Vol 41, No 4 (1960)

Theoretical and clinical medicine

To the clinic of Kazan leptospirosis

Davletkildeeva A.Z., Karimova Z.H.


Even S. P. Botkin expressed his opinion about the infectious nature of "catarrhal jaundice". His student N. P. Vasiliev (1888) described the clinical picture and gave epidemiological data on jaundice, proceeding with high fever, symptoms of intoxication, damage to the liver, spleen, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract disorders, meningeal phenomena, hemorrhages, nosebleeds, rash on the body and herpes on the lips.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Eosinopenic reaction and the content of 17-ketosteroids in urine during treatment with steroid hormones

Schwartz L.S., Yudinova L.S., Eiber N.S.


Soviet researchers (A. A. Atabek, A. L. Myasnikov, V. F. Zaitsev, B. B. Kogan and I. G. Danielyak, A. I. Nesterov, E. M. Tareev) have accumulated vast experience in the treatment of steroid hormones of various pathological processes (collagenosis, diseases of the blood system, bronchial asthma). The positive effect of treatment with steroid hormones is due either to the stimulation of the function of the adrenal cortex (in the treatment of ACTH), or the replacement of the hormone missing in the body (with the introduction of cortisone, prednisone, andresone). In both cases, the disturbed odaotative function of the pituitary gland - adrenal cortex is restored, which brings biochemical processes in the collagen system closer to normalization and improves the clinical course of the disease (E. M. Tareev, A. I. Nesterov).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Eosinopenia as a differential diagnostic symptom in early myocardial infarction

Smirnov V.N., Zhivotovskaya I.L., Marchenko L.A., Slavina I.P.


Despite the seemingly significant number of clinical and laboratory symptoms of typical forms of myocardial infarction, each additional sign that facilitates its recognition in the initial period is of great practical importance. Diagnostic "urgency" during this period of the disease is emphasized by the fact that the first days are the most responsible in terms of the patient's regimen and the doctor's tactics.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):11-13
pages 11-13 views

Some questions of the clinic, bacteriology and treatment of chronic cholecystitis and angiocholitis

Solovyova N.F.


Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract is one of the most common diseases in the internal medicine clinic. The aim of our study was to study the clinical picture of the disease with lesions of the biliary tract in comparison with the microflora obtained by sowing the duodenal contents, while identifying the function of the gallbladder (including the X-ray method) and the functional state of the liver. At the same time, the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment was studied, depending on the sensitivity of the microbial flora to them.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):13-19
pages 13-19 views

More about the intrasecretory function of the pancreas before and after gastric resection

Startsev I.V.


There are a number of reports in the literature on the violation of the intrasecretory function of the pancreas in surgical diseases of the stomach. Many works are devoted to the study of the intrasecretory function of the pancreas and the hypoglycemic symptom complex after gastric resection. The reasons for the change in the function of the pancreas after resection of the stomach should be explained from the point of view of the teachings of I. P. Pavlov, since the physiological relationships of the pancreas with other organs of the digestive tract are disturbed, due to the intersection of the branches of the vagus nerves, hemodynamic disturbances, removal of the sokogenic section of the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):19-25
pages 19-25 views

About the content of diastase in urine after gastric resection

Nikolaev G.M.


As you know, after resection of the stomach for peptic ulcer disease, many surgeons described severe complications in the form of acute inflammation, damage and necrosis of the pancreas. N. I. Leporsky reported data from different authors about 145 cases of damage to the pancreas during various operations. S. V. Lobachev, based on materials from the Institute. Sklifosovsky for 6 years, indicates that after operations in the abdominal cavity there were 166 cases of trauma to the pancreas, which occurred due to the invasion of the gland by a tumor or with penetrating ulcers. Moreover, 33 patients (22%) developed acute pancreatitis, 19 of them died. A. T. Rozhkov on 393 gastric resections in 18 patients had damage to the pancreas; of these, 9 developed fatal necrosis. G. S. Rozanov for one year observed two patients with acute pancreatitis, which arose in connection with resection of the stomach. Unfortunately, he does not write how many operations these complications account for. I. V. Starkov analyzed the case histories of 100 patients after gastric resection for cancer or ulcers; of these, in 7 the immediate cause of death was necrosis of the pancreas. Another 8 patients had partial necrosis of the pancreas, but the author considers other complications to be the cause of death. Prof. B. S. Rozanov writes that during operations on the stomach for penetrating ulcers, the pancreas is not so rarely injured with subsequent purulent fusion or necrosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Experience in the surgical treatment of chronic pulmonary suppuration in children

Libov S.L., Erintseva E.P.


