Vol 66, No 1 (1985)

Cover Page

Eclampsia: problems, successes, predictions

Kozlov L.A.


Eclampsia is a serious condition of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor or a postpartum woman, which is the end of the late toxicosis of pregnant women.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):1-4
pages 1-4 views

Social hygiene and healthcare management

Prerequisites for building a program for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus in the context of the transition to general medical examination of the population

Vakhitov S.M., Talantov V.V.


Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious and widespread diseases: in a number of countries it ranks third among the causes of death, first among the causes of blindness in the population; 25 times increases the predisposition to blindness, 17 times to kidney disease, 5 times to gangrenous lesions of the lower extremities, 2 times to heart disease [5]. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the population is constantly growing and reaches 3% in developed countries [3], while it has been established that the incidence rate, identified according to the data on the population's appeal for medical care, may be several times lower than that determined by the results of medical examinations [7 ].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):4-6
pages 4-6 views

On the method of active detection and dispensary observation of persons with impaired carbohydrate tolerance

Solun M.N., Ustimova N.D., Kalashnikov A.I., Goch А.N.


The need for active detection of diabetes mellitus is determined by a number of considerations: the increasing prevalence of this disease, the asymptomatic course of its latent and mild forms, the frequent development of generalized vascular pathology already at the very initial stages and, at the same time, the reversibility of these changes under the influence of timely adequate therapy, the possibility of achieving remission or regression disease [2] and restoration of normal carbohydrate tolerance.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Theoretical and clinical medicine

Questions of classification of diabetes mellitus

Talantov V.V.


The USSR adopted the classification of diabetes mellitus by V. G. Baranov, improved by him in 1980 [16] and somewhat modified in 1984 [21, according to which the following are distinguished: 1) spontaneous (essential) diabetes mellitus; 2) diabetes mellitus caused by primary diseases leading to widespread destruction of P-cells; 3) diabetes mellitus caused by diseases occurring with intense secretion of hormones, insulin antagonists.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):9-13
pages 9-13 views

The effect of wheat bran on the indicators of glucose-tolerance test in healthy individuals

Vainshtein S.G., Masik A.M.


Diabetic patients (Fiber foods should be recommended as they improve glycemic control and reduce the need for insulin and oral antidiabetic drugs [9, 13]. "Urgent field studies are needed to test all these important hypotheses" [3].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):13-14
pages 13-14 views

Early detection of latent diabetes

Baranov V.G., Gasparyan E.G., Sitnikova A.M., Conradi L.I.


Of great importance when conducting clinical examination of the population is the identification of risk factors for diabetes mellitus, that is, those pathological conditions in which there is a significantly higher incidence of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Some questions of emergency diabetology

Khasanov E.N., Sharapova L.A.


In recent years, there has been a clear trend towards an increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, and therefore the number of patients in need of emergency care is increasing.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):17-18
pages 17-18 views

Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on liver function in diabetic patients

Malkova T.A.


In diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders occur, leading to the development of diabetic angiopathies [1, 3, 5].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Insulin secretion disorders in patients with chronic pyelonephritis

Kazakova I.A., Ponomareva T.A., Shishkov N.L.


s recent studies have shown, the development of chronic renal failure (CRF) is accompanied by basal hyperinsulinemia and decreased glucose tolerance [5, 7].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Method for studying exocrine pancreatic activity

Nuzhina V.S., Nureeva N.G., Mysheva V.F., Shigabutdinova N.G., Sobolevskaya I.B., Kosterina A.V.


The clinic still does not have a simple, accessible and sufficiently informative way to study the external secretion of the pancreas when it is stimulated.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):23-25
pages 23-25 views

Diagnostic signs of recurrent rheumatic heart disease

Starkova N.V., Bronzov I.A., Shcherbatenko S.I., Zhirnov V.Y., Zaripov R.A., Kudryavtsev Y.N.


In the modern literature, information on the criteria for recognizing rheumatic heart disease is scarce.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Experience of using amino acid mixtures in combination with retabolil in patients with myocardial infarction

Leshchinsky L.A., Second А.E.


One of the most promising and intensively developed therapeutic effects in myocardial infarction (MI) are measures aimed at limiting the zone of damage to the heart muscle [8a, b].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):28-32
pages 28-32 views

On the structure and forms of arterial hypertension

Petukhova N.I., Logacheva I.V., Sokolova N.I., Chirkov V.I., Yuferova L.V.


The problem of the etiological structure of arterial hypertension continues to attract the attention of researchers.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Clinical and laboratory parallels with deficiency of C1-complement inhibitor

Bokarev I.N., Savin A.G., Dorogova O.A.


An inhibitor of the 1st complement component (C1 inhibitor) is a protein of the globulin fraction belonging to a2 globulins with a molecular weight of 105,000.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):34-37
pages 34-37 views

The advantage of a mechanical suture in hernioplasty

Elyashevich B.L., Ramazanov R.M.


