Vol 44, No 1 (1963)

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Full Issue

The problem of heterogeneity in the body due to autoallergy and tumor formation

Vylegzhanin N.I.


In modern medicine, two types of pathology rank first in their theoretical and practical significance: these are allergic (autoallergic) and tumor diseases. This leads to very significant tasks - to find rational methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic, infectious and cancer diseases. Allergic diseases are, as a rule, the lot of internists and fewer surgeons; Although neoplasms are of interest to therapists, patients suffering from them are most often transferred to the hands of surgeons, since oncology at this stage widely uses surgical methods of treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):3-7
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On the organization of measures to preserve the ability to work for those suffering from hypertension

Germanov A.I.


The organization of the fight against hypertension is a national task, especially now that the fight against cardiovascular diseases is emphasized in the decisions of the XXII Congress of the CPSU.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):7-11
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Remote observation of patients with hypertension during the blockade of Leningrad

Kalugina V.G.


During the Second World War, the number of inpatients with essential hypertension increased by a factor of 6 in comparison with 1940; in relation to the total number of all therapeutic patients, they ranged from 30 to 50%. This so-called blockade hypertension (V.M. Chernorutsky, V.A. on its outcomes. In 1943, among all those who died in hospitals in Leningrad, 30.2% died of hypertension. In 1945, patients with hypertension accounted for about a third of all therapeutic patients (D.M.Grottel, 1946) and 23.3 - from those who died in hospitals (S.S. Weil, 1956).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):11-14
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On the standards of blood pressure and the spread of hypertension among some contingents of the population of Kuibyshev

Guseva I.I., Spirina P.V.


The most fundamental research on blood pressure standards in the domestic literature is the work of Leningrad doctors headed by Z.M. Volynsky, teams of researchers from the Institute of Therapy of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, doctors of Armenia (V.M. Avakyan and others) and V.A. Khlyupin.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):14-16
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Some results of the sanatorium-resort treatment of persons with diseases of the circulatory system in the climate of the Middle Volga region

Kavetsky N.E., Grinberg Y.M., Zakharchenko V.V., Kulnevich N.G.


When prescribing sanatorium-resort treatment for patients with diseases of the circulatory system, the possibility of maintaining their usual climatic conditions instead of the necessary adaptation to other conditions when traveling to remote resorts, especially to the southern regions of the country, is of great positive importance. In order to check this provision in practice, we decided to analyze the results of treatment of cardiac patients in the sanatoriums of the Kuibyshev region "Sergievskie Mineralnye Vody", "Krasnaya Glinka" and V. Chkalov, where the contingent of residents of the Kuibyshevskaya and adjacent regions with approximately the same climatic conditions, characteristic for the middle zone of the Soviet Union (Middle Volga region).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):16-18
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Changes in the electrocardiogram in hypertensive patients with mud therapy of concomitant diseases (mainly polyarthritis and radiculitis)

Rubtsova P.T.


Often, patients with diseases of the joints, peripheral nervous system and abdominal organs who need mud therapy do not receive it because of hypertension, which is a contraindication for mud therapy (L.G. Goldfail).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):18-19
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The content of lactic acid in the blood with hypertension

Basova-Zhakova T.P.


According to Kogan-Yasny and Genes, the content of lactic acid in the blood during hypertension rises to 25-45 mg%. Gefter in all cases of hypertension found an increased content of lactic acid in 41.6% of cases in the range of 13-25%, in 5.6% more than 25 mg% and in some cases up to 60 mg%. Idelchik, during the blockade of Leningrad, established an increased content of lactic acid in the blood both in hypertensive patients (78 out of 92) with manifestations of sclerosis and without them. A persistent increase in lactic acid in the blood was observed in severe forms of hypertension complicated by circulatory failure. Rodov and Anguladze also observed an increase in lactic acid in hypertension and attributed this phenomenon to circulatory disorders and insufficient oxygen supply to tissues. Perchik investigated lactic acid in 46 patients with various forms of hypertension and in all cases found increased numbers, the lowest - with neurocirculatory, "autonomic nervous hypertension", the highest - with hypertension with heart failure.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):20-20
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Sialic acid content in blood serum in kidney disease and hypertension

Akhmerov S.F.


