Vol 21, No 2 (1925)

On the combined action of digitalis and camphor on the heart under the condition of irritation of n. vagi

Popov P.I.


The question of synergism of medicinal substances was interesting for me, and my task was to study the combined action of substances, which in everyday medical life are called "heart remedies" and by this it is supposed that they all act in the same direction - in the sense of improving the work of the heart. There is no doubt, that all of them really improve work of the last, but it is still not clear, how it occurs, especially at the joint use of some substances of the specified group.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):115-121
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On the Wassermann reaction in typhus

Stepanov-Grigoriev I.I., Minkevich I.E.


After the report of Cathoire, in 1910, about binding of complement by serum of typhus patients at its interaction with extract of spleen of the subject who died of typhus, this question attracted considerable attention. Outbreaks of typhus in the European theater of war in 1914-1916 and its grandiose pandemic in Russia have provided a number of foreign Prussian researchers with extensive material for observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):122-124
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On the leukocyte formula according to V. Schilling

Blank V., Mastbaum M.


The main leukocytogenic organ of the human body is known to be the bone marrow. At infectious diseases, due to irritation received from bacterial toxins circulating in blood and death of a large number of leukocytes bone marrow receives an impulse to replace the dead elements and, according to the known biological law, starts to produce leukocytic elements to an increased degree. An indicator of this increased activity of bone marrow is peripheral blood hyperleukocytosis. The latter is subject to considerable fluctuations depending on the intensity and type of the infectious beginning, on the reactivity of the organism and other local conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):125-132
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To the pathology of scurvy

Kaufman S.V.


Scurvy has been described as early as the fifteenth century, since the beginning of great sea voyages. Many authors, such as Lind, Kraus, and Immerman, devoted whole works to it. In particular, Immerman gives a most detailed description of this disease, trying to establish the etiology (he considers the cause of scurvy potassium deficiency), its pathology, and treatment. In recent literature we meet again and again the question of scurvy. The dark etiology of the disease has especially attracted attention. However, there is still no unanimous opinion about it: some (Verjuzhsky) incline to the fact that scurvy is an infectious disease, and try, though without success, to find its specific causative agent; others (Efimov) consider the cause of scurvy to be intoxication; still others (Shibkov, Pisunov) state that scurvy is the result of unfavorable sanitary conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):133-142
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Topography of the bony region of the mandibular mandible in connection with its resection by the method of Prof. P.M. Krasin

Kharitonov I.F.


Surgical methods of access to the oral cavity in order to remove tongue cancer can be divided into 5 groups: the first group includes methods of penetration through the natural mouth opening, especially with the use of auxiliary methods (undercutting of the frenulum, ligature through the tongue to extract it outwards, use of Whithead's mirror): to the second group belong those methods, where the way goes through the mouth, but with an additional incision across the cheek (methods of laeger's Naufelder, Mausonenveer); to the third group may be included those where to the plumb incision of soft parts of the lower lip is joined the transverse sawing of the lower jaw (methods Roux, Sedillot, Syme, Billroth'a, Langenbeck-Bergmann'a): To the fourth group I refer methods with access through the soft parts of the floor of the mouth (methods of Vernuel, Regnoli, Siamatei, Czerny-Billrich); finally, to the fifth group we can refer combined methods, where access goes through the incision of soft parts of the lower lip, neck, floor of the mouth with sawing of the lower jaw (methods of Kosher, Kornelin and Orlov).

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):143-146
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On postoperative suppuration

Lidsky A.T.


Wounds healing by primary tension after the so-called aseptic operations is so frequent nowadays that we already look at this process as obligatory and at the same time we begin to get used to the idea that we have already mastered the surgical prophylaxis completely. From time to time, however, it happens that these wounds become infected, sometimes very severely, sometimes, fortunately, rarely, it leads to a fatal outcome where we least expect it. These "mishaps in surgery" always leave an extremely grave, oppressive impression, and then we, trying to understand the causes of each case separately, get lost in speculation, painfully, scrupulously search for possible sources of suppuration, and we very rarely manage to find the real cause of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):147-157
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Pathological anatomy of eyelid cartilage in trachoma

Adamyuk V.E.


