Vol 3, No 1-2 (1903)

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From supervision over the training team of the 230th Vetluzhsky reserve battalion

Idelson E.M.


The training team, no doubt, plays a well-known role in this or that success of the military education and formation of each military unit. As the main ranger of the military un ter-officers and the closest teachers of the formation in our army, the training command, according to the meaning underlying this institution, can even serve to some extent as an indicator when assessing the progress of the military education of an entire military unit. Therefore, the study of different living conditions and conditions of the training team, in the form of improvement and improvement of it, is not devoid of interest; moreover, the issue of providing the army with good, appropriate to their assignment, non-commissioned officers has not yet received proper permission. 1)

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):1-11
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On the therapeutic meaning of tannoform

Sergev L.A.


Tannoform, proposed by E. Megsk, represents light, reddish-white 1), (yellow-srago color 2), brown cotton 3) according to S.E. Ostrovsky, light-shekoladnago color in pharmacies in Kazan), odorless and tasteless powder, insoluble in water and ordinary organic solvents (with the exception of alcohol). It dissolves in weak alkalis, which take on a yellowish or brownish-red color; moreover, from the addition of acids, it precipitates again; melts at 230 ° C.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):12-18
pages 12-18 views

А. N. Berstein. On the so-called early weakness. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, 1902, 1 and 2 books

Kolotinskiy V.N.


Journal of Neuropaths and Psychiatrists. them. S. S. Korsakov 1902 1 and 2 books.
The question of dementia praecox is not an idle question, it was put forward by the clinic, which found a number of symptomatological features that required a new scientific sanction.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):19-20
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Prof. Anfimov. On dementia praecox. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. 1902, b. 1 and 2

Kolotinskiy V.


Dementia praecox Kräpelin'a, at least a variety of it, when dementia comes unnoticed and gradually without presenters, is primarily imbecillitas progressiva or dementia primaria incurabilis progressiva. The rest of the forms of dementiae praecox, as Kräpelin examines them, do not represent anything new, which would not be said in the description of hebephrenia.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):21-21
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P. B. Gannushkin and privat-docent S.A. Sukhanov. To scholarship about melancholy. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, 1902, book 6

Toporkov N.


The research of the authors is based on 278 cases of melancholy; this number included both inpatient (minority) and outpatient patients. The authors establish that women are more disposed towards the disease of melancholy than men; and that among the mentally ill women, not less than one-tenth of them are those who suffer from melancholy. Heredity is noted in 82% of cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):21-22
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Dr. N. Toporkov. Hysterical mutism, agraria, and kleptomania. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology, No. 7, 1902

Skolozubov A.


Having cited in some detail the literature of the question, the author describes a patient who was admitted to the Kazan District Hospital with manifestations of mutism, which suddenly developed in her on the road. On the next day of admission, the patient was offered hypnosis by the author, after which she spoke completely fluently. The patient presents a bright example of a hysterical character; suffers from kleptomania.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):23-23
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N. N. Toporkov. Psychosis after a burn. Medical Review, 1903, book 1

Kolotinskiy V.


Mental disorder after a burn is extremely rare. The author found in the literature only a single description of the case of prof. Regis, and a link to Fowille's case at Emminghouse.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):23-24
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G. D. Belonovsky. About the influence of injections of different doses of hemolytic serum on the numerical composition of blood elements. SPb., 1902, Thesis

Vinogradov L.


Mechnikov was the first to express the idea of using cytotoxics in practical medicine, and he (together with Bezrѣdka) also owes the honor of the first research in this direction.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):24-25
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А. Maximov. On inflammatory neoplasms of connective tissue and the fate of leukocytes in this case. Imp. Military Medic. Academy News , 1903, January

Sivre A.V.


The question of the volume of formation of connective tissue during inflammation at one time was decided in the sense that connective tissue is formed from leukocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):25-26
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N. N. Petrov. To the study of congenital tumors of the sacrococcygeal region. Imp. Military. Meditz. Academy News, 1903, February

Sivre A.V.


Describing the case of a teratoma of the sacrococcygeal region, the author dwells in detail on two existing theories about the origin of such tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):26-26
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S. S. Zimnitsky. On the frequency of arteriosclerotic process in the aorta of young individuals. Imp. Military Medic. Akademy News, 1903, February

Sivre A.V.


