Vol 59, No 4 (1978)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Analysis of medical errors

Rokitsky M.R.


The progress of clinical medicine is unthinkable without a consistent fundamental analysis of errors in the recognition and treatment of diseases, without looking for the causes of errors, without developing measures to prevent them. By medical error, we mean a doctor's delusion in good faith, which has caused or could damage the interests of the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):1-6
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The state of erythrokinetics in thrombocytopenic purpura in children

Smirnov A.M.


The parameters of erythrokinetics were studied in 29 children with thrombocytopenic purpura depending on the form of the disease - immune or non-immune. The dynamics of these indicators was studied during treatment. An increase in the daily erythropoiesis, the level of hemolysis of erythrocytes, a reduction in the life expectancy of erythrocytes, more pronounced in the immune form of the disease, were revealed.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):6-8
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Clinical picture and diagnosis of phosphate diabetes

Maltsev S.V.


Clinical, X-ray and biochemical examination of 32 patients with phosphate diabetes was carried out. It was found that this disease is accompanied by hypophosphatemia, increased blood alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus clearance, and decreased phosphorus reabsorption in the renal tubules.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):8-10
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Neuro-humoral indices in different variants of the course of rheumatism in children

Okulova E.M.


The indices of the cholinergic system, the content of serotonin and the excretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine in different variants of the course of rheumatism were studied. The data obtained indicated dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):10-14
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On the issue of etiotropic therapy of adenovirus infection in children

Belogorskaya E.V., Zaikonnikova I.V., Rzhevskaya G.F., Pikuza O.I.


The study of the effectiveness of treatment of patients with adenovirus infection with a new antiviral drug No. 1215 from the group of organophosphorus compounds was carried out. He was prescribed in the form of a 0.1-0.3% solution, 1 teaspoon inside and 2 drops in the nose and conjunctiva 4 times a day. The course of treatment was 7-10 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):14-15
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The functional state of leukocytes in acute respiratory infections and pneumonia in premature newborns

Karimova D.Y.


The functional state of leukocytes in the dynamics of acute respiratory diseases in 30 preterm infants was studied. A significant decrease in the histochemical index of the content of peroxidase, RNA, basic and total proteins of leukocytes was revealed with the addition of pneumonia complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):15-16
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Subfebrile conditions in children

Ryskina N.V.


As a result of studying the frequency, causes and duration of subfebrile conditions in children, it was found that subfebrile rises are most often caused by infectious diseases, less often - by functional disorders of the nervous system. Children with long-term subfebrile condition are subject to compulsory hospitalization and careful examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):16-18
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The value of determining the activity of bile transaminases for the diagnosis of angiocholecystitis in children

Cherkasova N.A., Bulatov V.P.


The content of glutamine aspartic and glutaminalanine transaminases in the gallbladder bile of 10 healthy children and 50 children with angiocholecystitis (age from 5 to 13 years) was studied. A statistically significant increase in transaminase activity before treatment was revealed.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):18-19
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Medical tactics for early and late relapses of nephrotic syndrome in children

Makovetskaya G.A., Kryshkovets D.V., Kirichenko L.A.


Relapses of nephrotic syndrome most often occur in the first two years of the first clinical and laboratory remission. The likelihood of relapse after 4-5 years of remission is small. It is necessary to select an individual active therapy in the period of early relapses of nephrotic syndrome.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):19-20
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Mono-test of Hoff and Bauer for infectious mononucleosis

Ushakov Y.A., Maksimova N.А., Gagina G.F., Fatyanova T.V.


The mono-test of Hoff and Bauer was studied in 103 children with infectious mononucleosis at different periods of the disease, taking into account the severity and age of the patients. In 70.9% of children, mainly over 3 years old, heterophilic antibodies were detected in the blood serum, capable of giving an agglutination reaction on glass with erythrocytes, horses.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):20-22
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About congenital myatonia and hypotonic conditions in children

Marulina V.I.


