Vol 19, No 6 (1923)

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Topography of n. obturatorii and its clinical significance in the symptomatology of coxitis

Ognev B.


In order to find out the peripheral endings of n. obturatorii, related to the knee joint, I have done my work at the Institute of Operative Surgery of the Kazan University on only 18 lower limbs-14 male and 4 female; I present the obtained results, due to comparatively small material, as a preliminary report.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):3-4
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Gastric gland function under the action of pilocarpine, physostigmine and adrenaline

Shcherbakov S.A.


In view of extremely scarce and sometimes contradictory data available in literature about physiological action of pilocarpine, physostigmine and adrenalin on functions of gastric glands, we decided, on the proposal of Prof. N.A. Mislavsky, to study this question, using the modern technique, richly developed by Prof. I.P. Pavlov. Two dogs, "Polkan" and "Marquis", both with Heidenhain'y-Pavlov isolated stomachs, were used for our experiments. The animals had been operated long before the beginning of the experiments and thus were in a quite normal condition during the research.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):5-9
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On benign liver tumors

Goldstein M.I.


The recognition of a benign liver tumor in an intact abdominal wall is often a very difficult and sometimes even impossible task for the therapists. This rarity of the disease gives us grounds to dwell on a case of benign liver tumor, which we observed in the Therapeutic Department of Kaz. Clinical Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):10-18
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On distributive leukocytosis

Mirkin A.I., Rakhlin L.M.


The issue of distributive leukocytosis is the result of research in the last 2 years. It is true that even before some authors attributed to it a certain role in digestive leukocytosis, but the mechanism of its occurrence was completely unknown to them. The old concept of the reaction of the hematopoietic system to food irritation was reduced exclusively to leukocytosis; however, in some cases they found the absence of digestive leukocytosis for no apparent reason in perfectly healthy people, and this absence was attributed to a delay in intestinal digestion (Krehl), and Jaffa, contrary to the generally accepted opinion, found in infants as a result of food irritation not leukocytosis but leukopenia, which seemed to many a paradoxical phenomenon.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):19-28
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A case of aortic stenosis above the aortic valves (stenosis aortae supravalvularis)

Pshenichnov F.V.


In cardiac pathology, stenoses usually occur in one or other of the four main orifices of the latter, namely in the left or right venous orifice, or in the aortic or pulmonary artery. Sometimes, however, this rule presents exceptions. One of such cases, observed in the clinic of Prof. S.S. Zimnitsky, is discussed here.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):29-34
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Operative treatment of inflammatory neuralgia of the sciatic nerve

Volkov K.V.


Blood traction of the sciatic nerve in sciatica so often encountered belongs to the number of rarely practiced operations. Without going into the history of the issue, I will only remind that as early as 1906, at the VI Congress of Russian Surgeons, Wenglovsky, making a report on this topic, based on his own observations, gave a favorable review of the operation and promoted its use. Nevertheless, as far as I am acquainted with the Russian surgical press, I cannot say that Russian surgeons have followed this appeal. The operation in question continues to be unused. Meanwhile, the agony and frequency of the disease, as well as powerlessness of therapy and inaccessibility of mud cure for the majority of patients, force to look for a quick and reliable remedy for its elimination.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):35-38
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To gastroptosis surgery

Flerov S.A.


According to x-ray researches published this year by Prof. Faber in Copenhagen, the small curvature of the stomach in healthy individuals descends below the navel in 15.7% of men, in women without childbearing - in 21% and in those who have given birth - in 43.3%; but in patients suffering from dyspepsia, constipation, and colitis, this percentage, changing little in men (11.2%), increases twice in women without childbearing (41%) and one and a half times in women with childbearing (66.2%). These figures show how private "anatomically" gastroptosis in general, and especially in women.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):39-43
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On the treatment of mandibular scar ankylosis

Glushkov P.A.


The wave of different kinds of epidemics that swept over Russia and has not yet subsided even to the present day, left its mark in dental surgery, in particular, in the form of cicatricial ankylosis of the lower jaw, which are the results of necrotic processes in the mouth, arising from either a suffered infection or general exhaustion. Omitting a review of all methods of treatment of this disease, let us dwell only on the methods of resection of the lower jaw as the most radical, and first of all let us consider the treatment of cicatricial ankylosis. 

