Vol 34, No 2 (1938)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Air saturation with salts as the most important factor maritime climate

Golubov N.F.


The southern coast of Crimea (SCC) with its wonderful, dry climate has long gained fame primarily for the fact that pulmonary tuberculosis is perfectly healed and healed here. In the old days, when there were no sanatoriums on the South Coast of Crimea, patients came here and often recovered from a difficult, seemingly irreparable process. Tuberculosis doctors who came here in poor condition, sometimes on stretchers, recovered, worked and lived up to 70 years or more (prof. Fedorov, Dmitriev, Lebedev, Shtangeev, etc.). And now many doctors work here - former tuberculosis patients. There was a time when Yalta was, one might say, inhabited by former consumptive.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):113-122
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Changes in venous pressure due to the hydrostatic factor of carbon dioxide baths

Vilkovysky A.L., Levin M.A.


When assessing the mechanism of action of carbon dioxide baths, along with thermal, chemical, etc. factors, importance is also attached to the so-called hydrostatic factor, i.e., the pressure of the liquid column in the bath on the surface of the patient's body.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):122-131
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On the question of the choice of peat for medicinal purposes

Gerasimovich A.A.


Large reserves of peat and peat-like substances on the territory of the Soviet Union raise the question of their widespread use for medicinal purposes both in resorts and in out-of-resort mud baths.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):132-135
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Effectiveness of arteriosclerotic treatment with baths at the Sergiev Mineral Waters resort

Malkovsky G.M.


For three years of work, I collected material at the resort of S.M.V., which consists of 1) the case histories of 80 patients, prosecuted by me personally and 2) of 100 case histories of approximately similar patients observed by doctors Kasparov and Avtonomova (1933 - 34), who applied the same research methodology, assessment of the severity of the case and methods of treatment as I did.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):136-143
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Efficiency of treatment of patients with arteriosclerotic patients with Sergiev mineral baths

Malkovsky G.M.


Arteriosclerosis can be considered as suffering in which the contractility of the arteries is mainly insufficient; hence there is a slowdown in the advancement of blood and a decrease in metabolism. It could therefore be assumed in advance that hydrogen sulphide baths should have very favorable results if the entire spa complex of influences will contribute to this.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):143-150
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Materials on the question of long-term results of treatment of lumboischialgia in the Sochi-Matsesta resort

Speransky A.P.


Taking into account the long-term results of spa treatment is of great interest in determining its actual effectiveness. The available material on this issue is still very few and far from systematized.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):150-156
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Observations of the action of sulfide waters and muds of the Chistopol region

Khasanov A.A.


Fikovskaya water. For a long time the local population has been using Fikovskaya water with success for the treatment of various rheumatic diseases. The fame of Fik's sources spread to all neighboring regions. The number of patients who come here is quite significant. The local population treats the sick with water in tin baths, heating the water in enameled cast iron. In the warm season, this village turns into a primitive “resort”, where patients undergo treatment without medical supervision.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):156-160
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On the issue of uric acid excretion under the influence of Achaluki mineral water No. 2

Khentov Y.S., Bardakhchyan A.S.


Our clinic has started to study the effect of the mineral water of the Achaluki spring, recently discovered near the town of Ordzhonikidze.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):160-164
pages 160-164 views

Treatment of iritis and iridocyclitis with mud and galvanic collars

Zimin V.I.


The author of the collar method, the method of segmental reflex-vegetative therapy, and the doctrine of the cervical autonomic apparatus is prof. A. E. Shcherbak. He believed that the cervical autonomic apparatus consists of the autonomic nuclei of all cervical and two upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord, the trunk of the cervical sympathetic nerve, cervical sympathetic ganglia, periarterial autonomic plexuses of the carotid and vertebral arteries. This also includes the autonomic nuclei of the vagus nerve with their peripheral nodes and branches in the neck, as well as our communicantes albi et grisei, representing the centripetal and centrifugal connections of the spinal cord with the cervical ganglia.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):165-170
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Diathermy in diseases of the stomach

Sheinin A.I.


Diathermy, which has been widely used in a number of diseases, is slowly entering the practice of treating gastric diseases and has not yet taken its rightful place in the treatment of a gastric patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):170-174
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On the issue of gas infection in peacetime

Vyaselev R.A.


Anaerobic infection was a relatively common and very serious complication of war wounds. For this reason, in the literature, it is covered mainly in the aspect of military field surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):174-182
pages 174-182 views

Perimuscular alcoholization with spastic hypertension of the muscles of the extremities

Samoilov G.S.