The results of examination of 68 patients with the myatonia symptom complex give grounds to assume that the pathogenesis of this suffering is damage to the cervical spine and vertebral artery in childbirth with secondary ischemia of the reticular formation of the brainstem.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):22-24
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Intestinal intussusception in children

Mavlyutova M.G., Gaynanov F.K., Yagudin R.M.


The study included 165 children with intestinal intussusception. Conservative disinvagination was used in 64 of them, 100 children were operated on under general anesthesia. 15 children died (including 1 cooperative). The main cause of death was the late admission of patients to the surgical department. After surgery, children with intestinal intussusception need intensive care in the intensive care unit.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):24-26
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Some topical issues of modern obstetrics and ways to solve them

Becker S.M.


The article presents data proving that when assessing the quality indicators of the work of antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals, it is important to take into account the health and development of children born in conditions of pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, based on the results of studying long-term outcomes.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):26-29
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Tests of functional diagnostics during the period of menstrual function recovery in girls

Lazareva L.A., Bogush T.G.


Based on tests of functional diagnostics (colpocytology, basal temperature), the formation of the menstrual cycle in girls 11-18 years old was studied. We studied 109 menstrual cycles, 748 smears.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):29-33
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Features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth with a large fetus

Yakubova Z.N., Shilova L.F., Vdovichenko T.P., Fatkullin I.F.


It was found that pregnancy and childbirth with a large fetus affect the condition of both the mother and the fetus and the newborn. The incidence of pregnancy pathology increases, the duration of labor and blood loss increase, and the incidence of injuries to the mother and fetus increases.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):33-34
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The course of pregnancy and outcomes of childbirth in women who artificially terminated their first pregnancy

Urmancheeva A.I.


As a result of observation of a large group of women who artificially terminated their first pregnancy, a statistically significant increase in pathology was established in subsequent pregnancies. For the prevention of these complications, it is recommended to carry out complex anti-inflammatory treatment in the post-abortion period. Preventive therapy reduces the incidence of post-abortion inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):34-35
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Radioisotope renography in the obstetric and gynecological clinic

Voronin K.V., Zhuravleva V.I.


A brief review of the literature on the use of radioisotope renography in obstetric and gynecological practice, as well as the authors' own data, who applied this method in 33 women who have suffered late toxicosis of pregnant women, is presented. The authors consider it possible to use the method of radioisotope renography in the differential diagnosis of kidney disease and in deciding the admissibility of repeated pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):36-37
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The relationship between cellular hemostasis and some immunological parameters in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Pavlishuk S.A., Venglinskaya E.A.


The functional state of platelets was studied in 46 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 23 healthy volunteers; the results were compared with indicators of phagocytic activity of neutrophils, as well as with humoral and cellular factors of natural resistance.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):37-39
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Laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment of acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis

Kochnev O.S., Kim I.A.


For the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, emergency laparoscopy was performed in 132 patients with acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Cholecystocholangiography significantly expanded the diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of emergency laparoscopy, not only for obvious jaundice, but also for suspected impaired bile outflow.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):40-44
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Influence of surgery on plasma lipid peroxidation in patients with uncomplicated cholelithiasis

Shilina N.K., Chernavina G.V.


The indices of peroxidation in plasma lipids were studied in patients with uncomplicated form of cholelithiasis before surgery, on the day of surgery and on the 1st, 3rd, 5th days after it. It was found that the uncomplicated form of gallstone disease occurs with an increased level of peroxidation in plasma lipids.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):44-46
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The main causes of death in surgical patients over 50 years of age

Izmailov G.A.


The analysis of case histories of 745 deceased patients suffering from various surgical diseases (age - from 50 to 94 years) was carried out. 561 (75.3%) people were operated on. Among surgical interventions, the first place in terms of frequency was occupied by exploratory laparotomies (10.9%), the second - by appendectomy (9.89%). Postoperative mortality was 8.76 ± 0.85%.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):46-49
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Experience of surgical treatment of patients with prostate adenoma

Sitdykov E.N., Galeev R.H., Davletshina F.A., Minnulin H.G.


