Vol 33, No 5 (1937)

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Full Issue

The role of metabolites and the role of histo-hematological barriers in the regulation of body functions. (End)

Stern L.S.


Evaluation of the results obtained in the study of the effect of cerebrospinal fluid on various physiological systems is complicated by the fact that the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid depends to a large extent on the state of the blood-brain barrier, and thus reflects not only a certain physiological state of the central nervous system. There is no doubt that the metabolic products of the brain, secreted into the cerebrospinal fluid, exert their effect not only on the activity of various parts of the brain and on the coordination of their functions, but due to the rapid transition of these substances from the cerebrospinal fluid into the general circulation, they also affect as a humoral a factor on the function of other physiological systems, as it was revealed in a number of experiments carried out in recent years in our laboratories. For example, it turned out that under various influences (direct irritation of the central nervous system in experimental epilepsy, irritation of the sensory nerves associated with severe pain, traumatic shock, toxemic or chemical shock, as well as starvation, prolonged insomnia, etc.) - substances appear in the cerebrospinal fluid that affect the state and activity of the cardiovascular system, the tone of smooth muscles, the excitability of the central nervous system, etc. These are the results of the work of our employees: Zeitlin, Weiss, Harles, Voskresensky, Gromakovskaya , Bazarova, Gotsman, Komarova and others. Work in this direction continues at the present time.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):523-532
pages 523-532 views

Clinical illustration of the syndrome of autonomic-dyskinetic jaundice

Zvonitsky N.S., Yurina A.I.


In No. 5 of "Clinical Medicine" for 1935, we described the syndrome of dyskinetic jaundice on the basis of vegetative stigmatization.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):533-542
pages 533-542 views

On the issue of laboratory diagnostics of the activity of the tuberculous process


The study of changes in the blood, as the internal environment of the body, is an extremely important chapter in the pathogenesis of any pathological process. Blood is a liquid tissue, extremely dynamic in its composition and at the same time stable in the sense of stubborn preservation of its constants, despite constant exchange with the external environment and tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):542-546
pages 542-546 views

Dynamics of animal-vegetative reflexes in tuberculosis patients in the process of emotional mototherapy (according to Sobelman)

Voznesensky S.D.


The method of emotional mototherapy, proposed by the head. Physiotherapy department of MOTI Sobelman, used by him at the institute for over 11/2 years, gave promising practical results and interested theorists of various fields of medicine, since in its importance it advanced far beyond the service of a tuberculosis patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):547-553
pages 547-553 views

On the clinical significance of the study of the morphological composition of the cantharidin bladder in allergic conditions

Myasnikov K.E.


Ressle's experimental work on the study of inflammatory processes in allergies and the connection of morphological changes with the phenomena of immunity gave him the opportunity to come to an important conclusion that "morphological processes in the foci of inflammation are one of the most subtle indicators of the onset of allergies, even the mildest degrees of it."

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):554-561
pages 554-561 views

Bacteriophage as a therapeutic agent for dysentery

Naryshkina Z.P.


The question of phage therapy arises with the discovery of the phenomenon of bacteriophagy. The phenomenon of lysis of bacterial cultures, discovered by D'Herelle when he studied the process of recovery of dysentery patients, made it possible for the French scientist to ascribe a dominant role to the phage in this process and to use it for the treatment of patients with dysentery. With this method of treatment, he received brilliant results on seven patients: after 24 hours there was an improvement in all clinical symptoms and the disappearance of dysentery bacilli from the feces.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):561-566
pages 561-566 views

On the question of malarial lesions of the peripheral nervous system

Badul P.A.


Among the most common chronic infectious diseases, malaria with its various manifestations is indisputably one of the first places. In everyday practice, at every step we have to meet with one or another form of malaria, and we are so used to it that sometimes we notice only cases with a more definite clinical picture and often look through less clear, latent forms of malaria, suggesting a different etiology here. This situation is mainly due to the extremely large variety of malaria diseases, often occurring under the guise of other diseases. It is pertinent to recall the words of Dr. Bogoraz about some of the manifestations of malarial infection, which resembled surgical diseases: "Of the diseases known to science, only syphilis and tubercles can compete with swamp diseases in a variety and variety of manifestations."

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):566-576
pages 566-576 views

On the effect of toxic doses of plasmacid on the nervous system

Rifman M.A.


