Vol 31, No 2 (1935)

Resolution of the 16-th All-Russian Congress of Soviets

Board Е.


Resolution of the XVI All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the report of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR on the work and tasks in the field of public health of the RSFSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):а1-а11
pages а1-а11 views

On the issue of antibodies in experimental syphilis in rabbits

Kondratyev G.G.


Recent clinical and experimental data show that a number of complex immunobiological processes are developing in both rabbits in experimental syphilis and people with syphilis. However, the nature of these phenomena is still unclear.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):238-246
pages 238-246 views

Healthcare tasks in the light of decisions of the 16-th All-Russian Congress of Soviets

Epstein T.D.


By virtue of the progressive historical movement, certain sectors of socialist construction at known stages of its development are systematically brought to the forefront and immediately become the focus of public attention and concern throughout the country. Our healthcare sector was in such a happy position by the 16th All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):а12-а24
pages а12-а24 views

On vocational counselling and career guidance in secondary schools

Lutovinova N.G., Voidinova O.M.


In connection with the elimination of unemployment in the Soviet Union and the introduction of universal education, the majority of workers are being recruited from mass schools and the centre of gravity of training is being moved here, so the urgent task of the school is to organise and carry out a wide range of practical career guidance and vocational counselling activities with the aim of rational training for social construction.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):161-168
pages 161-168 views

Materials to the problem of aging

Inyushkin N.V.


The fight against old age has long attracted the attention of major natural scientists, who have approached it from a variety of perspectives, ranging from studying the structure of the colloidal system to investigating the causes of substitution of highly differentiated nervous tissue with connective brain tissue. Hygienists have long observed that "the art of lengthening life is not to shorten it".

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):169-176
pages 169-176 views

Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Lvovich G.A.


Over the last 15 years, the reaction of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) has become widely used. Initially used only in gynaecological diseases, it later acquired the right to citizenship for a variety of diseases (heart diseases, genitourinary tract diseases, rheumatism, etc.), but especially for tuberculosis. It is rare that there is a dispensary or sanatorium, let alone an institute, where ESR does not occupy an honourable place among the various research methods, so it is not surprising that the ESR's importance is sufficiently covered in the medical press. Individual articles and even entire monographs are devoted to this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):176-178
pages 176-178 views

The granularity of Koch's bacilli and the dynamics of pulmonary tuberculosis

Priselkov V.A.


The Pulmonary Tuberculosis Clinic has repeatedly sought to find out the dependence of BC morphology on the dynamics of the tubercle process, and the clinical observations of different authors were often diametrically opposed: some authors observed predominantly long BC in severe forms of TB, while others considered BC to be "evil", but in most cases BC granularity was considered to be one of the bad signs of the TB course. In order to assess the proportion of BC granularity, we processed 100 case histories of patients who were cured at the Palace of Health Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Stalingrad during the spring months of 1933; the cases are, for the most part, well and long known.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):178-180
pages 178-180 views

Immunity and allergies to tuberculosis in terms of its localisation

Sorkin I.E.


Immunity and allergy in tuberculosis are the subject of a great deal of work in all languages ​​and from a variety of perspectives. And the urgency of these questions for the whole problem of tuberculosis is such that they invariably come forward as soon as at least a private but more or less important fundamental topic is touched upon. A review of the literature shows that most of these issues are written by representatives of theoretical disciplines, but it is interesting to note that the leading concepts in the field of immunity and allergies were created by clinicians — Ranke and Pirke.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):180-184
pages 180-184 views

On the issue of narcolepsy as a consequence of epidemic lethargic encephalitis

Naumov F.A.


Sleep sickness or lethargic epidemic encephalitis, which swept through Europe and America between 1919-23, caused mass diseases in many countries with a wide range of lesions of the nervous system, from relatively mild forms of parkinsonism to epiliptoid attacks, mental disorders and mental degeneration. The peculiarity of this disease lies in the fact that by affecting to varying degrees the most important centres of life in the subcortical and hypothalamic regions, it is as if it was setting up a randy clinical experiment on tens of thousands of patients. The rarest complication in epidemics, lethargy and encyphalitis is symptomatic narcolepsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):184-188
pages 184-188 views

Modern cancer therapy in the light of the latest oncology data

Gasul R.Y.