In the urological clinic of KSMI over the past 15 years, 755 patients underwent adenomectomy, of which 265 were operated in two stages; among 490 people adenomectomy was performed simultaneously, including 14 patients required emergency adenomectomy, 45 - urgent, 32 performed delayed and 399 patients - planned suprapubic adenomectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):49-51
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Clinical questionnaire for the identification and assessment of neurotic conditions

Yakhin K.K., Mendelevich D.M.


In accordance with the clinical symptoms of neurotic conditions, a questionnaire was created to identify and evaluate them. Based on the survey data, 100 healthy people and 50 patients with neuroses, the diagnostic coefficients were calculated for each feature according to the gradation of responses. The questionnaire has scales that make it possible to characterize the main syndromes of detected disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):51-53
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A new aspect of roentgenocraniology

Galimov I.H., Fayzullin M.H.


Possibilities of the anthropological principle of interpretation of indices of radiographs of the skull are considered. The anthropological approach to the study of roentgenocraniograms of 431 schizophrenic patients, 99 of their parents and mentally healthy people (1371 people) made it possible to reveal differences in the distribution of extreme and abnormal variants of the skull structure.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):53-58
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Intensive glucocorticoid treatment

Plotkin V.I.


Steroid hormones are powerful drugs the likes of which medicine has never had. EM Tareev [10], referring to the treatment of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, wrote: “Already the first experience of hormonal therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus, even with the use of low doses and short courses, testified (as in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis) about striking, symptomatic efficacy not previously attainable by any other treatment

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):58-64
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Traits of the disease in the guise of a person in the visual arts

Muravyova E.F.


Among the many hundreds of canvases devoted to doctors and medicine by Russian and Soviet artists, a significant place is occupied by paintings and sculptures depicting not only the sick "in general", but also specific suffering - from fainting to malignant neoplasms and mental illnesses.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):64-67
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The role of allergies in the pathology of the urinary system in children

Petrova G.P.


As A.D. Ado (1976) points out, in recent years, along with an increase in allergic diseases proper, allergic reactions and processes have been noted as secondary or concomitant mechanisms in the pathogenesis of very many diseases. The role of allergic altered reactivity in the mechanism and clinical picture of the development of kidney disease in children deserves special attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):67-68
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Diagnostic value of prepurex

Sadykov B.G., Polyakov N.S., Perunov I.A.


Here are the results of using prepurex in the diagnosis of pregnancy. In 41 women, we set 51 reactions (in 5 — three times). The age of women is from 19 to 43 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):68-68
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Pregnancy with abnormalities in the development of the uterus

Semisynov G.D.
Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):68-70
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On the diagnosis of Gilbert's syndrome

Scepuro P.G.


Gilbert's syndrome is one of the variants of hereditary pigmentary hepatosis - dystrophic liver damage caused by hereditarily determined enzymopathies.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):70-71
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About morphological changes in the tissues of the middle ear under the influence of boric alcohol

Bikbaeva A.I., Sunargulov T.S., Murataev A.A., Eliseev A.S.


We studied the morphology of the tympanic membrane and the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity in an experiment in rabbits after repeated administration of boric alcohol into the middle ear under normal conditions. For the experiment were taken 6 adult male Chinchilla rabbits, weighing about 2 kg. 5 animals were injected into the right ear with boric alcohol, the sixth - with physiological solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):71-72
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Early morbidity among schoolchildren of the dispensary group

Trofimova I.S.


The development histories of 328 school-age children with chronic pathology of the lungs, kidneys, and biliary system were analyzed. 80% of children attended children's centers and were sick more often than children who were not members of organized children's groups. Full adaptation of the observed contingent occurs only by the 3rd year of visiting the children's center. A direct reliable dependence of the number of exacerbations on the quality of clinical examination was revealed.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):72-74
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Calculation of economic losses from morbidity with temporary disability

Alekhnovich M.V., Brzhesky V.C.


