Vol 47, No 1 (1966)

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Victorin Sergeevich Gruzdev

Manenkov P.V.


Celebrating the centenary of the birth of Professor Viktorin Sergeevich Gruzdev, one should recall some of his biographical dates and the main stages of his activity, since this is connected with the implementation of his behests in the future work of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which bears his name.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):1-5
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The clinical significance of modern methods of fetal research

Persianinov L.S.


For a long time, the state of the fetus during its intrauterine life was judged by its cardiac activity, determined using an obstetric stethoscope

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):5-10
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Ganglion blocking drugs in obstetrics

Freiydlin I.I.


Over the past decade, a number of new pharmacological substances have found themselves in various branches of medicine, called ganglion blockers (gangliotics, ganglioplegics) for their property of blocking the transmission of nervous excitement from preganglionic to postganglionic fibers of the autonomic nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):10-12
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Contracting activity of the uterus under the influence of pituitrin

Yakubova Z.N.


A single intravenous application of 0.5 ml of pituitrin or oxytocin in 20 ml of 40% glucose solution instead of obstetric forceps application to the fetal head (with weak attempts and fetal asphyxia) has been clinically tested on more than 400 women in labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):12-14
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Induction of labor by intravenous oxytocin

Voronin K.V.


There are conflicting opinions in the literature regarding the value of oxytocin as a means of inducing labor, which prompted us to share our experience.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):14-17
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Diagnostic value of constriction on the uterus in childbirth

Chugunova L.V.


One of the most constant and indicative symptoms of Bandlev's threatening uterine rupture is the appearance on the uterus of a high and obliquely located constriction - a retraction groove due to overstretching of the lower segment of the uterus against the background of an obvious mechanical obstacle in childbirth, violent labor and flowing away, with a healthy modified).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):17-19
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The growth of the woman in labor and the primary weakness of labor

Davidov -.V.


A large number of works by both domestic and foreign authors are devoted to the elucidation of the reasons for the weakness of labor. However, in these works, we did not find indications of a connection between the growth of women in labor and the development of weakness in labor. It is natural to assume that the more physically developed a woman is, the less opportunities she has for the appearance of weakness in labor and, conversely, the less she is physically developed, the greater this opportunity.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):19-20
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Basal metabolism in women with genital neoplasms

Blind I.M.


The study of the basal metabolic rate is of great importance in the study of various states of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):20-22
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Features of the phase structure of cardiac contraction in healthy pregnant women

Kalashnikova G.A., Shatrova T.A., Mihailova -.P.


The widespread introduction of phonocardiography into practice and its improvement made it possible to study the hemodynamics of the cardiac cycle, which allows, to some extent, an objective assessment of the functional state of cardiac activity.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):22-23
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About thromboelastographic studies of the blood coagulation system

Klimova K.H., Kotovshicova M.A.


The advances achieved to date in the study of the blood coagulation system make it possible not only to assess the coagulation process as a whole, but also to elucidate the state of individual factors of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems. The ratios of such data are reflected in coagulograms.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):23-26
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Blood clotting at different periods of circulatory disorders in rheumatic heart disease

Syrin A.A.


In the mechanisms of the occurrence of thrombotic complications, which are often found in patients with heart defects, special importance is attached to disorders in the blood coagulation system.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):26-30
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The value of some coagulation indicators of blood in patients with circulatory disorders and in patients with angina pectoris

Popov Y.P.


Prevention and treatment of thromboembolic complications in therapeutic patients is still far from a solved problem. The study of mechanisms and conditions of thromboembolism occurrence in patients with vascular pathology and in patients with circulatory disorders is of paramount importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):30-32
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On the value of determining the coagulation ability of blood in erythremia

Krasnoperov F.T.


With erythremia (polycythemia), many authors, in particular I.A.Kassirsky and A.V. Demidova (1960), note such lesions as coronary thrombosis, thrombosis of cerebral vessels, hepatic arteries, portal veins, limb vessels, etc. S. Loginov (1956) emphasizes the importance of slowing down the blood flow, the level of prothrombin and changes in the vascular wall in the development of thrombosis in erythremia.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):32-34
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The state of the coagulation and anticoagulant blood systems in toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, during pregnancy, in childbirth and the postpartum period

Barah T.F.


