Vol 44, No 3 (1963)

Rigid anthral gastritis as a pre-tumor state of the stomach

Mayanskaya K.A.


In the aspect of early recognition of gastric cancer, the problem of studying precancerous conditions of this organ is extremely important. The concept of "precancer", as you know, refers to the processes against which a malignant neoplasm often develops, presenting a pattern of histological changes that is morphologically similar to different phases of development of experimental cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum and some chronic lung diseases

Radbil O.S., Ablova A.I.


For a number of years, we have studied the combination of peptic ulcer disease with various diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis, closed craniocerebral trauma, hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, etc.). We believe that the study of the relationship between diseases can be a method to clarify various issues of pathogenesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):7-11
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Application of spasmolitin in the complex treatment of patients with ulcer and chronic gastritis

Fishzon-Ryss Y.I.


In the clinical symptomatology of chronic gastritis and especially peptic ulcer disease, the central place belongs to the pain syndrome. The problem of successfully treating this syndrome cannot be considered completely resolved. So, IF Lorie (1949) identifies "atropine-resistant" forms of pain in peptic ulcer disease and emphasizes the difficulty of eliminating them. In patients with antral gastritis (gastroduodenitis), the pain syndrome is often distinguished by significant persistence and poorly amenable to conventional methods of therapy (R.A.Luria, 1941; I.M. Fleckel, 1936; P.I.Shilov and B.M. Donat, 1956) ... The foregoing justifies the search for new, more effective methods of treating pain in these diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):12-14
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Some topical issues in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of multiple gastric and duodenal ulcers

Kotomina S.I.


In domestic and foreign literature there are isolated reports on multiple ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (V.M. Podleshchuk, T.K. Novitskaya, A.G. Serebryakova, Katz, Masyon, etc.). Sometimes they write about multiple ulcers as casuistic observations (D.N.Sheid, L.I.Kovarsky, Yu.E. Berezov, N.V. Gladkov, etc.). T.K. Novitskaya indicates that multiple stomach ulcers occur in 4.8% of ulcerative patients, V.N. Promtov - in 3.5%, A.A. Busalov - 6.6%, I.M. Flekel - from 5 to 20%, Mayo - 12%, Moinigen - 25%.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):15-17
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Peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum in children and adolescents

Nurmukhamedov R.M.


If peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in adults is relatively well studied, then in childhood it is still a subject of research and research. The correct choice of rational treatment in accordance with the age and biological characteristics of the growing organism, taking into account long-term results, sometimes presents great difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):17-18
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Transillumination study of the stomach walls during laparotomy

Sigal M.Z.


In a previous work (1962), we showed that transillumination research can be important as a method for diagnosing gastric cancer during laparotomy. This message highlights the capabilities of this method in identifying normal and pathological structures of the stomach wall during surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):18-21
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Motor function of the color segment used for stomach replacement

Pomosov D.V., Korostovtsev S.B.


This paper reports preliminary data on the motor function of the colon segment used for gastric replacement during gastrectomy and subtotal resection.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):21-23
pages 21-23 views

Issues of prevention of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrosis in the light of the data of the lateral pathology

Likhtsier I.B.


Development of preventive measures is impossible without knowledge of the etiological factors and pathogenesis of chronic liver damage. There is still no clarity regarding the etiology of liver cirrhosis, which is the outcome of unfavorable chronic hepatitis. It can be considered undoubtedly proven that Botkin's disease prevails among these reasons. After the huge pandemic of the last world war and the subsequent ones, the percentage of liver cirrhosis associated with Botkin's disease is constantly growing. Based on our material (Tajikistan), a study of the anamnesis of patients with liver cirrhosis showed that over 5 years the percentage of patients with cirrhosis who had suffered Botkin's disease in the past increased from 18 to 33, with a significantly lower percentage in the control groups (0-6%, respectively). In some statistics, this percentage is even higher. However, in the data of the authors of the beginning of the century, as well as the 30s. on a considerable number of patients with cirrhosis, Botkin's disease does not even find a place for itself in the list of diseases suffered in the past by patients (S. V. Chapman, A. M. Snell a. G. Rowntreçh, 1931 - 112 patients; N. Evans A. R. A. Gray, 1938 - 217 patients, etc.). In the 40s, during and after the war, Botkin's disease in the history of patients with cirrhosis of the liver already reaches 1.5-13% (JD Fagin A. R. Thompson - 1944; B. Rosenacka.oth., 1949, etc.) ... K. Howard a. S. J. Watson (1947) has already found among patients with cirrhosis of the liver 17% of those who have had infectious hepatitis in the past, compared with 3% who have had this disease among people with other diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):23-25
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Experience in clinical analysis and prevention of combined diseases of the gall tract and liver

