). Sinusthrombosis is especially rare after trauma. For 23 years, O. S. Nikonova observed 90 cases of thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, and only one of them developed after injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):65-66
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Impact of rapid labor on mother and newborn

Kuzmenko L.P.


The study of rapid labor and its effect on the mother and newborn is of great interest to both the obstetrician and pediatrician. We have studied 997 cases of rapid delivery. They amounted to 24.35% in relation to all births that took place in the clinic in 1957-58. At the same time, in assessing the concept of rapid labor, the duration of the expulsion period, equal to 5-30 minutes, was taken into account.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):66-66
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The use of physiotherapy for polio tick-borne encephalitis

Dobruskin V.E.


The onset and development of diseases in the majority of patients with poliomyelitis form of tick-borne encephalitis proceeded as follows. 10-14 days after the tick bite, the temperature rose to 39-40 °, meningeal phenomena set in. At the height of the rise or the beginning of the fall in temperature, paralysis of one or both limbs, most often the upper ones, developed. Many also experienced paralysis of the cervical muscles ("drooping neck"). Paralysis was of a peripheral nature with atrophy and hypotonia of muscles, weakening or complete absence of tendon and periosteal reflexes and changes in electrical excitability of a peripheral nature. The blood showed moderate leukocytosis with a shift to the left and a decrease in eosinophils and monocytes. With a lumbar puncture, the fluid pressure in the majority was increased, cytosis - from 10 to 100 cells, protein - from 0.5 to 1.5%, and sometimes even higher. In a number of patients, changes in internal organs and disorders of a vegetative-trophic nature were observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):67-68
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The use of chlorpromazine at home for psychotic exacerbation

Stankevich E.S.


Aminazine in psychiatric practice is widely used in the treatment of various forms of schizophrenia, involutional depression and other diseases. It relieves status epilepticus, relieves hallucinations and delusions with delirium tremens in alcoholics, and is used in the treatment of drug addiction. In chronic mental illnesses, from 20.0 to 60.0 and more aminazine is spent on the course of treatment. Under the influence of chlorpromazine, first of all, the affective tension of patients, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, and then delirium and other painful manifestations disappear.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):68-69
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History of medicine

Professor A. V. Petrov (1837-1885) - the founder of the Kazan pathological school and an outstanding public figure

Poryvaev N.F.


The life and work of Alexander Vasilyevich Petrov are a vivid example of how capitalism, in the figurative expression of Lenin, "crushed and strangled" everything progressive. A man of progressive progressive views, crystal honesty, brought up on the ideas of Russian democratic philosophers, A. V. Petrov devoted all his energy as a scientist to the struggle for the health of the people, against the obscurantism of the tsarist officials.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):69-72
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Professor Valery Nikolaevich Murat


September 30, 1960 marks the 60th anniversary of the birth and 30 years of scientific, pedagogical and social activities of the head of the Anatomy Department of the Kazan Medical Institute, Honored Scientist of the TASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery Nikolaevich Murat. V. N. Murat's scientific activity is aimed mainly at studying the structure of the autonomic nervous system. So, he established (1933) a regularity in the distribution of elements of a different nature in a person in the composition of nerve nodes, intramural intestinal nerve plexuses, in addition, he confirmed the fact of a gradual increase in the size of type 1 cells as they approach the caudal parts of the intestinal tube, and at the same time noted the presence in the distal a segment of the rectum of cells of type 1 Dogel, differing in their size, exceeding the usual 3-4 times.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):72-73
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Professor Yuri Alexandrovich Ratner


April 1960 marked the 65th anniversary of the birth and forty years of medical, scientific, pedagogical and social activities of the head of the Department of Surgery and Oncology of the Kazan State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Lenin, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Alexandrovich Ratner. Yu. A. Ratner graduated from the medical faculty of Kazan University in 1920, served in the hospitals of the Red Army in the Urals and Siberia. On demobilization he worked as a district surgeon.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):73-74
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The problem of scoliosis at the II International Congress of Orthopedics

Shulutko L.I.


