Vol 22, No 4 (1926)

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Full Issue

To the method of research of the lymphatic system

Syzganov A.N.


The gradual improvement of the methods of artificial injection was associated with the development of some basic technical conditions that are mandatory for the successful implementation of the injection.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):375-379
pages 375-379 views

Biology of the tubercle bacillus

Mazur B.L.


Long before the discovery of the pathogen tbc, botanists used a double color: they stained their preparations with an alkaline or alcoholic solution of methylene blue, and then again with an aqueous solution of Vesuvine. He was also aware of the fact that sometimes, with such a double stain, some parts of the preparation from the plant parenchyma lose their blue color and are colored in the color of Vesuvine.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):380-385
pages 380-385 views

To the doctrine of the function of the gastric cell, investigated by the method of prof. S. S. Zimintsky, with heart and kidney diseases.

Vilenskiy L.I.


It has long been known that for the proper functioning of an organism, a connection between individual organs is necessary, that a violation of the functions of individual parts of the organism important for the life can fundamentally undermine its life processes. Since the time of Galen, hypotheses have been created that clarify the mutual dependence between individual parts of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):386-391
pages 386-391 views

About the effect of anesthesia on the kidneys

Ratner L.M.


There was a time, about 30 years after the discovery of general anesthesia, when the possibility of late chloroform death was absolutely denied, and even the authority of Casper and Langenbeck, who first described such cases, did not shake this opinion. Only convincing experiments on animals by Bastanelli, Müller and Aubertin and Fraenkel's pathological studies laid the foundation for the doctrine of late chloroform death.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):392-399
pages 392-399 views

On the question of the surgical treatment of goiter Сохранить перевод

Eiber S.M.


Observation and experience in the study of goiter are of great value not only for the surgeon, but also for the biologist. The goiter was already known to doctors in ancient times, and they treated it in various conservative ways, but only modern pathological and anatomical studies, laboratory experiments and successful surgical intervention resolved this issue scientifically, and the operation for goiter took a strong position among the methods of its treatment, being, on the one hand, it is quite accessible and possible for the broad masses, on the other hand, it is a completely justified biotechnical method, which, according to the huge clinical material available, seems to be the chosen and best one.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):400-402
pages 400-402 views

To the Abderhalden reaction method (Preliminary message)

Aunapu O.G.


In the fall of 1924 prof. M.S. Malinovsky suggested that I begin to determine the pathological chemistry of endocrine glands in some gynecological diseases using the Abderhalden reaction. As is known, from the very beginning Abderhalden himself indicated two methods of producing this reaction: dialysis and optical. But the first of them was soon abandoned by Abderhalden, who found that the casings used in this method give about 30% of the marriage. In addition, the latest research by Lüttge and Merz has shown that the sleeve itself can hold the protein breakdown products, a fact that greatly devalues ​​the entire reaction technique.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):403-407
pages 403-407 views

Experience of using the stalagmometric method of urine research in gynecology and obstetrics

Tarlo B.S.


It is known that, under normal conditions, urine contains almost no colloidal substances, and their appearance in a more noticeable amount indicates a pathological state of the body. It would therefore be important to have at our disposal a method with which it would be possible to discover these substances not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):408-413
pages 408-413 views

Isolation of infants as a measure to combat tuberculosis

Kisel' A.A.


Over the past two decades, it has already become quite clear to everyone that tbc in children begins at a very early age, at least in the first months of life. True, very insufficient work has been done in this direction, especially if we bear in mind the exceptional importance of the question; however, the view just given about the frequency of tbc in children in the first months of life can be considered generally accepted.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):414-421
pages 414-421 views

On the question of neurolues

Seidel D.L.


Even during Virchow, - according to the testimony of prof. MI Molchanova, - it was known that syphilitic infection tends to be localized simultaneously in various tissues of the body and, in particular, in the nervous system, it is inclined to simultaneously affect its various parts - both peripheral nerves, and membranes, and the very substance of the brain. Molchanov explains the cases of syphilitic poliomyelitis that he observed without the participation of the spinal membranes by the penetration of the infection by the vascular route, which is consistent with the now dominant view of Sicard about the introduction of the causative agent of syphilis (Spir. Pallida) through the circulatory system into the nervous tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):422-428
pages 422-428 views

Complement Fluctuations in Protein Therapy for Gonorrhea

Pechnikov Y.D.