Starting with Peyrilhe 1773 ("Le cancer, "cette maladie est aussi difficile à definer qu'a guérir"), that cancer is a disease that is as difficult to determine as to treat, and ending with the opening words of an article by the famous oncologist F. Blumenthal: "Die Frage, was Krebs ist, kann heute ebensowenig beantwortet werden, wie zu Zeiten Virchows"), - that the question about the nature of cancer cannot be answered at this time, as it was at the time of Virchow, - the pessimism about etiology and also cancer therapy still leaves neither doctors nor patients, and largely hinders the broad development of oncology in general, prevention and treatment of cancer in particular.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):189-196
pages 189-196 views

Combined X-ray treatment of inoperable forms of cervical cancer and histological changes in cancer ulcers under the influence of X-ray radium

Krupenikov N.V.


Inoperable cases of uterine cancer, under the name or heading "Category 3" by Döderlein, are characterized by almost complete involvement of the ulcer process of the cervix, often with the transition of the ulcer process to the arches and vagina. In addition, and most importantly, the inoperability of the case is closely related to the transition of the process directly outside the organ (uterus) to the surrounding peritoneal tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):197-203
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On the treatment of some forms of toxicosis of pregnancy with urotropin

Yurtaykin M.G.


Vomiting of pregnant women, even light forms of it, cannot, of course, be considered a "physiological" phenomenon, no matter how often it accompanies pregnancy. And other unpleasant phenomena in the onset of pregnancy, such as salivation, nausea, neurosis, etc., also indicate a physiological evasion, and the reason for this evasion has not been fully elucidated until recently.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):203-204
pages 203-204 views

To the diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

Rozno Y.A.


Diagnosis and treatment of Nervi trigemini neuralgia is still a matter for physicians and neurologists, surgeons and dentists.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):205-208
pages 205-208 views

Materials on the issue of chronic encapsulated peritonitis

Rubashev S.M.


Chronic encapsulated peritonitis with different names (peritonitis chronica fibrosa incapsulata, peritonitis adhaesiva circumscripta chronica, polyserositis, Zuckergussperitoneum) has been studied particularly hard recently. Such peritonitis was discussed in Russian surgical literature at the 2nd Congress of Russian Surgeons, but only in recent years has the disease become more frequently mentioned in the press and its pathogenesis is being studied more closely. However, even today, due to the relative rarity of observations and the lack of detailed examination of each case, the cause of the disease and its pathological and anatomical substrate remain unclear.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):208-211
pages 208-211 views

Intestine encapsulated by chronic peritonitis

Nalivkin L.A.


Chronic peritonitis, encapsulating the intestine, is a rather rare form of peritonitis, which has a peculiar clinical picture and an unexplained etiology, and therefore the description of individual cases of this disease in our literature is of undoubted practical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):212-217
pages 212-217 views

Early diagnosis and treatment of restricted peritonitis after stomach operations

Sokolov O.A.


Both according to literature (Stich and Makkas, Tsimkhes, Tikhov, etc.) and in practical life, postoperative peritonitis flows atypically. Diagnosis of spilled peritonitis presents no difficulty and no doubt about it. The symptoms of peritonitis differ, both local and general, from intoxication of the organism (Zimges, Stich, Silberberg, etc.). Local symptoms: pain, sensitivity to pressure, muscle tension of the walls, exudate, paretic state of the intestine, resulting in meteorism, vomiting, hiccups, stool retention and gas exhaust, difficulty urinating. Common symptoms include: change in t°, breathing, pulse and blood pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):217-221
pages 217-221 views

About diphtheria of the middle ear

Lyubavskaya Z., Reiderman I., Ryskina R.


Orphanage of the Combine named after Krupskaya, where 60 - 65 children from 1 to 4 years old live, recruits its pupils from quarantine located in the Museum Town (former Lavra). The last set of children was made on 8 / X 31, and 12 children were accepted, placed in the first 4 groups. For two years prior to this, there was not a single case of diphtheria in the Orphanage.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):222-226
pages 222-226 views

On the role of hormones in blood circulation dynamics

Alekseev E.S., Basova T.P.


