Vol 19, No 1 (1923)

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Effect of potato extractives on experimental polyneuritis in pigeons

Poteryaev E.


According to most authors, the signs of polyneuritis in pigeons and hens are the following disorders: loss of appetite, emaciation, limb paralysis and convulsions of the neck muscles, resulting in the characteristic tilting back of the head occurring 1-3 days before death and appearing as seizures from 5 to 10 times a day, especially at external stimulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):3-11
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On the cultivation of dental spirochetes

Geltzer R.R.


The method of cultivation of most spirochaetes is not yet generally available to every bacteriological laboratory; cultivation is associated with considerable, sometimes even insurmountable difficulties, both in relations to preparation of nutrient media and cultivation technique itself, and especially in terms of obtaining pure cultures. For preparation of nutrient media one usually needs blood serum of human, horse, rabbit, ram or guinea pig, or ascitic fluid or hydrocele fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):12-21
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Simplified method of preparing Endo medium

Fink F.G., Smirnov P.I.


Preparation of Endo medium according to the original method means making large quantities of at least one liter of it. Preparing small amounts of it involves a waste of materials, because in this case, a relatively large part of the alcohol and fuchsin is spent on wetting the dishes and filter. In addition, a significant portion of the fuchsin, due to its incomplete solubility, remains on the filter during filtration.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):22-23
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On Friedberger's and Reis's reaction in typhus

Borok M.R., Mirkin A.I.


In searching for evidence in favor of the etiological significance of b. proteus vulgaris x19 in typhus and on the assumption that typhus patients must be hypersensitive to this microbe, Prof. Friedberger together with Dr. Reis in 1919 applied subcutaneous (and also intradermal) administration to typhus patients of suspensions of killed bacilli of b. prot. prot. vulgaris x19. Friedberger and Reis expected that when certain doses of this suspension, which were completely indifferent to healthy persons, were administered, typhus patients would react to them in the same manner as, for example, tuberculosis patients react to tuberculin injections.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):24-31
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On local fusospirochetosis and its treatment

Flerov S.A.


After birth, for about 6 hours, the baby's mouth and intestines are free from germs. From the 2nd-4th day, anaerobes begin to predominate in the intestines, whereas in the mouth, due to greater aeration of the latter, up to the time of teething, anaerobes, according to Brailovskaya-Lunkevich, are rare, and according to Zilz, even permanently absent. This picture changes sharply with the appearance of teeth: the spaces between them and the gum folds, as places of stagnation of food particles, provide a reliable refuge for anaerobic microorganisms; and in the mouth of the child appear spirochaetes and spindle-shaped bacilli.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):32-43
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On the issue of mixed testicular tumors

Parin V.N.


Mixed testicular tumors are of great interest both clinically and pathologically. Being in most cases benign neoplasms, they sometimes give rise to metastases, and in some cases are subjected to malignant transformation, so that their timely recognition is of particular value. In the pathological and anatomical sense these neoplasms are of interest in relation to their microscopic structure, often extremely complex in particular in relation to their histogenesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):44-57
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Lerichéa surgery for causalgia

Greenbarg A.


The syndrome of this disease is observed in gunshot injuries of large nerve trunks, abundantly supplied with vessels, and is expressed in unbearable, burning and stabbing pains, which are aggravated at physical and mental distresses of the patient. These pains usually come on the 2nd week after the injury and do not give the patient any rest day or night. At the same time, vasomotor disorders are detected in the patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):58-60
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A case of true hypoplastic hermaphroditism (hermaphroditismus vertis hypoplasticus)

Tsimkhes I.L.


In the past year, I had to observe and study an interesting case of genital deformity belonging to the group of hermaphroditism or bipedalism in the broad sense of the word.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):61-68
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About some reflexes with plantar flexion of the fingers

Markov D.A.


While studying cases of organic lesions of the central nervous system, we noticed a great inequality of the reflexogenic wontons of the dorsum of the foot in relation to reflexes of the toe-plantar flexion type, which forced us to study this issue in more detail.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):69-78
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To the diagnosis of pustular syphalides

Ashanin A.N.


Up to the present time there is no convenient and exact division of syphilis seizures into certain groups, which would make it possible to understand the essence of this or that suffering of the organism on the basis of this disease: Biett, e.g., divides all syphilis on the basis of their morphological features, Risord - on the basis of the time of their appearance, Virchow, Bärensprung, Bazin, Leloir, Zeissl and others mainly take into account the qualitative character of pathological and anatomical changes and on the basis of them offer a number of classifications of syphilis. However, all these classifications often fail to give a full and clear explanation of the observed syphilitic forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):79-88
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About insulin

Luria R.