Borevskaya B.D.


With a slight increase in the last decade of diseases of the biliary tract and liver, called cholecystocholangitis, cholescystohepatitis, hepatocholangitis, or, more precisely, cholangiohepatitis, the clinic, their treatment and prevention is clearly not given due attention on the pages of periodicals. At the same time, patients suffering from these diseases are treated for a long time on an outpatient and inpatient basis, constituting a significant part of patients in polyclinics and hospitals, and often lose their ability to work for a long time. This prompted us to study the clinical course of combined diseases of the biliary tract and liver, their frequency, the duration of exacerbation among the workers served by our clinic. In this regard, the influence of clinical examination of such patients, as well as the results of their stay in the dispensary, on the course and frequency of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the biliary tract and liver, is of great interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):25-28
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Surgical tactics for acute pancreatitis and cholecystopancreatitis

Kravchenko P.V., Volkov V.E.


The issues of tactics in acute pancreatitis have not yet been resolved, and judgments about the indications for surgical treatment are contradictory. As for the fundamentals of surgical tactics in acute cholecystopancreatitis, they have not yet been fully developed. All this makes the problem of tactics in these diseases very urgent.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):28-30
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Pancreatic function in giardiasis

Birg N.A.


Literary data on the functional state of the pancreas in giardiasis are few and contradictory. Fermentative-dyspeptic stool, which occurs in patients with giardiasis, K. Wezler explains by a violation of the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. N.B. Schupak notes pancreatic and the possibility of impairment of the functional ability of the pancreas. M.E. Vinnikov introduced the concept of pancreatopathy, considering it the second disease in relation to intestinal giardiasis. F.K. Permyakov, T.L. Lande, I.I. Orlov, F.M. Lisovsky, Carnot et Cation admit the possibility of the existence of lamblia in the pancreas. Investigating all the main enzymes of the pancreas in giardiasis, A. N. Volodin did not find any functional changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):31-32
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Splenometry and splenoportography as methods for diagnosing portal hypertension

Postolov M.P.


Portal hypertension can be caused by causes that lie within the liver (mainly cirrhosis), as well as outside the liver: thrombosis, compression by scarring or tumor of the portal vein or its main branches.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):32-35
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Indications for emergency splenectomy

Agafonov A.A.


Splenectomy for many diseases is the main method of treatment. Often only an emergency splenectomy can save the patient's life. This applies to those patients in whom the pathological condition of the spleen is largely or mainly the cause of bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):35-36
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Surgical treatment of patients with acute and chronic paraproctitis

Zaitsev G.P., Bunyatyan A.A.


The prevalence of paraproctitis diseases and the variety of proposed treatment methods require great attention from surgeons to this group of patients. The complexity of topographic and anatomical conditions, a variety of etiological and pathogenetic factors require a differentiated approach in determining the clinical picture of the disease and, in particular, to the surgical treatment of patients with paraproctitis. In this case, there can be no standard of operational procedures.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):37-40
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Experience in the complex treatment of chronic after dysentery colitis with the "regenerator" drug and dry colibacterin

Burmakin A.V.