A number of methods for calculating economic losses from morbidity with temporary disability are analyzed. The most effective of them is the method proposed by A.I. Gorokhover (1968). However, in view of the fact that it does not take into account the cost of past labor, it should be supplemented by the definition of the enterprise's income per man-day according to M.I. Malamud (1976)

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):74-76
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On the economic assessment of hospitals

Nizamov I.G.


The article describes a method of economic analysis of the work of a city hospital inpatient, based on a comparison of the average bed occupancy and the average length of stay of a patient in a given hospital with similar Union average indicators for the respective institutions.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):77-80
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Dynamics of morbidity with temporary disability among workers in the oil refining and petrochemical industries

Belomyttseva L.A., Boyko V.I., Bulatova F.D., Karamova L.M., Krotkova S.V.


The morbidity with temporary disability of workers employed in the oil refining and petrochemical industries, in general, has tended to stabilize over the past 7-8 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):80-83
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Physiological and hygienic assessment of working conditions in the shops for rubberizing felted footwear

Krasnoshchekov N.N., Surkova E.I.


As studies have shown in shoe rubberizing workshops, new for the felt-felt industry, the effect of high air temperature and physical exertion causes unfavorable changes in workers' physiological indicators: a change in the temperature of the skin and body, a decrease in endurance and an increase in heart rate.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):83-85
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Impact of working conditions on pregnant women of urban electric transport drivers

Solovieva M.S., Vaisman A.I., Ivanov S.V., Baranov E.M., Iksanov M.S., Zhitkov V.D.


Clinical and statistical analysis of 281 birth histories of women - drivers of urban electric transport (172 tram drivers and 109 trolleybus drivers) was carried out. It has been established that a complex of production factors characterizing the working conditions of tram and trolleybus drivers creates a certain danger for carrying a pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):85-87
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Textbook "Internal Diseases" (under the general editorship of Honored Worker of Science of the Ukrainian SSR, Professor GI Burchinsky). Publishing house "Vishcha shkola", Kiev, 1977. Volume 45.62 academic-edition p. circulation 40,000 copies.

Leshchinsky L.A.


The publication of a peer-reviewed textbook (manual) on internal medicine, prepared by a team of authors - well-known scientists and teachers of a number of Ukrainian universities, professors G.I.Burchinsky, G.A.Dashtayants, A.S. Efimov, A.P. Peleschuk, E. L. Revutsky (Kiev), A. Ya. Gubergrits and B. D. Borevskaya (Donetsk), V. N. Dzyak (Dnepropetrovsk), academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor M. A. Yasinovsky (Odessa), is a significant event in the preparation of the Soviet scientific and methodological literature and guidelines for medical higher school of federal significance.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):87-89
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First All-Union Symposium "Modern Problems of Immunology of Reproduction" 20-22/XII 1977

Sadykov B.G., Borodin Y.I.


More than 100 scientists from 39 cities of the country, delegates from Bulgaria headed by Academician K. Bratanov, as well as representatives of Czechoslovakia and Poland took part in the symposium.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):89-89
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Professor Ivan Fedorovich Kharitonov

Shvalev V.N., Grigoriev N.G.


It is 80 years since the birth and 56 years of research, pedagogical, organizational and social activities of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the TASSR, Professor Ivan Fedorovich Kharitonov.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):90-90
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6 / VI 1978 in Kazan, a republican meeting of health workers was held, at which the tasks of the health authorities and institutions of the Tatar ASSR on the implementation of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR were discussed

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):91-91
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Kuznetsov I.V.


Novokuibyshevsk in 1977 celebrated its 25th anniversary. Over the years, it has become the largest center for the processing of oil and oil products in the Middle Volga.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):92-92
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About the boundaries of proctology and in this regard, about the term itself

Pushkarev N.I.


In the "Handbook of Gastroenterology" edited by V. Kh. Vasilenko (1976) describes, among others, bowel diseases and diseases of the anorectal region. AM Aminev considers it inexpedient to blur the boundaries between gastroenterology and proctology.

Kazan medical journal. 1978;59(4):93-93
pages 93-93 views

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