Vol 39, No 6 (1958)

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The incidence of workers in the oil industry of the Tatar ASSR in 1954-57

Vakhitov M.X.


In solving the most important task of developing the oil industry according to the national economic plan of the USSR for 1959-65. a large place is given to the Tatar ASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Clinic of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the foci of the middle Volga region

Bashkirev T.A.


In marginal pathology, infections with natural focus are of great importance, among which hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (infectious nephroso-nephritis) occupies a significant place. This disease was first studied in the Far East in 1934-1940. (A. A. Smorodintsev, A. V. Churilov, G. M. Tsygankov, Sh. I. Ratner and others), later (1948-1952) its natural foci were found in the European part of the USSR (Yaroslavl, Kalinin, Tula regions , South-west of Ukraine, Transcarpathia, western part of the Urals).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):10-15
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On the issue of hemorrhagic vasculitis (Shenlein-Genoch disease)

Byalik V.L.


Schönlein-Genoch disease (hemorrhagic capillary toxicosis), recently described as hemorrhagic vasculitis, usually develops after a history of tonsillitis, influenza, scarlet fever, measles, acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, taking certain medications or poor quality food. Sometimes hemorrhagic vasculitis complicates tuberculosis, it can also occur due to increased sensitivity to antibiotics.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):15-20
pages 15-20 views

About the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis

Tsareva V.Y.


Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is one of those diseases with which a wide circle of practitioners is little familiar, in connection with which diagnostic errors are often observed. In most cases, these errors are explained by the fact that due attention is not paid to the study of blood, while the blood picture can provide support points for the diagnosis of IM, and sometimes even acquires the significance of the leading symptom.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):21-25
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About changes in the innervation apparatus of striated muscles in some severe chronic diseases

Mislavsky A.N., Svatko L.G.


We set ourselves the task of describing the state of the innervation apparatus of the somatic muscles in severe, mainly chronic diseases. This question, it seems to us, is of no small practical importance, taking into account the clinical phenomena of progressive muscular adynamia observed in these diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):25-30
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To symptomatology and treatment of recurrent rheumatic heart disease

Gubergrits A.Y.


Patients with recurrent rheumatic heart disease make up the bulk of rheumatism patients treated in the clinic and hospital. So "according to our clinic, in the last decade (1947-1956) of all patients with rheumatic heart disease, 88% fell on the share of recurrent rheumatic heart disease and only 12% were patients with" primary "rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Significance of tonsillogenic infection in the clinic of rheumatism and the effectiveness of eliminating tonsillar focus

Kogurova M.I., Kupriyanova N.A.


After many years of predominantly pathogenetic study of the nature of rheumatism, the issues of its etiology in recent years have again become the center of the problem.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Materials on the use of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisone in clinics of 6 internal diseases

Davletkildeeva A.Z.


The use of hormonal preparations of the pituitary-adrenal system in the therapy of a number of non-endocrine internal diseases is one of the achievements of medicine in recent times. The range of diseases in which the positive effect of ACTH and cortisone is described is constantly expanding. So, in 1953, there were reports of positive results of ACTH treatment of chronic nephritis and nephrosis (Thorn and co-workers - quoted from Schubert) “in 1954 Heilmeyer and a number of other authors published materials on the therapeutic effect of ACTH and cortisone in severe hepatitis and liver dystrophies

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Oral treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfa drugs

Denisova M.G.


The discovery of the hypoglycemic effect of sulfa drugs and the synthesis of the most effective agents in this regard made it possible to replace insulin injections with oral therapy in a number of cases of diabetes mellitus.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):45-48
pages 45-48 views

A painful point in the region of the upper cervical sympathetic node as a symptom of coronary insufficiency

Tyavokin V.V.


Recently, great success has been achieved in the study of coronary insufficiency, but in a number of cases its diagnosis runs into difficulties. In search of objective signs of coronary insufficiency, we drew attention to a painful point in the region of the superior cervical sympathetic node.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Saddle aortic embolism

Kravchenko P.V.


In domestic and foreign literature there are separate reports on the surgical treatment of abdominal aortic embolism in the bifurcation area. But the total number of observations of this kind remains small, and as a result of late diagnosis and surgical treatment at a later date, the outcomes of the operation with complete restoration of blood circulation and preservation of the limb are few.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):50-53
pages 50-53 views

The role of some nutritional factors in the prevention of late pregnancy toxicosis

Dubnov M.V.