The problem of blood circulation has not been resolved in its details to date, and the practitioner often has a number of questions at the patient's bedside about the causes and dynamics of swelling, shortness of breath and other signs of cardiovascular decompensation. The latest functional diagnostic methods proposed for studying the dynamics of blood circulation, such as the method for determining the minute blood volume, determining average blood pressure, studying blood gases, determining glutathion, etc., to a large extent open up the veil of the unknown and incomprehensible, but do not explain the whole essence of the process, because the origin of a circulatory disorder can involve a wide variety of moments and factors. The state of blood circulation is caused by the interaction not only of the heart and arteries, but also of veins, capillaries and the entire tissue exchange process.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):226-233
pages 226-233 views

On the effect of folliculin on the uterus and vagina

Popov A.V.


The works of American authors have accurately established the relationship between the functional state of the ovary and the processes occurring in the uterus and vagina of laboratory animals. By taking advantage of this dependence, it is possible to accurately determine not only the presence of the ovarian hormone, but also its exact quantity.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):233-237
pages 233-237 views

A case of primary gallbladder cancer

Revyakin S.A.


Primary gallbladder cancer is rare. The patient Nurenberg Anna, 40, a German, was admitted to Davlekanov Hospital on 26/XI 33. She considers herself to be sick from July 1933, when the first time there were not very severe pains in the area of the right subcostal.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):247-247
pages 247-247 views

A case of spontaneous rupture of the intestine after purgation

Revyakin S.A.


Cases of acute intestinal obstruction on the ground of a mesenteric blood vessel thrombosis are very rare, so I think it's interesting to describe a very instructive case that I have seen.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):247-248
pages 247-248 views

To the casuistry of the bilateral subdiaphragmatic abscess

Patlis G.D.


The pathology of subdiaphragmatic abscesses has been sufficiently developed in the medical literature, and their symptoms and etiology need further study. The painful symptoms of subdiaphragmatic abscesses are diverse, often unclear and therefore difficult to recognise in some cases; each individual case described deserves attention, as it can bring some clarity to the cause of the disease from various inflammatory processes, nearby or distant abdominal and thoracic cavities.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):248-251
pages 248-251 views

G. E. Konechni. Simple (catarrhal) gastritis

Vasilevskie L., Vasilevskie N.


Gastritis is an anatomical concept to which a certain functional disorder corresponds, while the term "catarrh" is inappropriate because it is given not only clinical but also pathological and anatomical meaning. This is not only a case of mucous membrane inflammation with increased excretion, as in other mucous membrane catarrhas, but also of stomach parenchyma.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):252-260
pages 252-260 views

All-Russian conference of microbiologists and epidemiologists

Kogan N.


The Conference of Microbiologists and Epidemiologists, convened in Leningrad in December 1934, is separated from the last Congress, which took place in Moscow in January 1930, by a four-year period. Naturally, after such a long absence of a lively exchange of ideas between employees, interest in the conference should have been very high. And indeed, instead of the 300-350 people expected, about 1000 doctors from microbiologists and epidemiologists took part in the Leningrad conference. The conference programme was extremely busy.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):260-266
pages 260-266 views

Clinic, physiology and vocational counselling for adolescents and young people

Lepsky E.


Physiology and pathology of adolescence are still far from being fully understood. This is why the works coming out of the "Department of a working teenager" at the Obukh Moscow Institute for the study of occupational diseases, based on extensive and carefully processed material, are of great interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):267-267
pages 267-267 views

Dynamics of differential diagnosis of organic and functional heart suffering

Konchalovsky M.S.


Our Soviet educational literature is extremely poor. For many years, medical schools have used translated books and brochures mainly from German clinics. At the same time, along with classic textbooks, manuals were often put on the market, often in poor translations and not worthy of special attention. Meanwhile, it must be said that our clinical medicine has developed independently over the last 3-4 decades, and we have every right to talk about our own clinical schools.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):267-268
pages 267-268 views

Physical disability in children and the fight against it

Friedland M.S.


The author defines the number of crippled children in one RSFSR as half a million people. This figure should not seem exaggerated. Let's remember the big statistics of different countries, which establish 1 case of clubfoot and 1 hip dislocation for every thousand newborns. Consequently, the Union, with its 170 million inhabitants, should have about 700,000 carriers of these two forms of congenital mutilations alone. However, this does not include rickets, static, traumatic and other orthopaedic deformities. Taken together, they will give at least as many more cripples as possible. Therefore, the book's subject matter and the author's aim is to provide concise, publicly available and at the same time scientifically sound guidance on how to fight against cripples - it deserves the widest possible attention not only from specialists, but also from the entire Soviet public.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):268-268
pages 268-268 views

The BNA arranged as an Outline of Regional and Systematic Anatomy

Breitman M.Y.


