Vol 42, No 4 (1961)

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Full Issue

To the 60th anniversary of the "Kazan medical journal" (1901 - 1961)

Board E.


The foundation of the "Kazan Medical Journal" in 1901 was preceded by the long-term active activity of the Society of Doctors of the Mountains. Kazan, organized at the Kazan University and published since 1872 the "Diary of the Society". It came out once every 2 weeks. Its pages contained original articles on theoretical, clinical, preventive and social medicine, reviews of morbidity and mortality of the population, a chronicle of the activities of the Society of Physicians, abstracts, reviews, reports on congresses. Over the years, the framework of the "Diary" turned out to be cramped, since it could not contain all the scientific production of the Society. Life itself strongly raised the issue of publishing a journal.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):4-12
pages 4-12 views

Protection of the health of the people

Kurailov S.V.


From the first days of its existence, the Soviet government proclaimed the responsibility of the state for the health of its citizens.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):12-15
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For further reduction and elimination of infectious diseases

Mukhutdinov I.Z.


In our country, all the necessary conditions have been created to reduce, and in the future, to completely eliminate infectious diseases. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, in a resolution "On measures to further improve medical care for the population", set the task to develop, taking into account local conditions and implement measures to eliminate diphtheria, tularemia, poliomyelitis and a number of diseases that are locally spread (malaria, ankylostomyasis, trachoma, etc. .), and to achieve a sharp decrease in the incidence of typhoid fever, whooping cough, ascariasis, acute intestinal infections and brucellosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):15-19
pages 15-19 views

The role of anamnesis in the recognition and treatment of tonsillitis

Lozanov N.N.


Although the great importance of anamnesis in the recognition and treatment of sore throats and their complications is well known, however, the features of anamnestic data in various forms of these diseases and the possibility of practical use of these features to clarify certain aspects of pathogenesis, body reactivity and individualization of the prescribed treatment have so far been little studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):19-23
pages 19-23 views

To the question of the origin and treatment of chronic pneumonia

Margolin A.M., Anisimova N.A.


The problem of chronic pneumonia is very complex and unresolved. Only recently have there been attempts to give a clinical characterization of this disease. IV Davydovsky defines chronic pneumonia as a collective concept, which "includes all chronic nonspecific pulmonary processes, accompanied by relapses of inflammation of the lung tissue and bronchi."

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):23-26
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Electrophoretic study of protein and lipid fractions of blood serum in chronic nonspecific pneumonia

Saperov V.N.


A fairly extensive literature is devoted to the study of protein fractions of blood serum in chronic nonspecific pneumonia, but only a few authors used the electrophoretic method for this purpose.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):26-31
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Levomycetin in the treatment of protracted pneumonia

Silvestrov V.P., Malov Y.S.


The modern clinic has a large number of powerful antibacterial drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides), and the positive side of their action is beyond doubt. At the same time, clinical observations, especially in recent years, convince that the treatment of pneumonia with antibacterial drugs is far from always successful.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):31-35
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Abdominal symptom complex in pleuro-pulmonary diseases

Volkov V.E.


Diagnosis of pleuro-pulmonary diseases (pleurisy, pleuropneumonia, diaphragmitis) occurring with the abdominal symptomcomplex presents significant difficulties in practical work, being often a source of diagnostic errors. The abdominal syndrome of pleuro-pulmonary diseases is explained by the predominance in the clinical picture of such important symptoms as abdominal pain, tension of the abdominal muscles, pain on palpation, irritation of the peritoneum, and vomiting. All these symptoms are known to be characteristic of acute surgical abdominal pathology. Their occurrence in pleuro-pulmonary diseases is due to the innervation relationships between the organs of the chest and abdominal cavities.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):35-37
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The role of vagosympathetic blockade in burning adhesions in patients with negative intrapleural pressure

Krakovsky N.I., Kopeiko I.P.


Artificial pneumothorax as a method of treating pulmonary tuberculosis is quite widespread in the USSR and in a number of foreign countries.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):37-39
pages 37-39 views

The use of mespenal and metacin for peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma

Ol I.V.


Metacin - iodomethylate of dimethyl-aminoethyl ether of benzyl acid - was synthesized at the All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Physics and Engineering. White crystalline powder, melting point 192-195 °. It has anticholinergic activity, the nature of the action is close to atropine, however, it differs from atropine in its effect on various cholinergic systems.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):39-41
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Experience in the use of pentoxil in the complex treatment of peptic ulcer disease

Landa A.L.