Sialic acid is found in serum glucoproteins, ovomucoid, epithelial mucus and several other protein substances (Werner / Odin, 1952). The works of Blix, Gottschalk and Klenk (1957) established that sialic acid is a complex of acetylated and other derivatives of neuraminic acid.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):21-22
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Effect of sodium chloride on electrolyte metabolism and blood pressure in hypertension

Patrushev V.I.


Changes in the exchange of electrolytes - sodium, potassium, chlorine - in hypertension, established by a number of authors, have recently been associated with the influence of mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone. The participation of adrenal cortex hormones in the pathogenesis of hypertension was noted by many (A.L. Myasnikov, Selye, Cyres, Perera, etc.). Grolman and co-workers, Selye, Sapeika, with long-term administration of deoxycorticosterone, obtained persistent hypertension in experimental animals. Persistent aldosterone hypertension obtained by Kumar and co-workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):23-24
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The value of measuring pressure in the temporal and occipital arteries in headache sufferers

Palisadov P.V.


The measurement of pressure on the temporal arteries was first introduced by G.I. Markelov and his collaborator S.A.Rovinsky in 1935 in connection with the resolution of the issue of the development of regional cerebral pathology of vascular tone.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):25-26
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Diuretic action of allacil

Shulutko I.B.


In the complex of medicinal prescriptions in the treatment of patients with circulatory disorders, diuretics occupy a special place. We can confidently say that with a pronounced edematous state, no cardiac drugs, including glucosides, can lead to a stable release of the patient from the fluid retained in the body. The latter is achieved only by the appointment of diuretics.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):27-28
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Hydrophilic skin test for determining the activity of rheumatism

Agrinsky M.E.


It is known that the determination of the active phase in the course of rheumatism (especially with recurrent rheumatic heart disease) often encounters great difficulties. This issue becomes extremely important, since the choice of treatment depends on its resolution. The success of the surgical treatment of mitral stenosis is also associated with the solution of this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):29-31
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Immediate outcomes of gastroenterostomies and interintestinal anastomoses performed using "aseptic" serous-muscular sutures

Raikevim N.P.


There are a large number of methods for imposing anastomosis on the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, the so-called closed and aseptic methods of gastroenterostomy and interintestinal anastomosis are described. It would seem that the widespread use of antibiotics in clinical practice should exclude the occurrence of peritonitis in the postoperative period, and the formation of anastomoses by the open or closed method is not essential. But it is known that antibiotic-resistant microorganisms have appeared, and peritonitis after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, especially on the large intestine, as well as in cancer patients, continues to be the main cause of postoperative mortality (H. N. Petrov, 1956; I. Ya. Deineka, 1960). This is confirmed by reports from other authors. The mortality rate from peritonitis after large intestine surgeries is especially high - from 37% to 74%. Peritonitis is also observed after gastroenterostomy, especially in patients with cancerous lesions of the stomach (KL Berezov, 1960). According to N.I. Krakovsky (1960), in hospitals of the RSFSR, postoperative mortality from gastroenterostomies in gastric ulcers was 7%, and in gastric cancer — 13%.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):31-33
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The fate of ligatures in the anastomosis and the sutured upper part of the gastric stump after resection

Startsev I.V.


From the literature data, it can be seen that after resection of the stomach in the anastomosis, the suture material, and mainly silk, subsequently causes a number of pathological processes. It was noted that inflammatory processes develop in the anastomosis around the ligatures, and when they erupt into the intestinal lumen, defects similar to ulcers can form around them.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):34-35
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Nephrolithiasis in childhood

Kharitonov I.F.


