Vol 45, No 2 (1964)

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Training of medical personnel from the indigenous nationalities of the autonomous republics of the Russian Federation

Chikan S.Y.


In Tsarist Russia, all non-Russian peoples and nationalities were in particularly difficult conditions, as the development of their national culture was completely hindered by the chauvinistic policy pursued by the government and the ideologists of the Great Russian bourgeoisie. This policy aimed at forcibly assimilating non-Russian peoples living in the country by forcibly restricting them legally, prohibiting the establishment of national schools, cultural institutions, etc. Because of this policy in Tsarist Russia, the national question became one of the main issues in the struggle of the Russian proletariat for its freedom.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):3-6
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Dynamics of heartbeat in rheumatic patients

Kozlov G.S., Dashichev V.V., Korshunov N.I.


The study of the functional state of the myocardium in rheumatism has attracted the attention of many researchers. The reason for this is that an objective assessment of the pathophysiological factors of cardiac weakness during carditis is very difficult and has not yet been sufficiently studied. The aim of our work is to assess the functional state of the myocardium in patients with rheumatic heart disease, and to trace changes in this state during treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):7-12
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On some biochemical abnormalities in different forms of heart failure

Rashev M.


The identification of various metabolic and biochemical abnormalities in heart failure opens up new indicators that allow the form and degree of heart failure to be determined with greater accuracy, and therefore conclusions to be drawn regarding prognosis and further treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):12-15
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Clinical and laboratory presentation of rheumatic fever

Levin A.I., Marmolevskaya G.S., Smolensky G.A.


A well-known feature of rheumatic fever is the extreme richness of its clinical picture. In addition to rheumatic attacks with violent clinical manifestations there are often patients in whom the active rheumatic process proceeds covertly, without pronounced clinical symptoms. Between these two extremes there are innumerable intermediate, transitional forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):15-21
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Comparative assessment of the determination of glucoproteins and sialic acid in serum in internal medicine

Denisova M.G.


The study of carbohydrates associated with blood proteins as an indicator of connective tissue system damage is currently attracting much attention. The depolymerisation of the basic connective tissue substance that develops in a number of diseases leads to the accumulation of mucoproteins, mucopolysaccharides and glucoproteins in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):21-23
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Sialic acid content in serum arterial and venous blood in rheumatism and rheumatoid polyarthritis

Fedorova M.K.


The aim of our study was to investigate the dynamics of sialic acid in the serum of arterial and venous blood in patients with rheumatism and rheumatoid polyarthritis under the influence of steroid hormonal therapy in combination with medication. By changes in the content of sialic acid in the serum of arterial and venous blood can be indirectly judged about the tissue metabolism of mucosaccharides in these patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):23-26
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The significance of the Vaaler-Rose reaction in infectious arthritis

Andreev V.M.


Agglutination of sensitised sheep red blood cells by serum of patients with chronic nonspecific infectious polyarthritis was first described by Meyer, later by Vaaler. In 1948, Rose et al. described a diagnostic test for chronic nonspecific polyarthritis based on this reaction. A number of studies by I. I. Makarenko and N. G. Burkova, Y. K. Tokmachevа, V. I. Sachkov and others are devoted to this question. Much has been done to understand this reaction by N. Swartz, Schlossman, F. Kost, and others. Nowadays this reaction is known as Vaaler-Rose reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):26-28
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Clinical and radiological observations in rheumatism in children

Akhmerova K.S., Chizhova E.I.


Observations were made during 1959-1960 on 14 children between the ages of 5 and 10 and 37 children between 11 and 16.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):29-30
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Peritoneal syndrome in rheumatism

Gubergrits A.Y.


Among the various visceral lesions of rheumatism, acute peritonitis or, as it is otherwise known, peritoneal or abdominal syndrome may be considered the most formidable in its manifestations. It should be noted that rheumatic peritonitis is not common at all. Since in a number of cases their etiology remains undisclosed, we must assume that the number of described rheumatic peritonitis is less than the actual number.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):31-32
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Treatment of complicated infectious non-specific polyarthritis with steroid hormones

Makhlin E.Y., Ivanova E.D.