Having cited a fairly extensive literature and his observations, the author comes to the conclusion that arteriosclerosis is not a disease of a specially senile age; this vascular disease often occurs in young people.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):26-27
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L. R. Krever. About "Chorionepithelioma". "Russian doctor" No. 42-43, 1902

Ovchinnikov P.


The neoformation of this name was for the first time most definitely described by Sänger’s (in 1889), who called it sarcoma deciduo-cellulare.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):27-28
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А. N. Cherventsov. The volume of changes in the liver during infection with E. coli and typhoid fever. "Archives of Biological Sciences, Published by the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine", vol. IX, no. 5

Ovchinnikov P.


Many researchers, starting with Magendy and Claude Bernard, indicated the purpose of the liver for the body in the fight against dark or other poisonous beginning.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):28-30
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Y. M. Palchikovsky. The current state of the issue of the scope of immunization against staphylococci. "Archive of biological sciences", vol. IX, no. 5

Ovchinnikov P.


Anti-staphylococcal serum is among the poorly studied, the main one. Thus, in view of the absence of a specific method of obtaining, the lack of accurate measurements of its power in the laboratory and the limited nature of this clinical observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):30-31
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Assoc. I. I. Dochevskiy. Tin as a remedy against tape worms. "Medical Newspaper", No. 44, 1902

Ovchinnikov P.


Proceeding from the fact that none of the most commonly used anthelmintic agents at the present time can be considered valid, and that it does not have a side effect on the body, the author proposes the quality of the best anthelminticum tin tested by him.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):31-32
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А. N. Danzig. Primary septicopemia complicated by parietal embolic endocarditis. "Medical Newspaper", 1902, No. 52

Ovchinnikov A.


Rare cases of primary septicopemia — disease, developed by Leube and Bisen’om, due to the polymorphism of symptoms, are often confused with various acute infections.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):32-33
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V. P. Zhukovsky. A case of bleeding in a child. "The Journal of Surgery", No. 21

Ovchinnikov P.


Among the diseases of newborns, Grandidier described the so-called temporary bleeding, usually appearing on 5-12 days. Ettinger pointed to a rather common gemophilia in infants.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):33-34
pages 33-34 views

I. І. Kozlovskiy. A case of surgical treatment of the abdominal adenoma in atrophic cirrhosis of the liver. Russian Doctor, 1902, Nos. 48-50

Ovchinnikov I.


A patient of the author, with a history of atrophic cirrhosis, was admitted with symptoms of atrophic cirrhosis. The treatment with internal means in the course of 1 1/2 months remained unsuccessful.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):34-35
pages 34-35 views

L. М. Pusep. On the question of fire injuries of the brain. "Russian Surgical Archive" 1902, vol. 6

Ovchinnikov P.


In relation to firearms wounds of the brain, there are two opposite opinions on the need for primary trepanation.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):35-36
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V. N. Orlov. Macrosomia partialis as a result of chronic irritation of the sympathetic nerve. "Russian Surgical Archive", 1902, vol. 6

Ovchinnikov P.


At the time of the author's observation was a 15-year-old girl who entered the faculty surgical clinic of Moscow University with the main complaint about an increase and pigmentation of the left upper limb, under the supervision of the patient's mother in her early childhood.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):36-36
pages 36-36 views

V. Bogolyubov. On the anastomosis surgery on the adrenal ducts during resection of the appendix. "Russian Surgical Archive", 1902, vol. 6

Ovchinnikov P.


An important question about the possibility of preserving sexual function, in cases of resection of the epididymis, through the formation of an anastomosis, receives a favorable resolution in the author's experimental studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):37-37
pages 37-37 views

А. А. Kadyan. Intestinal air cysts (Pneumotosis cystoides intestinorum hominis). "Russian Surgical Archives" 1902, book 6

Ovchinnikov P.


Once operating on a patient with suspected tuberculosis with a peritoneal tumor or chronic stenosis of the intestine, the author was pushed into the following picture. Ascites. The serous cover of the small intestines, devoid of normal color and shine, is covered with a mass of soy tubercles, among which are visible bubbles and blisters, as large as plums, partly hanging on thin legs, made with gas, falling off when punctured. Such a picture, unevenly distributed over different loops of the small intestines, is weak on the peritoneum of the large ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):37-38
pages 37-38 views

V. N. Heinatz. On scopolamine narcosis. Russian Surgical Archive, 1902, vol. 6

Ovchinnikov P.


