Vol 32, No 5-6 (1932)

Cover Page

Full Issue

On the 12th anniversary of the Autonomous Tatar Socialist Soviet Republic

Board E.


"The Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decides to authorize the Revolutionary Committee of the Autonomous Tatar Soviet Republic to start from June 25 this year in the dispatch of the duties assigned to it by the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars dated May 27 this year on the Autonomous Tatar Soviet Republic." This was in 1920.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):377-382
pages 377-382 views

To the harvesting company 1932

Board E.


The attention of the entire Soviet Union is riveted to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of July 5 on the harvesting campaign of 1932. The editorial board of the Kazan Medical Journal considers it necessary to draw the attention of its readers to the whole range of issues of great economic and political importance, set out in this document.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):382-385
pages 382-385 views

World Spartakiad, tasks of health authorities for the World Spartakiad

Ivanovsky B.A.


The physical culture movement had the great honor of celebrating with its grandiose holiday the successful completion of the five-year plan in four years and the completion of the construction of the foundation of socialism in the USSR by the working people of the Soviet Union under the leadership of the Leninist Communist Party.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):386-389
pages 386-389 views

Organizational forms of educational and methodological guidance

Banshchikov V.M.


The question of how to organize educational and methodological work in Meduniversities, what organizational forms, what cells to create to guide this work is a serious issue that is of no small importance. At the same time, speaking about the organizational forms of management of educational and methodological work, one cannot limit ourselves to indicating these forms only at the local level, in Meduniversities, it is also necessary to indicate the organizational forms of this leadership in the center, in NKZdrav.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):389-392
pages 389-392 views

On the issue of organizing a university hospital at the hospital. I. L. Semashko in Moscow

Epshtein F.G.
Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):392-395
pages 392-395 views

Rationalizing hospital nutrition

Golubovsky I.E., Funt I.M.


“The decisive successes in the construction of the USSR, the cultural growth of the masses and the involvement of members of the working family in production, in connection with the complete elimination of unemployment, set before the consumer cooperation the task of gradually switching food supply from individual consumption to public catering, as the first condition for the transition from small, single household to a large, socialized one. "

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):395-407
pages 395-407 views

Towards the epidemiology of malaria in the Republic of Tatarstan in recent years

Lifshits M.S.


After a sharp outbreak in 1922-23, malaria in the Tatrespublika subsequently declined significantly and in recent years has given morbidity rates below pre-war levels. According to the Center, the malaria station the number of registered malaria patients per 10,000 population for individual years is as follows:

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):408-412
pages 408-412 views

Syphilis in the Grakhovsky district of the Udmurt region

Kondratiev G.G.


Among the tasks facing Soviet health care during the period of the unfolded socialist offensive along the entire front, the fight against venereal diseases also occupies a significant place.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):412-420
pages 412-420 views

Interregional Meeting on the fight against trachoma

Murzin A.N.


On the initiative of the NKZdr. TR and Kazan Trachomatous Institute named after E. V. Adamyuk May 20-22 p. In Kazan, a meeting of representatives of the NKZdr was held. neighboring republics and regions on the fight against trachoma in the Volga-Kama region.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):420-424
pages 420-424 views

To the question of the effect of some poisons on pulmonary lipase

Mishenin I.D.


The work of Rona's students (Pavlovié, Petow and Schreiber) established the possibility of differentiating organolipases, due to their different attitudes towards certain poisons (quinine and atoxil). Further studies by a number of authors expanded the number of poisons that selectively act on organolipases, and revealed the relation to lipase poisons of many organs, as a result of which it is now possible to determine from which organ the lipase originates.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):425-429
pages 425-429 views

Glucose treatment for cardiovascular patients

Tumashev D.G.


The question of the use of sugar in the treatment of cardiovascular patients arose around 1917-18. Recently, heightened interest has been shown again.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):430-439
pages 430-439 views

Hepatitis with endocarditis

Lepsky R.I., Permyakov F.K.


The study of liver pathology has developed extremely rapidly and variedly over the past two decades.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):445-452
pages 445-452 views

To the question of a possible connection between stomach ulcers and nephrolithiasis

Likht L.M.


More than a hundred years have passed since he was a French physician and anatomist. Cruvelier gave the first description of a stomach ulcer. The centuries-old path traversed is interesting and diverse.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):453-456
pages 453-456 views

Hirschsprung's disease

Gurevich T.Z.


Under the name idiopathic enlargement of the large intestines or Hirschsprung's disease, Megacolon Congenitum, a kind of levitation is known, the essence of which is that the large intestines appear to be enlarged in one stretch or another, sometimes of colossal dimensions, for no apparent reason that could cause such an expansion. The walls of the dilated segment of the intestines are usually thickened, hypertrophied.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):457-461
pages 457-461 views

On the issue of hand processing according to the method of prof. Spasokukotsky and Dr. Kochergin

Sokolov N.Y.