Recently, plasmokhin, synthetically obtained in Germany in 1925 by Schulerman Schenhofer and Wingler, began to be used in the treatment of malaria. Plasmokhin is a drug that is active against all forms of three and four-day malaria, but not on the rings of tropical malaria. When treated with plasmokhin, gametes disappear in the blood on the 4th-8th day (while in treatment with quinine, gametes remain in the blood for several months). A number of observations of plasmokhin speaks of its good therapeutic effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):576-580
pages 576-580 views

About Kozhevnikovskaya epilepsy of traumatic origin and the importance of trauma in the development of epilepsy

Omorokov L.I.


Among the many different causes of epilepsy, trauma to the skull figures prominently. According to Biro, reported at the London International Congress in 1935, traumatic cranial injuries are complicated by epileptic seizures of either genoin or Jacksonian character in 16%, and seizures appear in months and years, and even later after the trauma. Not only severe injuries with a violation of the integrity of the bones of the skull with extensive open damage to the membranes and brain matter are complicated by the appearance of epileptic seizures, but also weaker bruises and contusions of the skull without damage to the bones and with little expressed initial clinical signs of concussion in the future can give severe epileptic seizures.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):580-590
pages 580-590 views

On the issue of damage to the nerve trunks during intramuscular injections

Bikchurin S.V., Eselevich E.I.


Cases of damage to the nerve trunks during intramuscular injections are now quite rare, since they can be avoided by strictly observing the rules for choosing the injection site. In the old manuals of Oppenheim and Lewandowski and in the newest manuals of Kraus and Brugsch (Toby Cohn), injections of various medications are indicated as the etiological moment of damage to the sciatic nerve. Injections of quinine and its compounds in the treatment of malaria, as well as injections of bioquinol, in some cases cause injury to peripheral nerves.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):590-596
pages 590-596 views

Treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis in the practice of the local hospital

Osipovsky V.M., Silantyev I.G.


In the literature available to us, we could find only one work (Prof. MO Friedland "Questions of Tuberculosis", 1932), devoted to the issue of the spread of osteoarticular (c.-c. TBK) and glandular tuberculosis in the Tatar Republic. In this work, prof. Friedland gives comparative statistics on the number of cases of K.-s. TBK based on the materials of the Ukrainian tube. Institute with the data obtained by him as a result of the survey of the Menzelinsky region of the TASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):596-603
pages 596-603 views

Novocaine block according to Vishnevsky as a method of treating snake poisoning

Osipovsky V.M.


To this day, the chapter on the treatment of poisoned wounds is one of the least developed chapters of general surgery. Injections of insects and animals that emit a poisonous secret, damage by objects poisoned by poisonous substances, poisoning with chemical compounds (aniline ink, pencils, BOV) - all this constitutes a group of poisoned wounds (Vvedensky [1]). The latter include poisoning caused by snake venom.

[1]) K. K. Vvedensky. Hands. total chir., vol. II. Hesse, Girgolab and Shaak, chapter XIV.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):604-610
pages 604-610 views

Pain relief at the beginning of the erection period

Abramovich I.A., Foy A.M.


If the question of the importance and expediency of pain-relieving childbirth measures, in principle, can be considered finally resolved for the Soviet obstetrician, then individual, albeit very significant, details of childbirth pain relief, sometimes of cardinal importance for increasing the effectiveness of this immensely grown branch of Soviet obstetrics, still remain poorly developed. , and therefore not entirely clear. These questions undoubtedly include the determination of the time from which the use of painkillers during childbirth is permissible.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):610-615
pages 610-615 views

Treatment of gynecological patients at the Bakirovo ATSSR resort

Korchagina N.A.


The importance of spa mud therapy for gynecological patients does not have to be proven - it has long been known to everyone. The need for this type of treatment on the part of a working woman is growing more and more every year. Allied resorts are not able to fully satisfy these needs. Due to this, it becomes necessary to widely use resorts of local importance, which are more accessible to the general population in terms of territorial proximity, which are often not inferior in terms of the results of their therapeutic effect to the more famous resorts.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):616-619
pages 616-619 views

Description of the thermocouple for the study of skin temperature by galvanometry

Novikov V.A.


