Vol 36, No 6 (1940)

Cover Page

Full Issue

The choice of the method of surgical intervention for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Sokolov N.V.


The risk of perforation, bleeding from an ulcer, its cancerous degeneration associated with leaving an ulcer during gastroenterostomy in place, a relatively high percentage of unsuccessful long-term results from gastroenterostomy (g-e) and other less effective methods of surgical treatment of gastric ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers intestines - naturally, for a long time, surgeons have directed the thought of surgeons to greater radicalism in the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, to the development of methods in which the ulcer itself would be removed.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):5-10
pages 5-10 views

About blood transfusion from a universal donor

Vilesov S.P.


The question of using a universal donor is still a source of controversy among foreign scientists. Levin in Mabei, Wildegans, Elecker, and others speak out against blood transfusion from the O group to persons of another group. At the same time, Brines, Beck, Muro and others consider the danger of using the blood of a universal donor to be greatly exaggerated.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):11-18
pages 11-18 views

The experience of physiotherapy for frostbite in a rear hospital

Lyubina H.I., Mitin V.V.


War, along with a huge number of different injuries, gives a lot of frostbite. This is understandable if we take into account the inevitability of the presence of fighters in the open air under any meteorological conditions, the inevitability of large movements of military units and the need for a long, sometimes motionless position in ambushes and guards.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):18-22
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On the issue of traumatic injuries of the urethra

Nazarov P.V.


The most pressing problems of modern urology are the treatment of traumatic injuries of the urinary system.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):23-25
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To the recognition and treatment of perforated typhoid peritonitis

Polikarpov S.V.


Intestinal perforation, occurring in approximately 2-3% of typhoid fever cases, is one of the most serious complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):26-29
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Leukocyte picture with typhoid fever

Poptsova P.S.


Most authors recognize leukopenia as characteristic of typhoid fever, and only a few authors (Love, Bonn) note leukocytosis throughout typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):29-32
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Treatment of vitamin deficiency with pine needles infusion

Ermolaeva L.E.


Needles, as a remedy for scurvy, have been used for a long time. Thus, in 1535, Jacques Cartier, the leader of a naval expedition to Newfoundland, used a decoction of American pine needles to treat scurvy, which had spread among his crew.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Long-term consequences of meningococcal cerebrospinal meningitis

Basyrov F.X.


What is the health status of children who have had meningococcal cerebrospinal meningitis and who were discharged from the clinic healthy or with any complications?

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):37-41
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On the question of the treatment of chronic encephalitis, the so-called. by the Bulgarian method

Sheikin A.I.


In recent years, a number of works of both clinical and experimental nature have appeared in the literature (almost exclusively in foreign), indicating the beneficial effect of belladonna root preparations on the phenomena of parkinsonism. In 1926, the Bulgarian pharmacist Raev began to successfully treat Parkinson's patients with wine decoction of some roots and pills; besides, he gave some root to chew.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):41-44
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On the question of spontaneous internal fistulas of the gastrointestinal canal

Mitrofanov P.P.


It must be assumed that spontaneous gastrointestinal fistulas are often encountered in the practice of district and local surgeons, but they remain unpublished.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):45-48
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Diverticula of the stomach

Levin Y.F.


The clinical picture of gastric diverticula does not give any pronounced symptom complex.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):48-50
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Polycystic kidney case

Asanbaev D.М.


The recognition of a polycystic kidney was difficult until the recent past.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):50-53
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On the issue of diabetes insipidus treatment

Oberman I.A.


A long list of drugs empirically used to treat diabetes insipidus could be cited, reflecting the ineffectiveness of therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):53-55
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Case of air embolism after vaginal cesarean section

Bakieva R.G.


Air embolism is of interest as a rare and formidable complication in surgical, obstetric and gynecological practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):55-57
pages 55-57 views

Pathogenetic role of the upper respiratory tract in some diseases

Gromov V.


The influence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract on the body as a whole and its individual organs is very significant.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):58-61
pages 58-61 views

Antigenic structure of bacteria and its immunological significance

Revo M.V.