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):44-51
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Review of cases of uterine cancer observed in the Kazan Obstetrical Gynecological Clinic from 1900 to 1923

Timofeev A.I.


In the teaching of cervical cancer, the ultimate practical aim of which is to devise the most successful methods of combating this terrible disease, there are still many questions, both of a purely scientific and practical nature, which have not yet been fully elucidated and controversial. The publication of observations based on a large number of cases of the disease is, therefore, highly desirable. In the present work, which is a continuation of the investigations begun in our Clinic by Dr. Dyakonov, we would like to present the results of our observations on uterine cancer during the whole period of the Kazan Clinic under the direction of Prof. V.S. Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):52-65
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On the treatment of syphilis by Linser's method

Vainshtein A.B., Golosovker S.Y.


Every new method of abortive treatment of syphilis is both of scientific interest and of great practical value in the field of social hygiene and the social struggle against syphilis, especially at present, in connection with the progressive growth of venereal diseases: these methods, without prejudging the question of complete cure, quickly destroy all clinical manifestations of the disease and make carriers of infection safe for other people. From this point of view, the Linser's method we are considering here, which is a method of abortive treatment of syphilis in the main and most rapidly leads to the disappearance of all infectious manifestations of the disease, deserves the special attention of physicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):66-73
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On the subject of alexia

Aluf I.S.


Working on the question of aphasia, we have come to the conclusion that 1) there is no data proving the existence, along with the general auditory center, of a special center for recollection of auditory word pictures, along with the general visual center, of a special center for recollection of visual word pictures, along with the general kinesthetic center in the broad sense of the word-special centers of an obscure physiological nature-motor and non-motor at the same time-for motor images of memories of oral and written speech (Broca and Exper'a centers); 2) that all speech disorders are well interpreted without assumption of such centers. Cases of alexia from this point of view seem to be especially valuable because of their close connection with such ob'ective symptom of a certain localization as hemianopsia.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):74-81
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Black bread bakeries in Kazan

Khomyakov M.M.


At every attempt to organize communal baking the society faces insurmountable difficulties. Everyone remembers the sad experience of the KPO with its queues in the bakeries, the uneven distribution of bread in the shops, and the insufficient sanitary and technical supervision in the bakeries. However, the current practice of baking in bakeries also has major inconveniences.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):82-85
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A new way to fight diphtheria

Lepsky E.M.


Since the introduction of antitoxic serum in the treatment of diphtheria, the mortality rate of the disease has decreased considerably, but it has not yet been reduced to zero. Cases are constantly observed where, whether because of too late application of the serum, because of weak resistance of the organism, high virulence of the germs, or for other reasons, the serum treatment also proves helpless; therefore even now in cultured countries 20-30 people per every 100,000 inhabitants die of diphtheria every year.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):86-91
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About Parkinsonism Syndrome

Rusetsky I.


The Paris Neurological Society has a well-established tradition of devoting its annual meetings to issues of particular concern to neurology at a given time. Some of these meetings will remain classic. Of great interest after the European War was the annual meeting of June 3, 1921, devoted to the Parkinsonism syndrome. A report of the meeting appears in Revue Neurologique 1921, No. 6.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):91-93
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A new kind of organ correlation. H.J.Hamburger (Clin. Woch., 1923, no. 28)

Luria R.


The interaction of organs with each other is known to occur in one of two ways: through the central nervous system as a reflex, or through the circulatory system through which products of endocrine glands activity are transported from one organ to another. The Dutch physiologist H.J. Hamburger reports a new, third form of interaction of organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):93-94
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To the physiology of biliary excretion. Belenky (Archives of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 1923, No. 1-2)

Luria R.


In order to study secretory and motor work of the stomach and duodenum, the author constructed a double thin probe, making it possible to study simultaneously the secretion of both organs and the influence of gastric digestion on duodenal digestion and vice versa.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):94-94
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Classification of pulmonary tuberculosis. Sternberg ( Vrachebnoe Delo, 1923, No. 9-10)

Luria R.