Thermocouples are widely used in physiology and medicine: various types of these thermocouples are described, both in terms of their design and the metals used. Their sensitivity fluctuates within wide limits, and this determines the difference in the data obtained during the research. When I made thermocouples from iron and constantan, I set myself the goal of achieving good sensitivity of these thermo-compounds when measuring the temperature of the skin, with a simple and cheap type of electrodes.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):620-620
pages 620-620 views

A case of brucellosis combined with 3-day malaria

Zalzberg A.A.


Over the past decade, an increase in the incidence of brucellosis has been noted in all countries of the world. If earlier brucellosis was considered a disease of the subtropical and tropical zones, now there is almost no country where brucellosis is not diagnosed in greater or lesser numbers.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):621-623
pages 621-623 views

The simplest way to determine the position of the fetal head in the pelvic cavity

Davydov V.I.


No matter how simple, at first glance, the old method of determining the position of the fetal head in the pelvic cavity along the sagittal suture and fontanelles, it still sometimes leads to unpleasant mistakes not only for inexperienced, novice doctors, but sometimes for doctors with quite a long local experience, and even , albeit more rarely, specialist doctors. Difficulties in such a determination of the position of the head in the pelvis arise especially when this accuracy is especially needed, that is, during obstetric operations (the imposition of forceps, perforator, cranioclast, etc.). In these cases, either due to the long standing of the head, or due to its inconsistency with the mother's pelvis, both the sagittal suture and the fontanelles are very strongly masked by the head tumor and the configuration of the head. Even a very experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can hardly understand the resulting picture of the relationship between sutures and fontanelles.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):624-626
pages 624-626 views

A case of a lacerated dermoid ovarian cyst

Sokolova N.S.


Ovarian cysts are quite common among gynecological patients. Surgically available for small hospitals, they are undoubtedly of interest to the general practitioner. Often unnoticed for a long time, ovarian cysts nevertheless always pose for a woman a threat of either cancerous degeneration, or the possibility of twisting, with all its consequences: subsequent fusion with surrounding organs, hemorrhages into the tumor, suppurations, ruptures, peritonitis and lacing. The reason for such detachments is, in essence, still unclear. Franz, Slavyansky believe that the pedicle of the tumor often makes a 90 ° turn over the upper edge of the broad ligament. With greater twisting, the blood circulation of the tumor is disrupted until it stops completely. With a slow malnutrition of the tumor, the latter first stagnates and then shrinks. Its walls undergo reverse development, and the cyst, thus, can heal itself. With rapid twisting and severe circulatory disorders in the cyst, we have a clinical picture of an "acute abdomen", which requires immediate surgery. Sometimes the cyst leg, twisted with thrombosed vessels, from lack of nutrition, atrophies, becomes thinner and interrupted. The tumor is detached, made either completely free in the abdominal cavity, or feeds through adhesions with the surrounding organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):626-628
pages 626-628 views

III Volga conference of rhino-laryngo-otiatrists

Shcherbatov I.I.


Volga region conference of rhino-laryngo-otiatrists, organized at the initiative of the late prof. MF Tsitovich, took place on December 28-31, 1936 in the city of Saratov.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):629-634
pages 629-634 views

Pfannenstiel und Quante, Effect of neosalvarsan and germanine on bactericidal activity in rabbit blood. A message to the question of the indirect action of these chemotherapeutic agents. Ztschr. f. Immunitätsf., Bd 88, H 1/2 1936)


The authors believe that the decisive role in the chemotherapeutic effect belongs to the organotropy, and not the parasitotropy of the medicinal substance. However, it cannot be denied that the parasite's cell is able to capture the chemotherapeutic substance or its decay products. Therefore, the chemotherapeutic index is an expression, on the one hand, of the weakening of the parasite, and on the other hand, of the strengthening of the protective function of the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):634-634
pages 634-634 views

Hirzfeld und Halber. Study of the serological specificity of pathologically altered organ tissues. Communication II. On the question of the immunobiology of pus. (Ztschr. F. Immunitätstf., Bd. 88, H. 1/2, 1936).


