Vol 62, No 2 (1981)

Conditionally pathogenic flora of the pharynx in acute respiratory infections in newborns

Gedze G.I., Urazaev R.A.


The microbial flora of the pharynx, the activity of lysozyme and the content of immunoglobulin M were studied in 132 newborns with acute respiratory infections. The frequency of detection of Klebsiella, Enterobacter and their associations with Staphylococcus aureus is different in complicated and uncomplicated forms of acute respiratory infections. The possibility of prolonged persistence of Klebsielli Escherichia in the pharynx (6-13 days) has been shown. The development of bacterial complications is determined by the state of reactivity.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):1-3
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The state of immunological reactivity and intestinal biocenosis in various forms of sepsis in children of the first year of life

Arkhipova G.R., Fedorov R.V., Valeev M.R.


65 children with sepsis at the age of 1 month and older were examined. up to a year. It was found that the indicators of immunity in patients, even in the first months of life, are higher than in healthy people. The activity of intracellular enzymes and immunoglobulins M and G increased significantly, especially in septicemia; in patients with the first three months of life and in the toxico-dystrophic phase of the disease, they were somewhat lower. The data obtained indicate a sufficient activity of the child's immunity in case of septic infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):3-5
pages 3-5 views

Clinical forms of enterovirus infection

Perlina L.Y., Sabirova R.A., Sitdikov F.A.


The data on the outbreak of enterovirus infection in 1979 are presented. 113 patients were under observation. Among the various clinical forms of this pathology, serous meningitis and minor illness were distinguished.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):5-7
pages 5-7 views

Therapeutic efficacy of pertussis hyperimmune gamma globulin

Sukhareva M.E., Bulatov N.M., Petrova M.S., Mukhutdinova R.G., Zorina L.M., Akhmadullina G.G., Gritsenko G.P., Elmanova M.I., Isachenko L.I., Dudyshkina E.V., Akhmetova M.G., Akhmetzyanova N.S.


Pertussis hyperimmune γ-globulin made by Kazan Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Medicine is a specific drug. Its effectiveness has been studied in 56 out of 120 sick children. It has been found that it has a beneficial therapeutic effect in uncomplicated whooping cough, reduces the severity and duration of the course of pertussis infection. It is recommended for use in severe whooping cough, mainly in children of "high risk" (under the age of one year and older in the presence of a burdened premorbid background).

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Protracted and Recurrent Pneumonia in Newborns

Kuznetsova L.A., Pikuza O.I.


When analyzing 500 case histories of newborns with pneumonia, it was stated that the frequency of recurrent and protracted pneumonia was 14.8%: factors influencing their occurrence are pneumomycoplasmosis, superinfection, immaturity of the child's body, unfavorable premorbid background.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):9-10
pages 9-10 views

Sudden death syndrome in children

Krasnoperova K.E.


The validity of the assessment of the thymic-lymphatic state is shown only as a background, which in some cases implements the development of sudden death syndrome. Thymic-lymphatic statue as a cause of sudden death syndrome is an exception. Real ways of identifying risk groups and preventing sudden death syndrome are proposed.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):11-12
pages 11-12 views

Prediction of manifestations of exudative diathesis in children who have undergone toxic erythema of newborns

Gumyarova G.K.


The results of examination of 195 children are presented: 145 newborns with toxic erythema and 50 healthy newborns. Anamnesis of children, clinical picture, morphological composition of peripheral blood and cytochemical parameters of blood leukocytes were studied in detail. All the data obtained were used to determine the prognosis of the further development of children with toxic erythema of newborns. Compiled prognostic coefficients for establishing the timing of the development of exudative diathesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Study of blood flow velocity in the carotid arteries in newborns using an ultrasound Doppler detector

Fatkullin I.F.


In 46 healthy full-term infants, the linear blood flow velocity in the common carotid arteries was studied using an ultrasound detector. Its dependence on the age of the newborn was established, which is associated with the features of postnatal restructuring of cerebral and general hemodynamics. Ultrasound examination of the blood flow velocity in the carotid arteries provides reliable information about the state of cerebral hemodynamics in newborns.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Prevention of peritonitis after cystectomy in patients with bladder neoplasms

Sitdykov E.N., Salikhov I.A., Sitdykova M.E., Akhmetova S.M.


