Vol 23, No 12 (1927)

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To the anatomy of the n. phrenici

Lutzkendorf E.R.


The purpose of this paper is to describe several cases of anastomoses of the n. phrenici with sympathetic and with spinal nerves, which anastomoses explain the sensitive nature of the diaphragmatic nerve, which for a long time was considered to be a pure-motor nerve of the thoracic abdominal barrier.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1205-1206
pages 1205-1206 views

Consideration of historical memento for the evolution of endocrinotherapy

Sukhov A.A.


The history of organotherapy is as old as human history, but some stages of its transition to the rational-scientific basis are of great interest for modern evolution of organotherapy as well. It is especially timely to recall now the almost forgotten works of our compatriots, Prof. A.V. Pel and Prof. I.R. Tarkhanov, concerning the relationship between radio- and radiotherapy and organotherapy and the possibility to strengthen the hormone therapy effect of organ drugs by their radioactivation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1207-1209
pages 1207-1209 views

To the semiotics of aortic stenosis

Khavkin A.B.


Aortic stenosis, in particular its pure form, not combined with aortic valve insufficiency, is the rarest of extrauterine heart defects, so rare that, as Prof. S.S. Zimnitsky points out, in some authors' statistics "this defect does not appear at all". Indeed, in Schnitt's statistics, as well as in Guttmann's statistics cited by Killbs, and in Killbs' own statistics, stenosis ostii aortae is completely silent. Hirschfeider found this defect in only 3% of all his cases, and always in combination with aortic insufficiency. Gerhardt reported this defect 19 times out of 300 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1210-1215
pages 1210-1215 views

About alkaline reserve (reserve alkalinity) in kidney disease

Yakimov V.F.


The body has a complex regulatory mechanism to maintain its acid-base balance. The blood reaction, shifted somewhat to the alkaline side, fluctuates within very narrow limits. Even with increased production of acidic metabolic products, the deviation from the normal fluctuations of this individually constant value either does not occur at all or is very insignificant. A stronger deviation of blood Ph to one side or the other is incompatible with life.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1216-1222
pages 1216-1222 views

On the mode of action of high voltage currents (static electricity and currents of d'Arsonval)

Rudnitsky N.M.


From the point of view of the electron theory, static electricity should be understood as a certain mass of electrons concentrating in a certain place and thus having a certain effect on the environment; this is what distinguishes it from galvanic and alternating electricity, where the electrons are constantly in motion. Another important difference between it and these currents is that it has a high voltage.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1223-1228
pages 1223-1228 views

Radical operation of inguinal hernia by the method of Prof. I. A. Praxin

Astrakhansky V.A.


Anatomical conditions play an important role in the results of any operation, including herniotomy. On the other hand, however, we see that whatever these conditions may be, the imperfection of some methods, e.g., the same Bascini method, remains unchanged. The frequent complaints of operated patients about heaviness in the groin, pain in the testicular and spermatic cord after operations performed lege artis according to this method convince us of this. All this prompts us to turn surgeons' attention to the method of inguinal hernia surgery, once proposed by the late Prof. I.A. Praxin, a method based on the idea of meeting all the requirements of anatomy and physiology, imitating nature itself in detail.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1229-1240
pages 1229-1240 views

On the issue of varicose veins of the lower extremity

Eiber S.I.


Варикозное расширение вен нижних конечностей относится к циклу тех распространенных заболеваний, которые с трудом поддаются как консервативному лечению, так и оперативному воздействию. Указанное заболевание, причиняя больным тяжкие страдания, лишая их работоспособности и не давая надежды на быстрое и стойкое восстановление потерянных жизненных сил, несмотря на большую давность в истории развития хирургии, еще и по настоящее время не располагает точно разрешенными, обоснованными методами лечения. Обстоятельства эти и послужили для меня стимулом к проработке 124 случаев, прошедших за последние 5 лет в заведываемом мною хирургическом отделении Рабочей больницы Донбасса (г. Артемовск).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1241-1245
pages 1241-1245 views

To the teaching of xerosis conjunctivae essentialis

Liorber G.S.