Preservation of microcirculation in the suture zone is considered the most important among the prerequisites for successful healing of a postoperative wound [3, 4].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):37-38
pages 37-38 views

The functional state of the adrenal cortex in children with latent pyelonephritis, developed against the background of impaired purine metabolism

Ganiev M.G., Egorova A.I., Ketova T.G.


The study of the functional state of the adrenal cortex in diseases occurring with impaired purine metabolism, are devoted to only a few works [9, 19].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):39-42
pages 39-42 views

Thermoregulation in puberty in healthy people and patients with pathology of the autonomic nervous system

Ismagilov M.F., Tokareva N.V.


The main processes of body temperature regulation occur within the limbic-reticular complex, mainly in the hypothalamic-stem structures [3, 4].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):42-44
pages 42-44 views

The use of vertebral angiography for the recognition of spinal cord vascular injuries during birth injuries of the spine

Mingazov R.G., Nikoilin L.I.


For the correct interpretation of a number of pathological conditions that caused the death of the fetus and newborn, understanding the pathogenesis of birth injuries of the central nervous system, it is important to study the state of the vasculature of the spinal cord and, first of all, the vertebral arteries.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):45-46
pages 45-46 views

The use of obzidan to enhance the contractile activity of the uterus in the first stage of labor

Osipov R.A., Enikeeva L.A., Lesina I.D.


Despite some success in the prevention and treatment of weakness in labor, this problem has not been completely resolved.9

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):46-47
pages 46-47 views


Anabolic steroids in experimental and clinical medicine

Semenov V.V., Glumova V.A., Trusov V.V.


Drugs that affect metabolic processes in the body include anabolic steroid hormones, synthetic analogs of male sex hormones, devoid of sexual activity, but retaining a positive effect on growth, body weight, myotropic activity and nitrogen balance.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Indirect methods for determining the pressure in the pulmonary artery in lung diseases

Vizel A.A., Perley V.E.


An increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery in patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases (COPD) is a leading factor in impaired pulmonary hemodynamics and in the development of chronic pulmonary heart disease [7, 13].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):51-53
pages 51-53 views

Clinical experiences

ne-day hospital for children with diabetes

Sultanova L.M., Krinitskaya N.V.


The labile course of diabetes mellitus in children requires constant correction of the insulin dose, which is not always possible to perform professionally in remote areas of the republic.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):53-53
pages 53-53 views

Diabetes mellitus as a consequence of systemic vasculitis

Bulatova T.V., Talantova M.V.


In the available literature, we did not find a description of damage to the pancreas in other systemic diseases, although some authors point to a combination of autoimmune processes and diabetes mellitus without deciphering morphological changes in the pancreas.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):53-54
pages 53-54 views

Prevention of purulent complications of polytrauma

Seyukov I.N.


Treatment of polytrauma and the fight against their complications remain relevant, which is explained by the increase in the number of polytrauma, the difficulty of diagnosis, and the high mortality rate of the victims.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):54-54
pages 54-54 views

Laser treatment of infected wounds and ulcers

Belyakov A.A., Kapitansky I.S., Sorokin A.I.


For the most rational treatment of infected wounds and ulcers, we use, along with other methods, laser beams.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):54-55
pages 54-55 views

A case of Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome complicated by bacterial endocarditis

Burdo K.A.


N., 46 years old, was admitted to the clinic on 11/23/1981 with complaints of weakness, shortness of breath at rest, palpitations, fever up to 39 °, swelling of the legs.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):55-56
pages 55-56 views

To assess the proper values of the vital capacity of the lungs

Penknovich A.A.


One of the prerequisites for the correct assessment of the function of external respiration is the comparison of the indicators obtained during its study with the corresponding proper values, that is, the values that should be in a perfectly healthy person of the same sex, age and height.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Alveolar proteinosis

Shagidullina K.M., Boglaevskaya E.I.


Alveolar proteinosis is a disease of unknown etiology.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Effect of endometrial scraping on follitropin and lutropin levels

Lekomtsev S.P.


We examined 16 women aged 20 to 50 years with dysfunctional uterine bleeding lasting from 4 months to 7 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):59-60
pages 59-60 views


Features of the composition of red blood in persons working with pesticides in greenhouses

Romash A.V.


There are indications in the literature that prolonged exposure to low concentrations of many chemicals can lead to the development of anemia [2, 7, 8].

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Emergency "mental" assistance to persons in crisis situations

Karpov A.M.


A meeting of any doctor with a person in a state of social and psychological maladjustment is quite probable, therefore every doctor needs to have an idea of the means of first "mental" aid and be able to provide it.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):68-70
pages 68-70 views

Assistance to the practicing physician

Diabetic coma therapy

Anchikova L.I., Kurshakova L.N.