Sternberg based his classification not on the division of forms of tuberculosis according to their extent in the lung tissue, nor on differences in anatomical and pathological changes in the lungs, but on the biological principle, which is expressed in the clinical manifestation of the disease as a reaction of the entire organism to the virus.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):94-95
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Choleresis and Choleretica. Brugsch and Horsters (Kl. Woch., 1923, No. 33)

Luria R.


Of the numerous functions of the liver, the authors dwell on the separation of bile, which is usually considered to be the result of the secretory work of the liver. The authors propose to introduce the term "choleresis" for the bile-separating function of the liver, as an expression referring to the processes of excretion of the organ.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):95-95
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On the preparation and use of insulin in Russia. Bantig and Best (see "Kaz. Med. J.", 1923, No. 1, p. 89), V. M. Kogan ("Vrachebnoye Delo", 1923, No. 13-15)

Luria R.


V. M. Kogan, noting that the importance of the pancreatic islet apparatus as an organ of internal secretion was indicated long before the Germans, as early as 1898, by the Russian scientist Yarotsky, sets forth as a preliminary report his observations on insulin. In contrast to the American and Western European authors, who give in their published works precise indications on the method of preparing insulin, Kogan elaborates on his method of making and using the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):96-96
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A new method of X-ray examination of the intestine. Fischer (Klin. Woch., 1923, no. 23)

Luria R.


For the radiological examination of the large intestine, the author proposes a combined method, simultaneously filling the intestine per anum with a contrasting substance and inflating it with air.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):96-96
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Treatment of anemia by large doses of iron. Barkan (Klin. Woch., 1923, no. 37-38)

Luria R.


Checking the treatment of anemia proposed in 1922 by the Swedish physician Lindberg with large doses of iron, Barkan applied this method in a number of cases of chlorosis and secondary anemia. Patients received pro dosi 0.5 ferri reducti without any additions to it and quickly reached 3.0 per day. Against all expectations these large doses, at least 10 times the usual dose of this drug, were perfectly tolerated by the patients, without causing any side effects from the stomach or constipation.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):97-97
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On pyoculture according to Delbet. Bokastova (New Chir. Arch., vol. 3, b. 1)

Bogolyubov V.


The past war produced a huge number of wounds complicated by infection and posed special problems for the surgeon in terms of predicting and treating such wounds. In a number of cases of such wound infections it seems to be very important to establish a prediction as to the severity of the infection. Meanwhile, bacteriological examination of pus and isolation of bacteria in pure cultures cannot answer this question. To solve this problem, Delbet proposed his method, which he called "pyoculture," which makes it possible to predict the outcome of the infection's fight with the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):97-98
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A new principle in surgical treatment of peptic ulcer. Prof. Bogoraz (New Khir. Arkh., vol. 3, b. 2)

Bogolyubov V.


Of the peculiarities of gastric digestion in peptic ulcer the absolute or relative increase in acidity of gastric juice is in the foreground. Gastric ulcer surgeries-gastroenterostomy (alone or with disconnection of the pylorus) and gastric resection-achieve their purpose by facilitating the discharge of duodenal juice into the stomach and a more rapid emptying of the stomach of its contents.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):98-98
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Alcoholization of nerve trunks as a method of treatment of angiosclerotic gangrene. V. I. Razumovsky (New Khir. Arch., vol. 3, book 1)

Bogolyubov V.


Angiosclerotic gangrene is one of the severe surgical diseases, and all our measures in relation to it are almost powerless. Because of hopelessness of prognosis, in recent times even such serious and dangerous operations as removal of adrenal gland (Oppel) is resorted to in this disease. Meanwhile, according to V.I. Razumovsky, if we could cause prolonged active hyperemia in a limb, strengthen the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the peripheral parts of the limb, then maybe the body would cope with the vascular disease, and with the development of new collaterals the nutrition of the limb would be ensured.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):98-98
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Resection of the cervical sympathetic nerve in Basedow's disease. Klose and Hellwig (Klin. Woch., 1923, no. 14)

Klyachkin G.