The study of regenerative processes and the nature of stimulation of the healing of wounds and chronic ulcers led to the establishment of the important role of nucleic acids and their cleavage products in the processes of growth and development and in the synthesis of proteins. At the same time, the definite significance of these substances in the effectiveness of stimulation of reparative processes has become clear. Based on this, we made an attempt to use pentoxide in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):41-43
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Perforation and profuse bleeding as complications of malignant gastric ulcer

Reduced E.P.


Until now, it is not clear how often perforation or profuse bleeding occurs in malignant gastric ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):43-45
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Treatment of atonic bleeding in the postpartum period with tight tamponade of the uterus and vagina

Semakov K.M.


Atonic bleeding is a formidable complication of childbirth. Maternal mortality from this complication still occupies one of the first places.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):45-47
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The role of a man in a sterile marriage

Zlatman B.F.


The husband is the culprit in sterile marriage, according to literature data, in 35-50%; according to our data - 39.7%.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):47-49
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On the question of the use of aktg in obstetrics and gynecology

Krivitsky Y.E.


Recent years have been marked by the widespread use of adrenocorticotropic hormone in a number of diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):49-51
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To the exchange of thiamine in children suffering from rickets and dystrophy

Belousova V.I.


Treatment of children suffering from rickets and dystrophy with vitamin D alone does not give the desired effect. It is necessary to introduce other vitamins (E. M. Lepsky, I. V. Tsimbler, E. S. Birger, H. L. Emdina, K. A. Svyatkina). There are indications (IV Tsimbler, AM Petrunkina) that in the pathogenesis of dystrophy, combined with rickets, an important role is played by a violation of thiamine metabolism (endogenous hypovitaminosis).

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):51-53
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Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of scarlet fever in Kazan for the period from 1940 to 1958

Shagidullina A.R.


As a result of planned, purposeful work in our country, huge successes have been achieved in reducing morbidity, mortality and mortality from infectious diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Two cases of severe anaphylactic reaction for penicillin

Lukmanova X.F., Shaimardanova K.G.


We had to observe two severe cases of anaphylactic reaction to penicillin when its particles penetrate through the respiratory tract. One of the cases was fatal. In another, as a result of long-term desensitizing therapy, it was possible to practically significantly weaken the body's sensitivity to this antibiotic.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):58-60
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Changes in the sensitivity of pyogenic staphylococci to certain antibiotics

Samoilovich N.N.


The problem of resistance of pathogenic microbes, including pyogenic staphylococci, to antibiotics is one of the most pressing problems of medicine. A large number of studies have been devoted to this issue in recent years (5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23), from which it is clearly seen that the wide and not always correct use of the indicated drugs in the treatment of patients led to the massive appearance of resistant forms of microbes and a decrease in the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. G. Ya. Kivman (10) in a review of foreign literature on this issue indicates that in the first years of the use of penicillin (1924-1944) mortality from staphylococcal septicemia decreased from 80 to 23%. Recently, it has again increased to 50, and according to Reiman's data, to 53%.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):60-63
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Treatment of candidiasis with nystatin

Ashbel S.I., Sokolova V.G.


Recently, cases of candidal complications of antibiotic therapy have been described by many authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Comparative assessment of the therapeutic effect of new domestic remedies for angina pectoris

Rosenblat F.Y., Baratsiord S.S., Shcherbi N.I.


In recent years, new domestic drugs for the treatment of angina pectoris have attracted particular interest of clinicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):67-70
pages 67-70 views

To the clinic of aplastic type anemia

Dashevskaya R.S.


Aplastic anemia was first described by Ehrlich in 1888.
The main syndrome of aplastic anemia (myelophthisic anemia) is the depletion of all three bone marrow growths - granulocytic, platelet and erythroid. The myelogram in this disease is characterized by extreme poverty of uniform elements. Active bone marrow undergoes continuous fatty degeneration. In the peripheral blood, leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia (pancytopenia) develop.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):70-71
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Bone changes in chronic leukemia

Volodina G.I.


L. Krever and M. Copland (1935) with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 7% of cases revealed X-ray changes in the bones and in one case out of 83 found bone lesions in myeloid leukemia. According to G. Jeff (1952), in adults with leukemia, changes are observed in 8-10% of cases, according to 3. Novikova (1953) - in 45.1% of cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):71-73
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Questions of X-ray examination technique for exudative pleurisy

Negovsky N.P., Winner M.G.


The problem of X-ray diagnostics of effusion pleurisy is, first of all, questions of the research methodology, which cannot be considered completely resolved. This is confirmed by by no means rare cases when, with a negative result of an X-ray examination, clinicians establish the presence of fluid and confirm this by a pleural puncture. Of course, this applies to small effusions, nevertheless reaching 300-400 ml (GR Rubinstein, AE Prozorov, Zuppinger, Hirsch, Vakhtler).