Surgical treatment of chronic nonspecific suppuration of the lungs in children has not yet become widespread. The number of operated children, even in the largest statistics, does not reach 100 cases (A. P. Kolesov and employees, E. G. Dubeykovskaya, S. L. Libov and K. F. Shiryaeva). This report is based on personal observations of the surgical treatment of 91 children operated on for chronic suppuration of the lung.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):27-30
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Surgical treatment of severe forms of thyrotoxic goiter using neuro-vegetative drugs

Kravchenko P.V., Rudova S.I.


Thyrotoxicosis, the most severe form of thyroid disease, is regarded as a disease of the whole organism with severe functional disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Preparation of patients with thyrotoxic goiter for surgery, the choice of the method of pain relief and the fight against postoperative thyrotoxic crisis, cardiovascular failure and shock are of decisive importance in the immediate outcome of the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Changes in the central nervous system in children with rheumatism

Tets B.G.


The question of the state of the central nervous system in children with rheumatism has long attracted the attention of numerous researchers (V. V. Mikheev, E. A. Bley, R. M. Pen, Z. M. Zemlyakova, M. A. Izrailskaya, etc.). Forms of rheumatism with distinct neurological disorders were usually studied. The state of the nervous system in cardiac and articular forms of rheumatism, proceeding without sharp neurological symptoms, has not yet been fully studied clinically, and almost not studied pathomorphologically. Until now, there is no consensus about the nature of changes in the autonomic division of the central nervous system in this disease. The aim of this work is to conduct a clinical study of the state of the central nervous system in children with cardiac and articular forms of rheumatism in the active phase of the disease, as well as to study pathomorphological changes in the brain and spinal cord in patients who died from these forms of rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy

Rybkina N.F.


Since there are patients with diabetes mellitus among pregnant women, the study of the peculiarities of the course of this disease and, in turn, the influence of diabetes on the course of pregnancy and childbirth is of practical interest. Carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy is distinguished by its lability. G. G. Genter points out that in almost 10% of pregnant women, sugar is excreted in the urine from time to time throughout pregnancy. According to our data, glucosuria is rare in pregnant women. In maternity hospital No. 1 of Gorky, out of 47357 women in labor, we observed glucosuria in only two, and in the regional hospital. N. A. Semashko - at one.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):36-38
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Some biochemical indicators of the composition of the amniotic fluid with polyhydramnios

Sozansky A.M.


The biochemical composition of amniotic fluid during pregnancy complicated by polyhydramnios has not been essentially studied, although it is of interest for elucidating the mechanisms of polyhydramnios, prevention and treatment. We have studied the content of sugar, chlorides, urea, residual nitrogen and total protein in the amniotic fluid in 11 pregnant women suffering from polyhydramnios. The diagnosis of polyhydramnios in them was made on the basis of a clinical study and then confirmed by measuring the amount of amniotic fluid obtained during childbirth.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):38-40
pages 38-40 views

Clinical significance of antibiotic resistance of microflora of healthy skin, foci of pyoderma and some dermatoses

Yasnitsky N.N.


Treatment of pustular skin diseases by methods of parenteral and local ointment application of penicillin does not provide the proper therapeutic effect in all cases. It is often necessary to observe that the introduction of even massive doses of penicillin is not able to significantly affect the painful process, and only replacing it with another antibiotic, for example, biomycin or streptomycin, can lead to the desired result. The explanation for this should be sought in the unequal sensitivity of the microbial flora to various antibiotics.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):40-42
pages 40-42 views

To X-ray tomographic study of tumors of the sellar group

Khasanova N.A.