In the previous post aa. showed that with tuberculosis, the tissues of humans and animals are characterized by serological specificity; immune serum obtained by the introduction of aqueous suspensions of curdled decay reacts with the corresponding extracts and does not react with extracts from the tissues of normal organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):634-635
pages 634-635 views

Wieland. Serodiagnosis of guinea pig serum tuberculosis and its significance for the experimental study of tuberculosis (Ztschr. F. Immunitätsf .. Bd 88, H. 1/2 193)


The author tried to resolve two questions: firstly, which of the serological reactions is most suitable for detecting changes in the blood of tuberculous guinea pigs, and, secondly, what is the general significance of serodiagnostics in this animal with tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):635-635
pages 635-635 views

Króe, N. Spontaneous apathogenic trypanosomal infection of rabbits (Ztschr. F. Immunitätsf., D. 88 H 1/2, 193)


The author found among 8 rabbits and studied in detail the causative agent of rabbit trypanosomyiasis - T.r. nabiasi. Morphologically Tr nabiasi is indistinguishable from Tr. lewisii. In culture on NNN blood agar, it is easily cultivated at room temperature, multiplying in condensation water and on the surface of the agar.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):635-636
pages 635-636 views

V. Gagi. On the bactericidal and antitoxic effect of vitamin C (K1. W., No. 6, 8 / II 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author studied the effect of vitamin C on various microorganisms.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):636-637
pages 636-637 views

Von Kup. Symmetrical skin disease of the allergic type with thyrotoxicosis (Deut. Med Woch. November, 1936)

Auslander E.


Thyrotoxicosis can cause the appearance of symmetrical eczema. The author gives a case of eczema located in both armpits and not responding to any therapeutic treatment. 15 days after using the drug from the pancreas, there was an improvement, which ended in complete recovery after 4 weeks. The interruption in treatment gave rise to a relapse of the disease, which disappeared again when the treatment was resumed.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Gonand. Pituitary Correlation and Hyperthyroidism (Rev. Frans, d'Endocrin No. 5, 1936)

Auslander E.


Knowledge of the endocrine correlation is very important not only for studying the physiology of the glands, but also for the clinic. A number of physiological studies have established that the activity of the thyroid gland is associated with the pituitary gland: thyrostimulin, which can be obtained from the pituitary gland, excites and regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. From a clinical point of view, the pituitary-thyroid correlation can be either in the sense of hypofunction or hyperfunction.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Wallis. On the effect of folliculin on blood pressure (Zbl. Gyn., 1936, 48, 2839-2843)

Ivanov B.


A. used folliculin in 12 cases of essential hypertension (8 women and 4 men), in which, apart from the injection of this hormone, no other drug treatment was prescribed.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Melzger, Hoerner and Mayer. Mild case of Kösching's disease verified by autopsy (Bull. Et mém. De la Soc. Méd. Des Hôp. De Paris, no. 27 1936)

Auslander E.


The authors cite a case of Koesching's disease, where a diagnosis of basophilic pituitary adenoma was made, despite the fact that the symptom complex of this disease was incomplete.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):637-638
pages 637-638 views

Refsum. Skin temperature in diseases of the thyroid gland (Acta chirurgica Scandinavica, Vol. LXXVIII, Fase. 1 - 111, S. 140-156)

Mayat V.S.


The author measured the skin temperature in patients with goiter and in patients with thyrotoxicosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):638-638
pages 638-638 views

Herold. Hormonal effects on breast growth and lactation (Med Klin. 1936, 44, 1489)

Ivanov B.


During pregnancy, the mammary glands are under the influence of two hormones - folliculin and the corpus luteum hormone, which, however, only promote their growth, but do not have a lactational effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):638-639
pages 638-639 views

Stötter. Dietary and hormonal treatment of obesity (Med. Kl. No. 30 24 / VII, 1986)

Dembskaya V.


For many years, the clinic of prof. Humbert in Berlin is trying to work out a classification of endocrine forms of obesity in accordance with the regional distribution of fat (regional Humbert lipophilia). Excessive fat deposition in women in the trochanter area refers to hypofunction of the gonads. Fat, evenly distributed over the trunk and limbs, with a particularly strong thickening in the area of ​​the wrist and ankle joints, is an expression of decreased thyroid function. Pituitary obesity in adolescents, first described by Fröhlich, is expressed in the fact that boys lack pronounced masculinity, the distribution of fat occurs according to the female type, and the genitals are underdeveloped. In girls, fat is located especially on the extensor surfaces of the thighs, on the pubis and in the lower abdomen, somewhat reminiscent of menopausal obesity. Both boys and girls have poorly developed genitals and little outlined secondary sexual characteristics, the capillary blood supply to the skin is impaired, as a result of which it has a marble appearance. With adrenal insufficiency, there is also obesity and underdevelopment of the genitals. But not only endocrine hypofunction, but also excessively increased endocrine activity can lead to obesity. This is how, for example, excess insulin production works. Experiments on animals have shown that long-term administration of gonadotropic hormones leads to obesity and stunted growth. The study of the basal metabolic rate in endocrine obesity showed that in most cases it remains within the normal range, and sometimes it is even slightly higher than it.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):639-640
pages 639-640 views