The English surgeon of the 13th century — Scotus recommended giving the patient a tincture before the operation, which included between other substances opiy, bolena and mandrake root.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):38-39
pages 38-39 views

N. Trinkler. Complete removal of the packing when twisting it. Russian Surgical Archive, 1902, vol. 6

Ovchinnikov P.


Torsion of the leg or base is exposed to both organs and tumors, most often cystic. The reasons for the twisting of the nia, determined clinically and experimentally, include: intestinal peristalsis, abnormal movement of the patient, associated with tension in the abdominal press, excessive growth and severity of the tumor, unequal overcrowding of the surrounding organs and the tumor and, finally, the relation.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):39-40
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V. A. Storozhenko. Sterilizer with high temperature flowing steam. "Surgery," Vol. XII, No. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


The author, in order to achieve the best efficiency of surgical materials and instruments, strove to improve the device demonstrated by him back in 1900.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):40-40
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S. Spasokutsky. Gastric pyloric obstruction and its surgical treatment. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


Possessing his own material in 31 cases, the author wants to analyze some purely practical aspects of the issue. All his material lasts for 2 large groups — contraction of a benign nature and contraction of a malignant character.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):40-41
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М. B. Jukelson. On the technique of circular hemorrhoidal node excision (Whitehead-Vercesco operation). "Surgery", Vol. XII, No. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


The method of circular dissection of the recti mucous membrane with hemorrhoidal nodes according to the Vercesco method (Whitehead supplement) is as follows.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):41-42
pages 41-42 views

Р. І. Venglovskiy. On the treatment of tuberculous inflammation of the peritoneum with chrevosuchenia. "Surgery", Vol. XII, No. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


The tuberous process in the peritoneum has a certain, characteristic picture of the course, completely similar to its course in other organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):42-43
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N. V. Altukhov. Topographic position of the ureters. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


The work of the author is compiled on the basis of literary data and his own numerous studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):43-43
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I.A. Romanin. Case of simultaneous ligation of the external iliac artery, femoral artery and vein. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


In view of the disagreement of the authors in their views on the meaning of ligation of the femoral vessels and the lack of clinical clarification of this issue, the author gives his case of ligation of these vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):43-44
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M.A. Khvorostanskiy. Ligation of the vedrenal artery and vein in the removal of a large fatty lesion from the thigh. "Surgery", vol. XII, no. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


A swelling of a significant size, localized in the region of the Scarpian triangle and the upper part of the thigh, the author found at the end of the hatching a torn arterial branch, the ligation of which was not possible due to the short end.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):44-44
pages 44-44 views

А. N. Zimin. On the statistics of injuries of the knee flexor apparatus (2 cases of cup fracture and 2 cases of rupture of the patella intrinsic ligament). "Surgery", vol. XII, no. 71

Ovchinnikov P.


Regarding the 4 cases of damage to the knee extensor apparatus observed by the author, he collected some statistical data regarding the types of damage described by him.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):45-45
pages 45-45 views

Assoc. N. I. Napalnov. On the technique of mechanical hand cleaning. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


Recognizing the great importance of mechanical cleaning of hands and giving the first place to a brush in this relationship, the author offers a special device

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):45-46
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B. Bauer. A rare case of anthrax. "Surgery," vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


The author describes a case of localization of the disease on the penis below the praeputium, closer to the root of the penis. The disease ended in death of the skin of the penis and fraud. The subsequent Thiersch'y transplantation gave an unexpected success.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):46-46
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Assoc. D. Е. Gorokhov. Autoplasty treatment of the zygomatic condyle. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


The author's case refers to a 3-year-old child. Examination was found on the right side, starting from the location of the canines, the presence of fusion of the entire inner surface of the cheek with the dental processes of the jaws.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):46-47
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D. I. Tatarinov. On the casuistry of laryngeal exsanguination in cancer neoplasms. "Surgery". vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


During the operation on the described patients, the larynx was counted from the trachea at the level of the cricoid-tracheal ligament and, separated from the esophagus and pharynx, was removed after opening the last day together with the epiglottis.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):47-47
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M. S. Cheremukhin. On foreign bodies in food. "Surgery". vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