According to Weichardt, protoplasm activation is at the heart of protein therapy. The result of this activation is an increase in the normal functions of various cellular elements, including those that play a protective role in the body's fight against disease-causing agents. If we can associate the origin of complement and protective immunoids with the functional activity of certain cellular elements, then a priori we can expect an increase in these substances in the body juices under the influence of parenteral administration of foreign proteins.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):429-436
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Transscopy in forensic practice

Borodatova T.S.


Recently, as the crime technique, as indicated by Florence, has become more sophisticated due to the careful efforts of criminals to hide the traces of their crimes, for example, in the sense of destroying blood stains, forensic medical examination has become more difficult and its nature has changed somewhat. The expert is now led, for the most part, to deal with blood spots of the smallest size, as a result of which he must use methods of research that either do not alter the blood spots at all, or require the smallest quantities of the latter for their production.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):437-439
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About early visceral syphilis

Batunin M., Okulov A.


In his clinical lecture on visceral syphilis (Kaz. Med. J., 1925, No. 4) prof. R. Luria says: “The possibility of syphilis affecting internal organs was considered universally recognized in the 17th century. However, - such is the power of routine and medical tradition, - the idea of the possibility of visceral syphilis is still not clearly understood, and not only by patients who turn almost exclusively to venereologists about their former infection, but also by the wide masses of doctors. "

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):440-450
pages 440-450 views

New in the speech of mental illness

Zhilin I.N.


Over the past decade, therapeutic nihilism in psychiatry, the consciousness of the complete uselessness of any kind of influence on the painful process, has begun to give way to attempts at active intervention. Our time is especially rich in such attempts, and in the latest books of German psychiatric journals, we find a number of articles on the treatment of psychosis. We will acquaint our readers with the most important of these works.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):450-455
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Vital granularity of erythrocytes

S. V.


When unfixed blood smears are stained with basic aniline dyes (for example, Brillantkresylblau), a blue granular-filamentous substance becomes visible in some erythrocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):455
pages 455 views

Keeping tissues alive

S. V.


Criticizing the chemical composition of Locke's, Ringer's and Biedermann's fluids, Omar (according to the ref. New Fr. Med. And Biol., 1924, No. 1) offers a trace fluid for this purpose. composition: H2O — 1000 hours,. Na3PO4 - 3 hours, NaHCO3 - 3 hours and NaCl - 2 hours.
Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):455
pages 455 views

A simplified way to form an isolated stomach

Shcherbakov S.A.


Prof. V.N.Boldyrev (Bull. Of the Battle-Creek Sanitarium a. Hosp. Clinic., 1925, vol. XX, No. 2), criticizing the classic operation of I.P. Pavlov for isolating a part of the stomach while maintaining innervation, as very difficult , which gives a significant% of animal mortality and does not always guarantee the impermeability of the septum separating the "large" stomach from the "small", and also does not allow taking a more or less significant part of the stomach as an isolated bag, offers its own simplified method of forming an isolated stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):455-456
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Correlation between vitamins and hormones

Sergeev V.


BN Schmidt (Mediko-Biol. Zh., 1925, issue 1-2) was convinced that with experimental scorbut (C-avitaminosis) certain microscopic changes in the endocrine glands are observed in guinea pigs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):456
pages 456 views

The role of the organs of internal secretion in the etiology of cancer

Sergeev V.


Having studied the state of the gonads, thyroid gland and pituitary gland in 53 cases of cancer. V. Krasheninnikov (Br. Delo, 1926, No. 2) came to the conclusion that there is a known predisposition (age, sex, hereditary, racial) to the development of cancerous tumors, which is based on a kind of constitutional anomaly.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):456
pages 456 views

The essence of biological irritation and its significance in therapy

Greenbarg A.