The treatment of diabetes mellitus, in spite of numerous attempts to use various medicines, remains to this day strictly diætic, and in severe cases of diabetes the diet, as it is known, does not lead to reduction of hyperglycaemia, does not stop glycosuria, and the patient remains under constant threat of diabetic coma, at the appearance of which our therapy most often does not give results. Such a state of affairs in the treatment of diabetes is connected with our very imperfect ideas about the essence of the processes underlying the disease, and if the chemical and biological deviations in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in diabetes are more or less studied, then the pathogenesis of this disease remains largely unexplained.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):89-90
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Blood vessels of the brain. Sepp (Journal of Psychol., Neurology, and Psychiatry, 1922)


The vessels of the brain can be divided into 5 divisions according to their role in nourishing the latter: 1) driving arteries, 2) feeding arterioles, 3) oxygen-supplying capillaries, 4) suctioning venules, and 5) diverting veins.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):90-90
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To the biology of blood plasma. Sachs, Dettingen (M. m. W., 1921)

Aristovsky V.


Studying inactivated blood plasma of pregnant women and newborns, the authors note a number of phenomena proceeding differently in plasma of one or another origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):90-90
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The nature of the inflammatory infiltrate. Brückner (Zeit. f. Augenheilk., XXVIII)

Roshchin V.


Examining an eye enucleated for traumatic irido-cyclitis, the author could catch under the microscope the moment of blood mononuclei emigration through the wall of the retinal venous vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):90-91
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Effects of saccharin on the body. Haramaki (Zeit. f. physikc. and diätet. Therapie, 1922, No. 5), Mieder (ibid., No. 6), van Eweyk (ibid. No. 7)

Weinberg M.


Saccharin, discovered in 1884 by Fahlberg, has found itself, especially in recent times, widely used in folk nutrition, why it is quite natural that the effect of this agent on the human and animal body has become the subject of numerous works.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):91-91
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The essence of the Proteinkörpertherapie action. Stern (Zeit. f. Ärzl. Fortbild., 1922, No. 5).


The author expresses the conviction that the healing effect of Proteinkörpertherapie, while not comprising anything specific, depends on 2 points: firstly, on the hyperleukocytosis caused by irritation of the tissues, secondly, on the attraction of leukocytes to those areas of the body where their action is needed.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):91-91
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Advances in chemotherapy (Mayer u. Zeiss, Centr. f. Bact., Bd 72; Mayer, D. m. W., No. 40, 1922)

Aristovsky V.


A new chemotherapeutic agent released under the name "Bayer 205" finally solves the question of the treatment of sleeping sickness. The composition of the product has not been published, but it contains neither Hg, As, nor Sb. In experiments on trypanosome-infected animals it proved to be an unmistakable therapeutic agent.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):91-91
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Mixed forms of typhoid diseases. Elistratov (Moscow Med. J., 1921)


Having studied the cases when two typhoid infections,-cough and relapsing typhoid,-simultaneously affect one and the same patient, or the incubation period of one typhoid occurs during the course of the other, Elistratov came to the following conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):92-92
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Sodium citric acid and peptone in typhus. Bryukhonenko (Mosk. Med. J., 1921)


It is known that during typhus there is an increase in blood coagulation, and the organism is poisoned with nucleoprotein - thrombokinase. Neutralizing the effect of the latter with the help of substances lowering blood clotting, a favorable effect can be expected.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):92-92
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Pathological and anatomical changes in the peripheral nervous system in typhus. Morgenstern (Journal of Psychol., Neur. and Psychiatry, 1922)

Weinberg M.


The author found that in typhus there is, and with regard to the severity of the lesions, a parallelism between the central nervous system and the peripheral. There is no such correspondence between the individual nerves.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):92-92
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Changes of sympathetic ganglia in infections. Mogilnitsky (Journal of Psychol., Neurol. and Psychiatry, 1922, 1)

Weinberg M.


On the basis of studies of sympathetic ganglia in croupic pneumonia, Spanish flu and catarrhal bronchopneumonia, the author concludes that in croupic pneumonia vascular changes are more significant than in other pulmonary inflammations, while in Spanish flu and bronchopneumonia the nerve apparatus is particularly affected.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):92-93
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Vaccination against cholera per os. Zabolotny, Savchenko, and Zlatogorov (Vrach. Delo, No. 24-26, 1922)

Aristovsky V.