Muscular hypertension, which is the result of increased reflex excitability and is often observed in the area of one muscle group, causes, due to the weakened tone of the antagonists, a number of limb deformities, in most cases in the form of adductor and flexion contractures of the hips, knee and ankle joints.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):183-189
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About partial gigantism

Kuznetsov I.M.


The etiology and pathogenesis of partial gigantism (h. Year) are still: still considered to be precisely unclear; on this occasion, the authors have proposed many theories.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):190-194
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A case of damage to the ѴIII pair of nerves after blood transfusion

Wolfson Z.I.


In the literature there are indications of all sorts of complications associated with blood transfusion; but we have never seen any reports of damage to the auditory nerve; all the more interesting is the case when a patient, after repeated blood transfusion for a lung abscess, developed inflammation of the VIII pair of nerves.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):195-197
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A case of paresis of the soft palate, vocal cords and pharyngeal muscles treated with calcium iontophoresis

Verden M.M.


The experimental work of the Sechenov Institute has established that with calcium iontophoresis, muscles can be artificially enriched with calcium using even a weak current. Further observations showed that, in addition to the introduction of calcium ions with the help of a current from the outside, a redistribution of tissues' own calcium ions also occurs (Pevzner, Blokhits), while the new ionic conjuncture excites nerve endings in the tissues and causes, according to Shcherbak, the so-called generalized reflex of a vegetative nature , which can be called from any part of the body and which has a healing effect. Even more recent studies by Shcherbak established that calcium iontophoresis by reflex stimulates the regulatory functions of the parathyroid apparatus and acts similarly to the hormone of the parathyroid gland. It is necessary to remember the role that is currently attributed to the vegetative system, as a factor affecting all types of metabolism. By acting on the autonomic nervous system, it is possible to interfere with the body's struggle against disease processes (Ratner)

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):198-199
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To the casuistry of paralysis of the upper limb, resulting from the imposition of a tourniquet according to Esmarch

Starostenko A.I.


Case 1st. K-ko, N. Ya., 32 years old, 14 / XI 1936, was admitted to the surgical department of the 6th owl. hospitals for exacerbated chronic osteomyelitis of the right humerus, accompanied by slight fever. He suffered from malaria and kidney inflammation in childhood. In 1923 he fell ill with acute osteomyelitis of the right humerus; since 1933 periodic exacerbations. Status praesens: patient of correct constitution, moderate walking. Heart and lungs are normal. No changes were noted in the abdominal organs. On the skin of the upper third of the right shoulder from the antero-inner side, there are two scars welded to the underlying tissues. The muscles of the right shoulder are atrophic. In the lower third of the right humerus, a diffuse thickening is determined, painful to palpation, expanding to the distal pineal gland. Radiographically determined foci of rarefaction of bone substance in the lower part of the diaphysis and its thickening due to periosteal layers.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):199-200
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Closure of the fecal fistula with advance and removal the resected part of the cecum

Voronchikhin S.I.


In "Kazan Medical Journal" (No. 7, 1932) Osipovsky reports that in the Russian literature, operations of closing a fecal fistula by evagination are described little: Sadovsky collected 9 cases, Kartashev described 1 case and Osipovsky 1 case. Ours should be included in such cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):201-203
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A case of bladder cancer in combination with hypernephroma of the right kidney

Sitdykov N.K.


Malignant neoplasms of the kidney are uncommon. According to German statistics, there are less than 1% of malignant kidney tumors per 100,000 autopsies. Ravasini found only 22 cases of malignant neoplasms of the kidneys and adrenal glands at 10,034 autopsies. In Lenequin's statistics for 10 years, out of 796 cancers, only one case of kidney cancer is indicated. According to Davydovsky's statistics, out of 2765 cases of malignant neoplasms, only 31 cases are in the kidneys.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):203-205
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A case of conservative treatment of a urogenital fistula in a woman

Aydarov A.A.


In the 40s of the last century, thanks to the works of Jaubert, Gosse and others, the surgical treatment of vesicovaginal fistulas was widely used. Since then, plastic methods for closing fistulas have been used by urological surgeons and gynecologists.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):205-206
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A case of perforation of the small intestine with worms

Trankovsky B.G.