Urolithiasis in the USSR is more common in the south of our country: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Dagestan, Central Asia, Donbass, etc. (N.Z.Minchin, G. B. Teplitsky, N. A. Yakovlev and etc.). The Volga region also belongs to the areas where urolithiasis occurs quite often.

Kidney stones in children, as is commonly thought, are very rare. This can be confirmed by the fact that the works of Soviet surgeons contain a description of an extremely small number of nephrolithiasis in children.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):35-38
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Determination of the weight of the fetus before childbirth by the method of Z.P. Yakubova

Davydov V.I., Vershinina V.V.


Z.P. Yakubova proposed her method for determining the weight of an intrauterine fetus in 1958, reporting the results about it at the Interregional Conference of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Kazan on 6 / VI-58, She proposed a formula for determining the weight of the fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):38-40
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Progress of labor in late toxicosis of pregnant women

Bakieva R.G.


We have studied the course of labor in 33 patients with late toxicosis. In 92 patients (26.5%), childbirth was premature. The overall percentage of premature births in this institution during this time was 6.5.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):40-42
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Determination of passage of fallopia tubes by the method of hydrotubation

Syzganova K.N.


Until recently, in gynecological practice, pertubation and metrosalpingography are generally recognized as methods for determining the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):42-43
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Experience in treatment of climacteric disorders with general forced agents

Korolkova O.A., Teregulova G.S.


The development of climacteric syndrome is considered as a result of not only hormonal disorders in the woman's body, but also disorders of the central nervous system associated with them, and in particular the hypothalamic region (Quater, Crimean, Solovyova and Ugoleva, etc.). In this regard, in the treatment of climacteric syndrome, not only hormonal therapy occupies a significant place, but also general strengthening agents that tone and normalize the state of the central nervous system, eliminating disorders of the vascular system, metabolism and improving muscle nutrition.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):43-45
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Hematological characteristic of the effect of radiation in the experiment

Mescherov H.H.


In our clinical observations, we were able to state that the first short-term radiation exposure causes a slight increase in erythropoiesis, and attributed the effect of rays under such conditions to stimulating factors.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):45-47
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About complications of antabus therapy

Yaroslavtseva Y.V.


Antabuse, like its analogue, thiuran, is tetraethylurandisulfide. The toxic reaction during its use can be of different severity: from mild, tolerated by patients without therapeutic intervention, to severe toxicosis with a sharp suppression of cardiovascular activity, with toxic psychoses. The most important property that caused its use as a therapeutic drug is the incompatibility of antabuse with alcohol while taking them. It has been established that antabuse delays the oxidative process of alcohol and leads to the accumulation in the body of its decay products, toxic to most organs and systems.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):48-49
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Bronze disease complicated by coma

Zavyalova I.A.


One of the causes of a coma may be adrenal insufficiency, which often develops acutely and often leads to the death of patients. The clinical picture of such a serious complication as an adrenal crisis is poorly covered in the literature, so we decided to share two of our observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):50-51
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Experience in treatment of burns in the district hospital

Zaripov Z.A.


Treatment of burn disease takes an important place in the work of a surgeon in a district hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):52-52
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Ischemic gastric necrosis

Kravchenko P.V.


In a number of cases of surgical treatment of stomach diseases (cancer, ulcers), the surgeon's aspiration to radicalism is fully justified - to remove a large part of the stomach. However, in addition to the well-known complications of this kind of operations, there are rare complications associated with devascularization of the gastric stump, in this regard, we want to draw attention to the need for a careful approach to mobilization of the proximal part of the stomach, since in some patients significant devascularization of the stomach can lead to its necrosis stump.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):52-54
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Giant hydronephrosis

Aydarov A.A.


In the domestic literature, descriptions of large hydronephrosis have been published to date. So, S.I.Rabinovich (1954) reports about a patient of four years old who underwent extraperitoneal removal of a hydronephrotic kidney measuring 29 X 23 X 11 cm and weighing 5 270 g.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):54-56
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About ruptures of hydronephroses

Yasnogorodsky A.Y., Akhmedzhaev U.K.