Recently, a number of experimental and clinical studies on the etiology of Chego-phtalmiae essentialis have appeared in the foreign literature. In view of the importance of this question from both theoretical and practical points of view, especially for us oculists working in areas affected by trachoma, we will allow ourselves to share some observations in this field.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1246-1249
pages 1246-1249 views

Some experimental data on ureteral ligation

Tsapkin L.


If some issues of modern operative gynecology can be referred to the group of borderline areas with surgery, it should be particularly said about ureteral surgery. In itself, such an uncomplicated organ as the ureter requires a highly diverse range of surgeries. Many of them are entirely the domain of surgery, and only as an exception can be found in the practice of a gynecologist, e.g. operations on ureteral stones. But as for ureteral ligation, it seems fair to say that this issue is most of all in the competence of gynecologists. Even in such a solid work as "Surgery of kidneys and ureters" by Prof. Fedorov, almost no attention is paid to this question. As we can see, surgeons had no reason to take up the issue of ureteral ligation in detail, and, on the contrary, this issue becomes particularly acute for gynecologists.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1250-1252
pages 1250-1252 views

Experiments with hypnosis in obstetrics and gynecology

Kudashev A.D.


Recently, in the medical literature, both Russian and foreign, more and more reports began to appear on the use for pain relief, as well as for the treatment of various diseases, hypno-suggestionin, a remedy that is far from new, but, due to some circumstances, for a long time forgotten and little researched both experimentally and clinically.
As you know, in the old days, hypnotism was shrouded in a mystical veil, it was in the hands of the majority of ignorant people who had nothing to do with science, and it was considered simply frivolous to engage in it. Subsequently, however, thanks to the research of such prominent representatives of psychiatry as Braid, Liébault, In eau ni, Bernheim, Moll, Forel and many others. others, as well as experimental work of Russian scientists, academicians I. P. Pavlov and V. M. Bekhterev, prof. V. Ya. Danilevsky and others, hypnotism was finally taken out of the limits of mysticism and, having received physiological substantiations, firmly embarked on a broad scientific path.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1253-1263
pages 1253-1263 views

Observations on Schick's reaction in scarlet and measles patients


In the present report we cite the results we obtained by examination of scarlatina and measles patients in 1924 and 1926 at the Contagious Hospital of the Tatnarkomzdrav for the years 1924 and 1926. Such examination of infectious patients for susceptibility to diphtheria is necessary because of comparative frequency of simultaneous disease of scarlatina and diphtheria and ease of joining of diphtheria to scarlatina as well as severity of course of diphtheria observed in measles patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1264-1268
pages 1264-1268 views

Female sexual reflexes

Galant I.B.


Adhering here, as before, to the point of view that the concept of reflex in neurology and neuropathology should not, mainly for practical reasons, be extended to all phenomena of neuro-psychic life, we will consider here only those phenomena in the sexual sphere of women, which by their nature really correspond to the basic concept of reflex, which consists in transferring irritation from the sensory to the motor neuron. Reflexes of the female sexual sphere stand mainly in connection with the processes of sexual intercourse, pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1269-1272
pages 1269-1272 views

On fungal diseases of the scalp

Axelrud S.S.


In recent years fungal diseases of the scalp have grown considerably all over our Union, with Ukraine being particularly affected: recently there has been a real epidemic of trichophytosis and favus. Our city and district are not lagging behind in this aspect: for the period from May 1, 1924 to September 1, 1925, 870 patients have passed through my office with these illnesses.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1273-1276
pages 1273-1276 views

Problems and methods of modern psychiatry

Yudin T.I.