Surgeons sometimes have to deal with intestinal obstruction caused by ascaris. Helminthic ileuses are quite rare. So, according to the materials of the Obukhov hospital for 15 years, for 511 cases of operated ileuses there were only 7 cases of helminths, in 1 surgical clinic of the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies in Kharkov for 5 years there were 5 cases of ascaris for 65 operated ileuses. At the XIX All-Union Congress of Surgeons, Grekov reported 7 cases, Krasintsev about 1 case, Zykov about 2 cases, Mambra about 2 cases and Gregor about 1 case. If ileuses caused by roundworms are quite rare cases, then intestinal perforation with roundworms is even less common. So, in the literature at my disposal, in recent years I have not come across a single description of such a case. Therefore, I consider it interesting to describe the case of intestinal perforation, which occurred for the first time in 10 years of my work.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):207-207
pages 207-207 views

Actinometry at resorts

Kalitin N.I.


Biomedgiz. Leningrad branch. 1937 208 pp. Pr. 6 rubles. 50 kopecks. The content of the book is much wider than what the reader has a right to expect, judging by its title. The book concerns not only the measurement of radiant energy and touches on not only issues of interest to doctors working in resorts. The properties of solar radiation under various conditions, the influence of water vapor, ozone, dustiness of the atmosphere, the value of scattered radiation reflected from the sky and clouds, which is usually not paid enough attention, all these and many other issues are covered in detail in the book of prof. N.I. Kalitina largely on the basis of her own long-term research.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):208-208
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Questions of general and private physiotherapy

Borshipolsky E.S.


Proceedings of the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology. Issue 3, Leningrad, 1936 Price 22 rubles. (bound), 583 pp.

The collection contains 60 works performed by 42 research workers of the Institute on the issues of modern physical and spa therapy. All works of this issue are divided into 4 sections.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):208-209
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Life, birth and death of infectious diseases

Gryaznov I.


Biomedgiz 1937, c. 2 p. 25 k. “Let this book be read by young people, let it impart to them the enthusiasm, without which there is no scientific vocation.” , "The germ hunter", the fighter against death, Charles. Nicoll. The book is written in a kind of living language and gives a complete picture of Nicoll's scientific and philosophical ideas, which clearly characterize his entire creative appearance.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):210-210
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Study of the toxin and antitoxin of hemolytic streptococcus V. Titration by means of the flocculation reaction

R. P.


The authors have developed a method for titrating the toxin and antitoxin of hemolytic (scarlet) streptococcus. This reaction is analogous to the Ramon reaction used in the titration of diphtheria toxin and antitoxin, and its technique is essentially the same. The use of a concentrated streptococcal toxin has great advantages in terms of a significant acceleration of the reaction compared to the untreated toxin.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):210-211
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Viability of phagocytosed virulent H. influenzae

R. P.


In previous reports, the authors have shown that in cases of meningitis due to H. influenzae, the temporary clearing of the cerebrospinal fluid and its sterility are often replaced by relapse, when the fluid becomes cloudy again and grows on culture.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):211-211
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Active immunization with ricinoleate vaccines against acute poliomyelitis

R. P.


Showed on a very large number of monkeys that a 5-10-fold injection of ricinoleate vaccine under the skin (0.05-1 cm3 per 1 kg of body weight) protects animals from disease in 61-76% of cases with subsequent intracerebral administration of the virus poliomyelitis; ѵ of all control (not immunized) monkeys developed paralysis on the 5-8th day. The same effect was obtained when the studied vaccine was administered intradermally.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):211-212
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The role of the liver in guinea pig acute anaphylactic shock

R. P.


In anaphylactic shock syndrome, a very significant role, according to a number of researchers, belongs to the liver. A. of the present communication is trying to prove this assumption by the operative removal of the liver in pigs sensitized with mutton serum (0.2 cm3 intraperitoneally). The pigs were operated on after 14 days, and as soon as they regained good health, they were injected with a permissive dose of antigen (intracardiac or intravenous).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):212-212
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Apparent antigenicity of plastin

R. P.


Since 1886, when Danilevsky discovered the formation of plastin, a number of studies were carried out indicating that plastin is a synthetic protein. Wells, who investigated the immunological properties of plastin, speaks in the same sense.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):212-212
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Group-specific differentiation of human feces with special regard for the presence of group AB

R. P.


Schiff and Akun found group-specific agglutinins in the contents of the upper intestine. Vitebskiy and Sato pointed out the presence of these substances in meconium and feces of infants during the first month of their life. In adults, these group-specific features are found in the contents of the small intestines, but are absent in the feces: here they are present only in intestinal disorders. Schiff believes that group agglutinins in adults are absent in feces as a result of the action of a special "group enzyme", which is found in the lower parts of the intestine.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):212-213
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On the issue of the immunity of the bee moth caterpillar (Galleria inellonella L) to tuberculosis

Gilman A.