It is well known that chronic dysentery, especially its recurrent form, often leaves behind persistent intestinal dysfunction, the terminological definition of which is very diverse. More preferably, the name "post-dysenteric chronic colitis", which more accurately defines the symptom complex of post-dysenteric intestinal dysfunction. The latter manifests itself mainly in unstable stools, more often due to intolerance to a significant range of food products; diarrhea is usually replaced by constipation, often of a persistent nature and a protracted course. In addition, there is a constant tendency to bloating, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, especially after eating. Unpleasant taste in the mouth and poor appetite appear. Patients follow a restrictive diet for a long time, depriving themselves of adequate nutrition, but with no visible effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):40-43
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Treatment of typhoid fever with antibiotics by a differentiated method

Dubovsky V.G.


Since 1957, we have been using a differentiated method of treating patients with typhoid fever with antibiotics, which has some advantages over other methods (Pediatriya, 1958, 5). We would like to draw the readers' attention to the results of treatment with this method of adults and children with typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):43-45
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Dynamics of protein fractions, lipo- and glucoproteins of blood serum in various forms of acute appendicitis

Ostroumov A.B.


We set ourselves the goal of identifying the patterns of dynamics of protein fractions, lipo- and glucoproteins in various forms of acute appendicitis, starting with mild initial forms, ending with severe complicated infiltrates — peritonitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):45-47
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To the mechanism of action of novocaine blocades of the intestinal nerves on motor activity of the small intestinal in experimental peritonitis

Kochnev O.S.


The question of restoring the tone of the intestinal muscles after operations in the abdominal cavity and with inflammatory phenomena in it still remains unresolved. Discussing the mechanism of development of intestinal paresis in peritonitis, the authors usually pay attention to the state of the nervous system, especially its vegetative part, as directly responsible for the regulation of the tone of smooth muscle organs. Recognizing the violation of the tone of the autonomic nervous system in peritonitis, researchers often come, however, to contradictory judgments about the degree of damage to its parts. So, M. K. Avdeev and D. I. Vyropaev (1936), L. V. Lepeshinsky (1940), S. S. Girgolav and V. S. Levit (1946), N. L. Gurevich (1951), V. Ya. Shlapobersky (1958), Ya. Nelyubovich (1961) and others attribute the occurrence of intestinal paresis due to damage, mainly, of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. A whole number of authors associate the occurrence of intestinal paresis with changes in the sympathetic section of the autonomic nervous system (B. G. Rubinstein, 1936; S. M. Muromtsev, 1938; G. M. Shpolyansky, 1939, 1945; I. F. Pantsevich, 1948 ; and etc.). Such inconsistency of data in understanding the mechanism of intestinal paresis during the development of an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity significantly limits the scope of rational therapeutic treatment of this formidable complication.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):47-50
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About clinical options of hemorrhagic vasculitis

Rom-Bugoslavskaya E.S., Tumanova A.N.


Clinical variants of hemorrhagic vasculitis, especially in connection with the increase in its atypical forms, continue to be one of the most pressing problems in the study of hemorrhagic diathesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):50-52
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The role of autoallergens in the pathogenesis of certain diseases of childhood

Nikolaeva M.V.


In the pathogenesis and clinical course of many diseases, a significant place is given to autosensitization. Autoantibodies are found in burn disease, purulent-septic infection, leukemia, agranulocytosis, various anemias, Verlhof's disease, rheumatism, nephritis, encephalomyelitis, Shenlein-Henoch disease and other diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):52-53
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To pathogenesis and diagnosis of virilism

Starkova H.T.


The problem of virilism remains a poorly studied section of endocrine pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):53-58
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Transplantation of fruit casins in certain disorders of menstrual function

Kononova E.S.


One of the common complications after curettage of the uterine cavity during abortion and in the postpartum period is cervical atresia, sometimes combined with atresia of the uterine cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):58-60
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Venous pressure and its value in diagnostics and prevention of pregnancy pathology

Serzhenko M.S.