Considering the question of the validity of cholera vaccination per os sufficiently clarified, thanks to the works of prof. Zabolotny and Savchenko, Zlatogorov, in connection with the studies of Bezredek on local immunity, set out to find out the significance of vaccination per os for the formation of specific antivirals in humans and came to the following conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):93-93
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On muscular rheumatism. Gouldscheider (Zeitschr. für physik u. diâtet Therapie, 1922, nos. 3 and 4)

Weinberg M.


Muscular rheumatism can be referred to a series of hyperalgesic phenomena, which are caused by infections intoxications due to fatigue psychogenically and finally from a cold. These phenomena may appear as myalgia, neuralgia, arthralgia, painful fascias and tendons.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):93-93
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Aortitis luіса. Schittenhelm (Deut. med. Woch. 1922, No. 2)


In this disease, percussion at the beginning only rarely gives correct indications. When listening, special attention should be paid to the second aortic tone, which often has a ringing tone. Blood pressure at the beginning is mostly not elevated.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):93-94
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Lung abscesses. Lockwood (Surg., Gynec. and Obst., 1922)


The author cites 54 of his own observations, of which 27 cases were treated surgically (13 cures, 3 improvements-but with fistulas 11 deaths) and 27 cases were treated with drugs (16 cures, 3 improvements, 5 no improvements, 3 deaths).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):94-94
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The etiology of appendicitis. Reindorf (Mitt. aus. d. Grenz. D. Med. u. Chir., Bd. 34)


The author holds the view that the normal appendix does not fall ill with the disease that we are accustomed to call appendicitis. The main cause of this disease is secondary infection of the primary worms, namely pinworms, defects in the epithelium and mucous membrane.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):94-94
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Epidemic hiccups. Aronovich, Vereshchagin (Kozlov) (Vrach. Gaz., 1923 No. 3-4)

Luria R.


Observing the recent cases of hiccups in Petrograd, Aronovich, based on the clinical course of this disease, the only symptom of which is extremely distressing hiccups, appearing quite suddenly in healthy people, sometimes at night, not treatable and just as suddenly disappearing in 3-4 days, believes that these cases can be attributed to the epidemic of encephalitis lethargica.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):95-95
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Atropine in habitual constipation. Amoldi (Deut. med. Woch., 1921, no. 52)


The author has long used atropine for treatment of habitual constipation, prescribing it in small doses (0.00025 or less) together with small amounts of fol. sennae and bicarbonate of soda. This remedy is suitable for both spastic and atonic forms of constipation.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):95-95
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Peptic ulcers of the jejunum after gastric surgery. Наbеrеr (Arch. f. Veidauungskr. Bd. 28)


After reviewing a very extensive material (977 operations on the stomach), the author was convinced that ulcéra peptica jejuni occur exclusively after operations undertaken for benign gastric diseases and related to gastroenterostomy, but never after surgical treatment of cancers of this organ.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):95-96
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Jejunostomia. Alkan (Deut. med. Woch., 1921, No. 51)


This operation is the best type of surgical intervention for fresh burns of the esophagus and stomach. In older calloused, perforating gastric ulcers, especially those lying closer to the cardia, as well as in case of multiple ulcers and severe bleeding it is equal to resection in its therapeutic value, especially in severely weakened patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):96-96
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A new operation for the elimination of gastroptosis. Pust (Münch. m. Woch., 1923)


Proceeding from the idea that gastroptosis is the result of relaxation and overstretching of the stomach musculature rather than relaxation of the ligaments suspending the stomach, the author suggests a new operation to eliminate this anomaly, which is reduced to the formation of a longitudinal fold on the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):96-96
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Anastomosis of gallbladder with different parts of gastrointestinal tract. Gatewood, Poppens (Surg. Gyn. and Obst., 1922)


The authors performed 42 gallbladder anastomoses in dogs, 20 to the stomach, 17 to the duolenum, and 5 to the colon.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):96-97
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Tendon transplantation. Веrnstein (Surg., Gуnес. and Obst., XXIX)

Friedland M.