The ingress of foreign matter (from food products to artificial jaws) of the body into the esophagus is a phenomenon that occurs quite often — it does not often lead to serious consequences, not excluding a fatal outcome, especially in the case when corpus alienum is easily capable of causing tissue damage.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):47-48
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E. S. Kanzel. On the operative treatment of peritonitis in typhoid fever. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


Since Leyden in 1884 proposed, and Miku licz applied the surgical treatment of perforated ulcers for typhoid fever, it is gradually accumulating in both foreign and Russian literature, casuistic material on this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):48-48
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V. N. Glasson. On the casuistry of large ovarian cysts. "Surgery", vol. XII, No. 72

Ovchinnikov P.


The author reports on three similar patients, the size of the cysts in whom is very significant.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):48-49
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B. S. Miklashevsky. Ligation of the common carotid artery for a gunshot wound in the lower jaw region. Russian Doctor, 1903, No. 2

Ovchinnikov P.


Supplementing the rather extensive casuistry of material with one observation, the author justifies the appearance of his message by the peculiarities of the case.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):49-49
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Y. B. Zeldowicz. Treatment of scarring of the esophagus by electrolysis. Russian Doctor, 1903, No. 1

Ovchinnikov P.


The basis of electrolysis treatment is experimental data, from which it is clear that the electric current, decomposing tissue fluids, stops the life of the cell, and the resulting chemical substances even more contribute to the arrest of tissue growth.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):49-50
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O.A. Lavrov. A case of the absence of one kidney in a patient with purulent hepatitis. Medical Newspaper, 1902, No. 2

Ovchinnikov P.


Opening a patient who had died of purulent hepatitis, the author discovered the absence of the left kidney, adrenal gland and ureter, so that in the bladder there was only one hole for the right ureter.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):50-50
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N. V. Farmakovskiy. "Zemskyi" method of repairing pinched hernias. The Medical Newspaper, 1903, No. 2


Without pretending to be new and interested in the general medical description of the method of reducing the restrained hernias, the author invites these comrades to try its application in cases when the doctor becomes in a hopeless position due to the impossibility of adopting the right to the bloody method and the ineffectiveness of others.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):50-51
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Prof. A.A. Bobrov. On means of combating surgical tuberculosis. Ruskiy Vrach, 1903, No. 3


Cases of surgical or focal tubercle can be divided along the course into two categories.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):51-51
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M. F. Kozlenko. Current state of the issue of the use of steam in gynecology and surgery. Russian Doctor, 1903, No. 3


The most extensive application of couples is in gynecology.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):52-52
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I. I. Grekov. On the treatment of fecal fistulas. A non-typical consequence of the total blockage of the intestine. Russian Doctor, 1903, No. 3

Ovchinnikov P.


In cases of fecal fistulas, the radical operation is the loss of the intestine; but where, due to some circumstances, such an operation is contraindicated, a palliative means of excluding the intestine is used.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):52-52
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Works on diagnostics, private pathology and therapy of diseases of the circulatory apparatus for 1901

Kotovshchikova N.I.


The accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, with heart disease, can be observed with pulmonary heart attacks, but this is usually encountered in advanced cases, when there is already a tendency to form stagnant phenomena. Therefore, in the general picture of the disease, these accumulations appear in the pleura a little, moreover, that they are usually small. The same should be said about the accumulation of fluid, attaching in heart patients to catarrhal and croupous inflammation of the lungs. Less known are the accumulations in the pleura, occurring in cardiac patients in a relatively early period and playing a more independent role.

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):53-68
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Letters to the editor. Vol. 3, No. 1-2 (1902)


On December 14, 1901, in the Society of Physicians at Kazan University, a doctor for business trips to Murman, A. V. Sivra, was given a report "The medical and sanitary state of the North of European Russia in connection with living conditions."

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):81-99
pages 81-99 views

Chronicle and small information. Vol. 3, No. 1-2 (1902)


Until the notice of comrades who would like to take part in the hygiene of the IX Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov in January 1904, we bring the following letter received from the Organizing Committee to the name of the editor:
Dear comrade!

Kazan medical journal. 1903;3(1-2):100-102
pages 100-102 views

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