The extreme simplicity of the method of preoperative treatment of hands, proposed by prof. Spasokukotsky and Dr. Kochergin, all his captivating merits, perfectly described by the authors of the method in Art. “In-depth disinfection of hands with refusal of soap” (New Surgical Archives, No. 62, 1928), unwittingly pushed us, working in a local hospital, to apply this method in our surgical practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):461-464
pages 461-464 views

About primary gastric sarcoma

Klebanov D.S.


The only radical method of treatment of malignant neoplasms of the stomach today is surgical, surgical intervention. The results of such an intervention are closely related to how timely and. it is radically produced. It is therefore clear that in relation to malignant tumors of the stomach, it is not important to recognize the disease in general, but to early recognition, in which radical intervention can give a satisfactory result.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):464-468
pages 464-468 views

To the Websïor-Baldy-Franke technique for retro-fleхio uïeri

Shmundak D.E.


We can confidently say at the present time that one of the diseases of the female genital area requiring surgical treatment is not replete with such a richness and variety of the proposed methods of surgical intervention as the dislocation of the uterus in the form of retroflexio. Only a year and a half ago, at a meeting of the obstetric-gynecological society in Hamburg (1/30/30), where the issue of choosing an operative method for the treatment of retroflexio uteri was debated, Grube, while demonstrating his tables in separate phases of operations, simultaneously emphasized that despite the presence of about 250 methods of surgery, yet the results of treatment are still not entirely encouraging.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):468-473
pages 468-473 views

Experience of using intramuscular injections of ichthyol in acute and chronic diseases of the female genital area.

Osilovsky V.M.


The effect of ichthyol, introduced psectually into the human body, has not yet been experimentally studied. In Russian and foreign literature, I have not found an answer to this question. Perhaps ichthyol plays the role of an activator of protoplasm, and perhaps the action of ichthyol fits into the theory of irritation of Beer. Sokolsky, Kenis and others consider the action of ichthyol as protein therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):474-476
pages 474-476 views

On the symptomatology of tumors of the frontal lobes

Gribanov I.D.


Despite the numerous experimental, embryological, phylogenetic, and anatomical and clinical data, the question of the significance of the frontal lobes in human higher nervous activity is still far from its final solution. The extensive literature on the subject under discussion provides valuable material for clarifying the problem of the functions and syndromes of the frontal lobes.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):476-482
pages 476-482 views

To the question of the treatment of furunculosis

Kudenko I.D.


Among the common diseases of our nomenclature, diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue (especially furunculosis) occupy one of the first places. What an enormous spread furunculosis has, there is no need to prove.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):482-486
pages 482-486 views

About goiter on the Amur

Ratner S.I.


In the summer of 1930, I worked in the Tambov region of the Amur region and noticed that many patients with a visible enlargement of the thyroid gland come to see me. My permanent place of work was the village of Pokrovka.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):487-489
pages 487-489 views

About Bang's disease in Dauria

Damperov H.N.


In the summer of 1930, in the sheep-breeding state farm “Krasny Giant”, located in the southern steppe part of Eastern Transbaikalia, a massive disease appeared among the shepherds, which remained unrecognized. The number of cases also remained undetermined, apparently about 20. Two patients who were admitted to the Daursky military hospital died.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):489-490
pages 489-490 views

Cases of retrograde infringement in a "sliding" hernia

Bronstein B.L.


The concept of retrograde infringement is understood as infringement of one or more loops of the intestines, in which an eating disorder involves not only the parts in the hernial sac into suffering, but also, and to a greater extent, especially the part located in the free abdominal cavity. This, rare, form of infringement by Bendel was given the name Hernie en W, since in typical cases there are two loops in the hernial sac outward from the restraining ring, and inwardly from it in the abdominal cavity one connecting “with a more severe eating disorder, depending on its bending mesentery or twisting of the entire loop. ”It is extremely rare that the median loop is little changed in comparison with the two in the hernial sac (the case of Nevsky).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):490-491
pages 490-491 views

A case of bilateral tubal pregnancy

Vaysburd G.N.


A large number of works are currently devoted to the issues of ectopic pregnancy, both in the periodic literature and in manuals where the chapter on ectopic pregnancy is highlighted in an independent section.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):492-493
pages 492-493 views

On the question of colpaporrhexis during childbirth

Butkovskmy G.I.