Analysis of the immediate results of cystectomy in 159 patients showed that, in order to prevent peritonitis after cystectomy with ureterocoloanastomosis, it is advisable to combine intraoperative novocaine blockade of the nervous intermesenteric tract with ureter transplantation into the sigmoid part of the intestine below the sacro-lumbar joint or into the rectum, the rectum. In operations of bladder replacement with an intestinal graft (122 patients), a double-row uretero-intestinal anastomosis and suprapubic drainage of the intestinal reservoir are recommended. This significantly reduces the possibility of developing urinary peritonitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):17-20
pages 17-20 views

Effect of local hyperbaric oxygenation on infected wounds

Nikolaev G.M., Sigitov V.M.


As a result of exposure to oxygen under increased pressure on the flora of purulent wounds of soft tissues in all 167 patients treated with this method, the antibiotic resistance of the microflora decreased. After 5-7 sessions, the wound cultures became sterile. The control group patients (79 people) showed an increase in the antibiotic resistance of the microflora.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):21-23
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New access to the gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract

Sigal M.Z., Elyashevich B.L., Goryachkin A.D.


In 83 patients, cholecystectomy was performed from the median approach using rack retractors. Incisional hernia was detected in 1 of them, or in 1.2%, while in the group of patients who underwent cholecystectomy through oblique approaches, incisional hernia developed in 9.1% - in 3 of 33 operated patients. Optimality of access was studied by measuring the depth of the wound before and after correction, with the elimination of obstacles (liver and right costal arch). In order to eliminate interference, a universal rack-mount expander for the liver and gallbladder has been designed.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):23-25
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Experience in antiparasitic treatment of patients with rosacea

Ankudinova T.V., Panfilova M.F.


When examining 60 patients with red eels, Demodex folliculorum mite was found in all. As a result of antiparasitic treatment with benzyl benzoate, sulfur preparations, ichthyol, the best therapeutic effect and recovery were achieved in patients with a shorter duration of the disease and a limited nature of the lesion. Chronic, diffuse forms of rosacea did not respond well to such treatment, which necessitated the appointment of individual complex therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):25-26
pages 25-26 views

Experience of using a radioprotector in X-ray therapy of patients with syringomyelia

Khamitov H.S., Volkov M.N., Sirotkin V.M., Bogoyavlensky V.F., Mikhailova O.V., Atnagulova R.S., Tretyakov V.I., Popova L.G., Ruban T.I., Andrushko I.A., Nikonova L.V.


During X-ray therapy of 86 patients with a developed form of syringomyelia, the simultaneous administration of cystamine hydrobromide as a protector prevented the development of complications from radiation therapy. In parallel, the clinical course of the disease improved.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):27-31
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Features of the behavior of patients with alcoholism during remission

Mendelevich D.M., Muraviev A.A.


On the basis of a survey according to a technique specially developed by the authors of 325 patients with alcoholism in remission, 88 people were identified whose behavior throughout the entire period of abstinence can be considered as hypercompensatory. Depending on the areas of social labor activity, hypercompensatory behavior is manifested, it is characterized by certain features. The positive role of this behavior in the prevention of relapse of alcoholism has been shown.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):31-33
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The use of gidifen in patients with involutional and reactive depression

Blukherova N.A.


26 patients with anxiety-depressive syndrome were treated with Hidifen. The most pronounced sedative effect of the drug was in reactive depression, as well as in relatively mild forms of involutional melancholy. Sedation is not accompanied by relaxation phenomena; a slight stimulating effect on mental functions is found. The tranquilizing effect of the drug is combined with its pronounced vegetotropic activity. Treatment with Gidifen is not accompanied by side effects and complications. The drug can be used both in a hospital setting and in an outpatient practice for the treatment of various depressive conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):37-39
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Dynamic X-ray observation of contrasted lymph nodes in patients with rectal cancer

Faizullin A.M.