By the name of bacterial antigens, we mean substances contained either in the microbe's body itself, as such, or in flagella (for mobile species) and capsules of bacteria

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):61-65
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Atlas of human anatomy, vol. II "Teaching about muscles"

Vorobiev V.P.


Ed. 1938. Contains 251 pages with an alphabetical index.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):65-67
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Pathology of the postpartum period. A guide for doctors

Bublchenko L.I.


1939 Leningrad. Circulation 3000 copies. Price 7 rubles, 228 pages.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):67-68
pages 67-68 views

Vitamin K, its properties, distribution and clinical significance.

Snell A.М.


The Journal. of the American. Medical. Ass. Vol. 112, № 15. April 15, 1939, p. 1457.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):68-69
pages 68-69 views

Detection of vitamin C by intracutaneous test

Dembskaya V.


Deutsch, med. Wochenschr. Т 65, 18—VIII, 1939.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):69-69
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Vitamin C content in various rosehip dishes

Grigorchenko E.


Ann. pediatric!, Vol. 153, № 2, 1939.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):69-69
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Treatment of vascular purpura with vitamin P

Dembskaya V.


J. Am. m. Ass. Т 115, № 7, 17-VIII 1940

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):70-70
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The use of sulfanilamide and its derivatives in the Oet practice

Dembskaya V.


J. Атт- Ass. Т. 115 № И, 14-IX 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):70-72
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Sulfapyridine for acute respiratory tract infections in children

Dembskaya V.


Union med. du Canada, T 69, III, 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):72-72
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Sulfapyridine in the treatment of pneumonia in small children

Dembskaya V.


J. Am. Med. Ass. Т. 112 № 15,5—IV 1939

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):72-72
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The value of the tuberculin test

Pechnikova V.N.


Amer. Journ. of. Dis. of. Childrd , V. 57. № 3, p. 570, 1939.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):72-72
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On the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis

Yurinov T.M.


Denn. Wo- chenschr., Bd 110, № 15, 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):73-73
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On the treatment of skin diseases with staphylococcal toxoid

Yurinov T.M.


Derm. Wochensclir Bd. 110. № 6 1910

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):73-73
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Impact of prontosil and uliron on lupus erythematosus

Team E.


Arch. f. Dermat.. Bd. 180, S. 98, 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):73-73
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Crystalline sulfanilamide for complicated fractures

Dembskaya V.


Texas State Med. J. T, 36, VII, 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):73-74
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Infrared burn treatment

Dembskaya V.


Presse Med. ап. 47, № 8, 28/1-1939. 139.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):74-74
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Damage and strictures of the bile ducts

Yurov V.


The journ. Anieric. Medic. Ass., m. 113, № 3, 15-V11.1939.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):74-74
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Complicated fractures in childhood

Вгekmаn F.


Americ. Journ. of Surg. vol 39, № 2, 1938

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):74-75
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Chemotherapy for war wounds

Dembskaya V.


I. Am. m Ass, Т. 114, № 17, 27-IV, 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):75-75
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Influence of fertility and mortality on the population of England and Wales

Mukhamedyarov F.G.


In recent years, there has been a sharp decline in population growth in England and Wales, and for 1933 the reproduction rate is expressed at 0.845.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):75-76
pages 75-76 views

On the treatment of infected wounds and inflammatory processes

Domrachev I.V.


Were tested various agents (ammargen, potassium permanganate, rivanol, iodine, bactericide, chlorocide, white streptocide powder, activated carbon in powder, hypertonic sodium chloride solution, novocaine block and Vishnevsky's ointment).

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):76-76
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Vishnevsky's methods in the practice of treating military trauma

Osipovskiy V.M.


The speaker reports on the clinical results of the treatment of military trauma using the Vishnevsky methods (novocaine block, ointment oil-balsamic dressing) in a rear hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):76-77
pages 76-77 views

About skin replacement after injuries using the combined Alglava-Tirshu method

Vilesov S.P.


Various skin grafting techniques are critically evaluated.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):77-77
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On the issue of traumatic epilepsy

Omorokov L.I.