Goldscheider (Zeit. F. Die phys. Ther., 1925, Bd. 31) finds that life processes both in a healthy and in a sick organism occur due to the irritation of its cells and therefore depend on the ratio of irritation to reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):456-457
pages 456-457 views

To the question of the body's reaction to local mud therapy

Klyachkin G.


Dr. Berlin (Tr. Balyk Inst. On Kavk. Min. Vody, 1925, vol. II) set out to find out the general reaction of the body during mud therapy, citing comparative observations both in resort conditions and outside the resort environment (in the Essentuki branch of the Institute and in the Moscow spa clinic).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):457
pages 457 views

Na bromide, as a hemostatic

S. V.


S. Bühn (Gaz. Lek. 1925, No. 34-35) obtained excellent results from the use of sodium bromide in bleeding. Usually he introduced this agent in a 10% solution, in an amount of 10 cubic meters. sant., into a vein.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):457
pages 457 views

Congenital syphilitic insufficiency of the aorta

S. V.


According to prof. F.O. Gausmana (Bp. Delo, 1925, No. 22-23) this disease occurs in children and especially in adults more often than people think.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):457
pages 457 views

Electrotherapy of heart diseases

Greenbarg A.


Rausch (Zeit. F. Des. Physik. Therap., 1925, Bd. 31) reports on the favorable results obtained by him from the local application of faradic current to the heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):457
pages 457 views

On the biology of the malaria mosquito

G. V.


It has long been known that our anopheles mosquito, Anopheles maculipennis, prefers small reservoirs when laying its eggs, while large lakes and swamps are often free of its larvae and pupae.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):457-45
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Diagnostic value of blood morphology in malaria

G. V.


Observations on the blood of malaria convinced IM Markus (Bp. Delo, 1925, No. 22-23), by the way, that a reduced amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, aneosinophilia and an increased amount of mononuclear cells are signs of untreated or poorly treated malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):458
pages 458 views

Pagniello symptom

S. V.


The recently deceased Italian physician Pagniello (according to the ref. In "New Franz. Med. And Biol.", 1925, No. 8-9) discovered a new interesting phenomenon that has, apparently, diagnostic value in malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):458
pages 458 views

Towards hematology tbc

Mirkin A.


The study of blood in patients with tbc lungs convinced EI Kantorovich (Ozd. Truda and Rev. Byta, issue VII) that severe forms of this disease in most cases are accompanied, along with a predominantly degenerative shift to the left according to Schilling, by the presence of toxic active neutrophils , often with the appearance of toxic-degenerative, giant and dwarf neutrophils.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):458
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Secretory function of the stomach during tbc

Mirkin A.


Dr. Verlin (Vopr. Tuberculosis, 1925, No. 5) made an attempt to study the secretory function of the stomach in various forms and phases of development of the tbc process, examining patients with a thin probe.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):458
pages 458 views

Kink clinic flexurae lienalis

Friedland M.


The clinic of flexurae lienalis bends was analyzed by Lindenbaum (West Hir. And Burial. Obl., Book 14, 1925) on the basis of his own 9 observations and literature data. The author indicates 4 etiological types: anatomical and embryological (short ligam.phrenico-colici, membranous formations in the area of flexurae lienalis), transverso-ptosis (free and fixed), gastro-transversoptosis (with lengthened and non-lengthened lig. gastro-colicum) and inflammatory (adhesions in the flex area. lienalis).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):458-459
pages 458-459 views

The etiology of caput obstipum musculare continues to be the subject of study

Friedland M.


Levin (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925), making a critical review of existing theories on this topic (congenital, traumatic, degenerative and neurogenic) and dwelling on his own observation of acquired muscle torticollis, which arose on the basis of syringomyelitic lesions the upper cervical spinal cord, tends to the etiological explanation put forward by Golding-Bird, which links the development of caput obstipum musculare with damage to the central nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):459
pages 459 views

On the pathogenesis of spontaneous gangrene

G. V.


From the point of view of the well-known theory of prof. Oppel about the origin of spontaneous gangrene are of great interest in the experimental studies carried out by A. N. Pchelin and A. N. Kabanov (Ozd. Truda and Rev. Byta, issue VII) at the Obukh Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):459
pages 459 views

Industrial injuries and tasks of a surgeon

Friedland M.