The time is not far off when all psychic phenomena were explained only as manifestations of an immortal soul independent of the body. The time was not yet far off when mental illness was looked upon as the result of an evil spirit having taken possession of the patient's soul, and the treatment of mental illness was reduced to the expulsion of this evil spirit by prayers and incantations. The psychiatrists were then clergymen, and the places of treatment of mental illness were monasteries. Where treatment failed, there was only one way to get rid of the evil spirit - to burn, to destroy the body that became his home.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1277-1286
pages 1277-1286 views

Epithelial cells and their importance in the body


With a number of new studies the author proves his earlier view that epithelial cells produce a hormone circulating in the blood and passing into milk during lactation. The switching off of this hormone when the epithelial cells are removed leads to a decrease of calcium in the blood and causes tetany.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

Effect of work on gastric secretion


Having studied, with a fine probe, the gastric juice of 4 adults at rest and after strenuous muscular work, Delhongue found that both gastric secretion and HCI in the gastric juice increased significantly afterwards.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

On the specificity of sex hormone

Puchkov N.


The authors obtained a new preparation from testicles by fast drying the sap of the latter at low temperature. This drug, called "testofortana", being used in the form of tablets (with an admixture of some other organs of internal secretion and calcium) orally and simultaneously, as an extract, subcutaneously, gave an improvement or complete cure in 80% of 180 cases of human impotence observed by the authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

The effect of radiant energy on a protein molecule

Mishchenko I.P.


Radiant energy acts on a protein molecule, splitting it into its simplest constituent parts, i.e., destroying it. In this case, solar rays and short-wave rays, such as radium and radium rays, have the same effect on the molecule; there is only a quantitative difference.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

Histological index of cancer malignancy


For the histological characterization of cancer, the authors put forward 9 factors: 1) specific type of carcinoma, 2) size of cancer cell nuclei, 3) shape of nuclei, 4) clarity of cell borders, 5) functional activity of cells, 6) size of cells, 7) shape of cells, 8) ability of nuclei to stain, and 9) number of mitoses.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1187-1188
pages 1187-1188 views

Multiple primary tumors, especially malignant


The author reports that 9,371 autopsies performed between 1920 and 1926 at the Pathologoanat. The author reports that from the total number of cases of malignant tumors of 1.123 (11.98%) in the Institute of Pathology and Anatomy of Prof. Kiml in Prague 14 multiple cancers were found. Besides 4 cases in which the primary origin of the tumor was questionable, 10 cases (0,107% of all autopsies and 0.89% of malignant tumors) remain, where the primary plurality may be considered as reliable or at least very probable.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

Intradermal reaction with typhoid fever


Having applied an intradermal test with typhoid toxin in a significant number of patients suffering from both typhoid fever and other acute febrile illnesses, Alisov and Morozkin came to the conclusion that this reaction is diagnostically equivalent to Widala's reaction, surpassing the latter in the speed of detection and greater technical simplicity.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

On the elimination of typhoid bacilli in milk

Matveev V.N., Kresling E.K.


Experiments staged by V.N.Matveev and E.K. Kresling convinced them that not all races of typhoid bacilli are equally sensitive to high temperature: out of 14 cultures out of 4, when milk was heated to 75 ° C, 10 remained viable were killed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

Treatment of typhoid fever with recurvalescent serum

Davydov P.D.


The author obtained good results in 11 cases, in the sense of cessation of typhoid fever or its transfer to a milder form, by injecting patients with the serum of typhoid fever survivors.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

Streptococci in skin scales of scarlatino patients

Kanevskaya M.I.


From the skin scales of exfoliating scarlatinoid patients, in many cases, even after careful skin cleaning, it is possible to excrete hemolytic streptococcus. The latter is especially often isolated in the first days of desquamation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

On experimental blena gonorrhea in rabbits

Pribylev A.V., Pavlov E.T.


Experimental blenorrhea can only be obtained in young rabbits, and not every strain of human gonococcus gives a positive result here. Subsequently, the first generations of gonococcus isolated from a rabbit can infect other rabbits almost unmistakably, whereas in subsequent generations the virulence of the culture decreases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1288-1289
pages 1288-1289 views

To the pathogenesis of pulmonary consumption


It is commonly known that fatal pulmonary consumption in adults is usually thought to develop from what is called an apical process. Redeker states, however, that this is only in exceptional cases. The starting point of fatal pulmonary tuberculosis in adults, including galloping one, is usually the "early infiltrate", as R. calls it, which is located mostly in the subclavian region or in the middle part of the lung.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Tobacco production and tbc

Huv M.A.