In addition to Soviet orthopedists, specialists from many countries (Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Austria, France, USA, etc.) took part in the work of the congress. More than 80 reports were heard on the education of correct posture in children, the occurrence and prevention of scoliosis, their conservative and surgical treatment. For the prevention of scoliosis, first of all, measures are needed to eliminate the conditions for the development of this deformity, the identification of the so-called prescoliotic forms. These forms are found in more than 40% of children of preschool and early school age. This manifests itself in the form of minor postural disturbances, asymmetric position of the shoulders, shoulder blades and other changes. Radiographically already at this stage, in a standing position, it is possible to determine some deviation of the spine to the side.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):74-76
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All-Union conference on the study of gas exchange

Bogoyavlensky V.F., Romanov Y.D.


The conference was convened in honor of the 40th anniversary of the TASSR. It was attended by doctors and engineers. The report of prof. A. G. Teregulov (Kazan), which emphasized the importance of the latest gas analytical equipment in the diagnosis of the correlation of gas exchange in pulmonary diseases. The speech of the chief engineer of SKTB-MFP M. I. Abdrakhmanov (Kazan) dealt with the prospects for the development of domestic medical gas analytical equipment. The open and closed devices currently used in the clinic, based on the mechanochemical method for determining gas exchange, do not meet all the requirements of modern physiology and clinical practice. Another promising task is the introduction into the clinic of small-sized equipment based on the physical principles of determining the gas composition.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):76-78
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The first congress of obstetricians-gynecologists of the RSFSR

Manenkov P.V.


The state and tasks of medical and sanitary services for women and the role of antenatal clinics in reducing obstetric and gynecological pathology were highlighted in the program report of the deputy. Minister of Health of the RSFSR N. N. Grigorieva. Subsequent reports on this issue dealt with the ways and prospects of preventive obstetric and gynecological care, the organization of work at the obstetric-gynecological section of the antenatal clinic, the role of the antenatal clinic in the organization of preventive examinations, in the prevention of gynecological diseases, late toxicosis of pregnancy, subsequent and postpartum hemorrhages. Wishes were expressed about the introduction of the principle of clinical examination in the work of antenatal clinics, in connection with which it was proposed to transform women's clinics into "obstetric and gynecological dispensaries" and put them at the head of all joint obstetric and gynecological institutions in the region. The usefulness of servicing the site of each antenatal clinic by a medical team assigned to it, including a district therapist (team leader), obstetrician-gynecologist, pediatrician, SES worker, phthisiatrician, was noted.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):79-80
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The problem of hormone therapy at the All-Russian conference of physicians

Anisimov V.E.


The conference was devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern medicine - the use of corticosteroid hormones in the treatment of certain diseases of internal organs. Prof. I. A. Yudaev (Moscow) emphasized that these hormones have a versatile effect on the human body and noted that when they are used, ammonia accumulates in the body. The introduction of glutamic acid leads to the elimination of this phenomenon and thus allows the continued treatment with hormones. Corticosteroids are tissue specific.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):80-82
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Scientific conference of the Kazan State Pedagogical University named after V.I.Lenin

Vylegzhanin N.I.


The conference took place on April 23 and 25, 1960 to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin, the 40th anniversary of the TASSR and the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Institute. The first reports were devoted to these significant dates. The special part of the conference was presented by 27 reports. In 6 of them, the result of many years of work of a number of main departments (pediatrics, surgery and oncology, obstetrics and gynecology, roentgenogy and radiology, etc.) was given.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):82-83
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Summary of articles received by the editor

About tonsillogenic heart disease

Kireev I.K.


General clinical and some instrumental methods examined 70 patients with chronic subcompensated tonsillitis (from 19 to 22 years old - 65 and from 23 to 33 - 5). All complained of frequent sore throats (from 1 to 10 times a year). 57 patients had symptoms of tonsillogenic intoxication: pain in the region of the heart, palpitations, heart failure, shortness of breath on exertion, weakness, increased fatigue, headache. There were no signs of rheumatism. The duration of the disease with chronic tonsillitis is from one to ten years.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):83-83
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Some questions of the epidemiology of chronic fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis

Sherman A.S.