In the study of the trachomatous process, the involvement of the cartilage of the eyelids in this process has somehow received little attention. Some researchers have left this side of the case completely in the shade, others have dealt with the changes found here only incidentally, and there is considerable disagreement between the authors' conclusions on this point. I won't review in this brief report the old literature on the problem of cartilage lesions of the eyelids in trachoma, especially since it has been adequately addressed, e.g. in the dissertation of Dr. Chistyakov (On surgical treatment of trachoma, Tomsk, 1909). I only say that the controversies concerning the pathological-anatomical essence of cartilage changes in trachoma seem to have been ironed out even until quite recently.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):158-162
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About the psychotraumatic form of dysmenorrhea (dysmenorrhea puscho-traumatiсa)

Edelberg G.


No branch of medicine (not counting, of course, psychiatry) deals with psychology as much as modern gynecology. On the one hand, such gynecologists as Lahm note, and in my opinion rightly so, the dominant role of the ovaries even in the spiritual life of women: in their opinion there is no other way of psychic and physical influences on the female sexual sphere than through the ovaries, and conversely, influences coming from the sexual sphere and acting on the body and soul of women come again only through this way. On the other hand, there are gynecologists who completely ignore the role of the ovaries and believe that only the "soul" produces all kinds of changes in the female genital sphere. It is necessary, say the representatives of this view, to study only the "soul" of a woman, and then a number of incomprehensible phenomena in the field of gynecology will immediately become clear to us.             

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):163-168
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Clinical observations on erythrocyte sedimentation rate reaction

Khanina-Gaiduk F.P.


The erythrocyte sedimentation reaction, introduced into clinical practice by FahraeuS'OM, has found the greatest application in gynecology. A number of works of German (Fahräeus, Linzenmeier, Geppert, Haselhorst, Mahnert, Gänssle; Molnar, Oettinger, etc.) and Russian (Mandelstam, Bronnikova, Popova-Terebinskaya, Izakson, etc.) authors quite established its suitability for clinical purposes, and at present, study of this reaction should pass, as Dr. Bronnikova rightly put it, to the phase of studying various details connected with its application at the patient bedside. In the present report we present the results of our clinical observations made with the help of this reaction in the Obstetric and Gynecologic Clinic of the Kazan Clinical Institute and partly on cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy in the Faculty Obstetric and Gynecologic Clinic of Prof. V.S. Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):169-175
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About intravenous infusions of 40% urotropine solution for cystitis

Batunin M.P.


Before 1920, urotropine was used almost exclusively per os-primarily for uric acid diathesis, for microbial diseases of the urinary tract, for phosphaturia, as a protective agent for typhoid fever and as a preventive agent before and after operations in the genitourinary tract. Over the past three years, however, intravenous infusions of 40% urotropine solution have become widely practiced. Especially willingly they are practiced by gynecologists and obstetricians, although these injections are also successfully used by internists, surgeons and neurologists.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):176-178
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On the sexual life of the modern woman

Golosovker S.Y.


It is difficult to judge about the normal sexual life of the female environment according to our questionnaire, because questionnaires are always received only from a part of respondents. It is impossible to say which part of the youth responded, that is, the one who was most liberated from bourgeois morality, or vice versa. Of the participants in our questionnaire, 182 (36%) were sexually active. This includes 83 from the petty-bourgeois milieu and 99 from the peasant and worker milieu.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):179-188
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Current status of the question of the causative agent of scarlatina

Menshikov V.K.


The question of the causative agent of scarlet fever has long been a topic of research. About forty years ago for the first time in this disease was noted the presence of streptococcus. The constant presence of the latter in scarlet fever was inadvertently associated with its possible pathological role, and while some authors attributed to it the role of the causative agent, others recognized only a secondary role for it, making dependent on streptococcus the occurrence of various complications of scarlet fever, while V. Babes, D'Espine, Soerensen, W. Class, Baginky, Sommerfeld, Hlava considered scarlatina as a pure streptococcal infection, other researchers like G. Grooke, A. Fraenkel, Rasken, Heubner, Marmorek, Slavuk, Freudenberg, Salge, Kassowitz believed that scarlatina is caused by a yet unknown virus. However, the latter authors also thought that this unknown pathogen creates favorable conditions for streptococcus, due to which its virulence increases and its penetration into the tissues of the sick body becomes possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):189-197
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Insurance medicine in the West

Brodsky Y.A.