The author concluded that the influence of occupational hazards of tobacco production on the morbidity and development of tbc is of secondary importance. The author agrees with German hygienists that the incidence and development of the disease depend mainly on the constitution of the organism and social and domestic conditions, and only in the last instance on the profession.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Syphilis and tbc

Oyfebach M.


Having studied the clinical course of pulmonary tbc in lutes, the author found that the combination of both infections occurs frequently (64 cases per 1300 patients, i.e. 5%), and tbc added to old tertiary syphilis runs with a tendency to fibrosis, while addition of syphilis to the existing tbc worsens the latter and aggravates the prognosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Artificial pneumothorax

Oyfebach M.


Analyzing his material in 196 cases of artificial pneumothorax, traced from 6 months to 11 years, the author found that in 8% of cases clinical recovery and in 65% - improvement with partial restoration of ability to work, i.e. in 73% of cases artificial pneumothorax justified its use.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Roffo's reaction

Hilarowicz H., Janкоwsкa-Hilarоwicz W.


At one time, Roffo, for cancer recognition, proposed a reaction based on the fact that a solution of the known Neutralrot dye reacts differently with the blood serum of healthy subjects and cancer patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1289-1290
pages 1289-1290 views

The importance of vegetables in the diet of patients

Tarnopolsky I.


During 6 years of observation of the effect of vegetable juices (cabbage, beets, cauliflower, blue cabbage, potatoes) on the secretory functions of the stomach in 20 people with healthy stomachs, in 61 people with sick stomachs and in one dog with the stomach isolated by Heidenhain-Pavlov, Prof. Orlowski came to the conclusion that these juices intensify the gastric secretion and increase its total acidity, free HCI content and pepsin. Orlowski came to the conclusion that these juices intensify the separation of gastric juice and increase in it total acidity, the content of free HCI and pepsin, and the intensification of gastric work is stimulated exclusively by chemical irritation from nitrogenous (non-protein) substances contained in vegetable juices.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

Aetiology and therapy of chronic ulcerative colitis

Alekseev L.G.


On the basis of numerous observations, Professor L.G. Alekseev concludes that chronic ulcerative colitis is an amicrobial non-infectious disease, often layered on the former ulcerative process (acute bacillary dysentery and other infectious colitis).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

Treatment of gastric bleeding


In acute bleeding the author recommends physical and mental rest, abstinence from morphine, drip enemas of table salt or grape juice, total abstinence from food for 3 days, if necessary 10% NaCl injections and in case of need cardiac drugs and later ascaline or bismuth with belladonna along with nourishing enemas, careful diet according to Leube or Lenhartz.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

To the treatment of helminthiasis

Kurakin S.


In 88 cases (50 cases of bothriocephalus latus and 38 cases of thaenia), the author expelled the worms with a duodenal probe.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1290-1291
pages 1290-1291 views

A new local anesthetic

Winterstein О.


The author tested a new remedy for local anesthesia-S. F. 147 and found that it is well soluble in water, its solutions do not change when sterilized by boiling, its effect is enhanced by the addition of adrenaline.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

Lumbar plexus analgesia

Tsimkhes I.


The author performed 19 inguinal and 2 femoral herniotomies and one appendectomy under local anesthesia of the lumbar plexus according to the Bucsh'a method.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

On the issue of endocrine gland transplantation

Obolenskaya A.I., Golyanitsky I.A.


The authors concluded that attempts to treat underdevelopment, atrophy and insufficient endocrine gland activity by conventional transplantation of similar glands from another person or from animals are based on a theoretically incorrect position, and quite naturally they either have no result at all or have only a short-term effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

About blood transfusions

Krinitsky Y.M.