L. A. Parshina, E. V. Kravkova, S. Csömöv, Z. Kaplav, Kennan, R. Vara, K. Kotsald note an increase in blood clotting properties both in normal pregnancy and in toxicosis. Blood fibrinogen rises to 600 mg% and higher, while fibrinolytic process is activated in parallel.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):34-35
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The state of the fibrinogen-fibrinolytic blood system in the elderly with physical activity of varying intensity

Neserenko N.I.


We conducted studies of the content of fibrinogen and the state of the fibrinolytic system in the elderly after muscular activity. The study included 56 men aged 57–70 years, of whom 42 suffered from uncomplicated atherosclerosis, 5 hypertensive disease in combination with atherosclerosis; 9 had age related changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):35-36
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On the importance of citric acid in the pathogenesis and treatment of rickets

Gelfman L.Y.


Recently, much attention has been paid to citric acid in the pathogenesis of rickets. It is known that citric acid plays an important role in the metabolic process, participating in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle), through which the products of the interstitial metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids are oxidized to the final products.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):37-39
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On the content of trace elements in the blood of healthy young children

Kamalova R.G.


About 50 trace elements are found in the human body. All of them play a role in the regulation of biochemical processes, being in close connection with enzymes, vitamins, hormones. As biocatalysts, trace elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, especially the growing one. Both an excess and a deficiency of trace elements cause pathological conditions. These include: endemic goiter with iodine deficiency; anemia with a lack of copper, cobalt; acobaltoses; with an excess of fluorine - fluorosis, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):39-40
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About the content of fibrinogen in the plasma of patients with stomach cancer

Lus P.V.


The assumption that normally two types of thrombin — A and B — and the corresponding two fibrinogens are involved in blood coagulation, was expressed in 1945 by Lyons. In his opinion, each individual thrombin cannot convert fibrinogen to fibrin. Thrombin A initially catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen A to fibrinogen B, which is converted to fibrin under the influence of thrombin B. Thus, Lyons considers fibrinogen B as an intermediate stage in the formation of fibrin (prіofibrin).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):40-42
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Some causes of death during surgical treatment of massive intracerebral hemorrhage

Belokyrov U.N.


High mortality rates and low efficiency of conservative therapy force us to reconsider the tactics and methods of treatment of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):43-45
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Ejunogastroplasty for gastric resection

Fyrman U.O.


Gastric resection is so far the only radical operation for polyposis, cancer, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):45-48
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Is splenectomy or ligation of the splenic artery advisable for liver cirrhosis?

Usov D.V.


Often, the leading symptoms in the clinic of liver cirrhosis are signs of portal hypertension. One of the terrible symptoms is bleeding from the dilated veins of the esophagus and stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):48-49
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Radiophosphoric diagnostics of pigmented skin tumors

Volodina G.I., Abdulin A.S., Novouspenskaya I.B.


Differential diagnosis of pigmented tumors presents great difficulties. Even in qualified medical institutions, the diagnosis of melanoma is established only in half of the cases (A.P. Shanin, 1962).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):50-50
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Efficacy of Radiation Therapy for Lower Lip Cancer

Uditckii B.Y.


In the Perm Regional Oncological Dispensary for 1949-1958. 382 people underwent radiation treatment for cancer of the lower lip. Cancer was histologically confirmed in 296 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):51-52
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Treatment of appendicular infiltrates

Medvedovskaya G.D., Tihonova T.P.


This report is based on observations of 362 patients with appendicular infiltrates, who were found among 15270 patients with acute appendicitis, who were admitted to the clinic and its branches over 10 years, which amounted to 2.3%. These frequency indicators coincide with those available in the literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):52-54
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Cervical hematometer

Davudova M.A.


At one time, we described the hematometer of the cervix, which simulated fibroids. In 1963, we observed another patient with this disease.


Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):55-55
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Criminal abortion, combined with acute phlegmonous appendicitis and intestinal obstruction

Okylov K.A., Karimov H.K.


The observed combination of pathological processes in one patient is rare and of certain interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):55-56
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Retroperitoneal lipomas simulating ovarian tumors

Pogilov P.Z.


Over the past four years, on 186 patients operated on for ovarian tumors, at the time of the operation we twice met with retroperitoneal lipomas located in the small pelvis, simulating ovarian tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):56-57
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Foreign bodies left in the abdominal cavity during surgery

Popov A.F.