In infectious non-specific (rheumatoid) polyarthritis, steroid therapy has a good effect. However, recently there are more and more articles suggesting a more restrained attitude to the indications and dosages (A. P. Nesterov, M. G. Astapenko, G. P. Shultsev, etc.) of steroid hormones. It is pointed out that mild forms of infectious arthritis should be treated with other drugs (M.G. Astapenko) and resort to steroid hormones only in patients with severe forms when other treatments have no effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):32-34
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On ratios of blood cholesterol and urine 17-ketosteroid levels in the treatment of rheumatism and other collagenoses

Ibragimova A.G., Salamatina V.V.


The functional state of the pituitary-adrenal system determines to a certain extent the cholesterol content in the adrenal cortex and partially in the blood in a number of pathological conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Diagnostic value of uropsin in peptic ulcer disease

Ionova N.I.


The existence of the proteolytic enzyme in urine was known as early as 1861 from Brucke's work. Somewhat later its gastric origin was established (Sali, Leo, H. N. Mescherin, Gottlieb et al.). On the basis of these as well as later observations it was suggested that the urine uropepsin content could be used to estimate the secretory function of the stomach. However, the complexity of the techniques for the quantification of uropepsin limited its clinical application. Only in the last decade has the introduction of very simple methods based on the precipitation of casein from milk solution made it possible to use uropepsin determination widely for the analysis of gastric secretion.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):37-39
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Outcomes of gastric resection in chronic gastroduodenal ulcer disease

Samofalov V.P.


From 1951 to 1961 1027 people suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcer were treated in our clinic. A total of 775 patients (75%) were operated on. There were performed 671 resection of the stomach (at chronic disease - 503, acute peptic ulcer bleeding - 29, perforated ulcer - 51, diseases of the operated stomach - 88). In the present work results of gastric resections in chronic gastroduodenal ulcer disease (503 people) are considered. At the age of 17-20 years there were 10 people, 21-40 years - 208, 41-60 years - 267 and more - 18. There were 449 men and 54 women.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):39-41
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Laparoscopy in the diagnosis of adhesions

Agafonov A.A., Knirik A.S.


The diagnosis of adhesions of the abdomen is often very difficult. Clinical manifestations resembling abdominal adhesions are far from always based on adhesions and fissures in the abdomen. Radiological examination of the gastrointestinal tract does not provide a definitive answer in some cases. Gastrointestinal motility studies with carbolene and pilocarpine can also give inconclusive results. This has prompted us to use laparoscopy to diagnose adhesions in the abdomen.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):41-44
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Clinic pattern of terminal ileitis

Platonov A.F., Bova S.M.


In 1932, Krohn et al published a paper on a rare pathology of the terminal ileum called terminal or regional ileitis.
The disease had been known before: for example, Landois described it as early as 1923 under the name "circumscribed circulatory enteritis". Americans referred to this pathology as nonspecific, or benign granuloma, and most European surgeons referred to it as phlegmon of the colon. The latter term is also used by some domestic authors (G. M. Galayko, M. D. Moiseenko, M. R. Cherepashinets, B. V. Punin, etc.). However, it is to Crohn's credit that he was the first not only to give a detailed description of this disorder, but also to distinguish it as an independent nosological form by summarizing the experience of 110 clinical observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):44-46
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On the issue of appendicitis

Zaripov Z.A.


The need to study and discuss the issue of appendicitis is also dictated by the fact that appendectomies account for up to 85.3% of all operations performed for acute abdominal diseases, and by the fact that there has been a significant increase in emergency operations for acute appendicitis. According to our data, appendectomies account for 85.9% of operations in acute abdominal diseases. In order to analyse our work and improve the medical care of the population of our district, we have studied the case histories of patients referred to the hospital with the diagnosis of appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):46-48
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Large-frame fluorography of the paranasal sinuses in children

Berzak M.A.