The author concluded that blood transfusion is one of the best ways to combat deoxidation and blood stasis, as well as against falling blood pressure, and the best effect from it is obtained when from the beginning of disorders has passed no more than 1-2 hours. In the pre- and postoperative period it is often a necessary measure to increase the chances of a successful operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1291-1292
pages 1291-1292 views

Softening of scars


Based on theoretical considerations and experiments, the author came to the conclusion that the best remedy for softening scars is a saturated solution of urea with an addition of potassium rhodanide.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

Surgical treatment of pruritusani

Tsimkhes I.


The author reports two cases of severe itching in the anus area that could not be treated conservatively. Excision of the eczematous area was also unsuccessful.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

To the etiology of glaucoma

Golovin S.S.


Performing a series of studies on subvital processes in the isolated eye, the author obtained data which fully confirm his long-standing thoughts that the function of intraocular pressure regulation belongs to the vascular walls, and that glaucoma is a disease characterized by disturbed compensation of intraocular pressure due to changes in the physical and physiological properties of the vascular walls.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

Laboratory diagnosis of trachoma

Stepanov G.B.


G. B. Stepanov reports the results of a study on the presence of Proryazek'a bodies in 786 cases, of which 655 were examined with trachoma con'yunctiva scrapings, 58 with follicle contents from trachoma patients and 73 with con'yunctiva scrapings from non-trachoma patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

A new method of eyeball fixation


The author, not satisfied with the bridle suture on the muscle in operations on the eyeball, offers a new method of fixation of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

Lactic therapy for orbital phlegmon


The author reports orbital phlegmon developed after lacrimal sac extirpation (the operation in this case was accompanied by heavy bleeding and tearing of the highly altered lacrimal sac at its entrance into the bone canal).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1292-1293
pages 1292-1293 views

Artificial insemination

de Torres M.


For artificial insemination the author considers suitable cases where the obstruction lies in the cervix, or it is unknown, as well as cases of impotentiae coeundi. The author admits that cervical stenosis is a mechanical obstacle, which the spermatozoa are unable to overcome.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1293-1293
pages 1293-1293 views

Treatment of infertility


In discussing the causes of infertility, the author notes that part of the cases with unclear etiology depends on sperm immunity. In one third of infertile marriages the husband is directly responsible for infertility, in another third he indirectly causes infertility (transmission of gonorrhea to the wife), and only in one third of cases the cause of infertility lies with the woman herself.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1293-1293
pages 1293-1293 views

A new sign of pregnancy


In order to diagnose early pregnancy, the author injects a woman intravenously with 1 qt of pituizine. In case of pregnancy in 10-20 seconds the bimanual examination easily detects a sharp uterine contraction, which lasts from 1 to 5 min, after which the uterus begins to soften again.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1293-1293
pages 1293-1293 views

Artificial induction of uterine contractions

Timofeev A.


When reviewing the methods of artificial induction of uterine contractions in women in labor, the author notes that the mechanical method of Gauss could be replaced by the electric stool Vergonié or procteirinter. The Stein's method (castor oil, pituitrin), which gave the author only 50% positive results, is considered by O. to be no better than the quinine method of inducing contractions.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1293-1294
pages 1293-1294 views

New views on the etiology of myomas

Timofeev A.


On the basis of clinical and pathological-anatomical studies of 300 myomas S. concludes that the only scientifically acceptable cause of myomas is syphilis. This is supported by the following considerations: the onset of maturation in myoma patients proceeds with the phenomena of hypothyroidism and hyperfunction of the ovaries and pituitary gland; this congenital dystrophy,-the so-called neuroarthritismus, or congestive diathesis, is actually a congenital syphilitic dystrophy. In 100% of all cases of patients with uterine myomas, the author was able to prove the presence of hereditary syphilitic diseases on the part of the father or mother.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1294-1294
pages 1294-1294 views

Prognostic value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in uterine cancer


Using the Stoeskelelʹya clinic material, the author confirms the indications of other authors who say that the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation increases with the onset of cancer recurrence.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1294-1294
pages 1294-1294 views

On the subject of rickets

Feldman F.Y.