Tomographic layer-by-layer examination of the skull has been used since 1938 (Fronet and Buffet, Janker, Depp). In the Soviet Union, I. G. Schlifer was the first to perform a tomographic study of the skull in brain tumors; in 1941, F. I. Lapidus extended this method to the study of pathological processes in the paranasal sinuses of the lower jaw. In 1951, E. S. Brezhnev published a paper on the importance of the tomographic method in X-ray diagnostics of diseases of the skull. The technique of tomographic examination of the anterior cranial fossa was developed by Ya. I. Geynisman. Since 1948 M. Kh. Faizullin has been engaged in the tomographic method of studying the cerebral and facial skull.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):42-45
pages 42-45 views

On the functional relationship of the sphincter of Oddi and the gallbladder in the process of bile secretion with reflex influences from the intestine

Gorshkova S.M.


There is no consensus among clinicians about the mechanism of occurrence of dyskinesias of the biliary apparatus of the liver, which was confirmed at the XXVI All-Union Congress of Surgeons in 1955 in separate statements and in a problem report on the physiological foundations of surgery. Most clinicians do not attach due importance to reflex influences from the intestine as a factor conducive to functional dyskinesias of the biliary tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):45-48
pages 45-48 views

On the question of the quantitative accounting of some vegetative-humoral changes in the blood

Khamitov H.S.


The functional state of the autonomic nervous system in most patients is impaired, and therefore there are pronounced changes in the number of released neurotransmitters - adrenaline and acetylcholine. Since vegetative shifts affect the clinical picture of the disease, it is important to characterize them quantitatively.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):48-49
pages 48-49 views


On the most effective timing of immunization with native and purified adsorbed diphtheria toxoid in the experiment

Ionov Y.A.


At present, the success of immunization against diphtheria is so significant that the health authorities have embarked on a course to eliminate the disease. In the fight against diphtheria, not only the coverage of vaccinations among the broad masses of children, but also the correct organization of vaccination, play an important role. With active immunization with toxoid, the interval between vaccination and the first revaccination is very important in the development of a sufficiently stable and long-term anti-diphtheria immunity. Meanwhile, the question of the optimal interval between the second vaccination and the next revaccination cannot be considered finally resolved.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Short articles

On the difficulties and errors in the recognition and treatment of visceral syphilis

Chernetsov I.G.


As you know, cutaneous manifestations of tertiary syphilis are far from always accompanied by visceral ones, which causes not only difficulties in recognizing the true nature of the disease, but also errors in treatment. Over the past ten years, among our patients, 5 people. suffered from visceral syphilis, which was confirmed by autopsy. The analysis of these observations is of practical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):53-54
pages 53-54 views

Death during an attack of bronchial asthma

Bialik V.L., Anosova T.V.


Death during an attack of bronchial asthma is relatively rare, however, since such an outcome is possible, the study of its causes is of practical importance. As you know, people with long-term bronchial asthma develop chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and ultimately pulmonary heart disease, which can be the main cause of death.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):55-56
pages 55-56 views

On the casuistry of hemochromatosis (bronze diabetes)

Grabenko I.K., Kastanayan E.S., Levchenko A.L.


The essence of the disease mainly consists in a violation of iron metabolism with increased deposition of it in a number of organs and, mainly, in the liver, mainly in the form of hemosiderin. The term "hemochromatosis" was introduced by Recklinghausen (1889) and reflects one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease — an abnormal coloration of the skin (melasma) and organs, due to the deposition of pigments in them, according to the author — of blood origin. With the help of labeled iron, it was found that increased deposition of iron in the liver and in other organs during hemochromatosis is associated, in contrast to hemosiderosis (with hemolytic jaundice, pernicious anemia), not with increased blood breakdown, but with an increase in the absorption of iron from the digestive tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):56-58
pages 56-58 views

A case of hemochromatosis

Eidelkind S.G.


Diagnosis in the early stages of the disease with hemochromatosis presents significant difficulties. Noteworthy is the method of intravital diagnostic study of the liver cytogram, proposed by I. A. Kassirsky, and also confirmed by E. V. Chernysheva. But in view of the fact that cirrhosis of the liver is not always an early sign, one should, as G. I. Alekseev, G. A. Dashtayants point out, to resort to puncture of the bone marrow, where in very early stages hemosiderin was noted by them.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Chronic retrocardiac pneumonia in children

Polesitsky N.S.


