Vol 17, No 1 (1921)

Cover Page

Full Issue

The current state of the doctrine of the etiology of typhus

Aristovsky V.M.


In connection with the modern European war, and also in view of the well-known fact of the extraordinary development of typhus epidemics in wartime, both in the ranks of active armies and among prisoners of war, in recent years among doctors there has been a significant increase in interest in the etiology of typhus. This interest, in addition, was largely fueled by those reports in the special literature that were made by a number of authors, and in particular Nicoll and his students, who published the results of their work and observations during the typhus epidemic in Tunisia.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):5-31
pages 5-31 views

Weil-Felix reaction in typhus

Aristovsky V.M.


Despite the fact that until now we do not know the true causative agent of typhus infection, in the literature there are a number of observations concerning immunity reactions in the serum of typhus patients, observations that, bringing us closer to solving the question of the causative agent of typhus, do not are only of theoretical interest, but even now they can be practically used at the patient's bedside.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Vaccination experiments for typhus.

Aristovsky V.M.


The first attempts to protect a person from falling ill with typhus were made by Nicolle, as well as by the American researchers Gavino and Girard. These authors used the blood of typhus patients as an inoculum, based on the fact that an unknown causative agent of the disease is undoubtedly contained in the blood of an infected organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):37-41
pages 37-41 views

Damage to the nervous system in typhus.

Rusetsky I.I.


The rich material of recent typhus epidemics provides sufficient grounds for systematizing and classifying lesions of the nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):42-58
pages 42-58 views

On the cultivation of the spirochete Obermeiera.

Aristovsky V.M.


Currently, we know several types of human blood spirochetes. The best studied are the following four species: 1) spirochete Obermeier'a, or spir. recurrentis, the causative agent of European relapsing fever, discovered Obe g me ie th in 1873, 2) spiroch. Duttoni, the causative agent of the African form of relapsing fever, discovered by Ros S'OM and Mi1Pe'om, as well as Dutton'OM and Todd'oM in 1904, 3) spiroch. Kochi, discovered in 1905

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):59-67
pages 59-67 views

To the theory of bronchial asthma

Luria R.A.


In bronchial asthma, most authors now see, as is known, a kind of neurosis of the respiratory apparatus, and they accept that asthma attacks are the result of specific irritation of the respiratory center (Briigelmann, Hoffman)

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):68-80
pages 68-80 views

To the symptomatology of extensive gastric contractions

Luria R.A.


When it comes to the narrowing of the stomach, we most often mean the narrowing of its openings, in the cardiac or pyloric part, and, although these narrowings are relatively small in length, they create very significant disturbances in the functional activity of the stomach; for the most part these are either neoplasms or scars from healed ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):81-90
pages 81-90 views

On the issue of surgical intervention for gunshot wounds of the skull and its contents, according to observations in the war of 1914-1917

Friedland M.O.


Surgeons who worked in the last European war at the front on the question of the nature and timing of surgical intervention for gunshot wounds to the skull and its contents were divided into 3 camps: some were the principal supporters of the view of Bergmanna and his associates

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):91-105
pages 91-105 views

On the clinical significance of posterior inclinations and bends of the uterus (retroversio-flexio uteri)

Gruzdev V.S.


In the expiring academic year, I had to observe, in the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University that I was eating, the following case, which is of interest not only for gynecologists, but also for therapists, neuropathologists and surgeons

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):106-129
pages 106-129 views

Favorable orthopedic treatment outcomes for severe morbus Iiittle'i

Friedland M.O.


On 15 / Ѵ 1921, a patient, a 5-year-old boy, Anatoly Peterson, was admitted to the Orthopedic Institute with the phenomenon of extremely sharp spastic paraplegia of the lower extremities: the hips are bent, slightly rotated inward and extremely sharply brought, as a result of which the knees go crosswise one after the other (left in front of the right) and also bent; very significant plantar flexion of both feet (pes eqquinus).

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):130-132
pages 130-132 views

A few words about the arthrodesis operation

Friedland M.O.


The operation of arthrodesis, or artificial ankylosis of the joint, first performed by Albert in 1878, is one of the most beneficial orthopedic methods of treatment in cases of complete paralysis of all muscles moving this joint and in cases of ankylosis in a functionally disadvantageous position of the joint, when a quick recovery of the patient's ability to work is required if it is impossible, for one reason or another, to use his orthopedic devices.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):133-134
pages 133-134 views

On the essential form of ineontinentiae urinae or incontinence neurosis in connection with the question of simulating this suffering

Klyachkin G.A.


In his report, made at the Scientific Meeting of Doctors of the Kazan Military Hospital, the speaker dwells on a special form of disorder of the act of urination, the so-called. neurosis of incontinence, operating on significant material from the nervous department of the said hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(1):135-136
pages 135-136 views

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