In order to study the diagnostic value of dynamic X-ray control and observation, 126 patients with rectal cancer were examined using lymphography. Metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes after primary lymphographic examination were found in 20 (15.9%) patients. After dynamic X-ray observation, including repeated lymphography, metastases in regional lymph nodes were detected in 24 (19%) patients. The most appropriate terms for the production of control images and repeated lymphography have been determined.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):33-36
pages 33-36 views

The role of the sympathetic-adrenal system in the mechanism of action of bacterial endotoxins

Ivanov N.R., Shenkman B.Z.


The emergence of gram-negative septicemia in humans can be facilitated by a number of factors: 1) insufficiently effective treatment of foci of infection; 2) development of resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial agents; 3) decrease in the resistance of patients, including as a result of chronic debilitating diseases; 4) long-term therapy with corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and cytostatic drugs. The most essential link in the pathogenesis of septicemia is the effect on the body of bacterial endotoxins.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):39-42
pages 39-42 views

The role of zinc deficiency in the pathogenesis of dermatoses

Sergeev V.P., Andreeva V.N.


The interest of dermatologists in the study of zinc metabolism arose after the appearance of the article by Todd et al. (1934), in which it was indicated that a lack of zinc in the diet in rats leads to hair loss. Tucker (1955) and Dell (1958) in experiments on pigs and chickens not only confirmed the role of zinc deficiency in the genesis of alopecia areata, but also drew attention to the development of parakeratosis and histological changes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):42-45
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The state of nonspecific protective factors in acute respiratory viral infections in children

Tsaregorodtsev A.D., Malysheva L.M.


The purpose of our work was to study phagocytic parameters, complement titer, lysozyme level in the blood serum of ARVI patients, depending on the period of the disease, the presence of complications and taking into account the premorbid background.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):45-47
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The course of staphylococcal infection in children with CNS damage

Michurin V.A.


We observed 41 children with meningitis aged from 2 weeks to 14 years, including 19 children from 2 weeks to 1 year (1st group), 12 children from 1 year to 3 years (2nd group) and 10 children from 3 to 14 years old (3rd group). In the first three days of illness, 20 children were hospitalized, the rest were admitted to the hospital after 4-7 days of illness.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):47-48
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Risk factors for gastroenterological diseases in children

Cherkasova N.A., Pokatilo M.Y., Sysoeva T.A.


We studied the features of the anamnesis in 148 children - 95 girls and 53 boys, suffering from gastroenterological diseases. At the time of examination, almost all patients were diagnosed with a combined lesion of the stomach and biliary tract: chronic gastritis, mainly with increased acid-forming function and biliary dyskinesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):48-48
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Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of botulism

Davydov V.Y., Khasanov S.S.


We analyzed the clinical picture and epidemiology of botulism diseases in 6 foci of infection (20 patients — 16 men and 4 women).
In one outbreak, 4 people fell ill after eating home-made canned pork stew. 2 of them recovered, and 2 died with symptoms of respiratory failure. In 1 patient from this focus, botulinum toxin type B was found in the blood, and a bacillus of type B botulism was isolated from the urine.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):48-49
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Group foodborne salmonellosis infection in adults

Stanovskaya M.V., Farkhetdinov M.M.


We observed a group nosocomial disease of salmonellosis caused by S. typhimurium. The source was a cook with a subclinical form of this infection. 18 adults fell ill — 13 patients from one department, 4 employees of the same department and a cook of the food block. The first cases of the disease appeared 4 hours after lunch, the subsequent ones - after 30 hours. In 14 patients, the incubation period ranged from 4 to 12 hours, in the rest the incubation period could not be established.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):49-50
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The role of the organization of immunization in changing the epidemic process in some infections

Manchenko I.V., Eremeev R.A.


The implementation of an extensive immunization program in the Sabinsky region of the TASSR has created conditions for the prevention of diseases with diphtheria, poliomyelitis, whooping cough, tetanus, and measles.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):50-50
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Bacterial and drug allergies

Alkina D.S.