As is known, this operation still has adherents among surgeons and neuropathologists. Based on the cases of different authors, where it gave, in Basedow's disease, almost no positive results, as well as on experimental data, the authors conclude that resection of the cervical sympathetic nerve in the named disease can weaken or eliminate only some symptoms, like pouching and increased heart rate.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):99-99
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Rectal examination during childbirth. Kehrer (Münch. med. W., 1921, No. 38), Chatillon (Journ. des pratic., 1921, No. 53), Liegner (Zéntralbl. f. G., 1921, No. 6), Teodor and Handtmann (Monatsschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., 1921, H.½)


The rectal examination during labor, introduced by Krönig, is widely used in Germany and Switzerland. Kehrer, a strong advocate of this method, believes that it may well replace the vaginal examination, and strongly recommends its study to students, physicians, and midwives.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):99-99
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Bluish discoloration in the navel area. Strube (Zntrbl. f. G., 1923, No. 5), Piskacek (Zntrlb. f. G., 1923, No. 23)


Синюшное окрашивание в области пупка, как признак скопления крови в брюшной полости при внематочной беременности, выставляется целым рядом новейших авторов. Причиной такой окраски Strube считает флебэктазии вен пупочной области. Cullen, Schmid, Hanau, Hellendall объясняют это явление просвечиванием крови через истонченное место пупка.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):100-100
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The cause of tubal pregnancy. Schönholz (Zntrlb. f. G. 1923, no. 25), Griesser (Zntrb. f. G., 1921, no. 14)

Board E.


Schönholz sees the cause of tubal pregnancy in mechanical moments. In 36 cases of 26 tubal pregnancies he found the formation of coves and diverticula-like retractions of the mucosa in the muscularis of the tube. The author does not consider these formations as inflammatory, but as developmental abnormalities.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):100-100
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The cause of tubal pregnancy. Schönholz (Zntrlb. f. G. 1923, no. 25), Griesser (Zntrb. f. G., 1921, no. 14)

Timofeev A.


Schönholz sees mechanical moments. On 36 sl. of tubal pregnancy 26 times he found formation of coves and diverticula-like retractions of the mucosa in the muscularis of the tube. The author does not consider these formations as inflammatory, but as developmental anomalies.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):100-100
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Recognition of tubal pregnancy. Rosenstein (Monat. t. G. u G., Bd. 54, H. 3)

Timofeev A.


The author recommends paying attention to the pressure sensitivity at the site where the pregnant tube is departing from the uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):100-100
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Treatment of incipient impingement of the retroflected pregnant uterus. Unterberger (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, no. 18)


The author advises in such cases to put the pregnant woman on the operating table and keep her in a sharply pronounced Trendelenburgʹov position for 10 to 15 minutes. This alone, without any sleeve manipulation, is enough to straighten the uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):100-100
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Treatment of febrile abortions. Winter (reported in Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, No. 25)

Gruzdev V.


In a presentation on the subject to the Heidelberg Congress of German Gynaecologists in May 1923, Winter offered his own formulation of the rules for the treatment of miscarriages accompanied by fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):100-101
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Ether infusions into the abdominal cavity during laparotomies. Frankenstein (Monat. f. Geb. and Gyn., Bd. LXI)

Gruzdev V.


Based on his experience with 423 laparotomies, the author recommends injecting ether into the peritoneal cavity in "pure" cases of peritoneal perforations as well, bearing in mind the increase in peristalsis it causes.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):101-101
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The parathyroid glands and their relation to the central nervous system. Verzilov (Jour. Psikh., Neur. i Psikh., 1923, vol. II)

Klyachkin G.


The author set out to find out experimentally the functions of these glands and their relation to the central nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):101-101
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Treatment of cortical epilepsy by alcohol injections into motor centers. Kolubakin (New Chir. Arch., Vol. 3, b. 1)

Bogolyubov V.