The material for this work was the multiple measurement of venous pressure in 125 pregnant women with different stages of pregnancy. We have divided them into two groups. I included 65 women with normal pregnancies, and II included 60 women with various pregnancy pathologies or diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):60-61
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Ectopic pregnancy according to the gynecological department of the 2nd city hospital of Kazan

Slepov M.I.


Ectopic pregnancy is the most common pathology that an obstetrician-gynecologist has to deal with.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):61-62
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Analysis of fetal-destructive operations according to the data of the obstetric clinic of Novokuznetsk State institute for advanced training of doctors

Golubeva E.V., Savelyeva M.V.


With the development of modern obstetrics, indications for fruit-destroying operations have been increasingly narrowed, and they now occupy a very modest place among other obstetric benefits and operations. According to K.N. Zhmakin, they are found in 0.2% of all genera and are produced, with rare exceptions, on a dead fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):63-64
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Experience of comprehensive treatment of integrated ovarian cancer using thio-tefa

Danilov I.V.


Until recently, treatment of ovarian cancer in the late stages of development gives unsatisfactory results. According to most authors (A. T. Abbasov, R. N. Shimanovsky, E. M. Vermel, A. N. Kosarev and others), even with 1 tbsp. ovarian cancer cure by an operative method ranges from 50-53%, and the average cure rates for all its stages do not exceed 25%.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):64-66
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Experience of comprehensive treatment of malignant ovarian tumors using thio-tefa

Rodkina R.A.


As an independent method of treatment, chemotherapy is used for disseminated tumors, the impossibility of surgery or the use of radiation therapy, and, finally, when surgical and radiation treatment is delayed. In all these cases, chemotherapy is so far the only method that can prolong the patient's life and even restore his ability to work (AI Serebrov, PF Larionov, IM Peisakhovich, MD Kholodny).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):66-68
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Argyia as a result of treatment of gastric ultra with silver nitric acid

Kamalova S.I., Khamadullin Z.G.


Complication in the treatment of ulcerative patients with silver nitrate is quite rare. In the blood, lapis with organic substances is reduced to metallic insoluble silver, which cannot be excreted from the body and is deposited in the form of a dark pigment of the connective tissue of various organs. A very small dose of it is removed back from the body by urine and bile (in dissolved form).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):68-69
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Application of gangleron in complex therapy of ulcer

Perevodchikova L.N.


Gangleron was synthesized in 1950 by prof. A.L. Mjoyanom (Yerevan) is a hydrochloride of an amino compound belonging to the class of aminoesters of p-alkoxybenzoic acids (C12H33O3NHCO).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):69-71
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Gangleron in purpose therapy

Markov K.V.


Currently, data are provided on the clinical effectiveness of gangleron in the treatment of patients with peptic ulcer disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):71-72
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Immediate and long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with chronic cardia ultra

Levin Y.V.


For a long time, ulcers of the cardiac stomach were considered unremovable and were treated conservatively.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):72-73
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Stomach resection for peptic ulcer in case of bleeding

Akhunzyanov K.Z.


Surgical intervention at the height of bleeding in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is performed by most surgeons more often in middle-aged and elderly patients and very rarely in old age, especially with pronounced age-related changes in the cardiovascular and nervous system. The fear of “losing the patient” makes some surgeons refuse surgery and use conservative therapy. Of course, there may be contraindications for the operation of such patients, when the operation may be either useless or harmful. In these cases, conservative therapy will be the only treatment. With direct indications and the absence of special contraindications, surgical intervention is a necessary treatment even in extreme old age. By careful, active action, the surgeon can prolong the life of elderly people.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):73-74
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Intestinal feeding and support of digestive juices after gastric resection

Maslov I.P.


To date, gastric resection has not been free of complications. Along with general disorders of gastric resection, complications specific to this operation are characteristic: impaired emptying of the gastric stump, failure of the sutures of the gastrointestinal anastomosis and the duodenal stump.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):74-75
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Long-term results of surgery for suturing perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers

Furman Y.O.