While slightly inferior in quality to standard radiography, large-frame fluorography has the advantage of simplicity, speed, economy, mass production, and relative professional harmlessness with a sufficiently high resolution. The prerequisite is a powerful, sharp-focus X-ray tube (with rotating anode) and high-quality optics (resolution of 1: 0.85), a highly sensitive fluorographic screen and film. With standard X-rays, a mass examination of the sinus cavity on the organisational side is unacceptable.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):48-51
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Prevention and therapy of bleeding in the placental and postpartum periods

Golubev V.A.


At the First All-Russian Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1960) it was stated that haemorrhages in the placental and postpartum periods ranked first among the causes of maternal mortality. In our study of 3711 births, placental and postpartum haemorrhages were observed in 327 women (8.8% - one in 11 women gives birth bleeding). We considered bleeding during labour as bleeding when the blood loss during the placental and early postpartum periods (first 2 hours) was more than 400 ml.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):51-53
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Blood transfusion for late toxicosis of pregnancy

Malyshev L.K.


When there is haemorrhage in labour during late gestational toxicity or when late gestational toxicity is combined with anaemia, the physician is often faced with the question of blood transfusion. However, the indications and contraindications for blood transfusion in late toxicosis of pregnancy are poorly understood.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):53-55
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Experience of the Ali-Zadeh desensitisation method in rhesus-conflict pregnancy

Sadykov B.G.


Of the existing means of desensitisation in rhesus-conflict pregnancy, oxygen, glucose, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 E, K, iron preparations, progesterone are used in most cases in various combinations, ultraviolet irradiation, peri-renal diathermy, weekly administration of rhesus-negative blood, partial exchange transfusion, bloodletting in small portions, administration of gamma-globulin, giving liver and curd. Despite this large number of remedies used, new methods are still being sought and evaluated.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):55-57
pages 55-57 views

On diagnosing myasthenia gravis

Sirotkin V.M.


At the end of the last century the nosological independence of myasthenia gravis was already established, with muscle weakness and pathologically increased fatigue as the cardinal symptoms, as was first stated by the Warsaw neurologist Goldflamm (1893).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Experience of treating neuropsychiatric disorders with andaxine, tofranil and centredrine

Mendelevich D.M.


In the last decade, a large number of new drugs have been introduced for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, which has raised high expectations among doctors. Thus, the first reports on the use of phenothiazine drugs in psychiatric practice were encouraging. Not only the recently ill, but many patients, who had been incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals for years or decades and were considered "defective", that is, had irreversible mental changes, were in remission and discharged from hospitals after the use of neuroleptics. This gave rise to talk of a "new era in the treatment of mental illness".

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):59-62
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Experience of a new respiratory stimulant, mycoren, in neonatal asphyxia

Anisimova M.I.


The most common cause of stillbirth is known to be intrauterine asphyxia of the foetus, caused by very different factors. Thus, according to S.L. Keilin's observations, the pathological anatomical examination of stillborn children in 49.2% revealed changes characteristic of intrauterine asphyxia, and in 23.1% they were combined with haemorrhages in vital organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):62-63
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Radical one-stage repair of fistulas of the small and large intestine with restoration of the intestinal tube integrity

Akhunzyanov X.Z.


In surgical practice, there are various methods for the surgical treatment of intestinal fistulas. Some are based on extraperitoneal surgical techniques. Others are based on intraperitoneal access to the fistula, as extraperitoneal access has not always led to the desired goal, especially with spongiform fistulas. The current widespread use of antiseptics and antibiotics has greatly expanded the scope of fistula surgery and reduced complications in the postoperative period.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):63-65
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On the use of barbiturates for anaesthesia in the community hospital setting

Shalkov Y.L.


Thiopental and hexenal were administered 71 times intravenously (67.2%), 29 times intramuscularly (27.2%) and 5 times intraperitoneally. Intramuscular injections were used mainly in children under 5-7 years of age (25 times).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):65-65
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Two undescribed symptoms of obstruction caused by a pinched bowel in an inguinal hernia

Baryshnikov A.I.