We examined 150 foci, in which lived, in addition to patients with fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, 353 people who were in family contact with them. 22 had a tuberculous process in the lungs. In these patients, it was not possible to establish a connection between diseases and contact with a bacillus-releasing agent, or this connection was very doubtful, and 331 people. were healthy and during the initial clinical and radiological examination in the dispensary, no pathological changes in the lungs were found.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):83-84
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Long-term results of the effect of radioactive iodine-131 therapy in patients with thyrotoxicosis on the content of acetone bodies in the blood

Dzhanpoladova V.P.


From 1955 to 1958 inclusively, we studied the content of acetone bodies in the blood of 56 patients with thyrotoxicosis treated with radioactive iodine-131 with a half-life of 8 days. The function of the thyroid gland in all patients was increased to one degree or another. We have established an increase, up to significant, in the level of acetone bodies in the blood in 24 out of 25 patients with a severe form of thyrotoxicosis and in most cases with an average form.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):84-85
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About liver function in atherosclerosis

Orlina M.M., Ovsyannikova A.I., Khaidurova V.S.


The study involved 64 patients (38 men, 26 women): from 31 to 50 years was 16, from 51 to 70 years and older - 48. All patients were divided into 2 groups: with normal liver sizes, without circulatory failure (43) and with an enlarged liver due to circulatory failure associated with the presence of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis in them (21).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):85-85
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Blood gases and hemodynamics in certain chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases

Trefilov V.S.


There were 28 patients under observation, including 17 emphysema and chronic bronchitis; emphysema and bronchial asthma - 7 and bronchiectasis - 4. Men 18, women 10. Up to 40 years there were 3 patients, from 40 to 50 years - 17 and from 50 to 55 years - 8. Blood gases, vital capacity of the lungs were studied; arterial and venous pressure, pulse and respiration rate, blood flow velocity and the amount of circulating blood, capillaroscopy was performed.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):85-85
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On the use of bee venom in bronchial asthma

Istomina K.V., Konevtseva T.V.


Doctor E. L. Fishkov prepared an oily solution of bee venom, separating two fractions: KF1 and KF2. We used these drugs as a sterile solution in oil; 1 ml of KF2 solution contained 3 units of bee venom, and 1 ml of KF2 solution - 12 units, but according to the strength of the action 12 units. KF2 were equal to 3 units of KF1. The unit is the amount of poison received from one bee, on average - 0.0002.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):85-86
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About changes in cardiovascular activity and respiration in Botkin's disease

Anisimova V.A.


According to the severity of the disease, patients (mostly from 16 to 40 years old) were distributed as follows: mild course - in 13, moderate - in 43, severe - in 7 people. There were no complaints from the heart. In the majority in the active period of the disease, muffled heart sounds were noted. At the height of the disease, blood pressure was low in 33 people, normal in 30, the maximum pressure in severe cases decreased to 80, the minimum to 40. A simultaneous decrease in the maximum and minimum pressures was noted in 48%, which indicates the involvement of the heart muscle and blood vessels in the pathological process ...

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):86-86
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A case of a favorable outcome of hemolytic shock due to Rh incompatibility

Agafonov A.A., Knirik A.S.


Along with post-transfusion complications associated with transfusion of incompatible blood in the group, there may be complications due to transfusion of Rh-incompatible blood. We observed a similar complication after the 19th transfusion. Fourteen blood transfusions were performed over two years, the last four over a month and were accompanied by minor chills and fever up to 37.5 °.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):87-87
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Ossification of scars of the tongue and cheek

Androsov M.D.


I. Patient B., 61, came to the hospital with a diagnosis of a regional hospital “tongue tumor”. 5 years ago patient pricked the right half of the tongue with a fish bone, resulting in inflammation followed by suppuration. A year later, he began to notice that at the site of the former abscess, the tongue seemed to harden, and there were no acute painful sensations. Chewing is painless. A year ago, when feeling with his finger, patient noted a hardness resembling a bone, but since there was no sharp anxiety, he did not pay special attention to this. However, the pains in the tongue that have intensified in recent years forced him to see a doctor.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):87-87
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Removal of a giant ovarian cyst with the uterus

Popov A.F.