Horsley and Bergmann, for the first time, in 1887, proposed and performed removal of cerebral centers in nontraumatic Jackson's epilepsy. Then removal of centers was widely used by Razumovsky and almost simultaneously by Krause, and then by a number of other surgeons, both in Russia and abroad.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):101-101
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Treatment of chorea with congestive hyperemia. Biega Esau (Münch. m. Woch., No. 25, 1923)

Weinberg M.


At Віеr's suggestion, Esau used congestive hyperemia to treat chorea minor. Esau induced congestive hyperemia with a rubber bandage, which he applied to the patient's neck and tightened until he obtained appropriate congestion.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):101-102
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Measurement of blood pressure as a mental trauma. Clauss (Münch. m. Woch., no. 23, 1923)

Weinberg M.


Just as, according to Kretshmair, a number of words such as cancer, tuberculosis, softening of the brain, spinal cord, etc., should be avoided when speaking to the sick, so too should we be very careful with the expression "blood pressure" Blood pressure measurement, says Clauss, has become, especially in America, a sport. The general public goes to the doctor to have their blood pressure measured.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):102-102
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Percussion of the infant skull. Коерре (Jahrb. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 102)

Lepsky E.


In an extensive paper, the author reports the results of his many years of observations on percussion of the child's skull. Percussion is performed directly on the skull by short strokes with a bent finger; the child should lie on his back with a pillow under his head. In healthy children the percussion sound is blunt; with increased intracranial pressure the sound is tympanic.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):102-103
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Observations on sedges. Heubner (Jahrb. für Kinderheilk., Bd. 98)

Levit M.


By observing the number of pinworms escaping, the author noticed that the disease runs cyclically, after a significant escape of pinworms follows an interval when the parasites are excreted in very small numbers, or even not excreted at all. Such intervals correspond to 6-7 weeks, after which the worms start to excrete again. This phenomenon, in the author's opinion, is caused by the development of new generations of the parasite, which takes 5-6 weeks.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):103-103
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Radiotherapy for raising the general nutrition of the body in the nontuberculous. Bucky and Kretschmer (Klin. Woch., 1923, no. 38)

Luria R.


Based on the good results obtained with X-ray therapy in tuberculosis children, the authors subjected a number of children, certainly not suffering from tuberculosis, but emaciated, weakened, deprived of appetite, to single X-rays in order to raise nutrition and improve their general condition.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):103-103
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A.Weil. Internal secretion. Translated from the 2nd German edition by Guliaeva, ed. by Koltsov. 141 pp. 45 figs. 1923. Gosizd. Moscow-Petrograd. Price 1 rub. 25 kop.

Tushnov M.


In view of the increasing interest in issues of internal secretion, Weilʹa's book deserves exceptional attention. Any physician who wishes to keep abreast of current scientific trends will find a wealth of interesting material here. In spite of its small circumference, the book provides an almost exhaustive review of the current literature on the doctrine of the internal coordination of organisms. The presentation is concise, precise, clear, and at the same time original.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):104-104
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V.V. Pletnev. Russian therapeutic schools. Zakharin, Botkin, Ostroumov. 102 pp. Published by Frenkel. Petrograd-Moscow, 1923

Luria R.


As an epigraph to his work, Prof. Pletnev very aptly chose the words of the famous historian Klyuchevsky: "We are generally reluctant to look into our past and timid to tread forward. Russian therapists in particular are guilty in this respect and not only read little of their great classics, but also know little about them. Prof. Professor Pletnev, before speaking about the founders of Russian clinical medicine, gives a brief sketch of the state of medical thought in Europe in the 50s, when ideas of Virchow and Сl. Веrnаrd dominated there.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):104-106
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Bing. Compendium of topical brain and spinal cord diagnostics. 5th ed. Berlin. 1922. 242+VІII pp., 102 fig.

Rusetsky I.


The fifth edition of the Bing Compendium is considerably more extensive than previous editions. Of the additions, the following are noteworthy. A general diagram of lesions of the skull base and a table of symptoms observed in these lesions are included in the chapter on the topical diagnosis of the brain stem. Further, there is a diagram of anesthesia sites in lesions of different parts of substantiae gelatinosae Rolandi.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(6):106-106
pages 106-106 views

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