Having worked out experimentally on animals and technically on cadavers the question of tendon transplantation - which operation can be successfully used in the operative treatment of polymyelitidis anterioris - the author recommends transplantation of tendons with their sheath and peritenonium, so that their vital connection would not be broken.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):97-97
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Operative methods of fixation of the spine. Shamov (Nov. Chir. Archives, 1922)


Currently, surgical methods of spinal fixation in tuberculous spondylitis are quite numerous. Based on a review of the literature and 50 own clinical cases, the author considers the following to be the most appropriate among them.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):97-98
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Fixation of tuberculous spine by natural forces of the body. Turner (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1922)


Very often the settling of the superior parts of the spine over the tubercularly destroyed vertebral bodies is extremely slow and insignificant, so that sometimes, with the destruction of 4 or even more vertebrae in a row, kyphosis almost or even completely does not develop The reason lies in the lively transformation processes that adapt the bone system to the altered mechanical conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):98-98
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Experimental trachoma in rabbits. Nісоllе, Cuenod, Blanc (Seifert, Centrbl. f. Bacter., Bd 72)

Aristovsky V.


The authors named have succeeded in inducing granulomatous con'yunctivitis in a rabbit by infection with trachomatous virens taken from both monkeys and humans. Passages are successful from rabbit to rabbit as well as from rabbit to monkey.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):98-98
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To the etiology of central retinal vein occlusion. Saupe (Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenheilkunde, LXIII)

Erlandz N.


During the past war, the author observed the development of this suffering depending on the poisoning by war gases.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):98-98
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Post ocular optic neuritis of rhinogenic origin. Вrüскnеr (Zentr. f. d. gesam. Ophtalmologie. Bd. III, H. 12)

Agababov A.


According to the author's data, this suffering, in most cases arising from multiple sclerosis, is not so rare (3-17%) depending on the disease (mainly empyema) of nearby cavities, namely sinus sphenoidalis and posterior ethmoidal cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):99-99
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Obliteration of the lacrimal gland by x-rays. Brandt, Fraenkel (Deut. med. Woch., 1922, No. 5)


In 2 cases of severe lacrimation after removal of the lacrimal sac, the authors obtained excellent results from lacrimal gland X-raying.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):99-99
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Dependence of the time of fetal bladder rupture in labor on the condition of fetal membranes. Nаujокs (Zeit. f. Geb., Bd 84)


In 40 cases, microscopic studies have shown that early rupture of the fetal bladder is explained by the anatomical structure of the fetal membranes, which in such cases present signs of either inflammation, degeneration, or underdevelopment of their various layers.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):99-99
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Lithoaedion 35 years ago. Vogt (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 115)


The author described a case where an ectopic 6-7-month-old fetus remained in the abdominal cavity for 35 years without causing any distress to the mother, and was not removed surgically until the woman was 62 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):99-99
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Role of blood plates in cases of death in blood transfusions. Schäfer, (Deut. med. Woch., 1921, No. 52), Zeller (Deut. med. Woch. 1921, No. 52)


As we have already informed our readers, it is accepted by many of modern German gynecologists as a rule to infuse blood poured into the abdominal cavity, at the termination of ectopic pregnancy, into the circulatory system, adding to it, to avoid coagulation, a solution of natrii citrici. In the evaluation of this technique, however, not all authors are in agreement: while some consider it, in severe acute anemia, directly lifesaving, others point out its danger.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):99-100
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Prognostic significance of hemolysis in women in labor and delivery. Kirstein (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 115)


Although the bad prognostic value of the presence of hemolytic streptococci in the genital secretions of women in labor and delivery has been disputed on different sides, yet numerous studies have convinced the author that hemolysis in this case is indeed signum mali ominis, and this applies not only to streptococci, but also to other representatives of the microbial flora of the female genital canal.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):100-100
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Obstetric palsy n. реrоnеі. Whitman (Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Chicago, 1922)

Friedland M.


In discussing this rare phenomenon, the author considers it the result of compression of the intrapelvic segment of the sciatic nerve by a large fetal head in a narrow pelvis or traumatization with forceps.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):100-101
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Etiology of mastitis. Clauss (Zeitschr. f. Geb., Bd. 84)


In contrast to the established view, the author concluded on the basis of bacteriological investigations that infection from the baby's mouth is very rarely the cause of breast infections; the same should be said about infection of the breasts with the contents of the baby's rectum and lochia.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):101-101
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Malignant uterine myomas. Berreitter (Zentr. f. Gyn, 1921, No. 44)


The author thinks that the frequency with which malignant myomas occur is greatly exaggerated. The author in 609 cases of these tumors could establish malignancy only 6 times, and if we take into account only the cases subjected to systematic microscopic study, then in 2%.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):101-101
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Extended abdominal extirpation of the uterus in cervical cancer. Giesecke (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 115)


The author reports interesting data about this operation from the Stöckel Clinic in Kiel.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):101-101
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Transverse wedge excision of the uterine floor in bilateral extirpation of the uterine appendages. Вenttner (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 115)


In the surgical removal of inflamed tubes, with the ovaries left, or at least part of them. The author recommends, in suitable cases, excising the uterine fundus in a transverse direction, with the tip of the wedge reaching the mucosa.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):101-101
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Treatment of itching of the vulva with x-rays. Schlein (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1921, No. 44)

Board E.