The beautifully designed publications of the Philadelphia Institute of Anatomy and Biology deal with three fundamental questions. The first three contain the Basel anatomical nomenclature, in which, as is known, out of 50,000 terms, 45,000 were thrown out, and only 5,000 most necessary ones were left.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):268-269
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Breeding and care of the Albino Rat for Research purposes

Breitman M.Y.


The book is dedicated to raising albino rats. The description is given on the basis of many years of experience at the Wistar Institute and contains many practical instructions and many interesting details about the properties and life of these animals. Until now, there has been no such guidance.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):268-269
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Laboratory Atlas of the Pig Embryo

Breitman M.Y.


Laboratory atlas prof. Boyden gives an image of the main developmental stage of a chicken embryo at 36 and 48 hours, as well as a 13.5 mm pig embryo. Here organogeny is located in 10 organ systems.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):268-269
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The Wistar Institute ot Anatomy and Biology

Breitman M.Y.


This chapter indicates the differentiation of caudal somitosis. The drawings devoted to the graphic reconstruction of body cavities are very successful.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):268-269
pages 268-269 views

New views on the role of the pancreas in carbohydrate metabolism

Boldureff Е.В.


A study of the pancreas structure in 15 species of Teleostes (bony fish) showed that the misconception that this group of vertebrates has an "atrophic" pancreas was wrong. A. found that the Langernans' islets in the fish studied appear to be rarer than the distribution in humans and dogs.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):269-269
pages 269-269 views

On the effect of lighting on carbohydrate metabolism


The author's previous work on the effect of lighting on carbohydrate metabolism has shown that animals and humans have reduced blood sugar some time after lighting. In the liver and muscles, glycogen increases and lactic acid decreases.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):269-270
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The effect of alcohol on metabolism


Alcohol acts as a glycogenolytic agent as the concentration of glucose and lactic acid in the blood rises.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):270-270
pages 270-270 views

On the causes of Wasserman's positive reaction to malaria

Fischer О., Günsbeter О.


It has long been known that the serum of patients infected with malaria produces positive WaR. both during and some time after an attack. Since every attack of malaria is accompanied by the destruction of a significant number of red blood cells and, on the other hand, extracts from the organs of erythrocyte-rich cells are used to diagnose luteal serodiagnosis, the authors have suggested that positive WaR serum from malaria-infected patients is due to the reaction of erythrocyte lipoids with homologous antibodies. On this basis, the authors studied the complementary binding properties of erythrocyte extracts.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):270-270
pages 270-270 views

Comparative study of local anaphylaxis of various organs

Schober H.


The phenomenon of different reactivity of individual tissues of the same animal in relation to an anaphylactogenic agent deserves more attention, as it is a test case to check the correctness of the latest ideas about the essence of local anaphylaxis.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):271-271
pages 271-271 views

On the fluctuation of resistance to E. coli infection after immunization with heterobacteria

Nukadа S., Fujii К.


The authors are trying to answer 2 questions: 1) whether the body's resistance to deadly E. coli infection will change with heterobacteria immunisation and 2) if so, how long these fluctuations in resistance will persist.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):271-271
pages 271-271 views

Toxin action b. Novyi (b. Oedematiens Weinberg-Sequin) on tissue growth in vitro and on cell metabolism. To the study of anaerobes and their toxin using the explantation method

Barg G.


The author has shown in a series of experiments that the tissue culture method is quite applicable for the study of anaerobic bacteria and their toxins, especially those of them that are significantly weakened by filtration.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):271-272
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On the specific protein and capsule of anthrax bacillus

Tomcsik I., Szongott H.


In the present study, the authors set out to isolate the protein most often found in the capsule of the anthrax bacillus and to study both its chemical nature and its role in serological reactions and in bacterial virulence.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):272-272
pages 272-272 views

On bacteremia in diphtheria

Isabolinski М., Каrраtschewskaja В.


The authors have shown that after subcutaneous, intracutaneous and intraperitoneal introduction of diphtheria bacilli, guinea pigs develop real bacteriemia, as the blood and organs (spleen and adrenal glands) of such killed animals manage to separate the pure culture of this microorganism.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):272-272
pages 272-272 views

Mixed diphtheria and streptococcal infection

Ramon G., Djaurichitch М.