For most physicians, the practice and experience of insurance medicine is completely unknown. This is because, over the past 50 years, insurance medicine has become completely disconnected from general medicine and has taken a separate position from it. While general medicine, at various eras of its brilliant development, has increasingly pushed aside those foundations on which old medicine rested, insurance medicine at this time was built on the two cardinal foundations of old medicine, namely, the doctrine of heredity and the doctrine of the constitution.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):198-203
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Blood alkalinity and respiration. Kl. Gollwitzеr-Меіеr (Biochem. Zeit., 1924, Bd. 151)


The experiments performed by the author show that it seems that increased blood alkalinity itself has no effect on breathing, whereas CO2 tension changes the degree of lung ventilation.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):203-203
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The influence of the pituitary gland on metabolism. D. M. Rossiyskiy (Zeit. F. Klin. Med., 1923, Bd. 97)

Spiridonov V.


Prof. D. M. Rossiyskiy came to the conclusion that extracts on the funnel part of the pituitary gland can be used in various metabolic diseases, especially those in which nitrogenous, phosphorus, chloride metabolism, as well as the exchange of calcium and magnesium, is greatly increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):203-204
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Relation of the red blood globulin precipitation reaction to blood globulins. Salomon (Zeit. f. klin. Med, Bd. 99)

Daikhovsky J.


After examining the serum globulin content of several sick and healthy individuals while determining the sedimentation rate of red blood cells (SR), Salomon found that in cases with normal SR the amount of globulin in the serum was about 30% of the total serum protein content; in patients with moderately accelerated SR the globulin content ranged between 36% and 51%; finally in cases with significantly accelerated SR the globulin content ranged between 37% and 70%.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):204-204
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On the issue of prostatolysins. P. S. Grigoriev (Uch. Zap. Saratov Univ., vol. 1. issue 2)


In order to obtain heteroprostatolysins and isoprostatolysins, to find out their organ specificity and influence on the prostate gland tissue and function P.S. Grigoriev performed a number of experiments on animals. By repeated injections under the skin of rams the emulsion from the dog prostate gland was obtained heteroprostatolytic serum. Isoprostatolytic serum was obtained from dogs prepared by injection of canine prostate gland of the same.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):204-204
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The most important complaints in patients with arterial hypertension. Kaufmann (Münch. med. Woch., 1924, no. 36)

Daikhovsky J.


Objective data in patients with arterial hypertension are very scarce, why those subjective complaints in hypertension, which Kaufmann cites, based on 132 clinically examined cases, deserve much attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):204-205
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On the atony of the stomach. Leb (M. med. Woch., 1924, no. 44)

Daikhovsky J.


On a material of more than 300 gastric patients a year, Leb, having examined simultaneously the gastrointestinal tract and the chest, paid attention to the presence in most cases along with atony of the stomach and tuberculosis lesion of the lung hilus. The frequency of this combination prompted the author to try to establish a connection between the two diseases mentioned.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):205-205
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Introduction of quinine into a vein and per os. N. G. Vishnevsky (Arch. Clin. and Exp. Med., 1924, No. 7 - 8)


The author concluded that there was no reason to believe that intravenous infusions of quinine had a greater effect on malaria plasmodia than doses of the drug taken per os.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):205-205
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Mechanism of action of quinine in malaria. Alexeev (Vrach. Delo, 1924, No. 20-23)


The author concluded that quinine acts on malaria plasmodium as a specific chemotherapeutic agent in the Ehrlichʹov sense, i.e. here we are dealing with a parasitotropic killing effect on the parasite.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):205-205
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Ammonia-salicylic fluid in rheumatism. B. Shapiro (Vr. Gaz., 1924, No. 17)


The author saw a very good effect in. rheumatic joint and muscle lesions, lumbago, sciatica, etc. from rubbing a 10% solution of salicylic acid in ammonia alcohol.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):206-206
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Determination of streptococci in blood in sepsis. Verger (Deut. med. Woch., 1924, No. 20)

Sergeev V.