The author again points out the excellent results which X-rays give in pruritus vulvae. The technique he uses, however, met with lively objections in the German literature: he gives 2 times a week ½ ED through a filter of 3 mil aluminum, repeating X-ray sessions 10-15 times in a row, i.e. his patients over the course of 7½ weeks get 7 ½ ED, a quantity at which there is a risk of severe burns.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):102-102
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Etiology of epidemic encephalitis. Rosenthal (Vrach. Ob., 1922)

Aristovsky V.


Experimental data of Levaditi, Hariver, Nicolau, Doer, Vöchting, Lowenstein et al. testify according to Rosenthal that 1) virus of this disease belongs to the category of filtering; 2) by inoculation of the cerebral substance of the affected human brain (worse - cerebrospinal fluid) under the dura mater of the animal - best of all rabbit - it is possible, though not always, to cause the corresponding disease; 3) in many of its properties encephalitic virus is close to rabies virus and polymyelitis virus.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):102-102
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A peculiar mass disease with a picture of epidemic bulbar palsy. John, Stonkerabrand (Münch. med. W., 1922 No. 43—44)

Weinberg M.


The authors report a peculiar disease, hitherto not described in the literature, observed in one asylum of r. Mülheimer'a. in Germany. The disease was clinically expressed by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ptosis, diplopia, absence of pupil response to light and their dilation, Babinski's symptom, paraesthesias, nasal speech, difficulty in swallowing, cyanosis, Cheyne-Stokes breathing with good, regular pulse and normal temperature.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):102-103
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An auxiliary method for the study of the Romberg's symptom. Gouldbladt (Münch. med. Woch, 1922, No. 7)

Weinberg M.


The author suggests the following method of examining the Rоmbеrg's symptom: the examinee is asked to stretch forward both upper limbs, close his eyes and move his legs. In this case the existing balance disorders, whether they are of organic or functional origin, are especially sharply manifested.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):103-103
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Gordon's reflex. Auerbach (Zeit. f. ärz. Forth., 1922, No. 5)


The author draws attention to the importance in the diagnosis of many diseases of the central nervous system of the sign, first noticed, in 1904, by Gordon. The sign is that if you make a patient bend his leg and rotate his tibia slightly outward, press deeply with four (II-V) fingers of one or, even better, both hands on the most distal third of the calf muscles, then, as in the Babinsk's sign, you get a sluggish, isolated dorsal flexion of the big toe.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):103-104
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Artificial perversion of Babinski finger phenomenon. Bychovsky (Neurol. Centr., 1919)

Shifrina M.


Studying patients with spinal cord lesions, the author found that if you make such a patient with positive Babinski's take a position on his stomach with his leg bent at right angles in the knee joint, instead of extending the thumb there is flexion or no motor effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):104-104
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Brain noise in a quadriplegic tumor. Fedorova (Journal of Psychol. Neurol. & Psychiatry, 1922)

Weinberg M.


The author observed a case of incessant noise in the head, which disappeared on pressing the left carotid artery. The cause of this phenomenon, according to the author, was a tumor in the quadriplegic region.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):104-104
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On the subject of neuralgia. Аleхаndеr (Zeit. f. die ges. Neurol., u. Psych., Bd. 79)

Weinberg M.


According to the author's conviction, the diagnosis of neuralgia is too often and unreasonably made in practice. In fact, according to A., the number of cases of neuralgia is very limited.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):104-104
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Treatment of epilepsy by extirpation of the adrenal glands. Sultan (Deut. med. Woch., 1922, No. 5)


Based on the fact that the main symptom of epilepsy, seizures, depends not only on the state of the brain, but also on the irritability of muscles, the latter being - as shown by experiments on animals and observations in humans - depending, inter alia, on the activity of the adrenal glands, Fischer proposed in epilepsy to remove the latter surgically.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):104-104
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To the doctrine of paranoia. Geyer (J. Psychol., Neurol. & Psychiatry, 1922, I)


In our revolutionary times there is a frequent revelation of paranoid constitution in connection with the tumultuous perturbations of our lives.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):105-105
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Dreaming states in psychoneurotics. Woolf (Journal of Psychol., Neurol. and Psychiatry, 1922, I)

Weinberg M.