Luniatschek. Metabolism in the liver with experimental dermatitis (Arch. F. Derm. U. Syph. Bd. 175, No. 1, 1937)


In guinea pigs, the amount of glycogen and glutathione in the liver was determined. In other groups of the same animals, dermatitis was artificially induced by applying croton oil to the skin. It turned out that the level of glutathione in the liver in animals with dermatitis was increased compared to control animals, and the amount of glycogen fluctuated.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):640-641
pages 640-641 views

Naomi Tanae (Kumamoto, Japan) On the effect of eczematous skin changes on the adrenal glands (Jap. Journ of. Derm. A Urol., No. 4, v. 20, 1936)


To study the effect of inflammatory skin changes on the adrenal glands, the author caused experimental dermatitis. on the back of rabbits, by smearing the skin with croton oil.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):641-641
pages 641-641 views

Bonnevie and Genner (Copenhagen). Eczema from clothes (Arch o Derm. A. Svph., No. 2, v. 34, 1936)


The Finsen Institute has reported 15 cases of eczema from clothing over the past year.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):641-641
pages 641-641 views

Kissmeyer. Border rays in dermatology (Ann. De Derm. Et da syph., No. 12, 1936)


Borderline rays Bucca are used to treat dermatoses in a number of countries.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):641-641
pages 641-641 views

Mayr. Lupus problem (Derm. Woch., No. 2, 1937)


Studying material concerning 2,725 patients with lupus, the author became interested in the question of the relationship between lupus and cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):642-642
pages 642-642 views

Schönfeld. Ascaris extracts and skin (Arch. Of. Derm. A. Syph. Bd. 175, No. 1, 1937)


Ascaris of pigs and humans were washed, dried in a thermostat and destroyed, diluted with 1/2% phenol solution in a ratio of 1: 5, placed in a thermostat for four days; during this period, the solution was shaken in a shuttle apparatus, then the solution was centrifuged and passed through a candle.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):642-642
pages 642-642 views

Hodges a. Berger X-ray therapy of some infectious skin diseases (J sm. M. Ass. V. 107, No. 19, 7 / XI, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The authors divided infectious diseases to be treated with X-rays into two groups, guided not by the etiological moment, but by their sensitivity and receptivity in relation to radiant energy. From this point of view, the first group included: early localized forms of erysipelas in adults, boils, granulomas, infected hemangiomas, a certain type of cellulitis and lymphangitis, Mikulich's disease, parotitis and rhinophyma. The second: carbuncles, blastomycosis and sporotrichosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):642-644
pages 642-644 views

Guillain, Bertrand, Messуntу. Cases of narrowing of the Sylvian aqueduct due to a tumor (Revue Neur ologique, vol. 66, No. 5, 1936)

Geller S.


A 26-year-old woman was admitted to the Salpetriere clinic in December 1935. Two years before admission, she began to complain of a severe, intermittent headache, especially in the frontal region, increasing when the head was tilted anteriorly, posteriorly and when walking.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):644-645
pages 644-645 views

Alajouanine et Hornet. Syphilitic atrophy of the cerebellum and syphilis of the brain (Revue neurologique, vol. 66, No. 5)

Geller S.


A 60-year-old patient, a year before admission to the clinic, began to complain of gait disorder, headache and dizziness.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):645-645
pages 645-645 views

Novak, E. Gas phlegmon (Surg., Gynec. And Obst., Nov. 1936, no. 5)

Gorbatov V.P.


The author notes that the course of gas phlegmon depends on external and internal factors External factors: season, weather, the nature of the soil, clothing, skin and transport.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):645-646
pages 645-646 views

Chevallier et Colin. Treatment of urticaria by appendectomy (La Presse Med, 1936, No. 96)

Gorbatov V.P.


Aa. reported 4 cases of urticaria cured by appendectomy. Three of them had a clear connection with the intake of a certain type of food (meat, fish, eggs), and the fourth case did not depend on food.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):646-647
pages 646-647 views

Miani. Sutures on the cut across the esophagus (Journ. De Chirurg. Vol 48, 1936)

Auslander E.