One of the most severe complications during childbirth is the separation of the tattoo from the vaginal arches (from the sleeve). Hugenberger was the first to draw “attention to the ruptures of the vaginal fornix and gave them the name“ colpaporrhexis ”. They occur much less frequently than ruptures of the uterus, which is evident from the following: Belousov (1910) collected only about 100 cases, and that, apparently, exclusively from Russian literature; in a major work on this issue, Brindeau and Lerne land stated that the frequency of this kind of complications of labor is difficult to establish, since statistics on this issue do not exist. Obviously, the specific nature of this severe complication is characteristic of Russian obstetrics. Indeed, the statistics of Shchetkin and Belousov is based mainly on domestic casuistry (Guggenberger, Syromyatnikov, Vernits, Lvov, Poroshin, Kutova, Brunoit. E).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):493-494
pages 493-494 views

On the question of parenteral treatment of "acute and chronic urticaria"

Anapolsky M.I.


In this brief and incomplete communication, I feel it necessary to share the very satisfactory results I have obtained in the treatment of urticaria by injecting a combination of two substances: absolute alcohol and ichthyol.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):494-494
pages 494-494 views


Vylegzhanin N.I.


We can say, without fear of exaggeration, that modern pathology has been enriched by one interesting department, which has already given a lot of new things and will probably reveal even more in the field of our knowledge of diseases, their origin and development.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):495-504
pages 495-504 views

About the spring catharr

Shcheglov A.A.


Cases of spring catarrh are often mistakenly interpreted and treated as trachema, which is why we consider it interesting to report the case we observed and briefly highlight the current state of the issue of spring catarrh.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):504-508
pages 504-508 views

The Lubeck process and its lessons

Nimtsovitskaya M.A.


In May 1930, there were brief reports in newspapers and magazines about the Lubeck disaster — the mass death of children following the CalmetVa vaccination (BCG feeding).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):508-514
pages 508-514 views

XII Congress of Surgeons of the USSR

Tsimkhes I.L.


The congress took place in Moscow from May 25 to May 29, 1932. According to the credentials committee, the number of members of the congress exceeded 1,700.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):514-525
pages 514-525 views

В. Berg. Eiweissbedarf und Mineralstoffwechsel bei einfachster Ernährung

Breitman M.Y.


Recently, many issues of dietics have been revised. In this direction, a lot has been done by the author of the book being analyzed. His studies are distinguished by great originality, and if not in all respects they have already received general recognition, then in any case they are reckoned with everywhere.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):525-526
pages 525-526 views

Prof. L. Puusepp. Chirurgische Neuropathologie.

Breitman M.Y.


I Band. Die peripherischen Nerven. P. ѴSH + 662, fig. 330, with separate tables 1932

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):256-256
pages 256-256 views

N. E. Ischiondsку. Neuropsyche und Hirnrinde

Breitman M.Y.


Dr. H. E. Ishlondski's book is in two large volumes.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):256-257
pages 256-257 views

К. Holm и др. Laboratoriumsteclinik in der Medizin

Breitman M.Y.


The superbly published volume contains, according to the editor's opinion, “the theoretical foundations and practical implementation of physical and chemical methods of research and is a textbook and an auxiliary guide for laboratory work”.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):527-527
pages 527-527 views


Breitman M.Y.


For the third year in a row, under this title, a magazine devoted to hospital affairs has been published every three months in three languages (German, English, French).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):528-528
pages 528-528 views

Finiska Läkaresällskapets Handlingaa

Breitman M.Y.


The indicated issue of the journal contains a monograph by R. Siewers entitled "Doctors of the Past Times".

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):528-528
pages 528-528 views

The works of prof. Zondeks about the metabolism of bromine in the body and its importance in depression and sleep

Kislev M.


Over the past months, a number of reports have been held in German medical centers. Islands (and one in Moscow, where Prof. Zondek came) and a number of brief reports of the famous German endocrinologist prof. Z o n d e k'a about the metabolism of bromine and the biological role of this halogen. Taking into account the personality of the author and the significance of the question, which, perhaps, opens a new chapter in biology and clinic, we consider it necessary now to give abstracts of these short reports by Zondek, although they are only preliminary.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):528-529
pages 528-529 views

The content of bromine in the pituitary gland and its relation to the age of life (Klinische Wschr. 1932, No. 18)

Kislev M.


In this report, the authors consider the relationship of bromine metabolism, and in particular its content in the blood, to the endocrine glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):259-530
pages 259-530 views

Prof. Zondek Idr Bier "The Pituitary Gland and Sleep". Message III (Klinische Wschrf., 1932, No. 18)

Kislev M.


The reason for the work was the fact that manic depressive 6s had insomnia as an extremely frequent symptom.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):530-530
pages 530-530 views

In memory of A. Shlosman

Board E.


In Dusseldorf (Germany) on June 5th p. died at the age of 65, one of the most prominent representatives of pediatrics and social hygiene, director of the children's clinic of the Academy of Practical Medicine, prof. Arthur Shlosman.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):530-531
pages 530-531 views

Chronicle Volume 32, No. 5-6 (1932)

Team E.


June 5 to 30 p. The city of NKZ RSFSR convened a methodological meeting on medical education.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(5-6):531-534
pages 531-534 views

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