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):73-75
pages 73-75 views

A case of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Tatar ASSR

Danovsky L.V.


Hemorrhagic fever is an acute infectious disease with natural focus. It is found in the vast territory of the central and southern zone of the Soviet Union from Transcarpathia to the Far East and to the south - to the borders with Afghanistan.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):75-76
pages 75-76 views

Basillar impression case

Ratner A.Y.


The attention of clinicians-neurologists is increasingly attracted by the cranio-cervical region, which was previously undeservedly "in the shadow of the saddle and pyramids." A careful X-ray examination, in comparison with clinical data, reveals characteristic changes that sometimes explain unclear cerebral and cerebellar syndromes, high spinal phenomena that simulate clinically multiple sclerosis, syringomyelia, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):76-78
pages 76-78 views

Spontaneous labor with kyphosis

Kozlov L.A., Polyakov I.F.


Labor management for "humpbacked" women is of a kind of practical interest. These women often have a funnel-shaped (kyphotic) pelvis. However, even V.S.Gruzdev, and later G.G. Genter pointed out that not every kyphosis leads to architectural changes in the pelvis. Kyphosis in the cervical and thoracic spine does not affect the pelvis, since it is balanced by lumbar lordosis, and only lumbar kyphosis leads to a funnel-shaped pelvis. This circumstance should be taken into account by the obstetrician in his activity, since in the first case, independent childbirth is more often possible, and in the second, they often resort to surgical interventions.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):78-79
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Three cases of bilateral tubal pregnancy

Zmitrovich L.A.


Pregnancy in both fallopian tubes simultaneously is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy. According to the materials of our Institute, for 10 years (1949-1958) for 1140 operations for ectopic pregnancy there were 3 cases of bilateral tubal pregnancy (0.38%).

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):79-80
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A case of a post-transfusion complication caused by the injection of Rh-incompatible blood and its successful treatment with cortisone

Zaitsev V.M., Sadykov B.G.


When transfusing blood in obstetric practice, one should take into account not only group, but also Rh-compatibility of the recipient's and donor's blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):80-81
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Two-step method Procurement and transfusion of canned blood in a rural district hospital

Mavzyutov L.X.


In 1957, a blood transfusion was used for the first time in the district hospital, which is prepared according to the "two-stage" method.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):81-83
pages 81-83 views

On the casuistry of hydronephrosis, simulating the picture of "acute abdomen"

Aydarov A.A.


Large hydronephrosis described in the literature can sometimes simulate a picture of an "acute abdomen". GI Lukashin (1937) gives two such observations. The correct diagnosis was made only during the operation. VS Gagarinov (1959) described a patient who underwent surgery three times. At the first operation for the alleged obstruction of the intestine, no pathological changes in the abdominal cavity were found. After 9 days, due to the deterioration of the patient's condition, the patient was re-operated with translumbal, a rupture of the hydronephrotic kidney was established. For the third time - 25 days after the second operation - nephrectomy was performed.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):83-84
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Nutrition of children in boarding-type preschool institutions in kazan and the tasks of its rationalization

Yunusova A.N., Melnikova N.A., Beregovskaya Z.G., Zakirova M.I., Silina A.G.


This report presents the results of studying the nutrition of children of preschool boarding schools in Kazan. The study of nutrition was carried out in 10 kindergartens: in 4 kindergartens, in 4 nurseries and in 2 children's homes.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):84-88
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To the prevention of epidermophytosis in some enterprises of Kazan

Selivanova R.A.


The proportion of patients with epidermophytosis among those suffering from various skin diseases, with temporary disability, is about 20 %. This does not take into account workers with persistent eczema and occupational dermatitis, in the development of which a pathogenetic role, possibly, belongs to epidermophytosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):88-91
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The incidence of workers at the Kazan felt-felt plant and the Kukmorsk felt-shoe factory

Krasnoshchekov N.N.


Our research at the Kazan felt-felt mill and the Kukmorsk felt-and-shoe factory found that in the preparatory shops, when processing heavily contaminated, not previously washed wool, high concentrations of dust are created.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):91-95
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Work experience of the geriatric office of the polyclinic in Zelenodolsk for 1957-1960.

Стрелкова O.M., Porkhovnikov R.G., Kornilova P.I.


The problem of longevity has been worrying the minds of scientists for centuries. Every year the number of centenarians becomes more and more, the number of elderly people is steadily increasing, especially in the Soviet Union. The unprecedented rise in the material well-being and cultural level of the people achieved during the years of Soviet power ensured an increase in the average life expectancy of a person by more than 2 times, compared with the pre-revolutionary period.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):95-98
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Issues of obstetrics and gynecology on the pages of the "Kazan Medical Journal" since its foundation

Manenkov P.V.