We have studied the case histories of 200 patients who applied for a consultation at the allergological center of the regional clinical hospital No. 1. 83.5% of them are women. 70 patients in the past were treated for a long time for various diseases: 19 - from rheumatism, 15 - from tuberculosis, 14 - from hypertension, 13 - from diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, 5 - from diseases of the endocrine organs (diabetes, goiter) and 4 - from anemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):50-51
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Lyell's syndrome

Valeeva M.G.


According to the severity of the clinical course and outcomes, Lyell's syndrome is ranked second after allergic shock, the mortality rate in which, according to literature data, reaches 30-50%. Under our supervision, there were 3 patients in whom the syndrome ended in recovery.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):51-51
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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Case

Tagirov I.S.


R., 17 years old, was taken to the infectious diseases department of the Nurlat-Oktyabrskaya Central District Hospital from the local hospital on the 6th day of illness with a diagnosis of eye diphtheria, pharynx (?); stomatitis. Works as a tractor driver on a collective farm. He harrowed the land on a tractor, a team of seeders was working 100 m away (they sowed pickled wheat).

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):52-52
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About hypervitaminosis D3

Kalinichenko N.I., Puchkov G.I., Mamatov E.P.


In the Penza region, in 2 villages (in 1974 and 1979), food poisoning with an oil concentrate of vitamin D was registered. In one village 17 people from 3 families were injured (with one fatal outcome), in another - 17 people from 7 families.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):52-53
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Use of actinomycete extracellular antigens in serological diagnosis of actinomycosis

Medvedev Y.A., Prasolov G.I.


We tested the preparation of extracellular proteins of actinomycete (VA) as an antigen in serological diagnostics of actinomycosis in the clinic. The study used blood serum samples from 25 patients who were in the Bashkir Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary for examination for actinomycosis. The samples obtained from patients in the dynamics of the disease were tested in the complement binding reaction (CSC) with BA and in parallel with the most common antigenic drug at present - actinolysate.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):53-54
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Acid-base state in patients with tick-borne encephalitis

Chukavina A.I., Motyreva A.I., Nikolaevskaya T.I.


The aim of this work was to study the acid-base state (ACS) of blood and cerebrospinal fluid in patients with tick-borne encephalitis. There were 113 patients under observation at the age from 16 to 65 years: 24 with mild course of the disease, 72 with moderate and 17 with severe.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):54-55
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The effect of potassium iodide and triiodothyronine on the protein spectrum of breast milk in women with different functional activity of the thyroid gland

Salimova L.Y., Chukanin N.N.


Our task was to find out how the protein composition of breast milk of women with different functional activity of the thyroid gland (TTTZ) changes under the influence of taking potassium iodide and triiodothyronine.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):55-56
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Neutrophil damage reaction with placental antigens in neonatal children

Fazleeva L.K.


The purpose of this work is to try to identify the state of sensitization of leukocytes in newborns, as well as to assess the physiological maturity of children depending on the conditions of antenatal development and the presence of sensitization of leukocytes to placental tissue antigens. We used the neutrophil damage index (NDI) test for clinical examination of newborns. We examined 75 children (35 girls and 40 boys) born to mothers with complicated pregnancy. The control group consisted of 24 children born to mothers with an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):56-57
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The amount of blood loss during prostatectomy and postoperative complications

Podluzhny G.A., Ukhal M.I., Gonchar O.M.


In 351 patients operated on for prostate adenoma, the dependence of the frequency of various complications on the amount of blood loss during surgery and in the postoperative period was studied. One-stage adenomectomy was performed in 207 patients, two-stage - 144. Both types of operations were performed by transvesical access.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):57-57
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Features of the clinical course of peptic ulcer disease in combination with reflux esophagitis

Peleschuk A.P., Gorgol V.A., Kushik M.F.


With a comprehensive examination, including endoscopy, reflux esophagitis in patients with peptic ulcer disease is detected much more often than without: the use of endoscopy. In patients with duodenal ulcer, it was found in 30.6%, in patients with gastric ulcer - in 17.6%, after gastric resection in 21.6%. The conditions contributing to the development of reflux esophagitis are hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, aerophagia, work associated with frequent sharp bends and bending of the trunk, with a prolonged forced working posture, which causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. With reflux esophagitis, it is necessary to make adjustments to the course of antiulcer treatment: care should be taken in prescribing anticholinergics, giving preference to drugs such as metoclopramides, insoluble alkalis with anesthetics.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):58-61
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The problem of pharmacogenetics in pathology

Rakhmatullin I.M.