Shtark (Novaya Khirurgiya, No. 5, 1925) based on his experience and data on I and II Council of People's Commissars in Odessa for 1923 formulates them in the form of the following provisions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):459
pages 459 views

Preventive control of flatoscopy

Friedland M.


The preventive struggle against the plastoscopy acquired by mankind: in connection with culture and civilization, should be carried out, according to Vreden (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925), primarily along the line of struggle for normal footwear, which should satisfy the following requirements.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):459
pages 459 views


Sergeev V.


This operation was proposed and first performed by the American surgeon Weir with the goals of 1) treating diseases of the colon by removing gases through the fistula formed at the same time, 2) artificial feeding of patients and 3) medicinal effect on the mucous membrane of the large intestine in colitis by washing the intestine through the fistula ... Technically, it is very simple: one of the typical incisions of the abdominal wall is made, a vermiform appendix is ​​found through it, a second small hole is made lateral to the incision in the abdominal wall, the apex of the appendix is ​​brought out through it so that no more than 1 sant stands above the skin level. him, sew the end of the process behind its serous cover to the skin and close a large incision.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):459-460
pages 459-460 views

Splenectomy for sepsis

S. V.


According to prof. I V Zavadsky (Russian. Clin., 1925, No. 20) slow sepsis shows the surgical removal of the spleen, if the patient has a prolonged fever, enlargement of the spleen and a certain degree of anemia (of course, you must first exclude malaria, typhoid disease, tbc , lues, leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, leishmaniasis, and Maltese fever). The presence of microbes in the blood is not a contraindication to this operation, which should not be used only in case of obvious significant signs of cardiac decompensation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):460
pages 460 views

Nerve transection in cancer and other diseases

Sergeev V.


As you know, Dr. Molotkov came, on the basis of some observations, to the assumption that cancer is the result of a disease of the sensory nerves, and therefore cutting the latter should lead to the cure of cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):460
pages 460 views

To the question of phrenicotomy

Sergeev V.


On the basis of 10 cases of phrenicotomy and analysis of the corresponding literature, Dr. VI Yost (Sar. Vesti. Zdrav., 1925, No. 10-12) finds that this operation, technically very simple and requiring only local anesthesia, is indicated for those purulent processes in the lungs where there is a free exit of pus into the bronchi, however, some closed abscesses, especially those lying close to the chest wall, are also subject to phrenicotomy).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):460-461
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Glasses against heat rays

Adamyuk V.


For special works, in view of the fact that the possibility of developing cataracts under the influence of red rays has now been confirmed by Vogt's experiments on animals, special "Wärmschutzbrille" glasses were designed (Lincke, Deut. Opht. Woch., 1925, No. 2) heat rays and completely blocking rays of 700-1500 mm.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):461
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Non-operative treatment of senile cataracts

Adamyuk V.


Angelucci (Arch. Di ottalmol., 1925) reports that for many years he has been successfully using drops of the following composition, in addition to subcutaneous iodine, for beginning cataracts: Na formiat. 0.1, rubidii jodati 0.2, strychnini glycerophosph. 0.02, aq. dest. 100.0.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):461
pages 461 views

Surgical treatment of glaucoma

Adamyuk V.


Stefansson (Amer. Journ. Of ophth., 1925; according to the ref. In Zentr. F. Ophthalm., 1926, Bd. XV, H. 15) offers for this purpose another operation, the essence of which is the formation of a permanent fistula.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):461
pages 461 views

The effect of vitamin B on fertility

Tushnov M.


Studying this question experimentally, Parkes and Drummond (Biol. Sciences, vol. 98) came to the following conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):461-462
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New sign of separation of the placenta

S. V.


Klein (Med. Klin., 1925, No. 19) to find out whether the afterbirth has separated from the uterine wall, invites the woman in labor to strain, as in a bowel movement.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):462
pages 462 views

Influence of pregnancy on the oral cavity organs

S. V.


Having examined these organs in 26 pregnant women, Dr. ML Bein-Levy (Zhurn. Odont. And Stomat., 1925, No. 6) could ascertain that they had caries or a more rapid progression of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):462
pages 462 views

To the etiology of eclampsia

Zabolotskaya E.