Choline is known to be a very common substance in the animal and plant kingdom. In the absence of choline, the processes of growth and vital activity of tissues are sharply disrupted. Choline deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues of the animal body. As a component of lecithins, it participates in the processes of growth and plasticity of cell structures (Cherkes L.A.).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Treatment of late toxicosis of pregnancy based on the materials of the clinic for 1950-1955

Uryupina A.I.


Through the obstetric department of the Chkalov city hospital (the base of the obstetric clinic of the Orenburg Medical Institute) for 1950-1955. 9 540 women in childbirth passed, 417 of them with symptoms of late toxicosis, which is 4.3%. Up to 20 years old there were 36, from 21 to 30 years old - 279, from 31 to 40 years old - 89, and above 40 - 13 women. There were 236 (56.6%) first-pregnant women, 181 (43.4%) multi-pregnant women. There were 318 (76.2%) full-term pregnancies, 99 (23.8%) premature pregnancies. The antenatal clinic was attended by 389 people (93.3%).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Treatment of glaucoma patients with fosarbin

Neklesova I.D., Osipova Z.M.


Phosarbine, or tetraethyl monothiopyrophosphate, was first obtained in 1931 by academicians AE and BA Arbuzov. It is a colorless, oily liquid, readily soluble in organic solvents and poorly soluble in water.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):57-60
pages 57-60 views

The content of vitamin b12 in the thyroid gland and blood serum in connection with the problem of the etiology of endemic goiter

Selivanov A.P.


Back in 1929-33. the staff of our department, participating in complex expeditions to study water supply, housing conditions and nutrition of the population of the Mari ASSR, the Ural region, Transbaikalia, Gornaya Shoria, found that the main etiological moment in the development of endemic goiter in these areas is iodine deficiency [4]. At the same time, the question arose whether there was a lack or excess of other microelements in this endemic area, and, finally, there was a lack of vitamins.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):60-62
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On the casuistry of operative closure of intestinal fistulas imposed by surgeons

Bulatov P.N.


The choice of the method of surgery for closing the intestinal fistula, imposed by the surgeon, is difficult due to the fact that the fistula was sometimes superimposed during peritonitis, with the residual effects of which, when eliminating the fistula, the surgeon has to reckon with.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):63-66
pages 63-66 views

On the casuistry of carcinoids of the appendix

Gataullin A.B.


Carcinoids of the appendix are rare diseases. According to the combined statistics cited by Patlis, at 38985 appendectomies, carcinoids were found in 0.28% of cases. Rogg believes that carcinoids are seen in 0.5% of all appendectomies. Parter and Pilen report (1939) about 72 cases of carcinoids of the appendix on 26 384 removed vermiform appendages, which is 0.27% (cited by N.I. Truten).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):66-68
pages 66-68 views

About Pulseless Disease (Takashi Syndrome)

Krasnic E.A.


Recently, descriptions of "pulseless disease" have become more frequent in the domestic medical literature, which various authors also call aortic arch syndrome, primary aortic arteritis, inverted aortic coarctation, Takayashi syndrome, named after the Japanese ophthalmologist who first described this disease in 1908.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):68-69
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To X-ray diagnostics of systemic affection of lymph nodes

Khasanova N.A.


Two patients with systemic calcification were observed in all groups of lymph nodes, tuberculous etiology. I. Patient C., 10 years old. Was admitted for treatment with tuberculous lesions of the kidneys, eyes and specific bronchoadenitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):69-71
pages 69-71 views

Sudden death of an athlete during a competition

Mubarakshina S.X.


Spontaneous cerebral hemorrhages at a young age are relatively rare. In the literature, there are two works on the issue of interest to us. MI Avdeev observed cerebral hemorrhages in children and adolescents aged 10, 12 and 16 years; they arose in connection with hemangiomas in the brain and their rupture. In this case, the importance of the neuropsychic factor is undoubted.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):71-74
pages 71-74 views

Outbreak of foodborne dysentery in a closed outbreak

Alatyrtseva I.E., Kuzmina Y.T., Kocheva M.V., Ryzhkova I.I., Fedorova S.A.


A large number of observations have accumulated, indicating a significant role of the food factor in the epidemiology of dysentery. It has been established that the overwhelming majority of outbreaks of dysentery known in the literature associated with the ingestion of infected food are caused by bacteria of the Sonne species. This, apparently, depends on the increased resistance in the external environment of the causative agents of dysentery, and especially the Sonne bacillus.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):74-76
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On the question of listerllosis in adults

Krainova N.K.