In surgical practice, the accidental leaving of foreign bodies in the surgical wound is an infrequent phenomenon. Even less frequently, these errors are reported in print.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):57-58
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Experience in the use of pelentan, phenylin and sodium citrate in acute myocardial infarction

Gershberg A.L.


108 men and 3 women admitted to the hospital in the acute period of myocardial infarction were under observation. At the age of up to 40 years there were 5, from 41 to 50 - 35, from 51 to 60 - 55 and older - 16 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):58-59
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Coagulation and anticoagulant blood system in patients with ischemic strokes

Kynina T.L.


Among those examined on the 1st-15th day of illness there were 6 men aged 63 to 78 years and 24 women - from 36 to 83 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):59-59
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Heredity in Werlhof disease

Dashevskaya R.S., Damperova A.I.


Patient T., 21 years old, was under observation for 1 year; she was admitted to the therapeutic department on 13 / XI 1962 in a serious condition due to persistent uterine bleeding. The patient was disturbed by severe weakness, dizziness, thirst, dry mouth.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):60-60
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Experience of using vicasol to prevent disorders of intestinal motor function in the postoperative period

Matysis I.I., Bogdanov N.G., Flat K.L., Usipova N.A.


In recent years, it has been established in our laboratory that vitamin K increases the adenosine triphosphatase activity of myosin and the contractile ability of myosin filaments and, in this regard, increases the contractile and tonic properties of the muscles. This data opened the way for attempts to use the vitamin

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):60-60
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Leaving foreign bodies in the abdominal cavity during surgery

Ananiev Y.M.


A significant part of cases of leaving foreign bodies (and, in particular, instruments) in the abdominal cavity remains unpublished and does not fall into statistical records. English surgeon Cl. White sent in 1923 a questionnaire to 90 surgeons in England asking them to report cases of foreign bodies left in the abdominal cavity during operations. Despite the fact that anonymity was fully ensured, only 39 surgeons responded.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):61-61
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Breech presentation of the fetus (based on materials from the 5 maternity hospital in Kazan)

Ponamareva L.P.


The frequency of breech presentation of the fetus, according to the literature, averages 3.47%.

The average stillbirth rate in breech presentation of the fetus (I. K. Vachnadze, E. S. Kushnirskaya, R. G. Bakieva, N. V. Kinzhalova) is 7.1%, and abroad (Gedberg, Goethals, Andreas) - 13, 6%.


Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):61-62
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Experience of using potentiated alcohol-thiopental anesthesia with controlled breathing in a district hospital

Razumov R.T., Stepanov A.I.


We began to give preference to intravenous alcoholic-thiopental anesthesia after we became convinced in 1962 that this type of anesthesia is characterized by a calmer course with mild fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure.


Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):62-62
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The experience of using hypnosuggestative psychotherapy in the preoperative period under conditions

Kabanovskii A.N.


We conducted a study of the preoperative period in 100 patients who underwent hypnosuggestational psychotherapy, and 100 patients who were usually treated, as is customary in all surgical departments.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):62-63
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From the experience of emergency operations on the abdominal organs in the district hospital

Kozurev V.A., Petyhov N.S.


A 3-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital on 26 / 11-63 in serious condition on the 4th day of illness with complaints of abdominal pain and vomiting. The child suffered from chickenpox a week ago. Temperature 35.6 °.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):63-63
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Osteogenesis incompleta of the right femur in combination with syndactyly of the fingers of the right hand

Zylkarneev R.A.


Surgical correction in adults of those consequences that resulted from bone underdevelopment due to incomplete osteogenesis is of practical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):64-64
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Palpation diagnosis of chronic colitis

Malcev I.T.


For many years, we have searched for simple, years to feasible, widely available methods for the clinical diagnosis of chronic colitis. It was also taken into account that they could be completely reliable in clinical practice. We tested these methods on our patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):64-65
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Ear-temporal syndrome

Sharafismailov F.S.


Ear-temporal syndrome manifests itself in unilateral redness and profuse sweating on the skin of the anterior and temporal regions during chewing. This syndrome usually occurs after trauma or suppuration in the area of the parotid salivary gland. The phenomenon was first described by Beyarget in 1853, in 1923 Frey described this syndrome in a patient after a gunshot wound in the parotid gland. She gave a detailed analysis of the symptoms of the disease.


Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):65-66
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Removing Wolfarth fly larvae from the ear using chlorophos

Stepanov K.D.