In recent years, chronic pneumonia has often attracted the attention of both clinicians and pathologists and radiologists, however, this question cannot be considered settled. The topic of this work is the description of the form of chronic pneumonia in children, which, due to its localization behind the shadow of the heart, may remain unrecognized if the attending physician is insufficiently familiar with it.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):59-60
pages 59-60 views

On some features of a post-vaccine attack with brucellosis

Glikshtein M.D.


Vaccine therapy is the most effective treatment for brucellosis. The most commonly used standard multivalent vaccine. The question of the use of autovaccines has not yet been sufficiently developed. The vaccine is administered in various ways: subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, intradermally, in combination. The dosage of the vaccine depends on the patient's condition, his individual characteristics, the reaction to the previous infusion, the severity of the reaction, the route of administration. Therefore, naturally, the dosage can vary considerably.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):60-61
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A case of injury to an open ductus botalle during segmental lung resection

Rosengarten M.Y.


Operations on the botalloid duct with its non-closure are now widespread (A. N. Bakulev, E. N. Meshalkin, B. K. Osipov, P. A. Kupriyanov, S. L. Libov, M. I. Perelman, Littman, Crafford, Blelok). However, ligation of the open Botallov's duct during lung resection is a rare surgical intervention. We have come across a description of such operations in the literature available to us only twice. So, in 1955, S. L. Libov and K. F. Shiryaeva demonstrated a 6-year-old girl who underwent ligation of the Botallov's duct and removal of the lower lobe and reed segment of the left lung for bronchiectasis. In the same year, V. S. Shapkin successfully performed a pneumoectomy on a 27-year-old man and tied the open Botallus duct, which was not recognized before the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):62-63
pages 62-63 views

About extensive resections of the right lobe of the liver in alveolar echinococcosis

Krylova N.P.


With the localization of the nodes of the alveolar echinococcus in the right lobe of the liver, the most common wedge-shaped resection is performed with the marginal location of the echinococcus. With large nodes spreading into the parenchyma, radical operations are a very serious intervention and are rarely performed. A. V. Melnikov collected from the literature for 15 years only 3 descriptions of massive resections of the right lobe of the liver for echinococcosis and added one of his own observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):63-65
pages 63-65 views

A case of volvulus of the gallbladder

Popov A.F.


Gallbladder volvulus is very rare. In 1955 N. V. Bobrova reported 26 cases, according to the literature, and one personal observation. In 1957, 3 observations of A. G. Etz and V. A. Grigorieva were published. The diagnosis of this disease is extremely difficult. Most often, volvulus of the gallbladder is mistaken for acute intestinal obstruction or an attack of gallstone disease. A sudden onset, sharp pains, repeated vomiting, the severity of the condition are usually found in each of these diseases. The observation below was also mistaken for acute intestinal obstruction.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):65-66
pages 65-66 views

Recognition of the combination of acute appendicitis with strangulated intestinal obstruction caused by Meckel's diverticulum

Mavrin M.I.


Patient U., 17 years old, I / VIII-58, at 22 o'clock with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis, was taken to the surgical department. Suddenly fell ill at 7 o'clock. ago. Pains appeared in the right half of the abdomen, nausea. Abdominal pains were noted in 1953 and 1956; was treated on an outpatient basis. The abdomen is moderately tense in the right iliac region, soreness at McBurney's point, Blumberg-Shchetkin's symptom on the right is positive. The tongue is not coated. Temperature - 37.0 °. Pulse - 84, satisfactory filling.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):66-67
pages 66-67 views

Spontaneous uterine rupture at the onset of term labor

Malyshev L.K.


Uterine rupture is a serious obstetric complication, and each case deserves attention. To the Popovskaya hospital 8 / XI-57 at 5 o'clock. delivered by a midwife for delivery, pregnant D., 27 years old. According to the pregnant woman, the contractions began on 7 / XI-57 at 18 o'clock. By the hour 8 / XI-57, the contractions intensified, became regular, very painful. On the way to the hospital, after a particularly painful contraction, the fetus stopped moving, the contractions stopped. On receipt of a complaint of pain throughout the abdomen and shortness of breath.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):67-67
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Endometriosis of the navel

Davydova M.A.


Endometriosis is an overgrowth of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus. Endometriosis of the navel is very rare and is described; therefore, we consider it possible to present our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):68-68
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Glossopharyngeal neuralgia and its elimination by stem alcoholization

Weisblat S.N.


Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is rarely described, in contrast to trigeminal neuralgia. A.N. Filatov, who collected in the literature a description of 26 cases of glossopharyngeal neuralgia in 1930, correctly points out that the small number of published cases is explained not so much by the rarity of the disease as by the fact that it is often mixed with trigeminal neuralgia.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):68-69
pages 68-69 views

Healthcare mangement

The experience of clinical examination of women suffering from pathological menopause

Svechnikova N.V.


According to our materials, 50% of women of climacteric age suffer from severe or erased forms of climacteric disorders. The lack of constant and joint monitoring of such patients by specialists of different profiles, engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of climacteric manifestations, practically leads to the fact that these patients are deprived of the dispensary observation system, as a result of which treatment is often not very effective.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):70-72
pages 70-72 views

On the diagnosis and accounting of acute intestinal diseases

Dubovsky V.G.


Acute dysentery is often mild, with very meager clinical symptoms, bringing it closer to other acute intestinal diseases. Due to the difficulties of differential diagnosis and the identity of the antibacterial therapy of these diseases, the existing regulation provides for the registration, treatment and clinical examination of patients with acute intestinal diseases, as well as patients with dysentery.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Personnel training

Specialization and advanced training of doctors for 40 years of activity of the Kazan State Pedagogical University named after V.I.Lenin

Vylegzhanin N.I.


Kazan Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors named after V.I. Lenin, opened in 1920, was the second institute for advanced training of doctors in the system of Soviet health care, after the Leningrad one, which arose on the basis of Eleninsky Institute Hospital. In the latter, in pre-revolutionary times, on a private initiative, advanced training courses were organized, to which a small number of doctors trained at their own expense were admitted.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):74-76
pages 74-76 views

History of medicine

From the history of the struggle for materialism in medicine at Kazan University in the 2nd half of the 19th century

Zinanova R.M.


From the history of the struggle for materialism in medicine at Kazan University in the 2nd half of the 19th century Throughout the history of its development, medicine, like natural science, has served and continues to serve as an arena for a fierce struggle between materialism and idealism. This struggle is a reflection of the struggle between materialism and idealism in philosophy. In the development of Russian natural science, the materialist trend was predominant. Lenin's thesis that "the main directions of progressive social thought in Russia have, fortunately, a solid materialist tradition" is directly related to progressive Russian natural science.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):77-82
pages 77-82 views


All-Russian conference on hearing loss

Gromov V.V.


The agenda of the conference included the following questions: 1) physiology and pathology of the acoustic apparatus; 2) etiopathogenesis of hearing loss; 3) research methods of the acoustic analyzer; 4) prevention and treatment of hearing loss. The conference was opened with a report by prof. V. I. Voyachek (Leningrad) "The Evolution of Innovation in Cofology". The term "cofology" combines the modern concept of treatment, mainly surgical, persistent or progressive forms of hearing loss. In the evolution of the improvement of surgical technique, the author noted a number of patterns of innovation, the influence of one discovery on another. The discovery of antibiotics contributed to the success of the surgical treatment of hearing loss.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):82-83
pages 82-83 views

Interregional Oil Industry Injury Management Conference

Bogdanovich U.Y.


The conference, organized by the Kazan Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, was attended by about 300 workers, engineers and technicians, leaders of party trade union organizations, medical workers representing oil workers from Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Kuibyshev, Perm, Saratov regions and the city of Baku. The participation of guests from Moscow in the conference was very useful.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):83-84
pages 83-84 views

В научных медицинских обществах Татарстана

Society of Physicians. Volume 41, No. 4 (1960)

Teregulov A.G.


In 1959, 11 meetings were held. 8 scientific reports, 4 - informational, 9 demonstrations were heard. Among the scientific reports, the main place was given to atherosclerosis. This problem was the subject of reports by L. M. Rakhlin, B. S. Maksudov, L. A. Lushnikova, M. G. Denisova (GIDUV) "On some internal factors in atherosclerosis", V. F. Bogoyavlensky (state clinic of the KSMI ) "On the question of the undulating course of atherosclerosis", V. E. Anisimova (faculty clinic of the KSMI) "On the role of unsaturated fatty acids in the therapy and prevention of atherosclerosis." The reports were also heard by K. A. Mayanskaya (state clinic of the KSMI) "To the diagnosis and treatment of cardiospasm", V. M. Zaitsev (faculty clinic of the KSMI) "To the clinic of atypical myocardial infarction", M. G. Denisova (GIDUV) "Glycoproteins in cardiac forms of rheumatism", L. A. Movchan and L. A. Spasskaya - "Bitsillin in the treatment of pneumonia", A. M. Brodskaya - "Towards the clinic of scleroderma."