Recently, several authors have suggested that lactalbumin produced by the mammary gland plays an important role in the etiology of eclampsia, and that eclampsia is an anaphylactic reaction to this foreign albumin circulating in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):462
pages 462 views

On the etiology of tubal pregnancy

T. A.


Kok (Klin. Woch., 1925, No. 25) attributes a special etiological significance to impaired peristalsis of the tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):462
pages 462 views

The dependence of the vaginal flora on the general condition of the body

Timofeev A.


The dependence of the vaginal flora on the general state of the body is established by B. Salomon (Zeit. F. Konst., Bd. 11, 1925), according to whose observations changes in vaginal secretion are in the sense of the appearance of a neutral or even alkaline reaction, an increase in the number of formed elements and a decrease in the degree purity of it - they go parallel to the general process, and sometimes appear before other clinical symptoms, as a result of which they can serve as prognostic signs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):462-463
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Local mud therapy with vaginal mud tampons

Klyachkin G.


The enormous importance of mud therapy in gynecological therapy is known. Dr. Volosovich (Tr. Baln. Inst, na Kavk. Min. Waters, 1925, vol. II) recommends, instead of the previously used pelvic mud baths, the use of mud tampons according to the method of prof. AI Lebedev, slightly modified by the author (introduction of dirt using cylindrical mirrors).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):463
pages 463 views

Results of lumbar anesthesia

Timofeev A.


Ceccarelli (Ann.ital.di chir., 1924) on 3200 words. did not have a single death directly from anesthesia. Novocaine was always used at a dose of 0.08, and only in old subjects - 0.05. Large wounds and shock contraindicate lumbar anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):463
pages 463 views

Plastic surgery of the pelvic floor with prolapse

Timofeev A.


On the basis of anatomical considerations Sellheim (Arch. F. G., Bd. 123) suggests a trace. technique of plastic surgery of the pelvic floor for prolapse.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):463-464
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On the diagnosis and treatment of rickets

Khorosh Y.


Prof. György (Doctor. Ob., 1925, No. 11), noting the shortcomings of the clinical diagnosis of rickets, indicates the need to confirm the diagnosis of this disease by X-ray examination and determination of phosphates in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):464
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Electrocardiograms for myxedema in children

Rakhlin L.


Electrocardiograms for myxadem in children are given, according to the observations of F. Nobel, A. Rosenbülth and B. Samet (Ztschr. Fdg exp. Med., Bd. 43, II. 3/4), described by Zondek characteristic change (absence or reduction of P and T waves) only when Eintchoven abducted from the limbs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):464
pages 464 views

Treatment of dyspepsia in children with concentrated rice water

Nebytova-Luk'yanchikova N.


Catel, Rosonbaum and Ruhle (Jahrb. F. Kinderh., Bd. 109, H. 3/4) recommend concentrated 10% rice water as a dietary therapy for food intoxication and dyspepsia (pareiteral and alimentary).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):464
pages 464 views

The rate of the reaction of sedimentation of erythrocytes in scarlet fever

Khain G.


After a number of systematic definitions of this reaction in 15 cl. scarlet fever, Büchler (Zeit. f. Kind., Bd. XXXIX, H. 1; Bd. XL, II. l / 2) received a curve typical for scarlet fever (on the 2nd day of illness, the deposition time ranges from 60 to 20 min. , then from the 2nd to the 28th day there is a gradual increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation time, and after the 28th day this value becomes constant and corresponds to the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in this patient before the onset of the disease), which has great diagnostic value, because scarlet-like toxic exanthema never give a similar curve.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):465
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To the question of the specificity of scarlet fever streptococci

S. V.


LB De-Georges (Prof. Med., 1925, No. 1) checked the serological relationship between streptococci of various origins, using for this purpose the reaction of complement binding with immune rabbit sera.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):465
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Treatment of typhoid fever in children with the Caronia vaccine

Levinson M.