Treatment of a patient with a diabetic coma is always associated with great difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):63-68
pages 63-68 views


Professor Tatiana Borisovna Tolpegina


December 1984 marked the 60th anniversary of her birth and 37 years of work as the head of the department of general clinical pathology at the Kazan Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. V.I. Lenin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tatiana Borisovna Tolpegina

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):70-71
pages 70-71 views

Doctor of Medical Sciences Dilyara Gubaevna Takhavieva


December 1984 marked the 60th anniversary of the birth of Dilyara Gubaevna Takhavieva - Deputy Director of the Kazan Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Honored Scientist of the TASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):71-72
pages 71-72 views


Meeting of the Problem Commission "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology" M3 of the RSFSR and the Seventh Plenary Session of the Board of the All-Russian Scientific Medical Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists

Dzamukov A.D., Kazantsev F.N.


Three issues were considered with a summary report at the meetings: “Anesthesia in short-term interventions and operations”, “Complications of anesthesia and resuscitation, their prevention and treatment”, “New in anesthesiology and resuscitation”.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor


Dear Editor!

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):73-73
pages 73-73 views


Professor Nikolay Emelyanovich Sidorov


On September 21, 1984, at the age of 86, the Honored Scientist of the TASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Emelyanovich Sidorov, the former head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of the V. I. Lenin Kazan Advanced Medical Institute, died.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):73-74
pages 73-74 views




Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding B.A.Korolev, a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):75-75
pages 75-75 views


Prerequisites for the construction of a program for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus in the context of the transition to general medical examination of the population.

Vakhitov S.M., Talantov V.V.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 4.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):76-76
pages 76-76 views

On the method of active detection and dispensary observation of persons with impaired carbohydrate tolerance.

Solun M.N., Ustimova N.D., Kalashnikov A.I., Goch A.N.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 7.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):76-76
pages 76-76 views

Diabetes classification issues

Talantov V.V.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 9

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):76-76
pages 76-76 views

The effect of wheat bran on the indicators of glucose-tolerance test in healthy individuals

Weinstein S.G., Masik A.M.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 13.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):76-76
pages 76-76 views

Early detection of latent diabetes

Baranov V.G., Gasparyan E.G., Sitnikova A.M., Conradi L.I.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p.15.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):76-76
pages 76-76 views

Some questions of emergency diabetology

Khasanov E.N., Sharapova L.A.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 17.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on liver function in diabetic patients

Malkova T.A.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 18.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):77-77
pages 77-77 views

Insulin secretion disorders in patients with chronic pyelonephritis

Kazakova I.A., Ponomareva T.A., Shishkova I.L.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 20.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):77-77
pages 77-77 views

Method for studying exocrine pancreatic activity

Nuzhina V.S., Nureeva N.G., Mysheva V.F., Shigabutdinova N.G., Sobolevskaya I.B., Kosterina A.V.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 23.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):77-77
pages 77-77 views

Diagnostic signs of recurrent rheumatic heart disease

Starkova N.V., Bronzov I.A., Shcherbatenko S.I., Zhirnov V.Y., Zaripov R.A., Kudryavtsev Y.N.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 25.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):77-77
pages 77-77 views

Experience of using amino acid mixtures in combination with retabolil in patients with myocardial infarction

Leshchinsky L.A., Vtorov A.E.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 28.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):77-78
pages 77-78 views

On the structure and forms of arterial hypertension

Petukhova N.I., Logacheva I.V., Sokolova N.I., Chirkov V.I., Yuferova L.V.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 32

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):78-78
pages 78-78 views

Clinical and laboratory parallels in C1-complement inhibitor deficiency

Bokarev I.N., Savin D.G., Dorogova O.A.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 34.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):78-78
pages 78-78 views

The advantage of a mechanical suture in hernioplasty

Elyashevich B.L., Ramazanov R.M.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 37.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):78-78
pages 78-78 views

The functional state of the adrenal cortex in children with latent pyelonephritis, developed against the background of impaired purine metabolism

Ganiev M.G., Egorova A.I., Ketova T.G.


Kazan honey. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 39.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):78-78
pages 78-78 views

Thermoregulation during puberty in healthy people and patients with pathology of the autonomic nervous system

Ismagilov M.F., Tokareva N.V.


Kazan Medical. magazine., 1985, no. 1, p. 42.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Recognition by vertebral angiography of spinal cord vascular injuries during birth injuries of the spine

Mingazov R.G., Nikoshin L.I.


Kazan Medical. Zh., 1985, No. 1, p. 45.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):79-79
pages 79-79 views

The use of obzidan to enhance the contractile activity of the uterus in the first stage of labor

Osipov R.A., Enikeeva L.A., Pesina I.D.


Kazan Medical. Zh., 1985, № 1, с. 46.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):79-79
pages 79-79 views

Features of the composition of red blood in persons working with pesticides in greenhouses

Romash A.V.


Kazan Medical. Zh., 1985, № 1, с. 60.

Kazan medical journal. 1985;66(1):79-79
pages 79-79 views

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