In rural areas of the southeast of Tataria, cases of parasitism of fly larvae in the human ear canal are rare. These are usually the larvae of the Wolfarth fly (KD Stepanov and VA Boyko, 1959).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):66-66
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Current state of the problem of blood coagulation

Zybairov D.M.


The problem of blood clotting is of equal interest to a biochemist and a doctor. It is assumed that blood coagulation plays a decisive role both in some hemorrhagic diathesis and in thrombosis and the fight against them.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):66-70
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Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of the study of blood clotting

Tepper P.A.


It is known that coagulation factors do not reveal any reliable and subsequently justified signs of threatening thrombus formation. Changes in factors tell the researcher almost nothing about the current situation in this or that patient with certain painful conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):71-74
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Experience in improving the work of the registry in the polyclinic

Kistenko V.P.


The polyclinic is located on the ground floor of a multi-storey residential building and serves 27 thousand adults in 10 medical areas with 857 visits per day (on average). When planning the polyclinic on the first floor of the building, a reception was provided next to the lobby in a room of 16 sq. m.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):74-75
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Some facts from the social activities of V.S.Gruzdev

Zhychkova N.I.


Few people know that in 1905 prof. V.S.Gruzdev joined his voice to the statement of a group of leading professors of Russia (I.P. Borodin, H.E. Vvedensky, I.P. Pavlov, F.V. Ovsyannikov and others), including Kazan ( N. A. Gerken, L. O. Darkshevich, V. I. Razumovsky, and others), about the need for a "complete and radical transformation" of the modern state system of Russia "through freely elected representatives of the entire people".

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):76-77
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A brief overview of the activities of the Kazan Scientific Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists from 1925 to 1965.

Manenkov P.V.


All the materials that characterize the work of the society for the specified period have not survived. There are only reports on scientific meetings, published in the "Kazan Medical Journal", and materials on the work of the society over the past 20 years. This summary is based on these data, as well as on my personal memories as a member of society.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):77-79
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Blood transport container

Belyaev V.Y., Ishyev S.H.


Modern "Rules for the transportation and storage of blood" require a constant optimal temperature -f-4 °, + 6 ° C. During long-term transportation (6-8 hours), temperature fluctuations from + 3 ° C to 4-12 ° C are allowed.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):79-80
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Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) and its clinical uses

Saperov V.N.


Monograph by Dr. med. Sciences VE Anisimova acquaints the reader with the physiological role in the body of vitamin Bis (pangamic acid), which is still little known to wide medical circles.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):80-81
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Rubakov A.I.


The book was published in the "Library of the Practitioner" series. It is dedicated to diseases of the oral mucous membranes, which are faced by a wide range of doctors: dentists, dermatologists, pediatricians, otolaryngologists, therapists, infectious disease specialists, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):81-82
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Congresses and conferences. 2nd congress of obstetricians-gynecologists of the rsfsr 29 / vi-3 / vii 1965

Miftahova F.A.


The Congress heard reports on the following five problems

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):82-88
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Atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and coronary insufficiency. The problem of atherosclerosis

Nepryahin G.G.


I. V. Davydovsky (Moscow) made a report “Atherosclerosis as a problem of age”. Atherosclerosis, in his view, in contrast to theory. H. N. Anichkova, natural and specific phenomenon associated with age.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):88-90
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Myocardial infarction and coronary insufficiency

Poruvaev N.F.


A. V. Smolyannikov and T. A. Naddachina (Moscow) pointed out that in recent years the problem of heart attack is more and more closely related to the problem of non-coronary necrosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):90-92
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Scientific session on the problem of fibrinolysis

Kotovshikova M.A.


From 23 to 25 June 1965, a scientific session on the problem of fibrinolysis was held at the Leningrad Institute of Blood Transfusion. The conference was opened by the chairman of the Academic Council of the RSFSR Ministry of Health, prof. K. V. Bunin.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):92-94
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Professor Mikhail Petrovich Andreev

Andreev V.P., Mendelevich D.M.


11/1 1966 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor Mikhail Petrovich Andreev, Honored Scientist of the TASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):95-95
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Vyaselev R.A., Popov A.F.


Higher medical education in our country has passed a remarkable path of development. As you know, until 1930, only general doctors were trained at the medical faculties of universities.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(1):96-98
pages 96-98 views

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