Experiments of Metalnikov with larvae of the bee moth (PM) are well known. A., on the basis of verification studies, believes that the ability of their blood to destroy bacilli in this way is not related to the process of splitting wax.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):213-213
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Air embolism of the coronary arteries of the heart after inflation with pneumothorax

Gilman A.


Until recently, the clinical picture of embolism after inhalation was explained by the blockage of the capillaries of the brain and the related disorders of the activity of the organs most important for life.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):213-213
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To early pleurolysis according to Jacobeus

Gilman A.


The moment for the operation of burning adhesions should be selected with a strictly individual approach in each individual case.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):213-213
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Causal relationships between the content of antibodies in the blood and the occurrence of hematogenous so, as well as intradermal tuberculin reaction

Gilman A.


Based on his research and observations of other authors a. believes that with a high content of antibodies in the blood, there is no bacillemia and hematogenous rash does not occur.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):214-214
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The role of the glands of the hilus and pleura in both primary infection and endogenous reinfection

Gilman A.


In some cases, the primary complex is not a pulmonary glandular, but a pleural-glandular formation, and the primary infection is an extrapulmonary lymphotropic pleural-glandular process.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):214-214
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On the prophylactic introduction of oil to prevent exudates during a claim. pneumothorax

Gilman A.


In 1933, Unferrit and Dosket proposed to inject 2 cm3 of sterile olive oil into the pleural cavity during one of the first blowing through a pneumothorax needle in order to prevent pleurisy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):214-214
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Iodine in the treatment of tuberculosis

Gilman A.


Iodine is used by many in the treatment of tuberculosis. Beer also tried to enhance the effect of stagnant hyperemia by preliminary giving iodine.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):214-214
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D. A.


The message concerns a young man, 18 years old, who was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):214-215
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Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum

D. A.


The article contains 4 case histories of persons with the disease indicated in the title of the article.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):215-215
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Serological examination of the contents of blisters caused on the skin

D. A.


The application of the cantharidin patch to the skin causes blistering in the prickly layer of the skin. The author examined the contents of 125 bladders from 105 patients using RW, S-Georgi and Meinicke's reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):215-215
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About the stages of lupus erythematosus on the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially on the lips

D. A.


Based on the study of patients in a dermatological clinic, the author distinguishes the following stages of development of lupus erythematosus on the oral mucosa.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):215-215
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Persistent fistulous course of dental origin

D. A.


A description is given of three patients in whom a persistent fistulous passage connected an abscess in the area of the apex of a tooth with a hole in the skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):215-216
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Observations on the treatment of fungal diseases of the scalp with the help of local application of thallium acetic acid

D. A.


The author recommends topical application of thallium for hair removal purposes.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):216-216
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Resolution of the meeting of members of the surgical, therapeutic and radiological societies, adopted in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Workers and Peasants Red Army and the Navy

Sokolov N.


The members of the Surgical, Therapeutic and X-ray Societies at the meeting 15 / II 38, after hearing the report of the chairman prof. N. Sokolov on the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and the Navy, passed the following resolution.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):216-216
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Minutes of the meeting of the Surgical Society TASSR dated 15/IX 1937

Sokolov I.V.


Dr. V. M. T and Khonov (demonstration). Multiple skeletal injury.

An 8-year-old boy was admitted to the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, TNKZ, with a complaint of a tumor in the lower third of the right leg (on the tibia) and pain in this area, aggravated by walking and at night. Examination, in addition to this focus, revealed uniform bony protrusions on the other leg at the same level on the fibula, then on the same right tibia in the upper third and, finally, on the left ulna.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):217-218
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Meeting 15/X 1937

Sokolov N.V.



A. N. Novikav demonstrates the patient after amputatlo inters carulothorcica, operated (Prof. N. V. Sokolov) for shoulder sarcoma. Speaker. The operation was carried out under infiltration anesthesia, indicates the technique of anesthesia in this operation and emphasizes the importance for anesthesia of the fascial sheaths, as indicated by Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):218-222
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Meeting 31/X 1937

Gusynin V.A.


L.I. Tsyporkin (prosthetist technician) demonstrates:

a) Modification of the Schmerts-Pavlovich terminal, in which the screws are replaced with an automatic spring clip.

b) Bedside unit, consisting of a wire steel frame with hooks and a movable unit mounted on a bow.

Demonstrated devices were made by the speaker in the workshop of the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):222-226
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Meeting of the Kazan branch of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists 19/ІХ 1937

Rusetskiy I.I.


Professor I. I. Rusetskiy made a report on the activities of the Kazan branch of the society.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(2):226-226
pages 226-226 views

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