Having examined 1,403 children under 1 year of age at the Odessa City Children's Clinic, the author found rickets in 46% of the children and craniotabes in 20% of them. According to his observations, social factors - poor living conditions, etc. - do not play a significant role in the pathogenesis of rickets, but the way in which children are fed plays a significant role.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1294-1295
pages 1294-1295 views

Bronchiectasia in children

Oyfebach M.


The author describes 30 cases of childhood bronchiectasias seen at the Kleinschmidt Pediatric Clinic in Hamburg. He considers important for the diagnosis of the disease the dissociation between the percussion and X-ray findings on the one hand and the persistent abundant wheezing in the lungs on the other, as well as the presence of changes in the fingers (drumstick shape) and nails (hour glass shape).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1295-1295
pages 1295-1295 views

Treatment of measles with quinine

Fedorovich A.I.


The author considers it possible to treat measles abortively by prescribing quinine in ordinary doses (0.03 to 0.3, depending on the age of the patient). This treatment gives alleviation of all attacks of the disease, and its effect is the sharper the earlier it is begun.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1295-1295
pages 1295-1295 views

Antitoxic serum for scarlet fever

Stein S.G.


The author used in 40 cases of scarlet fever the antitoxic serum prepared by the Mechnikov Institute in Moscow and concluded that the serum treatment of scarlet fever should be used in all severe and moderately severe cases of both toxic and mixed forms of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1295-1295
pages 1295-1295 views

Progressive paralysis and the constitution

Fridman E.S.


Among 106 progressive paralytic patients, examined by E. S. Friedman, pickney features were definitely expressed in 84, i.e. 79.24%, including 54 patients with mixed pickney-athletic constitution and 30 patients with pure pickney constitution. This makes the author think that pycnism has some affinity to progressive paralysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1295-1295
pages 1295-1295 views

Pale spirochaete in spinal tapeworm

Gershkovich L.


The author microscopically examined the juice (lymph) of inguinal lymph glands extracted from 20 tabikas and found pale spirochaeta in 7 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1295-1295
pages 1295-1295 views

Novel neurolues' therapy

Weinstein A.


Theoretically and practically developed the treatment of neurolues'a by vaccination of malaria, the author thinks the newest therapy of it, as a combination of specific means (salvarsan, Bi, Hg) with nonspecific, among which the main role played by vaccination of malaria and returnable typhus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1295-1295
pages 1295-1295 views

Cannibalism in Ukraine

Frank D.B.


The author, who examined the mental condition of the starving people in Pridneprovye by order of the NKZ of Ukraine in 1922, described the results of his examination in his book titled "Cannibalism", where he described 45 cases of cannibalism in various forms (cannibalism, human flesh trade, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1296-1296
pages 1296-1296 views

Treatment of chronic shin ulcers with insulin

Yasnitsky N.


Treatment of chronic leg ulcers (varicose ulcers) is still a thankless task for the doctor, because all existing methods do not give satisfactory results and do not protect from recurrences.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1296-1296
pages 1296-1296 views

Secondary anemia after the use of acetic acid thallium

Yasnitsky N.


Acetic acid thallium is now widely used in practice as an epilation agent for parasitic hair diseases, despite the fact that its pharmacological action. extremely complex, can not be considered fully understood. Szentkiralyi believes that hair removal is caused by the effect of thallium on the endocrine resp. vegetative system and that it is only one symptom of a general syndrome complex of disorders in the endocrine resp. vegetative system, not yet fully studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1296-1296
pages 1296-1296 views

Treatment of scabies

Markon I.V.


The author fervently recommends Basin's method for this purpose, in which the cure is achieved in as little as 3-4 hours. First of all, all the clothes and linen of the patient are disinfected in a chamber with high temperature.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1296-1296
pages 1296-1296 views

Treatment of chronic middle ear inflammation

Vasilieva O.


Having treated 144 cases of purulent inflammations of the middle ear according to Bezredek's method, the author concluded that coke infections are successfully cured exclusively with filtrate-bullion-vaccine, while mixed infections require the addition of weak disinfectant solutions to the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1296-1296
pages 1296-1296 views

Upper respiratory tract and hearing in tobacco factory workers

Bobrovsky N.