The author cites a case where a 47-year-old man cut his throat with a razor to commit suicide, and both sternocleidomastoid muscles, trachea and esophagus were cut. The neurovascular bundles were not affected.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):647-647
pages 647-647 views

Tinker. Liver lobe resection (Annals of Surger. Vol. 102, No. 4, 1936)

Auslander E.


The author cites a case where a 65-year-old woman who had complained for 30 years of pain in the right iliac region was admitted to the hospital with sharp pains in the right abdomen, suggesting acute appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):647-647
pages 647-647 views

Wittman. Treatment of chronic fistulas with copper sulfate (Arch. Orthop. Chir. 1936, 37, 2, 2 6-259)

Ivanov B.


For the treatment of chronic tuberculous fistulas and fistulas due to chronic osteomyelitis a. recommends washing them with a 2-5-10% solution of copper sulfate.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):647-648
pages 647-648 views

Ebhardtu. Gebauer. Treatment of hip fractures in children (Arch. Klin Chir. 1936.187, 3, 652-660)

Ivanov B.


Based on his 94 words. hip fractures in children, aa. come to the conclusion that with fractures in children under 3 years of age, good functional results are obtained by traction according to Shede, and in older children, by conventional adhesive plaster traction.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):648-648
pages 648-648 views

Van-Beuren. Acute ileus (Annals of Surgery, Vol. 102, No. 4, 1936)

Auslander E.


The fact that during intestinal obstruction toxic substances develop in the blocked intestine has long been generally recognized.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):648-648
pages 648-648 views

Sant y et Hubert. Evipanovy anesthesia (Lyon Chirurgic. 1936, No. 6)

Gorbatov V.P.


The authors successfully used a 10% solution of Evipan intravenously in 111 cases and recommend: 1) to examine the kidneys and liver before Evipan anesthesia; 2) 3 / 4-1 hours before the operation, inject 1 cm3 of morphine; 3) inject the first 2 cm3 of Evipan solution very slowly; 4) in elderly and debilitated subjects, the dose of Evipan should be reduced.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):648-648
pages 648-648 views

Starz. Treatment of phosphorus burns (Münch. M. W. V. 83.10 / I 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author describes the case history of one patient who suffered severe hand burns after a bottle of phosphorus dissolved in carbon sulfide was broken in his hands.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):648-649
pages 648-649 views

Rossenbeck. On the question of the ketogenic nature of physiological acidosis of pregnancy (Mtschs. Geburtsch. Gyn. 1936, 102, 3, 129-143)

Ivanov B.


Based on his experimental studies in healthy non-pregnant and pregnant women, a. believes that the decrease in the ability of their blood to bind carbon dioxide cannot be explained by an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood during pregnancy, especially in her last 3 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):649-649
pages 649-649 views

Föderl. New symptom of delayed placenta remnants (Zbl. Gyn. 1936, 22, 1283-1285)

Ivanov B.


A. reports on a new method of palpation determination of the delay of the remnants of the placenta, based on the detection of local relaxation of the uterine wall, since the remnant of the placenta in connection with it prevents the contraction of the adjacent parts of the myometrium.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):649-649
pages 649-649 views

Wiеssener. Chemical diagnosis of pregnancy (Zbl gyn. 1936, 27, 1588-1596)

Ivanov B.


A. reports on the results of the use, for the purpose of diagnosing pregnancy, the reaction proposed by Visscher and Bowman, based on the detection by chemical means of increased urinary excretion of the hormone of the anterior pituitary gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):649-650
pages 649-650 views

Philipp u. Huber, The hormonal role of decidua. On the origin of the pregnancy hormone (Zbl. Gyn 1986, 46, 2706-2710)

Ivanov B.


To resolve the issue of the origin of the so-called hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, excreted in the urine during pregnancy and causing a positive reaction to the latter, aa. examined the decidua placenta and urine during abortion, intrauterine and tubal pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):650-650
pages 650-650 views

Tedstromu. Wilson. Menstrual hypoglycemia and functional dysmenorrhea (Califorhia West. Med. V. 44, V, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The authors draw attention to the link between menstrual hypoglycemia and functional dysmenorrhea. They cite the results of their studies on the determination of blood sugar in 37 patients during menstruation and the effect of the introduction of excess carbohydrates.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):650-651
pages 650-651 views

Geiger. Leucorrhea and exudative diathesis (Mediz. Velt. Bd. 10, 23-V. 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author believes that endogenous factors play a greater role in leukorrhea than exogenous ones (bacterial invasion, trauma).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):651-651
pages 651-651 views

Fluhmann and Hoffmann Estrogenic substances in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs (Western. J. Surg. Obst. Gyn. Portland. Ore V. 43, XII, 1935)

Dembskaya V.