The authors worked with one strain of diphtheria bacillus, isolated in a severe case of diphtheria, and several strains of streptococcus, as well as staphylococcus of various origins. They injected guinea pigs with a mixture of a culture of diphtheria bacillus and streptococcus (or staphylococcus).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):272-273
pages 272-273 views

Serological diagnosis of Bang disease in humans

Kogan N.


The authors used Wright's test and deviation test of complement. Their material embraces 684 serums.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):273-273
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Breast infection with brucella and serum agglutination reaction

Kogan N.


Detecting Banga bacilli in milk is very difficult, as only milk from animals can give reliable results. Therefore, it is highly advisable to develop a methodology that, while relatively simple, would allow for the accurate detection of infection of the breast, and therefore of milk. In this regard, a number of experiments have been carried out to find out the conditions under which agglutinins can occur in breast serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):273-273
pages 273-273 views

Several experiences with local rabies serotherapy

Рrосa G., Воbes В., Jonnesco D.


The authors inoculated the guinea pigs intraplantar, in the hind legs. The weight of the animals is 350.0—450.0. For infection, 0.2 cm3 was injected, diluted 10 times and filtered through virus fexe gauze. This method of infection provides the possibility of further application of local treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):274-274
pages 274-274 views

Experiments on giving per os staphylococcal exotoxin to human volunteers

Dolman Е.Е.


There have been quite a few reports of food poisoning caused by staphylococcus aureus in the literature recently. Since staphylococcus aureus is very common in the external environment and the potential for food contamination is not limited, it has been interesting to find out whether all strains of staphylococcus that produce exotoxins are capable of causing severe food intoxication.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):274-274
pages 274-274 views

Experimental study of chemotherapy of pneumococcal infections with new quinine drugs not yet introduced into therapy

Gundеl М., Sеitz L.


As there are currently no consonant data on the therapeutic effects of optochine in humans, the authors are trying to find new chemotherapeutic drugs that would be significantly less poisonous than optochine in their activity. A number of quinine preparations have been studied for this purpose, and it has been found that hydroquinine undoubtedly has a significant bactericidal effect on pneumococcus, both in vitro and in prophylactic experience.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):274-275
pages 274-275 views

What is the importance of finding tuberculosis bacilli in urine for a practitioner?

Wildabоlz H.


The author, a renowned urologist from Bern, based on a critical review of the latest literature and his own experience of the possibility of separating Koch bacilli from an undamaged kidney without any anatomical lesions, concludes that the situation remains practically the same: the presence of TB bacilli in the urine or a positive result of vaccination of the mumps signals a lesion of the genitourinary system.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):275-275
pages 275-275 views

Treatment of hemoptysis with hypodermic oxygen injections

Courcoux A.


A whole arsenal of products has been offered to combat hemoptysis in lung tissue, the number of which proves their relative value. In 34 cases, the author, following the example of Ravin, Benzaken and Vid, injected 300-600 kbc of oxygen under the skin of the sick side of the chest. In 25 cases, the stoppage of hemoptysis was quick and definitive, in 6 cases the oxygen injection had to be repeated several days in a row, in 7 cases the effect was not obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):275-275
pages 275-275 views

About gas air cysts of the lung and bronchectasis

Dеbréet R., Gilbrin F.


The disease is congenital and often manifests itself in the first months of a child's life, but can remain asymptomatic for a long time. The clinical onset is a sudden onset of shortness of breath and cyanosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):275-276
pages 275-276 views

Differential diagnosis of incipient tuberculosis

Latke О.


A common reason for misdiagnosing tuberculosis is misinterpretation of subfebrary temperatures. In fact, everyone should know their normal exact temperature. The temperature curve is very individual for each person. The temperature, which in one person is already an expression of a fever, is considered normal in another person.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):276-276
pages 276-276 views

On the Mg content in blood

Becher Е., Hamman К.


Verification of the methods for studying Mg proposed so far has yielded unsatisfactory results. The authors cite and substantiate their method in detail, the accuracy of which they have verified by special studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):276-276
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The Magnes Sulfur action in hypertension

Zоhmann В.L., Stеrnberg В.