Dr. Krukover, having examined the upper respiratory tract and hearing organs of workers at the Don State Tobacco Factory, found an atrophic state of the mucosa in 95 percent of those examined.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1296-1297
pages 1296-1297 views

To the pathological anatomy of maxillary sinusitis

Semenov S.N.


Having studied histologically 40 preparations obtained at the operation, and 32 from corpses, the author found that maxillary sinus diseases occur more often than reported in the literature - that in the sinuses are noted not only mucosal but also bone changes, and that in the mucosa of this prevails productive process.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1297-1297
pages 1297-1297 views

Private pathology and therapy of internal medicine

Zimnitsky S.S.


The GPO sent me 2 issues of "Private Pathology and Therapy" for review, and I took on the proposed task with great pleasure, as I wanted 1) to study the material available in this manual in more detail 2) to become acquainted with the collective work of our Russian therapists.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1297-1298
pages 1297-1298 views

Dietetics of gastric and intestinal diseases

Zimnitsky S.S.


First of all, the first section of the book, written by Prof. Boas, gives us the general principles and acquaints us with the conditions of expediency and rules of diegetic treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and then deals with issues of private diegetics.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1298-1298
pages 1298-1298 views

Dietetics and subsequent treatment in gastrointestinal surgeries

Zimnitsky S.S.


In the second part, the private dietetics of diseases of the stomach and intestines and, above all, the diet in acute catarrhs of the gastrointestinal tract are already described. Abstinence from food until the patient has an appetite, a slow transition to the usual dishes and the use of light dishes in terms of digestion and assimilation, this is the basic principle of the diet.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1299-1299
pages 1299-1299 views

Die Malariabehandlung der Frühlues

Weinstein A.


The author, an assistant to Prof. Неuсk in Munich, elaborates in his small monograph on a new method that is just beginning to make its way in the treatment of early syphilis, the artificial inoculation of malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1299-1300
pages 1299-1300 views

Newly designed portable device for application of artificial pneumothorax

Friedland M.


The elegantly published booklet, over 8 pages and with 6 pictures, illustrates the author's model, which does seem to have significant advantages over other apparatus of its kind.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1300-1300
pages 1300-1300 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University


Prof. A. I. Timofeev and Dr. V. V. Diakonov: Materials for the Study of Postpartum Infection. The authors have developed materials of the Obstetric Clinic of Kaz. State University for the period from 1900/01 up to 1925/26 inclusive and material of the Obstetrical Clinic of the State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians for the period from 1920 to 1926 to find out the number of puerperal diseases during various periods of clinic activity. All material was divided into two groups: the first group covers the period from 1900 to 1919, the second from 1920 to the present.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1300-1303
pages 1300-1303 views



According to the report of the dean of the Kazan University Faculty of Medicine there were 165 students in the I course of this faculty by November 28, the II course had 204 students, the III course - 248, the IV course - 241 and the V course - 273.
At the session of 28/XI the academic council of the medical faculty of Kazan University unanimously recognized the work of Dr. V.N. Vorobyov "Observations on atimulated animals" as a work of high scientific qualification. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1303-1304
pages 1303-1304 views

Questions and answers


Please report the technique of shoulder dislocation reduction by the Janelidze method mentioned in the article of G.A. Ilyin (No. 3, "Kaz. Med. Zhurnal"). Subp. no. 2571.
Answer: The patient lies on the side of the dislocated side so that the arm hangs over the edge of the table. In doing so, pay attention to the edge of the table where the edges of the m. pect. maj. et latissimi dorsi approach the shoulder. The head of the b-head is supported by an assistant. The arm remains in the downward position for 1-2 minutes, during which the shoulder girdle musculature relaxes. Then the surgeon stands on the front side of the patient, bends his arm at the elbow and, holding his forearm with both hands, presses straight down along the axis of the shoulder, rotating it slightly alternately to the outside and inside at the same time.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(12):1304-1304
pages 1304-1304 views

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