Almost all surgeons agree that in case of perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, an emergency operation is necessary, and either suturing of the perforated opening or primary resection of the stomach is performed.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):76-77
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Eosinophilic granuloma of the stomach

Gurevich P.S., Genkin M.L., Zemskov N.K.


Eosinophilic granuloma, or Taratynov's disease, first described in 1913 in the Kazan Medical Journal, is a relatively rare disease. To date, more than 200 cases have been published, including about 60 observations of gastric eosinophilic granulomas.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):77-78
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The defeat of the stomach and duodenal bulb in chronic lymphadenosis

Koifman E.S.


Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with lymphadenosis, although rare, are encountered.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):78-78
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Chronic nonspecific ulcerative pancolitis complicated by polyposis

Perelstein S.B.


In recent years, interest in ulcerative colitis has increased significantly due to the apparent increase in morbidity in the Soviet Union and abroad. If earlier this disease was in one way or another identified with dysentery colitis, now its nosological isolation has been proven. In the literature, this type of colitis is described as "nonspecific ulcerative colitis", "idiopathic ulcerative colitis", "severe colitis", etc. Attempts to find out the etiology and pathogenesis of this suffering have so far been unsuccessful. Existing concepts point to the multifaceted pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. The development of the disease is due to immunoallergic, bacterial, neuro-endocrine, metabolic and other changes in the body. Ulcerative colitis is considered to be a systemic disease similar to collagenosis. Ulcerative colitis occurs in people of various age groups, but more often between the ages of 20 and 50. At an older age, the prognosis is more favorable than at a young age. The disease always proceeds chronically for many years, accompanied by periodic relapses, the development of systemic complications and complications associated with intestinal damage (anemia, thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, amyloidosis, perforation, peritonitis, bleeding, polyposis, carcinoma, etc.). Since the etiology and pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis have not been clarified, the questions of rational therapy have not been resolved either.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):79-80
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Leukemoid reaction after splenectomy in Werlhof disease

Dashevskaya R.S., Salamatina V.V.


When, with Werlhof's disease, it is not possible to stop the bleeding conservatively, one has to resort to splenectomy as the only way to save the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):80-81
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Formation of an artificial vagina from the amniotic membranes

Krivitsky Y.E., Zavershinskaya L.I.


In 1961, in our clinic, an operation of an artificial vagina from the amniotic membranes was performed on two patients aged 21-23 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):81-82
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About the diagnosis of gastro-duodenal bleeding

Mazchenko N.S.


As you know, determining the nature of gastro-duodenal bleeding is very difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):82-83
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Primary gallbladder cancer

Vinogradov A.S., Avanesova V.Y.


Primary gallbladder cancer is not common among other cancers and, according to published statistical materials by various authors, ranges from 0.11 to 0.7% of the total number of autopsies, and for all malignant diseases, from 1.43% to 2.31 %.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):83-84
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Suturing end-to-end and drainage of the common bile duct after its complete intersection

Mavzyutov L.K.


Damage to the common bile duct during resection of the stomach occurs in 0.2-1.8% of operations with anomalies in the location of the duct, when the duct is seized together with a vessel (stopping bleeding), with cicatricial adhesions in the hepato-duodenal ligament and displacement of the duct.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):84-84
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Clinical evaluation of the determination of ether-soluble bilirubin in the differential diagnosis of jaundice of various etiology

Polumordvinova E.D., Sedlovets M.P., Guseva T.M.


Determination of ester-soluble bilirubin has come into practice as a laboratory method for diagnosing cancer of the head of the pancreas and Vater's papilla.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):85-86
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Intestinal obstruction according to the data of the Mari Republican Hospital for 5 years

Murugov D.S.


In the period from 1955 to 1959, 172 patients were admitted to the surgical department of the Republican Hospital with a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):86-87
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The time factor in a single nerve impulse

Akhmerov U.S.


Methods for studying the time factor in arousal processes have long been a subject of discussion. The question is related not only to the study of isolated muscles and nerves, but also to clinical studies, since reflex changes in the response time of tissues can serve as a subtle indicator of functional states and neurodynamics in the higher regulatory parts of the whole organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):87-87
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Splenectomy in a district hospital

Zaripov Z.A.