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):84-85
pages 84-85 views

Society of Surgeons. Volume 41 No. 4 (1960)

Sokolov N.V.


In 1959, 15 meetings were held, of which 2 were held together with traumatologists, 3 - with oncologists, 1 - with phthisiatricians, 1 - with the Academic Council of the Kazan Medical Institute. 26 reports were heard, and 40 patients were demonstrated. Reports on thoracic surgery were presented by M. Yu. Rosengarten and I. Z. Sigal; oncology - L. G. Safina, N. I. Lyubina and A. F. Adrianovsky; in abdominal surgery - S. A. Valitova and A. A. Titarenko; in neurosurgery - G. S. Knirik; emergency surgery - Z. N. Osipova; in urology - A. F. Burmistrova; on anesthesiology - A. B. Gataullin and A. F. Popov.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):85-86
pages 85-86 views

Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Volume 41, No. 4 (1960)

Manenkov P.V., Monasypova M.V.


In 1959, 8 meetings were held, of which 4 were joint with the Kazan Scientific Society of Pediatricians. At the meetings, 18 reports and 12 demonstrations were heard. Guided by the decision of the joint plenum of the Board of the All-Russian Societies of Obstetricians, Gynecologists and Pediatricians, which took place in Moscow in December 1958, and taking into account the problems in the fight against early infant mortality in the TASSR, the society paid its main attention in the reporting year to discussion and development, together with pediatricians, measures to combat stillbirth and early infant mortality. Half of the sessions were devoted to these questions. In these sessions, 10 reports were heard and discussed on the following topics: the role of obstetricians and pediatricians in reducing newborn mortality; analysis of early infant mortality in Kazan; analysis of newborn mortality for 3 maternity departments of the city; analysis of infant mortality from birth trauma and infection and measures to reduce it; pneumonia in newborns; intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):86-86
pages 86-86 views

Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. Volume 41, No. 4 (1960)

Andreev V.P.


According to the plan for 1959, 10 meetings were held, of which 3 were combined; a joint meeting with physiologists, pharmacologists and biochemists related to the physiology and neurology of the reticular formation; one related meeting was held with radiologists; with naturalists and physiologists - a meeting in connection with the 110th anniversary of the birth of IP Pavlov and with a report on the All-Union Congress of Physiologists in Minsk. Comprehensively developed topics of reports were presented by neuropathologists and neurosurgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):86-87
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Summary of articles received by the editor

Electrocardiographic changes in hypertension in young people

Shukhtina A.M.


Of the 246 dispensaries from 16 to 35 years old, there were 119 women, 127 men. Stage I was found in 85.3% and stage II in 14.7%. The duration of the disease up to 3 years was in 8.6%, up to 8 years in 70.2% and more in 21.2%. Systolic pressure did not exceed 150 mm in 43.7%, it was above 150 mm in 56.3%. Diastolic pressure up to 90 mm was observed in 42.3%, above 90 mm - in 57.7%. Resting ECGs rarely showed disturbances in rhythm, conduction, changes in systolic readings, or in the position of the electrical axis of the heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):87-87
pages 87-87 views

On the role of the spleen in changes in blood composition in splenomegalic cirrhosis of the liver

Ashkinazi I.Y.


49 patients with splenomegalic cirrhosis of the liver (19 of them after splenectomy) and 18 healthy individuals were examined. The parameters of peripheral blood and bone marrow, osmotic resistance of erythrocytes and leukocytes to hypotonic NaCl solution, immunological Coombs' reactions, cold agglutination of erythrocytes, leukoagglutination) were studied. Studies have shown that in splenomegalic cirrhosis of the liver, the pathologically altered spleen is of great importance in the development of anemia and leukopenia.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):87-88
pages 87-88 views

Dynamics of the content of non-hemoglobin iron in blood serum in patients with various types of anemia

Uvarova K.G.