Rupture of the hydronephrotic kidney is rare. E.I. Volpert in 1957 collected from the literature 36 cases of rupture of pyohydronephrosis, of which 28 broke into the perineal tissue. The author cites two of his observations, and in one of them, where purulent exudate with the smell of urine was found in the abdominal cavity, perforation was not found.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):56-58
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Spontaneous rupture of the bladder

Kulakov P.E.


L., 26 years old, 16/VIII-60 at 16 o'clock. taken from the local hospital with a diagnosis of acute abdomen.

14/VІІІ at 18 o'clock suddenly there were pains in the abdomen, was treated at home with a heating pad. 15/VІІІ turned to a paramedic for help. After taking the pills, the pain subsided, but by the evening the condition worsened, the abdominal pain intensified. She was admitted to the Khodar district hospital at 16/VIII at 12 o'clock, from where she was directed to the district hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):58-59
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Chronic recurrent agranulocytosis as a manifestation of increased sensitivity to penicillin in a nurse

Sigal E.S.


In the literature, the issue of agranulocytosis due to drug intolerance or direct toxic effect on the myelopoietic system of Tibone, PASK, pyramidon, Atophan, sulfa drugs, etc. is widely covered.With increased sensitivity to penicillin, changes in white blood have been insufficiently studied, only in the form of isolated reports (E . Ya. Severova, I. E. Pasova, 1960). In view of this, we present our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):59-60
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Acute infectious lymphocytosis in a child of 4 years old

Tsareva V.Y., Gracheva M.A.


In recent years, a peculiar disease has attracted attention, the main and sometimes the only symptom of which is an increase in the total number of mature peripheral blood lymphocytes. The duration of the disease is from a week to a month. The disease usually ends with recovery. It is believed to be caused by an unknown virus. Epidemic outbreaks of acute infectious lymphocytosis (o.i. l.) Are described, and its high contagiousness was also noted. According to Wintrobe (1946), there were 56 reports of acute infectious lymphocytosis in the world literature. In subsequent years, the number of works increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):60-61
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Two cases of late rachit

Kamalova R.G.


Late rickets, a disease found in children after the age of four, is relatively rare. In some cases, rickets that were in early childhood does not completely go away, drags on until the age of 4 and then continues or even intensifies in subsequent years. In other cases, rickets revealed in early childhood completely disappears, and then, in older childhood, closer to puberty, it reappears (E. M. Lepsky).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):61-63
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Ballistocardiographic studies of practically healthy people (the effect of physical activity on the cardiovascular system)

Dormidontov E.N., Kozlov G.S.


With the help of electrocardiography, we can judge the three most important functions of the heart: automatism, conduction and excitability. The method of ballistocardiography makes it possible to judge the function of contractility.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):63-64
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Eosinophils of blood and sputum in bronchial and cardiac asthma

Suntsov V.A.


Due to the complexity of diagnosing bronchial and cardiac asthma, especially in cases of mixed asthma, in the elderly, we determined eosinophils in blood and sputum, Kurshman's spirals, Charcot-Leiden crystals and heart disease cells in sputum in these diseases, using this method for differential diagnosis of asthma.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):64-64
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Treatment of angina pectoris with bilateral ligation of the internal thoracic arteries

Furman Y.O.


The operation of ligation of the internal thoracic artery (Fieski) is simple to perform, does not require special instruments and anesthesia. From complications during the operation, damage to the pleura and injury to the internal thoracic artery are possible. Careful carrying out of the operation guarantees against complications. Our material covers 26 patients. There were 22 men, 4 women. Up to 40 years there was 1 patient; up to 50 years - 13; up to 60 years old - 9, over - 3.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):64-65
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The effect of the bee venom preparation KF on blood cholesterol in hypertension

Karpitskaya V.M.