Listerllosis can occur in various clinical forms, but the most common of them is one in which the leading symptom is mononuclear blood shift. Usually children get sick. In Saratov, there were cases of listerllosis in children. Listerllosis in an adult girl was diagnosed for the first time in Saratov.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Two cases of strongyloidosis

Amidullin R.I., Morozova M.P.


Strongyloidosis in the USSR is a rare disease. Individual cases of this helminthiasis have been registered in the Transcaucasus, Central Asia, and Ukraine. In the Perm region, strongyloidosis has not yet been observed, and therefore we consider it necessary to report two cases of this disease, which we met within the Chusovsky district.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):77-79
pages 77-79 views


Spassky N.N.


Robbins, Enders and Weller [1] in 1950 established that when the poliomyelitis virus multiplies in tissue cultures, degeneration and destruction of cells affected by this virus occurs. This so-called cytopathogenic effect of the virus can be easily observed in infected tissue cultures under a small microscope magnification. In the future, the observation of cytopathogenic action in tissue cultures infected with various materials became a new method for detecting viruses. Using this method, a group of adenoviruses was discovered.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):80-84
pages 80-84 views

The state of anesthesiology in England

Pshenichnikov V.I.


This year, I happened to be in England twice as a member of Soviet medical delegations - in March and June. In London, Oxford, Liverpool, Cardiff, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Newcastle, when visiting various clinics and hospitals, I had to attend various operations. There are operating units on each floor, they occupy a large area, there are many rooms.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):85-86
pages 85-86 views

New design of the pin - "screw with a removable blade" for fixing the fragments of the femoral neck

Yusupov F.S.


At the end of the last century, there were some unsuccessful attempts to treat hip fractures with surgery. Since 1931, a three-lobed Smith-Petersen pin has been used for the osteosynthesis of medial fractures. This method of fixation of fragments, due to the absence of immobilizing dressings in the postoperative period and the beginning of the early function of the injured limb, made it possible to drastically reduce the number of deaths and avoid severe complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):87-89
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Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.O.Darkshevich

Omorokov L.I., Okulov A.M.


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders of Russian neuropathology, Professor Liveriy Osipovich Darkshevich, the founder of the clinic of nervous diseases at Kazan University and the first editor of the Kazan Medical Journal.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):90-91
pages 90-91 views

All-Union Conference of Surgeons


From September 25 to September 30, 1958, the All-Union Conference of Surgeons, Traumatologists and Anesthesiologists was held in Kazan. At the conference, reports were heard and discussed on anesthesiology (leading speakers, member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. P. A. Kupriyanov and prof. I. S. Zhorov), on colon tumors (leading speaker - prof. B. A. Petrov ), on the treatment of open fractures of the bones of the extremities (leading speaker - acting, member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. N.N. Priorov); on the prevention of injuries (leading speakers, member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. N.N. M. Dvorkin).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):92-93
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Problems of anesthesiology at the all-union conference of surgeons


At the All-Union Conference of Surgeons held in Kazan from September 25 to September 30, 1958, the first place was given to the problems of a new branch of medicine - anesthesiology, the rapid growth of which has recently led to a huge number of methods of both local and general anesthesia. This enables surgeons to choose the most advanced and appropriate methods of pain relief for a given patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):93-94
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All-Siberian Conference of Physicians


From 13 to 18 May 1958, an interregional All-Siberian conference of physicians was held in Novosibirsk, convened by the board of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Physicians and the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):95-97
pages 95-97 views

Reader tribune


In No. 3 for 1958, "Kazan Medical Journal" contains an article by F. I. Voltaire "The Significance of Listerlous Infection in the Etiology of Diseases of the Nervous System."

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):97-99
pages 97-99 views


Gilyazutdinova Z.S.


The author has chosen a topical topic. Few works on a similar topic have been published in recent years. The work is easy to read. A lot of purely practical advice is given. The work will certainly be useful, although it is not devoid of significant drawbacks.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):100-100
pages 100-100 views

Doctor and Patient

Konskiy F.M.


The second edition of the book of the honored doctor of the Mari ASSR F. M, Konskiy, is dedicated to the "Soviet medical student youth" ... The book summarizes the long-term difficult and honorable path of a practical doctor. The author is a graduate of the medical faculty of Kazan University (1906-1911) and worked all his life as a practical doctor.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):100-101
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By the order of the Minister of Health of the TASSR, gratitude was announced to the chief physician of the Kuibyshevsky region N.P. Sotnikov in connection with the 35th anniversary of his medical activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(6):102-102
pages 102-102 views

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