According to Woolf, dream states are not uncommon in neurotics suffering from phobias. The psychoanalysis of these states belongs to C. Abraham. In these dream states or "states of unreality," there is a sequence and pattern of development.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):105-105
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Psychoses after typhus. Vinokurova, Prof. Gilyarovsky (Journal of Psychol., Neurol. and Psychiatry, 1922, I)

Weinberg M.


Typhus brings a number of severe changes to the mental sphere of patients, which are characterized as asthenic-depressive states of emotional weakness, and clinically can be united into one group under the name of post-infectious asthenia.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):105-105
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Epidemic encephalitis in children. Hofstadt (Zeit. f. Kinderh., Bd. 29)


According to Hofstadt, two phases can be distinguished in this disease: acute, and late. The first can proceed in one of 5 forms: purely encephalitic, Landry paralysis (always fatal), meningitic, myelitic and, finally, abortive.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):105-106
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Passive immunization of newborns against diphtheria. Kirstein (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 115)


It is very common for newborns to be carriers of diphtheria bacilli. Therefore, although they get diphtheria relatively infrequently, the question arises about immunizing them against the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):106-106
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New ways of specific therapy for tuberculosis of skin and mucous membranes. Wісhmаnn (Arch. f. Dermal, u. Syph., 1922, Bd. 139)

Yasnitsky N.


Proceeding from the assumption that the lymph glands of our body serve as a place of production and accumulation of specific antibodies at tuberculosis infection, the author suggests using for therapeutic purposes injections of extracts or glands from the same patient or extracted from another. He considers the most suitable glands in the stage of swelling and edema; he cautions against using extracts from softening and lumpy glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):106-107
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On the effect of salvarsan on blood clotting. Trost (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., 1922, Bd. 139)

Yasnitsky N.


In order to find out the effect of organic arsenic compounds in the form of salvarsan and its derivatives on blood clotting the author set a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments by the methods of Bürkеrʹa and Schultz'a. These experiments convinced the author that organic arsenic compounds such as salvarsan already in minimal amounts cause in vitro clotting retardation.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):107-107
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On the action of salvarsan on warts. Siemens (Arch. für. Derm. u. Syph., 1922, Bd. 139)

Yasnitsky N.


The author suggests local application of neosalvarsan in the form of intradermal injections of its solutions (0.15:40 or 0.15:15 in saline solution) in the amount of 1-1½ divisions of the Rravatz'ev syringe both into the wart itself and into the deeper underlying skin layers.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):107-107
pages 107-107 views

Prof. V. S. Gruzdev. Gynecology. (Guidance for students and physicians). With 250 figures. Kazan. Gosizdat T.S.S.R.


"Gynecology," by Prof. G--v, being a major work containing a statement of the basics of general gynecology, is one of the sections of a large publication undertaken by the author, which will constitute as a whole a complete guide to obstetrics and female illnesses.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):107-109
pages 107-109 views

Prof. G. D. Belonovsky. Immunity in tuberculosis. "Prak. Med.", 1922


Prof. B.'s pamphlet is a summary of works on tuberculosis immunity. The very name of its author speaks for its scientific and authoritative nature. The latter very modestly declares in the preface that his work claims neither originality nor completeness; in fact, he has covered this part of the tuberculosis doctrine with almost complete completeness.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Prof. W. Birk. Handbook of Diseases of the Infant for Physicians and Students. Translated from German, ed. by A.O. Gershenzon. State Publishing House of Ukraine. 1923. VII+197 pp.

Lepsky E.


Until recently, there was no textbook in Russian devoted specifically to the diseases of the infant. Birk's book, which in a short time has survived in the original 6 editions, fills this important gap.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Activities of medical societies in Kazan


Solemn meeting 4/I in memory of Pasteur (together with the Kazan Society of Naturalists, Scientific Assemblies of Doctors Kaz. Clin. Institute and Kaz. Society of Veterinary Physicians).
Prof. V.S.Gruzdev. Life and Writings of Louis Pasteur. (With screen demonstrations).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):110-111
pages 110-111 views



During the first two months of the current year, the Kazan Medical Family has lost two prominent representatives; on 5/I, Dr. B.P. Enokhin, lecturer at the Kazan Clinical Institute, died, and on 22/II, N.I. Orlov, professor at Kazan University in the Department of Hygiene, passed away.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(1):111-111
pages 111-111 views

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