Based on the consideration that estrogenic substances stimulate the defense mechanism of the pelvic organs, the authors treated 29 adult women with chronic and acute gynecological diseases with them.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):651-652
pages 651-652 views

Mayer (Arch. F. Ohren, Nasen und kehlkopfheilkunde Bd 142 H. 2; 1936) A. reports on the surgical treatment of a case of abscess of the apex of the temporal bone pyramid, accompanied by a typical Gradenigo syndrome

Sokolov B.


The first operation, performed at the end of the third week of the disease, did not give any special findings or effect, and only a second operation two weeks later opened the abscess. The path of penetration is between the bony part of the Eustachian tube and the canal of the carotid internal artery.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):652-652
pages 652-652 views

Claus (Arch. F. Ohr. Nas. Usw. Bd. 142, H. 2, 1936)

Sokolov V.


Determines the symptomatology of the so-called. secretory catarrh of the middle ear and some indications for the use of a trial puncture of the tympanic cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):652-652
pages 652-652 views

Schmidt. (Archv f. Ohren, Nasen, und kehlkopfheilkunde Bd. 142, H. 1 1936)

Sokolov B.


Shares experience in the treatment of acute purulent inflammation of the middle ear by washing with a 33% alcohol solution; pre-paracentesis is performed, and then, after 24 hours, using a syringe, 10–20–30 cm3 of alcohol is injected under uniform pressure from 3–4 to 6 times daily.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):652-652
pages 652-652 views

Kraus. (Arch f. Ohren, Nasen und kehlkopfheilkund Bd. 142; H. I, 1936)

Sokolov V.


Describes the picture of X-ray and histological data in 4 cases of destruction of the pyramid of the temporal bone under the influence of carcinomas of the nasopharynx, tuberculous lesions of the middle ears and tumors of the cerebellopontine angle.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):653-653
pages 653-653 views

Kichter. (Arch. F. Ohren, Nasen und kehlkopfheilkunde Bd. 142; H. I, 1936)

Sokolov V.


Describes a clinical case of acute mucous otitis media, complicated at the 4th week of the disease by the phenomena of labyrinthitis and beginning intracranial complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):653-653
pages 653-653 views

Report on the work of the Tatar otorhinolaryngological society for 1936

Sokolov B.N.


The Tatar branch of the Russian Otorhinolaryngological Society, created on the initiative of its head and permanent chairman, Professor V. K. Trutnev, entered the tenth year of its existence.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):653-657
pages 653-657 views

Joint meeting of the Societies of Physicians and Surgeons of the ATSSR 15 / I 1937

Sokolov N.V.


1. Dr. Popova (demonstration) “A case of early gastric tuberculosis”.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):657-660
pages 657-660 views

In memory of professor Tsytovich

Gromov V.


On December 3, 1936, Professor Mitrofan Feofanovich Tsytovich, director of the Central Research Institute of the Physiology of the Upper Respiratory Tract, died of stomach cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):660-663
pages 660-663 views

Professor I. G. Gelman

Arnautov A.


February 1 p. died the largest occupational pathologist in the USSR, a clinician and public health physician prof. I.G. Gelman. From the very first years of his medical career, he became an active public physician. However, only after the October Revolution did I. G. find ample opportunities for expanding his work in the field of preventive medicine (housing and sanitary affairs, etc.). Since the establishment of the Institute. Obukh, one of the organizers of which was I.G., he devotes himself to scientific work in the field of occupational pathology. He owes the honor of creating this discipline in our USSR. The clinic of occupational diseases created by him, which he permanently headed, deservedly enjoys great prestige not only in the USSR, but also in Europe. IG Gelman is the author of over 70 publications. The best known is his "Guide to Occupational Diseases" and a number of works on the clinic of lead, mercury poisoning, and foundry fever. Of the works on general issues of the clinic, a monographic study on hypertension, as well as a number of major works on rheumatism, should be noted.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(5):663-663
pages 663-663 views

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