In the recognition of obstruction caused by a pinched intestine in an inguinal hernia, there is often considerable difficulty due to the predominance of persistent pain in the hernia area over the abdominal pain of contractions. In observing these patients we have noticed 2 symptoms that have not yet been reported in the press.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):66-66
pages 66-66 views

Inflammatory tumours of the abdomen after herniotomy

Saburova V.A.


Inflammatory abdominal tumours are of considerable clinical interest because of their rarity and diagnostic difficulty. They usually develop around silk ligatures, foreign bodies and foci of dormant infection. With prolonged tissue irritation and exposure to malovirulent microorganisms, there is abundant proliferation of tissue cells and infiltration of the irritated area with lymphoid elements, resulting in an "inflammatory tumour".

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):66-66
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Inflammatory "tumour" of the abdominal wall

Zhukov M.V.


We found no descriptions of such pathology after gastric resection in the available literature; this, we believe, allows us to publish our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):66-67
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Diverticulum of the large intestine simulating a tumour

Ryabov A.N.


Sh., 22 years old, presented to the surgical department on 17/II 1959 with complaints of abdominal pain of a diffuse nature, more in the area of the navel, a tumour in the right half of the abdomen. In January 1958 for the first time in the right side of the abdomen, slightly above the navel, a tumour the size of a chicken egg appeared, little mobile, painful. Treated at home with heat. The pain subsided and the lump disappeared. In February 1959 the tumour in the abdomen appeared again, only much bigger than before. She was in pain all over the abdomen, more in the navel area.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):67-67
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Double twisted non-parasitic spleen cyst in a 4-year-old boy

Shtykalev-Katanov N.G.


D., 4 years old, fell ill in the evening of 21/ Vlll 1960. The patient presented with diffuse abdominal pain, vomiting three times and fever. A trauma was denied. The child's parents have noted a "large abdomen" since birth.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):67-68
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Massive small bowel resection for intestinal congestion

Firsov A.D.


P., aged 14, was admitted on 18/II at 7pm. 20 p.m. with complaints of persistent sharp abdominal pain on the right side, nausea, which arose suddenly at 12 noon.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):68-69
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Trans-oesophageal esophagus after swallowing foreign bodies

Khaibullin F.M.


C., aged 18 years, was admitted at 11 p.m. on 22/Xl. 1961, complaining of cramp-like abdominal pain and bloating. On that day at 4 p.m. in a state of alcoholic intoxication he had swallowed 28 pieces of dominoes.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):69-69
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Ovarian thecoma

Musina I.I.


Thecoblastoma, a hormone-producing tumour of the ovary, is quite rare. It occurs at any age, but more commonly after the onset of menopause. The tumour looks like an ovarian fibroma, but is clinically very different due to the production of oestrogens. A thecoma is considered to be a benign tumour, but there are also malignant thecomas.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):69-69
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Determinism, indeterminism and conditioning in medicine

Stankevich V.E.


In recent years, several collections and separate editions on philosophical questions of modern medicine have been published (Philosophical Questions of Medicine, ed. by G. I. Tsaregorodtsev, F. T. Mikhailov and A. D. Ado, Moscow, 1962; Some Philosophical Questions of Biology and Medicine. Tomsk, 1962; Philosophical Problems of Modern Biology, ed. SSR, Kiev, 1962; Modern Psychology in Capitalist Countries, ed. by E. V. Shorokhova, Moscow, 1963). Among the wide range of problems they touch upon, the authors have paid special attention to the reflection of the philosophical principle of determinism in various fields of medical theory. This principle is of paramount importance in exposing medical misconceptions based on indeterminism, conditionality and other idealistic concepts.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):70-76
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Centenary of the Department of Histology at Kazan Medical Institute

Zabusov G.I., Maslov A.P.


The Department of Histology and Embryology of the Kazan Medical Institute was established on 9/III 1864 as part of the medical faculty of Kazan University. During the century-long period of its existence, Kazan histologists have devoted the vast majority of their work to the study of the nervous system, especially its peripheral parts, and created a trend known as the "Kazan neurohistological school".