Since the problem of treating anemia with iron preparations is associated with the study of its metabolism in the body, the task was to find out the iron content of blood serum in patients with various types of anemia, treated with various therapeutic agents, in dynamics and in the future to outline the ways of treatment with iron preparations. Non-hemoglobin iron takes an active part in metabolism and is currently one of the best indicators of the state of iron metabolism in the body. The content of non-hemoglobin iron in hypochromic, essential anemia, anemia from acute and chronic bleeding, in acute infections is reduced, in pernicious anemia, polycythemia and hemolytic anemia is increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):88-88
pages 88-88 views

On the diagnostic value of cytological examination of punctates of various organs in therapeutic practice

Voytik V.F.


Aspiration puncture of organs - liver, lymph nodes, spleen, lungs - we performed according to the Abramov method, that is, a camphor needle put on a 10-20-gram dry Record syringe. The punctate of the sternum and ribs was obtained using the Arinkin method. The smears were fixed and stained according to the rules of cytological technique with Romanovsky-Giemsa paint. There were no complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):88-89
pages 88-89 views

Experience of surgical treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers

Arkhipov E.P.


For the period from 1947 to 1956. In the surgical departments of Bugulma hospitals, 237 operations were performed for stomach and duodenal ulcers: 186 gastroenteroanastomoses, 51 - gastric resection. There were 208 men. (87.8%) and women - 29 (12.2%). All of them had a typical ulcerative history with a long (from 3 to 6 years) recurrent course of the disease and a pronounced symptom complex.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):89-90
pages 89-90 views

On the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis of the tongue

Sukhorukov B.Z.


According to a number of authors, tuberculosis of the tongue occurs from 0.2 to 1% in relation to pulmonary tuberculosis. It is believed that tuberculosis of the tongue is 10 times less common than cancer of the tongue. Men get sick 5 times more often than women.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):90-90
pages 90-90 views

To the treatment of patellar fractures

Zeig B.A., Khodakov D.E.


We studied 64 patients from different medical institutions (1951-1957). The reasons are street trauma (33), household trauma (15), industrial (8), transport (7) and sports (1). By the nature of the fracture: comminuted fracture (28), transverse (26). Marginal fracture (6) and vertical fracture are very rare (1). Fracture was not specified in 3; open fractures were 3. In connection with the definition of the nature of the fracture, it is not always possible to base only on the radiograph or, moreover, on its description by the radiologist.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):90-91
pages 90-91 views

Ovarian apoplexy with acute appendicitis

Molchanov L.N., Gromov A.I.


Preoperative diagnosis of ovarian rupture is very difficult. More often, the disease is recognized during surgery for acute appendicitis, a picture of which is given by the painful form of rupture of the ovary. When the peritoneum is opened, and sometimes only when monitoring for hemostasis, after appendectomy, the blood flow from the pelvis is found, and further revision reveals apoplexy. Less often, with the anemic form of ovarian rupture, when the symptoms of intra-abdominal bleeding come to the fore, patients are operated on with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):91-92
pages 91-92 views

Experience in the treatment of gynecological patients at the mud resort "Slavyansk"

Markov A.Y.


We have investigated and developed case histories of 701 gynecological patients who were treated in 1954 in Slavyansk. Of these, 540 (group I) had various chronic inflammatory processes of the female genital organs and 161 (group II) had primary infertility, mainly due to inflammatory processes. Among patients of group I with a disease duration of up to two years, it was 14.5%; up to three years - 12.2%; under 5 years - 19% and over 5 years - 54.3%.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):92-92
pages 92-92 views

Psychotherapy in obstetric practice

Poplavsky A.K.


Psychotherapy was used by us in 52 patients: with "indomitable" vomiting - in 8, with other forms of early toxicosis - in 24 (of them in 8 with itching), threatening miscarriage - in 6, nipple hyperesthesia - in 12 and in 2 with disorder urination in the postpartum period. Psychotherapy was used in the form of suggestion in hypnotic sleep and hypnotic sleep as such. As one of the techniques, easily implemented in an obstetric clinic, they used the transformation of natural sleep into hypnotic sleep. We have repeatedly succeeded in converting natural sleep into hypnotic sleep in the first session. In some cases, we performed the first session using conventional sedation techniques, and during the second session, we proceeded to transform sleep into hypnosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):93-93
pages 93-93 views

Book review

L. M. Shabad and P. P. Dikun. Air pollution with a carcinogenic substance - 3-4-benzpyrene. 239 pp. Medgiz, 1959 10 r. 15 k.