With parenteral injection of magnes. sulfur, the authors observed a decrease in systolic pressure in 40 and 50 cases of hypertension. The effect was maintained for at least 2 weeks.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):276-277
pages 276-277 views

Chlorine of gallbladder bile with catarrhal jaundice

Сhabrol Е., Сharonnat К., Cachin M., Cottet I.


When bile is concentrated in the gallbladder, water and chlorides are absorbed. Normally, the disappearance of chlorine from the gallbladder is almost complete.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):277-277
pages 277-277 views

Ulcus treatment with gl. parathyreoidea


Daily or every other day injections of parahormone in 1 ampoule corresponding to 0.1 of a fresh gland gives excellent results even after 2-3 injections both in relation to subjective complaints (pain) and in relation to objective symptoms (decrease in acidity, disappearance of a niche).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):277-277
pages 277-277 views

Skin reactions to pneumococci and streptococci

Lepsky E.


Bruin and Vedder isolated pneumococci from the pharynx of children suffering from respiratory diseases, killed the resulting cultures by heating to 65'C and prepared vaccines, containing from 6 to 20 million cultures per cm3.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):277-277
pages 277-277 views

Talonavicular synostosis

Hayek W.


The author considers infection to be the cause of the talonavicular synostosis, and the predisposing factors may include syphilis, alcohol and other similar degenerative changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):277-277
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Appendectomy under local anesthesia

Hesse F.


Over the past 5 years, the author has significantly expanded the indications for the use of local anesthesia for appendectomies.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):278-278
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Endocrine glands and wound healing

Сiantini F.


The author experimented on rabbits and found that thyroid and testicular extracts, when applied locally, had an accelerating effect on wound healing.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):278-278
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23 years of prostate surgery

Tsimkhes I.


For 23 years, the author has operated on 221 cases of prostatic hypertrophy.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):278-278
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Has iodoform become redundant in surgical practice?

Levy E.


Iodoform is far from being an unnecessary agent in surgery. It strongly promotes the formation of granulations and scarring. Its toxic effect can be avoided if it is used not in powder form, but in large crystals.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):278-278
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To the use of bloodletting

Levy E.


The beneficial effect of bloodletting (500.0) in cases of pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, venous congestion and right heart failure is indisputable.That is why its use in these cases has recently become quite widespread.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):278-278
pages 278-278 views

Early pregnancy diagnostics

Spitzer W.


The author points out that only (HVRII) hemorrhage in the follicles, in the form of Blutpunkt and (HVRIII) luteinisation of infantile mice are suitable for diagnosing early pregnancy using the Zondek-Aschheim's method.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):279-279
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Determination of early pregnancy

Danilov I.


The author, recognizing the Zondek-Aschheim'a reaction extremely valuable for determining early pregnancy, considers its length of time to receive a response (100 hours) to be a great disadvantage, and therefore it is not very suitable in cases where it is required to quickly achieve an accurate diagnosis (ectopic pregnancy).

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):279-279
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Determination of intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy

Danilov I.


Based on 100 cases of intrauterine and 36 - ectopic pregnancies, established by using the Zondek-Aschheim'a reaction, the author came to the conclusion that it is possible to distinguish an intrauterine pregnancy from an ectopic one.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):279-279
pages 279-279 views

Ovarian transplantation to the front eye chamber

Danilov I.


In order to be able to observe changes in the ovaries of rabbits directly, without laparotomy, the ovaries were transplanted into the front eye chamber.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):279-280
pages 279-280 views

Harmful consequences after abortion

Levy E.


At the University Obstetrics Clinic in Innsbruck (Austria), 100 women who had an abortion at the clinic between 1927 and 1932 were examined for gynaecology. A significant number of painful events were found to have occurred in connection with previous abortions.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):280-280
pages 280-280 views

Reports from maternity and infant health care institutions

Kato S.


The author statistically processed the incidence of stillbirth and mortality in infants and young children.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):280-280
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Child mortality in Greece

Laptev N.A.


Child mortality is an indicator of the social health of a country's population. In this respect, it is very significant in Greece, where the mortality rate of children under 1 year of age per 100 births is increasing year by year.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):280-280
pages 280-280 views

Blindness in South Tunisia

Laptev N.A.