In almost all cases of chronic sepsis, it was possible to prove the presence of streptococci in the blood by the following method: 5-10 cc of blood is collected in a sterile test tube, waiting for the blood to clot, after which the serum is drained, and the blood clot is transferred to an Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 cc. 10% horse serum broth. The flask is placed in the thermostat for 4 to 6 days, with a few drops taken from the bottom with a sterile capillary pipette every 24 h and transferred to the blood agar plate.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):206-206
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Rivanol in surgical practice. Prof. S.K. Soloviev (Vrach. Delo, 1924, No. 24—26)


The author has tried rivanol both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):206-206
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Effect of age on the course of peritonitis. Рrіbram (Zentr. f. Chir., 1924, No. 36)

Ratner L.


To anyone who has observed the clinical course of peritonitis in children and adults, a sharp difference is striking, indicating the different resistance of the peritoneum according to age. The case histories cited by Rribram show that the pediatric peritoneum has the ability to quickly eliminate infection by absorbing purulent exudate. In contrast, the adult peritoneum has negligible ability to resorb inflammatory exudates.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):206-207
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Treatment of life-threatening bleeding from peptic ulcers. Ramstedt (Zentr. f. Chir., 1924)

Ratner L.


Since gastric ulcer bleeding is mostly stopped by conservative treatment, it is necessary to resort to surgery relatively rarely and always in extremely weakened patients. Therefore it is desirable here not to use such complicated methods as excision of the ulcer, banding it after the stomach incision, or resection of the stomach itself, but to find a simpler and easier method, which, at the same time, would quickly and correctly lead to the goal.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):207-207
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Toward the treatment of severely bleeding gastric ulcers. Königsberger (Zentr. f. Chir., 1924, no. 21)

Ratner L.


The usual method of operative treatment of threatening bleeding from gastric ulcer has so far been considered to be circular piercing of the whole ulcer. Since, however, the stitches pass through all layers of the stomach, this operation, according to some authors, poses a danger of necrosis, with subsequent perforation, of the expanded part of the gastric wall due to the cessation of blood flow. In order to check whether there is such a danger in reality, Königsberger performed a series of experiments on animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):207-208
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To the therapy of bleeding ulcers of the stomach. Erkes (Zentr. f. Chir. 1924, No. 28)

Ratner L.


The author uses the method of suturing gastric ulcers not only in cases of acute bleeding from them, but also for the preventive purpose to avoid sequential bleeding in all those cases where for technical reasons it is impossible to perform resection and we have to be limited to gastroenterostomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):208-208
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To the technique of cataract extraction. Derby (on ref. in Zen. f. d. ges. Ophth. 1/1 1924)

Adamyuk V.


The author sees a great step forward and the technique of cataract extraction surgery in weakening the action of m. orbicularis by procain injections.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):208-208
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Endogenous gonorrhoeic kerato-conyunctivitis. Harry (Derm. Ztschr., 1923, Bd. 30)


Endogenous gonorrhoeal kerato-conyunctivitis was observed by Harry y a 25-year-old man in the fourth month after a gonorrhoeal infection of the urethra.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):208-208
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On the treatment of phlegmonic dacryocystitis. Mende (Klin. Monatsbl. f. Aug., 1923)

Adamyuk V.


The author recommends one simple therapeutic method for phlegmonic dacryocystitis, namely, the application of a pressure dressing, despite the fact that, as he says, at first glance, this method contradicts surgical thinking.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):208-209
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Effect of various substances on uterine growth. Robinson and Zondek (Chem. Abstr., 1924, no. 19)

Tushnov M.


Administration of ovarian extracts to guinea pigs sometimes causes growth of the uterus: the same effect is produced by extracts from testes and gl. pinealis, while extracts from the anterior pituitary lobe give negative results.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):209-209
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Duration of menses and fetal weight. Szenes and Mondré (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1924, no. 39)

Sergeev V.