In medical practice, the individual characteristics of the response to the introduction of the same doses of the drug are often noted. In old manuals one can find references to "medicinal idiosyncrasies" as extreme degrees of deviation of individual reactions, but without any explanation of the mechanisms. Attempts have been made to explain unusual drug reactions in terms of allergy [4, 8]. However, only the advances in genetics made it possible to reveal the individual characteristics of the response to various pharmacological drugs. The starting point for solving the problem was the research that showed that the concept of the "norm" of enzyme activity in various fluids and tissues of the body is very conditional and that there is a wide range of fluctuations in the activity of enzymes in different individuals. This phenomenon is determined by the genetic heterogeneity of the enzyme-producing cells. It turned out that even in monozygous twins, the enzyme activity is different; this gave grounds to speak about the biochemical individuality of the organism [13].

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):61-64
pages 61-64 views

Laparoscopy in emergency surgery in children

Finkelson E.I., Grannikov O.D., Petlakh V.I.


The experience of using laparoscopy in emergency surgery of children is generalized. A laparoscopic picture is described in acute appendicitis, adhesive intestinal obstruction, primary peritonitis, trauma to the abdominal organs, appendicular infiltrates, diseases of the internal genital organs in girls. The expediency of widespread introduction of the method into practice is shown.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):64-67
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Cardiodilation in the treatment of functional obstruction of the cardia

Chernyavsky A.A., Kaznin V.M.


The experience of treating 310 patients with various stages of functional obstruction of the cardia is generalized. The existence of two pathogenetic forms of the disease - achalasic and cardiospastic - was confirmed. To facilitate differential diagnosis, a table has been compiled in which the characteristic symptoms of both forms are compared. As the main method of treatment of functional obstruction of the cardia, apparatus pneumocardiodilation is recommended, which allows obtaining excellent and good long-term results in 75% of patients. 25% of patients need repeated courses, and if they are ineffective - in surgical treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):67-70
pages 67-70 views

Occupational health and health issues for installers in contact with sulfofresol

Medved R.A., Kuzina V.F., Reutov O.V., Korobeinik T.A., Kukosh V.I., Uchugina A.F., Budarina E.M.


The air pollution of mechanical workshops was studied when using sulfofresol and "MP-1" as cutting fluids on metal-cutting machines. Hygienic characteristics of the accompanying factor - industrial noise - are given. For 2 years, the health status of 739 workers of the studied production was monitored. It is recommended to replace sulfofresol, toxic for the body, with "MP-1".

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):71-72
pages 71-72 views

Toxic-allergic effects of hydrocarbons on the organ of vision

Yagafarova A.B., Ivanova T.S., Khabirova F.Y.


Data were obtained indicating the role of the toxic-allergic factor in the formation of the symptom complex of lesions of the organ of vision by hydrocarbons.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):72-74
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Self-disinfecting door handle

Vafin I.Z., Mingazov I.F.


The design and principle of operation of a self-disinfecting handle for a door are described and recommendations are given for using it in order to reduce infectious diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):74-75
pages 74-75 views

About the doctor's attitude to euthanasia

Shamov I.A.


The issue of euthanasia - the acceleration of the death of a patient in a terminal state, at the request of the patient or his relatives - is one of the most difficult issues of medical morality and medical duty. Modern moral and legal considerations reject the possibility of euthanasia. The doctor must, with all the means at his disposal, fight for the patient's life until his last heartbeat. Practice confirms these theses at every step, because what seemed incurable yesterday is already amenable to treatment today. Particularly striking evidence of the inadmissibility of euthanasia are the successes of reanimatology in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):75-77
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Chronicle. Volume 62, No.2 (1981)


By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar ASSR, for services in the field, public health, the honorary title "Honored Doctor of the Tatar ASSR" was awarded.

Kazan medical journal. 1981;62(2):78-78
pages 78-78 views

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