The book attracts the attention of the reader, since it is devoted to the urgent problem of the increase in the incidence of lung cancer and the clarification of the relationship of this phenomenon with the progressive air pollution of industrial centers and cities with carcinogenic hydrocarbons, in particular, 3-4-benzpyrene. Chapter 1 substantiates the conclusions about the relative and absolute increase in the incidence of lung cancer, especially in recent decades; it is noted that this increase concerns almost only men, and moreover, more residents of industrial centers than rural areas.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):93-96
pages 93-96 views

P. Alexander. Nuclear radiation and life. Atomizdat, 1959. Translated from English. 256 pp. 9 r. 20 k.


Nuclear energy will powerfully enter all aspects of our life in the near future. Therefore, it is highly necessary to get acquainted with nuclear radiation of the widest circles, especially doctors and, first of all, sanitary. Popularization of knowledge about nuclear radiation is of great importance. This is the subject of the book by P. Alexander, designed for a wide range of readers.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):96-98
pages 96-98 views

B. B. Kogan. Bronchial asthma. Medgiz, 1959


The second edition of the book by B. B. Kogan appeared 9 years after the first. The book has been significantly revised and supplemented in the light of new data accumulated over this long period. In fact, the reader has received a new book devoted to one of the most pressing issues of internal medicine. The most prominent expert on the problem of asthma, B. B. Kogan defends its nosological, not symptomatic understanding, emphasizing that bronchial asthma "... is an independent nosological unit representing a classic allergic disease with a more or less outlined clinical picture ...". Thus, bronchial asthma as a nosological unit is contrasted with symptomatic forms of suffocation. The chapter on asthma classifications critically examines the schemes of a number of authors and again draws the boundaries between bronchial asthma as an independent disease and its symptomatic forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):98-99
pages 98-99 views


Discussion. Volume 41, No. 4 (1960)


V. D. Goldstein (Moscow). Regarding the article by BL Mazur "Clinic and differential diagnosis of tuberculosis" I would like to state some comments on the article by prof. BL Mazur, published in No. 6 of "Kazan Medical Journal" for 1959. 1. The author reports that "the course of tuberculosis has become easier", but at the same time points out that in the phase of disintegration), with giant cavities, with severe sclerosis. " The contradictions noted can only cause bewilderment. It is true that the latest treatment methods that have found widespread use in recent years, especially the advances in chemotherapy for tuberculosis, have made it possible to change the prognosis of some forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (acute miliary tuberculosis, subacute disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis) and have significantly expanded our therapeutic options for other forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, the use of chemotherapy, as a rule, cannot cure patients with chronic fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, contributing only to an increase in their life expectancy. Associated with this is the increase noted by the author in cases of amyloidosis, pulmonary heart failure, hemoptysis. At the same time, according to the available data, the number of patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis did not increase, as the author believes, but remained at about the same level.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):100-103
pages 100-103 views


In memory of professor V. I. Katerov (1891 - 1960)


The Kazan therapeutic school lost one of its oldest representatives: on June 2, 1960, the doctor of medical sciences, the head of the hospital therapeutic clinic No. 2 of the Kazan Medical Institute, Professor Vasily Ivanovich Katerov died. Since graduating from the medical faculty of Kazan University in 1914, with the exception of short periods of military service (civil war), his entire creative life is associated with the hospital therapeutic clinic of Kazan University (since 1930 - Kazan Medical Institute). Having received excellent clinical training under the guidance of prof. V. F. Orlovsky, with whom he was approved as a staff resident in 1915 and already in 1916 began to act as an assistant, and subsequently worked under the guidance of prof. N. K. Goryaev, V. I. Katerov consistently passed all stages of clinical training, occupying in 1932 an associate professor in the department of hospital therapy, and in 1934 - the department of hospital therapy No. 2.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(4):104-104
pages 104-104 views

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