On a large material the authors confirmed the observation, made as early as 1882 by Cuzzi, that the longer a woman's period lasts, the greater is the weight and length of the children she gives birth to.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):209-209
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On the danger of internal examination in childbirth. Oestberg (on ref. in Zentr. f. Gyn., 1924, no. 39)


The author reports that per 2,000 spontaneous deliveries in the cervical presentation where sleeve examination was performed, postpartum fever was observed 209 times, per the same number of deliveries where rectal examination was used -211 times, and per 2,000 deliveries where no internal examination was performed, fever was r.r. 206 laboring women.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):209-209
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Intracardiac injections of adrenaline in neonatal asphyxia. Koch (Zentr. f Gyn., 1924, No. 41)

Sergeev V.


The author successfully applied in one case of severe asphyxia of a newborn, with absence of heartbeat, an injection of 0.4 cc of suprarenin 1:1000 solution into the heart. The injection was made in the IV intercostal space, 2 centimeters to the left of the edge of the sternum.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):209-209
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Salpingostomatoplasty. Salles (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1924, no. 44)

Gruzdev V.


The author reported at the Wiener Akush. Gin. The author reported on one successful case of surgical restoration of the patency of occluded tubes after this operation the patient, previously infertile, became pregnant.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):210-210
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Fever from protein food in children. Zoepffel and Schmitt (Zeitsch. f. Kinhlk., Bd. 38, H. 4)


The authors made observations on healthy infants of 2-16 months of age with persistent t°, to whose food (Moro or Schisk'a mixture in an amount of 100-120 grams per kilogram of weight) was added during 1-4 days lactana (preparation of casein with calcium) in an amount of 5-10%.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):210-210
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Blood infusion to sick children. Kerr Cross and Ohop (Brit. Journ. of Child. Dis., 1924, v. XXI)

Klivanskaya-Krol E.


The authors have made 516 such infusions during a year, partly simple, partly with simultaneous exsanguination and partly intraperitoneal. Indications for the first are, according to S. and O., hemorrhagia, anemia, shock, and weakness of patients; they inject blood containing 0.4% Na citrici into a vein with a 100 cc syringe. Indications for bleeding infusions are senticemia and various intoxications.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):210-211
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Tooth enamel defects as an indication of disease at an early age. Kassowitz (Zeit. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 38, H. 3)

Lukyanchikova M.


The etiology of defects in the formation of permanent tooth enamel remained unclear for a long time. Most authors attributed them to rickets, tetany and syphilis. Kassowitz, on the basis of his research on a large material (2753 cases), concludes that the main cause of these defects is the general growth disorder of the body during the development of the teeth.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):211-211
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Dorsal dry eye and peritonitis. Preuss and Jacoby (Münch. med. W., 1924, No. 37)

Daikhovsky J.


The authors describe a case of perforation into the free abdominal cavity of an intestinal ulcer in a tabetic, where the diagnosis of perforation could not be made in life, because even the slightest sub- and objecc tive signs of both acute perforation and subsequent purulent inflammation of the peritoneum were completely absent.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):211-211
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Meningitis and the sympathetic nervous system. Bowing (Münch. m. Woch., 1924, no. 20)

Weinberg M.


The author reports 83 cases of meningitis that passed through the Erlangen Clinic over 35 years (1888-1923).

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):211-211
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On the treatment of epidemic meningitis. Schack (Münch. med. Woch., 1924, no. 43)

Weinberg M.


Based on experimental and bacteriological studies and clinical observations proved the bactericidal effect of optoquine, first used in the treatment of epidemic meningitis Friedemann: the substance already in a solution of 1:10.000 reduces in vitro viability resp. kills meningococci.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):211-212
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Glandular puncture as a method of early diagnosis of syphilis. Serner and Schister (Russ. Vest. Dermat., 1924, No. 8)

Yasnitsky N.