The author provides interesting data on the spread of blindness in the oases of southern Tunisia. In oases such as Tozeur and Gafsa, up to 30% of the population has trachoma. It is the cause of binocular blindness here.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):280-280
pages 280-280 views

The problem of otosclerosis

Shcherbatov I.I.


In his work, the author gives a detailed description of the anatomical and histological examination of the temporal bones in two cases of otosclerosis. He points out that the size of the changes in the bones has little to do with the duration of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):281-281
pages 281-281 views

Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of otogenic meningitis

Shcherbatov I.I.


In an extensive article, the author identifies a group of primary meningitis resulting from acute otitis, which gives a favourable prognosis, when considering otogenic meningitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):281-282
pages 281-282 views

Tuberculous mastoiditis in children

Shcherbatov I.I.


Tuberculous mastoiditis is a secondary disease and is more common than described in the literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):282-282
pages 282-282 views

Meetings of medical societies. N.M.A.T.R. Malaria Conference of 11-17 November 1934


On November 11-17, 1934, a conference on malaria, convened by the Scientific Medical Association and the Tatnarkomzdrav, was held.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):282-283
pages 282-283 views

Meetings of medical societies. N.M.A.T.R. Obstetric and gynecological section on October 21, 1934


Prof. IF Kozlov made a report entitled: "On the issue of toxicosis in ectopic pregnancy." Assoc. E. D. Ruzsky demonstrated a patient operated by him with fibroids of the sleeve combined with edematous fibroids of the perineum. Prof. V.S.Gruzdev, according to the proposal of NKZ'va TR, brought up for discussion in the section a question regarding the designation of newborns in obstetric clinics and maternity hospitals.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):283-283
pages 283-283 views

Meetings of medical societies. N.M.A.T.R. Obstetric and gynecological section of December 14, 1934


Prof. P.V. Manenkov and ass. X. X. Mescherov made a report on the conditions for the development of tar cancer. Prof. I.F. Kozlov demonstrated a patient with functional urinary incontinence. Ass. M. A. Romanov and Ph.D. cand. I.V. Danilov made a report: "Management of the successive period of labor according to Rogovin's method ".

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):283-284
pages 283-284 views

Meetings of medical societies. N.M.A.T.R. Surgical section of December 15, 1934


Demonstrations: Dr. PA Gulevich. — On the casuistry of rare forms of intussusception. Dr. Baibekova. — On the casuistry of perforated appendicitis in children. Reports: Prof. V. A. Gusynin. — Preservation of skin flaps for lacerated and bruised wounds. Dr. S.М. Koldaev. (Astrakhan). - Secondary treatment of wounds by scraping and their subsequent blind suture with minor industrial injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):284-285
pages 284-285 views

Tetyushsky branch of the Scientific Medical Association of the ATSSR. Meeting on December 18, 1934


Doctors from the district, the Tetyush hospital and pharmacy workers were present. A report by Dr. H. Sokolova was heard. S. - "Introduction to dialectical materialism". A presentation by Dr. N. S. Kondakov on "Etiology and Pathogenesis of Rheumatic Disease in Modern Background" was made.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):285-285
pages 285-285 views

In memory of P.I. Kurkin

Gran M.


On December 19, in Moscow, early in the morning, the well-known sanitary statistician, at the age of 76, P.I. Kurkin, unexpectedly died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):286-288
pages 286-288 views



The article briefly highlights the main events in the field of world medicine in the late 1934 - early 1935 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):289-290
pages 289-290 views

Medical congresses, conferences, etc.


In December, a meeting of the Organizing Bureau was held in Leningrad to convene the VII All-Russian Congress of Roentgenologists and Radiologists. The chairmen of the societies and sections of radiologists are entrusted with the functions of preparing for the congress, which will take place in early July in Leningrad. 23 / VII-27 / VII 1935 in London will be held an international medical congress on life insurance.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):291-291
pages 291-291 views

Professor Viktor Leonidovich Bogolyubov


On 8 March, the editorial board received news of the death in Moscow of Professor Viktor Leonidovich Bogolyubov, responsible editor of the Kazan Medical Journal.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):295-295
pages 295-295 views

Salary increases for medical workers and approval of health care allocations in 1935


Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with the aim of further improving the health care, raising the material resources of doctors and other health care workers and encouraging the most qualified among them.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(2):b1-b5
pages b1-b5 views

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