In a district hospital, spleen removal is still rarely performed, so we consider it possible to share our observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):88-88
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Modification of operations by prof. Golovin for chronic dacryocystitis

Petrov A.G.


Treatment of chronic purulent dacryocystitis is carried out by imposing an anastomosis between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity. This intervention, not to mention a cosmetic defect, cannot be called easy and ensures 100% success even in experienced hands.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):88-89
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Our experience of using dacryocystorhinostomy modified by prof. V.N. Arkhangelsky

Fedorova N.V.


In the practice of an ophthalmologist, a rather significant place is occupied by diseases of the lacrimal ducts and especially the lacrimal sac. Inflammation of the latter - dacryocystitis is accompanied by very unpleasant phenomena: lacrimation and suppuration. For a long time, they tried to artificially restore the outflow of tear fluid into the nasal cavity with this disease. The most effective should be considered dacryocystorhinostomy modified by prof. V.N. Arkhangelsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):89-89
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Knife penetrating injury to the skull and brain

Solomin A.N.


G., 20 years old, enrolled on 23/I 1959. He has no complaints.

On 20/ІХ 1958, in a state of intoxication, he was hit in the left parietal region with some sharp metal object. Who wounded and how the wound was inflicted, the patient does not remember. On the next day, after sobering up, I found a 2X1 cm wound in the left parietal region. At the place of residence I went to a medical center, where they made a toilet of the wound and applied an aseptic bandage. After 10 days, the wound healed, the patient forgot about the wound and continued to work as an accountant on the collective farm.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):90-90
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Brain injury during boxing competition

Bolotovsky I.S.


G., born in 1930, turned to a psychiatrist in connection with the need to recommend a transfer to another area of ​​work (noise intolerance). Developed correctly in childhood. Since 1953 he is engaged in boxing, first-class athlete; until 1957 did not know a single defeat. From 1957 to 1959 received three knockdowns (with blows to the head). In December 1959 he was knocked out with a blow to the head. For five days he was treated inpatiently, then outpatiently. After that, he noted a sharp deterioration in his condition: constant headaches, sleep disorders (at first - drowsiness, followed after a few months by insomnia). Fatigue, decreased performance, and memory worsened gradually. In 1960, due to traumatic cerebrosthenia with reactive layers, he was demobilized from the army.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):90-91
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Comatose form of acute hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis with a favorable outcome

Ratner A.Y., Smirnov A.N.


R., 25 years old, entered 10/XII-60 in an unconscious state. 8/XII in the evening there was a slight malaise, the next day - a headache, temperature - 38 °, catarrhal phenomena in the upper respiratory tract. 10/XII in the morning, sudden loss of consciousness, cramps in the limbs. In this state, an hour later he was hospitalized.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):91-91
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Itsenko-Cushing's disease in a child 2 years 8 months

Shvareva A.I., Gimadeeva N.N.


A., 2 years 8 months, was admitted 2/IX-58, the Child from the second pregnancy. The birth proceeded normally. Birth weight - 3,200 g, height - 50 cm. Sits from 6 months, walks from 14 months. Teething from 6 months. The child was fed with breast milk alone for up to 1 year. Complementary feeding from the first year. Didn't hurt. Heredity is healthy. Father is 26 years old, mother is 27 years old. The first child died at three days of age, the cause is unknown. The third child is healthy at the age of 5 months. Material conditions are satisfactory.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):92-92
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Two cases of uterine rupture

Dobrinsky A.Y.


One of the most formidable complications during labor is a ruptured uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):92-93
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Successful treatment of sublimate poisoning without the use of antidotes

Galeeva M.G.


P., 21, was admitted at 14 hours 20/X 1959 with complaints of nausea, vomiting, burning and dry mouth, abdominal pain, dizziness, general weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):93-94
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Danini-Aschner reflex in workers in absolute darkness

Kamchatnov V.P., Yakhin F.A.