32 patients were examined, of which 13 - from IIa stage, 15 - from IIb and 4 - from IIIa stage. hypertension (16 women and 16 men). From 20 to 30 years old there was 1 patient, up to 50 - 19 and older - 12.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):65-65
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Morphological changes in the cervical parts of the vagus nerves, nodular ganglia and cervical sympathetic nodes in hypertension

Butov Y.L.


12 men and 6 women (from 30 to 62 years old) who died from hypertension confirmed in the section were examined. The duration of the disease (by history) is from 4 to 20 years. In all cases, high blood pressure figures were noted - 220-140 (maximum) and 139-90 (minimum). The immediate cause of death in 10 patients was heart failure, in 5 - cerebral hemorrhage and in 3 - uremia.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):65-66
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Some data on the level of cholesterol and cholesterol-esters in patients with chronic alcoholism

Bakumenko M.S.


Total cholesterol was determined by the Engelgard-Smirnova method in 205 patients with chronic alcoholism, including 55 in a state of acute alcohol intoxication. Cholesterol-esters were determined in 76 patients using the petroleum ether method. The majority (186 out of 205) were under the age of 50 and 19 patients were over 51 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):66-66
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To the clinic of the interictal period of rheumatism in adults

Luchko-Kharina T.M.


The study of the interictal period of rheumatism is very important, since with the end of the acute attack of rheumatism, the disease does not stop, but continues to progress, changing only the rate of its course.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):66-67
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Changes in the functional state of the liver in patients with rheumatism during complex therapy

Emelin K.I.


The study included 50 patients with recurrent rheumatic heart disease, which were divided into two equal groups both in number and in the nature of the clinical manifestations of the disease. The groups did not include patients with pronounced circulatory disorders. Patients of both groups underwent antirheumatic therapy (salicylic sodium, pyramidone, pyrazolidine, ACTH and corticosteroid hormones), if necessary, treatment with cardiac drugs.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):67-67
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Stomach and water-mineral metabolism

Solovey M.G.


We set out to investigate: what is the secretion of the stomach, when a lot of fluid from the outside enters the body and when the tissues and blood are somehow overloaded with fluid. Using the cuprosulfate method, we showed (16 cases) that after resection of the pylorus, with a water load of 600 ml, when water quickly passes into the small intestine and is absorbed, the specific gravity of blood and plasma decreases, blood protein decreases, hemoglobin and hematocrit fall ( hydremia).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):67-68
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Changes in clinical and hematological parameters in patients with chronic myelosis treated with myelosan and hormonal drugs

Gorelov I.Z.


We report the results of myelosan treatment in 50 patients with chronic myelosis (26 men and 24 women).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):68-69
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Angina incidence and experience of angina prevention among railway workers

Shultz Y.M.


Observations of the incidence of angina among the railway workers of the Belorechensky junction S.K.zh.d. and their families were started in 1949 and were carried out through 1958 inclusive. Our material covers 2194 patients with angina.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):69-70
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Experience in the treatment of subcutaneous panaritium

Shigorev T.D.


Subcutaneous panaritium is the most common type of panaritium.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):70-70
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Experience in rationalizing antibiotic treatment of purulent inflammatory processes

Flat K.L.


In the Soviet and foreign literature, much attention is paid to the issue of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms, which increases the number of complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):70-71
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Observations of a rural obstetrician-gynecologist

Rakhmatullina G.I.


Earlier, in the Menzelinsky and Chelninsky districts of the TASSR, uniformly narrowed and flat rachitic basins were often found, especially in the Tatar villages. Until 1947, according to the maternity hospital of the Chelninsky region of the TASSR, uniformly narrowed and flat rachitic basins accounted for about 35-37% of the total number of women who gave birth, and stillbirth from these reasons was about 1.5-3%.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):71-71
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Treatment by intrauterine injection of citral of postpartum and post-abortion metro-endometritis on the basis of placental tissue retention

Osnos G.M.