Early recognition of syphilis is nowadays of particular importance because of the possibility of timely application of abortifacient treatment. However, the methods commonly used in the laboratory for the examination of sclerosis secretions do not give a positive answer in a number of cases, namely in locally treated sclerosis, in concomitant phimosis, and in mixed sclerosis. In order to make up for this deficiency, Serner and Schyster resort to the old method proposed back in 1905 by Noffmann - puncture of regional lymphatic glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):212-212
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The cause of toxic phenomena from neosalvarsan. Kriczewski (Arch. f. D. u. S., Bd. 144, H. 2)

Yasnitsky N.


The author points out that the toxic effects sometimes occurring after intravenous infusion of neosalvarsan are due to physical and chemical factors, but not to the action of arsenic.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):212-212
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Etiology of scaly lechitis. Hesse (Arch. f. D. and S., 1924, Bd. 146, H. 2)

Yasnitsky N.


The author radiographed the area of the goiter in 32 patients with psoriasis and obtained good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):213-213
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Hermann v. Hayek. The problem of tuberculosis. Medical Publishing House "Doctor". Berlin. Russian translation by Dr. Lyzlov

Zimnitsky S.S.


This solid manual (310 pages) expresses the current advances not only in the new view of the essence of tuberculosis, but also in the therapy of the disease. We must fully agree with Muсhʹ that v. Hayek not only looked more deeply into the problem of immunity in tuberculosis than others, but with his truly classical presentation of the essence of the latter he shook those chronic stencils in the teaching of tuberculosis, which passed from generation to generation as unquestionable and immutable truths.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):213-214
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D. A. Entin. Experiments with reconstruction of the facial skeleton (a new method of direct prosthetics in resection of the upper jaw). With Prof. S.S. Girgolav, Military Medical Academy., Gos. Izd., 1924, 158 pp., 16 figures and 1 drawing

Glushkov P.


On the one hand, Entin aimed to simplify the technique of making direct prostheses for the operation, making it accessible to an ordinary dental technician, and on the other hand, to construct a prosthesis that would meet the principle of exact morphological and anatomical-topographic individualization in each individual case. In pursuit of both these objectives, he developed a prosthesis in a soft, elastic material and made it inflatable and pneumatic according to Schiltski's idea.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):214-215
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 21 No. 2 (1925)


Assn. S.I. Afonsky reported the results of his experimental studies on the effect of proteins on the heart, carried out in the Physiological Laboratory of Kaz. Vet. Institute. The reporter experimented with an isolated frog heart by passing through it chicken egg protein, Kahlbaum's egg albumin and milk in solutions of various concentrations. In the report's debate prof. V. M. Aristovsky and N. K. Goryaev.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):215-218
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Scientific meetings of physicians of the Kazan Clinical Institute


Dr. P.A. Badul demonstrated 2 cases of syringomyelia of various ages (one patient fell ill 2 months ago, the other - 2 years), simultaneously clarifying the history of the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The debate was attended by Dr. A. G. Grinbarg, I. I. Rusetsky and prof. R. A Luria.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):218-219
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Ural Medical Society in Sverdlovsk


Dr. S. P. Fridiev demonstrated a patient with a rare localization of a hard chancre on the left cheek, in the form of two ulcers, Infection occurred through a razor,-the patient shaved, having previously shaved his companion. - Professor I. I. Stepanov-Grigoriev, Drs. Furman, V. E. Odintsev, and M. G. Morozov took part in the debate.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):219-220
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Chronicle. Vol. 21, No. 2 (1925)


For the vacant chair of Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases, the Council of the Medical Department of Kazan University unanimously elected both candidates submitted by the subject committee (see No. 9 of the "Journal" 1924, p. 1000): Prof. Trutnev and Prof. Kompaneev, whose choice will depend on the Center.

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):220-221
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Obituary. Vol. 21, No. 2 (1925)


The following people died: 2/II veteran of Russian public medicine Dr. N. I. Tezyakov, 65 years old; 2/I in Munich famous German obstetrician-gynecologist Prof. E. Wumm, 67 years old; 10/I in Leipzig famous clinician-therapist A. Strümpell, 72 years old. 

Kazan medical journal. 1925;21(2):222-222
pages 222-222 views

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