Patient G., 57 years old, was admitted on 6/2/59 with complaints of severe general weakness, pain and swelling in the left lower limb, as well as a sharp increase in the abdomen, nausea, periodic vomiting, persistent constipation (4-5 days) and increased urination. In 1931 she was operated on for a dermoid cyst of the left ovary, after which she felt well for several years. Had 5 pregnancies that ended in normal childbirth.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):88-88
pages 88-88 views

Pregnancy in the rudimentary horn of the uterus

Slepov M.I.


P., 22 years old, entered on 23 / VI-58, married for 8 months. The last menstruation was 10 / I-58 g. During the initial examination in the antenatal clinic, a cyst of the right ovary was found. On 23 / VI-58, aching pains in the lower abdomen, single vomiting appeared. With a diagnosis of "threatening abortion at 21-22 weeks of gestation," she was sent to the gynecological department.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):88-88
pages 88-88 views

Two cases of spontaneous subcutaneous emphysema during childbirth

Plastunov A.B.


Woman in labor B., 21 years old, primiparous, was admitted to the clinic with a post-term pregnancy at 42 weeks, with symptoms of toxicosis in the 2nd half of pregnancy, with moderately pronounced edema on the lower extremities. At the beginning of pregnancy, there were nausea and vomiting, from the 5th month - swelling in the legs. Previously suffered from rheumatic heart disease with mitral valve lesions; the process is now in the stage of compensation. The physique is correct. Borders of the heart are normal, the tones are muffled, systolic murmur at the apex.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):89-89
pages 89-89 views

Book review

Joseph Rostotsky. A doctor without rank. Medgiz, 1959


The book under review is an autobiographical sketch. In its first part, entitled "The Past", the author gives in the most concise outline information about his gymnasium and student years, military service in the tsarist army. Tells about the organization of health care during the first imperialist war. Then the distribution of medical personnel at various stages of sanitary evacuation and military medical institutions was purely mechanical, in alphabetical order of the initial letters of the names of doctors, which clearly characterized the quality of the organization of the sanitary service at that time.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):89-90
pages 89-90 views


Regarding the article by Professor A. M. Sigal "Notes on medical thinking and the problem of technology in the field of internal medicine"


Technique plays an increasing role in medicine in general and in internal medicine in particular. The penetration of technology (in the broadest sense of the word) into the methods of studying internal medicine has brought and will bring in the future many new successes, especially in the diagnosis of diseases characterized by a variety of pathological manifestations. However, many authors misunderstand the role of technology in medicine of the present and future, as was rightly noted in his article by prof. A. M. Sigal. This refers to the creation of universal diagnostic machines with an electronic brain and working according to the laws of mathematical logic.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):90-94
pages 90-94 views


Professor I. V. Domrachev (1889-1960)


The Kazan Surgical School lost one of its oldest representatives: on June 28, 1960, a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, head of the hospital surgical clinic of the pediatric faculty of the Kazan Medical Institute, Professor Ivan Vladimirovich Domrachev, died. After graduating from the medical faculty of Kazan University in 1913 with the title of doctor with honors, I. V. Domrachev went through a large anatomical school with Professor V. N. Tonkov, a physiological school with Professor N. A. service (1st World War, Civil War), during his entire creative life was associated with a hospital surgical clinic, headed by A. V. Vishnevsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):94-94
pages 94-94 views

Professor S. M. Alekseev


On August 23, 1960, at the age of 74, the director of the faculty surgical clinic named after A.V. Vishnevsky of the Kazan Medical Institute, Honored Scientist of the TASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Alekseev suddenly died. The son of a zemstvo doctor, he was born in 1886 in the district town of Knyaginino, the former Nizhny Novgorod province. In 1907 he entered the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Moscow University, but in 1908 he transferred to the Faculty of Medicine, from which he graduated in 1913.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):95-95
pages 95-95 views


Chronicle. Volume 41, No. 6 (1960)


On October 26-27, 1960 in Kazan, a republican meeting of the activists of health workers of Tatarstan was held, which was attended by 700 people - doctors of various specialties, medical scientists, heads of health authorities, secretaries of city and district party committees, chairmen of executive committees of city and district councils, trade union workers. The meeting was devoted to the first results of the implementation of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to further improve medical services for the population of the USSR."

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(6):96-96
pages 96-96 views

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