In cases of infectious metro-endometritis, instead of extremely traumatic and dangerous curettage, we used intrauterine administration of a 5% ethereal citral solution. In this case, the combined action of citral and ether is used. In the ether vapors formed at body temperature in the uterine cavity, citral (volatile phytoncide) is able to more fully and sooner affect the uterine microflora. With this technique, very often we managed to avoid instrumental revision of the uterine cavity even with organized placental polyps. In those cases where time was lost and there was too strong a connection between the polyp and the uterine wall, after the preliminary introduction of citral, we were able to perform curettage under conditions of significantly less infection of the uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):72-72
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To the question of the quantitative content of acetylcholine in the lacrimal fluid

Nefedova Z.Y.


A number of studies have appeared in the ophthalmic literature trying to link the pathogenesis of some diseases - glaucoma, tuberculosis-allergic eye diseases - with impaired neurohumoral regulation, since the cholinergic activity of the lacrimal fluid depended on the degree of damage to the pathological process of the eye and the general condition of the patient. The lacrimal fluid of healthy people usually caused an adrenergic effect on the frog's heart. We carried out a quantitative determination of acetylcholine in the lacrimal fluid of sick and healthy people on isolated frog lungs (according to Korsten's method - 1941, modified by Khamitov, 1959).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):72-72
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Toxic encephalopathy due to granosan poisoning

Tankeevskaya V.I., Kozin E.V.


We observed two brothers 4 and 6 years old, poisoned by Granozan. The mother of these children worked in the collective farm garden in the summer of 1960, and the children were constantly with her. To combat pests, vegetables were sprinkled with granosan; in the same garden there were ridges planted with berries that the children ate.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):73-73
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Some observations on the action of hyposulfite

Petrov A.G.


Using sodium hyposulfite for the treatment of senile cataracts for two years, we noted that our patients feel much better after taking this drug by the end of the first month after starting treatment. In addition to improved vision, 30 of our patients improved appetite, sleep and general mood.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):73-74
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Subcutaneous oxygen injection for neuritis of the auditory nerves

Lukashev V.A., Shaimardanov V.M.


We present observations on 50 patients with neuritis of the auditory nerves, treated from 1951 to 1960 by daily administration of oxygen under the skin in the area of the mastoid processes. The first injection was 10 ml, then the dose was increased daily by 5 ml. The dose was brought to 100 ml. The treatment lasted 20 days. In some patients, according to indications, the treatment was repeated after 1-2 months. More than 3 courses a year were not carried out.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):74-74
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The first experience of certification of therapist in the Tatar ASSR

Klyuchareva S.G.


The certification of doctors generated excitement and interest among all medical professionals.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):74-76
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On the lifetime of the urban population of the Tatar ASSR in 1958-1959

Vakhitov M.X.


During the years of Soviet power, the state of health of the population of our country has undergone radical changes for the better. Dangerous infectious diseases - cholera, plague, smallpox, parasitic typhus - have been eliminated. Malaria, which was especially widespread in the Volga region, also disappeared.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):76-78
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Fight against hypogalacty in the conditions of children's consultation

Makarova G.A., Arkhipova G.R., Rakhimova A.A.


Despite the successes achieved in recent decades in artificial feeding of infants, breast milk remains the only natural food ideally suited to the needs of the baby in the first months of life.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):78-80
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From memories of the medical faculty of Kazan university

Egorov A.D.


In the course of many years (45 years) of medical practice, I have to remember my Alma mater many times.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):80-83
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Scientific activity of S.S. Zimnitsky during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905

Anisimov V.E.


The outstanding Kazan therapist Professor Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky (1873 1927) is known in our country and far beyond its borders for his classic works in the field of kidney pathology. She became widely known for her works on heart diseases and disorders of the secretory activity of the Stomach. However, the work of S.S.Zimnitsky, carried out by him in the Far East in 1904 during the Russian-Japanese war and concerning the issues of military field therapy and epidemiology, is little known to a wide circle of doctors.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):83-84
pages 83-84 views

About difficulties and recognition errors of pathological changes of the stomach in laparotomy

Sigal M.Z.