Исполнилось 60 лет со дня выхода в свет первого номера «Казанского медицинского журнала». С 1901 по 1961 гг. в нем было опубликовано свыше 400 акушерско- гинекологических статей, присланных из различных местностей СССР. Авторами были как научные работники, так и практические врачи. Кроме исторической ценности, многие из этих статей не потеряли актуальности и в условиях современности, чем и оправдывается опубликование настоящего обзора в наши дни.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):98-103
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The main stages of the study of rickets in Kazan

Svyatkina K.A.


In connection with the significant spread of rickets in pre-revolutionary Russia and the relevance of the fight against it after the October Revolution, our scientists have been deeply studying this social disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):103-106
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On the history of the hospital surgical clinic in Kazan in connection with the centenary of its foundation (1860-1960)

Sokolov N.V.


The idea of opening hospital clinics, aimed at bringing teaching closer to hospital, that is, hospital conditions, belongs to N.I. Pirogov. He was the first to head the hospital surgical clinic and proved its vitality at the Medical-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. Then hospital surgical clinics were opened in Moscow and Dorpat. Since 1860, hospital clinics were opened in Kazan, organized on the basis of a hospital ordered by a public charity (hereinafter - the provincial zemstvo hospital).

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):106-108
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Pulse Wave Velocity Meter

Marcuse S.M.


As is known, the speed of propagation of the pulse wave is of great importance for the diagnosis of the elastic properties of arteries, especially in atherosclerosis. The speed of the pulse wave is determined by the time delay of the pulse in the distal part of the artery. This task can be solved by comparing sphygmograms or piezograms from two sections of the artery, simultaneously filmed or taken simultaneously with the ECG.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):108-111
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Nepreryvno deystvuyushchaya reshetka dlya rentgenografii

Novikov V.A.


Existing flat screening gratings are designed to screen out secondary radiation during X-ray examinations to obtain a clear and contrasting image of the objects being shot. The disadvantage of most of them is the dependence of the speed of the raster movement on temperature and cocking the raster for manual operation. We managed to design and manufacture a grating, which is set in motion without preliminary winding of the raster, for this purpose we used an electric motor. The latter sets in motion the entire movable mechanism of the lattice

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):111-111
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Automatic syringe for local infiltration anesthesia

Fattakhov K.S.


The automatic syringe designed by us in 1952 for local infiltration anesthesia is very popular. It is used by most of the surgical, part of the obstetric and gynecological clinics in Kazan, as well as some city, rural district and local hospitals and other republics, territories and regions. There are positive reviews everywhere.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):111-113
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Fundamentals of electrocardiography.

Goltsman A.V., Dmitrieva I.T.


Among modern instrumental methods, electrocardiography is one of the oldest. Almost 60 years of its history illustrate the fruitfulness of the relationship between physiology and clinic in the use and study of the method of electrophysiological study of the heart. The simplicity and availability of modern equipment, together with the exceptional capabilities of the ECG to see intimate, in the words of A.F. Samoilov, processes in the myocardium made this research method necessary in the wide practice of a therapist, pediatrician, and infectious disease specialist. The desire of doctors to master electrocardiography and its further development in the service of the clinic is understandable. At the same time, a purely morphological analysis of the electrical curve of the heart often leads to erroneous interpretation of electrocardiographic abnormalities, both with overestimation and underestimation of their value in each individual case.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):113-115
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Surgical Treatment of Cancer and Benign Esophageal Stenosis

Polyantsev A.A.


The monograph under review, which belongs to one of the pioneers of thoracic surgery, summarizes the data of many years of work by the author and the team on esophageal surgery led by him.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):115-117
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Perlik E.


The introduction of anticoagulants for the treatment of thrombosis and embolism has made it possible to carry out active therapy in these severe pathological conditions. Therefore, the interest of doctors in the 2nd edition of the monograph by prof. Eberhard Perlik "Anticoagulants", which both in the GDR and in the USSR sold out soon after its publication.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):117-118
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How nuclear explosions threaten humanity

Kuzin A.M.


The book begins with a chapter on atomic energy. Then the destructive actions of atomic and hydrogen bombs during their combat use and test explosions are described.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):118-119
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Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of precancerous diseases

Nagimov I.B., Haykinson N.M.


The conference, organized by the Kazan City Department of Health and the Scientific Society of Oncologists, was opened by the Minister of Health of the TASSR R. Yu. Yarmukhametova.
3. V. Golbert (Moscow) emphasized that the diagnosis of a precancerous condition should be made not only on the basis of morphological data, but with the obligatory consideration of the entire clinical picture.

Kazan medical journal. 1961;42(4):119-120
pages 119-120 views

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