In the general link in the study of the nervous system in working in the dark, the Danini-Aschner reflex was used to identify vegetative shifts.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):94-94
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Modern ideas about the value of indicators of acid-forming and secretory functions of the stomach in peptic ulcer disease

Talantov V.V.


The most common criteria for the functional state of the secretory apparatus of the stomach are the determination of acid-forming function, secretory (determination of the amount of gastric contents) function - on an empty stomach and in response to certain stimuli; less often pepsin-forming and other functions are studied. However, doctors often exaggerate the importance of these criteria both in assessing the functional state of the stomach and in the development of the pathological process. In this regard, it is advisable to cite some facts that help in the correct assessment of the results of the study of these functions.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):95-99
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Clinical picture and therapy of chronic intoxication with sulphurous oil products

Mukhametova G.M., Gabitova R.F.


Due to the fact that the proportion of oils containing sulfur is growing from year to year, the study of the effect of oil products is of considerable interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):99-102
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On the initial manifestation of chronic intoxication with manganese

Khaimovich M.L.


Manganese is widely used in domestic industry. The results of studying the incidence of people in contact with manganese and numerous experiments on animals clearly indicate pathological changes caused by manganese dust.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):102-104
pages 102-104 views

Work experience of the Alekseevskaya regional hospital of the TASSR

Krasilnikov P.E.


In the Program of the CPSU, adopted by the XXII Congress, in the section related to health care, it is written: “The need of the urban and rural population in all types of highly qualified medical care will be fully satisfied. The solution of this problem will require extensive construction of medical institutions, including hospitals and sanatoriums ... ”(emphasis mine — P.K.).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):104-106
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Radiation hygiene. Volume I, editors: S.M. Gorodinsky, G.M. Parkhomenko, N.Yu. Tarasenko. Volume II, editor A. A. Marey

Berezovsky B.S.


The use of atomic energy is so wide that it does not fit into the framework of any one science or division of the national economy.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):106-111
pages 106-111 views

K.V.Bunin. Immunity and rational immunoantibiotic therapy of typhoid fever and dysentery

Ado A.D., Reznik A.E.


The work is devoted to the theory and practice of immunotherapy of patients with acute dysentery and typhoid fever in combination with the rational use of antibiotics and desensitizing therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):111-112
pages 111-112 views

The first All-Union meeting on the problems of medical geography (November 19-24, 1962, Leningrad)

Landyshev I.V.


The meeting, convened on the initiative of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was attended by 243 delegates and about 100 guests. All union republics (except for the Latvian one) were represented.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):112-115
pages 112-115 views

Occupational hygiene and prevention of occupational diseases at the All-Union meeting of industrial and sanitary doctors (27-30 / XI 1962, Kazan)

Kuznetsova M., Gorkhov N.


The meeting was attended by about 500 delegates and guests from all Union republics, territories, regions, autonomous republics, researchers from the Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and other research institutes of occupational health and occupational diseases and medical institutes; employees of sanitary and epidemiological departments of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, union republics; industrial sanitary doctors of all levels of the sanitary service.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):115-116
pages 115-116 views

Symposium on "Eunogastroplasty in gastrectomy and gastric resection" (25-26 / X 1962, Simferopol)

Pomosov D.V., Timofeev N.S.


The symposium was organized by the Board of the Society of Surgeons of the Ukrainian SSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):117-118
pages 117-118 views

Questions of clinical allergology at the Quedlinburg conference (19-20/X 1962, Quedlinburg, East Germany)

Tolpegina T.B.


The conference was attended by scientists from Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria; the Soviet delegation at this conference was represented by a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. A. D. Ado (Moscow), Art. scientific. sotr. A. A. Polner (Moscow) and the author of these lines.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):118-119
pages 118-119 views

In memory of N.A. Nemshilova

Staff K.


June 13, 1963 marks 2 years since the death of the director of the Kazan Research Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the RSFSR Nina Aleksandrovna Nemshilova.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(3):119-120
pages 119-120 views

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