During the operation, difficulties in recognizing pathological changes in the stomach are often encountered. Detection of initial gastric cancer is an unresolved diagnostic problem in laparotomy. Histological studies have shown that the definition of the boundaries of cancerous infiltration of the wall of the stomach or esophagus is often erroneous. Difficulties are encountered in the differential diagnosis between some forms of cancer and peptic ulcer. An ulcer or erosion that served as a source of bleeding may not be detected during laparotomy. Relapses of gastric polyposis, cancer of the stump after resection for cancer or polyps are most often the result of an incorrect assessment of the state of the wall of the preserved part of the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):85-91
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The problem of dental caries and its complications at the IV all-union congress of dentists

Ovrutsky G.D.


Questions of etiology, pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of dental caries and its direct complications were the leading ones in the program of the congress.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):91-94
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First all-russian congress of neuropathologists and psychiators

Stankevich E.S.


The congress discussed the problems of nervous and mental diseases of infectious origin in adults and children, as well as geriatrics and medical examination of the elderly. 608 delegates attended (350 psychiatrists, 246 neuropathologists, 12 physiologists and pathologists).

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):94-97
pages 94-97 views

S.V. Shestakov. Atrial fibrillation

Rakhlin L.M.


Atrial fibrillation occupies a special place among other disorders of the heart rhythm function, often causing heart failure. At the same time, its correct recognition and appropriate therapy in most cases eliminate, if not the arrhythmia itself, then its consequences in hemodynamics. Knowledge of the mechanism of this rhythm disturbance, the conditions for its occurrence, the ability to understand the nature of the disease in which it arose, are necessary for a practitioner. Therefore, the appearance of the second edition of the book by S. V. Shestakov "Atrial Fibrillation" should be welcomed.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):97-98
pages 97-98 views

I.L. Browder, L.S. Persianinov. Emergency care for obstetric and gynecological pathology

Manenkov P.V.


Many women die from the wrong actions of doctors in the provision of emergency obstetric and gynecological care. The reasons for this lie in ignorance of prophylaxis, incorrect or late diagnosis and, especially, incorrect medical tactics. Any measure that helps the doctor learn how to properly provide emergency obstetric and gynecological care is commendable. One such measure is the publication of good textbooks on the subject. These textbooks include peer-reviewed collective leadership. The special value of the latter is that it is designed for rural district and local doctors.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):98-100
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D. K. Zakutinsky, Yu. D. Parfenov, L. N. Selivanova. Handbook of the toxicology of radioactive isotopes

Berezovsky B.S.


The widespread use of radioactive radiation over the past decade, all the new production and use of artificial radioactive isotopes, including many "long-lived" ones, contamination of the atmosphere, soil and water spaces of the earth with radioactive products of nuclear tests has sharply increased the interest of specialists and non-specialists in the toxicology of radioactive substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):100-101
pages 100-101 views

R. Wartenberg. Diagnostic tests in neurology

Sirotkin V.M.


The book under review is conceived as a short guide to the methodology and technique of neurological research and is designed primarily for a general practitioner who is faced with the need to establish the presence of damage to the nervous system and the patient's need for referral to specialized research and treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):101-102
pages 101-102 views

Regarding the article, Assoc. RI Movshovich "On the nomenclature used in determining the time of discharge of amniotic fluid"

Kozlov L.A., Sadykov B.G.


Assoc. RI Movshovich touched upon a topical issue that has long been discussed at a number of our domestic obstetric and gynecological congresses, but has not yet received serious attention from obstetricians and gynecologists. There are few articles on this topic. The work of R. I. Movshovich also belongs to them.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):102-102
pages 102-102 views

In memory of G.A. Zharkovsky

Gromov V.V.


On August 10, 1962, the associate professor of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Kazan State Pedagogical University named after V.I. V.I. Lenin, candidate of medical sciences Grigory Arturovich Zharkovsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1963;44(1):104-104
pages 104-104 views

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