Literature data on the incidence of epilepsy after trauma vary from 1% to 20%. The nature of the injury and its localization matter. Traumatic epilepsy is divided into 2 categories - early and late epilepsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):77-78
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The experience of physiotherapy for frostbite in a rear hospital

Lyubina N.I., Mitin V.V.


The report is printed in this No.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):78-78
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Materials on the issue of cranial injuries

Aydarov A.A.


The author shared his experience in treating cranial wounds in a hospital army base.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):78-79
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Experience in treating gunshot fractures of the diaphysis of the shoulder in an army hospital base

Samoilov G.S.


In the advanced area, first aid to the wounded was provided within 2-3 hours in 85% of cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):79-79
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On the treatment of gunshot wounds to large joints in the army area

Efimov V.S.


During the war with the White Finns, the author, while working at the Army hospital base, treated large joints with gunshot wounds.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):79-80
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About amputations from the point of view of prosthetic technique

Shulutko L.I.


In his report he dwells on the main issues of importance in the prosthetics of the amputated.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):80-80
pages 80-80 views

On the issue of amputation of limbs for gas gangrene in the military area

Pestrikov S.V.


The speaker shares his experience in laying down. institutions of the military district. Observations concern the issue of surgical treatment and methods of pain relief in wounded patients with gas gangrene.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):80-80
pages 80-80 views

The tactics and practice of the medical battalion on the Finnish front

Shklyaev A.A.


At the beginning of hostilities, it became clear that the personnel of medical instructors and, in particular, orderlies were poorly trained.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):80-81
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About intramuscular hexenal anesthesia

Herzberg B.G.


In the propedeutic surgical clinic of the KSMI, Geksenal has been used intramuscularly since 1938.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):81-81
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Comparative evaluation of methods of treating gunshot wounds complicated by anaerobic infection

Polyantsev A.A.


In the Petrozavodsk evacuation hospital No. 1 of the NKZ for the total number of wounded who passed through the II and III chir. department., 3.8% of wounds complicated by anaerobic infection were observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):81-82
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Abdominal tumor case

Kazakov K.S.


B-noi S., 21 years old, was admitted with complaints of a tumor in the lower abdomen.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-82
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A case of intestinal fistula closure by the Rener method

Team E.


An intestinal fistula formed after a caesar section and subsequent pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-82
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A case of cecum tuberculosis

Vyaselev R.A.


4 years ago the patient underwent an appendectomy operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-82
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Team E.


Prof. N.V. Sokolov. The first demonstration is interesting from a diagnostic point of view.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-82
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Treatment of gunshot wounds of the lungs and pleura in an evacuation hospital

Polyantsev A.A.


published in Kazan Medical. magazine

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-82
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On the question of the treatment of carbuncles

Shmagina M.D.


published in Kazan Medical. magazine

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-82
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Experience of treating leprosy patients with tuberculosis vaccine prof. B. L. Mazura

Agrikolyansky B.N.


For treatment, an intravenous live vaccine from a non-acid-resistant strain of tubercle bacillus was used.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):82-83
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Algic autonomic syndrome in neurasthenic malaria

Badyul P.A.


The neurasthenic form of chronic malaria is one of the most common and common.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):83-83
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Leukocyte blood count in malaria

Tsareva V.Y.


The report was published in Kaz. medical. magazine. No. 3, 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):83-83
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The effectiveness of acriquine treatment for acute forms of malaria

Petrov D.P.


Akrikhin, synthesized in the USSR in 33-34, is a highly effective agent in the treatment of malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):83-83
pages 83-83 views

Anniversary scientific session of the Kazan State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V. I. Lenin

Team E.


During the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Kazan GIDUV on 14-16 VI 1940, a scientific session was organized, at which 3 plenary sessions and 15 sectional sessions were held.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):83-85
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Team E.


In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Tatar ASSR for merits in the field of socialist construction, the following were awarded: the Order of Lenin, Professor of the Kazan Medical Institute A. F. Agafonov.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):85-86
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Professor Moisey Markovich Gran

Team E.


On September 14, 1940, one of the oldest social workers in our Union, Professor Moisei Markovich Grai, died in Moscow.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(6):86-87
pages 86-87 views

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