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):76-79
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To the history of the Kazan Department of Histology

Kolosov N.G.


The Kazan chair of histology during the century of its existence had one scientific direction - study of the nervous system structure, connected with the name of the outstanding Russian histologist Karl Avgustovich Arnstein (1887, 1896, 1900). Having headed the chair, K.A. Arnstein quickly surrounded himself with talented pupils, who formed the nucleus of the famous Kazan histological school, which by its works became famous not only within our country, but also abroad.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):80-87
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Immediate results of pregnancy termination with the A. V. Zubeyev apparatus

Dunaeva V.G.


The consensus of experts is that the many immediate and long-term complications inherent in uterine curettage are greatly increased when this procedure is used specifically for induced abortion. In this regard, the search for less traumatic methods of induced abortion is very valuable. The aim of this work is to investigate the immediate results of using the Zubeyev apparatus to perform an abortion between 6 and 12 weeks' gestation.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):87-88
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Pregnancy termination with the A. V. Zubeyev apparatus

Korolkova O.A., Kotova L.F.


Recently, along with the usual curettage method (up to 12 weeks), A. V. Zubeyev's method has been used. A.V. Zubeyev's method is based on a vacuum machine that sucks out the contents of the uterus. The device consists of an electric pump connected to a rubber hose. 229 women were terminated in the gynaecological department of the 2nd Maternity Hospital in Kazan.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):89-90
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Some simple ways of staining histological sections

Nepryakhin G.G.


Hospital and other morphological laboratories routinely use different methods of staining histological sections, simple and economical variants of some of them we offer in this article.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):90-91
pages 90-91 views

Experience of health care for oil workers

Fongauz M.I.


The peer-reviewed collection contains the materials of a team of researchers from the Omsk Medical Institute concerning working conditions and their effects on the body of workers at the Omsk Oil Refinery, and recommended health improvement measures (for the period from 1956 to 1960).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):91-94
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Surgical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and cervical spinal fractures

Shulutko L.I.


Representatives from more than 60 countries took part in the work of the Congress. The USSR was represented by M. V. Volkov, M. L. Dmitriev, I. G. Isaakyan, S. I. Undritz and L. I. Shulutko. The President of the Congress was F. Wilson (USA), the Vice-President was Erlacher (Vienna) and the Secretary General was Hyari (Vienna).

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):94-97
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XI All-Union Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Bakieva R.G., Danilov I.V., Manenkov P.V., Monasypova M.V.


The congress was opened by the USSR Minister of Health, S. V. Kurashov. The congress was attended by a large number of foreign obstetricians and gynaecologists from socialist and capitalist countries. The Congress discussed four topics: 1) the state and ways to further improve gynecological care in the USSR, 2) antenatal protection of the fetus, 3) postpartum and early postpartum bleeding and 4) modern methods of examination and treatment in obstetrics and gynecology.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):98-99
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New methods of physiotherapy from the First All-Russian Congress of Balneologists and Physiotherapists

Ibragimova A.G.


At the plenary session Prof. A. N. Obrosov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow), highlighted new theoretical justifications for the clinical application of pulsed low frequency currents. In practice this is done by the methods of electrostimulation, diadynamic therapy, interference therapy, electrosleep, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):99-101
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Associate Professor Sergei Petrovich Yakhontov

Lozanov N.N.


On 21/II 1964 Sergey Petrovich Yakhontov, associate professor of otorhinolaryngology department of Kazan Medical Institute, one of the most prominent representatives of the Kazan otorhinolaryngological school, a highly erudite scientist, a highly popular doctor and a teacher, died.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):101-101
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The IV Plenum of the All-Russian Society of Dentists, which discussed current issues of orthopaedic dentistry, was held on 19-20/IÕ 1963 in Kazan. One session was devoted to the discussion of textbooks on orthopaedic dentistry. Proposals were made to improve the whole matter of publishing textbooks and manuals for all sections of dentistry.

Kazan medical journal. 1964;45(2):102-102
pages 102-102 views

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