Tüdös (J. f. Kinhlkd., 110, H. 1/2) applied this treatment in 19 cases of typhoid fever admitted to the hospital between the 6th and 12th days of illness in a serious condition.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):465
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Etiological relationship between chickenpox and herpes zoster

Levinson M.


Kundratitz (Zeit. F. Kind., Bd. 39) inoculated into the skin 28 children aged 5-6 months. up to 5 liters. transparent contents of hesper zoster bubbles. After 9-12 days, he received in children who did not suffer from chickenpox, typical for her rashes with a slight increase in temperature.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):465
pages 465 views

Influence of calcium ions on the excitability of the autonomic nervous system

Rakhlin L.


S. Weiss and Z. Benhovies (Zeit. Fdg exp. Med., Bd. 46, H. 5/6), in contrast to Kylin and others, after intravenous infusion of calcium in humans found a decrease in the sensitivity of the autonomic nervous system to adrenaline.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):465-466
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About the origin of angina pectoris

S. V.


Prof. Leriche (Pr. Br., 1925, 11) gives some of his observations, throwing light on the still dark question of the origin of angina pectoris.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):466
pages 466 views

Treatment of nervous syphilis with bismuth

S. V.


SN Sharavsky (Sovr Psychonevr., 1925, No. 8) performed such treatment in 19 cases of nervous syphilis, among which there were 4 cases. dorsal tabes (3 of them with optic nerve atrophy), 1 case. progressive paralysis, 4 words. basal meningitis, 6 cases. syphilis of the brain (2 of them with epilepsy), 2 cases. spinal syphilis and 2 - syphilitic meningo-myelitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):466
pages 466 views

Endolumbar therapy of neurosyphilis

Sergeev V.


Having studied the effect of the introduction of neosalvarsan into the spinal canal in a number of cases of syphilis of the nervous system, prof. M. S. Margulis and Dr. D. A. Shamburov (Rus. Klin., 1925, No. 20) found that such treatment is indicated where a quick and energetic effect on a specific, mainly meningeal, process is required.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):466
pages 466 views

Recognition of progressive paralysis

S. V.


As you know, Spatz proposed to use the presence of iron-containing pigment in the intra-adventitious spaces of the cerebral cortex for postmortem recognition of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):466
pages 466 views

Diagnostic value of measuring t ° in the nose

S. V.


IM Krukover (Vesti. Rino-lyar-ot., 1925, No. 1) suggests using the measurement of t ° in the nose (under the inferior nasal concha) to diagnose diseases of the paranasal cavities (eg, sinusitis).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):466-467
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Book review

Materials for III. All-Union Tuberculosis Congress. The first pre-congress meeting on childhood tuberculosis (May 30 - June 1, 1924). Moscow. 1924 p. 1-63.


For a long time, for a very long time, it was said that the clue to the doctrine of tbc should be sought in childhood. However, our information on tbc in children was very insufficient, or rather, we did not know anything about the manifestations and course of this disease in children.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):467
pages 467 views

Dr. med. L.A. Gordon. Palatine tonsils (their role and significance in physiology and pathology). Honey. ed. "Doctor" in Berlin. 112 pages


Interest in the miadalik problem is growing every year. The question of the physiology and pathology of Waldeyer's ring is a battle question in the programs of congresses of rhinolaryngootiatricians.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):467-468
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The problem of fighting cancer


Under this heading, in the edition of NK Z., the proceedings of the conference on the fight against cancer, convened under NK Z. in June 1925, have just been published. These works are of great interest to doctors S.S. R., - they not only reflect the last word of science in the cancer problem, but also provide a plan for the organized-systemic fight against malignant neoplasms.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):468
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Meetings of medical societies

. ..


General meetings, scientific meetings of Doctors of the Kazan State Institute for the mustache. doctors named after Lenin in Kazan.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):468-471
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For the vacant department of general pathology in Kazan University, the Academic Council of the Medical Faculty elected pr. Okunev, from Leningrad.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):472
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On March 29, Academician Nikolai Yakovlevich Chistovich died in Leningrad.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(4):472
pages 472 views

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